Here we shall discuss the subtle process of transmigration of soul or path of transmigration and with reference to those aspects which relate to disconnecting the original inhabitant of the physical vehicle to the physical vehicle and then connecting the transmigrating one to the physical vehicle of the donor …
This is the most critical part as error in this can lead to death of the physical vehicle …
EE … Process of transmigration of soul …
Now we shall again go back to the process of transmigration which got left due to above discussions …
EE-1 … When the entity who has to exit out and the entity who has to take over the physical vehicle, are to be exchanged, then at this stage, the diamond white macro-neutral cord (or macro-equanimous cord that “ideally” is of the shape of an equilateral triangle and not a circle) and which is connecting at the head of the physical vehicle and to the macrocosmic creation within which that physical vehicle is residing, has to be disconnected from the original occupant of the physical vehicle (i.e. the donor of the physical vehicle) entity and then the cord of the newer entity (i.e. the transmigrating entity) has to be immediately connected to that same place …
And because the cords of the donor and the occupier are of different subtleties (due to their different evolutionary standings within the macrocosmic hierarchies), so a very sharp and excruciating pain is always felt at the middle of the top of head (i.e. at the point which is at the center of head, where the Shivarandra is located) …
But because of the daze that was after the fall, this pain which came when the diamond-white cords were interchanged, is not very disturbing (otherwise it would only like a pressure surge of a water hammer in a pipeline whose valves are closed) …
Greater is the evolutionary difference between the donor and the occupier of the physical vehicle, greater is the pain felt at the time when the diamond-white cord of these two entities are being exchanged during the process of transmigration of soul …
EE-2 … Soon after completion of transmigration of soul …
As the entity takes over the physical vehicle, it needs to start operating it immediately otherwise that physical vehicle would start decomposing and degenerating and thus would roll over (i.e. enter the process of death) …
And thus the taking over entity only ends up connecting itself to each cell of that physical vehicle and that too soonest from the time when its cord is connected to that physical vehicle …
When the cord is being interchanged, there is neither a heartbeat not respiration of the physical vehicle and thus if there is a delay in this process, then the physical vehicles survival chances become very bleak … Due to this reason, within any higher transmigration, there are always helpers (subtle beings who know this process and thus assist in it) …
And in very high transmigrations or those transmigrations which relate to that which is beyond all that is considered as beyond, even Vedic-deities which relate to Akar, Ukar (which is also called as Okar) and then the state of Makar (which means as the sound of AOM) have to assist as only they know the exact procedure of such higher transmigrations … This assistance of Vedic deities is always needed when the transmigrations are from any of the five faces of Sadashiva …
EE-3 … Situation soon after completion of transmigration …
But because the physical vehicle is so crammed up and it has all those gurgling sounds of fluids which are so wet, disgusting and smelly, so it takes time to adjust to these filthy, unnatural conditions of the physical vehicle, that gets taken over by that transmigrated entity of beyond …
Deviating a bit … In the initial stages of conscious astral travels (i.e. Sookshma Sharira Gaman) the same feeling of wetness and filth also comes after the astral vehicle returns back to the physical vehicle …
Resuming again … When the transmigrated entity just about takes over the physical vehicle, then to that transmigrated entity initially the conditions of the physical vehicle seem like an eclipse of knowledge-conscious-activity principles …
At the initial stages of this transmigration, the physical vehicle is found to be like a lump of moist clay which has strange movements in its nerves (and organs) and thus there is an immediate repulsion within the transmigrated entity …
As also this initial repulsion is only increased due to those strange smelly structures that the physical vehicle is made of and those repulsive gurgling sounds of liquids that are flowing within its channels and also those cramped up conditions due to limitation of space (as compared to the earlier state of existence of the transmigrated entity) only lead to a state where the physical vehicle becomes very-very repulsive to the transmigrating entity … This is more so at the instant the transmigrated one takes over that physical vehicle as those conditions are totally reciprocal of the condition that the transmigrated one was living in prior to this time of entering into the process of transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit language is also termed as Parkaya Pravesh) …
Plus the severely restrictive flows and dynamism of the world system where the physical vehicle that is taken over, are equally repulsive in the initial stages of this transmigration process … And also are very-very repulsive the individualistic flows and dynamism that are present within that grosser world system where the entity transmigrates …
And due to this reason, the adjustment to these strange conditions also takes a certain amount of time prior that entity can kick itself into the process of transfer of the requisite quantum of its own essence from its earlier and much subtler world system, to that grosser world system where it transmigrates so as to fulfill the requirements as are asked for and from within the developed critical mass of impressions …
Due to all above reasons, after the transmigration of soul (or Parkaya Pravesh) is completed the transmigrated one takes some time to begin getting accustomed to this strange condition that has been arrived at …
And during this short time span which is in between the stage when the original occupant of the physical vehicle exits out and then the transmigrating-entity who is taking over the physical vehicle, is getting accustomed to the strange environment that it has ended up in, the physical vehicle and the subtler vehicles (subtler vehicles are residing within the physical vehicle itself) also remain with no choice but to rest … At this stage, there is neither a heartbeat nor respiration of the physical vehicle and yet the aspirant knows what is happening within and around it as he sees everything as it happens … Thus this state is like a Chaitanya Samadhi (i.e. Samadhi or absorption within the conscious principle) …
EE-4 … If transmigrating entity is from much beyond states of existence
All those transmigrations which are from states which are “beyond all that is known, imagined and visualized as beyond”, are within a state of Samadhi only … And this is especially so if the transmigrated one happens to be from any of the five faces of Sadashiva and even-more-so if the transmigrating one is returning from the golden colored Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva (who in other words, can also be addressed as the golden womb of macrocosmic creation who in Vedas is also addressed as Hiranyagarbha Brahma) …
As also a fact, that transmigrations from the golden colored Tatpurusha face of Shiva are always effected by the “golden mother (Maa Gayatri of Vedas)” who as such is the eternal consort of the Hiranyagarbha (who in English language would translate as the golden womb of creation) …
The same golden mother was also addressed as “Akar (i.e. the endless sound of Aaaaaaaa) within esoteric or higher Yoga scriptures … Whenever there is a transmigration from the golden colored Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva, who also is the Hiranyagarbha Brahma (i.e. golden womb of macrocosmic creation), she is the one who effects the transmigration because nobody else can ever do this job (because nobody else can bear the golden colored body of the one who is transmigrating, within her own womb) …
She is also termed as Buddha Prajnaparamita within knowledge systems that were given by the Gurudeva of my last incarnation, i.e. Gautama Buddha …
And she is also addressed as the lady dressed in the sun within Biblical Lore’s …
That transmigrated one rests within her womb prior taking birth (i.e. prior transmigrating) …
And when that transmigrated one shall have completed his/her job within the world and as are to be done so as to satisfy the developed critical mass of consciousness impressions (which has been built by the inhabitants of that world) , then that same entity (i.e. the transmigrated one) would again enter into the same womb of the supreme mother of light, form and shape, prior returning back his (or her) own world i.e. world of Hiranyagarbha Brahma (or Tatpurusha Loka) …
This transmigration from the golden colored world of Tatpurusha (i.e. Hiranyagarbha) is also a cyclic process and is always effected prior the Guru Yuga sets in that world system … Thus this process of transmigration from the Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva repeats itself each 24,000 human solar years (as per the middle time units of precession) and which itself is the same as a time span of 25,920 human solar years (as per the currently applicable nadir time units of precession) … We shall be calculating these times and their time units in a later topic of Kaalchakra …
Some other discussions upon transmigration of soul
EE-4 … As soon as the entity who takes over the physical vehicle, starts operating the physical vehicle, breath resumes by a first long breath and this is the first proof, that the life is continuing and the change of entities was successful … I.e. the sound which came when the breath resumes (after it had stopped for a while), was the first proof of the continuity of sounds of life within these strange and severely-deviated sounds that are of the current human civilizations and which shall have to be dealt with by that transmigrated entity …
Only after this sound of first-breath are felt those sounds of the current state of “human yet inhumane civilizations” (Well, totally pathetic, disgusting and absent of all those high subtleties that “Man and its kinds” were blessed with from within the genius of Maker’s Makings) … For the first few months this world was a very-very strange place for me and I used to think, where the duck have I landed myself in …
As compared to the golden world of Tatpurusha face from where I return back to this very strangely-deviated world system, there were a few things that I found extremely strange in this world … Some of these are …
- Here people just want to enjoy … Even if it is at the expense of others …
- Here relationships are not based upon selfless aspects, as everybody only has a relationship so as to derive something out of it …
- And even more strange is the economic system, where one man’s richness is due to another man’s poorness … One man’s job is due to another man losing his job and this leads to competitions and thus divisions … So strange are the systems of this world which cannot even guarantee employment cannot from the time of birth of a child … This is not how it was during my earlier incarnations, most of which were within this world itself …
- And even more strange is the security system because here the term security only relates to external aspects which in turn leads to deviation from correct ways of life (i.e. deviation from correctness of the evolutionary process) … And this is totally against what is at the higher world (from where I return back) where security only relates to ensuring the correct ways of life and thus such a system of security also leads to a state where correctness of evolutionary process is maintained and which in turn leads to a state where external security is maintained automatically, as the inhabitants never get deviated (and thus never do those bad things, like it is here) …
- And even more strange were the religions which had manifested during the last few millenniums as these ones are more political-military-economic and thus were more based upon external aspects than inwardly spiritual ways … And thus these religions divide more than they unite due to which they are more chaotic than peaceful … And this itself is the main reason for their own individualism and thus their own corruption …
- And worst of all is that purity of sexual energies is made into a means of enjoyment or restraint (this is depending upon the system that you follow) instead of being what it was designed to be, as a mode of progeny, in addition to being an excellent mode of evolution … And strangely sex also holds a taboo here due to which nobody knows the methods to utilize the “sexual organs and their pure energies” positively and as a mode of guaranteed evolution … The reality of this energy is as a liberating force which rests within each aspirant, but provided it is utilized properly (I mean that if it is used properly, then this energy can lead to a fulfilled life all by itself and without even a need to get into very difficult esoteric systems …
- And many more things which shall be discussed in later topics of this text …
FF … This part is to discuss what transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit is also called as Parkaya Pravesh) actually means …
Birth is a birth, transmigration is transmigration and there is no similarity of these two …
Transmigration does not means a regular birth, i.e. being born out of sex and through a physical-womb …
Transmigration is in no way similar to a regular birth i.e. born out of union of spermatozoa and ovum … A regular birth (i.e. birth from the womb of a physical mother) better termed as incarnation as this is what it actually is …
Thus when some monks and other lay-people talk about transmigration of soul and then they also begin equating it to the regular process of birth within their analysis, then it only proves that they really don’t know a Jack about Jill as far as transmigration is concerned …
Transmigration is only related to the dimension of time of the macrocosmic creation … By this I mean, that nobody can transmigrate to a world prior the unitary values of time that apply to that world have arrived at a ripeness and rightness as must be to support that “specific type of transmigration” …
Thus depending upon the specifics of unitary values of time that apply to a world system, is the type of transmigration that takes place within that world at such time spans when those unitary values of time are applicable to that world …
Above is because of the fact that a “specific type of transmigration” can never take place when the dimension of time does not support it (i.e. when the dimension of time does not support that specific type of transmigration, then it can never take place in that world) …
Thus the transmigrated one is primarily resting within the dimension of time and not the other dimensions (i.e. dimensions of space, direction or paths of evolution and state) …
And because of resting within the dimension of time, the deeds of the transmigrated one are primarily governed by time and not by other three primary macrocosmic dimensions (or space, direction and state) …
As also since time itself is the primordial and governing dimension of the macrocosm (or macrocosmic creation), so no transmigrated one has ever cared much for the other three dimensions of the macrocosmic creation …
Thus such ones never care for the systems or paths (i.e. dimension of directionality), dimension of state (of grossness or subtlety i.e. systems of specific heavens-hells and worlds) and expanses to which these systems relate (i.e. dimension of space) … Such ones are free of all such nonsense of individualism of dimensions and thus are free of individuality of directions (i.e. paths), of states (i.e. conditions) and space (expanses) and unitary values of time (i.e. they rest within eternal systems or in other words, those systems which do not have end-time and instead have an eternally cyclic nature of time) …
Such a one is only governed by time which itself is the weapon of the divine mother of allness (i.e. Adi Parashakti) and thus such a one is also the divine-instrument of the macrocosmic creation and her originality as is of the primordial-beyond and thus pristine divinity (i.e. Maa Adi Parashakti) of the Supreme being or the Absolute being …
Due to above reason, none of the God’s-Satan or their followers-representatives can ever know about this arrival … Thus unless that arrived one, self declares his presence within a world or as an alternate, the supreme-father (i.e. attributeless infinite being or Paramshiva or in other words, Brahman) and its pristine divinity (i.e. Maa Adi-Parashakti or Paramdevi) declares it, nobody can know it …
It is due to this reason that there have been cases where an Avatar had entered a world and even the divine controllers (i.e. Gods-Satan) of that world did not know about this fact … And since the Biblical Lore’s are taken from the much-much earlier Lore’s of Sanatan Dharma itself, so the same is also stated in the Bible, that “nobody knows, except the father himself” …
Thus a transmigrated one is born out of the needs of time cycles (i.e. cycles of human ages and also that cycle of time which relates to divine ages) instead of his or her own evolutionary needs … This also means, that to be a transmigrated one, one has to be beyond the scopes of evolution and non-evolution …
As also a fact that the process of transmigration can only be entered by the ones who are resting in “Brahmand Yoga (i.e. union to allness and where allness also includes each part part of allness)” … Due to resting in Brahmand Yoga, these transmigrated ones are within their own oneness to allness and her each part (each part does not mean an individual part, it means the entire corpus of all these parts of allness of Maker’s Makings) …
Such a one is thus free of his (or her) own evolutionary needs … And due to this reason, within transmigrated incarnations which relate to those ones who enter a “lower world from their earlier states of beyond all beyondness”, such ones are also exempted from the “principles and process” of Maker’s Makings i.e. if a transmigrated entity is the one who returns back (to a lower world) from any of the five faces of Sadashiva, then that transmigrated one is exempted from a possible fall of evolution … Thus such a one cannot ever fall lower than what he (or she) was prior entering that lower world through the process of transmigration …
And it is due to this reason that within all cases of transmigration that are from a state which is “beyond all beyondness” the totality of essence that the transmigrated one actually holds, never enters a lower world … This means that only a minor part of the allness that is held by a transmigrated one who comes from that which is “beyond all beyondness”, is brought to a lower world …
And since only a minor part of the totality of essence of the transmigrated one enters a lower world, so his (or her) fall cannot ever take place as he is not even existing fully within that lower world … But at the same time, this partial essence transfer from the original (or earlier-higher) plane of that transmigrated one, also leads to certain physical problems during his stay within that world …
During the stage when the Guru Yuga (i.e. the incoming Age of Sages) is approaching (as it now is), the transmigration is always from Ukar (i.e. Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva) and due to this reason, the one who is chosen by the macrocosmic creation to transmigrate to such a world where Guru-Yuga is approaching, is also the one who holds the golden accomplishment vehicle as a minimum requirement … This golden accomplishment vehicle is also called as Hiranyagarbha Sharira and the same Siddha body is also termed as the Buddha body of reality (within the Buddhist lore’s) … Since this Siddha body (or golden accomplishment vehicle) relates to Dharmakaya (of Buddhist lore’s) which itself is the golden womb (i.e. Hiranyagarbha Brahma) of the Vedic lore and it also is termed as Okar (and also called as Ukar within Yoga Tantra), so it is also not wrong to call it as the Dharmakaya Sharira … The same Siddha body can also be termed as Tatpurusha Sharira …