Here we discuss Akar or Golden mother, Gayatri Savitri principle, Ishvari and also as Savitri principle …
state which is depicted in above painting is a very-very brightly lighted golden colored one and is like a million suns shining at the same time and due to this reason the aspirants travelling conscious vehicle (i.e. the vehicle which self realizes the painted state) also gets temporarily blinded as soon as it enters the sphere of the Golden mother as depicted in above painting … These golden and other colors which emanate out of her body hit the subtle vehicle (of the aspirant who realizes this state) and overpower it completely …
But in above painting that bright golden color is not visible any longer probably because this is a pretty old painting and thus the golden color has gotten dull over the years that have passed after this state was originally painted by this little student who writes this text …
Above painting describes the golden mother when the aspirant’s subtler travelling vehicle is already stationed at her sphere and is sitting at her luminous feet …
The depicted state is within the top part of the brain and it is also present within the greater macrocosm and beyond … Thus the golden mother is within and beyond each aspirant and yet because I had realized this within my own microcosm (inside the top part of brain i.e. within the Brahmarandra chakra), so above painting is depicting this condition only …
FF-1 … Akar, Mother of Vedas and Gayatri Savitri principle …
As far as the depicted state is concerned, it could be described thus …
- From her stomach area (Navel), a very bright diamond white light is emitted out …
- Her body is emitting so much light, that it looks like she is a mass of sunlight of many suns which have condensed into a human (shape) … Due to this reason within the Vedas, she is addressed as consort of Savitur (i.e. luminous amongst all luminous ones or Sun amongst all Suns) …
- She sits in the envelope of the golden light that is at her sphere and her shine has no comparison anywhere in the macrocosm …
- The energy fields which radiate out of her are so phenomenal that it looks like as if her entire body is subtly vibrating due to that vast quantum of golden lighted energy that is emanating out of her body itself …
- Her body is of a bright golden color as if millions of suns are illuminated inside her body …
- Due to very strong light that she emits, the travelling vehicle cannot even look at her for a short while i.e. for a short while after the aspirants subtler vehicle is already stationed at her sphere and near her luminous feet, her light is totally blinding …
- When stationed at her sphere, the endless sound of her sphere i.e. sound of “Aaaaaaaa” is clearly heard …
- When the subtler vehicle is already firmly stationed near her luminous feet, then even when above descriptions are true, yet strangely her sphere is also found to be very calming and peaceful … But prior to this stage when the subtler vehicle is still proceeding towards her sphere and when it just about enters her sphere, then her energies are also very shocking, blinding (due to very bright lights) and uncontrollably overpowering …
- The golden yellow color of the supreme mother also denotes supreme union of supreme knowledge and supreme consciousness i.e. the union of knowledge and consciousness and where consciousness is already returned back to its original impressionless state (Samskara Rahit Awastha) which in turn makes the consciousness to become the pervader of knowledge … Thus, only an aspirant whose consciousness is already freed of all impressions can be the one who can self realize the state of our current discussion …
- Continuing with above bullet point … By the statement “consciousness is already freed of all impressions” I mean that except current incarnations destined merit (i.e. Prarabdha Karma) which also includes the last impression (Antim Samskara) that can only be let go of when walking the last path, all other impressions (or Samskaras) which relate to the accumulated merit (Sanchit Karma), future merit (Agami Karma or Aagami Karma) and current merit (Kriyamaan Karma) are already unseeded from the aspirants consciousness orb … Only after this unseeding of impressions (Samskaras) happens can any aspirant self realize her within his (or her) own crown plexus (i.e. Brahmarandra chakra or Sahasrara or thousand petalled lotus at the top of brain) …
- She is only self realized when the aspirants consciousness rises upwards and enters the top part of brain (i.e. Brahmarandra chakra or 7th plexus or Sahasrara or Thousand petalled lotus) … In such a condition she is found to be sitting in a lotus posture (i.e. Padmasana) …
- Akar (or divinity of the Sound of A), is the first syllable of Language. It is the seed sound of Devi Gayatri who is the Sun amongst Suns, Savitri Principle and mother of Vedas …
- The Golden mother is also addressed as Akar within many Upanishads and other Veda Shastras and also Yoga Tantra … The term Akar means form, shape etc., and she was named so (i.e. addressed as Akar) because she also happens to be the first (human) form …
- She is Devi Gayatri (or Maa Gayatri) of Vedas … 24 syllable Gayatri Mantra is hers only as she is the originator and primary holder of the 24 elements (as described in Samkhya) and 24 Guna (i.e. 24 attributes as are listed in Yoga Tantras of the Vedic lore) …
- Since the sound of A (i.e. Akar) is of her state only and since sound of A (i.e. Akar) itself is the first seed syllable of the macrocosmic language (i.e. Sanskrit) so during those very ancient times as were of my much-much earlier incarnations, the sages used to address her as the “Mother of all Syllables” and also as the “Mother of all languages” … And this itself was in addition to her being addressed as the “Mother of Primordial and original knowledge (or the Mother of Vedas)” …
- Her sound and her Gayatri Mantra also denotes the Savitri Principle (i.e. principle of Maa Savitri” and this itself is in addition to denoting the unioned condition of the Gayatri Savitri principle i.e. the Absolute divinity principle …
- She is Buddha Prajnaparamita of Buddhism … Prajnaparamita Mantra is of her only … In fact the Prajnaparamita Mantra is only describing the transit which starts from her own sphere (as is shown in above painting) and then that transit ultimately terminates at Brahmatattva (i.e. the Pristine element of Maker’s Makings where essence of the Vedic mega-statement “OM Tat Sat” is self realized) … As also the Vedic Symbol of OM is self realized within the same Brahmatattva only … This transit and various stages of transit are discussed in later parts of this topic on OM Naad (or sound of OM) …
- She is the Sun amongst Suns … This is the first shock that comes because the her emitted lights are so strong that they initially are totally blinding to the travelling subtler vehicle of the aspirant (i.e. the subtle vehicle who self realizes the state which is described here) …
- And when the aspirants subtler vehicle (i.e. the vehicle which realizes this state) is approaching her for the first time, then when those strong bursts of light which emanate out of her envelopes and also emanate out of the state which is depicted in above painting, begin hitting the aspirants subtler vehicle (i.e. the vehicle which self realizes this state), they completely overpower the subtler vehicle for quite a while …
- As also, the amount of energy which is emanated out of her body is so high that the aspirants subtler vehicle also comes under a subtle shock for a while … This shock is experienced as soon as the travelling vehicle of the aspirant enters her sphere … And when the subtler vehicle of that aspirant just about starts getting stationed at her sphere (as is described in above painting) then due to very high quantum of her emanated energies, the shock only grows to proportions that cannot even be described … This shock is more so when the subtler vehicle has just about entered her sphere and is approaching closer to her for the first time during any incarnation … But this severity of shock is only for the stage when the aspirants conscious vehicle (or subtle vehicle which self realizes this state) enters her sphere for the first time during that incarnation and not during later entries (which can also happen for some aspirants) …
- Her clothes are very traditional … The way her clothes are and are worn, it is pretty clear that she is wearing a traditional Indian Sari … This Sari is of a bright red color from which very-very bright diamond white lights rays are emitted out …
- And around her lower waist lighted rays (energies) of red, blue and diamond white color are emanated out … This is also depicted in above painting and is also detailed in below discussions …
FF-2 … Stationed at Akar … Sound of A … Self realization of Ishvari …
At the stage when the subtler travelling vehicle of the aspirant is already stationed at her sphere and is sitting next to her divine presence, then the golden mother is known to be Ishvari (or mother or goddess of triple times) and at this time it is seen that from her lower body clothes (i.e. Sari which she is wearing) following very bright lights are emitted out …
- Fluorescent and very bright deep blue light … This color denotes refined state of Tamoguna and thus proves that she is the holder of Tamoguna (i.e. macrocosmic attribute of Inertia) … This color also denotes Ahum Naad (i.e. the Sound of Ahum) and this it also proves that she is holding the divinity of Ahum Naad in herself … This color is related to Aghora face of Sadashiva which was discussed in an earlier set of topics and this also proves that she is the holder of Jnana Shakti (divinity of supreme knowledge) of Aghora face of Shiva …
- Fluorescent and very bright dark red light … This color denotes Rajoguna and thus proves that she is the holder of Rajoguna (i.e. macrocosmic attribute of action) … This denotes she is also the holder of Samhara Shakti (i.e. divinity of destruction-rejuvenation) of Rudra Deva who self-manifests out of the Aghora face …
- Her body is composed of very bright and almost blinding golden colored light … This is the color of Hiranyagarbha Brahma or golden womb of macrocosmic creation and thus this proves that she is the attributed-form (Sagun Sakaar) divinity (divinity means Shakti) of Hiranyagarbha itself …
- She is the (divinity of (or in other words, the Shakti of) Hiranyagarbha Brahma (i.e. golden womb of creation) … Or in other words, she is the Power or divinity or force of the golden womb of macrocosmic and microcosmic creation (because the same golden is also within each aspirants brain) … Hiranyagarbha is also known as Karya Brahma i.e. the Doer Maker or the creator who does (i.e. creates) the macrocosm and the golden mother and her formless sphere is that original Shakti (or power or divinity or force) which is projected out of Hiranyagarbha Brahma to create the macrocosm and its each microcosm …
- Thus basis above point, within the condition as is painted above, she is the eternal consort of Hiranyagarbha Brahma (i.e. the golden womb of macrocosmic creation) and she was addressed as Maa Gayatri by ancient Vedic sages … This also proves that she is holding the beyond-divinity (i.e. Parashakti or supreme divinity) and the divinity of veiling (Tirodhaan Shakti) as is of the golden colored Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva, who itself is the Great Lord or Supreme Lord, i.e. Maheshwara and also is Lord of Yoga and Lord of all Yogi’s … Vedanta also addresses the same Tatpurusha of Agama Yoga Tantras as the Sadyojata (or Sadyojata face of Sadashiva) … And also a fact, that, since Tatpurusha face of Shiva is also the holder of Parashakti (i.e. divinity of beyond all beyond), so in addition to above discussions, she also happens to be the holder of the same Parashakti of Tatpurusha face …
- And very bright diamond white light … This denotes the Sadyojata face and Pitamah Brahma Ji (i.e. grandfather of allness or creator of allness) which itself proves that she is also the holder of divinity of Pitamah Brahma itself i.e. she is the holder of Sarva Samta (macro-equanimity) and Utpatti Shakti (i.e. the divinity of origination) of Pitamah Brahma Ji … This also denotes her state of macro-neutrality (i.e. equanimity towards allness and her each part i.e. Sarva Samta) … In addition to above, this colored light is also partially (half) related to Vamadeva face of Sadashiva and this also proves that she is holding the Stithi Shakti (or divinity of presence or divinity of preservation) of Vamadeva face and of Sriman Naaraayana …
- And when an aspirant meditates upon her, then she is also as an authentic path of self-realization of the colorless, aspectless, vibrationless and thus eternally silent, attributeless and infinite Absolute being … This also proves that she is the holder and path of self realization of the pristine divinity (Maa Adi Parashakti) of the Attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm or Paramshiva) … And this itself proves that she is also the holder of the path and divinity of the Ishana face of Sadashiva (which can also be written as “Ishaan face of Sadashiva“) …
- Thus basis above, all five faces of Sadashiva can be self realized through her own painted state … It was due to this reason her Gayatri Mantra was told to be one of the primary Mantras of the Vedic lore …
Even when the painted sketch and general description that is given here, is correct, but the shades and states of the colors which are referred in above painting, are not available on this plane of existence and thus I was unable to paint them correctly or exactly describe them in above figure and descriptions … So even when above painting and descriptions of colors and characteristics are correct, but they are not exactly as it was self realized a few years back (I think around 2011 AD) …
FF-3 … Describing Akar or the golden mother whose Sound is of syllable A …
Thus basis above discussions of this topic and the discussions of the preceding topic (i.e. “Proceeding towards Akar”) the colors that are emitting out of the clothes of her lower body are found to be different when she is observed prior entering her sphere (i.e. when the aspirants travelling vehicle is still proceeding to her sphere) and when she is realized after entering her sphere (I.e. after the aspirants subtler vehicle finally sits near her divine luminous feet) …
This difference has been the primary reason for her to be addressed through different names in all later broken-off sects of original and primordial Sanatan Dharma (i.e. sects like Buddhism, Christianity, Later Yoga-Tantras etc.) …
As also, all these differences are only due to differences of observations which itself are due to differences of states from where she was observed during recent history …
Within the original Vedic lore she is addressed as Akar and Maa Gayatri and on the contrary within the Buddhist lore she is addressed as Buddha Prajnaparamita … And in Christianity she is addressed as woman of apocalypse, Mother Mary and also addressed as the woman clothed in the sun and in native American philosophy she is addressed Yellow Kachina … And yet it is only she who is referred to in all above … Only the states from where she was realized, the names, descriptions and languages that were utilized to describe or address her, have differed during human history because it eventually is the same Akar (and Maa Gayatri) of Yoga Tantra and Vedas who is referred to in all these apparent differences … Thus in reality there really is no difference in all these terms that are utilized to address her …
But these differences are also in line with a Vedic statement which goes thus … “Ekam Sat Viprah Bahudah Vadanti” which means “The truth is one, but sages address it through different names (and walk to that same truth, but through different paths)” …
But irrespective of these differences of names which are used to address her, the fact ever remains that just these names are different, because it eventually is to the same divinity that all these different names are referring to …
Deviating a bit … Most of the systems which led to a state of unity to the supreme mother were highly esoteric and highly hidden ones and because these systems were such, so they were also restricted to some of the monasteries of ancient times and were distributed in great secrecy whilst completely resting within the purviews and limitations of the Guru-Shishya Parampara (i.e. master-disciple relationship) …
The knowledge systems which relate to her were only distributed whilst resting firmly within the master-disciple system and because these systems were highly secretive, so all the masters of those ancient times also ensured that the disciple (i.e. the aspirant to whom this knowledge is to be transferred) was holding the requisite Sanchit Samskaras (or accumulated merits or past accumulated impressions) so as to ensure that aspirant (or disciple) is evolutionary ready to enter into the knowledge which relates her highly hidden and esoteric systems … During those earlier times, unless this evolutionary readiness was proved by an aspirant, her knowledge was never transferred to that aspirant … This restriction was only imposed to ensure a firm compliance to the “macrocosmic principle of a wise one” which shall only be discussed at a much later stage of this text …
And as the divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga) arrived and expanded its effects within this world (i.e. after around 3102 BC) and then due to the demands of time cycles, the degenerate, individualistic and thus barbarian forces which began entering into this world also started destroying all the monasteries and the killing the sages who were holding the divine knowledge and paths that lead to her and her divine sphere …
And this destruction of monasteries and holder of her knowledge is what led to further divisions of Sanatan Dharma into vast number of sects, all of who have since then used different names of different languages to address her …
And this in turn led to a state where the same knowledge which related to her and which originally was rendered by Vedic sages, began seeming to be different within various sects that got originated during the last few millenniums … And this was even when all of these sects of Sanatan Dharma (i.e. Dharma) have only been referring to the same supreme mother of our current discussion only …
And due to the effects of time and its cycles, even when all these later knowledge systems have kept referring to her, yet they have already lost their touch to her own original or root knowledge system i.e. the Vedas and Yoga Tantra of Sanatan Dharma … And very sadly, as of now even the teachers of these recent systems (i.e. the systems which came by during the last few millenniums) do not know where, what and how’s of her reality …
And due to the degenerative phase that as of now has already lasted for over five millenniums, the present stage of humanity as a whole is so pathetic that even if someone would try to unite these “deviated fragments of Sanatan Dharma (i.e. all later religions)” then also that such a person would only be facing the flak due to the fact that humanity has already gotten accustomed to religion being used as a tool for personal and/or impersonal benefit, power to control of (or subduing of) others and there is already a very degenerate stage of competitive dualism rampant within this world, which strangely is also accepted as true by humanity who inhabit this planet as of now …
By competitive dualism I mean those who say things like my God strongest-biggest, my system (or religion) best, we are the only ones to be saved and rest are doomed to eternal hell fires etc-etc … And those who say that the whole world has to follow their own followed or believed system and those who refuse to do so, then they also d not have a right to continue upon this world …
Such mentalities only show a very restricted approach of the proponents of these especially when I consider that there are countless animated worlds within the multi-universal macrocosmic creation … And this is more so when we consider the fact that such individualistic (i.e. monotheistic) systems are actually an insignificant minority when considering those countless animate worlds that also are resting within the allness of Maker’s Makings … Basis my own subtler travels to other world systems, it is pretty clear that not many worlds have such individualistic systems and also a fact that most of the animate world systems of beyond are strictly pluralistic and yet purely monist, which itself makes them come in line with the intrinsic pluralism and essential monism of the macrocosmic creation within which their inhabitants itself reside and which in turn leads to loss of inner and outer conflict within their inhabitants …
And contrary to above, the reverse is seen in those worlds where individualism is rampant or is a system followed by majority of inhabitants as such worlds are always resting within a state of cyclic chaos which is a continuous one because it keeps manifesting in one or another form and across one or other way of life of its inhabitants … This world system is no different from what is stated here and it was definitely not so during my earlier incarnations here because the systems were based upon the pluralistic monism (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) itself …
All such aspects which are based upon individualism only denote the lowest of levels of evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchy as individualistic systems discount more of allness as compared to what they accept within their ways of life …
Individualism rejects more of allness than what it accepts and this is only because it only accepts a single state, condition, ways of life etc., and rejects all others, which in turn leads to a state where individualism rejects more than it accepts …
This is a fact about all form and formless individualistic systems and this is what leads to a state of competitive-dualism within all systems that are individualistic and this in turn leads to a condition where every individualistic system gets based within a cyclic state of chaos … This world has been no different after these individualistic systems had entered here a few millenniums ago …
Resuming again …
FF-4 … Notes and analysis after realization of Akar …
As far as the Maker’s Makings and beyond is concerned, following is a fact …
- The yellow color denotes the macrocosmic plane of knowledge (i.e. Jnanakash or Brahmic Mahad Vijyanmaye Kosha) … Thus even the knowledge sheath (i.e. Vijyanmaye Kosha) of each aspirant is of a very subtle yellow color only and this is also in sameness to its own parental macrocosmic state i.e. macrocosmic plane of knowledge … The knowledge sheath (or Vijyanmaye Kosha) of any aspirant is the microcosmic state of the macrocosmic plane of knowledge itself …
- The white color denotes Sattva Guna, which actually means as the macrocosmic attribute of neutrality … And it also denotes the purified consciousness orb (or causal body) of an aspirant i.e. when aspirant purifies his (or her) own consciousness, then that consciousness is found to be of a white color as it becomes based upon the macrocosmic attribute of neutrality of wisdom (i.e. Sattvaguna) itself …
- And when the aspirants consciousness is such that it becomes freed of all impressions (all earlier Samskaras) and thence it re-merges (or unites back) to the macrocosmic macro-neutrality, then it turns into a diamond white color … This is the state where the aspirants consciousness is already freed of all impressions (i.e. Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta is arrived at) except the last and final impression which as such can only be detached whilst already entered into and thence already walking the last path …
- At the stage when the and effects of above bullet point are manifested, the diamond white colored consciousness is subtler than yellow colored knowledge and thus the diamond white (consciousness) begins pervading (or permeating) the yellow colored knowledge … Thus at such a stage, the diamond white colored consciousness orb (or the causal body of an aspirant) is found to be resting within the envelopes of the yellow colored knowledge (of the Anandmaye Kosha of the same aspirant) …
- Above stage leads to a state where the earlier yellow colored knowledge starts shining in a golden color … This is how the golden color is originated within and beyond any aspirant of any of the three times …
- And this discussion is also the basis of self-manifestation of the golden vehicle (i.e. golden body) which as such was also called as Hiranyagarbha Sharira (of the vehicle of the golden womb of macrocosmic creation) during ancient times … And at much later times, the same golden vehicle (golden body) which manifests within the aspirants physical vehicle was also addressed as the “Buddha body of reality” and the state where the golden body finally merges was termed as “Dharmakaya (i.e. the plane of Dharma or the plane of knowledge-conscious principles or the plane of Absolute knowledge and Absolute consciousness)” …
As per experiences within many other macrocosmic states, golden color is a denoting a union of diamond white color and yellow color and this union is such that the diamond white conscious principle pervades the yellow colored knowledge principle …
Thus when the diamond white conscious principle begins resting within the yellow envelope of knowledge principle, the color that is arrived at, is of golden … Thus the golden color denotes the unioned state of conscious and knowledge principle as far as the Maker’s Makings or its any part is concerned …
Diamond white color denotes a purified state of consciousness which has merged to the conscious principle … Conscious principle itself is the macro-neutral (or macro-equanimous) state of self of allness (i.e. it is the Sarva Samta which is also a part to and part of Paramatman) …
This also denotes a state where the aspirants consciousness orb (or Chitta) which is a part of the “fourfold inner subtle tool (or Antahkarana Chatushtaya)” has already arrived at its impressionless state (Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta) and then it has already merged to the diamond white world of the macro-neutral greater whole (or the self of allness or the macro-neutral world of creator or Sarva-Sam Sagun Nirakaar Brahmaloka) …
And yellow color denotes knowledge … Even the knowledge sheath or Vijyanmaye Kosha and macrocosmic plane of knowledge, is of a bright yellow color only …
When consciousness and knowledge were originated, the consciousness was subtler than knowledge and thus at such a stage, consciousness was pervading the knowledge …
But after the consciousness began adopting impressions from the forming macrocosmic creation, the resultant subtlety of consciousness got reduced from its original highly subtle state … And this led to a relatively grosser state of consciousness as compared to the knowledge and thus at this stage, the knowledge began pervading the consciousness … This led to a state where the knowledge principle had to be adopted so as to arrive at the purified (or impressionless) state of consciousness … This need led to an advent of many systems which were based on knowledge, so as to ensure that the consciousness again becomes impressionless …
That knowledge of a system which does not lead to what is discussed in previous paragraph cannot even be called as knowledge and thus such a deviated state of knowledge cannot ever be the reason for long lasting peace within the world … And since consciousness and knowledge are universal entities, so any system which has the capability to lead to peace can only be that which is based within a pluralistic yet monist path and which ultimately leads to the final path which as such is of Absolute-Monism (Vedanta) as is of the Absolute Non-dualism (Advaita) both of which itself are of the Absolute-being (Brahman) …
As any aspirant evolves, it keeps reaching an ever higher subtlety and eventually each aspirant re-arrives at an impressionless state of its own consciousness orb or Chitta (of the causal body or Antahkarana Chatushtaya) i.e. the state of consciousness that originally was prior the Maker had even started effecting its Makings in their original state of subtlety …
The entire evolutionary process is only based on this aspect of a return back to the original impressionless state of consciousness, which as such is to make the consciousness to re-arrive at its original subtlety where it again begins pervading knowledge (Just as it originally was prior to and at the instant when both the consciousness and knowledge were self-originated within the Maker’s Makings) …
And when the consciousness becomes impressionless (Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta), then the consciousness again begins pervading the knowledge … This is the state where the aspirant begins walking free of all knowledge systems because of the fact that within a conscious state, the knowledge of pristine paths shall begin lighting up within the aspirants microcosm itself (And thus after this stage there is no need to read any book or find a guide to learn because the aspirant itself becomes a physical manifestation of the united condition of the macrocosmic knowledge, conscious and pure activity principle) …
And because the consciousness becomes impressionless, so it lets go of its earlier individualistic nature and re-arrives at its original macro-neutral state i.e. a diamond white color as is of the Maker’s abode (i.e. Brahmaloka) …
However during this process, that consciousness passes through the vibratory bandwidth of the ninth sphere of macrocosmic nature (or very subtle white cloud like sphere which is at the uppermost hierarchy of all others) and thus enters into a state which as such could be termed as Para Prakriti (or Beyond nature) … This is the state of self-realization of Adi Shakti (Primordial divinity) who within Vedic lore is also addressed as Maa Parvati, Maa Bhagwati, Maa Shakti and is also addressed through many other names …
As above happens, the impressionless consciousness merges with the aspirants self (which at this stage is already self realized as the self of allness) and thence becomes arrived at a diamond white color …
The diamond white color denotes macro-neutrality towards allness and its each part (i.e. equanimity to all that ever is and could ever be … Or Sarva Samta) … This as such is the final state of consciousness prior the impressionless and thus a fully purified state of Chitta (or in other words, the consciousness orb) of the Bliss sheath (or in other words, the causal body or Antahkarana Chatushtaya) of the aspirant is arrived at … And after this impressionless state of consciousness is re-arrived at, the consciousness orb again enters inside knowledge and thus begins pervading it … This denotes a stage where the aspirant has already evolved beyond the scopes of Maker’s Makings and thus returned back to the state of consciousness as was prior the Maker’s Makings were even effected by the Maker …
When above paragraph actually happens, then because the diamond white colored consciousness is resting inside the yellow colored knowledge, so the earlier state of yellow colored knowledge also reaches at its super-conscious state and thus begins glowing in a bright golden hue …
Within the knowledge sheath of an aspirant who has arrived at such a state, the knowledge keeps increasing in its quantum and with time the consciousness which is resting within the knowledge sheath +++ and then the knowledge sheath (or Vijyanmaye Kosha) begins glowing in a very bright golden color … This is the state of arriving at Hiranyagarbha Swaroop i.e. such an aspirant is like a manifest state of Hiranyagarbha Brahma and that too, while that aspirant is still incarnated … All concepts which are based upon golden body (which in Buddhist lore is also termed as Buddha body of reality) are also related to the same discussion … And the term “Buddhata (which in English language is also called as Buddhahood)” is also related to the same discussion only …
+++ Explaining +++ of above paragraph … When consciousness becomes impressionless, then it re-arrive at its original subtlety and thus it begins pervading knowledge … Due to this reason, at this stage the diamond white consciousness is found to be resting within envelope of yellow colored knowledge itself … And this is also the stage where knowledge principle becomes overpowered by conscious principle because these two principles unite in the same condition that originally was prior the Maker had even commenced its Makings … Thus such a condition also denotes that the aspirant has already evolved beyond the Maker’s Makings … It was due to this reason that the Vedic lore declares the Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta (i.e. the impressionless state of consciousness) as a very high one … This is the stage when an aspirant goes beyond the holds (or purviews) of the macrocosmic creation itself and yet is resting within her pristine divinity i.e. Maa Adi Parashakti … So this means, that the aspirant is still there, but is beyond all that falls within the purviews of the term “macrocosmic creation” …
At the stage of above paragraph, if anyone would ask the macrocosmic creation about the whereabouts of such an aspirant (i.e. the one discussed in above paragraph) then the reply would invariably be thus … “He (or she) was, but now is not” … And this reply may even be whilst that aspirant is still incarnated within one of the worlds of the same macrocosmic creation … Even the Gods (Deva) cannot trace the whereabouts of such an aspirant until that aspirant self-declares his (or her) presence …
Continuing with above paragraph … Above is due to the fact that the golden body is also related to the golden colored Tatpurusha face of Shiva … And since one of the “divinities (i.e. Shakti)” of Tatpurusha is of “veiling (i.e. Tirodhaan)” so any aspirant who holds the golden body is also the holder of and is based within the same “Veiling divinity (or Tirodhaan Shakti)” of Tatpurusha face … Thus such aspirants are the eternally veiled ones … So unless they themselves declare their self presence and that too, in an explicit manner, nobody can ever know about them … And due to these reasons, even when they could be living upon a world (a planet), a plane of existence (galaxy etc.) or even within the universe, yet the controllers (i.e. egoistic Gods) and angels of these states would never know the exact locations of such aspirants who are holding the golden vehicle …
Continuing with above paragraph … And because these aspirants also hold the supreme knowledge, which as such is only based upon pluralistic monism and which itself is against the individualistic knowledge systems of the egoistic controllers, so when such aspirants enter a world, then the staunch followers of individualism start getting nervous … Due to this reason, all sorts of erratic newer prophecies and misinterpretations of existing prophecies always takes place by the staunch followers of such egoistic gods as they really do not know the location of such aspirants and thus such staunch followers keep making 2 + 2 = 22 regarding such prophecies all the while till these holders of golden vehicle finally self declare their presence upon a world …
FF-4 … Akar and Golden body or Golden Vehicle …
As also since this golden vehicle denotes that the aspirant has already attained the stature of being the physically manifest state of Hiranyagarbha Brahma (i.e. the aspirant achieves the state of being Hiranyagarbha Brahma Swaroop and that too while within an incarnated form), so such aspirants also hold the divinity to restore order … And because the job of Hiranyagarbha is to create (as Hiranyagarbha is the doer Maker or the creator who creates the macrocosmic creation), so such aspirants are also those ones who end up setting up newer subtler (or uniting) systems within the world …
And because the golden mother of our current discussion itself is the pristine divinity of Hiranyagarbha Brahma (i.e. the golden womb of creation), so such aspirants invariably set up systems which relate to the golden mother herself … And since the golden mother’s knowledge systems are only based upon inward paths, so such aspirants also end up planting the seeds of these inward systems i.e. systems that lead to realization of self …
Vedic texts also call Hiranyagarbha Brahma, as Karya Brahma or doer maker … Hiranyagarbha Brahma is from where I have returned back during the current transmigrated incarnation … This is the aspect of the supreme creator to whom the macrocosmic creation as a whole is relating … And because this doer maker (creator) creates the macrocosmic creation from within itself and that too with the assistance of its own divinity (Akar or golden mother), so the chosen name of text “Maker’s Makings” is primarily related to the golden mother (or our current discussion) and also to Hiranyagarbha Brahma (i.e. the next topic of our discussion) …
And since Hiranyagarbha Brahma s the creator from the macrocosmic point of view, so it is also due to this reason, Hiranyagarbha is also addressed as Ishvara (i.e. the being there only is) and the golden mother is addressed as Ishvari (i.e. the beingness of the being there only is) within many texts …
She is the mother of form i.e. the primordial (or first) form (i.e. Adi Akar or Pratham Akar) which originated within the Maker’s Makings, so due to this fact she was also addressed as Akar (i.e. shape, form) within the Vedic and Yogic lore’s of Dharma … As such whatever form (i.e. Akar) is there within the entire macrocosmic creation, is originated from her and is also reflected into and within her divine envelopes …
That’s all …