MM-1 … Kashi and Prayag Raj and their relation to Raam Naad …
The same Kashi and Prayagraj is also present inside each aspirant …
Above figure describes lights in the third eye plexus which self manifest at that stage where Shakti Shiva Yoga commences inside the third eye plexus …
Thus above figure is also denoting the commencement state of self realization of “Raam Naad (which in English means as the Sound of Ram)”, which itself is the Shiva Taraka Mantra (i.e. fully liberating Mantra of Bhagwan Shiva) …
But in above figure, I have not depicted the third light as it is to be known through self realization by interested aspirants …
This is also the formless state of Ardhanarishwara who resides within the third eye plexus (or Ajna Chakra) of each aspirant …
This figure ultimately leads to the state as is described in a later painting where we have told about the manifestation of highly luminous third eye inside the aspirant and which ultimately denotes the Rudra Raudri Yoga (this phrase means a condition of union of Raudri to Rudra) and that too, as a pristine light which manifests inside the third eye plexus of the aspirant …
Ultimately it is within an envelope of a light that is similar to above painted sketch that Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara (as was described in earlier sub-part of this topic) gets self realized within the third eye plexus (or Agya Chakra) of the aspirant …
MM-2 … Inner and outer Kashi and Prayagraj are eternally activated ones …
Just like Kashi is a fully spiritually activated place, so is the third eye area of each aspirant …
Since the third eye plexus is an eternally activated one, so it is also the base to enter the process of liberation (which means as the process of Kaivalya or in other words, the path of Moksha) …
As such, the liberation (which in Sanskrit is also called as Moksha or Kaivalya) which was discussed in earlier topic is also relating to the third eye plexus, which itself is through the self realization of Ardhanarishwara who is seen within the third eye plexus …
The third eye plexus is also the point where the three-main-subtle-energy channels (i.e. Ida Naadi, Pingala Naadi, Sushumna Naadi) meet each other, so this inner meeting point of these three subtle divinity channels is also named as Prayagraj (or the king of confluence) …
MM-3 … Three rivers of inner Kashi and inner Prayagraj …
These three rivers are the three subtle divinity channels as follows …
- Ida Naadi … Or left hand channel or moon channel or coldness channel …
- Pingala Naadi … Or right hand channel or sun channel or hotness channel …
- Sushumna Naadi … Or middle channel or neutral channel …
- And since these three inner divinity channels are the primary ones, so their confluence which as such is in the area of the third eye plexus was named as the Inner-Prayagraj in addition to be named as Kashi …
The word Prayagraj means “King of confluences” and the word Kashi means “the point of fulfillment of the innermost essence of all desires i.e. the point of final liberation or Kaivalya Moksha) within the Yogic and Vedic lore’s …
Inner-Kashi and Inner-Prayagraj are present near the third eye plexus of each aspirant and it is at this point that the three above listed channels are meeting each other …
And as far as the geographical location of Prayagraj (Kashi) is concerned, it has ever been associated to the place where three divine rivers (i.e. rivers Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati) meet each other …
This simile of inner and outer Prayagraj is also due to the fact that “As is a microcosm, So is the macrocosm” … Thus if there is a divine confluence inside the aspirants microcosm, then the world where that microcosm resides must also have a similar divine confluence …
And since a confluence is also a place to wash your earlier sins and prepare for the next stage i.e. of liberation, so just as Siddha Yogi’s (i.e. accomplished Yogi’s or Yogi who holds the Siddha Sharira) have always (eternally) taken a dip into their inner Prayagraj (i.e. King of inner confluence which is at the third eye plexus area), so have ordinary men and women always bathed at the confluence of Prayagraj in the city of Kashi … This is a timeless Inner-Outer tradition which is also listed in many texts …
As also a fact, that once an ordinary aspirant becomes an accomplished Yogi, then that aspirant only bathes in his/her own inner Prayagraj … Due to this reason, that fully accomplished aspirant no longer need to bathe at the geographical Prayagraj which is located in the city of Kashi, be he/she may still choose to do so under free will …
And it also was due to the above discussions that within the Vedic lore (I mean, the Puranic lore) it was told that those who de-incarnate at Kashi are the ones who pass through the Shiva Taraka Naad (which itself is the same as Raam Naad or Sound of Raam) and thus such ones end up entering into a fully liberated state …
Thus the same Ram Naad which is heard inside the aspirants microcosm where the three subtle channels meet (i.e. meeting of Ida Naadi, Pingala Naadi and Sushumna Naadi in the third eye plexus), is also heard by those who shed their incarnated frames at the geographical location of Kashi where the three divine rivers (i.e. Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati) are meeting each other and which as such is termed as Prayagraj also …
What third eye plexus is to the physical vehicle, is Kashi to this world system …
As the third eye plexus is the eternally activated spiritual plexus within the aspirant, so is the geographical place of Kashi the eternally activated spiritual place within this planetary system … This is how these two places were designed to be and as a reflection of each other …
Just as Shiva liberates an aspirant whose consciousness has started resting firmly at the third eye plexus, so does Shiva liberate the better ones who reside at Kashi at the end of their destined incarnated times …
This liberation which is granted by Shiva is also through his Taraka Mantra (i.e. Shiva’s liberating Mantra) which as such is Raam Naad (Sound of Raam) that is being discussed here …
And both these inner and outer aspects of Kashi and Prayagraj are relating to the same Shiva Shakti Yoga, which itself leads to the further self realization of Ram Naad (or Sound of Ram) which also is none other than the finally liberating Mantra of Bhagwan Shiva (Shiva Taraka Mantra) that is being discussed here …
Thus states the Vedic lore (Vedic Purana) that those better aspirants who come to Kashi so as to stay there (or those who already are living in Kashi) during the destined end part of their incarnated lifetimes upon this planet and they spend their last incarnated days whilst meditating upon Shiva, are liberated by Shiva Taraka Mantra (i.e. Raam Naad) …
The topic continues …