In reality, form and formless are related to each other … Form is formless … Formless is form … And both these are only enroute to their union to voidness, from which they had originally originated … Absorption of form and formless into emptiness, is also a path of absence of of form and formless … The end stage of path of absence of of form and formless, is Brahman who is free of both form and formless aspects … Above is because of the fact that Brahman is the attributeless infinite being … The origin-less original and the endless final one …
Thus is this topic …
Aghora and knowledge of formless is form and form is formless
MM) … In the greater reality of allness we also find that formless has a form even when the form is actually formless …
Thus even when the first figure of this text is describing the formless state of Ahum Naad, yet when painted it only becomes a form … The same also happens in the mind of any aspirant who reads any text which is related to a formless greater entity (i.e. a formless god) …
When we see the inner nature of that form i.e. if we try to study from where it comes, to what it relates as long as it exists and to where it finally goes, then we also find that the form is actually formless in its originality and formless itself is the one who has manifested in a form … Thus when the form has lived its designated lifetime, then it again enters the original formless state of itself …
Thus in the reality of things, form is formless and formless is form …
If somebody does not understand above paragraph then a very simple method to verify this, is to look at the sky … And then answer one question “Is the sky formless or form?” …
If that sky which you see is formless, then why is it seen to be within a form and if it is a form, when why is its reality a formless state …
Well, this is because of the fact that when we look at the manifest state of the sky which actually is formless, then due to the restricted arc of our vision, we find it to be having a form … And if we expand our horizon and thus turn around in a full circle and then if we try to view the sky through the subtle-eye of knowledge which we are also blessed with, then it shall be found to be formless, even when our physical-eyes still see a form of it … Thus it is never possible to see the formless with the physical eyes because the physical eye can only see a greater or lesser form … Formless is only seen with the inner eye of knowledge that each aspirant is blessed with and that too from within the genius of Maker’s Makings …
Thus formless itself is the form and due to this reason even if the form is worshiped then also it would also render the same benefits as are rendered by the formless larger dimensional state of it …
Due to this reason, even when the Vedic deities are beyond formness, formlessness, neutrality and voidness, yet they are installed in form within Vedic temples prior they are worshiped … This is because of the fact that the wise Vedic sages knew this fact that the “form is formless and formless is form and both of these are resting within the intrinsic fullness of the Absolute” from where these were interdependently originated …
The formless cannot have a temple or place of worship …. Relation of form and formless
Continuing with above and getting even deeper into the discussion …
This discussion is on the mistake of worshipping the formless greater entity (say a God) in a temple which as such is a form only …
Formless never has any temples (or any other place of worship) because formless within its formlessness, cannot even be installed in a temple, which as such is a form …
Due to this reason, none of the Vedic deities have ever been worshiped within their formless states in any of the Vedic temples … And this is even when all Vedic deities are only those who are based upon the fullness of our earlier discussion “As IT eventually became” and thus these deities are having a completeness of all that was told in the subject discussion …
Above is due to the fact that the greater (formless) cannot be installed within a lesser (temple which as such is a form) and if this mistake is done by any culture, society, belief or faith, then that greater formless would wreck havoc on the lesser state (or form or the place of worship) and thus corrupt its pious energy fields … And the same havoc shall also get transmitted upon all those who enter that lesser state (i.e. place of worship) to worship that formless deity and that too in its formless state … And this would only lead to corruption of that system and thus its consequent fall …
And due to this reason in the Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma there are no temples where a formless deity is installed … All that can be done is to make a form which is denoting and referring to the formless and then install that form whilst referring to the formless during your meditations (on that form itself) … Installation of the form of that formless state also needs to be such that the essence behind the form is the same formless only and this is so even when the form is all there is to worship … Such an installation of the formless in form also renders benefits of the formless, even when the worship is only of the form of it … As also since the all the Vedic deities whose Idols are installed are only based upon the allness of what was stated in an earlier discussion of “As IT eventually became” so the Vedic Idols are not just a form because they are also denoting formless and the infinite simultaneously … And to ensure that the formless and infinite are present within the installed idol (or symbol) there are specific procedures which were self-realized by Vedic sages … Unless the specific procedures which are related to the macrocosmic formless state of that deity are followed, a correctness of installation of the form state of that deity in a temple cannot even be ensured …
Above was also the reason for the form to be termed as a symbol of that which is formless and is also the infinite … Thus was the reason for the advent of the philosophy of symbols (i.e. Lingam) in the Vedic lore … But at the same time, this knowledge of symbols was arrived eons and eons ago and not just a few millenniums which some western folks and Indian westernized folks have been stating for a while … The knowledge of symbols (Shivalingam) is a pretty old one and I shall be discussing a few of these in a few later topics …
It is never possible that formless is worshiped as formless state and that too while this worship is done in a formed state of a temple (or any other place of worship), because the greater (formless) cannot be worshipped as a formless state and that too whilst residing within a lesser state (i.e. a form, as is of a temple) … To worship the greater formless, its form must be installed in a temple or else if only the formless is worshipped as formless, then it would only lead to a havoc within the mind of adherents of that formless deity and which in turn would become the reason for a future chaos within that world … Those systems which have not complied to what is written here, have thus always undergone through a cyclic state of chaos …
This is why the ancient Vedic sages had warned that the formless must not have any temple (or place of worship) and they had also said that the formless must never be worshipped in any enclosed area (or a walled compound) … If the formless has to be worshipped, then it can only be possible in open areas which are unrestricted (like vast forests, vast open stretches of land and isolated open places like mountain and mountain tops etc.) … If the formless has to be worshipped in a form (say a temple or a place of worship or a walled compound) then the only option is to make an appropriate and correct form of it and thence install that form in that temple (or place of worship) … And once the correctly installed form is available, then whilst worshipping that form, refer to the formless greater reality of it … Unless this is done, the formless would only wreck havoc on its worshippers and thus would only lead to severe attachments which shall in turn become reasons for a later rise of fundamentalism, fanaticism and consequent chaos … History of the last few millenniums holds enough proofs of the correctness of the fact that is discussed here …
Above is because of the fact that a temple (or a walled or restricted place) only denotes a form and thus if this mistake of worshiping the formless whilst resting in a form (say a temple) is done, then it would be like trying to fit an elephant inside the belly of an ant, which as such would wreck a havoc in the longer run of time …
Thus all those systems which do not comply to this fact always end up becoming harbingers of one of another type of chaos to that world and the recent history as was of the last few millenniums of this planet is holding enough of proofs for the correctness of what is stated in this and above paragraphs …
The worship of the formless in any temple (or any other place of worship) which as such is a form, is thus a principle error which came by during the last few millenniums and this has been the primary reason for all the chaos that was undergone by this world during the stated time span … Thus all those systems who say that their God is formless and that God is also having attributes (like one who blesses the believer or curses the non-believer etc-etc) and yet they worship their God’s in their respective places of worship, cannot ever be a reason for long lasting peace within the world as such systems shall be found to be more divisive than being uniting in the longer run of time …
And due to this reason, it was only after these systems came by, that humanity entered into a cyclic state of chaos … Prior to their advent, this world was a much better place … And also a fact that as compared to the current times, those earlier times which were prior the advent of such deviated and thus divisive systems, the condition of this world could even be termed as a living heaven …
Above restriction of not worshipping a formless entity whilst resting within a form (like a place of worship) is due to the fact that there is no regression of anything as far as principle of eternal evolution stands (macrocosmic principles are equally applicable to all that is residing within the macrocosmic creation) … Since worshipping a formless state within a place of worship (which actually is a form) is leading to the same regression within the formless greater entity (i.e. a formless God) so such a deviation only leads to chaos in the longer run of time as it is like trying to put a full grown elephant inside the tiny belly of an ant …
It is for this reason that during the ancient times as were of my earlier incarnations, instead of having a painting or photo or statue or a temple (or any other place of worship) of the formless state, the formless was only viewed by the subtle-inner-eye (because the subtle-inner-eye is a form state of the formless only) and that too during worship of form state of it … This is why the vast science of temples and deities of form, was arrived in the first place …
Gross and subtle aspects of form
Proceeding further to discuss what a form really is …
Form is not just of a physical state alone because it is also of a subtler state … By this I mean, form is not just a physical form, it is also of subtler aspects …
As an example of above … The subtler image which forms within the mind of adherents who relate to (hear or read about) formless greater entities, is also a form only … Thus such a form which gets manifested in the mind of an aspirant, is also a form only and this is true even when that form is of a subtler state which resides in the mind of an aspirant …
Thus even when a text of a formless god is read, that text also lead to a manifestation of a subtle form within the mind of that aspirant and it is to this subtler mental form that the aspirant eventually associates to when worshipping that formless greater entity …
Thus in the greater reality, all systems which believe in the formless, are only worshipping a form of their believed entity and where this form is a subtle state which gets manifested in the mind of an aspirant, after reading or hearing about a scripture of the formless greater entity … And ultimately it is to this subtle form which manifests in the mind of an aspirant, that all worship is proceeding to …
And it is due to this reason even when the formless is worshipped, yet the formless is also having a form in the mind of that aspirant and this is even when that formless may continue to be believed as formless only …
This mental form is always originated after reading descriptions of a formless deity … Any text of any system which relates to a formless deity whose characteristics are listed, always leads to the manifestation of a mental form of that deity within the mind of that aspirant … Thus any text which describes the characteristics of a deity always leads origination of a mental image of that deity within the mind of its adherents and it is to this subtle mental image that all worship eventually proceeds … Unless the subtler image of the formless is formed in the mind of an aspirant, worship of that formless cannot even be properly done by that aspirant …
Thus all texts which relate to a formless deity eventually lead to a subtle mental image (i.e. form) of that formless deity to get manifested within the mind of the adherents and it is due to this reason that in reality of things, even the worshippers of formless are ultimately worshipping that form only … Thus when the worshippers of formless say wrong things about idol worship, then is also proves their utter ignorance of knowledge of the fullness of the meaning of the term “form (or idol)” …
Due to this reason there has never been any system nor can there ever be a system where only the formless could be worshipped and it is also due to this reason that even when formless is referred to, the relationship to that formless state is either through a physical symbolic form (i.e. Lingam) or its subtler mental form, both of which are none other than an image only …
As such, there has never been any worship of the formless as formless because ultimately it is to the form that all worship relates …
That form could be a physical idol or image or could even be a mental form which manifests in the mind of an aspirant after reading texts of the formless entity which is believed in (by that aspirant) …
This itself is due to the fact that worship of the formless as formless is an utter impossibility because of the fact that worship is only of a form and this is irrespective of whether that form is a physical one or a subtler mental one … So in reality everyone is an idol worshipper only …
And above itself is due to the fact that every form is formless and every formless is form …
Anything whose characteristics are described, leads to a mental image and thus even when that God may be considered formless in its text(s), yet its worship is only through the mental form which manifests in the mind of the adherent … This is an absolute fact because it is an impossibility to worship the formless as formless … And it was due to this reason, that there has never been a text which relates to a formless greater entity and yet it does not describe the characteristics of that greater entity … These descriptions of the characteristics were only done in the texts of formless greater entities so as to lead to a mental form within the adherents and thus ensure that the greater formless entity could be worshipped … This itself was due to our stated fact that unless there is gross (physical) or subtler (mental) form, the path of worship cannot even be arrived at …
And this itself is because of the same fact which was stated earlier, that it is never possible to worship a formless as formless, because worship is only of form … And it doesn’t really matter whether that form is physical or mental because a form is a form only … So in reality, everybody who has ever worshipped any greater entity, is only worshipping a form of it and thus there has never been any system of worship which was not based upon Idols because even those who claim they have none, also end up having a mental image to which they refer in their worships …
Absence of formless and form in Brahman
It is for this reason, the Absolute of the Vedas (Brahman) of Vedic texts is never fully described as it is only referred to through the Vedic Mahavakyas … These Vedic Mahavakya never describe the Absolute, as they only refer to IT …
This was to ensure that even the remotest possibilities of origination of a mental image for the attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) are completely done away with …
And to make sure that those who have self-realized the attributeless infinite Absolute being (I.e. Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) never describe IT in its Absolute-fullness, the self-realized, all-realized Vedic sages had also told as follows …
“Those who have known IT and yet they believe that they know IT, are not the real knower’s of IT … And those who have known IT and yet believe that they do not know IT, are the real knower’s of IT” …
Above statement was to prevent the possibilities of describing “That (i.e. Parabrahman)” who essentially is beyond descriptions and thus ensure it stays undescribed and yet also ensure that the path of self-realization of IT (i.e. Brahman or Paramatman) is kept open for interested aspirants …
Above is because of the fact that in the finality (or reality) of things, only the attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar) is free of gross (or physical) and subtler (mental) images because IT being the attributeless, is even beyond the attributed words of any language and thus cannot ever be described or discussed by anyone … Thus those who either do not refer to IT and those who end up discussing (or describing) IT, are only falling on the wrong side of the statement which was stated earlier in this topic …
And since IT is beyond the attributed words of languages, so IT has never ever been described in any text and this is even when IT has definitely been referred to through the great statements of Vedas …
All states other than the attributeless infinite are possible to describe and thus all these states have always led to formation of a subtle mental image within their adherents … As such, all those systems which worship any of the greater entities who are of attributed-form (i.e. Sagun Nirakaar) or are of attributed-formless (i.e. Sagun Nirakaar) states, have always led to formation of a physical or a mental image in the mind of their adherents … Only the attributeless infinite is free of suchness as the attributeless can never be described through words of languages due to the fact that words itself are based in attributes and attributes cannot ever be utilized to describe the attributeless …
Thus even when we try to describe the attributeless infinite being, it really is not a description of the attributeless because the attributeless essentially is a state which is self-realizable and yet it is indescribable due to incapacity of attributed words to describe IT …
And because the attributeless infinite being (or Brahm) cannot even be described, so to ensure the path to IT stays available for the interested aspirants was the reason for advent of Mahavakya (i.e. great statement of the Vedas) where the truth of the attributeless is not even described, even when it is referred to … This is because the Vedic Mahavakyas (i.e. mega statement of the Vedas) are not describing IT, as they only refer to IT (i.e. Parambrahma) …
All this was to ensure that the path to the attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) remains uncorrupted due to it staying free of disclosures, discussions, interpretations and later misinterpretations which are also there as any knowledge progresses upon a world … And this in turn ensures that the Attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) of the Vedas never even has a subtler image of mind and/or knowledge …
All above only ensures that even when the attributeless infinite (i.e. Brahman) is referred to through the Vedic mega statements, yet due to absence of words to describe IT, IT only stays as a matter of self-realization …
It is also due to above that the Vedas say that the Absolute being is the creator and yet it stays detached from its own creation … Due to this reason the attributeless infinite has no defined path leading to IT except that of IT’s own original sound of OM and which itself is within each aspirant … Thus to know the Absolute the only option is to walk “Himself Within Himself (or Herself within herself or simply, Yourself within Yourself)” and thence as your practice matures, you would also qualify to enter into the last pathless-partless path of “Itself within Itself” …
And even when above is true, yet the fact never changes from what it ever is that “even when IT shall eventually be known, yet to describe IT is an impossibility” because the attributeless cannot ever be described through words which relate to attributed languages … So to ensure a reference to IT is available for the interested aspirants, the Vedic sages had provided the mega statements of Vedas (i.e. Vedic Mahavakya) and to ensure the reference stays correct, these mega-statements were also provided within the language of the macrocosmic creation (i.e. Samskrit) … This itself was because this language of Sanskrit was the better of all available options due to the fact that the macrocosmic creation itself is the timeless macrocosmic self-expressed state of the same attributeless infinite Supreme being (i.e. Brahman of Vedas) …
Since IT has never been described, so IT (i.e. attributeless infinite being) cannot even be placed within a subtler form (i.e. such as a mental image) … Thus all the Vedic Mahavakyas (i.e. the great statement of Vedas) only refer to IT because they have never ever described IT and this is even when to lame (or unqualified or unauthorized) aspirants, these mega statement may seem to be doing so …
Any of the systems which make the mistake of non compliance to all above paragraphs eventually arrive at a state where its adherents would be seen to be resting within a cyclical chaos and thus a consequent spiritual (or subtle) degeneration … And as times shall progress, these systems and their adherents shall also arrive at the stage of grosser degeneration and when I study the Kaalchakra (cyclic nature of time) and its relation to the incoming change of human age, then it is also pretty clear that this stage is already approaching faster than what anybody can ever imagine …
All such degeneration is also because of the fact that everything which exists in any gross or subtle state, is holding an intrinsic and specific “I’ness” of it and that I’ness cannot be brought to a state which is lower than its current macrocosmic evolutionary standing …
Thus the formless cannot even be painted without providing a cautionary note, that the painted state of the formless is only a symbolic state (Lingam) of that formless who as such is of much-much vast dimensions … And the same shall also be applicable for every other figure of this text …
And even when above is true, but yet the painted figures of the formless states to which this text relates could only be painted in form due to the same fact which was discussed here as “Form is formless and formless is form” …