JJ) … In this topic, we shall discuss the relation between the Aghora face of Sadashiva (who was also discussed as the Sound of Ahum or Ahum Naad who is also addressed as Buddha Samantabhadra) to that part of the Biblical lore where the statement of “I Am That I Am” is given …
In the Bible there are dozens of places, where the God is addressed as we instead of I … This also proves that pluralism is inherent in the Biblical text and yet it is not accepted to be so …
Above could be understood and appreciated as follows …
- “We” relates to pluralism for which no explanation is needed …
- And “I” means individuality … But in the context of the Absolute-being, the same “I” only means the underlining (i.e. the enveloping and pervading) monism also … This is because of the fact that God eventually relates to the entire macrocosmic creation and not to any individual-duality (I mean, an individuality or an individual corpus) …
- That I which relates to everything is the macrocosmic state of Aghora face only and this is because Aghora denotes the entirety of I’ness itself … Entirety of I’ness means microcosmic and macrocosmic I’ness …
- This I (Ahum) is what shall be discussed here …
I Am That I Am, from the point of view of evolution process
Now we shall get into a slightly deeper analysis of the pluralistic yet monist paths of evolution and the finally liberated state …
- We had already told that until Ahum Asmi (I.e. I Am, or I Exist) which relates to Mother Nature is rested in, the further self-realization of Ahum Brahmasmi (i.e. I Am That) which as such is related to the Absolute-being, can never be arrived … And this statement is irrespective of who you may believe in or relate to …
Thus from the point of view of the process of evolution of any microcosm, Ahum Asmi is prior Ahum Brahmasmi i.e. the realization of I Am is prior the realization of I Am That (or I am an intrinsically-unbroken and thus partless-particle of the Absolute Being) …
Thus in such a case, the statement which describes the path of evolution and the finality of state of liberation (or Kaivalya) which eventually is arrived at, would only be as stated below …
“Ahum Asmi Ahum Brahmasmi … I.e. I AM, I AM THAT” … Note the pause (comma) which is placed within this statement …
“I Am, That I Am” from the point of view of origination process
- Proceeding further … And yet from the point of view of the origination process of allness, the state could only be where Aham Brahmasmi which relates to the Absolute being is prior Ahum Asmi which as such is related to macrocosmic nature … Thus in such a case, the statement which describes the path of origination would only be as stated below …
Ahum Brahmasmi Ahum Asmi … I.e. I AM THAT, I AM …
This is why the Bible states so (in a conversation that takes place between Sage Moses and God) because this statement is only describing the original origination process of allness and her each part itself which actually commences from I Am That (Aham Brahmasmi) as is of the Absolute being and where this process completes at Ahum Asmi (I Am) as is of the macrocosmic creation … So the sequence in which it was stated in the Bible only relates to the origination process of allness and her each part …
Continuing with above paragraph … Also note the pause (comma) which is placed in above statement … Not pausing after “That” and instead pausing after “Am” only makes this statement as “I Am, That I Am” which as such it totally incorrect as it has no meaning as far as the timeless traditions of Vedas to which this Biblical statement eventually relates … And because the so-called scholars have been misinterpreting this pause, so it has changed the real meaning of this statement itself and this has also been the major cause of differences of this Biblical statement to its parental knowledge of Yajurveda … But this also proves the highly susceptible nature of any language where a single pause (comma) can change the entire meaning and relationship of a statement to its own primordial timeless base …
Union of I Am to I Am That … The final union …
- Proceeding further with the same discussion … And when already stationed within the fully liberated state i.e. state of being in full and permanent isolation from allness and her each part (i.e. state of Kaivalya Moksha), then Ahum Asmi merges to its own original cause of Ahum Brahmasmi and thus “Ahum Brahmasmi or I Am That” is all that remains for such an aspirant … This stage of merger of Ahum Asmi to Ahum Brahmasmi is like a drop of water merging to the ocean and thus becoming the ocean itself …
And the same merger can also be told like macrocosmic creation (which is within an aspirant) merging to the greater macrocosmic creation (within which that aspirant’s physical vehicle itself rests) and thence that aspirant being like the physically-manifest state of the macrocosm itself …
But the long story of an almost eternal evolutionary existence does not stop here because the path of Ahum Brahmasmi leads to a further state where the macrocosm itself vanishes from the sight of an aspirant …
This is the stage where the macrocosm (which was within the aspirant) and which has merged to the greater macrocosm (within which that aspirants physical vehicle itself rests) further unions itself to the attributeless infinite being (who in other words is also addressed as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) …
Union of I Am to I Am That … Path of detachment, Nirvikalpa Samadhi and Jeevanmukti
When this happens then all the attachments of the aspirant to the macrocosm vanishes from the consciousness of that aspirant and thus that aspirant neither sees itself nor does it see the macrocosm …
This is the stage of Nirvikalpa Samadhi (or the trance without attributes or the attributeless boundless trance) where the seer (aspirant) itself is the seen and sight … i.e. the observer itself is the observed and observation …
This is the state of walking free of all that is as a microcosm and microcosm and thus is the state of Kaivalya (i.e. the final liberation due to full and permanent isolation from allness and her each part) … Those aspirant who reach this state whilst alive, were termed as “Liberated whilst alive (i.e. Jeevanmukti)” within the Vedas … There is no concept of liberation comparable to this …
Even the name which was given to great sage whom we know as Moses was of Mokshe … The Sanskrit word Mokshe itself was termed as Moshe in texts of Judaism … Mokshe means the one who is stationed within a fully liberated state, even whilst still alive” and thus this term is also a synonym of the original Sanskrit word of Jeevanmukta as was discussed in an earlier paragraph …
And because the mega-statement of Yajurveda which was stated as “Aham Brahmasmi (or I Am That)” by the sages who knew this fact only denotes the finally liberated state which is arrived after all above discussed aspects are evolved over by the aspirant, so this was also the reason for this is mega-statement to be of the south facing Aghora face of Shiva to which Yajurveda relates …
And irrespective of what anybody may believe, the same is also applicable to Samantabhadra, who itself is none other than the Aghora of Vedas and attributed-formless (i.e. Sagun Nirakaar) God of the Bible and he also happens to be my Gurupita since a very long time, whom I used to address as Ahum Naad (Sound of Ahum) …
Proceeding further …
Not understanding the unity of statements as are discussed above has been the primary reason for all religious and cultural disunity during recent history (I mean last few millenniums) …
As also a fact which is found after a study of the impressions (Samskaras) which reside within the consciousness plane of this world (Bhu Chitta) and which relate to the last few millenniums, is that whenever these aspects of disunity had surfaced, then many of the better aspirants had sent their supra-cosmic requests for guidance about the path of unity of humanity …
And since these aspects of nonsensical unity (and fighting) had kept happening cyclically during the last few millenniums or close to this time, so many such requests were projected into the consciousness plane of this world during this time span of the last few millenniums … This eventually led to the generation of a very large quantum of macrocosmic impressional mass which relates to this discussion itself …
Whatever anybody desires, thinks, does leads to an impression (Samskara) within the consciousness orb (Chitta) of that person and the same impression is also reflected within the consciousness planes of that system (to which that aspirant relates or rests in) and also within the consciousness plane of the world (where that aspirant rests at the time when anything is desires, thought about or deeds are done as per these) … And as times pass, when larger number of similar impressions are built up within the consciousness plane, then they arrive at their critical mass which in turn leads self-manifestation of the desires aspect within the physical world itself …
And since this was a major request from the inhabitants of this world which they had only projected into the developed critical mass of consciousness (which led to the current transmigrated incarnation and this knowledge) so this is where it is satisfied by this little student who writes this text … Transmigration is that condition where a soul chooses to incarnate by adopting the path of transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit texts is termed as Parkaya Pravesh) … Transmigration is also termed as Virgin Birth …
As also since these requests which are reflected within the developed impressional mass of the plane of consciousness of this world is from across a variety of knowledge systems (i.e. these requests which across paths or sects or religions), so this text shall also have to satisfy this part as a minimum and yet this text shall also have to highlight the deviations of the current paths so these (deviations) can be appreciated and corrected during a near or distant future …