This topic is to close the discussion on knowledge of Naad Brahm, or sounds of Absolute … The name of Naad Brahman relates to sounds of original impressions or Samskara that were generated by Ichha Shakti (divinity of desires) of Pitamah Brahma Ji … Though there is a lot of untold part, but due to demands of time, which itself relates to Bhagwan Mahakaal aspect of Shiva and his own pristine divinity (or Maa Mahakaali) and in addition to this, due to the subtle demands of Mother Nature, I shall be closing these discussions of Nada Brahman here … Thus in this discussion, Naad Brahm endlessly ends …
My macrocosmic Mother Nature tells me through her own subtle way of Brahmanaad (i.e. her sound of allness) not to disclose any more of her pristine sounds (i.e. sounds which hold her pristine divinity) …
Mother macrocosmic nature herself is the macrocosmic self-expression and is also the self manifested, self presence of the supreme mother of allness (Adi Parashakti) of whose little inconsequential instrument I remain in the current transmigrated incarnation … It eventually was due to her demands, that this incarnation was arrived and that too by adopting the path of transmigration of soul and where this incarnation was also accomplished through the assistance of her own self expressed self manifested state, which has a golden colored human form … This golden mother also happens to be the “woman clothed with the Sun” of Biblical lore’s …
And since my divine mother tells me to stop, so I also remain with no choice but to close these discussions on “Naad Brahm (which actually means as the Sounds of the Absolute)”, here itself …
And since the fact still remains that whatever I have disclosed in this text is not even an iota of what I hold and what I had originally intended to disclose this time around, so please do not consider what is told here as the complete fact of “Naad Brahm … Sounds of the Absolute” …
I say so because of the fact that these sounds itself are of the primordial impressions (Samskaras) which were originated due to the original self expression and its pristine divinity as was of the Absolute being (Brahman) and IT’s own pristine beingness (i.e. Ma Brahmini or Maa Adi Parashakti) and that too, during those timeless times which have already been erased from even the memories of most of the Gods of our current times …
Thus as far as this texts knowledge is concerned, most of the Gods (of these times) are also unaware of it … Due to this reason, these “evolved yet evolving” form or formless divine beings would also be re-learning this knowledge, but through the readings of their own adherents …
OO-1 … Knowledge of Naad Brahm …
The knowledge of Naad Brahm only relates to the root of Maker’s Makings, which itself is the primordial self-expression of the Absolute being (or in other words, Brahman or Paramshiva) and IT’s own timelessly pristine divinity (Maa Brahmini or Adi Parashakti) … Whilst resting within this fact and its divinity was this topic of Naad Brahm (which includes discussion on Shabda Brahman) as was written by this little student of the “Absolute (or the eternally unioned state of the Supreme being and IT’s own pristine beingness)” …
And it eventually was the language of these original macrocosmic impressional fields (Samskaras or Sanskaras) which was known to (i.e. self realized by) Vedic sages which that led to origination of the macrocosmic timeless language of Samskrit (or Sanskrit) on which all ancient scriptures were based …
Each syllable of Samskrit (or Sanskrit) language is denoting one of the primary states of “Naad Brahm (which in English language means as the Sounds of Absolute” of which “only” a few primary ones have been discussed within this text …
Thus basis above, if anybody really wants to know the entireties of macrocosmic divinities and their pristine sounds, then the better of ways is to meditate on letters (or syllables) of Sanskrit language …
This path of meditating upon the syllables of Sanskrit language itself is the path of self-realization of those original macrocosmic impressional fields (Samskarik Awastha of Param Tattva) and their pristine sounds (Naad Brahm) …
It eventually is on these macrocosmic impressional fields (Moola Samskaras) of the Maker’s Makings (or in other words, Brahmand or Vishvaroop Brahma) that the Sanskrit language stands rooted, since eternity and until eternity …
And since these root impressions (Moola Samskara) of the macrocosmic creation are beginningless and endless and thus are timeless and eternal, so even their language i.e. Samskrit (or Sanskrit), is just the same …
During the future times as shall be of the incoming Guru Yuga (i.e. Age of Sages), this path of meditating upon the Naad Brahm (i.e. Sounds of the Absolute) would also be a divine path which would be followed by many aspirants who would do so under the divine guidance of the then Acharya’s (teachers) of the Chatur Aamnaya Peetha (i.e. the four Vedic monasteries or four Vyasa Peetha) …
And from those self realizations of such aspirants who would sincerely meditate upon the divine component of Naad Brahm as ever is of the syllables of Sanskrit (or Samskrit) language, would the pending part of this knowledge (i.e. that part which I have left out and thus not disclosed here) be restored within this world …
OO-2 … Naad Brahm endlessly ends …
And finally for this topic on “Naad Brahm … Sounds of the Absolute” is below stated fact which must be conveyed prior closing this divine discussion on Nada Brahman …
Please accept my sincere apologies for not disclosing the full knowledge of “Shabda Brahman or Naad Brahm (or the self manifested state of Absolute, which is as a sound)” …
But the fact remains that a child (or student) cannot even be a good child (or student) if he (or she) does not comply to rightfully placed demands of his (or her) parents and Guru’s …
The fact ever remains that those who are not good children of their parents and good students of heir Guru(s), are also not authorized to know anything of this text …
Such ones would just read a few parts of a few topics and then leave this website because it is not divinely-meant for such ones …
May the better and thus the self realized ones who also are the all realized ones of those beyond macrocosmic fields begin descending into this world so as to assist the better of aspirants of now … And may this continue during the entirety of time spans as shall be of the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) …
Thus endlessly-ends this discussion on “Naad Brahm … Sounds of the Absolute” …