Since this discussion is also a pretty vast one, so it is divided into a few parts … Akar is the Sound of A (i.e. letter A of Sanskrit language) and it also denotes Devi Maa Gayatri in addition to denoting Woman of Apocalypse and Mother Mary of Christian lore’s and Yellow Kachina of Native American lore’s … She also is the eternal consort of Hiranyagarbha (or golden womb of creation) …
The deity shown in above painting is my real-mother because it eventually was from her womb, that I had transmigrated this time around and she was also my mother during many of my earlier incarnations which also were arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth) and which were within this and were also within beyond worlds …
AA-1 … Akar and Sound of A …
Akar means shape or form …
Her plane has the endless sound of Aaaaaaaa … This sound is the Akar of Yoga Tantra and Vedas … This sound could even be told as “A Naad … Or the sound of A” of Sanskrit language …
Akar (or Sound of A or A Naad) is also the first seed syllable of the Mahamantra of OM (i.e. AUM or AOM as it is called in Samskrit language) …
The term “Mahamantra (which is used for OM)” literally means “Great Mantra” … But since in the Vedic lore there can only be one great, so this word i.e. Mahamantra, eventually means “Param Mantra or Supreme Mantra” …
AA-2 … Sound of A across lore’s … Maa Gayatri, Woman of Apocalypse, Mother Mary …
The deity who is shown above and is being discussed here, is also related to the following …
- She is Devi Maa Gayatri (of Vedas) …
She holds 24 seed syllables in her and these 24 seed syllables also denote all 24 primary qualities (i.e. 24 attributes or Guna) which are residing in the consciousness orb (i.e. Chitta) of the “causal body (which is also termed as Anandmaye Kosha and in many Sanskrit texts is is also termed as Antahkarana Chatushtaya of Vedic lore) of each aspirant of any of the three times … Thus her Gayatri Mantra also has 24 syllables …
Even the Buddhist knowledge of 12 principles (of dependent origination) and 12 principles (of dependent annihilation), both of which add up to 24 principles is related to her only …
Even the 24 streaks of divinity which are present in Bodhichitta of each aspirant, is related to her only … We shall be discussing Bodhichitta in a later topic and that through a painting of it …
- She is the Buddha Prajnaparamita (of the Buddhist Lore) … The word of Prajnaparamita means the “Luminous friend from beyond” …
- She is also the eternal consort of “Hiranyagarbha Brahma or the golden womb of creation (of Vedic Lore) …
Within Buddhism, Hiranyagarbha of Vedas is the one who is also addressed as Amitabha Buddha, Amida Buddha etc., and thus basis this fact, she is also the eternal consort of Buddha Amitabha …
- Since she is a consort of Hiranyagarbha Brahma, who itself is the self-luminous one (i.e. one who shines in its own light) so she is also the original self-luminous one, in a human form (i.e. attributed-form or Sagun Sakaar Awastha) …
And it due to her being the original human form within the Maker’s Makings, she was addressed as Akar in Vedas … The word “Akar” means form (i.e. attributed-form or Sagun Sakaar Awastha) …
- She was also told as “Yellow Kachina (i.e. the Yellow colored divine being)” in native American philosophy …
Native American philosophy is directly related to the Vedic lore due to the fact that it was installed by “Maya Danava” of the Vedic lore when he went away from Indian mainland many dozen and further dozens of millenniums ago …
The word Danava means “Giant-Man” … These also were descendants of Daksha and thus due to their high lineage most of them were also holding a pretty high evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchies …
Maya Danava had fled to other side of the earth (i.e. other side in relation to Indian mainland, which as such is the Americas of today) … And after fleeing he had started his own knowledge system which was rooted upon and based within the Vedic lore itself and this was because of the fact that he (i.e. Maya Danava) was also relating to the original Vedic lore itself …
And the people of that philosophy which was laid down by Maya Danava came to be known as Maya civilization at much later times …
I was also born (i.e. transmigrated birth) in the current Mayan lands (i.e. the entire North and South American continent) during a much earlier transmigrated incarnation … And in another much earlier incarnation, I was also told to go and stay in the current day Chile and Peru of South America … This was during the Swayambhu Manvantar when I was the “mind activated yet womb born” son and student of my Gotra Pita, who is addressed as Brahmarishi Kratu (Star Dubhe of the constellation of Ursa Major) …
And since in that incarnation when I was told to go to Chile and Peruvian lands, I had entered the Ashtama Chakra, so it was also in that incarnation that I had lost the right to be born from the womb of a physical mother at any later time span …
Thus after that incarnation I have never been born from the womb of a physically present mother and all births have been through the process of transmigration of soul (which was discussed in an earlier set of topics) … Within Sanskrit language, the transmigration of soul is also called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth …
And because I have kept returning back through the process of transmigration of soul since then, so the deity who is shown in above painting also happens to be the divine mother who has always borne me in her luminous womb so as to transmigrate me to a lower world system (like this one) whenever and wherever it may be needed as per the demands of the Great-Time (I.e. Mahakaal) and its own Great divinity (who is addressed as Mahakaali) … As also a fact, that, during the current transmigrated incarnation, it was no different from what earlier also was and has been discussed here …
- This topic is also related to the chapter 12 of the book of revelations (Biblical lore) where she is referred to as the “woman clothed in the sun” and she is also interpreted as the “woman of Apocalypse” by some and also as “Mother Mary” by most of those who adhere to Christianity … The word “Apocalypse” only means “revealing that which has been hidden since long” …
- She was originally also addressed as “Akar” in Yoga Tantras and Vedas (Upanishads) of Sanatan Dharma (or in other words, the eternal way of life or Hinduism) …
The word Akar means “Form” and this term was used for her as she by herself is the original form that had manifested within the supreme genius as is of the Maker’s Makings … Thus she also denotes the primordial and original state of attributed-form (or Sagun Sakaar Awastha) within allness and it was due to this reason, the sound of her plane (i.e. A Naad or the endless sound of Aaaaaaaa) was addressed as Akar (which means attributed form or Sagun Sakaar Awastha) …
- All above mentioned knowledge systems and their philosophies (including the much later one of Christianity) are only relating to her …
- Without her divine womb, there cannot be a case where a self-realized, all-realized sage or a sage who has crossed into and/or has already gone past the Eighth chakra (as is mentioned in chapter 10 of Atharvaveda) and who resides in either of Tapoloka (i.e. the divine worlds of those sages who have done severe penances) or within those even further or beyond states of existences, can enter into any of the lower worlds (like this one) …
Thus she is also the divine mother of all self-realized, all-realized and fully accomplished sages of any of the three times … This is because of the fact that she eventually is one who bears these sages in her own luminous womb so as to transport them into a lower world like this one and that too through the “process of transmigration of soul (i.e. Parkaya Pravesh Tantra)” …
Thus she is also the mother (i.e. ones who bears in her womb) of all the self-realized, all-realized and fully accomplished sages that have ever been during any of the three times of the entirety of time spans of the Maker’s Makings, and beyond …
AA-3 … Sound of A as supreme mother …
In addition to above, following is also a fact about her …
- She is the original condition of the term “Sagun Sakaar (i.e. attributed-form)” within the Maker’s Makings … Thus I consider her as the “supreme mother of form” (which actually means attributed-form or Sagun Sakaar) …
- She is also the original self-luminous deity in attributed-form (i.e. Sagun Sakaar Awastha) and thus I also consider her as the “supreme mother of light” …
- She is also the original state of sound i.e. her sphere is the one where the first sound of Maker’s Makings was originated … Akar (i.e. syllable A of Sanskrit) which as such is only denoting the first letter of the language of the macrocosmic creation (i.e. Sanskrit language) itself is of her sphere Thus I also consider her as the originator of first seed syllable of the macrocosmic language and sound … And due to this reason, I even address her as the “supreme mother of sound” …
She is the holder of the first seed syllable (i.e. “syllable A” of Sanskrit language) … And since the language of macrocosm itself is Sanskrit (This was already discussed in an earlier topic of “What Language”, so please refer to that topic to understand what is stated here), so I also consider her as the “supreme mother of all languages and their syllables” because it eventually was from her seed syllable (or first letter of Sanskrit letter or A or Akar) that all languages and syllables had originated, directly or indirectly …
And since all languages had originated from her seed syllable, which itself is the Sanskrit letter A (i.e. Akar), so many later languages have used this lineage of syllables and thus have A as their first letter … The language in which this text is written (i.e. English) holds no exception to this rule which eventually relates to and is rested in her envelopes only …
Thus it is only because of above stated facts about her, that almost all languages, right from the macrocosmic language of Sanskrit till the most recent one, have always had “A” as their first syllable …
And since her knowledge was original rendered by the Vedic sages through the knowledge of OM (I.e. AOM or AUM), so all those languages who hold letter “A” as their first syllable are only proving their link to the Vedic lore (i.e. knowledge which was given by self-realized, all-realized Vedic sages) and to the divine mother of our current discussion …
AA-4 … Sound of A as Maa Gayatri , Gayatri Mantra, Samkhya and in other philosophies …
Her Mantra (i.e. Gayatri Mantra) has 24 syllables and this itself is because of the fact that 24 primary elements of Maker’s Makings as are stated in Samkhya philosophy, had also originated from her …
Thus she is also the supreme mother of knowledge of Samkhya Philosophy (as Samkhya is one of the original knowledge systems of the macrocosm) that was originally rendered by Maharishi Kapila …
And since the original proponent of Samkhya Philosophy i.e. Maharishi Kapila was also her son (because she had also borne him in her own divine womb) and since she is the eternal consort of Hiranyagarbha Brahma (i.e. golden womb of creation), so Maharishi Kapila was also addressed as Brahmaputra (or son of the Brahma or the son of creator) or in other words, the son of Ishvara (i.e. son of the lord of allness), or in other words, the son of golden womb of creation (or in other words, the son of Hiranyagarbha Brahma) …
It eventually is from the philosophy which relates to Brahmaputra Maharishi Kapila, that the later philosophy of there being a “begotten son of God (of Christianity)” had originated … The Biblical lore only relates to the same concept of Brahmaputra Maharishi Kapila, as far as the concept of phrase of there being a “Begotten son of God” stands …
The 24 elements of Samkhya had originally originated from her own attributed-formless state (I.e. Sagun Nirakaar Awastha) which in above painting is shown as the golden envelope surrounding her …
AA-5 … The macrocosmic plane of knowledge (Brahmic Vijyanmaye Kosha) is originated from her and the macrocosmic plane of knowledge also rests inside her (because within the macrocosmic creation, she actually is of a very vast form) …
Due to this reason, all knowledge systems are resting within her own vast envelopes and thus she is also the “supreme mother of all knowledge” …
Thus it is to her that this knowledge of Maker’s Makings (or macrocosmic state of the Maker or Vishvaroop Brahma) eventually relates … This macrocosmic plane of knowledge is shown as the golden-yellow colored envelope around her and this golden-yellow envelope is also her own attributed-formless state (I.e. Sagun Nirakaar Awastha) …
AA-6 … As also a fact that her children have also been addressed as Brahmavdhoot (i.e. (i.e. A sage who already was an Avadhoot prior to being born in a world or prior to entering into a world system) …
Thus basis all above discussions it is pretty clear that she actually is the supreme mother of form, light, sound, languages, syllables, knowledge and all Brahmavdhootas that ever were or could ever be …
And to those who shall disagree to what is stated here, I can only say that “the son knows his own mother better than all others who only blabber after reading a few books or listening to words of a few others or misinterpret the authentic scriptures and thus are only those speak due to visualizing something that they have really not self-realized” …
In a few later topics, we have discussed about a Sage of Maheshwara (who as such is a sage who has already returned back from Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva) and who as such is a Brahmavadhoot of our times and who has also be addressed as Sthapak of Guru Yuga (in another topic) … This is the sage of our times who has also returned back from Tatpurusha face of Shiva, which itself is the east facing, golden colored Maheshwara (i.e. great lord of allness) and due to this sage being the Yuga Sthapak, so he shall be laying down a very subtle yet strong foundation of the incoming Guru Yuga (which in other words, can also be called as a human golden age) … In Buddhist lore’s, the same Tatpurusha face is is also addressed as the plane of Dharma (or Dharmakaya) …
AA-7 … Sound of A and Hiranyagarbha …
Now we shall proceed further so as to discuss another concept that also relates to her own pristine divinity and as her status of being the timeless and eternal consort of Hiranyagarbha Brahma (i.e. golden womb of the macrocosmic creation) …
As also since Hiranyagarbha Brahma is also addressed in Shaiva texts (i.e. texts of worshippers of my Paramguru Bhagwan Shiva) as the Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva (Tatpurusha means That-Being or That-Supreme-Being) and since she herself is the eternal-consort (timeless-companion) and pristine-divinity (i.e. Shakti) of Tatpurusha, who is also addressed as Primordial beyond divinity (or Maa Adi Parashakti) and is also addressed as Tirodhan Shakti (i.e. divinity of veiling), so her borne children also hold the veiling power of her …
Note: Vedantin state that Hiranyagarbha Brahma is associated to Sadyojata face of Sadashiva and whose self-manifested state is Sun … But we shall be clarifying this point at a later stage when we finally reach the fuller discussions of the five faces of Sadashiva (who in other words is also addressed as Pancha Mukha Sadashiva) when we discuss the concept of Sadashiva Pradakshina (or on other words, the source of concepts of Parikrama or Pradakshina, all of which relates to Bhagwan Sadashiva) …
Due to her children holding her veiling divinity (i.e. Tirodhaan Shakti), so once these children of her end up entering into a world, they cannot be found by anyone until they themselves self-declare their own presence within that world …
It is due to this reason that the Biblical lore’s also state phrases like “He arrives like a thief in the night, so be watchful of his arrival” and other phrases like “Only the father knows” etc-etc … But these phrases are also taken from the Vedic lore where there are instances that an Avatar had arrived to this world and yet even the controlling entities (Gods etc.) of this world did not know that the person was an Avatar and this is also due to the same reason that “Nobody can know about such ones (i.e. sages who are her children and even the much-beyond Avatars of Sriman Naaraayana)” until they themselves self-declare their own presence within that world … This itself is due to the fact that her children (and the much-beyond Avatars of Sriman Naaraayana) are holding her “divinity of veiling or Tirodhaan Shakti” which itself makes them invisible to all others (including the planic or world controllers or Gods) until they self declare their presence within that world where they have entered through the process of transmigration of soul (which in other words, is also called as Virgin Birth) …
But at the same time, unlike a self-realized, all-realized sage who enters her divine subtle womb to as to arrive at a lower world system (like this one) and thus that sage becomes her little child, an Avatar of Sriman Naaraayana is not her child …
Above paragraphs discussion is due to the fact that the Avatar is a partless-part of the supreme being and thus an Avatar can also directly manifest a portion of himself into the world and thus such Avatars have no limitations of taking birth from anywhere i.e. they can be born out of the womb of a physical human-mother or anything else (like a tree, animal, bird, fish or any other living being) and these Avatars can even enter a world through the process of a direct self-manifestation of a portion of the supreme being (which they themselves are) and that too in a physical form or these Avatars can also enter the world through the process of transmigration (which in Sanskrit language is also called as Parkaya Pravesh) …
Thus basis the clarification of above paragraph, the discussions that are done here do not relate to an Avataran (i.e. advent or descent of an Avatar of Sriman Naaraayana) …
And yet both these categories (i.e. the children of supreme mother who is being discussed here and Avatars of Sriman Naaraayana) are holding the same Tirodhaan Shakti (i.e. divinity of veiling, which itself is to veil from those who are not evolutionarily ready to know it) … This is because of the fact that without this Tirodhaan Shakti being held by them, they cannot even continue in a hidden state within a world, till they want to do so … As also without Tirodhaan Shakti (i.e. divinity of veiling), they also cannot have the liberty to self declare themselves at their own will …
Since she by herself is the holder of Tirodhaan Shakti, so it eventually is to her divinity of veiling (i.e. Tirodhaan Shakti) that each of such beings relate …
Continued …