In this topic we shall discuss those Mantra’s of Atharvaveda chapter 10, which state about “Ashtachakra Navdvara” and thus discuss the final eighth chakra (or eighth plexus) and nine doors (or nine gates) of the human body … This is what makes the human body like a miniature state of Ayodhya Puri (i.e. Ayodhya is the city of lord Ram) and it essentially was due to this reason, that Lord Raam is told to be the inner ruler of each aspirant, i.e. each aspirants innermost essence or Atman, was told to be none other than Lord Rama … And also discuss the fact that the eighth chakra is like a miniature state of the upper four worlds which make Brahmaloka and thus this eighth chakra can also be termed as Brahmaloka Chakra …
CC-1 … Important note: Please carefully note prior you proceed any further with your reading of this text …
At the outset and to clear any later confusion that would definitely be building up in the minds “of more than a few aspirants”, I state loud and clear that I am not the awaited one and I am also not the reciprocal of any of the awaited one of any of the knowledge system (i.e. text or paths or religion) of any past, of now or of any future that is yet to come …
And I also state very clearly that irrespective of whatever may be accomplished during the current or even during the earlier incarnations, I have ever been and would always remain as an insignificant little student of the attributeless-infinite Absolute being (who in other words this is also called as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) whose own pristinely (Incomparable), primordial (timelessly eternal), beyond (supreme, without any dimensional bounds) divinity is the supreme mother of allness (Maa Adi Parashakti) and whose self expressed, self manifested and self present divinity itself is the Maker’s Makings i.e. macrocosmic creation and her each microcosm …
Plus the fact always remains that no little student can ever claim such high statures which are discussed in this topic and are also discussed within the topics that follow from here onwards …
And due to being a little student, this rejection of connotations and positions can even be when that little student is already resting at an evolutionary standing and thus he is also holding that evolutionary status within the macrocosmic divinities and hierarchies, which not even a handful of aspirants have ever achieved during the entirety of history of the Maker’s Makings …
And virtue of only being a little student, this rejection can even be when he had already arrived at a ripeness and rightness to claim that high macrocosmic standing within the macrocosmic hierarchies, many incarnations ago …
This is how I have ever been ever since that undefined incalculable eternity of the Maker’s Makings and this is how I would also continue during any eternity that is still pending of the Maker’s Makings …
And as a matter of fact all your leaders (of nations and religions) are not even fit to be accepted as students of the Gurujan (masters or teachers) who as such have been my mentors since those timeless times as are referred here … So I don’t even consider them as anything or anyone substantial to bother about or follow …
My above claim would also be seen to be fully valid when the process of change of the current human age cycle (i.e. Manav Yuga) to the incoming age of sages (i.e. Guru Yuga) actually cuts into this world and thus it starts shaking all these degenerate, self serving, self satisfying and thus deviated system (and their leaders) which currently are followed by humanity by virtue of there being no self realized righteous leader (i.e. Dharma Samraat) in any of the lands or religions of today …
And when this process of change cuts in, then through a series of chaotic events which always happen when any two age cycles collide, would be proved this fact that your current day leaders are naught but ignorant humans who vainly have been trying to prove themselves to be the wise and powerful ones of our current and earlier times …
Thus please do not link me to your extreme stupidities which relate to an awaited one or his reciprocal, as I definitely am neither of these two or their intermediaries …
I have been there even prior that stage when your awaited ones were not even in a human incarnated form … And this is a fact about my eternal existence, which itself has continued whilst being none other than a mere and insignificant little student of Brahman (i.e. the Absolute divine-being (or Paramshiva or Paramatman) and ITs own pristine-Beingness (i.e. Maa Brahmini or Adi Parashakti) …
As a matter of fact is this paragraph … Already going away are the times of the current divine degenerate age cycle (I.e. Deva Kaliyuga) when ordinary men used to claim a higher status and were also accepted in societies, even when they were none other than the other-wise ones who also happened to be ignorant of reality and thus were none other than being the corruptors of higher knowledge systems (aka. knowledge systems aka. religions and Yoga Tantra) …
The times of the incoming “Age of Sages (Guru Yuga)” that already have begun entering into this world would only be of those highly evolved, non-materially driven sages who would enter this world systems for laying down the foundations of the inward paths and where that inward path would also be accounting for the macrocosmic divinities (heavenly worlds) and their divine egoistic controllers (I.e. egoistic Gods or Abhimani Devata) and yet that path would primarily be an inner one which leads to self realization rather than the current stage where humanity mostly is like those illiterate and ignorant penguins who look to those vast empty skies or those severely cold (knowledge-less) and thus uselessly troublesome waters of oceans whilst they also search those answers which are inherently placed within their own being and that too due to the ever-same supreme genius as is of the Maker’s Makings that is being discussed here …
All your concepts of awaited ones are borrowed from Yoga Tantras as all these were only told as Yogic accomplishments during those extremely ancient, long gone and past and thus currently forgotten times as were of my much-much earlier incarnations and also those times as were of those series of my further transmigrated incarnations that have followed till the nowness of now, when I write this text … And this fact shall be proved beyond all doubts within the discussions that would be following from here onwards …
And lastly but not the least … There has been no Vedic Rishi who firstly was not a Yogi of the highest macrocosmic and beyond orders … And there also has been no fully accomplished Yogi who had reached the finality of Yoga, whilst discounting the Vedic knowledge … Thus those who say Yoga and Veda are separate knowledge systems are naught but proving their ignorance about this absolute fact that Yoga Tantra and Vedas are like eternal Siamese twins and where one itself is the other …
CC-2 … Regarding above figure of eighth plexus or Brahmaloka Chakra …
Above figure relates to the knowledge of the following …
- This figure is how it is beyond the 7th plexus or crown plexus or thousand petalled lotus which is present at the top of brain and which is also addressed as Brahmarandra chakra or Sahasrara in Vedas and Yoga Tantra and which is also addressed as Niralambasthana in Siddha sciences … Thus this figure is depicting that part of the process of Shakti Shiva Yoga, which is above the state which was depicted in the figure of an earlier topic which has the header of “Raam Naad … Across paths” …
- The same 8th plexus could also be termed as Brahmaloka chakra … This is as this plexus is the same as Brahmaloka or in other words, the Pristine Abode of creator of allness and I say so because the way these petals of 8th plexus are placed, is exactly the same as the way four upper great white worlds of Abode of Maker are also placed … These four upper great white worlds of Maker’s Abode are also the same as the four worlds of the four Mahabrahma of Buddhism … We shall be discussing these worlds of Mahabrahma in a later topic of Sadyojata face of Sadashiva and that too with painted sketches of these …
- And basis above bullet point, when the Yogi’s golden accomplishment vehicle which is shown in below figure (a later shown figure) sits upon this 8th plexus, then that golden accomplishment vehicle also sees the entire multi-universal macrocosmic creation to be placed within the same 8th plexus itself … This also proves above stated fact that the 8th plexus itself is exactly the same as the four upper great white worlds of Abode of Maker … And it was due to this reason that Siddha sciences have also the same fact that the entire multi-universal macrocosm can be found to be resting within this plexus itself …
- The Yogi who reaches this evolutionary standing can also claim the macrocosmic creation as his domain and thus that Yogi can even take over as a Brahmavdhoot of the entire multi-universal macrocosmic creation … But this stage of taking over is only after the figure of stage 2 that is discussed at a later stage of this topic, is accomplished by that Yogi … But at the same time, during macrocosmic history, not many have claimed the position (I mean macrocosmic standing) as is discussed here because most of the Yogi’s who reach the discussed state are already too detached to get into suchness of being a Brahmavdhoot (i.e. an Avadhoot from Birth and who can also be an Avadhoot of the entire macrocosmic creation) … This accomplishment is also of being a Siddha Nath …
- The white colored plexus which is shown in above figure is the 8th plexus (or 8th Chakra) of our discussion … This is the final plexus to be self realized because of the fact that beyond this plexus, there is no other …
- Vajradanda or Vajradanda chakra … This is the golden channel like structure which is shown below the 8th plexus of above figure … This golden channel which goes beyond the 7th plexus (or crown plexus or the thousand petalled lotus which is present at the top of brain) is the Vajradanda chakra or the plexus of the golden staff of lightening … This plexus terminates just below the 8th plexus and thus this plexus (i.e. Vajradanda) has no contact to the 8th plexus … This Vajradanda is the one which rises up beyond the 7th plexus and it eventually terminates “just below” the 8th plexus …
- Vajradanda … The golden staff of lightening … This Vajradanda is the one which rises up and goes beyond the golden staff which was shown in the figure of earlier set of topics on Raam Naad (Sound of Raam), so this topic on 8th plexus is also a continuation and it also is an intrinsic part of the earlier sets of topics which had the main header of “Shiva Taraka Naad” … It is inside this golden channel that “Raam Naad (or Sound of Raam)” which was discussed in earlier set of topics, is heard by an aspirant …
- Ashta Chakra … 8th plexus … This is also told as Niralamb Chakra in Siddha sciences … This is the four petalled lotus which is shown at the top of above painted figure … This four petalled lotus has three merged petals on one side and one petal on the other side …
- And at the topmost part of above figure is the “white pot of lighted butter” which rises up from its earlier and original location of about 2-3 finger breadths below the navel of the body and thence reaches the 8th plexus and finally it also crosses it … This white pot of lighted butter goes out and then comes back to the 8th plexus for three full and one half times … This white pot of lighted butter is the one which was told as pot of consciousness (which in other words is the Chetan Kalash or Chitta Kalash) and it can also be called as the pot of nectar (or in other words, this is the Amrit Kalash) and it ultimately is the same pot (or Kalash) which is shown at the topmost part of all Vedic temples …
- It eventually is to this pot that the incoming minor age of Aquarius (which can also be called as the Kumbha Yuga) and the incoming major age of sages (Guru Yuga) would be relating to and due to this reason, I also know that Kumbha Mela which is held in India (i.e. Indian Kumbha festival) would ultimately become a global festival and the incoming age of sages, a Vedic age cycle because all knowledge of this “white pot of lighted butter” eventually relates to the Vedic and Yogic lore’s itself, both of which as such are inseparable from each other …
- As far as the Vedic and Yogic lore’s stand, one leads to the other as the path of each of these always passes through the other and thus these two are like inseparable conjoined twins … IT is due to this reason that there has never been a Vedic Rishi who was not a Yogi and there also has ever been an accomplished Yogi, who did not relate to the final knowledge of Yoga which itself is the final knowledge of the Vedic lore itself) …
- Thus during the coming times all the sects of today who somehow wrongly call themselves as Religions, would be returning back to their own timelessly-old roots as are of the ever-same great grandmother of all philosophies i.e. Sanatan Dharma to which I have related ever since those timelessly ancient times as were of my much-earlier incarnations … Mark this as my prophecy for the coming times and this itself is based upon the fact that there has never been an Age of Sages (Guru Yuga or human golden age) where the ways of life of inhabitants of the world were not Sanatani … Sanatani means a follower of Sanatan Vedic (Nigama) Arya Dharma and Sanatan Agama Arya Dharma and where the latter told path itself is an unbroken and intrinsically inseparable part of the former one …
- This figure also happened in 2011 AD and was self realized soon after the figure of the earlier topic on Ram Naad was crossed over during my own self realizations … Thus the state of this figure was also self realized about a fortnight prior the Pan-India movement of “India Against Corruption (IAC Movement)” had begun at Jantar Mantar of New Delhi …
- This topic is in direct continuation to the previous set of topics which had the header of “Shiva Taraka Naad” and thus please do not consider this one to be a separate one, even when I have written it in a separate header …
- But writing this topic it in a separate header is “only and only” due to the fact that it essentially was for rendering the knowledge of this and further topics (i.e. those topics which are yet to come) that I was made to transmigrate by the instructions of Mother Nature (In Sanskrit texts, Mother Nature is also addressed as Maa Prakriti) who herself is the macrocosmic “self manifestation (Swayam Utpatti)” and she is also a macrocosmic “self presence (Swayam Stithi)” of the “supreme mother of allness (Maa Adi Parashakti)” and who herself is none other than the “pristinely-primordial supreme-beyond divinity (Param Divyata)” of the Absolute “self expression (Swayam Abhivyakti)” as was of the ever-same “attributeless-infinite Supreme being (or Brahman or Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm or Paramshiva)” …
CC-3 … The unfathomable, incalculable and thus the timeless eternal base of this topic … This topic deals with a very-very vast knowledge system and to achieve an initial stage of self realization and thence a transit through the knowledge system which has been discussed here, can even take hundreds of billions and further hundreds of billions of years (I mean human solar years) and that too with uncountable reincarnations that an aspirant would need to take whilst that aspirant would also have to be based “upon and within” the authentic unbroken lineage systems of the Vedic Sages only …
Other than this unbroken timeless and thus the eternal incalculable and unfathomable lineage of Vedic sages, no other knowledge system or path can ever lead to a self realization of the knowledge of this topic and this statement of mine is irrespective of what may be told in your own scriptures or may be claimed about the capabilities of the greater-entity (God) that you believe in …
Deviation 1 … Here by the term “Vedic”, I mean both of the Agama and Nigama Paths of Sanatan Dharma and I say so because of the fact that essentially both these are Vedic paths only (or in other words, the root of these paths are Vedas itself) …
By the term Agama I also mean Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, native aboriginal lore’s and also some sects of current day Hinduism and due to this reason, Agama is also a very vast and diverse lore of Dharma … Deviation 1 ends …
Unless compliance to above stated authentic lineage of Vedic sages is complied with, this knowledge would never be achieved in a fuller state as is of a final self realization of that which is discussed here and also that which has intentionally not been discussed here because of the fact that the un-discussed and thus undisclosed part can only be a matter of self realization of those specific aspirants who are resting within an evolutionary ripeness and rightness to know it and that too through their own self realizations (i.e. direct cognitions) …
Plus the un-discussed part of this topic only relates to the final path of “Myself within Myself” which itself is an intrinsic part of the path which was told as that of “ITself Within ITself (which in other words also means as Rudra Within Rudra)” which ultimately is of the ever-same attributeless infinite being (i.e. Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm or Brahm or Brahman) …
And since the attributeless infinite absolute being is none other than the self realizable yet the indescribable, knowable yet beyond words of knowledge, omnipresent yet beyond the visualizations and imaginations of the mind, eternal-beyond yet which simultaneously also is eternally present within each unitary value of time (because IT by ITself is the final pervader of its own self expression), infinite and thus unfathomable incalculable one, omnidirectional to which all paths eventually lead yet IT by ITself is the last and final pathless partless path (or in other words, Brahmpath) which an aspirant has ever had to walk alone and whilst being inwardly free of allness and her each part (i.e. entirety of Maker’s Makings) and IT is also the omnipotent driver of all yet is the one who is perfectly detached from all that is driven by IT … Thus that attributeless infinite absolute being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) is naught but a supremely detached witness of all and this is even when IT by ITself is the Supreme Creator (i.e. My Pitamah Gurudeva, Pitamah Brahma Ji) who by ITself is the Supreme preserver (i.e. My Sanatan Gurudeva Sriman Narayana) and Great-rejuvenator (i.e. My Paramguru, Ishta Deva, Bhagwan Maheshwara) …
So this knowledge is not something that anybody can just self realize suddenly and out of the blue or by the blessing of any egoistic God (Abhimani Devata) … I say so because of the fact that as a minimum, it would take a vast number of incarnations to make the correct evolutionary base that is needed to enter into an “initial stage” of self realization of what is discussed here … This only means that to enter into the initial or 1st transit the 8th plexus would only end up taking uncountable reincarnations and that too across hundreds of billions and further hundreds of billions of years (I mean human solar years) of that aspirants evolutionary existence within the supreme genius that itself is of the Maker’s Makings …
Many recent Gods (i.e. Gods who came by with their own specific systems during the last few millenniums) also don’t hold this knowledge and thus even these Gods and their angels ever desired to know it from the one who has already self realized it fully and finally …
Thus basis above, I also submit this knowledge to all divine worlds of all religious lore’s their angels and sages who reside in these divine worlds of all religious lore’s and also to their divine egoistic controllers (i.e. egoistic Gods or Abhimani Devata of these divine worlds) because this was also to be a part of my Gurudakshina to my Pujya Gurudeva of previous incarnation whom this worlds inhabitants have been reverently addressing as Gautam Buddha …
And it was also due to the requirements of the same Gurudakshina as is discussed in above paragraph that this knowledge was firstly distributed to the highly evolved Sages who reside within the Avyakta Prakriti (i.e. non manifest, non present nature) which itself is the Avyakta Prana (i.e. non manifest, non present vitality of Maker) and which itself is Maya Shakti (pristine divinity of grandfather of allness or Utpatti Shakti of Pitamah Brahma Ji’s) and which has also been termed as a “divine plane (or Loka)” called Tusita (i.e. world of supreme satisfaction) within the vast lore’s that were rendered by my Pujya Gurudeva, Gautama Buddha (or Buddha Avatar) …
Continuing with above paragraph … As soon as the very-light-pink-colored accomplishment vehicle (i.e. Avyakta Sharira) of this little student (of the Absolute) who writes this text, reached Tusita Loka, all the evolved sages who reside there began surrounding that accomplishment vehicle (Siddha Sharira) of this little student and then they also began asking for the knowledge of the path that was followed to reach there … And since their desires to know the path were pristinely pure, so it was only due to this reason that this knowledge was firstly distributed in that same very-light-pink-colored world of Avyakta … Within Buddhist texts, the same (Avyakta is also addressed as Tusita) … This was in the 1st half of 2011 AD …
Proceeding further …
As also a fact … That which is discussed here, has never been discussed in the way it is discussed here … This itself is because of the fact that the discussions of this topic are strictly related to the inward path i.e. path of self realization …
It eventually was from this primordial inward path of self realization of this topic, that all outer concepts of all sects (and religions) which directly or indirectly relate to this topic, have originated during recent and distant stages of human evolutionary history and all these concepts are also rooted in the discussions of the inward path of this topic itself … These concepts would be discussed later on and within this particular set of topics …
So even when this knowledge has definitely been referred within various recent and earlier lore’s, yet what is discussed here is unique and is one of a kind in recent human history i.e. human history of the last about nine thousand years …
It primarily was for rendering this knowledge that I was transmigrated to this world (i.e. arrival at an incarnated state by following the path of transmigration of soul), this time around, but this knowledge was also to be distributed within the purviews of instructions of Mother Nature herself … Thus what follows from here onwards, is that which is coming within the purviews of instructions that this little student was given prior to being transmigrated to this world system … Since the stage and process of transmigration has already been discussed in an earlier set of topics which have the header of “Transmigration, which in Sanskrit language is also termed as Parkaya Pravesh”, so those readers who are interested in knowing what transmigration actually is, can visit the above listed set of topics and read about it there …
This knowledge of the 8th plexus is also the base knowledge that has been directly or indirectly, fully or partially, openly or in a hidden way, plainly or esoterically referred in many knowledge systems that had originated during the last nine millenniums or close to this time …
And since what is discussed in above paragraph is a matter of fact which shall definitely be proved within the topics which follow from here onwards, so I also know that this by itself is the knowledge which would lead to a later unity all parts of allness (i.e. the various religious lore’s) to the ever same timelessly ancient lore’s as are of the great grandmother of all philosophies (I.e. Sanatan Dharma) …
And yet the fact does not change from what it has eternally been and what it also would be in any near of distant future that this knowledge essentially has been and would ever remain as that of the Vedic sages only … This statement is also irrespective of its any previous, current or later use within any of the knowledge systems of now, or ever …
DD-1 … Ashtachakra Navdvara Of Atharvaveda … Eight plexus or Eight Chakra and nine doors or nine gates …
Some aspirants may ask as to why I have stated that the self realized knowledge of the eighth plexus, is originally of Atharvaveda …
Well, this is simply because of the fact that Atharvaveda was the original knowledge system where the 8th plexus was told about and I say so because during my much-much earlier incarnations when this knowledge of 8th plexus was told by sages of Atharvaveda, none of the recent knowledge systems (i.e. the knowledge systems (or religions) which have “only and only” originated during the last nine millenniums) were even heard of in this world … So without any doubt, Atharvaveda itself is the knowledge system in which the eighth plexus was originally told about …
Thus prior going any further I clearly state that those who read this topic (and the topics which are further from here) must bow down to Brahmic Ayurvedacharya, the Mahayogi and Brahmarishi whom the Vedic lore’s have been reverently addressing as Atharvan Rishi …
Within the current Mahayuga chakra which has a total time span of about 4.32 million human solar years (as per middle time units of precession which have been used in all Vedic calculations) and which still has about 4.26 to 4.27 hundred thousand human solar years pending to its completion, the knowledge of the 8th plexus was originally provided by Bhagwan Ram Bhadra (Bhagwan Raam) himself … And it was from this knowledge which was rendered by Bhagwan Ram and that too whilst he was still here, that the discussions of this topic had entered into Atharvaveda via the route of passing through Brahmarishi Atharvan and thence to this also became the root of the historical scripture of Ramayana as was propagated by Brahmarishi Valmiki …
Proceeding further …
As a matter of fact that if the current inhabitants of this world would meet a truly self realized, al realized sage then they would either call him stupid or mad or eccentric or even all of these …
This state of a sage who has self realized and has also had a direct cognition of allness is because of the fact that after a completion of what is told here, the mind and soul become one and thus at this stage that person is also found to be a mindless one … Thus such a sage may even be called as eccentric by the current day humanity … Due to this state of that sage, what he would write or tell (whilst thinking it’s a simple knowledge) would also be deemed to be very tough by the inhabitants of that world which is already passing through the divine degenerate age cycle (i.e. Deva Kaliyuga) …
In fact one of my elders who had read this book many years ago and whilst it was still being written in its initial stages, had told me thus … “Likhe Moosa, Samjhe Khuda” which means “What Moses writes, only the Lord understands” …
And at that time which was about 1 decade earlier than now, some others had even told me thus … “What they read it, they understand it well, but shortly afterwards, it just vanishes from their brain (and mind) and thus they cannot even recall it” …
So due to this reason, I also began painting those self realized states and also describing the topics in further details so as to make these discussions more understandable as compared to that stage of earlier writing this text as is referred here …
But at the same time Vedic knowledge has always been propagated in such a way that those aspirants who are not evolutionarily ready or do not enter into authentic lineage of Vedic sages, would never be able to understand the real and deeper meanings of Veda Mantras or their discussions …
So the Veda Mantras are also written in a way which is highly esoteric to ensure that such unready ones are kept out of the innermost essence of the highly hidden and extremely esoteric knowledge systems of such Veda Mantras … The Veda Mantras which would be discussed here also are one of these type only and thus in human history, very few have actually understood their innermost meanings as are discussed at a later stage of this topic itself …
In this topic also I have only discussed three specific Veda Mantras which relate to our discussions, but this does not mean that these three are the only ones which are related to the current topic … Many other topics which have been left out of these discussions, cannot even be discussed openly during any of the three times as they can only be told to those aspirants who are already resting in a evolutionary readiness to know it and where this evolutionary readiness is also reflected within their own impressions (Samskaras) that reside in their own causal body (or in other words, the bliss body or Anandmaye Kosha, which is also told as the Karana Sharira, Moola Prakriti Sharira or body of root nature and is also called as Antahkarana Chatushtaya, which in English can be termed as the Bliss sheath) …
Plus the Vedic knowledge is also such that those who are not resting within an evolutionary ripeness and rightness to pass through the self realizations of those Mantras, would never understand them correctly … This method was adopted by all Vedic sages so as to keep such non-ready ones totally out of the deeper esoteric knowledge systems of the Vedas … By this I mean that such ones could definitely read or hear those Veda Mantras, but they won’t even be able to grasp the deeper meanings of those Veda Mantras and thus would also not be able to continue to hold and thence apply that knowledge within their respective ways of life and evolutionary process … Thus, unless the deeper meanings of Veda Mantras are understood whilst being in the divine presence of an authentic lineage holding teacher (Guru), nobody can enter into the self realization of the innermost essence as is subtly conveyed by those Veda Mantras …
This method was to ensure that a corruption of the Veda Mantras doesn’t take place, even within a divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) that is currently underway and has been present upon this world since the last “about” five millenniums … This uncorrupted state in turn ensures that the Vedic knowledge stays as an eternally uncorrupted and thus an eternally authentic one because by this method, all the garbage (scrap and junk aspirants) is kept out of it … And as long as such aspirants are kept out of a knowledge system, that knowledge system also ends up staying as the eternal and pristinely pure …
Deviation 2: As a proof of success of above method is the following discussion …
- Indian systems and also the land of India was repeatedly attacked by barbarian forces which had manifested during the last five plus millenniums (or closer to this time span) of this divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) and these attacks which were “off and on” had also lasted for almost two to three millenniums prior India got independent in 1947 AD … And yet because of the style of propagation (by writing, speech and that which is neither written or told) of Vedic knowledge systems, as of now also almost 80% citizens of India are still residing (but to a lesser extent) within the purviews of Vedas (i.e. Vedic lore) and the same is also applicable to the country of Nepal …
And on the contrary, other cultures which did not have such concepts had almost lost their grounds within this world during the same time span or even a lesser time span when they were also attacked by the same barbarian forces which had manifested during the time spans of the currently underway divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) … And some of these cultures which did not hold a solid timeless foundation could not even stand these barbarian attacks for a few centuries of the last millennium and thus as of now they have either gotten reduced to inconsequent proportions or have even gotten totally lost within those already gone and past times …
- Imagine this … India was fully ruled and governed by these barbarian forces which manifested during the divine degenerate age cycle (i.e. last five Plus millenniums) and where these barbarians had also totally ruled over India for over a millennium and yet a vast majority of Indians still managed to stay within the purviews of the Vedic lore … And during this time, Indian culture also stayed mostly preserved in India which itself was governed by those forces which could not even be told as friendly to the cultural and knowledge heritage of India … This preservation was also because of the same fact that the Vedic knowledge was never understood by the barbarian conquerors or even their so called learned ones …
- Vedic monastery (This name is denoting the four Aamnaya Peetha and which are also addressed as Vyasa Peetha) were also governed by Buddhism at one point of time and yet Buddhist could never manage to convert a vast majority of Hindus to Buddhism even when many earlier knowledge texts were taken over by Buddhists and then these texts were also amended during this time span (so as to make these seem like their own) …
This also was because of the fact that irrespective of who may be governing these Vedic monasteries, unless that man holds an authentic lineage of the Vedic lore, the Vedic knowledge would never be understood fully by that man and unless it is fully understood through self realization itself, nobody can hurt it or destroy it … So in such a case, irrespective of how many amendments are made in a text by the occupiers of the primary seats of that knowledge system, the root of that knowledge remains untouched and thus in such a state that same knowledge system can also fully revived and restored at a later stage of time when the human age cycle and/or when any of the divine age cycle (which is also termed as Deva Yuga) is favorable to do so …
And also because of above stated facts, a time came when Buddhism itself lost its roots in Indian mainland which in turn led to a state where the Dharma (i.e. ways of life) remained Vedic only, even within that stage of time when Buddhists were heading the Vedic monasteries …
And due to this reason, as times progressed, Buddhism became more like Hinduism and thus failed to continue in a state which could be termed as a Buddhist way of life and which originally was told by my Pujya Gurudeva (Buddha Avatar) himself … Thus when I see current state of Buddhism across this world, then it is also found to be more Hindu than what it was meant to be (and/or was originally told to be) by my Pujya Gurudeva, Gautama Buddha …
Thus as of now it’s more of a hybrid Buddhism as compared to what it was meant to be within this world and all this is because the later followers and leaders of this essentially “very good way of life” which Buddhist lore definitely is, left their roots which related to the inward path and moved to outer path as was of worship of statues and paintings and thus Buddhism also started becoming a hybrid way which started incorporating the Hindu ways of life more than those pristine Renunciate-Mendicant ways of life as were told by my Gurudeva Gautama Buddha …
When Buddha had established his knowledge system within this world, then his knowledge system had the capability to make an Arhat out of every deserving aspirant and that too within one single incarnation itself, but sadly due to corruption that has already taken roots within this pristine ways of life, It’s no longer such …
And even more sad about Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and even Hinduism of today is the fact that most of the monks of their monasteries today have become businessmen and politicians and thus there also are manmade nonsensical hierarchies within monasteries and this also a very sad state as it was never told by my Pujya Gurudeva Gautama Buddha whose given a slogan which itself was rooted in the word “Sangha” which only means “non hierarchical oneness” i.e. where every aspirant of this way of life (as given by Gurudeva) rests in oneness to each other and thus there only remains a non hierarchical state of eternal equanimity of the members of Sangha, which is rooted within the same knowledge system as was rendered by that greater of all sages, who blessedly also happens to be other than my Gurudeva of previous incarnation (Gautam Buddha) and is also one of the Avatars (9th Avatar) of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu … But very sadly, this is not the only deviation, as there are bigger ones also present in almost all Sangha of today’s extremely sad state of Sanatan Dharma (i.e. Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism) …
Many Buddhist concepts are also related to that which originally was told by Vedic sages and this is an undeniable fact … But there also is nothing wrong in incorporating better things of an earlier timeless system within any later system because everything interdependently originates from the system that was already present since earlier times … But where Buddhism went wrong was the fact that they tried to portray the Buddhist way of life as something which was different from the ways of life of the much earlier and parental Sanatan Dharma from which Buddhism itself has interdependently originated …
And when the stage of above paragraph was arrived, then this also became like a state where the great-grandchild says, that his lineage is not of the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma), even when it really is … Or in other words, “a mere branch of a vast tree of all ways of life (i.e. Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma)” says that it does not relate to the root of that vast tree of all ways of life and thus it is an independent branch and this is even when it essentially remains as a greater of lesser part of the same tree which is of all ways of life there ever are or could ever be, including the Buddhist way of life …
All these deviations were only because the later followers tried to portray Buddhas way (i.e. Buddhism) as something which was not related to its own timeless root (of Sanatan Dharma) and from which Buddhist ways had interdependently originated and this is what went against the basis fact that “Buddha himself was not a Buddhist” … And I say by virtue of knowing this fact due to being the little student of Gurudeva (Gautama Buddha) himself …
So, even when I consider all Buddhists as my Guru-Bhai and Guru-Bahen, yet this does not mean that I agree to all their historical nonsensical things only because we happen to be direct or indirect disciples of the same Guru …
Plus I also see most Buddhists monks are meat eaters, which itself is totally against the foundation of Buddhism that was rested in absolute non-violence (Sarvatra Ahimsa), macro-equanimity (Sarva Samta), macro-compassion (Sarva Karuna) … And sadly as of now, these are also in concepts only and not in a fuller state of practice …
And even sadder part is that if my Gurudeva (Gautama Buddha) were to come back to this world and see his own followers, then he would also not recognize them because Buddha’s way was more an inward than outwardly one and thus this way was never dependent upon nonsensical aspects like colors of types of clothes, name, fame, religion, hierarchies, marks and thus non-equanimity was never a part of the knowledge of my Gurudeva … All this nonsense was added at a later time only …
Thus I also feel that it’s about time that the great-grandchild started undergoing through self introspections and self retrospections of his own primordial roots prior it finally begins returning back to his own timeless great-grandmother (Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma and Sanatan Agama Arya Dharma) … And I say so because as of now and basis my roaming this planet during the last 27+ years , it already is absolutely clear that the lineage of that great-grandchild is no longer an authentic one and as it was meant to be by my Pujya Gurudeva …
- East India company (British Raj or Rule of the queen of England) on India was also total and complete and they had also tried their best to corrupt the Vedic knowledge for almost a century … This time also had led to the greatest number of deaths in Indian history (great famine) and yet majority of India stated Vedic … This also was because Vedic knowledge was told (and later on, also written) in a highly esoteric way so that no barbarian force (and those who are not authentically related to this knowledge systems) can ever understand it …
And as a matter of fact … “Unless you understand it, it cannot be corrupted and unless it is corrupted, the population cannot even be convinced to leave it” …
- All such barbarian forces, their descendants and their supporters who had made their empirical buildings whilst basing their foundations upon the dead of India, Persia and Israel, would be paying through all their holes in this run up to the age of sages (i.e. the incoming Guru Yuga) because the Guru Yuga is none other than a Vedic age cycle, the great leveler …
- And strangely India would not be doing much in this process, as it would mostly be an act of God and his nature that would be settling all the scores of the yester centuries and also those of the already gone and past millenniums …
- What you sow, is what you reap would be the name of this game that is about to start and which would only be controlled by macrocosmic forces and thus those future acts of Mother Nature would also be resting within the purviews of the divinities of Maker’s Makings itself … This stage of initial manifestation severities that always come by during the period of change of ages, is not very far from the nowness of now when I write this paragraph …
- And above would also be by the 8th plexus of the multi-universal macrocosmic creation, whose microcosmic manifestation is being discussed here … As it is within the greater macrocosm, so it is within each lesser microcosm (each inhabitant of the world) and thus when the greater macrocosmic changes, the lesser microcosm’s cannot even refuse that change … But at the same time, this stage of change is also a state of widespread manmade, natural and divine chaos, which as such is just around the corner of this world system and at this time when I write this paragraph …
Deviation 2 ends …
It eventually is to the same knowledge of 8th plexus which originally was told by sages of Atharvaveda that all later knowledge systems which have incorporated the knowledge of mind plexus and/or eighth plexus, are related to …
DD-2 … Ashtachakra Navdvara … Of Atharvaveda Chapter ten …
With above as a base, we shall discuss the subject Mantras of Atharvaveda …
अष्टाचक्रा नवद्वारा देवानां पूरयोध्या।
तस्यां हिरण्ययः कोशः स्वर्गो ज्योतिषावृतः।।
अथर्ववेद 10.2.31 (Atharvaveda 10.2.31)
With eight chakras and nine doors is this divine Ayodhya Puri (City of Lord Raam)
In it is a golden sheath of pristinely-divine light (i.e. self-luminous and golden)
Explaining words of above Veda Mantra in some greater details …
*** ASHTACHAKRA = Eight Chakra’s or eight plexus’s … The eight plexus which are told here are inclusive of the seven lower plexus’s which are stated in various paths of Yoga (i.e. Yoga Tantra) …
These eight chakra’s are as follows …
- Mooladhar Chakra … Or root or base plexus which is present near the base of spine (actually, near the sphincter muscles of the anus) …
- Swadhisthan Chakra … Or taste or sex plexus … Hip area …
- Manipur Chakra … Or the navel plexus or bejeweled one …
- Anahat Chakra … Or the subtle sound or heart plexus …
- Vishuddha Chakra … Or the pure or throat plexus …
- Ajna Chakra or in other words, the third eye plexus which is also termed as Agya Chakra or eternally activated plexus …
- Sahasrara … Or the thousand sounds of RA or the thousand petalled lotus … At the top of brain …
- 8th Chakra … Eighth Plexus … Or Niralambasthana is as described in above and below paintings …
- Thus since this Veda Mantra directly relates to these eight plexus’s (8 Chakras), so this Veda Mantra also directly relates to the ascent of Kundalini Shakti through all of these eight chakras …
*** NAVDVARA = Nine doors or nine gates … Those nine doors which are mentioned in above Veda Mantra are the nine opening of the physical vehicle … 2 nostrils, 2 eyes, 2 ears, one mouth and 2 excretory organs … Since there is no 10th opening in the physical body, so this Mantra also mentions only nine …
*** DEVANAAM = Of Deva or that which is of pristine divinity …
*** PURYODHYA =City of Ayodhya or city of Lord Raam or Ayodhya Puri (Pur means city or place) … That Ayodhya Puri which is told in above Veda mantra is none other than the physical vehicle and its ruler is Lord Raam (i.e. innermost essence or Atman of the aspirant) … Thus this Veda Mantra also points to the fact that the Ruler of this city of Ayodhya (which in our discussion is none other than the physical vehicle) is the self-luminous essence of the aspirant (or the aspirant’s Atman) … But this statement is also related to the Mahavakya of Rig-Veda where it was told as “Prajnanam Brahm, and which actually means self luminous is That (and where “That”, means the Absolute being)” …
*** TASYAM = That is or That …
*** HIRANYAYAH = Golden, shining, divine, divinity, highly luminous, self luminous, divine luminosity …
*** KOSHAHA = Sheath (or body or vehicle) … But here it means golden sheath i.e. golden channel through which the consciousness rises upwards … Thus this related to the golden channel which is shown in above painted sketch and which is also termed as Vajradanda (i.e. staff of golden lightening) and as Vajradanda Chakra (or the plexus of the golden colored staff of lightening) …
*** HIRANYAYAH KOSHAHA … So basis discussions, if we combine the two above words, then following becomes a fact …
That Hiranyayah Koshaha or golden sheath which is mentioned in above Veda Mantra, is the golden vehicle which rests within the aspirant itself … This golden vehicle is also Hiranyagarbha Kosha or Hiranyagarbha Sharira (or in other words, the body of golden womb of macrocosmic creation, which is present within each aspirant) …
And in its finality, the term Hiranyayah Koshaha also means the Tatpurusha Kosha i.e. the body of golden colored Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva, that is eternally residing within each aspirant and is as the self luminous innermost essence of the aspirant (or Swa Prakash Awastha of Atman) … This self luminous golden body is also “Lord Raam” who is eternally present within each aspirant …
Within the Buddhist lore, the same golden sheath is called as “Buddha body of reality (or in other words, the body of Dharmakaya or simply, Dharmakaya Sharira)” and thus this also proves that Buddhism is an intrinsic part of (i.e. a sect of) the much earlier knowledge systems of Sanatan Dharma itself …
So those who say Buddhism (and other sects of Sanatan Dharma) is different from Hinduism, are naught but fools of the first order … Such foolish ones could even be compared to those who say that moon (Buddhism and all other sects of Sanatan Dharma) has its own light, even when the moon only reflects the light of the Sun (Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma) …
*** SVARGO = Heaven, divine, pristine, pure … But here it means the golden channel, which is also told as Vajradanda chakra within the Siddha sciences and these Siddha sciences were also the knowledge systems from which Vajrayana Buddhism had originated …
*** JYOTISHAVRATAH = Of divinity or of supreme-light or of the self-luminous or of the supreme divinity (as is of the eternally pristine and pure “knowledge, consciousness and activity principles”) …
And here this term also relates to Maa Adi Parashakti or the supreme divinity of the mother of all that ever is) … I say so because after self realization of the state which is subtly referred to by this Mantra, the divinities which self-manifest within the aspirants physical and subtler vehicle are of none other than that of the supreme divinity (i.e. Adi Parashakti) herself …
Continuing with above paragraph … And it is due to this reason, during entire history of the Maker’s Makings most of the aspirants who had successfully and completely passed through the stage of this mantra and who as such were only those aspirants had also passed through that which is described in above and below painted sketches, had invariably willingly de-incarnated as they come to know the essence of a Vedic Mahavakya which is stated below …
“Brahm Satyam, Jagad Mithya”
Above Mahavakya means “The eternally non-movable and thus the eternally unchangeful and steady (Brahman) is the truth and the eternally moving (or Jagat or Jagad) is non-true” …
Thus our discussed Veda Mantra (of Atharvaveda) eventually leads to the self realization of above stated Mahavakya (Brahm Satyam Jagad Mithya) also …
In above Mahavakya, the word Jagad means “That which moves or that which changes or that which has a Gati or speed or change or evolution” … Thus, this word (Jagad or Jagat) is only related to the “eternally moving and thus the eternally changeful state of macrocosmic creation” and not to her pristinely pure and timeless originality as is of her originality of being the supreme mother of allness (Mother nature or Maa Prakriti who herself is a self expression of Maa Adi Parashakti) …
And since such aspirants can no longer relate to that which is non-true, so majority of such aspirant’s willingly de-incarnate …
Thus unless there are below listed aspects, the aspirant can neither desire to continue further nor can he (or she) afford to continues his (or her) incarnation after a self realization of the innermost essence of this Veda Mantra of Atharvaveda is already arrived at … These aspects are as follows …
- That aspirant needs to fulfill the requirements of an earlier Gurudakshina …
- That aspirant needs to do some other destined (or instructed) jobs during that incarnation itself …
- That aspirant is as an instrument of Mother Nature herself …
- That aspirant knows the way to entering into a fuller detachment to himself (i.e. detachment to his own physical and subtler vehicles) and thus he is no longer himself (that he earlier was) … This is because of the fact that at such a stage, he only stays as a “perfectly detached eternal witness of himself and all that ever is” … And due to this reason, he only continues as that one “who itself is distant to himself” and as the one who only sees his own physical and subtler sufferings as a witness of them and not as an experiencer of these sufferings …
- He is a Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta since a very long time of his evolutionary existence …
- And most importantly … That aspirant he (or she) is blessed by Sriman Narayana by virtue of which he can continue his (or her) incarnation further than the stage of self realization of the innermost essence of above and below stated Atharvaveda Mantras and just as they have been discussed here …
- All of above (as it is in my case within this transmigrated incarnation) …Transmigrated incarnation means an incarnation that is arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth …
Now we go to the next Mantra of Atharvaveda which also relates to our current discussions …
तस्मिन् हिरण्यये कोशे त्र्यरे त्रिप्रतिष्ठिते।
तस्मिन्यद्यक्षमात्मन्वत्तद्वै ब्रह्मविदो विदुः।।
अथर्ववेद 10.2.32 (Atharvaveda 10.2.32)
That golden sheath which is of three and three prestigious states, is the self-established splendorous-core or essence of Yaksha (Atman) who is venerable to all and whose state and place is (Only) known to the self-realized ones (i.e. knower’s of Atman, which itself is self realized as Brahman) …
*** Note: Above meaning directly points to the fact that the condition to which above Veda Mantra refers is only known to the “knower’s of Brahman” … And this itself is because of the fact that within the inner meanings of this Veda Mantra, “the aspirant’s self (or Atman) is none other than the self of all (or Brahman)” …
*** Note continues: This Mantra also relates to the rise of Kundalini Shakti and that too till the 8th plexus … This also means that the earlier discussed set of topics of “OM Naad, or in other words, this can also be told as the Sound of OM” and also the earlier set of topics on “Shiva Taraka Naad” are already incorporated in the path of this Veda Mantra …
*** Note continues further: The phrase where the knowledge of location of golden vehicle (i.e. or golden body or Hiranyae Koshe of above Veda Mantra) is also describing the state where that golden vehicle is seated within one of the three smaller plexus’s which are resting inside the Brahmarandra chakra itself … By this I mean that this smaller plexus where the golden vehicle (or self luminous Yaksha or Atman or Lord Raam) is resting, is also a part of the thousand petalled lotus (or Sahasrara) … Thus this smaller plexus where the golden vehicle sits (or resides) is also located within the crown plexus itself …
*** Note continues further: Thus basis above paragraphs, what Buddhists term as the “golden colored, Buddha body of reality” is none other than the golden body (i.e. Hiranyae-Koshe of above Veda Mantra) that was already told by sages of Atharvaveda and at a stage of human history which was much-much earlier to the time when my Gurudeva (Buddha Avatar) has even arrived to this world … This is one of the reasons why I say that “Gurudeva Gautama Buddha himself was not a Buddhist” …
Explaining words of above Veda Mantra in some greater details …
*** TASMIN … That …
*** HIRANYAE … Golden colored, self luminous, divine light, that which holds pristine divinity …
*** KOSHE … Sheath … Here it means the golden colored body, which itself is the self luminous essence of the aspirant within its attributed-form state (or Sagun Sakaar Awastha of the aspirant’s Atman) …
*** TRYE … Of three (or three) … This denotes the three states, first of which is of Akar, then is the second state Okar and then is the third stage of self realization of Makar, all of which are intrinsic partless-parts of the Shuddha Chetan Tattva, which itself rests within the sound and symbol of OM …
*** TRIPRATISHTHITE … Three prestigiously established or prestigious or distinguished … This relates to the three rises of white pot of buttery light through the golden channel (Vajradanda) … This is stated so because the inner pot of nectar (Amrit Kalash) rises up from its earlier position of about 2-3 finger breadths below the navel and thence reaches the 8th plexus … And when already within the 8th plexus, this pot of nectar (Amrit Kalash) rises up “three full” times when it proceeds (or goes) beyond the 8th plexus and thence it also falls down (or drops down) three times (when it again comes back to the 8th plexus) … And thence there is a single half rise of that pot … Thus in the context of our discussion, this term means the three rises of white pot of buttery light through the golden channel (Vajradanda) because the half rise is not even a rise in the real sense of this term (i.e. the word, “rise”) …
*** TRYE TRIPRATISHTHITE … So basis above, we shall now discuss the complete phrase, TRYE TRIPRATISHTHITE … This explanation is also as per my personal inner experiences only …
After the seven chakras (seven plexus’s) as are listed in Yoga texts and have also been listed earlier in this topic, are transited through, then the aspirant enters into the realization of the “three and three prestigious states (or three and three prestigiously established states)” …
Continuing with above paragraph … The first “three” are denoting the states of Akar, Okar (Ukar) and Makar (as were discussed in the earlier set of topics which has the header of “OM Naad … Sound of OM”) … And the last “three” is denoting the three rises of white pot of lighted butter that rises upwards (when the Kundalini enters this golden channel) through the golden channel (i.e. Vajradanda Chakra of Siddha Sciences) where the self realized sound is of Raam (i.e. Raam Naad) which has already been discussed in the previous set of topics …
*** TASMINYADYAKSHAMATMANVATTADVAI = That Yaksha (Inner ruler) is the Atman (innermost essence) who is the Deva within …
This Deva who resides within the aspirant is none other than “Bhagwan Ram (or in other words, Lord Ram)” who is none other than the “self-luminous innermost essence (or Swa Prakash Atman)” of the aspirant who self realizes what is esoterically stated within above Veda Mantra and the same Lord (i.e. Lord Raam) is also present within every other aspirant that ever was (in any macrocosmic history) or could ever be (in any future of the Maker’s Makings) …
BRAHMVIDO = Brahma-Knowledge or Knowledge of Brahm or the directly cognized knowledge of the Absolute being (Brahm) …
VIDUHHA = Knower … I.e. Knower of the real (or knower of Atman, which by itself is Brahman) … Or simply “A Brahmin” …
Now we go to the next Mantra of Atharvaveda …
प्रभ्राजमानां हरिणीं यशसा संपरीवृताम् ।
पुरं हिरण्ययीं ब्रह्मा विवेशापराजिम् ॥
अथर्ववेद 10.2.33 (Atharvaveda 10.2.33)
That splendidly lit, divine golden city that is exceedingly enticing, full of divinity (of Brahman), is the golden self-luminous unconquered city of Brahm (Brahman) …
*** Note: Above mantra is also saying about the same golden city (Ayodhya Puri) which as such is the golden channel (Vajradanda) where the sound of Ram (Ram Naad) is heard by the one who enters and travels through it … That Ayodhya Puri is the city of Bhagwan Ram who itself is symbolic of your own innermost self-luminous essence (or your own Atman) who is realized to be as a golden vehicle, at this time …
*** Note: That Yogi who fails to pass through this stage (i.e. transit or cross-past and thus enter into the state of self-realization that is described in this Mantra of Atharvaveda) and that too during the 100th transit of this Veda Mantra and that too in a case when that Yogi has already gone past the seventh plexus, is the one who used to be called as Trisanku within the ancient Vedic lore … Trisanku Yogi would be discussed in a later topic …
So this brings up to an end of these discussions upon the subject Veda Mantras of Atharvaveda … But at the same time, these discussed Veda Mantras are definitely not the only ones that relate to the 8th plexus that is being discussed here …
DD-3 … Two distinct stages of transit of the eighth plexus …
This topic is of the stage that is beyond that of the earlier set of topics on “Naad Brahm, whose part is also of Shiva Taraka Naad” and thus this topic is also describing that stage which is beyond the rise of white pot of lighted butter (or pot of nectar within an aspirant or in other words, Amrit Kalash or the pot of consciousness) which was depicted and was shown to be present in the head region of the painting of the earlier topic which has the header of “Raam Naad … Across paths” …
DD-3-A … Stage one of transit of 8th plexus … This stage is shown in above figure of this topic …
This figure shows the stage when the Amrit Kalash (Pot of nectar or pot of consciousness or white pot of lighted butter) has already risen up from a location that earlier was about 2-3 finger breaths below the navel area (belly button) of the body and then this pot of nectar (Amrit Kalash) rises up to the 7th plexus (as was depicted in the earlier set of topics of “Shiva Taraka Naad”), then it enters the golden channel and then only does it rise further upwards to reach the 8th plexus and finally it goes beyond the eighth plexus …
Above figure shows the following …
- The state where the pot of nectar (Amrit Kalash) that is within an aspirant has already risen up to the 8th plexus, has “just about” gone beyond the 8th plexus as was discussed in one of the above Mantra’s of Atharvaveda …
- This consciousness pot (or pot of nectar or Amrit Kalash) is shown in a white color which is surrounded by a light blue colored light … This is how it actually is experienced (I mean self realized or directly cognized) by any aspirant of now, or ever …
- The eighth plexus is of a white color and is of very vast dimensions … This plexus is also surrounded by a light-blue-colored light as shown in above figure …
- When the aspirants “pot of consciousness (i.e. aspirants consciousness or Chitta)” begins resting in the 8th plexus, then this plexus is also found to be holding uncountable number of universes that are present within the multi-universal macrocosmic creation …
- Above stated self realization of uncountable number of universes that are present within the multi-universal macrocosmic creation and that too whilst the consciousness pot (i.e. aspirants consciousness or Chitta) is resting at the 8th plexus makes that aspirant to be evolutionary ready to be the Brahmavdhoot (i.e. such an aspirant is the one who evolutionarily qualifies to be a Avadhoot of the entire multi-universal macrocosmic creation) … And it is due to also this reason that when such an aspirant de-incarnates from his (or her) currently incarnated state (where above and below figures were self realized) then that aspirant can also choose to be the Brahmavdhoot of the entire macrocosmic creation … But even when the earlier stated fact is true, yet during the entirety of macrocosmic history, not even a handful of aspirants who held this higher of all accomplishments (as is discussed here) have ever chosen to be such … And this itself is because, most of these aspirants become so detached from everything, that to fulfill the vast obligations as are of a Brahmavdhoot, is a near impossibility for them …
- Since I did not count the exact number of universes (in this incarnation, for me it’s almost impossible to do such a counting and that too accurately), so I shall have to state what the self realized, all realized sages prior to me had told about what is being discussed here … In those ancient Vedic times, it was stated that there are 5.25 crore (i.e. 52.5 million) universes within the macrocosmic creation, so I also stand by this figure until some other very-very highly evolved aspirant (who can only be a sage amongst sages) can travel to the same 8th plexus and thence subtly exit out of the multi-universal envelopes and then count these universes individually and accurately, so as to prove above stated number as wrong … And just to let you know, this counting is also an almost impossibility for those divine controllers (egoistic Gods) of various worlds, planes of existences (galaxies etc.) and the universes in whose vast envelopes the earlier two (i.e. worlds and planes) rest … During macrocosmic history, not even a handful of sages had this capability … Plus as a matter of fact, this capability can only be arrived during the better (or higher) age cycles because at those times the physical bodies were also made fit for such a long stay in Samadhi (The physical body of Kaliyuga is too weak to survive that vast time span which is needed to count this number and that too when the consciousness is already out of the multi-universe and is counting all those universes which make the macrocosmic creation) …
Continuing further …
DD-3-A-1 … Above figure and Nirbija Samadhi and then to Nirvikalpa Samadhi … Thus above figure shows the state when the white pot of lighted butter (or pot of nectar or Amrit Kalash or consciousness pot) has just about gone past the eighth plexus …
When that which is depicted in above figure is self realized and thus the consciousness pot (Pot of nectar or Amrit Kalash or white pot of lighted butter) just about goes beyond the 8th plexus, that aspirant enters into Asamprajnita Samadhi (i.e. trance of non-lightness of allness) and immediately after getting firmly established within Asamprajnita Samadhi, that aspirant spontaneously enters into Nirbija Samadhi (i.e. the Seedless Trance or absorption into that which is seedless) …
The latter (i.e. Nirbija Samadhi) is the state of self realization of Shunya-Brahman … The term Shunya Brahman means the “Zero-Infinite, Infinite-Zero (or Shunya Anantah, which itself is realized as Anant Shunyah) or Sriman Narayana, to whom everything finally returns back, as Sriman Narayana by ITself is the original timeless source of allness and is also the timeless source of the “grandfather creator of allness (Pitamah Brahma Ji)” and it is due to this reason, Sriman Narayana is also the great-grandfather of allness (Par-Pitamah of Brahmand) …
And within Shunya Brahman is self realized an extremely-extremely subtle, colorless film like state which is pervading it and this colorless state is self luminous also (i.e. Swayam Prakash or Swa Prakash +++) which illumines that essentially non lighted state of Shunya Brahman …
+++ Explaining Swayam Prakash or Swa Prakash of above paragraph which please read very carefully or else you won’t even understand this fact regarding the colorless attributeless-infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) …
+++ Within the Vedic lore, the terms Swayam Prakash and Swa Prakash which literally mean self-luminous, actually means “that which illumines everything, except itself” …
+++ Continuing with above paragraph … Thus the words Swa Prakash or Swayam Prakash actually means “that which is the root light within and beyond everything and yet which by ITself stays hidden from everything else” … This is the colorless light which was discussed in above paragraph …
+++ Continuing with above paragraph … The colorless (i.e. attributeless or Nirgun) can never illumine ITself, by ITself and through ITself and yet that colorless itself is the one who by ITself and through ITself illumines all that is other than ITself and where all others itself are its own self expressed, self manifested self presence as the macrocosmic and each microcosm” …
+++ Continuing with above paragraph … Above is because everything itself is ITs own self expression (Swayam Abhivyakti), self manifestation (Swayam Upasthiti) and self presence (Swayam Stithi) and yet that colorless is fully and permanently detached from all these due to that colorless (i.e. attributeless being) being the sole and supremely detached witness of all of its own self expressions, self manifestations and self presence, as the macrocosmic creation and her each lesser or larger, smaller or greater, grosser or subtler microcosms …
Continuing with above discussions …
This stage of self realization of the colorless being which itself is via the path of Nirvikalpa Samadhi (i.e. absorption into that which has no alternates) and this is also the stage where the aspirant rests in a state of perfect non-duality (Advaita) which as such is like the way it is described below …
- The realizer (aspirant’s consciousness), is the realization (union of aspirant’s consciousness into the infinite supreme consciousness) and the realized (supreme consciousness) …
Thus at this stage, the aspirant’s consciousness (Chitta) itself is the supreme consciousness (Chidakash) …
This is also the stage of resting within the essence of the Vedic Mahavakya (i.e. Vedic great statements) which was told as “Satchidanand Brahm or truth-conscious-infinite is the Absolute being (Brahm)” …
- The knower is the knowledge and known …
Thus beyond this stage, there remains nothing more to be known during any pending eternity of the Maker’s Makings …
- The seer is the sight and seen …
Thus the seer only itself sees its-self, within all … And all within itself …
- The observer is the observation and observed …
Thus the observer only sees itself as the observed who itself is the one that resides within his (or her) own observation … This is the state of perfect non-duality where there is neither any individuality of the dual nor of the non-dual and thus that observer also ends up walking beyond these two primordial dualities …
- The doer itself is all the doings and that which is finally to be done …
Thus after this realization of the 8th plexus, there remains nothing more to be ever done during any of the pending eternity as is of the eternal existence of the Maker’s Makings …
- The witness (Atman) is the act of witnessing (Tapas or penance) and the witnessed (Brahman) …
Thus after this stage, there remains no witness (Atman) because the witness only witnesses its-self as the witnessed (Brahman) …
Continuing even further …
Thus beyond the stages as are discussed in above bullet points, there is neither any path nor any text of any path nor any principle nor any process nor any law nor any Guru nor even any God or Satan or angels …
Thus after self realizations of all above aspects, there also remains nothing like Yoga … This is because of the fact that after all above discussions are already crossed over, then the stage is as stated below …
“Yogi himself is Yoga Tantras and Yogeshwara”
Or in other words, above could also be told as follows …
Shiva himself rests within Shiva and that too as the Shiva-Tattva
And above was also told by my Gurudeva of an earlier incarnation, who the world reverently addresses as Brahmavdhoot, Trimurti Swaroop, Tridevi Swaroop, Bhagwan Dattatreya in his given knowledge system of “Avadhoot Gita” … Within Avadhoot Gita, the same fact was told as follows …
When I am Shiva, then whom to worship
Above also means that the Yogi becomes a Swaroop (or the Yogi becomes a physically manifested state) of Bhagwan Maheshwara (i.e. Great lord, Mahadeva Shiva) in that multi-universal macrocosmic creation and where that Maheshwara itself is the golden colored, Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva, to whom the golden body (or Hiranya-Yaksha of above Veda Mantras) eventually relates …
And above is also the evolutionary standing of that Yogi, where he self realizes that the golden body itself is as the ruler (Lord Raam) of Ayodhya Puri of that Yogi (i.e. that Yogi’s physical vehicle) …
Thus the Yogi also self realizes that the golden body itself is as Bhagwan Raam (Lord Raam) who resides within that Yogi’s physical vehicle (i.e. Ayodhya Puri of that Yogi) and that too, as that Yogi’s Atman itself …
Thus basis all earlier discussions, following stands out as crystal clear …
It is only in the process of self realizations of all above discussed stages which relate to our earlier discussed Mantra’s of Atharvaveda, that the golden self luminous body which is told in above Veda Mantras as Hiranya-Yaksha (i.e. Golden colored Yaksha or aspirants Atman) self manifests within the Yogi’s (or aspirants) microcosm and then it becomes visible to that Yogi (i.e. it is self realized by an aspirant) to be the Lord within him (or her) and it is at this stage that the physical vehicle becomes known to that Yogi as the “pristine kingdom of that Lord” who itself rests within the Yogi itself as that Yogi’s self luminous innermost essence (i.e. Swa Prakash Atman) …
DD-3-A-2 … Regarding the golden colored channel as shown in above and below paintings … In above painting, the golden channel is shown as terminating just below the white colored petals of the 8th plexus … Within Various knowledge systems, this very golden channel has been told as follows (some of these have already been discussed in earlier topic of …
- Vajrastra … Weapon of Vajra as is held by Devaraja Indra (ruler of divine worlds) … As told in the Vedic lore …
- Vajradanda … Which actually means as the golden staff of lightening … As told in the Yoga Tantras …
- Vajradanda Chakra … The plexus of staff of Vajra … In Siddha sciences …
- Vajra … The golden thunderbolt … In path of Vajrayana Buddhism …
- Siddhaloka … The pure abode of Siddha … As told in Jainism …
- Khanda Saab … The divine luminous staff (or divine weapon) … In Sikhism … This is told to be 300 hands long by Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaaj (10 Gurudeva) …
- Ratnasaru … The jewel embedded sword of Bhagwan Kalki (10th Avatar of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu i.e. the Avatar who is yet to come) …
- Staff of many of the ancient Greek gods …
- Staff of Moses … Biblical lore …
- The staff of symbol of Caduceus … Greek lore’s …
- Mount Meru … Or in other words, Mount Sumeru … This is also told as Sumeru Parvat …
- Merudanda … The self luminous state of the spinal column which also extents till the 8th plexus, which as such is Mount Meru itself …
- Siddha Ashram … The Abode of Siddha’s, which means the supreme-hermitage of those who are the fully accomplished ones (or Siddha’s)”… Various lore’s of Sanatan Dharma …
- Shiva Taraka Mantra (Raam Naad) … This was discussed in earlier set of topics which primarily rest within the purviews of the vast and further vast Vedic lore’s …
This golden channel has the sound of Raam (Raam Naad), which as such is also the Taraka Mantra of my Paramguru Bhagwan Shiva … This was already discussed in earlier set of topics which have the main header “Shiva Taraka Naad” which is also an intrinsic partless-part of the vast concept of Naad Brahman … So I won’t be getting into the same discussions again …
DD-3-A-3 … Proceeding further … And finally for above figure …
And as an end part of self realization of above figure, I can only state thus …
And as that little student (consciousness or the white pot of lighted butter) rose “Himself within Himself” through that golden channel (within which Ram Naad is heard by that aspirant and which is also named as Vajradanda chakra in Siddha sciences) and then he entered into a self realization of this painted state, then he also saw those phenomenally vast dimensionless, all-enveloping, non-lighted empty skies of macrocosmic voidness (or in other words, Sarva Shunya or voidness of allness or Shunya Tattva) and then he also realized this is the end of all ends of existence within all that is as form, formlessness and their intermediaries and he also saw that all these individualities had been emptied out of his own microcosm whilst he (i.e. the consciousness of the little student) was resting within the vast state of voidness of allness (macrocosmic voidness or Shunya) there only was realized at this state of our current discussion … This rise of white pot of lighted butter is within the Shivarandra (crevice of my Param-Gurudeva Bhagwan Sadashiva) …
So this brings up to the completion phase of discussions on stage 1 … And thus, now we shall move to stage 2 of these discussions on the 8th plexus …
DD-3-B … Stage two of transit of 8th plexus of Atharvaveda …
This stage is shown in below figure …

This figure is depicting the stage when the three and half rise have already taken place and thence the golden vehicle (Golden body or Hiranyayah Yaksha of above discussed Atharvaveda Mantra’s) also rises and thence sits on top of the 8th plexus …
DD-3-B-1 … Proceeding further … And finally for above figures of stage 1 and 2 …
And as an end part of self realization of above figures (i.e. both figures), I can only state thus …
As that little student of the Absolute (i.e. consciousness-knowledge-activity principle or the golden body) rose whilst stationed within the essence of the statement “Itself within Itself” (for at this stage, there remains “no him and no her or their intermediaries”) and thence that little student arrived at a self realization of his (actually It’s) own golden bodied state (Hiranyagarbha Sharira) then that little student also saw that colorless attributeless-infinite being who was beyond all concepts of dimensions and non dimensions, liberation and bondage and was is the one who stands independently (Swatantra or Niralamb) due to IT being eternally free of hierarchies of all that ever is as the apparent dual and the known non dual …
And thus that little student also realized that the colorless attributeless-infinite absolute being is also the perfectly monist one (i.e. Vedantin) and perfectly non-dual one (i.e. Advaitin) by virtue of being fully free of all dualities, which itself are rooted in all that is believed as known non dual (i.e. the real) and the apparent dual (i.e. non real) …
That self realized attributeless, colorless, self-luminous, infinite pervader and enveloper of entirety of allness and her each part, was realized from within the earlier realized non-lighted empty skies of Zero Infinity (i.e. Shunya Anantah) which itself is the Infinite Zero (i.e. Shunya Anantah) and which is also talked about in Naasadiya Sukta of Rig Veda …
This Zero Infinite which itself is the Infinite Zero was also the state within whose envelope the golden vehicle of the little student (who writes this text) was residing at that time (as is shown in above figure) when the colorless attributeless infinite being (i.e. Parabrahman) was self realized …
And then that little student (consciousness-knowledge-activity principle or the golden body) also knew, that this is the end of all ends of all existence that is could ever be within any state of form, formlessness, their intermediaries and also within voidness (Shunya) for at this stage of Zero Infinity which itself is the Infinite Zero, even the emptiness, which is also told as Shunya (or voidness), Shunya tattva (or elemental emptiness) and which has also been termed as Sarva Shunya (or voidness of allness) and also as Shunyata) was emptied out from its primordial roots …
And then that little student (consciousness-knowledge-activity principle or the golden body) also knew that all modes of existences (cyclic existence existence, acyclic, inert existence, neutral existence and existence which is also within voidness) have already been closed for it (i.e. closed for the little student) and thus it (the little student) finally entered into and began firmly resting within the essence of the wise words of this text, which as such have been stated below …
Ultimately there remains “Nowhere to go … Nothing to do … Nobody to be” …
But to be your own innermost, divinely stainless and pristine essentially real nature … This is what my Gurudeva Gautam Buddha had also told as “The innermost Buddha nature of each aspirant” …
At this stage, the little student also knew, that all that remains for it (“It” is stated here, as the earlier He-ness or His-ness is already extinguished at this stage) is the path of continuing “Itself within Itself” and thus continuing within the same final destination, that is already realized to be of none other than the colorless attributeless infinite Being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) …
And ever since that time, this little student (who writes this text) only awaits an arrival at the end stage of the destined time span of this particular transmigrated incarnation, for this little student who writes this text, already knows, that as of now and in any future there remains nothing else to be ever known, done or gone to and that too within this or any other part of the entirety of Maker’s Makings …
Above is the stage after getting firmly stationed within the beginningless, endless and thus eternal pathless-partless path of the attributeless-infinite Absolute being (Nirgun Nirakaar or Brahman) and whilst walking within the essence of the statement “Itself Within Itself” and also keeping to the essence of the wise words which have already been described earlier on, in this topic itself …
Above is also the stage when the golden vehicle exits out of the Brahmarandra (the secret crevice of Param-Pitamah Brahma Ji) and then sits within this four petalled lotus of the 8th plexus which rises up from the Secret crevice of Param-Gurudeva Shiva (i.e. Shivarandra) and just as is shown in above painting …
And this is also the stage where the golden vehicle (i.e. the manifest attributed-form state or the Sagun Sakaar Awastha) is also self realized as the self-luminous (or Swa Prakashmayi) stainless (Nishkalank) state of one’s own innermost essence (i.e. Atman) … Thus this is also the stage of self realization of that which was told in Vedic lore as follows …
Bhagwan Raam inside everyone and that too, as the Atman of everyone
And the stage when the golden vehicle sits on the four petalled 8th plexus (as is shown in above figure) is also the one where that golden vehicle is finally freed due to resting within a supremely independent state (Niralamb Awastha) … This is why the fully accomplished ones (i.e. Siddha) had named the 8th plexus (of Atharvaveda) as Niralambasthana i.e. place of supreme independence and thus this is also the stage where the aspirant enters into what was told as Kaivalya Moksha in the Vedic lore … Kaivalya or Moksha means “the final liberation due to a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part” …
But prior to the state of golden vehicle resting within the four petalled rootless lotus (which as such is the eighth as was discussed within the earlier stated Atharvaveda Mantras), all earlier and later mentioned evolutionary stages have to be successfully passed through or successfully crossed over by that aspirant … This is because the above figures denotes the “final amongst all final realizations” that ever are or could ever be and I say so because there is nothing beyond the one which is discussed here …
I don’t want to discuss the fuller self realization of this figures here because those discussions relate to those aspects which can only be taken up in various later stages of this text …
DD-4 … End note … Completion of all Gurudakshina … Aantrik Ashwamedha Yajna …
The stage of above figure also denotes that the aspirant is no longer a Trisanku that he earlier was … Thus once the subtly depicted stage of above figure happened, then I also walked beyond my earlier evolutionary standing that till then was of being the “only” Trisanku Yogi of this entire Mahayuga …
Thus after this stage, my Gurudakshina for the Gurudeva of my much earlier incarnation (I.e. Gurudeva Brahmarishi Vishvamitra) where he had asked me to successfully traverse through all of the main six path of the Vedic lore, was fully completed … Thus what is subtly depicted (I mean not explicitly depicted) in above figure, I also ended up completing all the requirements of rendering the Gurudakshina of Brahmarishi Vishvamitra …
And what remains as of now, is my Gurudakshina for Gurudeva of my last incarnation, i.e. Gautam Buddha, which as such shall complete after this text is already distributed to humanity, but only to the extent that my Sanatan Guru, Sri Bhagwan Vishnu allows me …
And also was completed the Gurudakshina of my Father and Guru during Swayambhu Manvantar who had instructed me (and all his 60,000 children) to complete 101 Aantrik Ashwamedha Yajna prior accepting Moksha or Kaivalya … And since one transit of the 8th plexus is denoting successful completion of one Inner Ashwamedha Yajna and since during my evolutionary history of this Brahma Kalpa, above was my 101st transit of the 8th plexus (and thus it denotes the completion of 101 Aantrik Ashwamedha Yajna), so this figure also denotes the full and final completion of Gurudakshina towards my Father and Guru Brahmarishi Kratu …
So basis above, since all above Gurudakshina are already completed in this incarnation, so finally I stand free to exit out of allness and her each part (after completion of this incarnation) which as such has been long overdue and over-pending as of now … Thus this transmigrated incarnation may just be my last if Maa Adi Parashakti and Bhagwan Paramshiva allow …
But even if I fall within the purviews of that remotest change of being recalled again after this transmigrated incarnation, then that recall shall definitely be the last as there can never be a state where an aspirant who has already transited through the 8th plexus for the 101st time and that too via the path of the 101st channel (i.e. the golden channel of above painted sketch) and thus has already completed the 101 Aantrik Ashwamedha Yajna’s can be made to enter a world more than once (after this accomplishment of 101st transit of the 8th plexus) …
“Aantrik Ashwamedha Yajna” would be taken up in a later topic as this one is not meant for such discussions …
Continues …