This topic shall discuss the meanings of terms, like Avatar and this discussion would be in relation to the what is meant by a highly evolved soul or a highly evolved sage (of sages) who during change of an age cycle to the next age, get chosen to act as a Divine instrument of Mahakaal aspect of Bhagwan Shiva and simultaneously also of Maa Mahakaali …
This topic is in direct continuation with the previous one which had the header of “About Kaalchakra” …
Divine instrument means a highly evolved sage (highly evolved soul) who gets chosen as an instrument of Mother Nature (who in Sanskrit language is also addressed as Maa Prakriti) and also of the Being there only is (Purusha) and is made to enter a world as a direct representative of these two primordial divinities …
Such a sage only does what he has to do and what he has to do is just as it must be done at that time … This is as he has no liking to do anything more than what he has to do so as to ensure that the reason for his entry into that world, is fully accomplished …
6-AA … Divine instruments and time (Kaal) …
Such divine instruments usually arrive to a world when a newer age cycle is just about to commence … These divine instruments arrive in the form of highly evolved sages … This is the stage when the age cycle which is to exit out of a world has already reached its final phase of its ending and the next age cycle has already started manifesting its effects within that world … Thus the arrival of such divine instruments is also governed by the cycles of time or Kaalchakra …
And when these divine instruments arrive, then they may or may not hold abilities and thus they may or may not perform miracles, but they shall definitely be holding the knowledge of that way of life (or knowledge system) which would become applicable to a world after the next age cycle gets inaugurated in that world … Thus their primary job is to lay down a subtle foundation of ways of life that shall be applicable during the next age cycle and that too at a stage of progress of time when the cycle of time which is destined to end has already reached a stage which is already closer to or is already at its last and final phase of change …
The arrival of such instruments is always governed by time (Kaal) … And it is due to this reason, they only arrive with permission of Bhagwan Mahakaal and the permission of pristine divinity of Bhagwan Mahakaal (i.e. Maa Mahakaali) +++ …
+++ Explaining +++ of above paragraph … Mahakaal literally means the Great Time (i.e. the Lord of all times) … And since in the Vedic lore there can only be one great, so the stated great itself is the supreme … Thus in reality the word Mahakaal means “Supreme time or eternity” and thus Bhagwan Mahakaal means “Lord of supreme time or the eternal lord of allness” …
+++ And Maa Mahakaali means the “pristine-divinity or supreme mother of eternal times” …
+++ Since divine and its divinity are one and the same, so in reality of these two apparently different terms, they in fact are denoting the same Absolute being and its pristine beingness, both of who are one and the same … Thus in this entire topic, when I say Mahakaal (i.e. Bhagwan Mahakaal), then I also mean Mahakaali (Maa Mahakaali) and vice versa of this is also true …
And on lines similar to above discussions …
Just prior the commencement of each Human golden age (Manav Satyuga) which itself is an age of sages (Guru Yuga), one instrument always gets chosen by Paramshiva and Adi-Parashakti for each of the world systems where animate conscious-knowledgeable-actioned microcosm’s reside … That chosen instrument always takes form in the highest part of animate speciology which inhabits this world (which for this world, is a human being … But this may not be so in all of the other animated worlds) …
These ones only lay down the foundations of the human age of truth or Manav Satyuga (which within the divine degenerate ages, is only an age of teaching-sages or Guru Yuga) …
This laying down of the foundation of an age of sages is by opening up of the paths to allness which is within and beyond each animate part of speciology which inhabits that world … Such sages who act as divine instruments also open the path to the pervader/enveloper of allness or in other words, the path of allness and attributeless-infinite absolute being (or Parambrahma) which by that stage of time, is already forgotten on that world … And only after opening up those lost paths, does the divinity of the age of sages begin entering that world (where such sages who act as divine instruments, have arrived) … Thus such ones also happen to be those who inaugurate the age of sages (Guru Yuga) upon the world where they arrive and then distribute their knowledge as per the call of great time (Mahakaal) so as to subtly inaugurate the age of sages (Guru Yuga) on that world …
Upon all animate worlds, one chosen divine instrument is always placed within 108 years +/- 1 to 2.7 years from time of inauguration (or commencement) of the age of sages (Guru-Yuga) on that world …
Since each world has its own specific unitary values to time, which are different for different worlds, so the time span of 108 years is not the same for all the worlds on which these divine instruments arrive … This means, that these instruments do not arrive upon all the worlds at the same time because the unitary values of time are different for different worlds …
When an age of sages is to arrive, then the knowledge which can be placed upon that world can only be of Brahmand Dharana (Oneness to allness and her each part) … Thus such ones always place the knowledge of unity of oneself to allness that is within and beyond them and this is in addition to the supreme knowledge as is of the eternal unity of “Atman (i.e. the essence within each microcosm)” to the “essence of allness (Brahman)” … Unless something extra is needed (by that world) or agreed (prior to entering that world system) or they have an earlier obligation to render something extra (like rendering an earlier Gurudakshina), this subtle transplantation of knowledge of the next age cycle is all that they would end up doing when they enter that world system as a divine (or a chosen) instrument …
But as far as the inauguration phase of an age of sages is concerned, because they arrive prior to the inauguration of an age of sages and thus at the time when they arrive the nadir cycle of precession is still not ended, so they also remain with no choice but to restrict their distributed knowledge to just those aspects which shall be non destructive and yet would be sufficient to subtly and correctly inaugurate the incoming age of sages … This is because they also know that at the Nadir phase of precession, if anything more than the minimum knowledge is given out in the open, then humans of those times which are coming out of the degenerate cycle, would most probably make destructive instruments out of them and/or use that rendered knowledge of the divine instrument to subdue all others intellectually, politically, economically, militarily, socially, culturally, geographically or through geopolitics etc., etc. … And because such ones chosen instruments are only based upon allness itself, so to prevent such a thing from happening, they always restrict their distributed knowledge to that which would not be used for destructive ends …
And to know if the world is ready to receive the fuller knowledge (and not the minimum as is discussed above), they always end up travelling across almost all lands of that planet … This travel is always in a hidden way and may even extend up to the time span of one human generation, which for golden phase of precession is of 25 years and for the Nadir phase is of 27 years … Thus they would be travelling across almost all lands of that planet for above mentioned time span so as to know what that world really wants and how much of it can be safely given to that world … This travel always happens prior they render their knowledge to the world …
6-BB … Divine instrument and his or her dimensional standing in relation to Avatar …
This discussion shall be in two parts …
In the first part of this discussion, we shall be discussing the four primary dimensions as instrument and this discussion shall also be based upon a few other subtle instruments that each aspirant is blessed with and yet no aspirant never knows them unless that aspirant begins resting within a state of partless oneness to allness and her each part …
But since we are discussing this in perspective of the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga), so my focus shall only be on a divine instrument who arrives to a world so as to subtly inaugurate the age of sages on that world …
Following aspects are always held by that divine instrument who comes by to inaugurate the age of sages …
Time … Time is the primordial dimension of macrocosmic creation … Time is also an instrument of Devi-Maa … By Devi Maa I mean Maa Shakti (or Mother of allness) whose self manifested attributed-formless state (i.e. Sagun Nirakaar Awastha) is as Mother Nature (Maa Prakriti) and whose further self manifested attributed-form state (Sagun Sakaar Awastha) is as Bhu Devi (or my Kula Devi who is addressed as Goddess Earth and who actually is the divinity of macro-elemental earth or Bhu Mahabhoot) … Within the Vedic lore’s, the same Bhu Devi is also addressed as Gau Mata or the divinity of nectars (or the divinity who provides all nectars) … Gau Mata is also addressed as “Gaiya (or Cow of nectars or the nectarine Cow)” and in the western lore’s, the same Gau Mata, who herself is Bhu Devi was also reverently addressed as Mother Gaia (The Goddess of Earth) …
Time is the instrument (or weapon) of Maa Prakriti … She never shares this instrument (weapon) with anybody else … And those very-very few aspirants who have known time in all its parts, have always taken care of the aspect of time which makes it an instrument or even a weapon of change of age cycle to a better age cycle … So due to this reason, such aspirants have never rendered a fuller knowledge of time within those worlds which are already degenerated …
That sage who holds the knowledge of finality of time or Kaal (i.e. knowledge of eternity or Sanatan Tattva or simply Sanatan Dharma) and also holds the knowledge of eternal cyclic nature of time (I.e. Kaalchakra) is the one who can become a divine instrument for subtly inaugurating the age of sages in a world …
Space … Space is an instrument of Devi Maa (Maa Shakti or mother of allness) and it is also her weapon and this is where all the Deva (divine beings) also reside whilst they act as per the directions of the time, which is also an instrument of Devi-Maa only …
Space in its finality is infinite … And in its unitary values it is always variable (i.e. ever changeful) as it keeps to its cyclic expansions and contractions within each microcosm right from a largest microcosm, which as such is the universe and till the smallest one, which as such is the atom …
A divine instrument who comes to inaugurate the age of sages always holds the inner knowledge of above two aspects of space … And he may or may not change the latter one (as the latter one which is also present in the world and his own microcosm) to bring out a change from within … This change from within is all that is “primarily” needed to bring about the subtle manifestation of the age of sages in that universe and a divine instrument may or may not need to change this aspect within himself (or herself) so as to make the universe follow that change, and thus change its space component …
Whenever any microcosm’s (or any aspirant’s) inner space time units (or values) are changed, then since the space is an omnipresent entity (i.e. it is within each microcosm, including the world and the universe), so all other microcosmic states also end up undergoing through that change … Thus a divine instrument can slowly but steadily initiate this change of inner space of each microcosm, by programming a change of his or her own inner space time units …
And since this change (which is inwardly initiated by that divine instrument) itself is as per the demands of time, so it really is not of the divine instrument who causes it … The divine instrument only causes the change to speed up (a little bit) so as to speed up the process of change of age … But this speeding up is only done if restrictive forces are highly active in that world (so as to stop that change of age) …
Thus at such a time, the universe may even be found to be resting in a stage of eternal expansion, but this is not true as this expansive state of a universe is only a temporary affair and once the unitary values of space of that world have reached closer to those which are needed within the incoming age of sages … This stage of space units arriving closer to those of the incoming age cycle is also a proof that the degenerate (i.e. individualistic and thus restrictive forces) which act in that world so as to stop the change of age (which may even be by causing a lot of chaos across all lands) have already lost their battle … Once this happens, that instrument would just let go as after this stage, no power can stop the process of change of an age cycle to the next one …
Thus space is also an instrument of that divine instrument (of Bhagwan Mahakaal and Maa Mahakaali) who comes to inaugurate a Manav Satyuga (Human golden age) which itself is to run within the longer and superior cycle of a divine degenerate age …
That human golden age which runs within the larger cycle of a divine degenerate age, is what an Age of Sages (or Guru Yuga_ really means … And since this age of sages (or Guru Yuga) is only initiated by a self-realized, all-realized sage who is placed on that universe and that too to act as a divine instrument and further since this age of sages shall also be maintained by future self-realized, all-realized sages (who would also be entering that world at later stages of the running of the Age of sages in that world, so as to maintain that age of sages in that world), so it is due to this reason, the human golden age (i.e. Manav Satyuga) which runs within the longer and superior cycle of a divine degenerate age (i.e. Deva Kaliyuga), is addressed as the Age of Sages because this age is initiated and maintained by specific sages who keep entering the world at specific intervals (we shall be discussing these intervals in a later stage of this topic on Kaalchakra) …
Direction … Direction is an instrument of Deva (divine beings) and these Deva’s themselves or through their chosen representatives keep rendering a specific direction (or way of life) through a specific knowledge system (through a specific text) which they establish themselves or through their specific adherents …
That specific knowledge system can only be such that is shall be needed to be manifested within a world and that too as per the requirements of the stages of incoming time cycles …
That knowledge which establishes a specific direction is only to change the directionality of processes of humanity (i.e. change of ways of life of humanity) so as to bring that directionality in line with the need of those particular times and/or its incoming cycles …
But as far as the age of sages is concerned, the divine instrument changes this by “inward ways” … Inward ways means that “he changes it from within himself, so as to make “his own inner subtle impressional universe (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand)” to get changed within his own microcosm … Once his own inner subtle impressional universe (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand) is changed to the requirements of the incoming human age cycle, then the outer gross manifest universe in which his own microcosmic physical vehicle also starts to change … This change of the outer universe is because the “inner subtle impressional universe (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand)” is the parental universe and thus when this inner universe is changed, the outer universe and all parts of its speciology also have to follow that changed state so as to come in line with the parental universe (i.e. his own inner subtle impressional universe or Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand) …
This fact of eternal presence of the universe within the microcosmic physical vehicle (or each aspirant) is also told through a Mahavakya (Great Statements) of Yajurveda as follows …
यथा पिण्डे तथा ब्रह्माण्डे यथा ब्रह्माण्डे तथा पिण्डे
Yatha Pinde Tatha Brahmande, Yatha Brahmande Tatha Pinde
As is microcosm So is macrocosm, As is the macrocosm So is each microcosm
And if I were to state above in very simple words, then it would be as follows …
As Within So Beyond, As Beyond So Within
And if I were to quote the Biblical lore’s where the same is stated, then this is what Biblical sages had told …
As Above So Below
Note: And since this statement is directly related to its own parental knowledge as was told within the much-much earlier Yajurveda, so I really don’t think of the Biblical lore to be any different from being a great granddaughter of the vast-vast Vedic lore … In fact at a later stage of this topic on Vedic Kaalchakra, I shall be mathematically deriving some of the (or a few select) Biblical prophecies through the original knowledge of it, which as such is also none other than the knowledge of Vedic Kaalchakra … But this would only be to prove the point that Biblical lore is nothing but great granddaughter of Vedic lore and this itself is because of the root fact that being a great granddaughter of Vedas, the Biblical prophecies can never be calculated through any knowledge system other than the Vedic Kaalchakra whose knowledge is already lost by humanity (as the barbarian forces which had originated within the currently underway divine degenerate age cycle had burnt those temples of knowledge i.e. monasteries, where ancient texts of this knowledge system were kept) …
Moving on now … Above statements (Vedic lore and Biblical lore) denote the stage after Brahmand Dharana (i.e. an inner oneness towards allness and her each part) … Thus above statements denote the accomplishment of what was told as Brahmand Yoga (i.e. Union to allness and her each part) during very ancient times … That Union (or Yoga) which is not to Brahmand (i.e. multi-universe) can never be deemed to have reached its finality (Gantavya) … And it eventually is within Brahmand Dharana and Brahmand Yoga that the macrocosmic chosen instrument (i.e. divine instrument of Bhagwan Mahakaal and Maa Mahakaali who comes by to subtly manifest the age of sages) rests his mind (i.e. Mann or Manas), knowledge (i.e. Buddhi or Vijnana), consciousness (Chitta) and his purified all-enveloping all-pervading I’ness (i.e. Vishuddha Ahumkara) and thus in such a state, his Prana Shakti (Inner Vitality) is also of a macrocosmic stature …
Thus basis above, this is how the directionality of humanity (and also of other Speciological parts which inhabit that universe) and thus their ways of life are changed through a subtle change within their inner desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds …
This is how an age is eventually changed by utilizing the dimension of direction (Disha Ayaam) as a tool for bring about an inner change of ways of life of humanity and that too in all walks of life of humanity and thus manifest the subtle ignition of that change of the then underway human age cycle to the future state of an age of sages (Guru Yuga) …
And this change of a divine degenerate age cycle and into the stage of a human golden age is only due to the reasons as are very subtly stated in below mentioned bullet points …
- A better age cycle (like a human golden age or age of sages) never arrives through outwardly means i.e. path of various Gods or outwardly systems of practice) …
- A lesser age cycle (like a degenerate age) never arrives through inward means i.e. paths of self realization …
State … State is an instrument of Deva (divine beings) within which they themselves or through their chosen representatives, keep rendering the necessary changes through manifestation of newer systems … Thus as per the state that is required to be maintained within those specific time cycles, are the knowledge and systems which are rendered to a world …
Those knowledge systems which are only to serve for a particular cycle of time are also those which are individualistic (or monotheistic) in their natures …
And on the contrary, those knowledge systems which are to serve a much larger time span, are those which hold lesser individualism and greater pluralism … As a matter of fact, lesser is the individualism and higher is the pluralism in a knowledge system and longer does that knowledge system stay in that world …
And that system of knowledge which is intrinsically pluralistic and yet is capable to maintain an essentially monist way of life, is the eternal one (within the entire macrocosmic creation, there is only one such system and that is of Sanatan Dharma) …
Within any “Age of Sages (Guru Yuga)” that ever was till now or could ever be in any future, the systems are always rooted within the intrinsic pluralism and essential monism, both of which are of the Maker’s Makings and thus due to such a way of life, the macrocosmic creation and her each part (i.e. each part of macrocosmic speciology) was always given equal importance within any Guru Yuga that ever was or could ever be …
6-CC … Other instruments of a divine instrument …
But instruments are not just of the dimensions, there also are other instruments which are derivatives of these dimensions and other primary aspects …
During ancient times, these were known as subtle weapons which had the capabilities of leading towards a change that was necessary to be established within a world as per the demands of an incoming divine age cycle …
These instruments and their weapons were both destructive and regenerative, in addition to being originative and protective … Unless a divine weapon holds suchness of this paragraph, it was not even deemed to be a divine weapon … Unless a divine weapon is an instrument of change towards a state of subtlety (i.e. state of higher divinity), it can ever be a divine weapon …
Thus above also happens to be in stark contrast to the weapons that have been used by humans during the last few millenniums (including modern day weapons) of this divine degenerate age cycle (I.e. Deva Kaliyuga) … This is because of the fact that a divine weapon is never based upon destruction alone …
These divine instruments (and their use as weapons) were only based upon all of the three aspects that are stated below …
Mantra … Mantra in its lower and thus incorrect meaning is “verse based upon sounds” which relates to a specific divinity or a group of divine aspects which are within the aspirant and are also present in their specific states within the greater macrocosm …
But the higher meaning of the term Mantra is “Mann Ka Trani”, which means that which liberates the mind from its degenerate condition or suffering …
But to liberate from suffering, the Mantra also must hold a destructive aspect to it (so as to destroy degeneration) …
And along with destructive aspect, the same Mantra must also hold a reconstructive or originating aspect (so as to regenerate the dormant subtleties of divinities) …
And all this would never be possible unless that Mantra also holds a preservational aspect, as without this aspect the divinity can never be preserved so as to make it regenerate when the cycle of time (or destiny of an aspirant) is to be changed to a better or higher or subtler stage of evolution …
Thus basis above paragraph, preservation itself is the main aspect of any Mantra as unless a Mantra has a capacity to preserve goodness, that Mantra can never be fully successful in its initial destruction of badness and the simultaneous regeneration of goodness (so as to fill up the void that is created when badness is destroyed) … Unless a Mantra holds preservational aspects within itself, the process of destruction of foulness from an aspirant (or even a world or universal system) would only lead to a total annihilation of allness …
Unless the Mantra and its use rests within its higher meaning as is discussed here, it cannot even be considered a Veda Mantra in the real sense … Other than Vedic lore, no verse or Mantra of any other knowledge system has ever held the triplicity of capacity as was discussed above …
And since the mind rests in all three times simultaneously, so unless the Mantra caters for this characteristic of resting within allness in which the mind of any aspirant itself rests, it also is not a Mantra in the real sense … Thus basis this fact, individualistic systems cannot ever be considered as holders of Mantras as they do not even rest in all three times simultaneously and due to this reason, individualistic systems also have a higher importance of the “hereafter” than the “here now” … And it is due to reasons mentioned here that all individualistic systems have always had theories of their own end-time (instead of what really is and is told in pluralistic yet monist systems, as an eternally cyclic nature of time or Kaalchakra, which as such is the header of this topic) …
The words and sounds of a Mantra also cannot be any other than the seed sounds (syllables) of the divinity or divine beings or divine states to which that Mantra relates and this is what makes the Mantra to be nothing but a corpus of seed syllables of states which are in between the aspirants current evolutionary standing and the deity to which that Mantra refers …
And since the divinity or divine beings or divine states to which that Mantra relates are also present within each aspirant (this was already discussed in the earlier statement of “As Beyond, So here”), so the Mantra is also the one which activates these inner divinities to activate the macrocosmic principal states of the inner divinities … Thus unless a Mantra relates to a divinity (or divine beings or divine state) which is a direct self expression of the Absolute being, that Mantra can never be termed as a Mantra in the real sense … Thus basis this, a Mantra is that which is relating to universality of that state which is a direct self expression of the Supreme being …
Since the evolutionary standing of each aspirant is different, so due to this reason, during the ancient times the Guru used to give a specific Mantra to each aspirant and this was such that the Mantra was specifically suited to that aspirants current evolutionary standing (i.e. the Guru used to check the evolutionary standing or evolutionary requirements and thence give a specific Mantra to that aspirant) … Thus basis this, there can never be a Mantra which is universally applicable to all … So it was due to this reason that in ancient times, it was thus told …
As many are the self realized, all realized sages, so many are the authentic paths
And this itself was the root of pluralistic yet monist Vedic lore as Vedas have really had many such sages who had given their own knowledge, but in the form of Veda Mantras …
Each Veda Mantra is capable to be used in following ways …
- Bhakti Yoga … Path of devotion … But this actually is a path of Faith (or Shraddha) and surrender to a deity (or Samarpan) …
- Gyan Yoga … Path of knowledge …
- Karma Yoga … Path of better or subtler deeds …
- Raja Yoga … The path of king of Yoga (i.e. Yogiraaj Marga) or path of Bhagwan Maheshwara, one of whose formless state is of Bhagwan Mahakaal (i.e. Lord of time) and whose further self expressed states are of the eternally cyclic nature of time (or Kaalchakra) …
And all these only leading to Atma Yoga i.e. accomplishment of a final union of “Oneself to Oneself” … Or in other words, the final accomplishment within the inward path of walking within the innermost essence of the statement “Myself Within Myself” …
And in addition to above, each Veda Mantra has the capacity to be utilized for the following ways of life too …
- Brahmin Varna … Priestly clan of men …
- Kshatriya Varna … Warrior and ruling clan of men …
- Vaishya Varna … Businessmen and trading clan of men …
- Shudra Varna … Clan of men of small businessmen and those who render services …
Tantra … Tantra in its lower meaning is a system or a group of systems which have the common effect when utilized in a specific and systematic way …
But the real meaning of the term Tantra is “Tann Ka Trani”, which means that which liberates the physical and subtler bodies from their degenerate conditions or sufferings … Thus, a Tantra can only be the one which is specific in its actions and yet is pluralistic in its results i.e. is suited to aspirants from across sects (read sects as religions) …
Yantra … Yantra in its lower meaning is “Charm” that gets originated from the specific and systemic use of a specific Mantra and Tantra or a specific group of Mantra and Tantra …
But the real meaning of the term Yantra is “Yati Ka Trani”, which means that which improves the conditions and thus liberates the person from its degenerate state of actions and thus the cause of sufferings” … Thus a Yantra cannot be the one which is not based upon Mantra and Tantra …
Unless an instrument that is utilized to bring about a change is based upon all three aspects (or Mantra, Tantra and Yantra) as are stated above, it cannot even be termed as an instrument that is capable about to bring the change as is required within ways of life and due to the demands of the incoming cycle of time (i.e. Kaalchakra) …
And since the aspirants physical and subtle vehicles itself are eternally holding the pristine seats of all divinities and their divine beings (as allness and her each part itself is present within the microcosm of the divine instrument), so the physical vehicle of the divine macrocosmic instrument itself is the seat of all the Mantras, Tantras and thus that physical vehicle itself is the divine or universal Yantra … This is because an aspirant who gets chosen as a divine instrument (by Bhagwan Mahakaal and Maa Mahakaali) is a sage who already self-knows the presence of all such divinities and their divine beings within his (or her) own universal Yantra (i.e. the physical and subtle vehicles) … And it is this Yantra that the divine instrument (of Bhagwan Mahakaal and Maa Mahakaali) uses to do that which needs to be done at that stage of progress of time … This fact was also subtly discussed in an earlier topic of “Greatest scripture ever written” …
6-DD-1 … Restrictions upon use of other instruments by any divine instrument …
Within divine degenerate age cycles, these below listed instruments and their weapon states cannot ever be used and if this mistake is made, then it invariably has a very severe backlash upon the entire societies and entire lands of the ones who make this mistake …
- Devastra … The instruments of egoistic Gods … These were those Divyastra (as are discussed below) which were relate to egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) … During better divine ages there were 1008 types of such Devastra (all of which were originated from the mind) by specific uses of specific Veda Mantras (and for some, a combinations of Veda Mantras) … The highest of these is “Indrastra (i.e. weapon of ruler of divine worlds which is also termed as Vajrastra or thunderbolt) … This Indrastra was also held by many Gods of ancient cultures, right from Indian to Egyptians to Greeks and Sumerians, etc-etc) …
- Divyastra … Divine instruments of non-egoistic Gods (i.e. instruments of Trinity) … These were also generated from specific sound formulations of Veda Mantras … These were those which were related to those deities which are non-egoistic (Anabhimani Devata) … The highest of these is Brahmastra (instrument of creator) because it holds the powers to destroy-regenerate, protect and create and thus change the course of history … These were held by a few chosen sages of ancient times, but yet were never used as their use has too many limitations (and thus it invariably leads to a state where these instruments gets held by a few, but this weapon never gets used by anyone) …
- Bhootastra … Instruments or weapons of one or more of the five subtle macro-elements (or Panch-Mahabhoot) or those which are based upon a specific combination of these five macro-elements … These were generated from the macro-elemental space within which these subtle macro-elements reside …
- Dishastra … Directionality instruments or directionality weapons … These were 720 directionality instruments … These were generated from 10 main and 710 ancillary directions …
- Gunastra … These were those instruments or weapons which were related to the three macrocosmic attributes (i.e. attribute of action or Rajoguna, attribute of Inertia or Tamoguna and attribute of neutrality or Sattvaguna) and thus were 3 primary and 3 ancillary instruments …
- Shunyastra … The instrument or weapon of Zeroness (Weapon of emptiness) … A minor aspect of this instrument is held by highest of sages who utilize it to destroy afflictions by turning them into an empty state … This was known as Pashupatastra … And the major aspect of this instrument is used when the time of final end of worlds arrives … This is the time when the rejuvenator of allness (Rudra Deva) uses this instrument within a higher potency to destroy allness and return back allness to Shunyata (Zeroness) … Within a higher potency which is also held by a very-very few highly evolved sages who rest in one or all of the five faces of Sadashiva, this instrument was known as Maha-Pashupatastra during ancient times and has never ever used even by those Sages who were holding it because the major form of this instrument is only to be used by Guru Shiva’s wrathful form (of Rudra) … This is also a weapon generated through specific use of specific Veda Mantras …
6-DD-2 … Utilization of Koshastra … In addition to above, there also are instruments of five sheaths and these were known as “Koshastra” … These are of five sheaths (or Panch Kosha) which have already been discussed during the following earlier topics of … “Five sheaths (i.e. Panch Kosha)”, then was the topic of “Pranamaye Kosha (i.e. Vital air sheath)”, then the topic of “Manomaye Kosha (i.e. the Mind sheath)”, then the topic of “Vijyanmaye Kosha (i.e. Knowledge sheath)” and then the topic of “Antahkarana Chatushtaya (i.e. the Bliss sheath)” …
And since these five sheaths (or Pancha Kosha) are within ever human (and every animate speciology) so these are also applicable across the four Vedic clans (i.e. Chatur Varna) as follows …
- For a Brahmin Varna … These are a matter of knowledge and also of self realization …
- For a Kshatriya Varna … These five sheaths are a weapon whose knowledge is provided by the self realized Brahmins only …
- For the Vaishya Varna … These are a matter of Artha (i.e. selfless earning) which itself is utilized for benefit of the greater society (i.e. downtrodden ones of society and for all others who need it) …
- For the Shudra Varna … These are a matter of rendering selfless services …
- But sadly within the currently underway divine degenerate age cycle (i.e. Deva Kaliyuga), Brahmins lost this knowledge of utilization of these five sheaths across the four Varnas and thus the knowledge of these five sheaths got restricted to textual matters only instead of what it was meant to be as “a tool for upliftment of society through the path of “Purushartha Chatushtaya”…
- As stated above, Purushartha Chatushtaya means the four Purushartha’s of Dharma (Righteousness), Artha (economics), Kama (purified desires) and Moksha (which in other words, means as a stage of final liberation) …
- And because this knowledge utilization of Pancha Kosha (which in simple English means as the Five sheaths) for accomplishment of Purushartha Chatushtaya is already lost in time, so humanity has also become directionless as far as utilization of their own inherent inner divinities towards their respective paths of liberation and that too through all ways of life, is also lost as of now …
- Any of the three amongst the four Purushartha’s can be utilized as a path to Kaivalya (which in simple words, would also means as the state of a final liberation) which itself is through utilization of Pancha Kosha (or five sheaths) in a specific manner which rests within the purviews of Chatur Varna Vyavastha (or Varnashram Vyavastha) of the Vedic lore … And this itself is the toot of the concept of Koshastra i.e. the weapon of five sheaths …
Above were also utilized by sages to destroy unrighteousness i.e. finish off unrighteousness by making the unrighteous ones to turn towards righteousness … In fact Koshastra is the best weapon to make the unrighteous ones to turn towards “righteous ways of life (i.e. Dharma)” … And since these are universal weapons (as they are inside each animate microcosm) so the sage who uses it can never use it whilst being based within any form or sort of individualism (or monotheism) … Koshastra have always been the primary weapons of those righteous kings who were also divinely anointed (i.e. Chakravartin Samraat) and also by Mahamanava (i.e. the great man amongst all men of gross and subtle realms) … We have discussed these in earlier topic of “Ujjayi Naad and Chakravart” and also in another earlier topic of “Ujjayi Naad and Mahamanava” …
Such sages who held these Koshastra always utilize them whenever they come to a world so as to inaugurate or continue or end any age of sages …
These instruments are as follows …
- Instruments of Antahkarana Chatushtaya or instruments of the four fold inner subtle tool (or Anandmaye Kosha or bliss sheath) … These instruments are of four categories and are always used by any Sage to comes to inaugurate an age of sages (Guru Yuga) … This instrument is also used by a sage who comes within a Guru Yuga so as to make that age of sages continue through its destined time span and also by that sage who comes to finally close a Guru Yuga (But here the job is reverse of what was in other two cases of inaugurating or continuing an age of sages) …
As far as the current cycle of time is concerned, the time of entry of that sage who is to inaugurate the age of sages which is commencing in/around 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) has already passed in 1974 AD (i.e. 2082 AD – 108 = 1974 AD) …
As per the knowledge of Kaalchakra, as of now this sage who has come to inaugurate the age of sages, is definitely living upon this world because all present conditions point to his existence within this world …
These instruments are of Antahkarana are of four parts which have already been discussed in an earlier topic of “Antahkarana Chatushtaya … Bliss sheath” … These four parts are of Mind (Manas), Knowledge (Vijnana or Vijyana or simply, Buddhi), Consciousness (or Chitta) and of I’ness (which means Ahumkara and also means Vishuddha Ahamkara) and are utilized as follows …
1st instrument … Mind (Manas) … Mind rests in all directions, states, space and times at the same time and thus this is always the first amongst all instruments that would be used by any sage who comes to inaugurate or continue or end an Age of Sages within a world … This was already discussed in the earlier topic of “Aghora and one moment of eternity”, then it was also discussed in the topic of “Aghora, Manas and Yoga”, and also in the earlier topic of “Aghora and Mann Brahma” and then in another topic of “Aghora, Sookshma Sharira and Manomaye Kosha” … And we had also discussed that eventually Aghora itself is the finality of mind (Manas) …
All mind vehicles of all parts of macrocosmic speciology are eternally linked to the plane of mind whose end stage leads to the realization of Ahum Naad (which in earlier topics was also discussed as the sound Aghora face of Sadashiva) …
This link of all mind bodies of all microcosm’s to the plane of mind is an eternally unbroken and partless one and thus it extends across all parts of mind bearing macrocosmic speciology …
By utilizing this instrument of mind (i.e. Manomaya Kosha), the mind vehicle (which in other Sanskrit is also called as Manomaye Kosha) of that Sage rests within the plane of mind (Brahmic Mahat Manas Tattva) and whilst resting in such a state, the minds of the inhabitants are turned towards allness from their current states of individualism of one or another sort …
This leads to a stage where the grosser flows of individualism which the mind vehicles of inhabitants of a world were relating to till then, begin turning towards a very high subtlety of flows and thus within the initial stages, even the adherents of individualistic (monotheistic) systems start adopting secularism …
This stage was already passed by this world during the recent history …
This stage commences prior a sage taken birth through the process of transmigration of soul and whilst he is still resting within the vastness of the plane of existence (which for this world system, is the Milky Way Galaxy) and thus is awaiting a ripeness and rightness of time to enter the physical world …
2nd instrument … Knowledge (Vijyana or Vijnana or simply Buddhi) … Knowledge is universal and thus is applicable to all that is … Thus that which is not universal, cannot even be termed as knowledge … This instrument also relates to an earlier discussed topic of “Knowledge sheath … Vijyanmaye Kosha” …
Due to this reason, knowledge of individualistic systems is not even knowledge, but is an imagination of those who gave it, propagated it, followed it and rested within it and thus such a knowledge which is based upon individualism of sorts, is nothing but a lie in the real sense because it can never hold that which was told as “Jivanmukti (or liberated whilst alive)” …
As a matter of fact, no individualistic system ever rests within a state of knowledge of allness …
By this instrument of knowledge, the knowledge sheath (Vijyanmaye Kosha) Sage rests within the plane of knowledge (Brahmic Mahat-Vijnana) which as such is Indraloka (world of ruler of divine worlds) and is an intrinsic part of Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva …
And whilst in this state, that Sage delivers a knowledge which unites everyone to everyone else and simultaneously destroys grosser knowledge systems that relate to individualism of any sort …
Prior the final distribution of knowledge of allness, this leads to a stage where adherents of individualism begin developing an inner repulsion towards their own followed individualistic systems (i.e. monotheism of any sort) and thus this in turn reduces memberships of individualistic systems and thus increases atheism temporarily within such individualistic systems …
This process starts as soon as the physical vehicle to which the transmigration would take place, has taken birth and thus as per Kaalchakra, this stage actually started in 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
And at a later stage when that Sage delivers the knowledge of allness, then it eventually leads to collapse of individualistic philosophies and even a state where individualistic philosophies regenerate themselves in a newer form, which is based upon the intrinsic pluralism of the macrocosmic creation …
And if and when the latter happens, then these individualistic systems ultimately get enroute to merging with the great grandmother of all philosophies, who is also addressed as Dharma (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) … This is what would eventually be as a way of life during the incoming Guru Yuga …
3rd instrument … Consciousness (Chitta) … Consciousness orb (Chitta) of any aspirant (microcosm) is eternally linked to the consciousness plane of the system which that aspirant follows and the aspirants consciousness is also linked to the consciousness plane of the world where that aspirant resides … The consciousness orb of the aspirant and these two consciousness planes also are none other than partless-unbroken-parts of the macrocosmic plane of consciousness (Brahmic-Mahat-Chitta or Chidakash) …
Due to this reason, by instrument of consciousness (Chitta) the consciousness orb of that Sage begins resting within a state of unity to the macrocosmic plane of consciousness (Brahmic-Mahat-Chitta or Chidakash) and thence from this state he destroys all deviated or individualistic impressions (Samskaras) which are residing within that plane of consciousness and this leads to the end-time of individualism because in the absence of grosser individualistic impressions, on which individualism was standing strong till this stage, the collapse of individualism like a pack of cards instead of the strong building that it was seeming to be at stages earlier to this destruction of grosser deviated impressions (Vikrit Samskaras) that were present within the consciousness planes of the individualistic system and the world …
This destruction of grosser impressions which were generated by individualistic systems and their adherents further leads to stage where there is a lack of flows within individualism (individualistic systems) and it eventually is by this destruction of impressions (of individualism) that individualism completely collapses within that world …
By this instrument of consciousness, all deviated grosser and individualistic impressions (Samskaras) which were generated by inhabitants of all worlds and that too through their deviated individualistic desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds, can be destroyed through Chidagni (fire of consciousness and this is also known as the Absolute subtle fire or Brahma-Agni) of the sage who holds this divine instrument …
And thus, all these grosser impressions that were generated by individualistic systems (monotheistic system of any type) and which are resting within the macrocosmic consciousness can be annihilated and thus turned void immediately … And yet because if the impressions are turned void immediately, then it can lead to severe shocks to the consciousness orbs of followers of individualism, so these sages do this in a staggered way (i.e. a slow but steady manner) …
But this staggered approach by which the grosser or individualistic impressions are turned void, also leads to a spurt of activity within the adherents of individualism and thus at this state there is temporary rise of fundamentalism, fanaticism, deviated individualistic form of nationalism, natural and manmade chaos within the world … This phase is already underway upon this world …
This leads to a state where due to absence of grosser or divisive or individualistic impressions that were resting within the consciousness plane of a world, the individualistic systems (i.e. monotheism) lose their dynamism and contact to their own impressional fields and thus these individualistic systems just collapse within that world …
This collapse may or may not be through a chaos as it depends … If the inhabitants of a world adopt a pluralistic yet monist ways of life which itself is through adoption of Brahmand Dharana (oneness towards allness and her each part), then the chaos would be very minor in such lands … Or else when the destructions of these impressions (Samskaras) of the consciousness planes of the individualistic systems and the world is completed, this chaos would only be seen as a global phenomenon …
And simultaneously after this destruction gets underway, because these individualistic systems cannot even derive their own flows, so they also cannot even survive for long … And thus their adherents start turning towards those systems which are based upon pluralistic monism … This phase is already underway as of now and the rapid rise of popularity of Yoga Tantra, a sudden interest in Vedic ways of life and in Agama lore’s is a proof of this phase being underway …
4th instrument … Purified I’ness (Vishuddha Ahumkara) … I’ness (Ahumkara) is intrinsic to all that is begun as a microcosm within the Maker’s Makings and the I’ness of any microcosm is also eternally linked to the pure state of macrocosmic I’ness (Vishuddha Awastha of Ahamkara) … This Vishuddha Ahumkara is already discussed in the earlier topic of “Aghora face of Sadashiva”, and also discussed in the topic of “Path of Ahum Naad” and this was in addition to the discussed aspects of another topic of “Aghora and Ahumkara”… That which is termed as Vishuddha Ahumkara is also the same as the primordial and peaceful Buddha Samantabhadra (of Buddhist lore’s) which we had discussed in the earlier topic of “Aghora and Samantabhadra” …
Macrocosmic I’ness is of three types and these are of action, inertia and neutrality … Neutrality is the subtlest of these three … These three were also discussed in the earlier topic of “Aghora and emanation of macrocosmic attributes” …
Thus by utilization of the instrument of I’ness, the I’ness of that Sage merges to macrocosmic I’ness, which itself is resting within its triple state (i.e. as an attribute of action or Rajoguna, as an attribute of Inertia or Tamoguna and as an attribute of neutrality or Sattvaguna) … And from this state of unity, he subtly controls the I’ness of all inhabitants of that world and thus nullifies the individualistic aspects of I’ness to such an extent that ultimately the I’ness of inhabitants turns towards intrinsically pluralistic nature of allness of macrocosmic creation and her each part (i.e. each microcosm) … And as times progress after this stage, the inhabitants of that world always begin entering into a monist way of life whilst resting in and thus accepting a pluralistic nature of macrocosmic creation … This is what sets the base of those ways of life which could be thus termed … Everywhere, everything and everyone is holding the same divinity, as is of the Absolute of divine being … And this is what sets the path to an inner calm (within the inhabitants of that world) and outer peace (within that world) …
These above described four instruments are always used by the Sage who arrives to a world from any of the five faces of Sadashiva, so as to inaugurate the age of sages or to continue the age of sages or to finally end the age of sages … These five faces were already discussed in the earlier set of topics on “Sadashiva Pradakshina” and especially the earlier discussed topic of “Pancha Mukha Sadashiva” …
There are five sages in a Guru Yuga which are discussed in a later topic of “Sages from Sadashiva” …
6-EE … Additional instruments utilized by sages from five faces of Sadashiva …
In addition to above stated instruments, if necessary the following instrument is also utilized by these Sages who arrive from any of the five faces of Sadashiva i.e. Sages from Sadashiva …
6-EE-1 … Pranastra … Instrument of vital air sheath … The unity of dimensions of time, space, direction and state within the physical vehicle, is the Shakti (or pristine divinity or divine mother of allness) who is inherently present inside the vital air sheath (which in Sanskrit language means as the Pranamaye Kosha) of each aspirant … Thus this unity of dimensions itself is Maa Shakti who resides within the aspirant and that too inside the vital air sheath of that aspirant … The vital air sheath was already discussed in the earlier topic of “Vital air sheath … Pranamaye Kosha” …
The vital air sheath of any microcosm, is also an intrinsic part of the macrocosmic vitality (I.e. Maa Shakti or Devi Maa) … This is also utilized as a last and final measure, but I really do not want to describe how this is done, as present day humans who inhabit this planet are not ready to know this because they would only misuse this knowledge by using it towards lower ends for subduing and thus conquering others …
This is a very strong instrument that is present within each microcosm (aspirant) and can only be used if that aspirant is already unioned to the Absolute being (who in Sanskrit texts is also addressed as Parambrahma) and the supreme divinity (or Maa Adi-Parashakti and all her aspects), from whom of the Maker’s Makings were originally originated … These can be utilized as 10 instruments (i.e. as five vital airs and five sub-vital airs) or even as a single instrument …
Consequences after using the Koshastra (weapon of five sheaths) …
After these five sheaths are utilized as a weapon of change of age, those who have filth-filled brains (i.e. Mlechha’s or those who have filth in their desires +++) also begin using their own physical vehicle in a self destructive way … This is what led to coming in of human bombs and lone wolves in today’s times as the Mlechha’s would only begin doing such things after the Koshastra is used by the sage who comes by to inaugurate the age of sages … Thus this is also a proof that the sage who has come to inaugurate the age of sages is already present and is also working in this world …
+++ Explaining +++ of above paragraph …
+++ The word Mlechha or Malechha is made up of two words, Ml or Mal which means dirt or filth and Ichha which means desires … Thus the word Mlechha means those persons who have “filth-filed desires” … All arguments, fighting, wars (including religious, intellectual, political-geographic-geopolitical, military, economic, cultural-social wars), and also the current phase of terrorism and counter-terrorism, is done by these Mlechha’s only and thus all these are Mlechha warfare only …
+++ And the least (or lowest) aspect of this Mlechha warfare, is when human bodies itself are used as a bomb (i.e. lone wolf and suicide bombers) … When this stage arrives, then the warfare is always between Mlechha and Manav i.e. this warfare begins within those with filth filled brains and those with humane tendencies respectively …
6-EE-2 … Kaamastra or instrument of afflictionless desires … Kaamastra or instrument of afflictionless desires (i.e. Vishuddha Kama or Nishkama Kama) … This is the root of all above … Unless this is held, none of above can ever be attained by any aspirant …
This is always held by a Manu (i.e. the first man or father of humanity) so as to commence the populating a planetary system and thus this is the first instrument that gets used after that planetary system becomes fit to hold animate-conscious-active life upon it … And this instrument is also held by a sage who comes down from any of the five faces of Sadashiva and is utilized by such sages to increase the lust amongst humans and thus ensure that those souls who are awaiting within the subtler worlds, are given opportunities to enter that planetary system where the Sage from any of the five faces of Sadashiva has arrived to inaugurate an age of sages within that world …
This leads to a rapid rise of population within a few decades only … This instrument is used by such sages who arrive from any of the five faces of Sadashiva and that too ever since the time when they are awaiting upon that plane of existence of which that world is a part (i.e. this weapon gets used after that Sage enters the subtler plane and is awaiting to transmigrate within that physical world system) …
This is also the stage where those souls who are awaiting within subtler worlds, begin entering into the physical world in very large numbers … Those who are awaiting in their graves also begin entering the world at this time, as the use of Kaamastra leads to a vast rise of desires (including sexual desires) within the general population of that world and thus itself leads to vast number of opportunities for these souls of the grave (i.e. those who have been waiting for this time), to begin entering that world system …
This is what was stated as resurrection of dead in esoteric systems and it somehow got misinterpreted into vast number of imaginative ways as we now see within this world …
Only those aspirants who enter into Mahakaal Mahakaali Yoga (i.e. The union of great time to the divinity of great time) have ever held this instrument and that too, in a minor state of it (Because mother nature never shares the fuller knowledge of this instrument with anyone other than with those aspirants who rest within union to one or more of the five faces of Sadashiva and thus are also resting in union to “either of or all of” the five Shakti’s of the five faces of Sadashiva i.e. Ichha Shakti, Kriya Shakti, Chit Shakti, Parashakti and Adi Parashakti … Depending upon the number of faces of Sadashiva and the Shakti of that face that the aspirant has united to, is the amount of knowledge of dimensions (including time) that the aspirant holds …
Sages who reside within any of the five faces of Sadashiva (i.e. the Ever-All-Auspicious principle) and thus are also based within the Ever-Allness principle (i.e. Maa Adi Parashakti) always hold these instruments … The same is applicable for those Sages who reside within Tapoloka (i.e. the divine world which is attained after severe penance) …
6-FF … Restrictions in use of above instruments during a degenerate age cycle …
In fact my eternal guide had told me that these cannot even be used within any degenerate age, except when the degenerate age cycle is coming to its destined end and when the stage of time is where the divinities of a Guru Yuga are already due to enter into the world …
Thus there ever are severe restrictions on use of above discussed instruments during a divine degenerate age … This non use of divine instruments within any divine degenerate age cycle, is because of the fact that the need to use these instruments never arises …
Degenerate age has a typical characteristic which is that, all that is originated within and thus is related to the degenerate age cycle, is self-destructive and thus as times progress, the knowledge and systems which originated during the divine degenerate cycle, get chaotic and thence self-destruct themselves or through each other …
Thus the need to utilize a divine instrument never arises as these degenerate aspects, would anyways be self-destructing “themselves and through each-other” … Due to this reason, all my divine guides have told me that the need to provide knowledge of originating, safe-keeping and use of these divine instruments is not even required as of now …
Due to this reason of “self-destruction of degenerate systems” and also because of their “destruction through each other” there also are minimum number of Avatars in any divine degenerate age cycle (i.e. Deva Kaliyuga) as the need of an Avatar only arises when the degenerate age is completing its destined time span and thus the Avatar needs to come so as to destroy the Adharmi (unrighteous) and thus open up the cycle of the divine golden age (Deva Satyuga) …
6-GG … Utilization of above instruments by a Sage and an Avatar …
Here we shall discuss what were these instruments used for … And also discuss the circumstances in which case can these instruments be used by any of the Sages who come down from “any or all” of the five faces of Sadashiva … And also discuss how the use of these instruments by Sages of “any or all” of the five faces of Sadashiva and an Avatar, is different …
Only for certain jobs and at certain time spans can these be used by anyone and thus these instruments have very severe limitations inherently placed within them as far as type of use, conditions of use and time spans of use are concerned …
We here shall not be discussing the limitations of time-span of use other than the case of a sage which comes to inaugurate an age of sages … The range of use of these instruments is 108 years prior the age of sages commences i.e. 2082 AD – 108 = 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) and this coincidently is also the time which we had stated earlier that a sage from one of the faces of Sadashiva has already entered this world and he is also currently resting within this world itself …
Macrocosmic nature which rests within any microcosm (including the microcosm of each aspirant), has a natural tendency to degenerate and thus to control this degeneration and then turn societies towards their evolutionary paths, these instruments have been used by select sages who arrive to a physical world at specific times and shall continue to be used in any future from now whenever similar conditions are arriving or are due to arrive to a world …
Since these instruments are universal, so they cannot be used for personal gains, gains of a group of men or society or culture, gains that relate to a landmass or religion etc. …
These instruments can only be utilized for universal benefit and only when universal benefit itself is threatened due to degeneration that specific parts of macrocosmic speciology have gotten into and then these macrocosmic speciological parts do not even know how to come out of their own created mess (of degenerate ways of life) …
Thus such instruments can only be utilized by those Sages who rest within a pluralistic monist system, which in turn leads to a stage where that sage cannot be of any philosophy other than that of the great-grandmother of all philosophies i.e. Sanatan Dharma … In addition to this, such sages can only be those who arrive from “any or all” of the five faces of Sadashiva because this is the state of resting within a simultaneous union to the Absolute divine and its pristine divinity …
And a Sage who is granted these instruments by Viraat Parabrahman Sadashiva and Maa Adi-Parashakti also has many restrictions of their use … And the same instruments are also used by Avatars of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu, but these Avatars don’t have so many restrictions on using them … And there also is a difference in their usages by these two …
Thus now we come to a stage where we can discuss the difference between a Sage (from Tapoloka or any of the five faces of Sadashiva) and an Avatar as far as their scopes of work are concerned … And this is even when both hold all above listed instruments …
- A sage only destroys the degeneration and an Avatar destroys the degenerate ones …
- A sage destroys the knowledge that leads to degeneration and an Avatar destroys the holder of degenerate knowledge systems also …
- A sage destroys the Adharma (unrighteousness) and the Avatar destroys the Adharmi (unrighteous) …
- A sage destroys the untruth and an Avatar destroys the untruthful …
- A Sage restores the path to evolution and Avatar sets the path to destruction of the regression, in addition to restoring the path of evolution (but only after a destruction of the regressive ones) …
- A Sage descends from the unioned state of Sadashiva and Adi Parashakti and thus acts within the codes of these two … And the Avatar itself is a direct descent of the portion of these two, so an Avatar itself is the Paramshiva and Adi-Parashakti in a human or manifested form …
- A sage establishes the path to progress by destroying the paths of regression … And an Avatar destroys the regressive ones so there remains no chance of a regression in a distant future also …
- A Sage initiates the knowledge of subtlety so as to lead to subtlety of oneness to allness and her each part and thus ends up destroying grossness as is always caused by individual-dualism at those times when such sages enter a world … And on the contrary, an Avatar initiates the process of destruction of individual-dualism and thus sets the conditions for a future establishment of path of subtlety of oneness to allness and her each part …
- A Sage teaches the truth of oneness to evict divisions of systems and an Avatar evicts (or destroys) the divisive ones so as to lead to oneness …
- A Sage propagates knowledge to make teachers, but only out of deserving ones … An Avatar propagates to make teachers, which sometimes can even be out of ordinary people as is when a degenerate age is about to end …
Topic continues …