Now we shall discuss some of the aspects of transmigration which relate to the change of entities who occupy a physical vehicle …
CC … This change of entities of the physical vehicle (which was of the little child) was as per an earlier agreement between the donor (i.e. the little child) and the occupier (i.e. the little student who writes this text) …
As per that agreement, the little child (i.e. the donor) was to leave his own physical vehicle and then the little student (who writes this text) was to occupy it … This agreement was made within the astral worlds (Astral plane or Sookshma Loka) when that little child’s astral vehicle (which in Sanskrit language is called as Sookshma Sharira) had gone out of the physical, as always is whilst anyone is sleeping*** …
*** Explaining *** of above paragraph … When we sleep, the astral body goes out of the physical vehicle … Only because the astral body goes out, does anybody sleep … Thus the agreement which is discussed here was made between the donor of the physical vehicle (i.e. the little child) and the occupier of that physical vehicle (i.e. the little student who writes this text) and that too when donors physical vehicle was sleeping …
As the donor (i.e. the little child of less than 10 years old) left, the little student who writes this text, occupied it …
Some discussions on change of entities when transmigrating
CC-1 … During this process of change of entities through the process of transmigration “some or all-but-one” of the Samskaras (i.e. Impressions which relate to accumulated, destined, current and future merits) of the donor get transferred and thus are adopted by the entity who takes over the physical vehicle …
This adoption of impressions of the donor (i.e. donor of the physical vehicle) depends upon the agreement that was made with the donor prior the process of transmigration was undertaken …
And in this agreement the donor can even choose to put a condition that the occupier (transmigrating entity or the future occupier of the physical vehicle) shall have to adopt all the impressions which relate to the donors accumulated, destined, future and current merits …
As such if this is what the donor agrees for, then all the impressions (i.e. Samskaras) of the donor which relate to these four merits (i.e. accumulated, destined, future and current merits) shall have to be taken over by that transmigrated entity itself …
But at the same time, even when the transmigrating entity takes over all these impressions of the donor and thus the donor walks free of all his merits and demerits also, yet there is one last and final impression*** which the donor cannot donate, as it has to be fruited only by the one who holds it …
*** Explaining the term “last and final impression (i.e. Antim Samskara)” … This last and final impression (i.e. Antim Samskara) is like an elongated octahedral transparent (or could even be translucent) crystal which is pointed at one end … This last and final impression (i.e. Antim Samskara) denotes the impression of the “clear-crystal like (Sphatik Varnam)” centrally located Ishaan face of Sadashiva which is present within each aspirant … And when this last and final impression is finally unseeded (or evicted out) of the consciousness orb (Chitta) of the aspirants causal body (i.e. Bliss sheath, which in Sanskrit Vedic texts is also called as Anandmaye Kosha) then it comes out of the top of the middle of head (i.e. from the Shivarandra) and at this stage, that aspirants consciousness shall also turn upwards (i.e. the eyes shall be turned upwards and shall be looking at the real-middle of the head where Shivarandra is located) … And after the last and final impression comes out of the real-middle of the head (i.e. it comes out of the Shivarandra), then it also vanishes within a few hours …
CC-2 … Thus during this process of transmigration, the little student (who writes this text) adopted all but that last and final impression of the donor of the physical vehicle i.e. the little child …
And due to this reason, that little child walked free of all its merit and demerit that was ever earned by him during the entire time spans of its entire evolutionary existence which was passed by him, till then …
This also led to a state where all these adopted impressions (which denote the destined, accumulated, current and future merits of the donor) would have to be fruited and/or unseeded by the entity who adopts the physical vehicle and thus the donor is always benefited in the process of transmigration because of the fact, that except the last impression (i.e. the Antim Samskara) the entire of merit can also be let go by the donor and into the transmigrating one … But basis my own experiences of the last 107 transmigrations that were prior to this one, such donors are very rare as nobody goes to such extremes of letting go of all their merits into the transmigrating entity …
Thus if suchness is agreed then the donor could even walk free of all his merits, except the last and final impression, which can only be fruited by the donor himself (or the entity that holds it) as this last and final impression is a non-transferrable one …
Due to this last and final impression, the donor shall not be fully freed of all its merits because the “last and final impression (Antim-Samskara)” shall always remain within the consciousness orb (i.e. Chitta) of the causal body (which means as the bliss sheath or Anandmaye Kosha) of the donor of the physical vehicle … Nobody other than the one who holds this last and final impression can ever fruit this impression and due to this reason, an impressionless state (Samskara Rahit Awastha) cannot be arrived at by that donor, even when all other impressions are let go by the donor (into the transmigrated entity) …
And because this last and final impression cannot be taken over by anyone and shall need to be fruited by the donor of the physical vehicle itself, so that donor shall also have to return back into grosser modes of cyclic existence for at least one time (could even be more) so as to fruit it and thence un-seed it from its own consciousness orb (i.e. Chitta) of the Antahkarana Chatushtaya or Bliss sheath causal body (i.e. Anandmaye Kosha) …
Until that last and final impression is un-seeded, neither can there be a arrived an impressionless state of consciousness (i.e. Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta) nor can there be arrived a state of “liberation due to full and permanent isolation from allness and its each part (Kaivalya Moksha)” …
And once the last and final impression (i.e. Antim Samskara) is unseeded by any aspirant, then there is no power (i.e. no-greater-entity) within the entire macrocosmic creation who can restrain and thus hold that aspirant into any of the “states, modes and conditions of existence” within the macrocosmic creation … Thus due to this reason, when the last and final impression is already unseeded, then the aspirant enters into a state of “liberation due to full and permanent isolation from allness and its each part (Moksha)” and thus such ones also walk free of even the concepts of liberation and bondage …
CC-3 … But there are also cases (like mine) where the consciousness orb was already impressionless (i.e. Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta) prior the transmigration is even undertaken …
If the consciousness orb of the causal body of the entity who takes over the physical vehicle was already impressionless (i.e. Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta) prior it took over that physical vehicle of the donor, then these adopted impressions shall also have to be fully fruited and thence unseeded during that very transmigrated incarnation of the entity itself …
Above is because of the effects of the principle of eternal evolution *** and firmness of its unidirectional effects … Thus due to the effects of principle of eternal evolution, there cannot be any regression (or counter or negative evolution) of any microcosm …
The impressionless (Samskara Rahit) state of consciousness orb also denotes a state evolution where the entity is free of deeds and fruits and thus such ones are also free of “law of cause and effect” and are also free of its governing principle i.e. the principle of interdependent evolution …
*** Deviating a bit to explain *** of above paragraph …
As per the principle of eternal evolution, evolution is only a one way process and which as such moves eternally upwards …
Thus if any transmigrating entity was already impressionless (prior it had even gotten into the process of transmigration), then due to the adoption of these impressions, that entity falls on the wrong side of the principle of eternal evolution … This is because of the fact that adoption of impressions after an earlier state of evolution where that entities consciousness orb (Chitta) was impressionless, only denotes a state of regression from the point of view of the principle of eternal evolution …
The process of evolution leads to an ever subtler state of impressions that any entity holds within its own consciousness orb … And eventually this evolutionary process leads to impressionless state of consciousness …
So if an entity that was already impressionless, ends up adopting the impressions of a donor during the process of transmigration then it denotes a state of regression and thus such an entity comes on the wrong side of one of the primary macrocosmic principles i.e. the principle of eternal evolution …
And because the principle of eternal evolution is a very firm principle, so the only option for that transmigrated entity is to keep fruiting these adopted impressions and ultimately un-seed them fully … Only when these adopted impressions get unseeded from the consciousness orb of that transmigrated entity, does that transmigrated entity again begin complying to the principle of eternal evolution of the Maker’s Makings …
But because of coming on the wrong side of the principles and process of the Maker’s Makings, that entity can also end up within severe sufferings, so it is due to this reason that not many of the transmigrated ones (i.e. ones who are born through a virgin birth) have had a very good time in this world after they started teaching others about esoteric subjects …
Due to eternal applicability of above paragraph, those who know the principles and process of the Maker’s Makings never begin teaching or telling others until they have again unseeded all these impressions and thus have re-entered into their original state of impressionless consciousness …
Unless a transmigrated one takes care of what is stated in above paragraph, he would only be killed (or very severely troubled) within a world that is already passing through a divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) … Thus when I study the macrocosmic consciousness, then I also know that many have been troubled (some even killed) due to not taking care of the facts which are listed here and especially when they had arrived during a divine degenerate age cycle itself …
Resuming again from where we had last left …
This means, the job of unseeding which was to be done by the donor and through a time span of many-incarnations, would need to be done by that transmigrated entity prior the destined time span of the current incarnation ends …
And this is the main problem that comes for each impressionless-entity who transmigrates because the extra burden of fruiting so many impressions (which were adopted from the donor of the physical vehicle) to a very-high state of subtlety prior they could be unseeded within that same incarnation, is a very-very difficult one (and also a very troublesome one) … Plus unless this unseeding is completed, the risk of troubles (or even death) cannot be nullified when that entity finally declares its presence and that too, through its knowledge …
DD … Who undergoes transmigration and some other aspects …
When the evolutionary standing takes an entity to that stage of evolution which has been termed as ‘beyond the beyond’, then that entity loses its right to take a regular birth within the physical worlds … This stage of going beyond the beyond is when the Ashtama Chakra (as is mentioned within Atharvaveda Mantra) is crossed over by that entity …
And at such a time, the process of transmigration or a process of manifestation remains the only choice for entering into a physical world …
DD-1 … But this entry is only possible after the impressions (Samskaras) that have been generated (due to requests for supra-cosmic assistances) by the inhabitants of that world system, have arrived at their critical-quantum (or critical mass) …
Critical quantum is the minimum quantum (or mass) of impressional vibrations, that must be arrived so as to make an entity of beyond the beyond, to enter a lower (or grosser) plane …
Whatever anybody desires, thinks and acts-for is leading to generation of an impression within the consciousness orb (Chitta) of that person’s causal body (i.e. Anandmaye Kosha or Bliss sheath … Or the four fold Antahkarana of Vedic lore) …
And the same impression is also reflected within the consciousness plane of that world (i.e. Bhu Chitta) where the generator of that impression resides at that time … This is because every part of consciousness is an intrinsic unbroken part of the macrocosmic plane of consciousness (I.e. Chidakash or Brahmic-Mahat-Chitta) only …
Thus whatever anybody does only ends up generating an impressions within the consciousness orb (or Chitta) of that person and that same impression is also reflected within the consciousness plane of that world (Bhu Chitta) and it is also reflected within the macrocosmic plane of consciousness (I.e. Chidakash or Brahmic-Mahat-Chitta) … This reflection of any impression is only because of the fact that the consciousness itself is one of the four unbroken, partless and thus continuous planes of the Maker’s Makings … The other three continuous planes of the Maker’s Makings are the “plane of mind, plane of ether and plane of knowledge” … Other than these four planes (i.e. of mind, consciousness, knowledge and ether) there is no other continuous plane within the Maker’s Makings …
DD-2 … As the conditions of a world degenerate, then the inhabitants of that world also begin asking for supra-cosmic assistance so as to solve their problems which they believe are beyond their own or human capabilities …
As the number of requests for the same thing (i.e. supra-cosmic assistance) increase and since each of these requests leads to generation of an impression, so as times progress the number of impressions which relate to such supra-cosmic assistance also increase in their numbers within the consciousness plane of that world …
And over a longer period of time, there arrives a critical mass of impressions which relates to that specific supra-cosmic assistance within the consciousness plane of that world itself …
Depending upon the grossness or subtlety of the asked supra-cosmic assistance, is the quantum of critical mass which is needed to lead to manifestation of the desired effects upon the physical planes (i.e. the world from where the request was generated by its inhabitants) …
Subtler is the requirement which is requested for, higher is the critical mass because greater (or higher evolved) shall be the entity who would need to be transmigrated or manifested so as to deliver that which was requested for from within the developed critical mass of consciousness impressions …
Subtler of all requests is that where a “subtler way of life” i.e. a way of life which is based upon oneness to allness and her each part is requested for …
And for such a request to lead to manifestation of that system (or knowledge) within a physical plane, the entity who rests within a much-much beyond state of existence would need to descend to that world and lay down the systems (and/or a knowledge) which could deliver that which is requested for, from within the developed critical mass of consciousness impressions …
And it is due to this reason, that for such subtler requests to fruit their effects within a physical plane, very large number of requests (which need to be made over very long periods of time) shall be required and this is because the highly evolved entity who would need to enter that world cannot be made to enter with a lesser quantum of critical mass … To make such an entity who rests in a state which is “beyond the beyond” to enter into a lower (or grosser) world like this one, a very high critical mass of impressions is required …
At this stage when the critical mass arrives, an entity of beyond who can provide that which is requested for from within the developed critical mass of impressions, always descends to that world … But at the same time, such ones only do that which was asked for from within that developed critical mass of impressions … These entities may enter a world through the path of transmigration of soul or even through a direct manifestation …
Transmigrations are carried out when the time span required to do a certain job within a world is so long that process of a direct manifestation would never support this longer time span …
Thus when the time span that is required to do a job is so long that it cannot be supported through a process of a direct manifestation, then transmigration remains the only option for any entity so as to satisfy the requirements of the critical mass which was developed by the inhabitants of that world and where they had asked for supra-cosmic assistance so as to solve their problems which they believed were beyond human capabilities or the capabilities of those who they believe in …
And if the knowledge of “beyond all that is considered as beyond” is needed to get manifested as per the developed critical mass, then the one who transmigrates can only be from one of the five faces of Sadashiva (These faces shall be discussed in a later topic of Panch Mukha Sadashiva) …
Manifestations are for shorter time spans, where an entity spontaneously manifests so as to do a specific job that is requested for from within the developed impressional mass and when that job is done, then that manifested entity suddenly un-manifests back to its own plane …
Both these types of arrivals (i.e. transmigration and manifestation) shall be discussed in later topics …
DD-3 … Prior the time of deliverance of what is requested for by the inhabitants of a world, is arrived, all those who has requested for supra-cosmic assistance are again reincarnated within the same world …
Thus at such times when the entity who is to deliver that which was asked for from within the developed critical mass of consciousness enters a world, that worlds population always begins increasing (as all those who have been a party to development of that critical mass of consciousness, would begin taking rebirth within that world) …
And thus when the stage of deliverance arrives, then that world shall already be populated by so many people that such a large population has never been present upon that world, during any recent history (i.e. last few millenniums) …
Above was what was originally meant by the concept of resurrection of the dead as all those who had requested for supra-cosmic assistance begin taking birth within a physical world whenever the stage of delivery of that which was requested for, is coming closer …
DD-4 … Whenever the one who is to deliver (let’s use the term “deliverer or renderer” for that person) that which is requested for from within the developed critical mass of impressions, finally enters into a world (so as to deliver that which was requested for) then all those who had requested for that which is to be delivered, always begin taking birth within that physical world and this is because of that fact that at this stage their own generated impressions (i.e. those impressions which are a part of that developed critical mass) begin getting activated i.e. their impressions begin waking up from their long slumber as has been after the times when these impressions were generated …
Thus all those who had been a party to development of that critical mass of consciousness, always begin taking rebirth on that physical world system after the one who is to render that which was asked for from within the developed critical mass, finally enters that world system …
And from the time of the renderers entry to that world and until his (or her, as the case may be) readiness to deliver that which was asked for, that world population would have already increased phenomenally as compared to the earlier times … This is why the population of a world goes up phenomenally during the stage which is being discussed here …
And the process of return (i.e. rebirth) of all those who were party to that developed critical mass of consciousness impressions, is what was originally meant by the concept of resurrection of the dead …
At such a time which is intermediary of the stage of entry (of the one who is to deliver that which was asked for) and until that deliverer readies himself up (to deliver that which was asked for), the lower desires (sexual desires) of inhabitants of that world also increase phenomenally … This increase is because large number of souls who were party to that developed critical mass of impressions have to be reborn in that world system … And due to this reason such souls also begin placing their requests within the consciousness plane of that world (i.e. Bhu Chitta) for getting a place (i.e. an incarnation) within that physical world so as to fruit their own specific impressions which were a part of the developed critical mass (which they had only generated at an earlier time span when they were resting or incarnated upon that world) … Thus this is also the time when the world gets excessively populated because all those who were a party to that developed critical mass, begin taking birth upon that world …
And when that deliverer has already entered and he reaches a stage where he is just about to deliver, then all sorts of lower desires are running rampantly within that world because of the impatient nature of consciousness impressions who as such become like half-witted monkeys running from one branch to another trying to search their answers so as to satisfy themselves (i.e. impressions) … As such if the deliverer fails to deliver, then these impressions cannot even be fruited and due to this, the world enters into a chaos because the impressions begin looking at other ways to fruit themselves and where due to lack of subtler knowledge of the deliverer, the holders of these impressions also remain with no choice but to fruit them through repeated lower acts (instead of one higher act that would have been if the deliverer had not failed) … As of now this world is already standing at the brink of this stage …
Prior to the deliverers entry, some fore-runners always enter that world so as to lay down the foundations of the esoteric systems and thus ease the path of that deliverer (reduce that deliverers future work load which would be if he has to start from the basics) … This entry of fore-runners starts as soon as that deliverer is placed upon the subtler aspects of that plane (i.e. when the deliverer begins resting upon the subtler realms of the plane of existence of which that physical world is a part) … And within any degenerate age cycle, the time span between the arrival of the deliverer to the subtler realms of the plane of existence until he (or she) takes birth can even be 108 years …
Higher is the subtlety difference (i.e. evolutionary difference) between the delivers current plane of existence and the world where he is to transmigrate, longer is the wait within the subtler plane of existence prior the deliverer can even enter that physical world and within a degenerate age cycle, this wait can even be of 108 human solar years …
As the time of entry of that deliverer draws closer, then ancient knowledge systems (to which that deliverer relates) also begin spreading rapidly into that world and this is also to ease the work-load of that deliverer as the fore-runners who come by to that world, lay down a proper foundation for that deliverer who arrives as per the developed critical mass of impressions … Thus was the reason of rapid spread of Indian knowledge systems after 1866 AD (i.e. 2082 AD – 108 – 108 years) and this spread was speeded up after 1974 AD +/- 1 to 2.7 years (i.e. 2082 AD – 108 years) …
Prior any Guru Yuga, the change always happens through the path of Yoga Tantra … And thus all those who hold this knowledge of Yoga Tantras, always become active prior to the time when a Guru-Yuga arrives … This was the reason for spread of Yoga Tantra to this world after 1974 AD +/- 1 to 2.7 years (i.e. 2082 AD – 108 years) because in any Guru Yuga, Dharma is the way of life of majority of humanity … So due to the effects of the incoming age of sages (i.e. Guru Yuga) this spread of Sanatan Dharma shall also keep increasing in this world because nobody can go against the needs of time cycles …
Time is a weapon of Maa Shakti (the mother of allness) and she never shares this weapon with any God (or Satan) and it is due to this reason, when times cycles (or age cycles) change, then the systems of these Gods also enter into a state of dilemma … Thus at such a time, the staunch adherents of these Godly systems begin feeling an inner-heat (inner chaos) which leads to rise of fundamentalism, fanaticism and thus chaos within them, their societies and thus the world …
Due to this inner-heat and looming end time of such systems, all the deviated systems which claim that “only they would be saved and everyone else is doomed to eternal hell fires” begin originating 108 years prior the above state (i.e. 1866 AD – 108 years) … Thus was the period of original rise of these systems within this world too …
But because time and its cycles are unstoppable, so above paragraphs stage is also the time of rise of scientific approaches within the world … Thus this stage arrived when “108 x 3 years” are remaining to the end of the current age cycle (i.e. human age of trinity or trinity of paths or Manav Tretayuga) … Thus state was thus arrived around 1758 AD +/- 1 to 2.7 years (i.e. 2082 AD – 324 years) … These times shall be derived in a later topic of Kaalchakra …