This topic shall discuss the condition after transit of the Ashtama Chakra and thence the accomplishment of Samadhi … This is where the both the birds of Vedas (i.e. two birds of Vedas) attain a state which is free of sorrows, due to an utter freedom from sufferings .,.
TT-1 … Regarding above figure …
This happened after all earlier discussed self realizations were completed … A few of these are yet to be discussed and some cannot even be discussed during any Kaliyuga …
When the state that is subtly referred in this figure was self realized, then at that very instant the base Mantra’s of Vedas were proved absolutely right in essence and spirit … This is because above figure denotes the finality (Gantavya) of those Veda Mantra’s which are already discussed in an earlier topic of “Whence this text … Two Birds … The Base” …
Thus I have also come to believe that this realization is the state of commencement of final path of exit from all modes of existence (i.e. cyclic existence, actional existence, inertial existence, acyclic existence, neutral existence and emanatory existence that is within emptiness) …
And after a while had elapsed from the accomplishment of 8th plexus (or Niralambasthana) which has already been discussed earlier, the figure which is painted here was cognized … I cannot state how much time was this after the accomplishment of the 8th plexus (or Niralamba Chakra), but it was close to about 1 day (or more or less this time span) …
The state of above figure is directly pointing towards the root essence of Vedas … And this also is the essence of wisdom my Gurudeva Gautama Buddha, where it is also stated as the state of Shunyata …
TT-2 … Conditions of two birds of Vedas in above figure …
Even when the two birds of Vedas are the same as were discussed in an earlier topic where Vedic statement of Dva Suparna was discussed, yet in this topic as far as the condition of these two birds is concerned, there is a sea of difference between them and what was depicted in the earlier subject topic …
The condition of two birds in this figure could be stated thus …
“Neither of the two birds eats sweet and bitter fruits and thus neither of them remains within any sorrows and sufferings”
“Both were always found to be looking at me … And were as if smiling …
And were as if free of all sorrows and sufferings”
This is because, this figure denotes the final state as is of commencement of absorptions of macrocosmic states (which are existent within the aspirant’s microcosm) into their respective macrocosmic parental causes (or states) …
TT-2 … As it was regarding the two birds … Free of Sorrows … Freedom from sufferings …
At that time when the condition that is depicted in this figure was self realized, whenever I used to close my eyes these two birds were found to be looking straight at me …
And they continued staring at me for a few days, without even a break … And they had a slight smile on their faces which proved beyond doubt that there was ab absence of sorrows and thus both these birds were resting in a state that was free of suffering …
When the vision of this figure came, I was in a tipsy condition … This condition is always there after transit of the Eighth Chakra (i.e. 8th plexus) and it can even last for many years (or even ones full pending lifetime) … Mine lasted for almost 11+ months …
Thus due to my tipsy condition, I could not remember anything much except basic things such as daily routines … My mind was roaming in beyond worlds and due to this my limbs used to shiver and my voice used to chatter … At that time I was mostly on the bed as I rarely moved around …
In compliance to the instructions of my eternal guide (to distribute the self realized knowledge) and which also was in line with the Gurudakshina of the Gurudeva of my previous incarnation (i.e. Buddha Avatar), at the stage when above was happening in a spontaneous and uncontrolled manner, I was also jotting down some important points of whatever was experienced and also painting the states of those jotted down points … Other than this, the memory was blurred and thus I could not even recall my earlier things that I had known very well prior to this stage of being tipsy …
And due to a severe loss of memory, when this figure happened I did not even know why these two birds are continuously staring down at me as soon as I close my eyes …
And strangely these two birds were also having a very grim face which as such made me wonder “why that grim look on their faces” … And their faces also showed astonishment which somehow told “Don’t you remember us buddy?” …
At that time, I could not understand the reason for this and I also could not understand why has my memory gotten erased to such an extent that I cannot even recall that which I had known as well as I know back of palm of my own hand (Including the knowledge of this text) …
There were times when I could not even recall what I had eaten in the last meal …
And during those days, Samadhi (meditative absorptions) were happening daily, spontaneously and in tandem (i.e. one after the other) and each led to an ever higher (or deeper) level … The inner part of the physical vehicle was full of light and every gross and subtle organ was very clearly visible … Uncountable number of divine worlds and the controllers were also self realized … I saw all past incarnations and also those further transmigrated incarnations … Transmigrated incarnation means an incarnation that is arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth …
Proceeding further …
So after a few days had already elapsed and the state which this figure describes had kept happening repeatedly, I began searching for answers …
And strangely, everyone I had asked about (these two birds) only ended up giving me a look which clearly said … “Has this guy gone crazy … What birds? … Where are the birds?” …
I even called up a few very learned ones, they also told me the same …
Then one day, I thought I will try to search the internet as by that time I knew that my mind is unable to recall anything other than basis knowledge which relates to those base needs which are required to continue any incarnation …
So to begin this search for finding an answer, I think I only typed “two birds” …
A few pages showed up in that search … And prior I could click any page to see inside, a page suddenly popped up which had a few Sanskrit verses (as are stated in the earlier topic of “Whence this text … Two Birds … The Base”) …
I saw that this page showed two birds (but these were painted in black color on that page and the page was having a white background … So it didn’t match my experiences) …
But because of my tipsy condition, I still read that page fully whilst still wondering about all that falls within the purviews of what’, how’s, when’s and why’s of these two birds that were staring down at me, since the last few days …
After reading that page which had the same Mantras (of earlier topic “Two Birds”), I did not find my answers and even those Mantras were seeming so strange even when I had already quoted them in the subject topic of this text and that too at a much earlier stage to the one which is being discussed here …
So unable to think or analyze any longer, I closed the laptop … And sat cross legged (Padmasana) with my eyes closed …
As soon as I closed my eyes, I again saw these two birds …
And strangely the earlier grim and astonished look on their faces was gone … They were seeming to be very happy …
This completely erased the earlier tension (of the last few days) which as such was based upon a basic question … “Why are these two birds grim (sad)?” … So I was happy again …
As soon as I became happy, I saw that they had suddenly turned around and both of them had begun flying in a direction that was away from me …
Once a while they also turned backwards whilst they kept flying away from me into that vast non-lighted state of “emptiness of allness (i.e. Sarva Shunya)” that was enveloping them …
And each time a bird turned his head backwards to look at me, the earlier grim look was no longer apparent (I felt they were happy) …
And they flew into that vast non-lightness of emptiness (Shunya Tattva) and then disappeared from my vision (absorbed into their respective macrocosmic parental causes) …
Proceeding further …
The red bird merged into ALA Naad which was discussed in earlier set of topics on “ALA Naad … Sound of ALA”) …
And the blue bird merged into Ahum Naad (which itself is a part of the vast concept of “Naad Brahm”) and which as such was also discussed through a painted sketch of an earlier topic of “Aghora face of Sadashiva”) …
And once they had merged to their own respective macrocosmic parental causes, they became one to their own macrocosmic parental states …
After that day I have not seen them again … But the best part was that when they went away from me so as to merge into their respecting macrocosmic parental causes, they both were happy …
And after this stage, I also started returning back to a state which was closer to normal remembrance … But the ever deeper Samadhi’s were still continuing and so were the other self realizations …
TT-3 … Two birds looking down and thence vanishing into emptiness …
As was discussed that after the accomplishment of the 8th plexus, the aspirant enters into a meditative seedless absorption (Nirbija Samadhi) …
The seedless absorption is that state where all merit that was ever earned, is extinguished (unseeded or dissoluted) …
Thus at this stage, the consciousness orb (Chitta) of bliss sheath (which in Sanskrit texts is called as Anandmaye Kosha and is also called as Antahkarana Chatushtaya) becomes impressionless (i.e. Samskara Rahit) …
Proceeding further …
So I looked within myself to see if above was true … It was …
Thus I also knew that the final stage of last the pathless-partless path (Brahmanpath) as was told by the eternal guide (Sriman Naaraayana) who resides within my own heart, has already begun …
And basis that divine teaching of the eternal guide (Sanatan Gurudeva Sriman Naaraayana) I also knew that the subtle impressional macrocosm (Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand) which is within my own microcosmic physical vehicle, would soon begin merging into the greater manifested macrocosm, within whose envelopes my physical body rests …
Topic ends …