Here we shall discuss the reason for rarity of knowers of science of 8th plexus, which within the present Brahma Kalpa had originated from the Manu (or Father of Man) of the first Manvantara. This Manu was addressed as Swayambhu Manu due to the fact that he was a mind born son of Brahma (creator of allness) …
Each of the 14 Manvantara of any Brahma Kalpa (i.e. day-time of Brahma, which has a time span of 4.32 billion human solar years, as per middle time units of earth’s precession), have their own Manu and each of these Manu, has ever had to be the master of the science of 8th plexus …
After Swayambhu Manu had given his knowledge to his very few disciples, then over certain longer time spans, as and when these disciples self-realized it, then they were the ones who spread this knowledge to humanity and also into the divine worlds …
And since for transmitting this knowledge, very few disciples were chosen by Swayambhu Manu, who actually was the first Manu of this Brahma Kalpa and since the same also applies to each of the 14 Manu’s of 14 Manvantara which make a Brahma Kalpa, so this is the basic reason for rarity of knower’s of 8th plexus …
I was one of the disciples of Swayambhu Manu and during those long gone and forgotten days, he had named me as Ganit, which means “divine mathematics, divinity of mathematics and one who knows the innermost divinities of mathematics, i.e. mathematics of universe and mathematics as a path of evolution and final liberation” … And later on, I came to be addressed as Maharishi Ganit (Which means the great sage of primordially divine science of mathematics) by my equals (and also by some of the divine beings or Deva) and Ganitacharya (Which means teacher of divine mathematics) by my students of those times …
BB-1 … The base of this discussion …
When I see the current severely divided, individualistic and thus degenerate state of humanity within this gross (physical) world and also see the state of those human souls who currently reside within those slightly beyond (subtler or spirit) worlds and then if I compare these situations to my previous incarnations and also compare to those times as were of my series of transmigrated incarnations (i.e. Incarnations that were arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul) that have also taken place till the nowness of now (i.e. when I write this topic), then below is what comes to fore …
During ancient days humans died and their soul wandered, but only for a while,
Now soul of humanity is “almost” dead, so people are wandering all the while,
Each searching the real whilst only walking into paths of the non-real, the dual,
And whilst based upon the path of non-real, each stating others path as wrong,
This has been leading to rise of divisive individualisms and thus a cyclic chaos,
So to put a full stop to all the apparent divisions is this topic on the 8th plexus,
And clear all fallacies is the inward-path of allness, the path of Maker’s Makings …
BB-2 … About the little insignificant student who writes this text …
At the outset I make it absolutely clear that irrespective of what anybody may have been during his or her previous incarnations and also irrespective of what evolutionary standing a person may be commanding within the macrocosmic hierarchies, he or she still needs to play the role as is dictated through destined merits (or destiny or Prarabdha) of his/her current incarnation …
I am no different from what is stated above, so irrespective of what is stated in below discussions, a little student of the Absolute being is what I shall remain this time around …
Plus within the time spans of any Deva Kaliyuga (i.e. the divine degenerate age cycle) I cannot even render those much higher knowledge systems, which I could during the better divine age cycle when I had also returned back as a transmigrated one only …
Thus irrespective whatever knowledge is rendered within this text, it essentially is not even an iota of what I hold by virtue of those accomplishments as have been during my earlier uncountable incarnations and also those dozens of transmigrated incarnations that also have been till the nowness of now, when I write this text …
As also, a few decades ago when I was told to write this text and that too by my eternal guide (i.e. Sanatan Gurudeva) Sri Bhagwan Vishnu (i.e. Sriman Narayana) who resides within me and who is also residing within the entirety of allness that is beyond my own tiny microcosm (physical and subtler vehicle), I had asked him thus …
“Why not end this Kaliyuga (divine degenerate age cycle) once and for all”
I had asked him because its simpler to end an age cycle than to write such a text because ending of an age cycle is so simple if I be allowed to utilize only a few of the weapons which relate to the divine (Devastra), macro-elemental (Bhootastra), five sheaths (Koshastra) and three attributes (Gunastra) …
This is because due to its severely degenerate state, Kaliyuga also happens to be a very weak age (i.e. age which has no strength, if it is countered through divine aspects) …
At the time (or above paragraph) I had thought that at least some of the minor weapons amongst the above listed ones, should be allowed in any age cycle (some higher or greater weapons ones may not be allowed in Kaliyuga as these weapons are not even meant for a divine degenerate age cycle) … But back then the eternal guide had replied that “everybody has to live as per whatever is dictated by time (Kaal) and its eternal cycles (Kaalchakra)” because the finality of time (i.e. eternity or Bhagwan Mahakaal) itself is none other than the supreme divinity (Maa Mahakaali) and nobody can ever go against that which is dictated by them (i.e. dictated by time and its own divinity) …
At that time, my eternal guide (Sriman Narayana) had also said that “Even though he (i.e. my eternal guide) had only made this rule, so he also has to follow his own rules whenever he comes back to this world or any other world (i.e. as an Avatar)” …
Within any of the animate worlds, whatever is divinely applicable to anyone who resides there, also needs to be followed by everyone who visits any of these world systems …
This is because the macrocosmic laws are equally applicable to everyone and thus they are not like human or other divine laws which are biased towards their own citizens, followers and prejudiced towards others … Those who don’t believe this, just read the religious lore’s of recently arrived individualistic (i.e. monotheistic) religions and see what their God says there for their non believers …
So it is due to this reason of there being a divine degenerate cycle right now, some deeper knowledge systems would need to be omitted and that too in such a way, that there also is no reference of these knowledge systems within this text and this is what severely restricts the knowledge of this text as far as the ability to immediately change the current age cycle is concerned …
And even when above is a fact, yet since this text is based upon the inner amongst the inward paths, so the path of this text also holds the capability to change the current divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) to a state “which is of or is closer to” that of a divine golden age cycle (Deva Satyuga), but provided it is related to via the inward path (i.e. path which leads to one’s own inner divinities and thus the path which eventually leads the aspirant’s to their own innermost essence or Atman) by the inhabitants of this world and whilst being based upon Brahmand Dharana (i.e. oneness to allness and her each part) …
Above itself is because of the following facts …
- The golden age (which also means as the age of purity or age of truth) cannot ever manifest or propagate through the outwardly paths (i.e. paths of egoistic Gods etc.) … Thus during the entirety of human history, there has never been a case where a golden age cycle had arrived whilst majority of inhabitants of a world were based upon the outwardly paths (or paths of egoistic Gods) …
- The degenerate age cannot ever manifest or propagate through the inwardly paths … Thus when a substantial section of the worlds inhabitants (humanity as a whole) gets based upon inward paths (or ways which relate to self realization) then the divine degenerate age cycle also ends upon that world … Thus during the entirety of human history there has never been a case where a degenerate age cycle had arrived (or the degenerate age cycle could propagate within and upon a world) whilst majority of inhabitants of a world were based upon the inwardly paths …
- Due to above reasons and since I really do not like this utterly stupid and nonsensical divine degenerate age cycle in which I have arrived this time around, I have also had to base this text upon the inward paths only and this is what makes this text fully capable to change the current degenerate age cycle to that of a better Manav Yuga or in other words, a better human age cycle (which itself is of the human golden age or the human age of truth or human age of inner purity) but provided the knowledge of this text is not corrupted by deviating it to other lower aspects during the future times and provided majority of inhabitants of this world get based upon its inward ways (i.e. inward paths) … And coincidentally, the path of this text is none other than a Vedic path only and thus it essentially relates to the ever-same great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Vedic lore) …
I am neither a medium of anyone nor can anyone ever be a medium of me during any future … This is because there is nobody who can ever afford to make an aspirant a medium after that aspirant has already passed the 8th plexus for the 1st time during his (or her) evolutionary history …
And there also is nobody who can ever be a medium of an aspirant who is to pass the 8th chakra and that too via the highly luminous, golden colored, 101st subtle channel that rises beyond the 7th plexus (i.e. thousand petalled lotus at the top of brain or Brahmarandra Chakra or Sahasrara) …
Above is because of the fact that nobody can survive those large quantum of flows which get manifested within the subtler vehicles due to the transit through the highly-luminous, golden-colored 101th subtle-channel that directly leads to Ashtama Chakra (as is mentioned in one of the Mantras of Atharvaveda, chapter 10) …
And as far as my entire evolutionary process stands, within this transmigrated incarnation since this transit of the 8th plexus (or eighth plexus) via the 101st subtle channel was destined to be completed for a 101st time, so being a medium of anybody or anybody being my medium is also an utter impossibility … Even the greatest of divine aspects cannot afford to make such an aspirant their medium, because such an aspirant has already gone well beyond their controls …
This topic describes important stages of my evolutionary existence that has been till the nowness of now, but only within the limited time spans of the current Kalpa of Brahma(current day-time of creator) … Thus this topic would also end up being restricted to a meager time span of “about” 1.96 to 1.97 billion human solar years” that has already passed of the presently underway Brahma Kalpa …
Proceeding further …
As also to save future problems of people of this planet calling me their awaited one (or even his reciprocal), I shall have to discuss myself prior any further discussions …
I state thus, Loud and clear … I am neither an awaited one of any of the current day (or even earlier) religions nor am I the reciprocal of any of such awaited ones … In fact I am also not any of those ones who have been ever stated in any of the religions of now or ever except some references of my earlier incarnations and further transmigrated incarnations as are there within some texts of Sanatan Dharma (i.e. Vedic lore which includes Buddhism, Sikhism, Hinduism and Jainism only) …
And I say so because of the fact that I was even there prior any of the dual-concepts of these awaited ones or their reciprocals (of any of the religious lore’s) had even manifested upon this or any other animated worlds of the entire macrocosmic creation …
All such concepts of any of these awaited ones are essentially related to either of the below listed three Yogic accomplishments and these three are as follows …
- The lower accomplishment … This is of transit through the six petalled mind plexus (Manas Chakra) which is at the uppermost part of the 7th plexus (or the crown plexus, which is also termed as the thousand petalled lotus at the top of brain or Brahmarandra chakra or Sahasrara) …
- The middle accomplishment … This is of a transit through the highly luminous, golden colored 101st subtle channel which rises up and goes beyond the 7th plexus (or the crown plexus) but it does not reach the eighth chakra …
- The higher accomplishment of reaching and going beyond the 8th chakra …
- The lattermost accomplishment holds the previous two accomplishments within it because unless an aspirant completes the previous two, the lattermost cannot even be completed …
- This topic relates to this lattermost accomplishment only …
So due to above stated reasons, there can never be a case where I happen to be that awaited one or his reciprocal because of that fact that suchness of the present day duality of religious concepts (i.e. awaited one or his reciprocal) was totally absent during those “long gone and forgotten times” of my previous incarnations which are being discussed here …
And strangely I have to use the phrase “long gone and forgotten times” even when this time span is only a limited to one single Kalpa i.e. time span of one day of creator deity (i.e. 12 hours of day time of the Maker or Brahma) which has a value of “only” 4.32 billion human solar years, as per middle time units of precession and which as such is nothing when compared to the totality of lifetime of the Maker’s Makings …
But at the same time, since there have been many incarnations prior to the below discussed one (I.e. BB-2) which as such was the first one within the current Brahma Kalpa and there have also been many further transmigrated returns (i.e. transmigrated incarnations) after the below discussed one (i.e. BB-2), so to save confusions amongst the readers, I shall only be discussing those which are already listed within the various lore’s of this planet … Transmigrated incarnation means an incarnation that is arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth …
Plus if I begin listing all that has been during my entire evolutionary existence, then it is neither reasonable not practical because such a discussion would only make this topic to run into a few thousand pages and that too if I only give one paragraph to one previous incarnation …
And because I am trying to concise a very long discussion and also discuss some of those root concepts which relate to these discussions, so this topic would also need to incorporate many deviations … Within these deviations a few of those root concepts which relate to these discussions would be explained …
So basis above we begin this topic …
BB-3 … During the Swayambhu Manvantar and with Swayambhu Manu …
This was about 1.96 to 1.97 billion human solar years ago (as per middle time units of earths axial precession of Earth’s axis), I was a student (or disciple or Shishya) of Swayambhu Manu Maharaja and he had named me as “Ganit” which means “divine mathematics” only because within the innermost nature of mathematics, it is none other than a pristinely divine science …
Deviation 1 … Within a later topic of knowledge of Kaalchakra (i.e. a cyclic and yet an essential eternal nature of time) I shall be proving the pristine divinity of science of mathematics … And that topic of Kaalchakra shall essentially be based upon Vedic mathematics where I shall also be deriving speeds of various celestial bodies, various values of physical, age of this universe, astronomical, astrophysical aspects and also aspects which relate to the science of light (i.e. photon) …
And above shall also be in addition to the mathematical proofs of relation of all religions, religious lore’s and some of the times as were of advent of their divine-propagators (I mean prophets) to the knowledge of Vedic Kaalchakra itself … That which cannot be proved through divine mathematics, is fake because time (or Kaal) is the macrocosmic dimension which governs everything and mathematics itself is the path to know this primordial macrocosmic dimension …
And that topic of science of Kaalchakra would eventually be talking about the “allness principle or the principle of everything” which itself is a divine mathematical principle that is based upon the higher of Yoga Tantra which as such was originally named by me as Kaal-Yoga (i.e. union to macrocosmic dimension of time) when I was a mere student of Swayambhu Manu Maharaaj who had named me as Ganit (which means “divine mathematics”) …
During my entire evolutionary existence that I know, I have also known that there is no better teacher (Guru) than a Manu and especially the first Manu of a Brahma Kalpa (which for the current Brahma Kalpa was none other than my Pujya Gurudeva, Swayambhu Manu Maharaaj) …
And Kaal-Yoga also leads to the even further knowledge of Ayaam Yoga (i.e. union to dimensions) whose finality is that state where that aspirant begins resting within the finalities of dimensions … I.e. such an aspirant begins resting in unity to the “eternity (finality of dimension of time or Kaal Ayaam), infinity (finality of dimension of space or Akasha Ayaam), omnidirectionality (finality of the dimension of directions or Disha Ayaam) and omnipresence (finality of the dimension of state or Dasha Ayaam) … This is because of the fact that time itself is the primordial beginningless-endless and thus eternal dimension of the macrocosmic creation and it eventually is within the dimension of time, that every other dimension rests … So through knowledge of Kaalchakra, everything else can be derived and I shall thus be deriving a few values to prove this fact …
So, if an aspirant gets based “within and upon” the dimension of time and thus becomes a holder of knowledge of this dimension of time (I.e. Kaal Jnana) then that that aspirant also becomes the holder of knowledge of the other three primary dimensions (i.e. dimensions of space, directions or paths and state) of the Maker’s Makings as have been listed in above discussions …
And yet even in above evolutionary status, such an aspirant is free to return back to a grosser or lower world whenever it may needed by Mother Nature and at such a time that aspirant is also resting within a state of “free choice of choices (i.e. whilst resting in an acyclic mode of existence)” instead of the mode of existence which is based upon “no choice of choices (i.e. whilst resting within a cyclic mode of existence)” in which almost all those who inhabit that world system (where that aspirant returns back) are resting in …
But at the same time, when such an aspirant who is discussed above, returns back to a physical incarnated state (or even a transmigrated incarnation) then since that aspirant automatically falls within the purviews of the lesser unitary values of the dimensions that are applicable to that world (where he returns back), so such an aspirant also ends up “temporarily letting go” of his earlier fuller unity to the finality of these dimensions within which he (or she) is actually based prior entering a lower world system … This is what makes that aspirant to only retain a partial hold over his earlier unity as was only to the finality of these dimensions that have already been discussed in a previous paragraph …
As are the dimensional aspects applicable to a world, so is the “primary unity” of these aspirants to those worldly dimensions and thus when such aspirants return back, then they cannot even hold their fuller unity to the entirety of finality of these dimensions in which they are essentially based even when they are residing upon a physical or grosser or lower world system …
Above is because of the fact that nobody can break the “law of applicable dimensions” of the Maker’s Makings whilst still resting within the purviews of the Maker’s Makings and due to this reason, as are the dimensions which are applicable to a world (or unitary values of dimensions that are applicable to that world) where such aspirants return back, so are the primary dimensions which are associated to by such aspirants whilst they rest within that world system …
And even when these aspirants return back and begin resting in unitary values of dimensions that are applicable to that grosser world (or physical or lower world), yet they still retain a partial unity to the finalities of these dimensions as this is where they actually belong even when they may seem to be resting upon that gross world system …
Above fact is very clearly stated in the Vedic lore through statements like “When any Avatar of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu incarnates within a world, then even he does not break the rules which he has only created for the entire macrocosmic creation and for all that is residing within her timeless and ever changeful envelopes” …
Thus state the Vedas that when any Avatar of Sriman Narayana returns, then that Avatar is definitely not governed by laws which are other than those which are governing the other parts of macrocosmic animate speciology who resides upon that world (where he returns back) …
And it is also due to this reason that there has never be any Avatar of Sriman Narayana (i.e. my Sanatan Guru Sri Bhagwan Vishnu), who did not undergo through sufferings of one or another type and at one or another point of time when he was present upon this world system … Deviation 1 ends …
Resuming again with the main discussion …
The word Manu literally means “primordial progenitor of Manushya or the primordial father of Man” … But in its deeper actual sense, the word “Manu” also means the “Father of all men who reside within this or any other grosser or subtler world system” of the entire multi-world, multi-planic (i.e. multi-galactic) and multi-universal macrocosmic creation …
Thus there is only one Manu in any one (or single) age of Manu (i.e. within one Manvantar, there is only one Manu) and my Pujya Gurudeva i.e. Swayambhu Manu Maharaaj, was the Manu of the first Manvantar of the current Brahma-Kalpa …
Brahma-Kalpa is the time span of one day time of Pitamah Brahma Ji (i.e. one day-time of the grandfather and creator of allness) and it denotes the same as 12 hours of daytime that is applicable at the “pristine abode of the creator (i.e. 12 hours of time at Brahmaloka)” … This has a time span of 4.32 billion human solar years (as per time units of the middle of precession that have ever been used in all Vedic calculations) …
Manvantar means the age of Manu … There are 14 Manu’s in any single Brahma Kalpa and thus there also are 14 Manvantara in any Brahma Kalpa …
Deviation 2 … All later concepts of there being a father of man, are related to this original Vedic concept of Manu … In fact it is from the term “Manu” that the much later English term of “Man” had originated …
The same Manu of Vedas is also addressed as Adam and Aadum (Adum) within the later knowledge systems as these much-much later knowledge systems had also taken their own concepts from the much-earlier Vedic concept and it eventually was from the same Vedic concept of Manu that they had derived the terms of Adam and Adum (Aadum) within their own lore’s …
Thus, when we see the essence of these later terms (of later knowledge systems) then it also is found to be relating to the same parental concept of Manu (of the Vedic lore’s) … Deviation 2 ends …
Resuming again …
Later on I came to be known as “Ganitacharya” which means “teacher of divine mathematics” and much later on in time, I was also addressed as “Maharishi Ganit, which means the Great-Sage of divine mathematics” …
Deviation 3 … Within the purviews of the Vedas, term “Maha literally means Great” … And in its innermost meaning, this term (Maha or Great) actually means Supreme …
This is because of the fact that as per the innermost essence of Vedic lore, there can never be a case where there can be two Supreme’s at the same time and that too whilst these persons are based upon the same knowledge system and that too whilst they rest within the same multi-universal macrocosmic creation …
Thus if one Maharishi is a Maharishi of a specific knowledge system, then until he exits out of the macrocosmic creation and/or he leaves his great-accomplishment of that knowledge system of which he is a Maharishi, there can never be another sage who can attain the status of being a Maharishi for that specific knowledge system or path of evolution …
Above is an absolute fact which was also highlighted by the revered Gurudeva of my previous incarnation (i.e. Gautama Buddha) when he had also told that there cannot be two Buddhas at the same time and that too within the same multi-universal macrocosmic creation …
But the fact still remains that concept of Buddhahood is directly related to the much more ancient knowledge of Samkhya and thus the term Buddha also means “Maharishi of Samkhya Shastra or the Supreme Rishi of Samkhya Shastra” …
And to be honest Buddhas are very rare within the macrocosmic creation because not many aspirants desire to walk this path of Samkhya due to the risk of entering into Shunya Samadhi (i.e. absorption within primordial emptiness of allness) and thence the even greater risk of entering into a further stage where that aspirant enters into Nirbija Samadhi (i.e. absorption within the beginningless, endless and thus the timeless seedless state of Maker’s Makings) both of which are as the end results of union of Samkhya where there eventually happens a union of Prakriti to Purusha (i.e. Prakriti Purusha Yoga as was discussed earlier) and that too when this Prakriti Purusha Yoga happens inside the aspirants microcosm itself (i.e. it happens within the physical and subtler vehicles of the aspirant itself) …
Thus due to above stated reasons, the real knower’s of Samkhya have always been very rare as not many aspirants have ever desired to walk this path (i.e. path of Samkhya) … And those who accomplish this path, are even rarer as the percentage of aspirants who succeed in this path, is a very less one …
Deviation 3 ends …
Proceeding further …
As also a fact that I also hold the knowledge of those timeless forgotten knowledge systems due to being a “Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta” even since those long-gone and already-forgotten times of the incarnation which is referred to within these discussions …
Deviation 4 … The term “Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta” means that person who holds the divine knowledge (in my case, much subtler and thus divine mathematical knowledge) of turning his stage of death, into a stage of sleep …
Due to above stated knowledge, when such an aspirant returns back, then his return back is like waking up from deep sleep and this makes that aspirant to remember everything right from the time he had attained the accomplishment of being a Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta …
And in such a case, he also continues to hold the same lineage (or family, guru, knowledge system etc.) that he was holding in that incarnation when he had originally attained the status of being a Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta …
And within those long gone and forgotten times as were when I had attained the accomplishment of being a Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta, since Vedas were the only knowledge system that were present within this (or any other world system), so I have also ended up remaining within the purviews of Vedic lore’s, ever since …
Plus being a disciple of Swayambhu Manu Maharaaj, I cannot be any other than a Manuvaadi (i.e. follower of Manu’s philosophy) … And so am I even now and so shall I also continue to be in any future …
So this was my first incarnation within the current Brahma Kalpa which has already lasted for almost 1.96 to 1.97 billion human solar years (as per middle time units of precession cycles as are utilized in all Vedic calculations) …
BB-4 … Further incarnation within Swayambhu Manvantar … With Brahmarishi Kratu …
After above discussed incarnation, I returned back as a “Manas Putra” of Brahmarishi Kratu …
Brahmarishi Kratu is also told as star Dubhe of the constellation of seven sages (Sapta-Rishi Mandal) i.e. the star Dubhe in the constellation of Great-Bear or Ursa-Major …
Deviation 5 … The term “Manas Putra means, mind activated yet the womb son (Child)” i.e. a baby who is made to take birth asexually … Deviation 5 ends …
Resuming again … Brahmarishi Kratu had 60,000 such children, I was one of those 60,000 children and each of these children were about 5 inches tall and was an asexual baby (i.e. Mind activated yet womb body baby or Manas Santaan) …
All the children of Brahmarishi Kratu attained the status of being sages of that time and each one of them had given one knowledge system to humanity and where each of these knowledge systems were also related the ever-same Supreme Being and thus all these knowledge systems were as a path to the Absolute being … So at those long gone times there were 60,000 paths to the Absolute that were rendered by these 60,000 children Manas Santaan (mind children) of Brahmarishi Kratu … This is what established the eternal base of Vedic lore as a pluralistic yet monist one … These children were told to go to all regions of the world, stay there, self realize the 8th plexus, which they all eventually did in their then incarnation itself …
These children were also instructed that after self realization of the 8th plexus, they all would need to refuse their final liberations and thus they would keep returning back to the world as transmigrated ones … And this return back would also have to continue during the entire time span of the current Brahma-Kalpa and until they have already transited the Eighth chakra for the 101st time and via the path of the 101st inner subtle channel (i.e. Vajradanda or the staff of lightening) … This was instruction which given by my respected father (Brahmarishi Kratu) at that time and it eventually is due to this instruction that we all (i.e. 60,000 children) kept returning back to this world at all those times when we were instructed to do so by Mother Nature herself …
Deviation 6 …
Firstly we shall briefly discuss the word Brahmarishi …
The word Brahmarishi means a “Mantra Drashta Rishi” i.e. a Sage of the Absolute status because he (or she) is the seer of Veda Mantras (i.e. one who hears and/or sees the Veda Mantras or the Vedic verses i.e. verses of the Absolute being) …
And since a Brahmarishi is the seer of the sound (Shabd is also the alternate word for sound and the same sound also means as Naad) which itself is the Absolute (and thus is the reason for statements like Nada Brahman, or in other words the statement of Shabda Brahman of our discussion), so such a sage is the “Naad Brahm Incarnate” i.e. a Brahmarishi itself is the Vedas who have incarnated as a Rishi” … Thus within the entire Vedic lore there can never be a sage who is higher than a Brahmarishi because he himself is the “Vedas Incarnate”…
And since the seer of Vedas (i.e. Brahmarishi) cannot even be a seer of Vedas unless he (or she) is a seer of the “Root of Vedas i.e. Seer of the Sound and symbol of OM” (as was discussed in an earlier topic), so due to this reason the term Brahmarishi also means “Sound of OM Incarnate” (i.e. such a Sage is like OM who has incarnated in a human form) …
It was for such Rishi’s that the Vedic Guru Vandana was told (and not for any other ordinary being or those severely incomplete Guru’s of today) because only such a Rishi (i.e. Brahmarishi) can ever be the “AUM or OM Incarnate” and thus only such a Rishi can ever be the incarnated state of trinity (i.e. holder of the divinities of the creator, preserver and the great-rejuvenator) along with being the incarnated state of Parabrahman (i.e. he is an incarnated state of Brahman itself) to which the Vedantic Guru Vandana relates and was told at the end part of an earlier topic which has the header of “Why this text” …
Now we come to the discussions on the term Guru Dakshina …
And the word Guru-Dakshina literally means “a return gift to the Guru” …
After knowledge is imparted by the Guru and success already attained by the student, then at this stage that Guru can ask anything as his (or her) Guru-Dakshina …
And the student is supposed to complete the asked Guru Dakshina even if it means to do anything, so as to render it to his (or her) Guru … Thus a Guru can even ask for an endless return back into rigmaroles and sufferings of the lower or grosser world systems (like this one) or anything else which is even tougher …
And the student also needs to render that Guru Dakshina in a way which is exactly in the same as was asked for by his (or her) Guru …
Unless this return gift (i.e. Guru-Dakshina) is correctly rendered by a student, that student cannot even be liberated, even when he (or she) is already resting within a fully liberated state and thus have already lost their right to take a regular birth (i.e. the student has already lost the right to take a birth from the womb of a physically present mother) …
And due to loss of right to take a regular birth, such fully-liberated ones can also keep returning back as transmigrated ones (or even as directly manifested ones), until they have fully rendered their Guru-Dakshina and that too in a way which is exactly the same as was asked for by their Guru …
Unlike the teachers, Guru’s, Lama’s and the so called sages of today who are pretty happy by selling their knowledge for a meager material or even an immaterial price, none of my Guru’s have ever been so … As also a fact, barring a handful of today’s teachers, Guru’s, Lama’s and the so called sages, most of them won’t even qualify to be little students of my Gurujan (of previous incarnations) …
That Guru who is not super-strict is not even a Guru in the real sense and that Guru who directly or indirectly sells his (or her) knowledge, is naught but a fraudster … In fact I have had the toughest of Guru’s and this would eventually be proved within this topic itself …
As also, that Sage (Rishi) who is not Yogi, is not a Sage in the real sense … And that Yogi who is a businessman (or businesswoman) of the knowledge of Yoga Tantras and all that falls in the purviews of Yoga, is naught but a fraudster …
The Guru who only makes disciples (Shishya) in large numbers, is also not a real Guru … This is because self realized, all realized masters (i.e. Rishi and Yogi) only make masters out of their little students … This itself is because of the fact that for such self realized, all realized sages (i.e. Real-Masters) each student is not even a student because of the fact that they consider then students as “becoming masters” i.e. the Guru’s to be (at future times) … All my Gurujan were those masters who used to consider their student (Shishya) as a “becoming master” …
None of my Gurujan ever asked for a Guru-Dakshina which was anything short of being of phenomenal or of mammoth proportions … Thus all those whose who say that their Guru had asked for too much from them in return, are advised to wait till I complete this topic …
This is where I would be discussing what a Guru Dakshina actually means in the real sense and to what proportions of time, paths, stages of evolution etc., can a Guru Dakshina get stretched if your Guru is a Brahmarishi, a Prajapati and a Brahmic Ayurvedacharya like my earlier incarnations Father and Guru, Brahmarishi Kratu, also was (actually still is) …
In fact, my Father of the current transmigrated incarnation (i.e. the physically present man) was also one of my Guru’s during the Swayambhu Manvantar and my mother of the current transmigrated incarnation was also my Guru Maa of the same time … This is because of the fact that at those times also, they were man and wife and this is the reason for entering their family lineage again, this time around … And as of now 22 of his disciples of those long gone and past times, are present in my near and distant, current family lineage itself … Deviation 6 ends …
Resuming again … It was in this incarnation of being a Manas Putra (i.e. mind activated yet womb born son) of Brahmarishi Kratu that the 8th plexus of our current discussion was firstly transited through by me and thence I also lost the right to take a regular birth (i.e. birth from the physical womb of an incarnated mother) …
But due to compliance to instructions of my Pujya Gurudeva Brahmarishi Kratu where he had asked for 101 transits of the 8th plexus and that too via the path of the 101st channel (i.e. 101st channel is Hiranyagarbha Naadi or the golden channel or Vajradanda), I have ever since been returning back as a transmigrated one (i.e. Virgin birth) …
As a matter of fact that at those long gone and forgotten times, each of the 60,000 children of Brahmarishi Kratu had also attained the same accomplishment as is of transit through the 8th plexus which is being discussed here and thus each of them also return back as transmigrated one (or Virgin born one) only and that too whenever it was needed by Maa Prakriti (or Mother Nature) and these returns shall continue in any future whenever it may be needed by Mother nature …
So due to this reason, I am definitely not the only one amongst those who transmigrate to this world at regular intervals and whenever it may be needed by Mother Nature … By the term “Mother Nature” I mean the “fullness of divinity (i.e. Apra and Para Prakriti along with what was told as Avyakta Prakriti) of the primordial-beyond pristine-divinity (i.e. Maa Adi Parashakti) as is of the attributeless-infinite Absolute being (i.e. Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm or Brahman) and where both these (i.e. Maa Adi Parashakti and Bhagwan Paramshiva) are in fact one and the same within their greater of all realities … This itself was the basis of a Vedic statement where it is told that “Shiva is Shakti and Shakti itself is Shiva” …
This eternal oneness of Adi Parashakti and Bhagwan Paramshiva is just as is stated below …
- Sunlight of the Sun …
- Self-luminosity of the self-luminous being …
- Divinity of the Divine …
- Beingness of the Being there only is …
- ITS’ness of IT …
- Thatness of That …
- Not’ness of that who is the eternal Not, and yet is the one who ever-Is …
- Is’ness of that who eternally-Is, and yet is the one who is eternally-Not …
- Pristine-divinity of the attributeless-infinite Absolute being …
- Atman Shakti of Atman …
- Brahm Shakti (or Brahmini) of Brahman …
- Shakti of Shiva …
- Spirit of the Lord, who ITself is the Being there eventually is …
- Etc., etc. …
And to maintain continuity to my original family lineage (i.e. to Brahmarishi Kratu) as was when I had originally lost the right to take a regular birth, I always return back to that family and lineage which matches with my original family lineage which as such is still of Brahmarishi Kratu only …
This continuity of lineage of Brahmarishi Kratu is because of the fact that if an aspirant does not take a regular birth, then his (or her) family lineage stays the same as was of that earlier evolutionary stage when he had originally lost the right to take a regular birth …
And since all the descendants (i.e. 60,000 children) of Brahmarishi Kratu have continued in the same way till now, so they all return back whenever needed by the Maa Prakriti (i.e. Mother Nature) herself …
Continuing further … And please carefully note below …
Whenever any of these children of Brahmarishi Kratu transmigrate into this world so as to transit the 8th plexus for the 101st time and that too via the 101st channel, then his already present physical vehicle, dies on that world …
Thus because I have already passed the mentioned condition of above paragraph, so my dead physical vehicle which would be about 5-6 inches long would definitely be found within this world …
This physical vehicle would be about 5-6 inches tall and shall be of a fully developed adult … It would be found somewhere in mountain regions of South American continent (this would also be somewhere near the area of current day Peru and Chile) because this itself is the area where I was told to go by Brahmarishi Kratu …
I had also left it in a semi-conscious state of Samadhi, eons and eons ago and it was supposed to continue until I had rendered the compliance to the instructions of my Pita and Gurudeva Brahmarishi Kratu where he had asked for a transit the Eighth Chakra for a 101st time and via the 101st channel itself …
Whenever that physical vehicle is found, it needs to be cremated as per Vedic rites or else this world is entering into a very-very big problem because we children were also blessed by Brahmarishi Kratu that if the inhabitants of this world do not do as is told here, then the entire world would be engulfed in a very-very severe chaos which as such would be starting from a point which is diagonally opposite to the place where that physical vehicle is found … Bear this in mind … And I write this in the end of 2018 AD …
One of these children of Brahmarishi Kratu always returns back whenever it may be needed by Mother Nature and one of them “always” return back prior and during the age of sages (Guru Yuga) because these children themselves come back as the five sages by whose accomplishments (and thus name) this age is known as the age of sages (Guru Yuga) … Within the current cycle of precession of equinoxes, the “sage from Maheshwara (who is discussed in a later topic and he has also been addressed as Sage of Tatpurusha) is the second amongst such sages …
That human golden age cycle (Manav Satyuga or Manav Kritayuga) which runs within the larger cycle of a divine degenerate age (i.e. Deva Kaliyuga) is the one which is also called as Age of Sages (i.e. Guru Yuga) …
This Age of Sages (Guru Yuga or human age of truth) has a time span as follows …
- 9600 human solar years (as per the middle time units of precession) …
- 10,368 human solar years (as per the currently applicable nadir time units of axial precession of earth’s axis) …
- 9984 human solar years (as per the eternally variable time units of precession that would be applicable to the time span of the incoming human golden age cycle or age of sages) …
- As per my calculations of Kaalchakra, this human golden age cycle would be inaugurated within this world around 2082 (+/- 1 to 2.7 years plus offsets which would be discussed later on) …
- And the initial effects of this incoming human golden age cycle (i.e. age of sages or Guru Yuga) would be clearly visible within this world by 2028 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) … This can even be slightly earlier … Thus the latter most run up to this stage of manifestation of initial effects of the incoming age of sages would start getting visible soon in this world …
- When two age cycles meet each other (i.e. collide with each other) during their process of change, then there are widespread manmade, natural and divine chaos … As of now this world is already standing at the brink of this stage …
- This time span of the incoming Guru Yuga (of about 10,000 years) is what was told by Sri Bhagwan Krishna to Maa Ganga in Brahma-Vaivart Purana … I shall be calculating this and many other prophecies from across religions in the later topic of Vedic Kaalchakra (i.e. eternal cycle of time) …
Within this precession cycle, amongst those five sages from Sadashiva by whose works the incoming age is known as the age of sages, The sage of Maheshwara (as is discussed in a later topic of Sage from Maheshwara) would be the second one … Thus three more are going to come to this world, each 2592 years +/- 108 years (as per the currently applicable nadir time units of precession) …
BB-5 … Further incarnations within the current Great-Eon or the current Mahayuga Chakra …
As is apparent from the heard of this topic, I have omitted a very long time span from the initial stage of the Swayambhu Manvantar till the commencement stage/ of the current mega-eon which began around 3.8 to 3.9 million human solar years ago (as per middle time units of precession) …
One Mahayuga chakra or Great-eon (or mega-eon or Deva Yuga) has a time span of 4.32 million human solar years (as per middle time units of precession) … This calculation would be dealt in the later set of topics on Kaalchakra … As also is a fact that within this Mahayuga, there have been quite a few returns through the path of transmigration …
Each of the above aspects of transmigrated incarnations are well recorded in Vedic, Yogic, Siddha lore’s and in addition to this, some are even told within the lore’s of Buddhist, Jain and Sikh sects of Dharma …
As also, since I don’t want to tell the correct sequence of these, so in no particular sequence these transmigrated incarnation were as follows …
01 … Chakravartin with the name of macro-elemental Earth (Bhu Mahabhoot, which is also canned termed as Prithvi Mahabhoot) … He was of the Lunar dynasty (Chandra Vamshi) and was the Chakravartin Samraat of the the non-lightness phase of precession cycles (i.e. Krishna Paksha of Agragaman) …
Within the present divine age cycle (i.e. the presently underway cycle of Deva Yuga and which is also termed as a Mahayuga chakra), he was the one who gave the knowledge of agriculture and preservation of Gau Mata (I.e. Krishi Goraksha Vijyan) in addition to laying down the foundations of Artha Shastra (divine economics) within this world …
Deviation 7 … The meaning of the Samskrit word of Gau is a very vast one and it definitely does not restrict itself to just the animal whom we call as Cow …
The word Gau essentially means that which nourishes, assists in evolution and which has the capability to liberate, because Gau itself is the path of evolution and liberation …
So this term (i.e. Gau) includes and means every-mother (Including of all parts of macrocosmic speciology like trees, vegetation, animals, birds, fish, insects, humans and also beyond worlds), five macro-elements (Panch-Mahabhoot), five subtle macro-elements (Panch-Tanmatra), four manifested elements (Chatur Sthool Mahabhoot), three macrocosmic attributes (Triguna) and all that falls within the twenty four aspects of elements of Samkhya …
Thus the term Gau holds within itself all that falls within the purviews of the term “Maa Prakriti” and due to this reason the term Gau includes the entirety of what falls within the purviews of Mother nature and that too whilst including all her states i.e. her manifested and thus apparent state (Apra Prakriti), subtle un-manifested thus non apparent beyond state (Para Awastha), neither manifested nor non manifested and thus beyond the beyond (Avyakta) and her supreme state which itself is of her pristine-divinity (Param Awastha as Maa Adi Parashakti) …
All the discussed aspects are related to the Sanskrit term “Gau” and coincidentally the body of the animal “Cow” is holding many of the above stated divinities within itself and it was due to this reason that the Vedic sages had told that Cow has the presence of many divinities (Devi and Deva) within her body, which itself was the reason for this knowledge of Goraksha (protection of the animal cow) to become one of the bases of ways of life of Hindus … Deviation 7 ends …
02 … Brahmarishi with a name which relates to Peepal tree … His Ishta Deva (Primary deity) and Gurudeva was Bhagwan Mahadeva (Paramguru Bhagwan Shiva) and he gave three Upanishads of three different streams of Vedic lore … He was a Shaiva, Shakta, Saurya, Ganpatya and was also a Vaishnava …
03 … Chakravartin with the name of macro-elemental ether (Akasha Mahabhoot) … He was a Surya Vamshi (i.e. of the Solar dynasty) and was the Chakravartin of the Shukla Paksha (i.e. lightness phase of precession cycles) of those times …
04 … A King who was a disciple of Brahmarishi Vishvamitra and he ultimately became the only Trisanku Yogi of this Mahayuga Chakra …
He himself was the Amsha (or minor part) and great-grandchild of the Chakravartin who is mentioned in point No. 1 … Thus in his own greater reality, the great-grandchild was his own great-grandfather …
05 … As a fully accomplished Danava (Danava means a “Man of Giant macrocosmic standing” or a “Man of a vast evolutionary stature within the macrocosmic hierarchies”) whose accomplishment was of Maya Shakti herself and thus he was addressed as “Mai Danava (This name is also written as Maya Danava)” …
Deviation 8 … What is told as Maya Shakti in the Vedic lore, itself is the Avyakta Prakriti, Avyakta, Avyakta Shakti, and Avyakta Prana …
The Vedic (or Sanskrit) word of “Avyakta” means the “non manifest, non present vitality or divinity or Shakti” which itself is the Moola Prakriti (or Root nature) and which by itself is eternal power and eternal divinity of “the great-grandfather of allness (i.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji)” … Deviation 8 ends …
This Avyakta is also told as Maya Devi (Maya Shakti or divinity of Maya or the divinity of the eternal power of the creator of allness) and this Avyakta itself was the accomplishment of Mai Danava (or Maya Danava) …
In that incarnation, my (i.e. Mai Danava) Guru was none other than the “grandfather of allness i.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji” himself …
At a later stage of his life, Mai Danava (Maya Danava) left the mainland of India and went on the other side of the globe (I.e. he went to the Americas) to lay down the foundations of the Vedic Mai Race (i.e. the race of Mai Danava or the race of Maya Danava) …
And much-much later to the stage which is discussed here, these very people of Mai Danava (Maya Danava) came to be known as Mayan race of men …
The people of his established race were given the power of Avyakta itself and thus they were also rendered with the knowledge of divinity of all five elements … But sadly as of now and especially during the last few centuries, after they were attached by barbarian forces of this divine degenerate age cycle, they have also forgotten most of it …
In a later topic I shall be discussing this Avyakta Shakti (or Avyakta Prakriti) with paintings and it relation to Vyana Prana (i.e. the all enveloping vitality or Prana Shakti) that envelopes the human body …
06 … Siddha with the name which in English language means “Righteous way of life” and who gave the knowledge of Agni Mahabhoot (i.e. the knowledge of Dhuni) which leads to burning of all past life impressions (All earlier Samskara) and which paves the path towards the later rise of a righteous way of life within the world …
07 … A meager clad Avadhoot who was one of the disciples of Bhagwan Dattatreya and whose name was of macro-elemental air (Vayu Mahabhoot) … He was a student of Gurudeva Bhagwan Dattatreya and soon after receiving the knowledge, Gurudeva instructed him to leave the sounds of civilizations of those times …
So he continued his incarnation in remote, isolated mountains, river beds and caves of Himalayan regions of the present day Tibet, which during those long gone times was called as Indrapuri (i.e. Indrapuri means the seat of Devaraja Indra or in other words, the seat of Idandra Deva or the seat of ruler of divine worlds … This seat is still present in a hidden state in this world itself and I have gone to it during one of my subtler travels to Himalayan regions of Indrapuri i.e. Tibet of today) …
And at a later time, that same Avadhoot returned back as a female dog with bhagwan dattatreya and where she represented rigveda.
08 … Aghori Sadhu with the name which in English language means “Reverence to the divine leaf” … He rectified Sanskrit language in addition to giving that knowledge of Yoga Marg (path of Yoga Tantra) which is still pretty well preserved and also widely practiced within this world …
09 … A little student and one of the better disciples of Gurudeva Gautama Buddha (Buddha Avatar) and whom Gurudeva had renamed by a name, which meant “Friend of allness” …
10 … The current one … The Little student of the Absolute …
BB-6 … Rarity of masters of eighth plexus and Samkhya …
When we combine Samkhya, Siddha and Darshana paths of the timelessly vast lore’s of Sanatan Dharma, then it is Buddhism …
The masters of Samkhya are the rarest of rare ones as very few aspirants have ever walked this path due to the risk of getting into all sorts of troubles …
And within this path of Samkhya, there is also the very strong possibility of de-incarnation soon after entering into Nirbija Samadhi which as such is the final (or end) result of this path of Samkhya … Due to this reason, amongst all the aspirants that ever were of this path, not many have survived to tell their stories after they had fully accomplished this path …
Plus in this path of Samkhya, if there is too much goodness, then there also is a balancing badness which would be present with the aspirant … Thus this is also a risk because one mistake in this path, would become a game over for all that was done earlier within this path …
And as a matter of fact, below is an absolute fact about this path of Samkhya …
- Of all those who are aspirants, not even an iota enter into this path …
- Of those who enter this path, not even an iota survive after accomplishing all that needs to be accomplished through this path …
- Of those who accomplish this path, not even an iota survive the end result of this path …
- And of those who survive this path, not even an iota find a need to describe this path as they already begin resting in the primordial seedless state of Maker’s Makings i.e. they enter into Nirbija Awastha …
- Thus basis above, amongst all accomplished ones, finding a fully accomplished master of Samkhya is the very rare phenomenon within any of the worlds of the entire macrocosmic creation …
- Thus due to above mentioned reasons, accomplished teachers of Samkhya are extremely rare …
Deviation 9 … And the same is applicable to find a fully self realized, all realized masters of Vedanta as this is also an extremely-extremely rare occurrence in any of the worlds of the multi-universal macrocosm …
And even rare is to find a fully accomplished master of all six paths of the Vedic lore, because this is a near impossibility during any of the three times …
And since my Gurudeva of previous incarnation (i.e. Gautama Buddha) was a master of three of these six paths of Vedic lore, so the advent of Gurudeva Gautama Buddha within this world, was also a very rare occurrence … Deviation 9 ends …
BB-7 … Some of the preceding transmigrated incarnations …
When such an accomplished master enters a world, then all those souls who are waiting to learn from that accomplished master, also begin enter that world …
This is because of the fact that when such a rare master enters that world and then he fully accomplishes that path whilst resting upon that world (which as such is of Samkhya within our current discussion) then the entire multi-universe enters into blissful state …
At this time when the entire multi-universe enters into blissful state, the Brahmanaad (i.e. the sound of Mmmmmmm or simply Makar of Yoga) is also heard by such aspirants who are awaiting from such a fully accomplished master so as to be his students and thus learn from him … And it is due to this reason, that such aspirants begin taking birth within that same world and the same land where that master is present at those times …
Thus basis above, after the stage when that aspirant who was of the Gautama Gotra and brahmin Varna and who originally was named as Siddhartha, became a fully accomplished Buddha, then I also entered this world so as to be his little student and thus learn from him …
Prior and with me, many other aspirants who were also residing within the subtler worlds and were also awaiting such an accomplished master of Samkhya also entered the world so as to be his students …
I went to him as a seven year old boy of a Brahmin Varna and of Kratu Gotra because this has been my Gotra ever since I had entered 8th plexus and thence lost the right to take a regular birth from the physical womb of a mother …
And as soon as he saw me, he accepted me as his little student …
I also left my incarnated frame a few days prior my Gurudeva i.e. Gautama Buddha, had left his incarnated frame so as to enter into Nirvana …
BB-7-A … Buddha was not a Buddhist … Real time of birth of Gautama Buddha …
Buddha never said that his knowledge system should be named after him i.e. it should be called as Buddhism or Buddhist or of Buddha …
All this nonsense of using a different name to divide humanity and that too in the name of my Gurudeva (Gautama Buddha) had started out of the deviated acts of the other-wise ones (i.e. those who shown themselves to be the wise, even when they are not such) who began controlling societies and knowledge systems and that too at a time which was much later to the time (or stage) when Buddha had already left this world …
Buddha only told “This is how it is, ever was and could ever be” and thus he also was the most practical Gurudeva I ever had during any of my incarnations …
Plus the time span of advent of Gurudeva is also pretty wrongly told as of now, so I shall also clarify it here …
Some Buddhist sects say that Buddha arrived in the 10th century BC, other say 9th, some say 6th and other even say 5th century BC … This is also one of the major confusions within the followers of Buddhist lore’s as each states its own time span regarding the advent of Gurudeva (Gautama Buddha) … So to clarify this is below discussion …
Buddha walked this planet for about 81 years and within the ranges of 1914 BC till 1806 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
I lived for 41 years back then and I also left my incarnated frame a few days (about 14 about days) prior Gurudeva entered into Nirvana … Back then when I willingly left my incarnated frame, Buddha was already very sick and he already was on the death bed …
The time of advent of Gurudeva Gautama Buddha was also as per demands of the cyclic nature of time (or Kaalchakra) and thus a mathematical derivation of this time would definitely be taken up later on …
The advent of every Avatar of Sriman Narayana (and also the coming back of his chosen ones who come in between these Avatars) is only as per the demands of time cycles (Kaalchakra) … And since Buddha was an Avatar of Sriman Narayana only, so his time of advent can also be calculated as per Kaalchakra itself …
BB-7-B … As a little student of Buddha Gautama …
I went to Gurudeva Gautam Buddh so as to comply with the requirements of rendering of a much earlier Guru-Dakshina as was asked by a Brahmarishi Vishvamitra, who was the Gurudeva of my much earlier incarnation …
And this Gurudakshina of Brahmarishi Vishvamitra itself was within the purviews of the much-much instructions of my Gurudeva and Father (or a much earlier incarnation during Swayambhu Manvantar) whom the Vedic folks know as Brahmarishi Kratu …
Gurudeva Vishvamitra had asked a Guru-Dakshina where he wanted his student (i.e. the little student who writes this text who at that time was a King) to traverse all the paths of Sanatan Dharma prior entering into the final Kaivalya-Mukti (i.e. liberation due to isolation from allness and its each part) … And due to the requirements of this Guru-Dakshina of Brahmarishi Vishvamitra, I have been walking these six primary paths (of Sanatan Dharma) ever since …
Until the last incarnation (i.e. when I was a little student of Gurudeva Gautama Buddha) all other paths were already successfully passed by (or transited through or cleared to their end stage or culmination state or completion stage), but the path of Samkhya still remained … This missing out of Samkhya was because of rarity of a fully realized Samkhya master within any of the universes …
Due to this reason, even when all the other paths were already successfully transited through, but because of non availability of a fully realized master of Samkhya, this path was still pending … And thus the Gurudakshina of Brahmarishi Vishvamitra was still not completed …
So this return back as a student of Gurudeva Gautam Buddha itself was in compliance to the requirements of Guru Dakshina of Gurudeva Brahmarishi Vishvamitra who had asked me to traverse all six primary paths of Sanatan Dharma prior entering into a “final isolation from allness and its each part” I.e. he told me, that prior entering in Kaivalya Moksha, you shall have to transit through and fully accomplish all the paths of the entire Sanatan Dharma (i.e. commencing from the most ancient path, as is of the Vedas) …
And because the path of Samkhya was still remaining in compliance to the requirements of Guru-Dakshina of Gurudeva Brahmarishi Vishvamitra, so I returned back as a student of Gurudeva Gautam Buddh (because at that time Gurudeva Gautam Buddha was the master of Samkhya of this universe) …
Prior to entry into this world and when I was waiting for a fully accomplished master of Samkhya, I was residing within the ninth sphere of macrocosmic creation (i.e. Para Prakriti) whose divinity is none other than Maa Adi Shakti (i.e. primordial divinity) …
And when Gurudeva Gautama Buddha accomplished the path of Samkhya, the ninth sphere also started roaring (with Brahmanaad) so as to announce the arrival of a fully accomplished Sage (in this case, a Sage of Samkhya) …
Whenever a sage who follows Samkhya accomplishes it fully, then all the upper (or subtler) worlds start roaring for a while … This roar is to announce that self realized Sage’s presence within that universe …
This is why, whenever any aspirant of Samkhya self-realizes and thus accomplishes this path, then even the Deva worlds begin roaring to announce his arrival to the universe … This roar is of the primordial sound of macrocosmic creation i.e. Brahmnaad (which means as the timeless or primordial sound of allness) …
This roar of Brahma Naad is not just in this universe or the universe where that Samkhya master has arrived, but is an omnipresent low-pitch roar that sounds for a while across all higher planes of each universe and until the ninth sphere of the macrocosmic creation (i.e. Para Prakriti) …
Thus at such times, all those aspirants who are waiting for receiving the divine guidance of that accomplished master, invariably take birth so as to become his students … I was no different from others who had also come by around that time itself …
When this roar comes, then the aspirants of the path invariably begin searching the source of this roar (i.e. searching the world and land due to which this roar is originating) …
This search is through the macrocosmic plane of consciousness (i.e. Chitta of Brahmand) as from there one can determine the impressions (i.e. Samskaras) which are roaring at that time …
After any impression gets unseeded due to the Nirbija Samadhi (which itself is the end result of Samkhya) then these impressions begin returning back to their own primordial nature … Just prior to this stage of return back to the primordial nature, the roar comes from these impressions (i.e. Samskaras) … And once these impressions are found, then the process to track back the world and its land, is all that needs to be done … As far as the earthly unitary values of time stand, this roar may even extend for a time span of up to 7 months till about 7 years …
As I heard this sound of announcement of arrival of a fully-realized Samkhya master for whom I had been waiting since a pretty long time and which itself was to complete the earlier Guru-Dakshina of Brahmarishi Vishvamitra, I also entered this world system so as to be his little and insignificant student …
As a little boy of less than seven years old, as soon as I approached Gurudeva, he immediately accepted me as he “probably” knew that I have returned only for him and that too, to be his little insignificant student of that time …
BB-7-C … Buddha’s Guru Dakshina … The current transmigrated incarnation …
Within the last transmigrated incarnation, after the initiation (Deeksha) learning and practicing and then also passing through whatever was needed to be crossed over so as to comply with the requirements of the much earlier Gurudakshina of Gurudeva Brahmarishi Vishvamitra, one last part of this path still remained …
This last part which remained could not be completed in the last incarnation because Gurudeva stopped me from going any further …
Thus during the last incarnation this path was not completed as he told me that this cannot be done as of now because there can be two fully accomplished ones of the same path within the same universe and that too at the same time … So he told me that the final completion phase must only be accomplished within the next incarnation …
At this point I repeatedly requested him to grant his permission and thus let me complete this last and final stage, but he refused every time by tolling the same thing that “there cannot be two fully accomplished ones of the same knowledge system at the same time and that too within the same universe” …
Then with due respect which must be given to a Guru, I began softly protesting to allow me to complete the Guru-Dakshina of Gurudeva Brahmarishi Vishvamitra for which I have already spent too much time in existence and that too whilst I have repeatedly kept coming into an incarnated state through the very difficult process of transmigration and have also been continuing as a Trisanku Yogi …
But Gurudeva kept refusing every time I told him to all me to complete …
At that time, I even told him that in the next incarnation, due to the continually increasing severity of the degenerate age cycle, there may not even be a Guru available (so as to guide me) and this would be a serious hindrance as far as completion of the last stage is concerned …
But he still said, it can only be completed next time around …
But this did not stop me protesting softly i.e. protesting whilst keeping within the limits of due respect which must be rendered to a Guru under all circumstances …
Then after my much daily soft-pestering of Gurudeva to allow me to complete, he asked for a Gurudakshina …
“To return back for one last and final time”
I was totally shocked and so was everyone who came to know about it …
Gurudeva also said … “No matter what you or anybody else may try to counter these words, you would still make it in your next incarnation as the next is really the last and final one” …
I told him that in the next incarnation, if there is no Guru, then how to complete it successfully …
To this Gurudeva Gautam Buddha said, irrespective of the path and way of life that you may take in that next incarnation, by virtue of returning back for rendering my Gurudakshina, you would succeed, with or without a Guru …
When I asked him, how is it ever possible to succeed when there is no Guru available at those later times because at that stage of time cycles, the divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga) would also be very strong, so the degeneration would have already spread into all ways and walks of life and thus there may not even be a self-realized, all-realized Guru of Samkhya Shastra available at those later times …
Plus I told him that accomplished Guru’s of Samkhya are also very rare, so to find a Guru at that much later state of degeneration and that too of Samkhya Shastra, is an almost impossibility …
To this he said “Repeat the Guru Dakshina that is asked for” …
I spoke that Gurudakshina, “To return back for one last and final time” …
Then Gurudeva said, thus Son as per my Gurudakshina your next incarnation shall be the last and final one only … So don’t bother about anything …
And he told me to retreat in remote forests for the pending time span of that transmigrated incarnation (i.e. incarnation that was attained by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which can also be told as a path of Parkaya Pravesh and which in English language is also termed as Virgin Birth) …
So I touched his feet and left into the forest that day itself …
And whilst staying in the forest, when the mind was already calmed (as I had accepted the fact that the current incarnation is not the last one) I also realized that the Gurudakshina which was asked was in fact Guru’s-Anugraha (Guru’s blessing) only …
And it was sometime after this stage that I also knew that Gurudeva Gautama Buddha was holding all five divinities (Shakti) of all five faces of Sadashiva …
I thought like this because of the below listed reasons …
- His asking of Guru-Dakshina only because I was softly pushing him to allow me to complete and that too after he had already told that “there cannot be two fully accomplished ones of the same path within the same universe and at the same time” … So by stopping me, he actually prevented me from committing a grave mistake which in turn proved his pure Ichha-Shakti (divinity of pristine desires) which as such is of west facing, diamond white colored, Sadyojata face of Sadashiva (which in some parts of Shaiva Lore is also called as Sadyojata face of Shiva and which in Vedic lore, is also called as Brahmaloka) …
- His blessing in the disguise of the Guru-Dakshina showed his Tirodhaan Shakti (divinity of fuller veiling) which as such is of east facing, golden colored, Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva (which in some parts of Shaiva Lore is also called as Tatpurusha face of Shiva) …
- His teaching had already proved to me that he was holding the supreme knowledge and thus was proved his Gyan-Shakti (divinity of absolute wisdom) which as such is of the south facing, deep blue colored Aghora face of Sadashiva (which in some parts of Shaiva Lore is also called as Aghora face of Shiva) …
- His protection from harm within the previous and next (i.e. the current) incarnation by virtue of his words that nobody can stop me from succeeding, only proved his Parashakti (or Stithi Shakti or divinity of supreme preservation) which as such is of the north facing, grey colored Vamadeva face of Sadashiva (which in some parts of Shaiva Lore is also called as Vamadeva face of Shiva and which in Vedic lore, is also called as Vaikunth) …
- His blessing of success in the next incarnation which was inherently placed within his asked Guru-Dakshina in turn showed his Anugraha Shakti (divinity of supreme blessing of Adi-Parashakti) which as such is of the colorless-crystal like, centrally placed, upward looking Ishana face of Sadashiva (which in some parts of Shaiva Lore is also called as Ishana face of Shiva and this is the face of Sadashiva, who by ITself is Sadashiva only) …
Thus at that time and basis above stated analysis, I knew that my Gurudeva Gautam Buddha is none other than a physically manifested human bodied state of my own Paramguru Bhagwan Sadashiva and my Matri-Guru (or in other words, Param-Gurudevi) Maa Adi-Parashakti … And I still believe it to be so …
Proceeding further …
But above also left me with no choice but to keep continuing as a “Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta and as a Trisanku Yogi” that I had already been since quite a while by then and this itself was whilst accepting a return back at a later time span so as to comply with the requirements of all those pending fructifications of instructions and Guru Dakshina’s as were of my earlier Gurudeva’s, right from the instructions of Brahmarishi Kratu, till the Gurudakshina of Brahmarishi Vishvamitra and finally the Gurudakshina of Gautama Buddha (Buddha Avatar) …
Hence this transmigrated incarnation also is none other than a Guru-Dakshina to my Gurudeva Gautama Buddha, which itself rests within the requirements of the much earlier Guru Dakshina of Brahmarishi Vishvamitra and which itself rests within the vast purviews of the requirements as were of those even earlier instructions of Brahmarishi Kratu …
And so is this text dedicated to my above mentioned Gurujan …
BB-7-D … Guru Dakshina of Brahmarishi Vishvamitra …
This was loosely referred earlier … I was that yogi king who became a Trisanku and that to, whilst being an insignificant student of Brahmarishi Vishvamitra …
This stage shall be discussed in a later topic of Trisanku Yogi as it’s a very vast discussion which is also very severely misinterpreted as of now …
BB-7-E … The instructions of Brahmarishi Kratu …
When any aspirant enters into the 8th plexus, then he or she can also choose to never return back …
But I had to keep returning back due to one instruction of my father of that time, who was none other than the greatest of fully accomplished sages of all times and was the one whom the Vedas have reverently addressed as Brahmarishi Kratu …
Brahmarishi Kratu was also holding the attainments of being a Prajapati (i.e. the lord of speciology) and a Brahmic Ayurvedacharya (i.e. the Man of Maker’s Medicine) …
After the transit of the 8th plexus, an aspirant can choose to never return back … By this I mean that the aspirant can self choose to enter into a state of Kaivalya, which is also termed as Moksha (i.e. a state of full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part) … But because of instructions of my father of that time (i.e. Brahmarishi Kratu), I have had to keep returning back …
And since these instructions of Brahmarishi Kratu were also given to each of his 60,000 “mind activated yet womb born children (i.e. the same instructions were given to all the 60,000 Manas Putra’s)” so the same returns are also undergone by each of these 60,000 children of Brahmarishi Kratu (i.e. my 60,000 siblings) …
It essentially was due to the requirements of instructions of Brahmarishi Kratu that all earlier transmigrated incarnations were undergone and that too, even when I was already resting in a fully liberated state as I could have chosen to never return back during that particular incarnation itself, when I was a little child of Brahmarishi Kratu …
And the same returns are also undergone by each of his 60,000 children of Brahmarishi Kratu because the instructions of each of us were just the same … So I am definitely not the only one who has kept returning back to the gross worlds through the process of transmigration of soul …
His entire 60,000 mind activated yet womb body children (i.e. his 60,000 Manas Putra’s) were instructed to keep returning back until they have individually completed the 101st transit of the 8th plexus and that too via the path of the 101st channel …
He had told that irrespective of the methods that would be adopted to keep returning back (because all his children had already passed the 8th plexus and thus each of them had already lost their right to take a regular birth), these returns must be undergone whenever and wherever it may be needed by Supreme mother of allness (i.e. Maa Adi Parashakti or Maa Brahmini as she was also addressed during those long gone and forgotten times) whose self manifested state is Maa Prakriti (Mother nature) …
And he said these returns can only be possible until “101st inner sacrifice of horse like consciousness clouds (i.e. Aantrik Ashwamedha Yajna)” gets completed, which itself is related to the 101st transit of the 8th plexus and that too via the path of the 101st channel …
Each transit of the 8th plexus denotes one successful completion of this inner Ashwamedha Yajna and thus when 101st transits are fully and successfully completed, then only could that child of Brahmarishi Kratu chose to not return back to grosser existence …
And since beyond this stage of 101st transit of the 8th plexus via the 101st channel, there cannot even be a return back, unless that return back is to do “one” specific job, so only after this 101st transit of the 8th plexus and that too via the path of the 101st channel, would any of these 60,000 children be free to end their grosser existence … And not prior to this stage …
As such since within this incarnation above stage is already completed, so after this incarnation there may not even be a future return back to this world, except of course if I return back to close the incoming human golden age cycle (Manav Satyuga) after about 10 millenniums …
And if I do chose to return back then that next return back would also be only on my own meritless-merit (i.e. doing a job of merit, but without utilizing any past merits and thus not gaining any merit out of it) and not anything else … But suchness can never be arrived by an aspirant unless that aspirant returns back from the centrally located, colorless crystal like, supreme consciousness as is of the Ishaan face of Sadashiva …
BB-8 … Rarity of knower’s of the eighth chakra (8th plexus) …
The sages who have self realized the 8th plexus and thus are the real knower of the 8th plexus are the rarest of rare in any of the multi-world multi-planic (i.e. multi-galactic), multi-universal macrocosmic creation … This itself is because of the fact that unless an aspirant has to fulfill some larger obligation which as such can only be towards his (or her) parents or his self-realized, all-realized Gurujan (or teachers), no aspirant ever desires to return back to existence after fully and successfully transiting 8th plexus for the 1st time …
Thus majority of aspirants just exit out of allness soon after the 1st transit of the 8th plexus if successfully completed by them … This is because such aspirants mostly choose to de-incarnate soon afterwards as the purpose of their entire evolutionary existence, which itself is of a final liberation, is already fulfilled after the 1st transit of the 8th plexus …
This exit of real knower’s of the 8th plexus is what causes a severe shortage of the real knower’s of the 8th plexus within any of the worlds of the Maker’s Makings …
And that extremely less percentage of aspirants who choose to continue beyond the stage of accomplishment of the 1st transit of the 8th plexus, also mostly give up after the 99th transit of the 8th plexus is achieved by them, during their entire evolutionary history …
This giving up is also due to the fact that after the 100th transit, that aspirant becomes a Trisanku Yogi, which is like a state of resting in intermediary existence i.e. resting in an existence which is “neither in any of the nether worlds nor in any of the earthly worlds and also not in any of the heavenly worlds and yet existing within the purviews of the Maker’s Makings” … This is a stage of severe sufferings which can even last for millions of years or even beyond (depends upon an aspirants capabilities to get out of this stage) …
Such ones who do choose to return back after their 1st transit of the 8th plexus are also the ones who can only return back under very strict conditions where their returns are only to do certain jobs and that too, at very specific times …
And as soon as they complete the allocated jobs, then they also need to de-incarnate because such an aspirant can never continue beyond the state where the allocated job for which he had returned, is already completed successfully …q
And since these returns are undergone by very few aspirants and that too under very strict and rare circumstances, so this also causes a severe shortage of the real knower’s of the 8th plexus of our current discussion …
Discussions continue …