Above figure is only a representation of the Yin Yang Union or Yang Yin Union … This figure denotes the eternal union of masculine and feminine principles (or Yang and Yin respectively) to each other and just as this union has been since timeless eternity … But this figure also holds much deeper secrets …
NN-1 … Yin Yang Union …
This is the feminine masculine union …
Above figure describes this union but within a very subtle way …
The lightness condition (white colored) denotes the feminine principle (i.e. Yin) which unites to the dark colored masculine principle (i.e. Yang) and this also is the same as what was told as Shiva Shakti Yoga within the Vedic lore and whose sound itself is of Raam …
NN-2 … Yang Yin union is Shiva Shakti Yoga itself …
Yin Yang union essentially denotes the feminine masculine union, female male union and union of feminine and masculine principles, or in simple words Shakti Shiva Yoga …
Self realization of Raam Naad (Sound of Raam) also leads to the same self realization which was told as Yin Yang union by Chinese sages …
The same was also told as Samantabhadra Samantabhadri Yoga within the Buddhist lore’s …
But at the same time, Yin Yang union is not exactly the same as Shiva Shakti Yoga that is being discussed here … This is as it relates more to the state which is intermediary during realization of Ahum Naad and then the later stage of a self realization of ALA Naad … We have already discussed this in an earlier topic which has the header “From Ahum Naad to ALA Naad” …
NN-3 … Final formless state of Yin Yang union …
And the finality of this Yoga is the same as what earlier was known as Mahakaal Mahakaali Yoga i.e. divinity of the great-time (i.e. Supreme time aspect of Lord Shiva, who is also addressed as Bhagwan Mahakaal) to the divinity of the great-time (i.e. supreme divinity or Maa Mahakaali) … This shall be discussed in a later topic with a similar header …
The word Shiva means the following …
- The supremely auspicious one …
- The supreme consciousness … That who is supremely auspicious, itself is the one who is the conscious one … That who is an unconscious one, cannot ever be the auspicious one …
- The supreme knowledge … That who is conscious, itself is the knowledgeable one … That who is not the supremely knowledgeable one, cannot ever be the conscious one …
- The supreme activity … One who is not supremely knowledgeable, is never that who could be the holder of supreme activity …
- The supremely veiled one … That who is not supremely veiled, can never be the possessor of supreme activity … This is because unless it works in ways which are beyond common and uncommon understanding, the unknown aspect of activity cannot be proved to be present within it … And in absence of this unknown aspects of activity, the presence of unknown (or beyond or supreme) component of knowledge and conscious principles cannot even be proved in that entity …
- The supremely unveiling one … Or in other words, “One who unveils the final truth and thus is the supremely blessing one” … That who is not so, cannot ever be the supremely auspicious one … As also a fact, that one who is not the self revealing one, is only found to be dependent upon other aspects to reveal itself and thus such a one cannot even be the supreme one … And as a matter of fact, that who is not supreme is never the supremely blessing one …
- The Ever-All … That who Ever-remains as the Ever-All … This means that eternal within whom the entirety of allness resides … That who is not so cannot ever be the great lord (Maheshwara or Mahadeva) … Both of Maheshwara and Mahadeva are names of Shiva only …
Note: In the Vedas the word Maha, which literally means Great, is only told for the supreme as there can never be two greats at the same time … If there are two greats present at the same time, then the greatness of either one of them can never be proved and thus if the word Maha is used in Vedas, then it only means the supreme …
- That “who ever-is” and simultaneously “is the ever-not” … That who is not the holder of “the not”, cannot ever be the Ever-All … Unless the stated “All” includes the “Not” that All cannot even be termed as the All due to absence of aspect of Not’ness within it … That which is All is only the All because it also holds the Not’ness within itself …
- Such a being who is all above, is highly mysterious and thus is none other than an undefined one … It was to this undefined yet eternal state of Shiva which also includes Not’ness that itself is naught but a minor part of Shiva, that all concepts of emptiness have been relating … And it was also due to this reason, that Shiva was told by some sages as “That who is Not and yet is” …
- That who is not all above, cannot be the one who could bless all above and thus such a one cannot ever be the supremely auspicious one (or Shiva) because such a one cannot ever be denoting the fullness of the Ever-All, to who the word Shiva also relates …
- After the advent of the initial effects of currently underway divine degenerate age cycle (i.e. 2592 years prior 3102 BC and as per the currently underway nadir time units of precession of equinoxes), it was only after the fullness of meaning of the word Shiva had gotten missing, that all sorts of aspects who claimed themselves to be the Absolute, even when they really were not such (as they were the “Evolved yet evolving ones only) had gotten manifested … This in turn led to absence of fullness of knowledge of the fullness of supreme within this world, which in turn led to rise of one of another individualistic system (i.e. monotheism) with its own individualistic and thus egoistic entity as God, which itself became the reason for an unending chaos which cyclically kept spreading across all ways and walks of life of humanity …
- Unless a return back to the fullness as is discussed here is rested in and that too “through and within” the ways and walks of life of humanity and which itself is via the path of Brahmand Dharana (i.e. oneness to allness and her each part) the ending of currently underway severe state of degeneration within this world, shall only be found to be an utter impossibility … And this statement is irrespective of who anybody may believe in or what that believed entity may claim about its own supremacy …
NN-4 … The path of Yang Yin Yoga is through Raam Naad itself …
The path to all above is also via the Yin Yang Union which itself is the same as Mahakaal Mahakaali Yoga (i.e. union of great-time and divinity of great-time) and which itself is a part of Shakti Shiva Yoga whose sound is none other than Ram Naad itself …
That which is told as “not”, is the one who is empty of that which is the Ever-All and yet at the same time, that which ever-is and is as the ever-all, is also holding “that which is told as not” within itself …
That which is “not”, does not hold that which is the “ever-all” …
And on the contrary, that which ever-all, cannot even be the ever-all unless it holds within itself, that which is not …
I know by above many would get totally confused, but this is what Shiva really is within his own Ever-Not’ness, which itself is a minor part of his own Ever-Allness … And it was this Ever-Not’ness of Shiva that came to be known as non-lighted state of emptiness within the later knowledge systems (i.e. those knowledge systems which came by during the last few millenniums) … And the same aspect which relates to Not’ness of Shiva, was a also told as Shunya Samadhi by those Yogi’s who have attained it, Shunyata by Buddhists, … The same is also told as Shunya Tattva by some others and this itself was told as the Yang by the evolved Chinese sages …
And since Shiva itself is Shakti and Shakti itself is none other than Shiva, so it is due to this reason that Shakti and Shiva are always unioned to each other in such a way that one itself is the other … And this union is what was told as Yin Yang union by Chinese sages where one is shown to be resting in the other …
NN-5 … Alternative state of self realization of above figure of Yin Tang Yoga …
And above figure is also showing the same state which was shown in the painting of an earlier topic of “From Ahum Naad to ALA Naad”, hence please refer to that earlier topic and its painting for further clarification on the state from where the knowledge of Yin Yang union had originally originated … Thus basis this fact, the knowledge Yin Yang is also a part of the vast knowledge of Aghora face of Sadashiva to which the currently discussed knowledge of Shiva Shakti Yoga also relates …
In that earlier topic which has the header of “From Ahum Naad to ALA Naad”, this symbol on union of Yin Yang is also shown to be resting within the state that is termed as “Krishna Pingalam (i.e. Dark Tawny)” in the Vedic lore and where the term “Krishna Pingalam (i.e. Dark Tawny)” is referring to the same Rudra Deva, but this is where Rudra Deva is as Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara and that too, whilst Rudra itself is within his (i.e. Rudra) own self expressed condition of (or state of) “Krishna Pingala (which means as Dark Tawny)” and this itself is in lieu of his own Blue-white colored state which is present in the third eye plexus …
It eventually is within the vast envelopes of “Krishna Pingalam (i.e. Dark-Tawny)” condition of Rudra Deva that the dark-white state of our discussion resides … And this fact is also shown in the painting of the earlier topic (of “From Ahum Naad to ALA Naad”) …
In a later topic, we shall be discussing the Siddha Sharira (accomplishment vehicle) which relates to the Vedic (Sanskrit) statement of Krishna Pingalam (i.e. Dark Tawny) and this shall also be in relation to the much-much later knowledge systems of Tibetan Buddhism where the red colored Buddha Samantabhadri is depicted to be resting within the blue colored Buddha Samantabhadra …
As also a fact that unless a union is such that the unioned entities get reflected in each other, that union cannot even be deemed as complete … This reflection of one within the other is also depicted within above painting where a portion of darkness is shown in the lighted envelope and simultaneously, lightness is shown within the dark envelope …
And finally …
Self realization of the state of our current discussion in turn leads to the self-manifestation of an accomplishment vehicle (i.e. Siddha body) which I have termed as the body of Christ principle (i.e. the siddha body which in the next topic been called as the Body of Christ) …
The topic continues further …