This topic is to denote the stage of union of Shakti and Shiva or in other words, a union of divinity to divine, and that too where this union happens inside the thousand petalled seventh plexus or crown plexus (or Brahmarandra chakra or Sahasrara) … Thus this topic shall discuss Shakti Shiva Yoga in Brahmarandra or in other words, Shakti Shiva Yoga in Sahasrara … Brahmarandra or Sahasrara is the seventh chakra of Yoga and is also the seventh sky (or seventh heaven) of various lore’s … And from an inward point of view (or inward path), this seventh sky is the same as seventh chakra (or Brahmarandra or Sahasrara) which is also present inside each aspirants microcosm (physical and subtle vehicles) … Since this is the highest attainment ever possible to be accomplished and since this itself is achieved by the Path of Aghora, so it is due to this reason, I have stated that Aghora face itself is Higher of Yoga Tantras …
Higher of Yoga Tantras … Shakti Shiva Yoga in Sahasrara
WW) … Aghora by itself is the higher of all Yoga Tantra in addition to being a path to itself …
Above figure is describing the light which self-illumines itself at the top of the brain, but towards and inside the skull bones …
Very subtle changes take place in the physical and subtler vehicles (which rest within the physical vehicle itself) of an aspirant after the states which have been discussed earlier have been transited through and then a further union of Bhadra (i.e. Bhagwan Shiva) to its own divinity i.e. Bhadri or Maa Shakti) both of who have the same sound of Ahum (i.e. Ahum Naad) takes place inside the physical body itself … This union shall be discussed in a later topic of “Raam Naad (or sound of Raam)” …
This light illumines is in an area which is in-between the Brahmarandra (Crevice of Param-Pitamah Brahma Ji) and Shivarandra (Crevice of Param-Gurudeva Bhagwan Shiva) both of which are located at the top of brain and inside the skull bones …
Meaning of Shakti Shiva Yoga in Brahmarandra
This union of lights as in above fire are denoting the following …
01 … The completion stage of the higher of all Yoga Tantra (i.e. processes of union) … The higher of all Yoga Tantras is of a union of “the Being there only is and IT’s own pristine-Beingness” and that too inside the aspirants physical body itself …
Thus this light which self-illumines inside the skull bones only denotes the union of the Ever-Auspicious-All (i.e. my Paramguru Bhagwan Shiva) to its own Ever-Pristine-Allness (i.e. Maa Adi Parashakti) …
This light which manifests at the top of brain also denotes the completion stage of Shakti Shiva Yoga (Yoga means, Union) which by itself is the higher of all Yoga Tantra of all sects of parts of the “eternal way of life (or Sanatan Dharma, or simply, Dharma) …
02 … This self-illumined light also denotes the union of Aghora face of Shiva to the Sadyojata face of Sadashiva and that too within the brain itself … Sadyojata face of Sadashiva shall be discussed at a later stage of this text …
03 … And this union which itself happens within the envelopes of the Aghora face of Sadashiva is also denoting the union of “Empty-Full and Full-Empty” state of Shunya Brahman (i.e. Zero Infinite, Infinite Zero) which itself is the original self-expression of the attributeless-infinite Absolute-being and within whom allness itself had self-originated, is self-sustained and eventually self-merges back to the same state as is of “Empty-Full and Full-Empty” within whose light envelopes this light is found to be resting at the top of brain itself …
04 … This light also denotes the successful completion of Prakriti Purusha Yoga, Which as such is denoting a final union of Maa Prakriti (Pradhana or Mother nature of divinity) to Purusha (or the divine) of Samkhya philosophy of Brahmaputra Kapila Muni …
05-A …Thus this light is also the stage from where an aspirant enters into final meditative absorption (or meditative trance) which as such was told as “Nirbija Samadhi (Seedless Trance) within the Yogic Lore’s …
Nirbija Samadhi is the rarest of rare and the higher amongst of all Samadhi’s because there is no Samadhi beyond the Nirbija (i.e. seedless trance or absorption into the seedless-ness of allness) … When an aspirant is already seedless, then no further type of Samadhi is ever possible …
Nirbija Awastha (i.e. seedless state) is that state of evolution where the entire subtle macrocosmic creation which was within the aspirant, is already unseeded … This unseeding is when the entirety of subtle-impressional macrocosmic states which were resting within the physical vehicle of the aspirant, are returned back to their respective macrocosmic principal states and thus such an aspirant walks alone and in absolute-freedom from the allness of Maker’s Makings itself …
Continuing with above paragraph … Thus this seedless trance (i.e. Nirbija Samadhi) also leads to a state where the entirety of the four merits (Karma and Karma Phala) which were earned by an aspirant during the timeless-time spans as were of its entire course of its existence, are fully extinguished … Due to this reason all merits that were earned by an aspirant right from the timeless-time when that aspirant had original begun as a microcosm within the Maker’s Makings, are fully extinguished …
05-B … By merits I mean the following …
- Kriyamaan Karman … Currently underway deeds and their merits (fruits) …
- Agami Karman … Future deeds and their merits (fruits) …
- Sanchit Karman … Accumulated deeds and their merits (fruits) …
- Prarabdha Karman … Destined deeds and their merits (fruits) of an incarnation …
- And merits also includes the impressions (i.e. Samskaras) which are generated through the aspirants desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds … After these impressions are generated, these impressions begin resting within the consciousness orb (i.e. Chitta) of the causal body (i.e. Karan Sharira or Antahkarana Chatushtaya) of that aspirant …
- And these impressions (Samskaras) are of two types … Visible or seeable (i.e. Drishya Samskaras) and invisible or hidden (i.e. Adrishya Samskaras) … When both these types of impressions are fully extinguished through very-special systems and their highly esoteric practices, then the consciousness orb of that aspirant becomes impressionless and thus the aspirant walks free of allness and her each part, whilst walking as the supreme-hermit (Parambrahma) in a human form itself … Due to the severities of effects of the current degenerate age cycle and the degenerate and thus cyclically chaotic systems which came by during the last few millenniums, these very-special systems and their highly esoteric practices are already lost by this world …
- These very-special systems and their highly esoteric practices are of 27 main types and each type has four main parts, so this makes them to be of 108 types … These four main parts are those which relate to the following ways and practices i.e. Inward, Inward-Outward, Outward-Inward and Outward practices … But because other than the “Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra (i.e. systems and practices within the sky of ether of heart)” nothing else can even be distributed within a divine degenerate age cycle, so during my current transmigrated incarnation I shall only be distributing this system within this world and that too in a state which is just as it was told to me by my Eternal-Guide Sri Bhagwan Vishnu (i.e. Sanatan Gurudeva Sriman Naaraayana) who resides within my cave of heart, just as he is also present within the same cave of heart of each aspirant … In the Bible, this same cave of heart where Sriman Naaraayana resides within you, is also stated as the “kingdom of God within you” … Thus don’t blame me for not providing the knowledge of other systems because it cannot even be my fault when you yourself are born in an inappropriate divine age cycle (which in Sanskrit texts are also called as Deva Yuga and this itself is in addition to the same divine ages and their eternal cycles being termed as a Mahayuga and these are also called as a Chatur Yuga) …
- As such after all above these merits are extinguished, then even their impressions get extinguished …
- And after these impressions get fully extinguished, the consciousness orb of the causal body (or in other words, Antahkarana Chatushtaya or Anandmaye Kosha) arrives at its impressionless state (or in other words, Samskara Rahit Awastha) which as such denotes a full freedom from allness and her each part … This fullness of freedom is because of the fact that when the seeded-impressions which relate to allness are fully extinguished and thus are completely unseeded, then how can that aspirant even be related to allness … Thus at this stage, if someone were to ask the macrocosmic creation about the whereabouts of that aspirant, then the reply would invariably be as follows …
“He was … But now he is not”
Note: Please substitute He by She (if needed as per requirements of gender) …
- Above reply is due to an absolute-freedom of that impressionless-aspirant from the allness of Maker’s Makings …
- Such a one is resting in freedom from all principles and their process (i.e. Siddhant Aur Tantra), process and their processes (i.e. Tantra Aur Up-Tantra), processes and their centers (Up-Tantra Aur Dharma) and centers and their laws (Dharma and Nyaya Tantra) …
- And once the consciousness orb becomes impressionless (i.e. Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta), then the soil of consciousness re-arrives at its original state as was prior the aspirant had even commenced as a microcosm within the Maker’s Makings …
- And once this happens, then no further impressions can ever be held by that aspirants consciousness during the pending eternity of Maker’s Makings and beyond …
- As also a fact that if even once the consciousness orb of the causal body becomes impressionless, then no further impressions can be held by that aspirants consciousness, ever again and during the entirety of the pending eternity of the Maker’s Makings … This is because the soil of consciousness returns back to its originality and thus in such a case such an aspirant is also deemed to be the one who has already completed the full circle of evolution …
- And because of the unidirectional and thus ever-upwardly effects of the “macrocosmic principle of eternal evolution” there cannot ever be a regression of one’s evolutionary standing and thus, so once the consciousness orb is already fully impressionless, then no further Impressions can be held by that aspirant, ever again and during the entirety of the pending fathomless-eternity as is of the Maker’s Makings (from the time when this impressionless state gets arrived) …
- Such an aspirant is thus resting within an eternal freedom from allness and her each part and is the one who is like the Attributeless-infinite Absolute Being resting within a human form itself …
- Thus is the condition of an aspirant who has already passed through the stage of “Nirbija Samadhi (seedless trance)” successfully and completely …
- And the path of this “Nirbija Samadhi (seedless trance)” only passes through the above shown painting which denotes the union of Shakti to Shiva and that too in the 7th plexus (i.e. the thousand petalled lotus which is present at the top of brain and which has been termed as the Brahmarandra chakra and also as Sahasrara and Shunya Chakra) …
Rarity of Yogi’s who accomplish Shakti Shiva Yoga in Sahasrara
05-C … During the entirety of history of the macrocosmic creation following is an absolute fact …
- Of all the microcosms that were begun within the Maker’s Makings, not even a handful of those microcosms become Yogi’s in the real sense of this word …
- Of all the Yogi’s that have ever been, not even a handful of those Yogi’s have directly experienced the Samadhi’s (meditative absorptions) of more than three types (any three types of Samadhi) …
- Of all those Yogi’s who have experienced meditative absorptions (Samadhi) of more than three types, not a handful of those Yogi’s have ever experienced the Nirbija Samadhi (i.e. seedless trance or absorption into that who is the seedless one) …
- And amongst all those Yogi’s who had experienced Nirbija Samadhi, not even a handful of them have lived longer than 3-4 weeks after this stage of seedless trance (Nirbija Samadhi) was crossed over by them … It is also due to this reason that many knower’s of Yoga, Agama and Vedic Lore’s warn the aspirants from entering into this state of absolute seedless-ness i.e. Nirbija Samadhi (due to the hazard of death which is always present within this stage of Yoga which relates to Nirbija Samadhi) …
- And of those Yogi’s who underwent through the seedless absorption (i.e. Nirbija Samadhi) and continued to live for longer than 3-4 weeks, not even a handful of them lived long enough to settle down after this seedless trance and thus such ones have never been able to tell their story and due to this reason, this is a meditative absorption that ever adepts fail to enter into … And this is also the reason for fear which is associated to this seedless trance in many Yoga systems (or Yoga Tantra) …
05-D … Continuing with above point …
This is because of the fact that after this seedless trance, the pending lifetime of that Yogi usually becomes a living hell if that Yogi is not resting within a perfection of detachment to the entirety of Maker’s Makings and that too whilst still alive (Incarnated) …
Continuing with above paragraph … Unless that Yogi can be like a fully detached witness to its own physical and subtle vehicles and also to allness and her each part, that Yogi cannot ever continue his/her incarnation beyond 3-4 weeks after the seedless trance is crossed over … And it is due to this reason, this has been the least discussed trance especially when it comes to its intermediary stages …
Continuing with above paragraph … Plus since the Nirbija Samadhi itself is of my Paramguru Paramdeva and Ishta Deva Bhagwan Shiva and my Param-Gurudevi Maa Adi Parashakti, so this trance is also the most secret one when it comes to declaration of greater depths and intermediary stages of it …
Continuing with above paragraph … As also during history, very less description was ever given openly of this trance of Nirbija Samadhi by any Yogi’s because of the fact that this is a very highly esoteric and hidden Yoga Tantra …
Continuing with above paragraph … And this Nirbija Samadhi also directly-relates to the “finally liberating Mantra of my Paramguru Bhagwan Shiva (i.e. Shiva Taraka Mantra)” which was stated as “Raam Naad (sound of Raam)” in Vedic Purana’s by those who had esoterically told about it … Without passing through this sound of Raam (i.e. Raam Naad), there cannot ever be Nirbija Samadhi …
05-E … Continuing with above discussions …
And because after this stage, life is already a living hell, so to be detached from your own physical and subtle vehicles even whilst still incarnated and also whilst passing through that living hell, is also a very rare achievement …
Thus, after a seedless trance is crossed over, only those Yogi’s are able to continue their incarnations who become so detached to their own physical and subtler vehicles that they only remain as a witness to them (i.e. witness of their own physical and subtle vehicles) …
Rest of the Yogi’s who had entered this seedless-trance have always left their incarnated frames within a few days and a maximum of 3-4 weeks …
Continuing with above point … And of those who did live long enough, not even an iota of them have ever told what this “meditative absorption upon the eternally seedless one (i.e. Nirbija Samadhi leads to a direct self realization of the Supreme being)” really is like because they knew that this knowledge or its path cannot be openly distributed, as it would empty out that world of all its human inhabitants …
05-F … Thus basis what was discussed here, following is also a fact …
Of those many-many-many Yogi’s, just that one, who is a very-rare one, attains this state …
And of all those very rare ones, just one odd and freak Yogi has ever described this state and that too where that description was only to that extent, where it would not lead to the following …
- Make the unauthorized and unqualified aspirants to try their stunts with path and knowledge of the Nirbija Samadhi …
- Prevent those aspirants who have not yet arrived at their evolutionary ripeness and rightness to enter this trance …
- And also not to describe it in such details that the world itself gets emptied out of all its human inhabitants …
- And at the same time, describe it in such a way that those aspirants who are evolutionarily ready, are not prevented in entering into this seedless trance because such ones shall read that knowledge, analyze it, meditate upon it and thence directly enter into Nirbija Samadhi during their current lifetimes or at the instant of de-incarnation itself …
Thus due to all above reasons, this most-hidden and secretive knowledge which was originally rendered by Maharishi Kapil, through his Samkhya philosophy itself … And that too by the blessing of Param-Gurudeva Bhagwan Maheshwara (i.e. Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva) and his own divinity that is reverently addressed since those timeless times as Param-Gurudevi Maa Maheshwari (i.e. Maa Bhagwati or Adi Parashakti) as they are the ones who render a blessing of this, but only unto a deserving aspirant …
Shakti Shiva Yoga in Brahmarandra chakra and its relation to various systems …
06 … This is also termed by Guru Rinpoche (i.e. Gurudeva Padmasambhava) to be a union of Samantabhadri to Samantabhadra within Tibetan and other Buddhist Tantric sects of Indian Himalayas … He had also told this to be the higher of all Yoga’s …
07 … This is also the stage that leads to realization of Yin Yang union (Chinese and other SE Asian systems), which also are a related to #5 (above) …
08 … And philosophy of Ardhanarishwara (unioned state of Shakti and Shiva or the union of divinity to the divine) who as such is the eternally smiling one residing in the third eye plexus and is denoting the attributed-form state (Sagun Sakaar Awastha) of the essence within the aspirant, is also related to the same discussion …
Thus, Ardhanarishwara is denoting the finality of this union which happens within the third eye chakra of the aspirant … This union shall be discussed at a later state of this text … This union of Shiva and Shakti (i.e. divinity and divine) which happens within the third eye plexus (Ajna Chakra) relates to the concept of eternal life which is being discussed here … And this human form Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara itself is the attributed-form union (i.e. Sagun Sakaar Yoga Awastha or union of aspects which are based upon attributes and also upon form) of the attributeless infinite Absolute being (or in other words, Paramshiva or Paramatman or or Paramatman or Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm or Parabrahman) to its own pristine divinity( who is also addressed as Maa Adi-Parashakti or Paramdevi or Maa Brahmini … As against my earlier incarnations, the lattermost term is no longer used as its knowledge already lost by this world) …
The aspirant whose consciousness enters into a union with Ardhanarishwara, who itself denotes the attributed-form state (Sagun Sakaar Awastha) of the aspirants essence (I.e. Atman) is the one who enters into the state of being eternally alive and yet absent from all modes, conditions and states of existences …
Thus such a one is “already fully gone, yet never really gone and yet the eternally ungone one” and simultaneously such a one is also the one who is “already fully ungone, yet never really ungone as such a one is none other than being the eternally gone one” …
Thus as far as the existence of such an aspirant is concerned, “he exists, yet does not exist and yet is the eternally existent one” …
Eternal life as is told here, is irrespective of whether that lifetime is at this world or beyond or beyond the beyond … Or even that which is beyond all that is known, imagined or visualized as beyond …
Such ones are neither born anywhere again nor can they even die and yet they eternally exist …
Now proceeding further …
09 … This point is to clear the doubts about life and death because this also is a knowledge which is arrived after the self-realization of the Aghora face of Sadashiva …
Basically there is no death, everything is always alive in one or another mode, condition and state of existence …
Birth here was because of the fact that there was a death elsewhere (or even here) and the death that would be here, is also going to lead to a rebirth here or even elsewhere (i.e. within some subtle plane or world or heaven etc.) …
There is no microcosm ever made within the Maker’s Makings, who was not eternal in the real sense of its existence …
And because the existence of each microcosm is eventually based within eternity itself, so there really is nothing which could be termed as non eternal within its existence …
What we see as dead is actually living in some (or some other) state, mode and condition of existence because the eternal Maker could never have made any non-eternal microcosm or macrocosm …
Thus eternity of allness and her each part itself is due to the fact that the eternal Maker had made it … And since the eternal (Maker) could never had made anything that was non-eternal in the real sense of the term “existence”, so the entirety of Maker’s Makings and her each part are none other than eternal entities only …
Thus basis above, when the primary dimension of time of existence of each microcosm, itself is of eternity, then the other dimensions i.e. space, direction and state, are also rested within the same eternity itself …
Thus basis above discussions of this point …
In the reality of things and just as they stand, following is the fact regarding state of each microcosm which has ever begun within the supreme genius as is of the Maker’s Makings …
- Within the dimension of time, existence of each microcosm is eternal …
- Within the dimension of direction, the mode of existence of each microcosm is omni-directional … And thus when we consider the entirety of existence of any microcosm and thus consider its existence is within each state of the Maker’s Makings, that evolutionary existence always passed through all the paths (directions) that ever are or could ever be … Unless all the paths are already transited through, the final liberation cannot ever be arrived at … It is due to this reason, unless a path is based upon pluralistic monism as is of the allness of Maker’s Makings, that path can never lead to omni-directionality and all paths which are not based upon and within omni-directionality, cannot ever be fully liberating ones … That path which has eternally been based upon omni-directionality, is only of the Sanatan Dharma (i.e. union of Sanatan Agama Arya Dharma and Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma) …
- Within the dimension of space, the condition of existence of each microcosm is only within the envelopment and pervadement of that who is the infinite …
- Within the dimension of state, the state of existence of each microcosm is of “oneness to allness and its each part” and due to this reason, when we consider the totality of evolutionary-existence of any microcosm, then it is also found that each microcosm has ever had to pass through all states of existences, all paths of evolution, all times and all parts of space … As such, after this realization it is also pretty clear that the evolutionary-existence of any microcosm is only based upon and rested within a perfection of omnipresence …
Unless all above are met, that aspirant shall continue within one or another mode of existence that are stated below …
- Cyclic existence … This is the state of existence which is based upon the following …
Incarnation, then a roll over and that too in a continuous way … Just as it is seen within this world system …
This as such is within a state of “no choice of choices” because after a de-incarnation, when the accumulated merit as was earned earlier, begins diminishing to a value which is below the critical that is required to continue within the beyond planes and thus when this happens, then that entity has ever had to enter a lower (or grosser) plane …
This entry is irrespective of whether this return back is as a physically incarnated microcosm (like flora or fauna) or as a subtle incarnation (as God or Satan of those transitory times) …
- Acyclic existence … This mode of existence is within the original macrocosm or the unbegun macrocosm from which the begun state of the macrocosmic creation originates in addition to unbegun being the macrocosm within which the other three macrocosmic states are resting …
Here the existence is of a state of “Free choice of choices” i.e. you can choose to enter a lower (grosser) world or you can even chose not to enter that lower (or grosser) world system … Or you can choose to enter a lower (or grosser) world but yet choose to continue within a subtle form or formless state (i.e. be a form or formless God of that time) …
- Actional … This is based upon and within action … Since all states of existence hold a certain quantum and certain type of action, so this existence cannot ever be escaped from until the voidness of existence (as is discussed below) is entered into …
- Inertial … This relates to the existence of inertial masses (i.e. Inert matter) which reside within the vast envelopes of the unbegun macrocosm (i.e. acyclic existence) … And since the base of acyclic and cyclic existence it inertia, so this existence also cannot be escaped from until the voidness of existence (as is discussed below) is entered into …
- Neutral existence … This is the state through which the acyclic existence is arrived at after the cyclic existence is let go of by any aspirant … This state of neutral to both the cyclic and the acyclic mode of existence and thus this mode of existence is having both the cyclic and acyclic existences inherent within it and that too at the same time …
- Voidness of existence (Emptiness) … In Yoga Tantra and Vedas, this is also addressed as Shunya Tattva (which means as elemental voidness) in addition to being called as Sarva Shunya (voidness of allness or simply as macrocosmic voidness) and also as Shunyata … This is the state of existence where existence is of an emanatory state … This is the state where an entity emanates out of voidness, shows that way (to the aspirant) or does some specific jobs and thence it de-emanates back into that same emptiness … This is very high state of existence as it denotes the existence within the primordial nature (which in Sanskrit texts is also addressed as Pradhana and which literally means as “Adi Prakriti” and which is also simply addressed as Prakriti) itself …
- Existence within Shunya Brahman … This is the existence within the original state of Maker’s Makings and which itself is the “Zero Infinite, Infinite Zero” nature of existence as was of the original self-expression of Brahman (i.e. the attributeless-infinite being or in other words, Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) which was discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT self-expressed itself” … This is the defined existence as it very-much-is a definable state … And yet this is the Undefined existence because the undefined nature of existence by itself is its own realty …
This is Sriman Naaraayana and this is also Sadashiva and this is also the original attributed-formless (or in other words, Sagun Nirakaar) yet infinite state of the original self-expression as was of the Attributeless infinite Absolute being … Ultimately it is only within this state that allness rests and thus unless this mode of existence is arrived at, no aspirant can ever enter into the mode of existence which is discussed in the next bullet point …
- Undefined truth of the finality of existence … This is when stationed within the attributeless infinite being … This is the undefined finality of eternal existence …
10 … A direct experience of what is stated within this and previous topics proves a fact to me, that as far as the innermost-nature of allness is concerned, it is one and the same Ever-Auspicious-All (i.e. Guru Shiva) who by itself is its own ever-pristine-allness (i.e. Adi Parashakti) … Hope it does the same to all those who shall read this text …
Beyond all doubts allness is one and this statement is irrespective of the apparently visible divided state of allness … This is because ultimately everything holds the same undefined undivided essence within itself …
Even the knowledge of every system (material, immaterial, beliefs etc.) is one and the same because all that has changed during the last few millenniums are the languages and words which are utilized to address different conditions, states, times, directional approaches, subtler planes of existences (i.e. heavens etc.) and their controlling entities (i.e. God etc.) and all other similar nonsensical aspects …
The essence of all parts of allness (i.e. all microcosms) is the same as what it has ever been during any history of unfathomable and thus eternal existence of the macrocosmic creation and her each greater or lesser microcosm …
Everything holds the ever-same Ever-pristine-Allness (Maa Adi Parashakti) which itself is of the Ever-Auspicious-All (i.e. Paramshiva or Parabrahman) who ultimately is all that ever is to be self-realized …
Since all that ever is, is naught but an intrinsic-partless-part of the absolute-fullness of Shiva (i.e. supremely auspicious), hence below is the last and final fact …
Ekmev Shivam Satyam Shiva is the one and only truth
Ekmev Jnanam Shivam Shiva is the one and only wisdom
Ekmev Shivam Anantam Shiva is the one and only infinite
Ekmev Shivam Sarvam Shiva is the one and only allness
Ekmev Shivam Sundaram Shiva is the only glorious and graceful one
Shubham Shivam Mangalam All-fortunate Shiva is the all-auspicious one
Sanatan Shiva Tattvam Eternity is the essence of Shiva
Tat Mum Guru Shivam That (Absolute, who is discussed here) is my Guru Shiva