Here we shall discuss the accomplishment vehicle (or Siddha body) of that state when Rudra unites to Raudri and where this union happens within the aspirants physical vehicle itself … And its relation to Saguna Swaroop Stithi … And this Raudri Rudra Yoga is a path to Vrittihina Awastha or Nishkalank Awastha or afflictionless state, which itself is of Atma Stithi, which means as “resting in union to and only as” one’s own innermost essence (or Atman) …
Explaining Swaroop Stithi … Sagun
Swaroop Stithi means “Resting in one’s own essential-nature” …
And Sagun or Saguna means “of attributes” like color, shape, characteristics etc. …
Above vehicle denotes that the aspirant is already resting within his (or her) own essential-attributed nature (Or in other words, essential nature in an attributed state) …
Explaining Raudri Rudra Yoga Sharira …
This accomplishment vehicle also denotes that a union of Raudri to Rudra has already happened within the aspirant’s microcosm i.e. this accomplishment vehicle is of Raudri Rudra Yoga or it is Raudri Rudra Yoga Sharira …
Due to Rudra Deva only worshiping himself (this was already discussed in earlier topics of “Myself Within Myself … And was also discussed in another topic of “Rudra Within Rudra … Itself Within Itself”) so this vehicle also denotes the accomplishment of inward path or the path of self realization of “innermost essence (i.e. Atman)” … So this accomplishment vehicle also denotes that the aspirant has already succeeded in going a certain distance within the path of self realization (Atma Jnana) …
OO-1 … Significance of Raudri Rudra Yoga Sharira … Saguna Swaroop Stithi …
This is the vehicle of the one who has gone past the three attributes and yet is resting within the three attributes (or Triguna) … This state is of being a detached-pervader of these attributes and all attributed states … Thus this is Saguna Swaroop Stithi, which is explained later on …
Since these three attributes are the very reasons for origination of any microcosm, so due to this accomplishment vehicle denoting an exit out of the three attributes, so it also denotes that the holder of it, is based within detached-oneness to the entirety of the Maker’s Makings … Detached oneness means, being a witness of allness and not taking part in the works of allness or her any part …
And due to this detached-oneness to “allness and its each part”, this vehicle also denotes the final accomplishment within attributes …
Thus, this vehicle also denotes “Sagun-Swaroop Stithi” of that aspirant, which means, that the holder of this vehicle has self realized and thus arrived and begun resting within its “own attributed-essential nature” …
Since this vehicle relates to Raudri and Rudra and since as far as attributed states are concerned Raudri and Rudra denote the originality and finality and thus this Siddha body also denotes perfect non-dualism (i.e. Advaita) … So once this vehicle is accomplished, then it makes an aspirant rest in perfect non dualism …
Due to this reason, this vehicle is of “Advaita (or Perfect-non-dualism)” and that too where this vehicle of non-dualism (Advaita Sharira) itself is within its attributed-form state (i.e. Sagun Sakaar Awastha) …
And because this vehicle is still attributed, so even when it is the finality of accomplishment within attributes, yet it still is not the final accomplishment vehicle (Siddha Body) … Due to this reason, we have stated this to be the one of the three essential accomplishment vehicles …
As also, this accomplishment vehicle is self-manifested only after the realizer, realized and realization are merged to each other, i.e. merged to such an extent, that the aspirant is neither the realizer, nor the realized nor is within any realization, except a state which is as a partless-oneness of these three aspects and thus this is what makes it as a state of perfect-non-duality (i.e. a state which is neither dual nor non-dual and thus is the perfectly-real-non-dual) … Thus, this vehicle is also denoting the Advaita-Siddha-Sharira (non-dual-accomplishment-vehicle) …
At this state there remains nothing like an individual-duality between the microcosm (aspirant) and the macrocosm (Maker’s Makings) and yet that aspirant (microcosm) is resting within the macrocosm (Maker’s Makings) and that too within a state which is of an attributed-form (or Sagun Sakaar Awastha) …
This vehicle denotes that state of evolution which is after the last impression has also exited out of the crown plexus (this was discussed earlier in the topics of 8th plexus and Raam Naad) and thus this vehicle also denotes that state where the aspirant’s consciousness orb of causal body (i.e. Chitta of Antahkarana Chatushtaya) is already impressionless (i.e. it denotes Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta) … Antahkarana Chatushtaya of Vedic lore, is also addressed as Anandmaye Kosha, causal body (i.e. Karana Sharira) and also as Anandamaya Kosha …
And due to being a Swaroop Stithi Siddha Body, this vehicle also denotes that state where an aspirant is already resting in a perfect detachment to allness and her each part and which itself is a state that arrived when already walking the end stage of last path (or the last pathless partless path or Brahmpath)” …
OO-2 … Perfect non duality due to absence of Individual-dualities …
Since Swaroop Stithi is state beyond Maker’s Makings, so in this state there also remain no individual dualities i.e. in this state there is an absence of all individual states and individual corpuses …
If there remains no individuality, then how can there be any duality …
In absence of all dualities, including the dualities of “duality and non duality, truth and false, bondage and liberation, God-Satan etc.” all that remains is a freedom from all perceived (and non perceived) dual natures …
And such a state is only of perfect non duality, which is also free of all dual natures, including of all perceivable (and also all non perceivable) dual natures and all that is ever believed as non duality …
This is because dualities are only a by-product of individualities (and individual corpuses) so when the dualities end, then all that remains is a state which is free of all individualities and individual corpuses … And it is to this condition that the currently discussed Siddha Sharira eventually relates to …
OO-3 … Rudra Raudri Yoga … Path of accomplishment of being the pervader …
This accomplishment vehicle (of Rudra Raudri Yoga) also denotes an evolutionary standing where the aspirant’s consciousness arrives at its pristine purity (or original originality) and thus the aspirant ceased to be the pervaded and thus becomes the pervader of all that is within attributes …
Thus this accomplishment vehicle denotes the state where the aspirant becomes the pervader of all that resting within attributes … This itself is the reason for this Siddha body to be termed as “Sagun Swaroop Stithi in this text because it itself is the final accomplishment vehicle that could ever be achieved whilst resting within attributes (there is no higher Siddha Body of attributes than this one) …
This takes an aspirant beyond the attributes state of nature and thus such an aspirant also cannot ever be a God or Satan of the Maker’s Makings or her any divine world … Thus this is also the Siddha body where the aspirant loses his (or her) chance of being a future divine guide or God or Satan or Angel of any of the divine or other worlds …
Such aspirant’s only remain with a choice to exit out of entirety of Maker’s Makings, which in turn leads to a state where after they have rolled over from their then incarnated states (i.e. after de-incarnating from that incarnation where this Siddha body was accomplished), these aspirants are no longer available within any part of the Maker’s Makings …
None of the egoistic Gods and Satan’s (i.e. Deva’s) have ever held this Siddha vehicle and if they also end up accomplishing it, then they would also cease to be as Gods (or Satan’s) … This is because, this Siddha body denotes a state of freedom from three attributes and in such a freedom, that entity (God or Satan or Prophet or adherent) can never rest within any part (including any of the divine worlds) of the Maker’s Makings … And after attaining this Siddha body, since that entity cannot even rest within any part of the Maker’s Makings, so it also ceases to be a God or Satan of any future time (after this vehicle is accomplished) …
OO-4 … Vrittihina Awastha of Atma Stithi
Vrittihina Awastha means afflictionless state, taintless state and stainless state …
Atma Stithi means resting in “union to and as one’s own innermost essential nature (or resting in union ‘to and as’ Atman)” …
This vehicle also denotes the accomplishment of Vrittihina Awastha of Atma Stithi … Atma Stithi is the same as Swaroop Stithi …
And since Atma Stithi is a state beyond the allness of Maker’s Makings, so this vehicle also has no divine world within the entirety of Maker’s Makings …
And since from the state of Atma Stithi, the time of return back into any condition, mode and state of existence cannot even be calculated, so this vehicle also denotes the same for its holder …
This vehicle is the reason for realization of “accomplishment vehicle of allness of Maker’s Makings (i.e. Vishvaroop Sharira or Brahmand Sharira”) which also denotes the stage of accomplishment of “Swaroop Sthiti … Brahmand” i.e. our next topic …
End …