This is the light grey body (light grey colored accomplishment vehicle) … This is like a smoke colored and a very-very subtle Siddha body i.e. Dhoomra Varna Sharira or a rising smoke like Siddha body … Since this Siddha body relates to Vamadeva, so it also gets finally absorbed (or gets finally dissolved) into Vamadeva face of Sadashiva … So, due to this reason, it can also be called as Vamadeva Sharira …
It is denoting the self manifestation of (or self presence of) Vamadeva face of Sadashiva within the aspirant (i.e. the aspirant who holds this Siddha body) …
When this Siddha Sharira self manifests within the aspirant, then it also denotes the accomplishment of the Vedic Mahavakya as it has been stated below …
Which means …
This (Atman) is That (Brahman)
MM-1 … An almost indescribable state of Vamadeva Sharira (light grey body) …
This is also the accomplishment vehicle (or Siddha Sharira) which cannot be described in “much detail” due to the absence of those factors within it, which can be used as a tool to describe anything … This means it is that Siddha body which can be described, but not in much detail …
This accomplishment vehicle (Siddha Sharira) denotes that state where the aspirant attains to Vamadeva face of Shiva … This attainment of Vamadeva itself is due to the fact that this Siddha body denotes a state where the aspirant is already arrived at sameness to the Vamadeva face of Sadashiva …
This accomplishment vehicle eventually enters into the Vamadeva Loka (i.e. it enters into Vamadeva face of Sadashiva) and thence unites to the formless Vamadeva face of Sadashiva (i.e. Vaikunth) and after this stage this Siddha body also vanishes from its own sight …
By the phrase “vanishes from its own sight” I mean that this Siddha Sharira of Vamadeva becomes absorbed into its own primary cause and thence it no longer continues within its earlier human bodied state … And due to this absorption, after this Siddha Sharira also becomes formless (just as the formless Vamadeva face of Sadashiva also is) then it cannot even be distinguished from its own parental divine cause i.e. Vamadeva face of Sadashiva … Thus after this state, it cannot be seen to be distinct from its own principal cause i.e. Vamadeva face and due to this reason, its state becomes as if it has already vanished from its own sight …
This is the stage of the realizer, realization and realized becoming one and thus the state of absorption which is being discussed here, also means a stage of totality of absence of all dualities …
MM-2 … Various paths, various names of the same accomplishment vehicle …
Within various paths that were adopted by various Sages, the same accomplishment vehicle (Siddha Sharira) is told through different names … A few of these are as follows …
- Some texts say that this vehicle is the Dhoomra Varna Sharira or the smoke like body …
- In other texts like Atreya Samhita of Ayurveda, this smoke like state (i.e. light grey colored state) has been described as Atman (essence within) … And this itself is a fact because this accomplishment vehicle actually denotes the “attributed-form state (Sagun Sakaar Awastha)” of one’s own “innermost essence (or Atman)” …
- Some say that Vamadeva face of Sadashiva is made up of two parts i.e. white and black (dark) … Well, when we unite these parts, then it is the same grey color as is being discussed here …
- Since Sri Bhagwan Vishnu self manifests out of the Vamadeva face of Sadashiva, so this vehicle also relates to the eternal preserver aspect of Bhagwan Sadashiva who itself is my eternal guide (Sanatan Guru, Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) …
- Since Sri Vishnu denotes Paramatman, so due to this reason, this vehicle can also be termed as the Paramatman (Supreme essence or Supreme Atman) aspect of Sadashiva who self manifests as Sri Vishnu within the aspirants physical microcosm itself …
- Unless the middle part of Bodhichitta is entered into, this vehicle cannot self manifest … Thus only after the aspirant self realizes that which is present in the middle of 24 streaks (which were shown to be emanating out of the painting of Bodhichitta in an earlier topic of “Bodhichitta … Nirvana”) the aspirant cannot accomplish the Siddha Sharira that is being discussed here …
- Some texts also say that the grey colored state is that where the aspirant fails to fully comply to the requirements of Brahmacharya (Celibacy), but sadly I somehow don’t agree to it due to the fact that it does not match with my own self realizations …
- Some texts also say that grey color denotes the middle of dark path and path of light, but sadly I would have to differ from them as such descriptions are not matching my own self realizations …
- And some texts even say that the color as is described of this Siddha Sharira (i.e. accomplishment vehicle) denotes the middle of Dakshina Marg and Vama Marg, but sadly I also fail to differ from these statements because of the fact that this accomplishment vehicle is entirely of Vamadeva only … This is because my Gurudeva Gautama Buddha (i.e. Guru of my previous transmigrated incarnation or Guru of my previous incarnation that was also attained by adopting the path of transmigration of soul) had followed the middle path and he never held this accomplishment vehicle as his primary accomplishment vehicle i.e. even when my Gurudeva (i.e. Buddha Avatar) was holding this accomplishment vehicle, yet this Siddha Sharira was never the primary Siddha Sharira which was held by my Gurudeva Gautama Buddha …
- And some recent interpreters also say that the path of darkness is not good as they think the path of light is better and some even say that the middle of these two paths is also not good … Well, all such statement are only myths because of the fact that the Maker being supreme-divine, could not have made anything that did not hold his (actually IT’s) own pristine-divinity and thus basis this eternal fact, there really is nothing which could termed as the eternal-bad …
Continuing with above bullet point … Ideas which relate to goodness and badness are only relative as application of these terms also keep changing during the course of evolution of humans, their societies and cultures … And due to this reason, wherever any of such judgments are made on eternal goodness and eternal badness of anything or anyone or any place, then they would also be seen to be eternally changeful as the humanity evolves …
Continuing with above paragraph … Unless it is good or bad from the point of view of eternity of existence, it cannot ever be the eternal good or eternal bad and when we see eternity of existence of anything, then we also see that each that is termed as good or bad, is also playing a very important role in existence of allness because without these two self balancing aspects, the macrocosmic creation would only become imbalanced and thus would only become a living hell for all microcosm’s that rest within her envelope … Thus basis this, there really is nothing which rests within attributes or is in form or formless state and yet it could be termed as the eternal-good the eternal-bad …
Continuing with above paragraph … This itself is rooted in the basic fact that the “Maker never made anything wrong” … All right and wrong are only a matter of one’s own perception or the perception of one’s society or culture or civilization because in reality nothing like this is existent within the Maker’s Makings … As any society or even humanity as a whole, evolves higher, then the bases which are utilized to decide upon rightness or wrongness of anything also evolve and thus at such a time, the judgments upon earlier wrongness and rightness also change … And when we view vast time spans, then it is also clear that wrongness of an earlier time, is rightness of today …
Proceeding further …
As an example of above we can see the recent changes which are in line with these discussions … Consider the current adoption (or acceptance) of Yoga Tantra in western ways of life and also consider that state not long ago where the western scholars used to say that Yoga is bad (Satanic) …
But on the contrary and as of now and as far as the percentage of practitioners in relation to the total number of inhabitants of a land are concerned, the same western society is doing more of Yoga than Indians themselves (i.e. the land where Yoga had originated) …
Thus as a matter of fact, in comparison to India where Yoga Tantras had originally originated, Yoga Tantra is also a big business in the western part of this world which also proves a total change of perception of the west as compared to their earlier rejection of Yoga … This is just one of the changes that have taken place recently and if we study the history of humanity upon this planet, then it shall also be found that their history is full of such facts …
And during the coming times, done be surprised if you see Jesus depicted as a semi clad Shaiva Yogi who is shown to be wearing Rudraksha and other Shaiva symbols on his body … I say so as I already know that this change is coming by to this world because the present day Christianity would be returning back to its own original root (or original base) from where it had originally started and which as such is none other than Sanatan Agama Arya Dharma and that too its Shaiva Marg i.e. the path of Siddha Yogi’s of Shaiva Marg …
This path is that of the five faces of Sadashiva, one of which is the Vamadeva face of Sadashiva which is being discussed here and from whom Sri Vishnu self manifests … Since Sri Vishnu is self manifested, so he is also a Swayambhu only (i.e. Sri Vishnu is a self originated personality) …
And I say so because the destined time span of existence of Christianity in its present individualistic form (i.e. monotheistic form) is already drawing to an end and this fact is clearly visible within the impressions (Samskaras) that rest within the consciousness plane of this planet (Bhu Chitta) …
Deviating a bit … This is to discuss that stage when I first thought about above … This was due to a specific event that happened in a land which somehow is termed as foreign to mine and this is told so even when the root culture of that land is none other than that of Sanatan Dharma … The aborigines who still live there are a stark testimony to this fact …
So here it goes …
Once as a ship’s captain and after handing over command to the incoming captain, I was to sign off from a ship that had discharged her cargo at Kwinana BP terminal in Western Australia …
During sign off from that ship and whilst walking down the ship’s gangway (the ladder which connects the ship to the shore), I saw the cabby who had come to pick me up and take me to the airport from where I was supposed to be repatriated back home …
But whilst walking down the gangway, I saw that this man was staring at the top of my head and thus I knew he was a clairvoyant of some degree (I mean, may not be a perfect clairvoyant, but he showed some signs which relate to an additional sense or a sense, that is beyond the regular five) …
I continued walking down the gangway and finally approached him, shook hands and then sat in the front seat of the cab (as I normally do) which was next to the cabby who was driving … To this he said, “people like you never sit at the back side” … Since this was mostly true, so I nodded in agreement … And then the cab started moving …
As soon as we were a certain distance from the BP Kwinana port, he asked out of the blue … “Is God a man or a woman” …
To this I replied, “How does it matter” …
And then he told me, “You can do healing very well” …
But I replied, I stopped that practice already and it’s been a while since I have not done such things …
He asked “why” …
To this I replied that it interferes with the evolutionary process of healee and healer and then we had a short discussion on how it interferes …
Then he suddenly asked me … “Do you know JC” …
I had never heard this term, so I asked him “Who is JC” …
He laughed and told me “Jesus Christ” …
I thought Ohh MG, so Jesus Christ also has a short name (Nick name) like we humans do, but I didn’t reply back to him (even though I had seen him many times, yet at that time, I did not want to tell this to an almost stranger) … But since he was an elderly person, so I didn’t counter him as far as that strange word JC stands (In Indian culture, we “normally” don’t counter elderly people) …
Then at some later time of travel in that cab, he told me “He likes the Himalayas and he wants to go there … And he also told that he feels that during his earlier incarnation, he was in the Himalayas” …
This was very-very suspicious, so I told him “If you claim to be a Christian (earlier on he had told this to me) then what reincarnation are you talking about and if you believe in reincarnation, then why did you tell me that you were a Christian” … To this he laughed heartily, but he never replied back and he kept driving whilst smiling …
Then suddenly and surprisingly he told me that “His wife is waiting on the road to meet me” …
This was another bigger surprise as it’s not a normal thing for someone to wait on the road and that too in a land about which I don’t know much … Plus his wife would have also been an elderly lady like him and the thought of an elderly lady waiting on the road, was even stranger …
So I asked him “why” …
To this he said, “She is a medium of JC and she is waiting on the road some distance ahead, to meet me” and he also told me “you would like her when you meet her” …
So I thought to myself, “Okay, let’s see” …
And he also said that they have been tracking my ship whilst my ship had been sailing on the Australian coast for the last few months and that’s why even though he is the owner of that cab company and normally he does not come to pick up anyone, yet he came by to pick me up because they (i.e. the man and his wife) wanted to meet me in person …
So this was another big surprise …
But then I thought, Ahh, let’s see how this goes and let me meet that “Medium”, i.e. the wife of this man who is driving that cab … Plus it was my first time of meeting a medium of such a great-personality of earlier times, whom he had somehow nick named as JC …
After a while we reached that place and I saw that an elderly lady (actually motherly, as she would have been of my mother’s age only) was really standing at the side of a road … I didn’t like that sight, but I kept quite as everyone has different preferences and perceptions of life, so it’s not good to comment on such matters … But the fact still remains that I really did not like the sight of an elderly lady (of my mom’s age) standing on a roadside, alone and waiting for some stupid child like guy (like me) …
Whilst the car was approaching that place and when there still was some distance to reach her, he told me “There she is” …
I saw that the aura of that elderly lady was shining like a diamond … That shine is only of Sadyojata face of Sadashiva, which we have already discussed in the earlier topic of “Sadyojata face of Sadashiva … Brahmaloka” …
So whilst I was totally impressed, I approached her as the cabby introduced me to her and vice versa introduction part which the cabby did fantastically (even when both of us really did not need an introduction) … But that’s courtesy and we both obliged him …
After a usual chitchat that happens upon meeting, her face changed to a dark color and she said thus, loud and clear … “You must protect yourself” …
But before I could answer, below happened …
The power of these words was so huge that to me it also proved that the “Sound is really the Absolute (or Naad Brahman)” which we have already discussed in an earlier set of topics that had the header of “Naad Brahm” …
And the winds that emanated from that sound were so huge that it was like a non-lighted hurricane which had tawny colored microscopic lighted specs in it, passing through my body and that too with such a force that can only be told as totally overwhelming …
Due to this sudden wind entering my physical body, the head of my astral body turned to the right hand side (90 degrees clockwise) …
This right turn of the astral bodies head was also due to the fact that tawny color is of the right hand channel of inner divinity (or sun channel or Pingala Naadi) whose divinity is of Rudra Deva (I have already discussed about Rudra in an earlier set of topics which has the main-header of “ALA Naad … Sound of ALA”) …
And that dark envelope which was of that wind that had spontaneously emanated from those four words (or You Must Protect Yourself” was of Aghora face of Sadashiva … By this I mean that the non-lightness is self realized through a transit of the Aghora face of Shiva (to know this fact, please refer to earlier discussions on those topics which relate to the header of “Aghora face of Sadashiva (or Ahum Naad” and also those set of topics which have the header of “From Ahum Naad to ALA Naad”) …
Thus this also proved to me that Tawny light of Rudra Deva (or the rejuvenating principle) who itself is self manifested from Aghora, are unioned within his co called nick named JC and that too in a condition, where the Tawny is already resting in the non-lighted part of Aghora face …
And after the astral vehicle’s face returned back to its normal state, I opened my eyes with both of them (i.e. the elderly couple) standing in front of me and smiling at me …
And since my earlier reply to her four words was still pending, so I just replied back … “The Maker had never made anything wrong” so what is the use of protecting myself …
Above was also based upon a fact that the “innermost essence (Atman)” is the eternal birth-less and death-less, indestructible and beyond the control of anyone and the physical vehicle would anyway die out as it never has the capacity to stand those eternal times within its any single incarnation …
To this they kept quite initially, but then the elderly lady nodded in agreement …
And I also saw that whilst she walked in her naturally crisp manner, she also had a very subtle whirlpool of light grey color around her body, which denoted the manifestation and presence of the grey colored Vamadeva face of Sadashiva within her own microcosm …
Since the supreme preserving principle (i.e. Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) self manifests from grey colored Vamadeva, so this also denotes presence of Sri Vishnu Siddhant (i.e. supreme preservation principle) within that elderly lady …
This was then I thought to myself that this elderly lady was none other than a divine personality (i.e. she is one of the manifestations of the vast number of divinities of Sriman Naaraayana) that I am meeting today, so I mentally saluted her whilst mentally reciting “OM Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya” …
Then after the usual greetings that always are upon departure, we moved on … But strangely whilst sitting in the cab and proceeding to the airport, I found that my earlier breathing problems had vanished already … On that ship from which I had signed off, I was having a slight breathing problem … But after I came back to consciousness (i.e. the head of astral returned back to its normal position within the physical vehicle) I found these problems were totally gone …
And when we had resumed passage to the airport, then I also saw that the elderly lady who held that shining aura, went in a different car to the same international airport, whilst her own car kept slightly ahead of ours …
And prior we reached the airport; she was already standing there waiting for us to arrive …
Conclusion of this deviation … All above is a part of the vast knowledge of Sanatan Agama Arya Dharma only … And so is the Christianity of this planet …
Those sages whom the west has been addressing as the rag clad Essenes, were the ones whom the much earlier Sanskrit speaking folks have addressed as Kaulacharya’s (i.e. the Kaul Siddha’s) …
That Sage, whom Judaism addresses as Saul, became Saint Paul in the later Christianity and he originally was a Kaul Siddha of the same Sanatan Agama Arya Dharma only …
During those very ancient and already forgotten times as were of my much earlier incarnations (and the later transmigrated incarnations), the entire belt from India Himalayas till the ice clad mountains of Scandinavia and until those inhabitable lands of Siberian icy deserts, were the areas of these Kaul Siddha’s …
During those already forgotten ancient times as were of my much earlier incarnations, the best of Kaul Siddha’s used to live in the ice clad Scandinavian mountains and we students (of those days) used to travel for months (from Indian mainland) to those remote icy locations to meet them and learn from those Siddha’s …
And since, the entire belt from Indian sub continent till those distant, remote and almost inhabitable places of Scandinavia and Siberia were of the same Aryan race only, so I sometimes wonder as to “what Aryan Invasion theory” are the modern historians talking about …
I think someone down the long line of kings and leaders must have destroyed the facts that I have discussed here and thus this confusion of an imaginary Aryan invasion of India … Well, when all the inhabitants of this entire landmass were none other than Aryans and Dravidians, then what invasion is anybody talking about … Invasion is never there when the same race is present in all those lands which I have listed here …
At those past and already forgotten times, the Dravidians were in the south Indian sub continent and the ranges of these people extended until vast areas like those of Africa, aborigines of Australia and Australasia and some parts of present day South America …
As also a fact that during those long gone and forgotten days as were of my much-much earlier incarnations and those further transmigrated incarnations that have also been till now, all of these continents were one and this unioned state of all these seven continents of today was the one which was named as “Jambudweep” by Vedic sages because Jambu (Jamun fruit) was the common tree of all these places …
Proceeding further …
The foundations of Christianity were laid down by these Kaulacharya’s (i.e. Kaul Siddha’s) only …
Kaul is that sect of Siddha’s who have the Kaul Kundalini active with them and this sect of Siddha’s is also that which was free to either stay a bachelor (celibate) or to marry, as they were the ones whom Yoga Tantra’s have addressed as “Raja Yogi (i.e. the King of Yoga Tantra’s)” …
But when the degenerate age came by and it also started expanding, then these very essences (i.e. Kaulacharya’s) started getting hammered in the west and thus most of the holders of these knowledge systems returned back to India (i.e. the land of origin of Vedas, Yoga Tantra, Ayurveda, Vedanga, Jyotish, Siddha, Samkhya and many other ancient sciences that lead to accomplishment of four Purushartha i.e. Dharma, Artha, Kama and the fourth Purushartha of Moksha) …
And at a later stage, when India had also gotten conquered by the same barbarian forces that had manifested during the current divine degenerate age cycle (i.e. the current Deva Kaliyuga) then these Siddha’s also left the human civilizations and then they returned back in isolations of remote mountain tops, river banks, forests and since then their traditions have continued within remote Himalayan mountain caves and crevices or under trees or even in those conditions where only the vast skies remain as roofs of their open houses … But even during these times, the Kaulacharya’s continued within societies …
But as the degenerate age progressed, then due the call of cycles of times which led to a vast expansion of degenerate forces in India, the situations kept getting more and more degenerate … And a stage eventually came by where the Siddha sciences could no longer be openly transmitted in India also …
This was the stage when these Siddha Yogi’s, self destroyed their own monasteries and then they fully retired in isolation from those severely disturbing sounds of degenerate human civilizations, as were of those times …
And since then, they have continued in isolation of remote forests, inaccessible mountains and similar places of this land of Bharat (India) whilst they have continued to maintain the unbroken continuity of their traditions through those very secretive ways of knowledge transfers that come under the purviews of the term “Guru Shishya Parampara (i.e. Master-disciple relationship)” …
And all this while they have only been waiting for better times to return back so they can re-spread their much higher knowledge and sciences into this world …
And even though this sect was willingly destroyed by these very Kaul Siddha’s earlier on, yet the time of its restoration is already at hand …
Proceeding further …
The restorer of this knowledge has already arrived to this world … That restorer is also a Kaul Siddha only and as of now he is a young boy in his pre-teens … He is living and practicing in the Indian Himalayas and whilst he is staying under the divine guidance of two Guru’s, both of who are also fully accomplished ones of Kaul Siddha Marga itself …
Some time back, during one of my subtle astral travels, I had seen him getting trained and I know that he has returned back from Rudra Loka (i.e. the divine world of Rudra Deva) only to restore the Kaul Parampara in this world, starting from Indian Himalayas and thence it would also be spreading into the western part of this world …
That time when he would be coming to fore by re-establishing the Kaul Peetha which as of now is secretly-hidden within our current human civilization, is also not very far from the nowness of now, when I write this paragraph …
Proceeding further …
As the inauguration phase of the incoming “age of sages (Guru Yuga)” keeps drawing closer, it shall be to Agama that Christianity would be returning back to and the returned back Kaulacharya (Kaul Siddha) would be playing his part in this restoration, especially in the western world …
During approach to any Guru Yuga that has ever been till now, all lies and deceit that had come by during the earlier human age cycle, are always broken up (i.e. all deviations get completely shattered) and so shall it also be this time around … This shall be seen as a fact during the coming times …
But the choice of choosing the path of this change is only resting with humanity of today and thus it eventually is up to the humanity as a whole to choose whether they want this change to take place in a peaceful or in a wrathful way, because to reject the change of “human age cycles (i.e. Manav Yuga Chakra) i.e. cycle of time, is beyond their control and this capability to reject is also beyond the control of their Gods because time is a weapon of Maa Adi Parashakti, whose self manifested state is as Maa Prakriti (Mother Nature) and she never shares this weapon with any of the egoistic Gods, due to which none of these Gods can counter incoming changes of human age (or human age cycle or simply, the Manav Yuga) …
Thus basis above, the incoming change cannot be stopped and thus that change of human age cycle would definitely be seen to be coming by, but yet choice of choosing the path for it, is only resting with humanity … And too in a condition, where humanity must act as a whole to choose the any of the two paths as their option of bringing about this change …
Due to the call of the Absolute-Deity of Great-Time i.e. eternity (This deity is Bhagwan Mahakaal aspect of Shiva) and his own pristine-divinity (This pristine divinity is Maa Mahakaali), very soon the degenerate effects of this process of change would get cut-in, into this world … That would be a stage of all sorts of natural, divine and manmade problems which would be coming by in tandem, one after the other only to shake up the entire humanity and make them do that which needs to be done during the times when this change cuts in … And since the incoming time cycle itself is of an “Age of sages (Guru Yuga)”, so what humanity would need to do is to let go of individualistic systems and adopt a way of life that rests in “Oneness to allness and her each part (I.e. Brahmand Dharana)” …
Unless this path which as such is of Brahmand Dharana is adopted by majority of humanity, the process of this change of human age cycles (Manav Yuga) would only be full of havocs of one or another of the three types that were mentioned earlier (i.e. natural, divine or even a manmade havoc) …
And the fact still remains that the time which humanity as a whole has in hand to adopt Brahmand Dharana and thus avoid a major chaos across this planet, is very little from the time I write this paragraph …
Within this world and during the times that can already be called as approaching, when that which is referred to in above paragraphs actually starts manifesting in a fuller state, then six religions of today shall be seen to be merging to their own timeless great grandmother of all philosophies i.e. Sanatan Dharma (And if we also account for all the vast and diverse aspects Hinduism, then it would become as a “unity of the divine-seven”) …
Above is due to the fact that during any of the Guru Yuga’s that have ever been till now, Sanatan Dharma itself becomes the primary way of life … As also a fact that during change of any age cycle (i.e. divine of human age cycles) the same eternal way of life (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) always leads the way of change … This time around, it would also be no different …
Proceeding further …
This is what that divine lady had subtly taught me on that evening when we had met on the road … And since the path to this can never be without accounting for Vamadeva face of Sadashiva, so I have added this experience in this topic of Vamadeva itself …
Spread of Yoga to west is only a beginning phase of this change of human age cycles and due to this reason, the current stage of spread of Yoga Tantra across all lands of this planet could also be considered something like “the trunk of a pure white colored elephant” and where the entire white elephant of Sanatan Dharma is yet to get manifested in the world …
Moving further …
But even when above experience is true, yet I don’t believe in mediumship as it “mostly” makes a person to be like a puppet to his (or her) puppet master … I say so as over these years I have also seen many mediums who are just like “inert puppets” to their respective puppet masters …
That which compromises upon “independent interdependence and the simultaneous stage of interdependent independence” of allness and her each part, is none other than that which would ultimately compromise on one’s own evolutionary process and thus ultimately in the longer time span of existence of that system, it would only be found to be more regressive, than progressive …
Unless above discussed aspect can be avoided (or nullified) within mediumship (which itself is a very rare thing to find) the path of evolution which relates to mediumship cannot ever be as a better of paths of evolution …
And finally for this deviation … As a matter of fact, it’s very rare to find mediumship which can comply with the requirements which have been stated in above paragraphs … Resuming again …
MM-3 … Self realization of Vamadeva Sharira i.e. Light grey Siddha body …
When entered into this state, there remains nothing that could be used as a tool to describe it …
And this absence of factors (or tools) which could be used to describe it is because of the fact that prior to the evolutionary stage when this very-light smoky grey body self manifests within an aspirants physical vehicle and then this body travels to Vamadeva face of Sadashiva so as to non dually unite to it, all other accomplishment vehicles are already absorbed into their own respective principal divine causes (divine worlds) …
And in absence of these earlier Siddha Sharira, to fully describe Vamadeva is also an almost impossible task …
Those earlier accomplishment vehicles (Siddha Sharira) which get absorbed prior to accomplishment of the light grey Siddha body are as follows … But at the same time, this list is not comprehensive because many accomplishment vehicles (Siddha Sharira) are not even discussed in this text as they would need to be self realized (i.e. realized by the aspirants themselves) …
- The mind (Mann) is already absorbed into its own principal cause …
- The knowledge (Vijnana or Buddhi or Vijyana) is already absorbed into its own principal cause …
- The consciousness (Chitta) is already absorbed into its own principal cause …
- The I’ness (Ahamkara) is merged into its own principal cause …
- The vitality (Pranamaye Kosha or in simple words, can also be termed as vital air sheath) is not there in its earlier individuality (i.e. five Prana and five Upa Prana are no longer in their individual states) as these Prana are also returned back to their originality of diamond white color and then they also become absorbed into their own principal cause … This means the five vital airs (i.e. Panch Prana) and five sub-vital airs (i.e. Panch Upa Prana) are already absorbed into their own principal cause …
- The primordial ignorance (which is also termed as Anandmaye Kosha or Bliss sheath and which is also called as Antahkarana Chatushtaya) and its four parts are also absorbed into their respective principal causes … The same is also termed as Anandamaya Kosha …
- The five-knowledge senses (Panch-Gyanendriya) are also merged into their own principal causes …
- The five action-senses (Panch-Karmendriya) are also merged into their own macrocosmic causes …
- The three macrocosmic attributes are also absorbed into their own principal causes …
- The five macro-elements (Panch Mahabhoot) are also merged into their own principal causes …
- The five primary subtle-factors (Panch-Tanmatra) are also not there as they also are merged into their own principal cause …
- With the merger of these 38 primary aspects which denote the 38 faces of Rudraksha (Rudraksha means the tears of Sadashiva) their other-aspects (i.e. secondary aspects) which total to 58 aspects, are also absorbed into their own (and respective) principal causes … Thus this Vamadeva face of Sadashiva leads to absorptions of all 96 Tattva’s (Those who want to know about these 96 aspects, can go to the learned ones of Shaiva Marga (The path of Sadashiva) …
- Thus once these 38 Primary Tattva’s are absorbed into their own principal causes, then because it leads to absorptions of all the other 58 aspects into their own principal causes, so in such a case, that aspirant also ends up holding nothing which could be utilized as a tool to describe the Vamadeva face of Sadashiva …
Due to above stated discussions and its reasoning’s, the Vamadeva face of Sadashiva is also denoting all paths of Sanatan Dharma …
And it primarily is due to this reason that Vamadeva was also addressed as “Jyeshta” which means “the elder (or elder brother or elder brother)” … The same Jyeshta is the one who is addressed as “Pahana” in Native American lore’s and the same Jyeshta is also given other names in other aboriginal and native lore’s of this planet …
Due to above stated reasons, within both of the primary paths of Sanatan Dharma, i.e. Agama and Nigama paths, Vamadeva stands out as Paramount …
And presence of Vamadeva is also subtly found within the paths of Abrahm Marga +++ (i.e. the Abrahm Path’s of Sanatan Dharma) …
+++ Deviating a bit for explaining +++ of above paragraph …
+++ During those extremely ancient times as were of those much earlier times of my much earlier and already forgotten incarnations, Sanatan Dharma had two main sects or paths … These were as follows …
- Brahm Marg … The path of Brahm … This was rested in all that was discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT eventually became” and thus it related to all self expressions of the attributeless-infinite Absolute being (i.e. Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm or Brahman) … This path denotes fullness of union to allness and her each part and thus this path is of pluralistic monism (i.e. Vedas) …
- Abrahm Marg … The word Abrahm means that which is not denoting the fullness of self expressed, self manifested, self presence of Brahm (i.e. Brahman) … This was the path which related to only the “Sagun Nirakaar Awastha (i.e. attributed-formless state)” of the divine absolute being (Brahman) … Thus this path was mostly individualistic … That Abrahm Marg (i.e. Path of Abrahm’s of Dharma) is the one which came to be known as Abrahamic religions of today …
+++ Continuing with above bullet point … And within the Abrahm-Marga (i.e. the path of non-believers of allness of self expressions of Parabrahman), since there are only three macrocosmic attributes (Triguna), so within Abrahm Marg there could never be more than three main sects and with each of these sects, would only be associated to one of the macrocosmic formless attributes who they address as their respective formless God …
+++ And even when above was true during those very ancient times (of my much earlier incarnations) yet eventually all these only led to the same end result which they used to name and describe through their own terms (and at much later times when other languages had evolved from the primordial macrocosmic language of Samskrit, the through different languages also) …
+++ This was the ancient state of Sanatan Dharma (i.e. that way of life which has been there since eternity of Maker’s Makings) as in those days; the Brahm Marg and Abrahm Marg were never considered as two separate religions as both were a part of the same eternal way of life (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) only …
+++ But during the last few millenniums, since humanity divided itself in all sorts of non sensical imaginary, partly-divine and semi-divine aspects and thus they created manmade barriers for themselves, the Brahm Marg remained as a part of Sanatan Dharma and Abrahm Marg became separated from Sanatan Dharma …
+++ But eventually prior any Age of Sages (i.e. Guru Yuga), the root knowledge system (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) always starts attracting its fractured parts and this is what leads to a return back of the broken parts, to the ever-same root of evolution (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) … That time when this would be seen to be happening within this world, is also not very far from the nowness of now, when I write this paragraph …
Resuming again with the main discussion …
Thus Vamadeva can only be self realized after all earlier Siddha bodies are already absorbed into their respective macrocosmic causes and it is due to this reason I consider the Vamadeva face of Sadashiva as the main beginning of the end part of all realizations that come in purviews of the word “Final” …
It is also due to this reason that I have written about Vamadeva at an almost-end part of this topic (of Siddha Sharira and Loka) … And this is also due to the fact that the Siddha body of our current discussion, is self realized at an “almost” end-part of the extremely subtle process of self-realizations of these accomplishment vehicles (i.e. Siddha bodies) …
And finally for this discussion …
After this self realization, the aspirant also does not relate to any of the divisions of Brahm Marg and Abrahm Marg and that aspirant also does not relate to the divisions of Nigama and Agama Marg …
This is because the aspirant who has passed through all that was discussed within this text until now, already knows that eventually all paths are only related to the ever-same five faced Sadashiva, who itself is Sriman Naaraayana of Vaishnavas, Bhagwan Vishvakarman of Vedas, Shunya Brahman of Yoga Tantras, in Buddhism this is addressed as Shunyata (Because Sadashiva is also “the ever-not”), Siddha Loka of Jainism also resides within the same Sadashiva and that same Sadashiva is also addressed as Akaal Purukh of Sikhism and the same Sadashiva is also the one who denotes the eternally unioned state of that which is termed as “Nihil” to that which is termed as “Full” in any of lore’s of any of the triple times …
There has never been and there also cannot ever be any knowledge system which does not relate to one or another aspect of the same five faced Sadashiva and thus eventually “All paths are leading to the same home” (This was also partly discussed in an earlier topic of “All roads lead to the same home”) …
MM-4 … During union of light grey Siddha body to Vamadeva face of Sadashiva …
Once the light grey Siddha Sharira “starts the process of its merger (union)” to Vamadeva face of Sadashiva, which itself is a stage that is arrived at after all earlier Siddha bodies which we have discussed till now are already absorbed into their respective divine causes, then following is what gets self realized by that aspirant …
- Totality of absence of differences and parts …
Due to this absence of divisions and parts, there remains no difference between the Absolute divine father and the pristine divinity of the primordial mother i.e. at this stage, Shiva and Shakti are one and the same and that too where this union of Shiva and Shakti is also self realized within the aspirant’s microcosmic physical vehicle …
At this stage of realization Shakti and Shiva are found to be in their eternal and perfectly unioned state and thus are also found to be inseparable from each other, just like the sun and its light is inseparable, so are Shiva and Shakti found to be inseparable at this stage … This totality of the eternal non-dual union of Shakti and Shiva across allness and her each part, is what Pancha Mukha Sadashiva actually is …
In such a state of perfect union, Shiva is holding Shakti as his better-half and Shakti is holding Shiva as her better-half … In such a state of union the aspirant also self realizes Ardhanarishwara form of Sadashiva and where Ardhanarishwara rests in the third eye plexus as the attributed-form of innermost-essence of the aspirant (i.e. Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara is the Sagun Sakaar Awastha of Atman of the aspirant) …
It is also self realized that eventually it is the ever-same Viraat Sadashiva who manifests as Ardhanarishwara in a formless state and as the seat of Gurudeva (see the earlier topic of Shivaloka) and from this formless state of Ardhanarishwara state of Bhagwan Sadashiva, is manifested human form of the same Ardhanarishwara … This human form of Ardhanarishwara is the one which gets self realized within the third eye plexus (i.e. Ajna Chakra) of the aspirant …
That human form of Ardhanarishwara who is present in the third eye of each aspirant is none other than the “attributed form state (Sagun Sakaar Awastha)” of the aspirants innermost essence (i.e. Atman) …
Since Ardhanarishwara of third eye chakra (Agya Chakra) has already been discussed in two earlier topics, so we won’t get into those discussions again …
Proceeding further …
After above, following happens …
- There neither remains any egoistic God nor any egoistic Satan (i.e. neither any Abhimani Devata nor any Abhimani Daitya) and thus only the Supreme lord (Parmeshvara as Sadashiva) is all that remains …
- Other than the Omkar (i.e. OM Naad or Sound of OM) and the Sound of M (or in other words, the endless Mmmmmmm Naad or Brahmnaad) no other sound remains … These two sound are also self realized to be of “Paramshiva and Sadashiva respectively” …
- There is neither voidness nor any non-voidness remaining … Only that which is absolutely full (Sadashiva as Paramshiva) is all that remains …
- There remain no qualities (attributes) and thus only the attributeless being (Paramshiva as Sadashiva) is all that remains …
- There is neither a form nor formless nor voidness nor any of their intermediaries, thus infinite (Adi Parashakti union Paramshiva) is all that remains …
- After all earlier discussed accomplishment vehicles (Siddha Sharira) are already absorbed into their own respective divine macrocosmic causes, then there neither remains any of the accomplishment vehicles (Siddha Sharira) nor any of their abilities (Siddhi’s) and thus that which is “beyond all imaginations and visualizations and is beyond descriptions, even when it is realizable” and is that which is “neither dual nor non-dual and thus is perfectly non-dual-real” and which itself is realized as the “attributeless-infinite truth” is all that remains …
Continuing further with above paragraph … That accomplishment vehicle which realizes all above is none other than formless-infinite, colorless-attributeless, seedless-soundless-aspectless and it is also the one which holds the allness of the final-essence which is within each aspirant and yet it only is within a state which is “neither-the doer nor-the-non-doer” for it is only seen to be as the eternally detached witness of allness and her each part … This vehicle shall be discussed at a later stage when we reach the topic on the “colorless bodiless-body (Nirgun Sharira)” which as such is related to the centrally located, supremely conscious, upward looking, colorless crystal like, self luminous Ishaan face of Sadashiva … Thus this part of the topic is also related to that later topic of Ishana face of Sadashiva …
MM-5 … After union to Vamadeva face of Sadashiva …
This part of the topic is also related to a later discussion which would be of the “colorless body (Nirgun Sharira)” which as such relates to the Ishaan face of Sadashiva …
When the above discussed state of one’s own innermost essence is self realized by any aspirant, then the aspirant also knows the innermost meaning of all of the below listed words (and their statements) …
The evolutionary ripeness and rightness for self realization of below discussions also manifests after the stage of self realization of whatever was discussed till this topic of Vamadeva face of Sadashiva … And due to this reason, even when in reality of things, below do not relate to this topic but yet I have added them in the current topic itself …
Whatever is told below is only relating to the innermost self (and not to physical or other subtler accomplishment vehicles of the aspirant) and where the innermost self of any aspirant, itself is the self of all that ever is or could ever be …
- Shivohum … Shiva Am I …
- Bhadrohum … Fortunate, blessed, pervader of allness, Am I …
- Sarvatrohum … Partless-Allness Am I …
- Pavitrohum … Pure Am I …
- Akashohum … Limitless sky that is beyond the visible-invisible sky, Am I …
- Anantohum … Fathomless, Incomprehensible, infinite Am I …
- Anandohum … Eternal bliss Am I …
- Nishkalankohum … Stainless Am I …
- Nirvikalpohum … Free of alternates and distinctions Am I …
- Nirvikarohum … Afflictionless Am I …
- Atulyohum … Incomparable Am I …
- Chidohum … Conscious Am I …
- Jnanohum … Supreme wisdom Am I …
- Poornohum … Fullness Am I …
- Pranohum … Prana Am I …
- Satyohum … Eternal truth Am I …
- Ajohum … Unborn Am I …
- Sanatanohum … Unborn-undying, Eternal Am I …
- Muktohum … Supreme liberation Am I …
- Kevalohum … Fully, permanently and finally isolated Am I …
- Tarakohum … Path of liberation and liberator Am I …
- Brahmohum … Creator of goodness Am I …
- Advaitohum … Perfectly Non-Dual Am I …
- Nirgunohum … Attributeless Am I …
- Atmanohum … Essentially detached witness of allness, Am I … I Am Atman …
- Omkarohum … Brahman or ॐ (OM) Am I …
- Achyutohum … Eternally unmoving-unchangeful, ever-same Am I …
- Govindohum … The preserver of allness and paths of liberation Am I …
- Shaktohum … Pristine-divinity Am I …
- Swa-Prakashohum … Self luminous Am I …
- Shivohum … Supreme-Divine, Paramshiva Am I … I Am Shiva …
During any of the triple times, the unioned corpus of all above are also denoting the main parts of the final realizations of any of the paths of any Mumukshu … Mumukshu means one who only seeks nothing but a final liberation …
And due to this reason, above statements also denote the final path that is taken by any Mumukshu that has ever been across any of the triple times …
MM-6 … Union to Vamadeva and self realizations of Vedic Mahavakya …
Vedic Mahavakya means the Vedic mega-statements (or great statements of Vedas) …
There are many Mahavakya, but four of these have ever stood out as primary ones … Plus in this topic, these are discussed in brief (as discussions on these Mahavakya (great statement) would be done in a later topic of this text) …
Direct cognition of that which was discussed is also related to the final state of self knowledge, which mega statement of Vedas (or Vedic Mahavakya) eventually denote …
- Of Rig Veda … Prajnanam Brahma … The self-luminous essence (Atman) within, is the Absolute being (Brahman) … Or in other simple words this can also mean as Self luminous is That …
Self-luminous means, that which rests “Itself within Itself” and thus is denoting independence from allness and its each part … Self luminous also means that which illumines all, whilst keeping itself hidden in the background …
- Of Yajur Veda … Aham Brahmasmi … I (essence or Atman) is That Absolute (Brahm) … Or in other simple words, I Am That and which can also interpret as I Am Brahman (or in other words, Brahman Am I) …
- Of Sama Veda … Tat Twam Asi … This can also be written as Tat Tvam Asi … Thou (essence within or Atman) are That Absolute (Brahm) … Or in other simple words, That Thou Are (or You Are That) …
- Of Atharvaveda … Ayam Atma Brahma … This (essence or Atman) is That Absolute (Brahm) … Or in other simple words, This is That, which can also interpret as Atman Is Brahman …
A direct cognition of all above also leads to the knowledge of the following Mahavakya (mega-Statements) of Vedic Lore …
- So-Hum (Sohum) … He (Brahm) Am I (Essence or Atman) …
- Hum-Sa … I (Essence or Atman) Am He (Brahm) …
One who walks on this path of union of So-Hum and Hum-Sa, is none other than a Mumukshu because this itself is the Atma-Path (i.e. the path towards the innermost essence or Atman) … And this Atma Path directly leads to the centrally located, upward looking, colorless crystal like, self luminous, Ishaan face of Sadashiva …
As also a fact that the path which is towards one’s own innermost essence (Atman) is the higher of all paths because the innermost essence of any aspirant (i.e. Atman), itself is the innermost essence of allness (i.e. Brahman) and thus this path has no divisions, as it is the only universally undivided path …
And due to being the universally undivided path, it also is free of inner and outer chaos because when within the universal, divisions cease to exist and thus there is no aspect which can lead to a loss of inner calm (within the aspirant) or a loss of outer peace (in the environment of the aspirant or the world) for that aspirant …
Vedic lore is very clear about this path, so it was thus told by sages …
“Those who leave the pristine essence within them and begin running after external aspects, only end up with broken pieces of mere glasses”
And the final realization in this path is also no different from what the self-realized, all-realized Vedic sages (Rishi) have stated as follows …
“Everything is Brahman, Brahman is all there is, All this verily is Brahman’
This statement also denotes the realization of eternal-unity of allness (Brahmand or Maker’s Makings or Vishvaroop Brahma) and its final permeator (Brahm) and that too when it happens within the aspirant (Microcosm or Pinda) itself …
And this unity of allness and its pervader is because of the fact that “allness (Brahmand) is none other than the macrocosmic self expressed state of the absolute permeator (Brahman)” …
Once this realization is arrived at, then the aspirant also arrives at a state where there remains ‘nowhere to go, nothing to do and nobody to be’ and thus after a fuller self realization of the Vedic Mahavakya (mega statement of Vedic lore), there is nothing else which needs to be known and/or accomplished by that aspirant during the entirety of eternity that remains pending from this stage of self realization of the innermost essence of Vedic Mahavakya (great statement of Vedic lore) …
This is the stage when at aspirant lets go of all his (or her) Siddhi’s into their respective deities … And thus the aspirant walks alone … And in absolute freedom from all that ever is or could ever be …
And thus is it also stated within the Vedic lore …
“Those who have known IT (i.e. Brahman) and are also unioned to IT; never hold abilities (Siddhi’s)”
And this itself is because of the fact, that “such ones have already known that Siddhi’s also lead to attachments and attachments lead to bondages and thus are eventually hampering ones entry into the final state, as is of “a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part (i.e. Kaivalya)” …
This is how a Mumukshu really is and this is because a Mumukshu knows, that a Muktatman (Fully liberated one) is the one who is “isolated from allness and its each part (i.e. a Mumukshu rests only within Moksha) and where allness also includes Siddhi’s (abilities) …
Proceeding further …
And such a Mumukshu also knows the innermost essence of the statement …
“What does a Mumukshu have to do with Siddhi’s”
And that Mumukshu also knows the innermost essence of the statement …
“What does a Siddha have to do with Mukti”
Above and many more self realizations are arrived after absorptions of the light grey Siddha body into its own parental state, i.e. Vamadeva face of Shiva and where this absorption into the Vamadeva face of Sadashiva itself is after all earlier accomplished vehicles (i.e. all other Siddha Sharira that were accomplished by that aspirant till then) are already absorbed into their own respective macrocosmic divine causes …
The union of this light grey accomplishment vehicle (i.e. Vamadeva Sharira) to its own divine parental state (i.e. Vamadeva face of Sadashiva) is as discussed in the next topic …
Discussions continue …