OO) … Guna means attributes … But here is means the three macrocosmic attributes … Swayam Sthiti means self present, self sustaining and self existent …
So in this topic we shall be discussing the relationship of Aghora (Ahum Naad) and the self-sustaining nature of the three attributes of macrocosmic creation … These three are attribute of action (i.e. Rajoguna), attribute of inertia (which means as Tamoguna) and attribute of neutrality (which means as Sattva Guna) … Since these attributes are the base of all that is as a manifest state of macrocosmic creation (and also her each part), so these three also lead to the self-sustaining nature of the macrocosm …
So this topic is to discuss the eternal nature of macrocosmic creation which itself is due to the self-sustaining nature of the three primary macrocosmic attributes and which itself became the base reason for the Vedic statements like “macrocosmic nature is also as eternal as the Absolute being” …
Swayam Sthiti of Guna during the stage of origination
During the stage of origination of the Maker’s Makings the macrocosmic attribute of neutrality (i.e. Sattvaguna) was the first one to be self-manifested and this being of neutrality, is the one which ultimately led to Swayam Stithi of other two attributes …
From this macrocosmic attribute of neutrality (i.e. Sattva Guna) were originated the other two primary self-opposing attributes … These were macrocosmic attributes of action (i.e. Rajoguna) and attribute of inertia (i.e. Tamoguna) …
Attribute of neutrality was a very subtle white cloud like state … attribute of action (Rajo Guna) was of a red color … And attribute of inertia (Tamo Guna) was of a deep blue color … Modern astronomy and astrophysics would also agree to characteristics as are listed of these colors …
In the initial stages, the attributes of action and inertia stayed on the opposites sides of the white colored macrocosmic attributes of neutrality (Sattvaguna) … Thus this was also the stage of origination of the primordial duality (or action and inertia) within the Maker’s Makings … And from this duality, was originated everything else that we known as the manifest macrocosmic and microcosmic creation …
As such, since these attributes have remained as the base of all that is as manifest macrocosmic creation and since these attributes are also a direct path to the self-realization of the Absolute-being, so this itself is the reason for the Vedic Mahavakya of “Guna Brahma, which means the attributes are the Absolute” …
Above was stated so because of the fact that these attributes are eternal and thus were considered as a part and parcel of the original self-expression of the Supreme Being … And this statement was also told due to the fact that within the Vedic lore, that path which is directly leading to the Absolute being is also considered as the Absolute only … This is because such a path is also deemed to be an intrinsic-part of the original self-expression of the Absolute (This original self-expression was already discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT self-expressed itself”) …
So above was the brief discussion on the origination stage of the manifest state of allness and her each part (i.e. the manifested state of macrocosmic creation and her each part) …
Guna the reason for self present, self sustaining nature of the macrocosmic creation
Basis above discussions, we proceed to the next stage which as such is based upon the reciprocal path of origination and which itself is the reason for the header of this topic i.e. self-sustenance of allness and its link to Aghora face of Sadashiva …
As far as the colors that were shown in the first painting of this text are concerned, following is a fact …
- Blue denotes macrocosmic inertia or inactivity (Tamoguna or I’ness) … And this could be realized through Tamoguna Samadhi (or trance within the macrocosmic attribute of inertia, which as such is the macrocosmic inactivity or inertia or stability principle) within Ahum Naad itself …
- Red denotes macrocosmic action or activity (i.e. Rajoguna or Asmita or Am’ness) … And this could be realized through Rajoguna Samadhi (or trance within the macrocosmic attribute of activity, which as such is the macrocosmic activity or instability principle) within Sound of Ahum itself …
- And the subtle white as is shown in this figure denotes macrocosmic purity or neutrality of wisdom (Sattva Guna or Is’ness) … And this could be realized through Sattva Guna Samadhi (or trance within the macrocosmic attribute of neutrality of wisdom or neutral principle) within Ahum Naad itself …
- This was the reason for wise Vedic sages to state that Ahumkara is also of three types, namely Satvik Ahamkara (i.e. Neutral-I’ness), Rajsic Ahamkara (i.e. actional-I’ness) and Tamasic Ahamkara (i.e. Inertial-I’ness) … This means that Ahamkara (i.e. the pure I’ness) is of all the three attributes of macrocosmic nature i.e. I’ness is of neutrality, action and inertial aspects … And because these three are also present within each microcosm (including each aspirant) so each microcosm is also based upon these three primary attributes …
- But I also know (i.e. I also believe) that these three are a part and parcel of Bhagwan Shiva (i.e. the supreme father and supreme guru) and Maa Adi-Shakti (i.e. the primordial divinity and primordial mother) because they eventually are the ones who have the capacity to bear these three and yet not end up in chaos …
- And finally … The purple colored light of the same figure is denoting the manifest state of ether and just as it is within the manifest macrocosmic creation and where this purple light itself is due to the union of red and blue colors (I.e. the colors of Rajoguna and Tamoguna respectively) and there these colors are also pervaded by the much subtler macrocosmic attribute of neutrality (or Sattva Guna) …
The term inertia also means inactivity or slumber and it also denotes the restrictive or contractive force which as such leads to stability of all that resides within the allness of the Maker’s Makings …
The blue colored macrocosmic attribute of inertia (or Tamoguna) itself is the base within which the manifest state of the macrocosmic creation resides because if it was any otherwise, then it would have only led to a total chaos within the macrocosmic creation … And Aghora face is the principal state of suchness …
If the macrocosmic creation (or simply, the macrocosm) was not resting within inertia and she instead was resting within action, then everything would have been actional to its core … And this would have led to an endlessly expanding action within and beyond each microcosm, which in turn would have ensured that nothing survives within the macrocosmic creation … To understand this aspect just imagine a heart which has no brakes on it or imagine a sun which has no limitation of speed of travel or imagine a galaxy which moves without any bounds or limitations of the space of a universe (The universe is not infinite and its ranges shall eventually be measured by modern science … In a later topic I shall be discussing the colors and other characteristics of the outer-peripheries of a universe and that too with paintings of these states which as such were seen during subtler conscious-travels to that which is beyond a universe) …
Thus to ensure a stable existence of each part of allness everything was placed within the macrocosmic attribute of Inertia (i.e. Tamoguna) and this also was such that action being subtler than Inertia, could pass through the primary envelope which was provided by inertia and within which the manifested state of allness was resting …
This stage of action passing through inertia is to ensure that action is damped to a safe limit prior it (i.e. action) arrives at any of the manifested microcosms, which in turn ensures stability even whilst the microcosms stay actional within their ways of life … If action in its unhampered state arrives at any microcosm, then chaos shall be the only end result within the macrocosmic creation …
Thus to ensure this stability, every manifest microcosm is placed within the primary envelope of inertia (i.e. Tamoguna) and action (i.e. Rajoguna) being subtler than inertia, has to pervade (permeate) inertia prior it can even arrive at any microcosm … This state of action pervading inertia prior it arrives at any microcosm in turn dampens the action which further ensures maintenance of stability within the actional state of the macrocosmic creation and her each microcosm … Unless there is a stable base for allness and her each part, everything would only be totally chaotic and this stable base itself is provided by the macrocosmic attribute of inertia (Tamoguna) whose primary state is of Aghora (Ahum Naad) itself …
It is due to this need of maintenance of stability within the macrocosmic creation that every galaxy is also enveloped by the same blue light of macrocosmic inertia (i.e. Tamoguna, which itself is of Ahum Naad) and so is every other microcosm … Inanimate microcosms would show this blue light of a darker color and animate would show it in a lighter shade of blue color … Higher is the activity-knowledge-consciousness principle within a microcosm, lighter is the shade of blue color around that microcosm and thus inertial masses (Inert matters) which are floating around and within each plane of existence (like our Milky Way galaxy) always have a deep blue light around them …
As also higher is the prevalence of knowledge-conscious principles within an animate microcosm, higher shall be the quantum of “neutrality or equanimity towards allness and her each part” within that microcosm and thus more of white color (i.e. Sattva Guna or attribute of neutrality) shall be seen in the aura of that microcosm due to which lighter shall be the color of blue in that microcosms auric fields … This is also as per experience only …
And even when this is true, macrocosmic attribute of action (Rajoguna) being subtler than macrocosmic attribute of inertia (Tamoguna) can pass through the macrocosmic attribute of inertia (Tamoguna) and thus arrive at the manifested microcosm’s which reside within that galaxy … But because of passing through inertial envelopes within which each of the manifest microcosm is placed, the action also gets damped to a quantum where it wouldn’t harm the microcosms which are acted upon by it …
Relationship of Guna to each other
When two actional particles collide (i.e. when two flows of macrocosmic attribute of action or Rajoguna collide) with each other, then their collision leads to generation of macrocosmic attribute of inertia (or Tamoguna) …
And when action and inertia collide, then because these two are equal opposites, so at their real-middle (or real-meeting points) it also leads to the generation of the macrocosmic attribute of neutrality (i.e. Sattva Guna) … And in the real-middle (i.e. actual middle) of this macrocosmic attribute of neutrality, is found the non-lighted state of emptiness (or in other words, the condition of voidness or Shunyata) …
Thus basis above paragraph, higher is the density per unit volume of action, greater is the unit volume of inertia generated by those actional flows … This is how the action and inertia have been self-balancing each other since the timeless unfathomable eternity of the Maker’s Makings … And due to this reason, Maker has never needed to interfere with IT’s own macrocosmic creation and thus within the Vedic Lore’s, the Maker (Brahman) is told to be a perfectly-detached, silent-witness of IT’s own Makings (because there is no need for him to interfere due to the self-sustaining nature of his Makings) …
The inertial state (or Tamoguna) of Ahum Naad is what eventually ensures above aspects of stability and this itself is ensured by maintaining an eternal balance between the two primary macrocosmic attributes of action and inertia … And yet macrocosmic attribute of action (Rajoguna) and macrocosmic attribute of neutrality (i.e. Sattva Guna) being subtler than the macrocosmic attribute of inertia (or Sound of Ahum) can pass through it (or in other words, pervade it) … It was due to this reason that in the earlier painting, action (of red color) and neutrality (or white color) are shown to be emanating out of the blue colored inertial state of Ahum Naad because this is exactly how it was observed by this little student who writes this text …
And because inertia is the cause of stability and thus it leads to peace, so the Vedic sages had utilized the term Aghora for it because of the fact that “Aghora means peaceful (or non-wrathful)” … And it is also due to the same reason that the Buddhist lore also terms the same Ahum Naad as the primordial and peaceful Buddha Samantabhadra (he is considered to be the primordial Buddha amongst the peaceful Buddha’s) …
The same is also the reason for many Vedic deities to have a blue color as this color which relates to Aghora (Ahum Naad) only denotes their capacity to cause a stable state of existence of their adherents and also maintain a stability of all that is ever begun as a microcosm within the genius of Maker’s Makings …
And the same is applicable to any deity because as long as these deities act within any part of the Maker’s Makings, they also need to rest within the same inertial envelope of Ahum Naad only … It is due to this reason, Guru Padmasambhava (of India) and who is also addressed as Guru Rinpoche (in Indian and Tibetan Himalayas) had said that Samantabhadra (i.e. Ahum Naad) is the primordial peaceful Buddha, which itself was due to the fact that Ahum Naad (or Buddha Samantabhadra) denotes the same macrocosmic attribute of Inertia (Tamoguna) as was stated within the knowledge systems of the much-much earlier Vedic and Yogic Lore’s …
Everything that is manifested as a microcosm and everything which relates to the manifested microcosms is resting within the same envelope of Ahum Naad which as such denotes the primordial state of the macrocosmic attribute of Inertia (or Tamoguna) …
And even when above fact of being inertial is true, yet Ahum Naad is the complete one because through that Tamoguna (i.e. blue colored Ahum Naad) the Rajoguna (red colored macrocosmic attribute of action) and Sattva Guna (white colored macrocosmic attribute of neutrality) are also emanated out, but after these have been damped to a state where they won’t cause any chaos … Thus since Ahum Naad (i.e. Aghora) holds all of these three primary macrocosmic attributes within itself, so it is also the complete one as far as these three attributes are concerned …
And since the paths of the complete one cannot ever be based upon incompleteness of knowledge-conscious-activity principles, so is the importance of Ahum Naad of our discussion …
Rest of the discussions on these three macrocosmic attributes shall be done in later topics which relates to these three “macrocosmic attributes (i.e. Triguna)” … And in those later topics we shall also be discussing the roles of these three attributes during the phases of origination and dissolution of any of the planes and universes …