My Sanatan Gurudeva (Eternal-Guide) Sri Bhagwan Vishnu, who resides within the innermost cave of heart had told me to write this text , but basis my own limitation of “Matha Chatvara Acharya Chatvara” as discussed below …
Role during present transmigrated incarnation …
And he had also told that he is taking back the Guru-Tattva from me … Thus unlike my earlier incarnations, within the current incarnation I do not hold the Guru Tattva (Guru Essence) … This in turn means that in this incarnation, I hold no qualities of a Guru and thus I cannot be of any help to anyone as far as assisting in self-realizations or realizations of allness that also is within each aspirant, is concerned …
Thus within this transmigrated incarnation (i.e. entering into an incarnated state by adopting the path of transmigration of soul which in Sanskrit language can also be termed as Parkaya Pravesh), I shall not be able to be a Guru of anyone and due to reason a little student of the Absolute shall I continue to remain …
All that was told was to write this text, distribute it and thence await the destined time of de-incarnation …
Thus as of now, this is all that my job really is …
Where to Go … Jagadguru Shankaracharya of Matha Chatvara Acharya Chatvara …
So, those who wish to learn and thus self-realize (i.e. know through a direct-cognition) this distributed knowledge would need to go to any of the four Aamnaya Peetha and their “authentic” Shankaracharya (“authentic” is written here because there are also too many fake ones these days … So be careful) …
Gurudeva Adi Shankaracharya in his “Mathaamnaya Grantham” had told thus “Matha Chatvara Acharya Chatvara” … This statement means that there can only be four monasteries (i.e. Vyasa Peetha) and four principal-teachers (Shankaracharya’s’) i.e. one teacher per Vedic monastery … This statement also meant that “there cannot be less than or more than four monasteries or their principal-teachers” … Until this statement is established in essence and spirit, this world can forget a golden human age cycle within the currently running divine degenerate age cycle because it ultimately is going to be from these four Vedic monasteries, that the golden age cycle would be inaugurated during the coming decades …
During all my incarnations, I have always been of the Aamnaya Peetha (i.e. Vedic monasteries) … I say this because all my Gurudeva’s of the current and previous incarnations were those who in one way or another were related to these Amnaya Peetha only … So, their little student who writes this text cannot be any different …
My eternal guide (Sanatan Gurudeva Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) also happens to be the first Peethadheeshwar (i.e. the first bearer), the Pratham Acharya (i.e. the first historical teacher) and Pradhanacharya (the principal teacher) of these four Aamnaya Peethas and my eternal guide also is the Sanatan Acharya (eternal teacher) of these four Aamnaya Peethas …
Due to above paragraph, irrespective of who the current human-teacher (any of the Shankaracharya’s or any other teacher who is deputed by them) may be in these Peethas, the real-teacher is only my Sanatan Gurudeva (Eternal-Guide) Sriman Naaraayana (i.e. Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) … But for the principal teacher to shower his blessings, the appointment of these teachers and running of these monasteries needs to be as per Aamnaya Parampara itself, which also means that it has to be without any external influence (including interference) of rulers, businessmen and other social entities … Unless this is brought about in essence and practice, this world can forget about a human golden age (Manav Satyuga) manifesting within the larger cycle as is of the divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga) …
This text is a very-minor part of that same Parampara (i.e. the timeless lineage of these Aamnaya Peethas) and is only written because my eternal guide told to write it and distribute it to this world … Thus irrespective of what anybody may interpret after reading this text and its various parts, a little student of “That (i.e. Parabrahman)” is all that I shall remain … Now and ever …
Now I shall answer the header of this topic “Where to go” …
Because there are too many fake Acharya’s these days, so I shall also need to give a clarification regarding the four Amnaya Peetha and their authentic Peethadheeshwar Acharya’s (i.e. the authentic-seat-bearers, who also are the principal-teachers within these four Aamnaya Peethas) …
- Govardhan Peetha, Puri … Rig Veda (Aamnaya) Peetha … “Jagadguru Swami Nischalananda Saraswati” is the current Shankaracharya …
- Sringeri Sarada Peetha … Yajur Veda Aamnaya Peetha (Vyasa Peetha) … Current Shankaracharya, “Jagadguru Bharathi Teertha Mahaswami” …
- Dwaraka Sarada Peetha … Sama Veda Aamnaya Peetha … The current Shankaracharya is “Jagadguru Swami Swaroopananda Saraswati” …
- Jyotirmath Peetha … Atharva Veda (Aamnaya Peetha … The current Shankaracharya is “Jagadguru Swami Swaroopananda Saraswati” (Same as Dwarka Peetha) …
Finally, if any of Acharya’s of above Peethas say that this text or its any part is not correct, then please accept their word as final and also accept my advance apologies now itself … This paragraph is also an intrinsic part the Vedic (Aamnaya) Sampradaya and Parampara which every little student has to follow, irrespective of the consequences …
Plus I also feel that if a little student does not make mistakes, then who would …
So to make sure that above point stays valid, I have intentionally written some aspects incompletely or even told some of them in a state which makes sense, yet does not and yet the told part is absolutely-correct … This is so because in any case whether this text is or is-not written, those who are interested in this path would have to go to authentic-teachers of these Aamnaya Peethas … So I also know that these intentional deviations would eventually be inconsequential …
That’s all …