This topic is to discuss the presence of systems which relate to Aghora face of Sadashiva or simply Aghora, within various paths of various knowledge systems that came by to this world … Here we discuss relation of Aghora to Plane of mind and also to the imaginary world of mind (or Manoloka) and also discuss the fact that “Shiva is Vishnu and Vishnu is Shiva” and thus there also is an absence of duality in Aghora … Figure of earlier topic of Aghora face of Shiva is also applicable here …
These paths are of various lore’s that have been till now … That which does not relate to Aghora face, is not an authentic path as such a path is mostly imaginary …
This is because the present stage solar revolution (which in modern astronomy is named as a Galactic year) itself is resting at the point which is “about” 180 degrees arc from the start point of its revolution around the milky way galaxy (Akasha Ganga) and thus as far as its revolution cycle of sun around milky way is concerned, the present position of sun is also close to the south node of the milky way galaxy (direction south is in relation to the start point of this revolution of sun around the milky way galaxy or Akasha Ganga) …
And since the southerly direction is of the Aghora face of Shiva, so Aghora is also the face which as of now is the most applicable one and thus is also the most potent one as far as the evolutionary process of any microcosm (or aspirant) is concerned …
And as of now there is also a very strange thing in many knowledge systems … This is that there are paths which relate to Aghora and yet do not give a direct reference to Aghora … And due to relating to Aghora and yet no giving a direct reference to Aghora, all such paths have eventually degenerated over the time span of their existence within the world … That who does not give a reference to its principle state (which in our case Aghora) always degenerates over time … This is how it has ever been and this is how it shall also be during any future …
Thus until the sun reaches a point which of related to another of the four cardinal faces of Sadashiva, Aghora shall remain as the principal face of Sadashiva of this planetary system and as far as the evolutionary process of any aspirant stands … I shall be discussing this through mathematical calculations in a later topic of Surya Samvatsara (i.e. 60 solar cycles which is a time span equal to a Mahakalpa), which as such are an intrinsic part of Kaalchakra i.e. the eternal and endless cycles of time (or wheel of time) and which has also been called as Maha Kalpa …
Aghora across knowledge systems … Aghora is Plane of mind … Shiva is Vishnu and Vishnu is Shiva
YY) … Here we shall discuss the relationship of Aghora to various other aspects …
01-A … All verses where “I” is referred to in Srimadbhagvad Gita, are only referring to the Ahum Naad as is of our current discussion …
Due to this reason, within the greater reality of Ahum Naad “Shiva is Vishnu and Vishnu is Shiva” … This is why there is a concept of “Hari Hara” which also denotes the union of preservation and rejuvenation principles respectively …
Thus when one of these is known, then the other is also automatically known to that aspirant … And those aspirants who have claimed to have known only one of these two, have actually known neither of these two in their totality …
01-B … The term “Ahum ” which is referred to in Devi-Bhagwat is also related to the same discussion … Thus sages have told that Shakti (Devi) is Shiva and Shiva is Shakti (Devi) because these two are like the sun and its light which cannot be distinguished (or separately known) from each other …
Thus when one is known, then the other is automatically known to that aspirant and due to this reason, those who claim to have known Shiva (Divine being) but have not known Shakti (Devi or Divinity) have actually known neither of them … And vice-versa of this statement is also true …
01-C … As also basis above discussions, those who claim to have known Vishnu and do not know Shiva and Shakti are only those who have known neither of them … And all permutations and combinations of this statement are also true …
Above is because of the fact that these three are like the sun, its light and its preservational life force all of which cannot be separated from one another because these three are one and the same in their finality (or reality) …
Continuing with above paragraph … Those who know thus are the knower’s of what is stated here and rest all would only state this as invalid and imaginary …
As also those who know what is stated here only walk the path which was described in an earlier discussion and was told as follows …
“Inward a Shakta, Outward a Shaiva and In the world a Vaishnava”
01-D … Wherever “I” is stated in any ancient Sanskrit esoteric wisdom’s, the same “Sound of Ahum” is always referred to in all such statements …
02 … Basis personal experiences of roaming “almost” all there is as allness of Maker’s Makings, am pretty sure that this state holds the stronger of macrocosmic vibrations and yet is a peaceful state i.e. this is the state which leads to the stability of inner-calm (within the aspirant) which itself becomes the further reason for a manifestation of an outer-peace (within the world) …
When humanity shall relating directly to Aghora, then this world shall also be more based upon inward-paths which itself are leading to their own innermost essence (i.e. Atman) and which by itself is the essence of allness (Brahman) … This is the only eternal road of entering into an inner-calm (within the inhabitants of a world) and outer peace (within the world) …
When the astral vehicle reaches the state of our discussion then initially it just feels so stuck up and the feeling is of unable to move beyond this state of Ahum Naad … This feeling lasts for quite a bit of time …
Thus as per personal experiences of roaming “almost” all the states of the macrocosmic creation, it is pretty clear that none of the other macrocosmic states hold such a strength or power of attraction as is of the Ahum Naad which is being discussed here …
Additionally, even when this state holds the strongest macrocosmic vibration, all action is external to this state because it essentially is free of suchness, even though such aspects are found to be resting within it …
03 … This Ahumkara is of a very vast dimensional expanse and it runs through all the macrocosmic states … This is because it is permeating (pervading) all there is as the begun part (manifest part) of the macrocosmic creation …
Everything that is manifested originates from and rests within the inertial envelopes of Ahum Naad only … Thus until Ahum Naad is arrived and thence evolved over, no aspirant can ever escape out of its current state of being a begun microcosm … Thus is the importance of this state of our discussion …
04 … The same Ahum Naad (i.e. Sound of Ahum) which is being discussed here is loosely termed as the ‘plane of mind’ within recent knowledge systems … But this reference is only a partially correct one …
This state is also one of the four continuous planes of the macrocosmic creation (the other three being the plane of ether, plane of knowledge and plane of consciousness) …
Astral body relates to Aghora … Aghora is free of Manoloka …
05-A … Because Ahum Naad (sound of Ahum) permeates (i.e. pervades) and envelopes all there is as manifest creation (Apra Prakriti) and because the aspirants mind sheath (i.e. Manomaye Kosha) is an intrinsic microcosmic part of it, thus the mind sheath (Manomaye Kosha) happens to be the best medium which is available within each aspirant for a self-realization of allness and also realize the essential truth of “oneness of allness and her each part” …
The Manomaye Kosha (or mind sheath) is the primary sheath of the astral vehicle (Sookshma Sharira which was shown as a blue colored body in the first figure of this topic) … But we have already discussed the 19 parts of the Sookshma Sharira in an earlier topic, so here we won’t be getting into the same discussions again …
And even though the astral holds these 19 components, yet it has a deep blue color (as is shown in the earlier figure) because the mind sheath (which also has a deep blue color) is the primary constituent of the astral body (Sookshma Sharira) …
05-B … When the aspirants astral vehicle (Sookshma Sharira) reaches the stage which was shown in the earlier figure of Ahum Naad, then the individuality of time no longer remains applicable for that aspirant … Due to this reason, when the astral is resting at the state which was shown in the earlier painting, “one moment of eternity” is all that remains applicable to that aspirant …
Thus as per above paragraph … As far as the aspirants astral vehicle is concerned, when it is resting in the state that was shown in the first figure of this topic “eternity itself is found to be resting within a state of singularity of time” … This means that eternity itself is found to be resting within a single undivided and thus partless-pathless eternal-moment because that partless-pathless eternal-moment is all that remains at the state which was depicted in that earlier figure …
Thus the Ahum Naad (as was shown in the first figure of this topic) also denotes the intrinsic non-duality of the finality of dimension of time or in other words, this state denotes the essential non-dual nature of eternity …
Above is only possible because of the fact that mind simultaneously rests within all three times i.e. the mind simultaneously resides within the entirety of timeless past, the ever changeful present and also within the entirety of unfathomable future …
This aspect of mind simultaneously resting within the three times is one of the basic characteristics of mind and it also becomes a reason for one of the basic afflictions of mind i.e. eternally wandering nature of mind …
Mind by itself is the eternal wanderer who rest within each aspirant and this wandering of mind is only to find its own eternal nature which as such was depicted by the earlier painting of Ahum Naad …
Thus when the mind begins associating to the individual moments which make the individuality of the three-times, then the same characteristic becomes an one of the afflictions (Vritti) of the mind sheath (Manomaye Kosha) … Due to aspect of mind residing within this individual-dualities of individual moments, within the ancient Vedic and Yogic Lore’s, this characteristic was also termed as an affliction (Vritti) of the mind sheath and this affliction continues to remain applicable to the mind sheath (i.e. Manomaye Kosha) until the mind evolves past the individualities of time (i.e. three separate time) and thence begins resting within the partless time, which as such is partless, undefined and unfathomable eternity itself … We shall be discussing these afflictions in a later topic …
05-C … As such when the astral vehicle is already resting at the shown state of this topic, then because there only remains a state of non-duality of time (i.e. the dimension of time is resting within an eternally-undivided time span of eternity) which itself is of the Absolute being, so this figure is also describing the path of evolution which takes an aspirant out of individual-dualities of time and thus makes that aspirants mind sheath to rest within the eternally-undivided time-span of eternity of time …
Since Ahum Naad (i.e. Aghora of face of Shiva) is also the parental state of the astral vehicle (Sookshma Sharira) whose primary component is none other than the mind sheath, so when the astral vehicle (Sookshma Sharira) rests at the state which was described in the earlier figure of this topic (i.e. Ahum Naad) then the mind sheath (Manomaye Kosha) of that aspirant also reaches its own inherent primary nature, which as such is of unity to the undivided partless state of the three times … This in turn leads to a state where the mind sheath only rests within its unity to the undivided and thus partless nature of time, which as such is the eternity itself and which itself is of the Absolute being (Paramshiva or Parabrahman or Brahman) …
Those who had known the fact as is stated in above paragraph had also stated this same fact through a Vedic Mahavakya of Shivohum (which means I Am Shiva) which as such means a self-realization of the eternally auspicious one (i.e. Shiva) and which itself is only possible through a self-realization of the aspirants eternal union to Shiva (i.e. the eternally auspicious one) …
05-D … Because time itself is the primordial dimension of the macrocosmic creation, so when above actually happens then the finality of the primordial macrocosmic dimension of time i.e. partless and thus non-dual state of eternity, is all that remains for that aspirant …
Due to this reason, the mind sheath (i.e. Manomaye Kosha) of such aspirants also exits out of all the individualities (of unitary values) of time …
05-E … As also due to experiences through subtler travels (i.e. travels of the subtle vehicle) and where these subtler travels were within many of the macrocosmic states, it is pretty clear that whenever any-one of the four dimensions of macrocosmic creation, i.e. Direction (or Disha), Time (i.e. Kaal), Space or infinite expanses of ether (Akasha) and State or condition (or Dasha), have already arrived at its own non-dual-finality, then the other three dimensions are arrive at their finalities and thus at such a stage, the other dimensions are also self-realized to be of the same non-dual Absolute-being only (because finality of any of these dimensions, is of the Supreme being itself) …
Thus basis above, whenever any aspirant self-realizes the finality of any of the dimensions of time or space or direction (i.e. path) or state, then that aspirant also sees (i.e. self-realizes) the finalities other three dimensions …
It is due to this reason, meditation and a further analysis of these four primary dimensions is also a path to the same non-dual Absolute being (Brahman) only …
Deviating a bit to discuss some related aspects … And it is due to the same fact that modern sciences are also a path to the same Absolute being only, but provided the finalities of dimensions are takes as a base of their research instead of the current state where research is limited to one or another, greater or lesser individualistic unitary values of these dimensions …
And since the scope of such a research on the finalities of dimensions is unlimited, so there also are unlimited paths leading to the same non-dual absolute-being and that too, from within more than many of the paths that relate to modern science itself …
Anywhere within the Maker’s Makings (i.e. within the macrocosm and any microcosm or aspirant) whenever any two (or more) individualities meet each other, then their meeting point holds a neutrality and where this neutrality itself is of a quantum that is directly proportional to the opposite natures of the two (or more) meeting individualities …
Higher is the opposite nature of the meeting individualities, higher is the quantum of neutrality which gets manifested at their meeting points …
This neutrality is like a very subtle white colored light … And within the real-middles of this manifested neutrality, is resting the ever-same non-lightness, which itself is of voidness …
Above is how it is self-realized during meditations and this is also how it ever is within any microcosm and any part of the greater macrocosmic creation … And this is exactly how it can also be seen within any scientific research …
Unless the stated aspects of need of meeting of opposites is considered in research and this discussion are taken as a base, no fruitful results can ever be possible as far as origin of the universe or its parts is concerned … And I say this because of the fact that as far as the innermost natures of allness and her any (or each) part are concerned, it always is as per the statement of Yajurveda which was thus told by the ancient Vedic sages as follows …
“As is a microcosm So is the macrocosm, As is the macrocosm So is each microcosm”
So basis above, as it is within meditations on the real, so shall it be within scientific tests and research because of the fact that there cannot ever be two sets of principles, two sets of process and two sets of laws for two specific aspects and that too in a state where both these aspects are residing within the same Maker’s Makings itself …
This fact shall be discussed within the later topic of the “Unity principle (which in other words, can also be called as principle of allness in addition to being called as theory of everything)” and where we shall utilize the macrocosmic primordial dimension of time (Kaal) and its eternal cycles (i.e. Kaalchakra) as a primary base and other three macrocosmic primary dimensions (of space, directions and state), as secondary bases for those later derivations of physical values that apply to this world system (i.e. planetary system) …
Resuming again … This is due to the fact that each of the four primary dimensions stay in a perfect harmony to the other three dimensions and this itself ensures a state of harmony within the macrocosmic creation and her each microcosm … I shall be deriving the equations of relationship of these dimensions and thence relating these derived values to the values of modern science (physics and/or astrophysics and/or other fields) so as to prove this aspect, but in a much later topic …
Had this dimensional harmony not been there within the Maker’s Makings, then the macrocosmic creation (i.e. the entire macrocosm) which in her subtler impressional-energy state is always present within each microcosm (or aspirant) and which itself is the same macrocosmic creation within which that aspirant’s physical and subtler vehicles reside, would have been like a living hell …
And thus if such was really the case, then after the microcosms were originated within the Maker’s Makings, none of them could have ever lived in harmony to one another and a further harmony to the macrocosmic creation …
As also, because the entire macrocosmic creation in her subtle impressional energy state is eternally resting within each of the microcosms (i.e. each aspirant) and simultaneously the microcosms (i.e. each aspirant) are also resting within the manifest state of the macrocosmic creation, so this is what eventually is the reason for a harmony of each microcosm to every other microcosm and a further harmony of each microcosm to the greater manifest (Apra), non-manifest (i.e. Para) and neither manifest nor non-manifest (i.e. Avyakta) states of the macrocosmic creation itself …
Unless a system (i.e. a path, a text, a belief or religion or anything else) rests within what is stated here, that system can never be a reason for long lasting inner-calm (within its adherents) and an outer-peace (within the world) …
As also in absence of what is discussed here, that system or path can neither have any acceptance of “oneness of allness and her each part (I.e. Brahmand Dharana) nor can that system ever accept that “as far as the innermost nature of allness and her each part is concerned, everything, everywhere and everyone is a divine entity” …
Above is what was termed by the Gurudeva of my earlier incarnation (i.e. Gautama Buddha) as “the innermost Buddha nature of everyone (i.e. each aspirant or each microcosm)” …
And since individualistic systems do not reside in the state which is described here, so none of these individualistic paths (or systems or beliefs or religions or texts) have ever been or can ever be a reason for long lasting peace within the world …
And because these individualistic systems do not accept the fact which are listed here, so they also rest within a state of continuous chaos which also keeps cyclically-progressing through all ways and walks of life of its adherents and thus humanity …
It is due to non compliance to this fact that all knowledge systems (aka. religions) which came by after the great-grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) went into her cyclic sleep of about nine millenniums (i.e. around 6990 BC +/- 108 years) have ever been as harbingers of such a cyclic chaos only …
Unless a change to what is stated here is accepted and then all systems enter into that state which is resting within the purviews of pluralistic monism which itself rests within specifics of the timeless Varnashram Parampara, this chaos cannot ever end and this statement is irrespective of who may be believed by anyone or what system is followed by anyone …
But as far as the inherent harmony of all parts of allness to allness is concerned, this disharmony to the macrocosmic creation, is prevented by the ever harmonious changeful natures of these four primary dimensions …
As any dimension changes itself, then the other dimensions also change correspondingly so as to ensure their inter and intra harmony to themselves and to all that “only and only” rests within them …
Thus as and when any dimension (which is applicable to a world) changes its unitary values, then the unitary values of the other three primary macrocosmic dimensions (which also are applicable to that world) also change correspondingly … Had this harmony of change between the dimensions not been so, then no microcosm could have never survived within the macrocosmic creation after it was already originated within the Maker’s Makings …
If any aspirant does a deeper analysis upon the facts that are stated here, then the truth of above discussions would automatically and spontaneously spring out so as to reveal itself … And those who are unable to reach that truth, can wait till this text reaches to a topic of Kaalchakra where it shall be discussed and that too with mathematical derivations …
As also is a fact which was known through subtler travels is that the unitary values of dimensions which are applicable to a physical world system (say this planetary system) are not the same as the unitary values which are applicable to any other physical world system (say another world system) and these are also not the same as unitary values which are applicable to the subtle worlds (i.e. divine worlds) …
It is due to this reason, the cycle of time (Kaalchakra) which are applicable to any of the worlds are different from the cycles of time which are applicable to any other world … And it is also due to the same reason, that the Vedic Lore’s state different time spans for different divine worlds and yet they harmonize the divine age cycles to the world of the ruler of divine worlds i.e. Devaraja Indra …
As also, the time which is applicable to the subtle-worlds (or planes) of other Deva (divine beings) is of a different time span from what which is applicable to the Maker’s abode (i.e. Brahmaloka) and this is also different from the time which is applicable to the other two world of the trinity (I.e. the worlds of the preserver and rejuvenator of allness) …
And even when above paragraph is true, yet when we calculate the times which are applicable to other divine worlds whilst we ourselves are resting upon this earthly plane and thus are relating to the unitary values which apply to this planet, then we can only calculate these divine times basis the time units that are applicable to this world system (i.e. solar system) … This is the reason for Vedic Kaalchakra to state different time spans of cycles for earth and other divine worlds …
This relationship of the four primary dimensions to each other shall be derived through the science of Kaalchakra and in that later topic of Kaalchakra, we shall also derive some of the values of physics so as to prove the applicability of knowledge of Kaalchakra across all spheres of life and irrespective of whether that life is on this earthly plane or within the divine worlds (or Deva-Loka) or even beyond these (as are within the much subtler worlds of the Trinity of Vedic lore) …
And since all the unitary values of dimensions are only residing within the larger time frame as is of the finality of these dimensions, so eventually it is to this finality that all the unitary values are proceeding to … And it is also to the same finality to which all the unitary values of these dimensions are eternally related …
Due to this reason a vast pluralism of unitary values of dimensions is inherently-present within each of these dimensions and yet these dimensions are finally relating to and thus are eternally proceeding to their own finalities only … This is what makes the macrocosmic creation to also be based upon the same pluralistic-monism only …
All the microcosm’s (i.e. all parts of macrocosmic speciology like worlds, planes of existences, universes and all that resides upon these) eventually remain within an intrinsic pluralism and yet they keep staying within the essential monism, both of which are of the Maker’s Makings only …
Due to this reason, irrespective of the path or system that anybody may relate to, the end of evolutionary process of all that has ever begun as a microcosm, is always opened up through pluralistic monism and it also ends up within the same finality of dimensions, all of which are of the Absolute being (Parambrahma) only …
Thus all those who say that such and such individualistic-egoistic entity is the only one and rest all are false, is like saying there is only one galaxy in the entire universe or saying that there is only one universe within the entire macrocosmic creation … Thus individualism cannot ever account for allness, which as such makes it an incomplete system for any aspirant who is already resting within “oneness to allness and her each part (I.e. Brahmand Dharana)” …
After any of the dimensions have arrived at their non-dual essential finality, then the other dimensions shall also be seen to be entering into the same non duality only … Due to this reason, if any aspirant self-realizes the finality of any dimension, then at this time, the other dimensions shall also be self-realized within their finalities only …
And it is also due to this reason that if any aspirant does a deeper meditative analysis upon any of the four primary dimensions, then that analysis would lead to the same Absolute-being because of the fact that the final states of these dimensions are only of the Absolute being …
Proceeding further …
And the condition where all above actually happens is after a non-dual state of union of the subtle vehicle (Sookshma Sharira) to the Ahum Naad is accomplished … And such an aspirant can know the innermost nature of Kaal (time), its Kaalchakra (cyclic nature of time) and also the finality of time, which as such is none other than the eternity of the Absolute being (Brahman or Paramshiva) and its pristine-beingness (i.e. Maker’s Makings and her each microcosm) … The same realization is stated as Mahakaal Shiva within the Vedic lore and also as Akaal Purukh in Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj …
All above also were told as per experience within the same Ahum Naad and thus these explanations are not based upon the imaginations that relate to the Manoloka (i.e. imaginary world of mind) …
Knowledge of eternity from self realization of Aghora
5-F … Such an aspirant also knows that everything is eternal because everything is none other than a self-manifestation which only happens through the pristine-beingness of the Absolute-being itself (i.e. Adi Parashakti of Paramshiva) …
And such an aspirant also knows, that the physical microcosm in its original state is energy (divinity) and thus when the physical microcosm evolves beyond the Maker’s Makings and thence rolls-over into the greater reality of beyond (i.e. de-incarnates from that incarnation where what is stated here, is achieved through self-realizations) then the pristine-divinity (i.e. Absolute-energy) is all that eventually remains …
From the primordial energy, is originated the microcosm and it is to the same primordial energy that each microcosm is proceeding to during the entire course of its almost-eternal yet evolutionary-existence … And this existence is also such that every microcosm has ever had to pass through all the conditions, states and modes of existence like cyclic, acyclic, inert, actional, neutral existences in addition to experiencing the emanatory mode of existence which as such is only possible when already resting within the voidness of allness itself …
All this is only possible because of the blessing of the Maker unto allness and her each part (i.e. the Maker’s Makings or the macrocosm and each microcosm) which itself was due to the fact that within the innermost nature, the entire macrocosm and each part of macrocosmic speciology (i.e. each microcosm) is as divine as the pristine divinity (I.e. Maa Adi Parashakti or the pristine-beingness) of the divine-being (i.e. Parambrahma or Absolute-being) itself is …
When energy condenses, it forms a microcosmic mattered state (i.e. a microcosm) and corpus of all microcosms which are originated through this supreme genius of the Maker’s Makings, itself is all that ever is to the Maker’s Makings …
Thus basis above, energy is self-manifested as matter and matter (or mattered states) itself is energy within its innermost core … Due to this when matter gets “apparently” destroyed (i.e. dissoluted) it returns back to the same energy from which it had originally originated … Thus in reality of things there was no destruction of matter and this is itself is the beauty of Maker’s Makings that everything is as eternal as the Absolute-Being itself is … It is due to this reason the Vedic lore states that “Mother Nature is also as eternal as the Absolute-Being” …
Existence as matter is something like working in a place which is different from where you were born in that incarnation … And the process of a final dissolution of matter itself is like the return of matter to energy and is just like you going back home (or the real place where you belong) after you have completed your work in different lands of that world … Thus even when we see the final dissolution of anything that was of a mattered state, in reality it’s only like matter going back home after working in a different land (or places) i.e. different states, modes and conditions of the macrocosmic creation …
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed and since matter itself is a condensation (or compaction) of macrocosmic energy fields, so in reality matter also cannot ever be created or destroyed especially when we see its innermost core as energy …
As also a study of the subtler macrocosmic creation reveals, that essentially matter and energy are interconvertible and thus mattered states can neither be created nor destroyed because even after the process of final dissolution has been passed through by matter (or mattered states) these mattered states are still existent in a subtle energy state only … Thus in reality matter and mattered states are neither created nor destroyed …
And since the entire macrocosmic creation and her each part is also originated out of the pristine-energy (pristine divinity or Maa Adi Parashakti) of the Absolute being (i.e. Brahman or Paramshiva) only, so in reality there cannot ever be death of anything or anyone because the Absolute could have never made anything other than an Absolute itself … And this realization itself is the Absolute self-realization which was stated in Atharvaveda as “Ayam Atma Brahm or This (which means as the essence within an aspirant or the aspirant’s Atman) is That (i.e. Absolute being)” …
Due to this realization, the Vedic sages had stated that the macrocosmic creation is as eternal as the Absolute being and this is even when none of the states of the macrocosmic creation denote a fully liberated state …
And above statement is even when the different hierarchies of the macrocosmic creation can be utilized as a ladder to self-realize the same absolute-being and which itself is due to a self-realization that everywhere, everything and everyone is divine due to the fact that the divine-being (i.e. Absolute-being) could never have made anything non-divine from within itself …
The divine can only originate divine microcosm’s and this is an absolute fact that shall be known by any aspirant who self-realizes its own innermost essence (Atman) and which shall also be found to be the innermost divine who is also present within allness and her each part … This realization is also arrived within the same Ahum Naad as is being discussed here, but at the same time, the self-realization of this fact is only arrived after the blue body (as is shown on the right side of first figure of this topic) is already merged to the formless blue colored state of Ahum Naad (as is shown on the left side of first painting of this topic) …
Absence of duality within Aghora …
That divine who also originates the non-divine from within itself, is not even the divine …
Thus all dual-concepts which claim that there is a God and simultaneously there also being a Satan are imaginary ones only …
And because these concepts are imaginary, so they also hold no capability of leading to an inner-calm (within the inhabitants of this world) and an outer peace (within the world) …
It is due to this reason, from the time these dualistic concepts had entered this world, a cyclic state of chaos of one or another type has ever been present within one or another ways and walks of life of humanity …
Thus sooner these dualistic concepts are let go of, the better it shall be for humanity as a whole …
The better way is to let go of such dualistic concepts willingly or else the divinity of time which itself is the primordial instrument of Mother Nature shall anyway get it done prior the incoming age of sages commences within this world (i.e. around 2082 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years and the offsets which shall be discussed later in a later topic) … But the choice of choosing between either of these two states, is only resting with humanity itself …
That’s all …