We shall discuss the finalities of dimensions, which are eternity for time, infinity for space, omnidirectional for directions & omnipresence for state …
This discussion is in continuation with the earlier topic that has the header of “Precession at various points” …
There are four primary dimensions of macrocosmic creation and these are time, directions, space and state … In addition to these four, there are some others which cannot even be termed as dimensions, but yet are listed here, as they definitely relate to the dimensions …
In states that are beyond the macrocosmic creation, each of these is in their finalities … This finality is a state of eternal constancy …
And within the macrocosmic creation, these are in their own ever changeful and thus ever differing unitary values … These unitary values of dimensions are originated “from and within” their respective finalities and thus these unitary values are also pervaded and enveloped by their own hierarchical higher aspects and all these hierarchies also are finally pervaded (permeated) and enveloped by their own final states …
And due to above mentioned reasons, when within the macrocosmic creation the finalities of these four are definitely realizable as the finalities of these same dimensions, are also pervading (i.e. permeating) their own unitary values …
Thus to know the finalities of these dimensions, one also needs to hold an inner subtlety which is of sameness to the subtlety of these pervaders (including the final subtlety as is of the final pervader i.e. finalities of these dimensions) … Unless you are holding an inner subtlety which is of sameness to the subtlety of these pervaders (including the finalities of these dimensions), no knowledge of these finalities can ever be directly cognized by you … Thus in such a case, all that you would do is only imagine these pervaders, including the finalities of dimensions … This concept of imagination would even be if you happen to derive that value through mathematical calculations … In the absence of a direct cognition of these finalities, that knowledge would also not reach its summit and thus would keep evolving eternally through the path of realization of one or another of the unitary values of these dimensions …
18-AA … Unitary values and finalities of dimensions …
This part of the topic is to describe these unitary values and the finalities of these dimensions in brief and detailed discussions shall be done in other topics of this text …
Time … Time in its finality is eternity … Eternity is beginningless and thus is endless and thus is the unfathomable one … By unfathomable I mean, that which cannot be defined, but it definitely can be self-realized of known through a direct cognition of it (through subtler meditative means) …
And when the same time is viewed (or studied) within its individual-dualities (i.e. individualities and individual-corpuses) then it is also found to be made up of vast number of unitary values that repeat themselves in a cyclic fashion and thus in such a case, the time is also found to be eternally cyclic … This cyclic nature is also beginningless-endless and thus it rests within the same eternity as is of the final pervader of all those studied (or known) unitary value of time i.e. eternity …
This beginningless-endless cyclic nature is to ensure that the existence of these unitary values is resting within a state of sameness to its final reality, i.e. its own finality of eternity … Thus even when time that is applicable to any individual microcosm is based upon unitary values that are applicable to the current macrocosmic evolutionary standing of that microcosm (i.e. evolutionary status or evolutionary standing of a microcosm within the macrocosmic hierarchies) is eternally cyclic, yet because these cycles are continuous and thus are partless (or unbroken) so in the finality of existence of that microcosm within these hierarchies of unitary value of time (and also of other dimensions) its existence is none other than being based upon eternity …
As a microcosm evolves, it keeps adopting ever higher unitary values of time … This leads to a state where as the microcosm evolves to an ever higher inner subtlety, then the lifetime of its any single incarnation keeps becoming longer … This is the reason for your Gods to live longer than you … As you keep evolving, you also keep adopting an ever higher unitary value and this is what renders you an ever longer lifespan …
Direction … In the finality of dimension of direction, it is omnidirectional …
Omni-directionality is that which rests inside all directions at the same time and thus omni-directional also means that which is resting within (or inside) all individual directions (as omnidirectional is a pervader of all individual directions) … And simultaneously since the omnidirectional also envelopes all individual directions, so that same omnidirectional is also the state within which all individual directions are resting …
Thus basis above paragraph, that which is omni-directional is eternally resting within all directional paths of all systems (i.e. all paths of evolutionary systems or ways of life) and simultaneously, all directional paths of all systems are also resting within the vast fathomless envelopes of the same omni-directional …
This in turn means that which is an omnidirectional one (or omni-way of life or omni-path of evolution) is never based within individualism (monotheism) of any sort …
As also, that which does not relate to the omnidirectional path of evolution (or way of life) can never be an “eternal way of life (i.e. Sanatan Dharma)” …
And as a matter of fact, that which is not an “eternal way of life (i.e. Sanatan Dharma)”, is neither pluralistic nor monist nor even is it non-dual which itself is the reason for such an entity (or path of life) to hold an end time theory instead of what actually is as an eternally cyclic nature of time (Kaalchakra) …
But within the unitary values of directions, these directions (or paths of evolution) are apparent as individual directions and their individual paths (systems or texts or religions) … Thus that which is based upon a single text, single God, single propagator, single definition of anything, is never related to the omnidirectional reality which is pervading and enveloping all these individual directions … Due to this reason, individuality never accepts allness in its totality as it has no capability to do so and because of this reason, all unitary values of these individualities have never been successful in making their aspirants enter into self realizations … Self is beyond individualities and individual corpuses and thus self-realization can never happen whilst you are still related to any sort of individuality (i.e. monotheism of any type, be it geographical or economic or security or political or social or cultural or civilizational or services or intellectual or even religious holds no capability to lead towards and thus be a path of entering into the stage of self realization) …
Due to this reason, as you evolve, you keep becoming more and more pluralistic and this itself is a proof of becoming more secular in your ways of life … That which is not pluralistic can never be secular and thus monotheism also has no secularism within it, even when its adherents mat believe it otherwise … This is because of the fact that “secularism without pluralism is an absolute lie” …
As an aspirant who was born in an individualistic system evolves, that aspirant eventually realizes that individualistic system to be false and thus that aspirant leaves it by either adopting atheism or adopting pluralism …
All individualistic systems of current times, would be facing this change in the coming decades as within the incoming age of sages, individualism of any sort has no place at all and thus pluralistic monism shall have to be adopted by the future generations of humans who would be entering into and thence resting within those times as are of the incoming age of sages …
Space … Space in its finality is infinity … Within this state of infinity; space is undefined yet is the realizable infinite …
And since time itself is the primordial dimension, so as the unitary values of time that are applicable to anything, keep eternally moving (and thus time eternally keeps changing) then the unitary values of the other three primary dimensions (or space, direction and distance) also keep within changing so as to come in line (or in other worlds, come in harmony) to those changes of time …
Thus the same space within its unitary values is also dependent upon the stage of progress of a human age cycle that is underway and as the human age cycles itself are cyclic, so the unitary value of space are also found to be eternally changeful and cyclic in their natures …
Depending upon the unitary value of time that are applicable to a world at any single time span, is the unitary value of space that is applicable to the world at such times …
Thus due to this reason, the value of one megaparsec also changes with time and this shall be proved at a later stage of this topic …
State … State in its finality is omnipresence … In this finality of state, it is all present, ever present and thus is an entity which can never be absent from anywhere “within and beyond” the Maker’s Makings …
And yet in its individuality, vast number of individual states are originated within the Maker’s Makings so as to maintain the pluralism of the macrocosmic creation and yet all these individual states only related to the omnipresent finality of the dimension of state as they originate from the same omnipresent, rest within the envelope of the same omnipresent, are pervaded by the same omnipresent, keep evolving towards the same omnipresent and finally return back to the same omnipresent …
Each greater of lesser microcosm relates to the same omnipresent … And due to this reason, even the Gods-Satan’s (of all religions that ever are or could ever be across the eternal triplicity of time) and their heavens-hells are also related to the same omnipresent as all these are only as one or another, lesser or greater parts of the same omnipresent finality of dimension of state …
And finally for this part of the discussion since every dimension follows the changes of unitary values of time and amends its own unitary values accordingly and since the finality of these dimensions are relating to the same finality of time, so below mentioned bullet points are also an eternal fact …
- As far as dimension of time (Kaal) is concerned, that which is eternal (i.e. finality of time) is also the omnidirectional (finality of dimension of directions), infinite (finality of dimension of space) and is also omnipresent (finality of dimension of state) …
- As far as dimension of space (Akasha) is concerned, that which is infinite (finality of dimension of space) is also omnidirectional (finality of dimension of directions), eternal (i.e. finality of time) and is also omnipresent (finality of dimension of state) …
- As far as dimension of direction (Disha) is concerned, that which is omnidirectional (finality of dimension of directions) is also infinite (finality of dimension of space), eternal (i.e. finality of time) and is also the omnipresent one (finality of dimension of state) …
- As far as dimension of state (Dasha) is concerned, that which is omnipresent (finality of dimension of state) is also the omnidirectional (finality of dimension of directions), infinite (finality of dimension of space) and is also the eternal (i.e. finality of time) …
So above was a brief description of the four dimensions and these discussions shall be expanded within various parts of this topic on Kaalchakra (if I find a need to elaborate these in those topics) …
18-BB … Unity of dimensions as a path to beyond states …
Everything rests within the purviews of the dimension of time because time itself is the primordial dimension of the macrocosmic creation …
Within the entire macrocosmic creation, there is no primary dimension which could be termed as a fifth one and yet could be defined in material terms … This is because from the fifth, the immaterial realms start …
And thus in this topic we shall be discussing that immaterial self realization …
Maa Shakti or the vast number of aspects of divinity … These are different aspects of same supreme divinity which we have addressed as Maa Adi Parashakti in this text …
That fifth dimension is of divinity (Shakti or Devi or supreme mother of allness) or the activity principle (Kriya Siddhant) and because divinity is not defined in material terms even when she is the pristine power (or energy) that drives all materials and immaterial’s … So this dimension is only for self-realization of the aspirant “which itself is through the aspirant’s self-acceptance of her and which further leads to a self-manifestation of the divinity of Maa Shakti within the aspirant’s microcosmic physical vehicle itself”…
This immaterial dimension is only realized by an aspirant (or arrived at by that aspirant) after the finalities of the four primary dimensions (which have been discussed earlier), have merged together within that aspirant itself … This is the stage of union of the finalities of these four primary dimensions to the aspirant’s own innermost state of “knowledge-conscious-activity principles (i.e. Jnana Siddhant, Chetan Siddhant and Kriya Siddhant respectively)” …
Thus when eternity of the dimension of time merges to the finalities of other three dimensions, i.e. Infinity of the dimension of space, omni-directionality of the dimension of direction and omnipresence of the dimension of state, then is arrived the fifth dimensionless (or immaterial) all moving (i.e. all originating, all sustaining and all rejuvenating) dimension of our discussion i.e. Maa Shakti …
Thus only after finalities of the four primary dimensions are merged together (i.e. unioned to each other) within that aspirant itself, does that aspirant self-realize the fifth immaterial dimension as is of the omnipotent macrocosmic divinity (or Maa Shakti or Devi Maa), who herself is the one and only omniscient, omniconscious, omni-active, omniparient, omnifarious, omnicompetent and the omnificent supreme mother of allness (Maa Adi Parashakti) …
All Shakti (divinity or power or energy) is hers … Without her, even Shiva (Absolute being) would be not be a Shaktimaan (i.e. a bearer of Shakti) …
And as far as Maa Shakti is concerned, below mentioned Vedic statement is what applies to her vast uncountable number of self manifestations … These self manifestations are within her own self expressed “attributed-forms (Sagun Sakaar Awastha)” as vast number of Devi and Deva and also any of her attributed-formless states (Sagun Nirakaar Awastha) as Deva Loka and also as all other gross, subtle and divine worlds (Sthool, Sookshma and Deva Loka) and also as the gross (Sthool or manifest), subtle (Sookshma) and divine (Deva) aspects of herself within the Maker’s Makings … The entirety of Maker’s Makings is also maintained in a eternally changeful state due to her own divinity (energy or power) … And as far as her final attributed (Sagun) divinity (Divyata) is concerned, she herself is as Maa Mahakaali i.e. she is the great-divinity of the great or eternal time (Bhagwan Mahakaal aspect of Lord Shiva) …
Which means …
I essentially am one, yet I became many
Or in other words …
She (Shakti) essentially is one, yet she became many … As she desired to be such
It was due to above fact that Maa Shakti has many-many manifestations … And yet everything holds her presence within itself (as she pervades or permeates everything) and she also holds everything within her own envelope (as Shakti also enveloping allness and her each part) …
And since the fifth is beyond the scopes of dimensions, so it is a fifth is a non-dimensional state and yet is a dimension only especially when we consider her within her descriptions as a fifth (as is discussed here) …
Thus basis above … The fifth as was discussed here is that which relates to the unity of all four primary dimensions and that too where this unity is in their unitary values and also in the finalities of these four dimensions … This all uniting state of the fifth (Maa Shakti) could be told as follows …
- When this fifth is considered in its finality, then the former half (i.e. I essentially am One) of above Vedic statement stands as a fact about her (Maa Shakti) …
- And when the same fifth is considered in her own self adopted vast numbers of unitary values that are applicable to the entirety of Maker’s Makings and her each part, then the latter half (i.e. Yet I became many) is an absolute fact about her (Maa Shakti) …
- Within all my incarnations (and also within all transmigrated incarnations), she is also the one who in her own primordiality (or being primordial mother of allness or Maa Mahakaali), in all her forms and non forms (i.e. as vast numbers of Matrikas and Devi’s across lore’s) and also within her finality as the supreme mother of allness (Maa Parashakti), she has always been my Ishta Devi and Guru Maa …
Macro-neutrality (Sarva Samta) … And there is also a non-dimension which could be termed as the sixth and this is none other than the macro-neutrality of all dimensions … This is of a diamond white colored state …
Because it is macro-neutral, so it also is macro-equanimous to all dimensions and non-dimensions …
Unless this is passed through, none of below listed ones can ever be arrived at (or self realized) by any aspirant …
As also a fact, that if only “one single moment” of time that gets spent in this sixth, then it is enough to propel the aspirant’s consciousness in all below listed ones …
To get to this fifth, the “emptiness of individuality (or 1st intermediary state of emptiness)” needs to be transited through …
Unbegun macrocosm (Bhagwan Pashupatinath) … Then comes the seventh which is also a non-dimension only … This is the unbegun macrocosm within whose envelopes all different aspects of Shakti are acting and thus are able to maintain activity of all that is present within the macrocosm …
This is the united corpus of “emptiness of individuality and emptiness of corpus (i.e. this is the united corpus of the 1st and 2nd intermediary states of emptiness respectively)” …
Only after transiting through this dimension does below mentioned state get arrived at (or self realized) by the aspirant …
Macrocosmic voidness (Sarva Shunya) … Then comes the eighth which is neither dimension nor non-dimension … This is of macrocosmic voidness or voidness of allness or Sarva Shunya or Shunya Tattva … This is the innermost core of the seventh which was discussed above …
All above mentioned dimensions and non dimensions rest within the envelope of this eighth, which is essentially is neither a dimension nor a non-dimension and thus it could only be termed as the dimension of Zeroness …
Within the envelopes of the eighth which is of the primordial nature (Voidness of allness or Shunya Tattva or Sarva Shunya), all of the earlier discussed dimensions are resting and moving …
And even when this eighth is apparent as voidness of allness, yet this eighth is also of fullness of allness … The former realization is when its core is not realized and the latter is when the core of this eighth is realized …
Zero-Infinite, Infinite-Zero (Shunya Brahman) … The is ninth, which as such is the innermost core of the eighth … This is an undefined state and thus is neither a dimension nor a non dimension and thus this denotes a state of Zeroness of dimensions and yet is based within absolute fullness …
Thus within the core of macrocosmic voidness, is fullness and within the essential nature of fullness, is found the voidness … Those who have known both these (i.e. voidness and fullness) and have also known their eternally unioned state, are the knower’s of that which is stated as “Zero Infinite, which simultaneously is also found to be the Infinite Zero (or in other words, that aspect which is as Shunya Anantah, and which simultaneously is also found to be as Anant Shunyah)” and which is also termed as Shunya Brahman …
This ninth this is beyond the scopes of dimensions and non-dimensions as it essentially is based upon emptiness of fullness and simultaneously is also based upon fullness of emptiness … This innermost fullness of emptiness is the real Shunyata of Buddhist lore’s …
The tenth … Adi Parashakti (Supreme divinity) … From any of the four primary dimensions, are arrived the other dimensions which are discussed here, because all these are interrelated and conjoined (or fused) to each other …
And when the vast number of individualities of the vast hierarchies of unitary values of the four primary dimensions are united within the aspirants microcosm, then at such a stage, vast numbers of divinities of Maa Shakti (divine mother) get manifested within the aspirant’s microcosm itself … Thus at this state, Maa Shakti manifests in her vast pluralistic states within the aspirant’s microcosm itself … Thus at this stage, a partless part (or unbroken portion) of Maa Adi Parashakti self manifests within the aspirants microcosm itself …
This is also possible to be directly self realized from the fifth that was discussed earlier and thus to self realized the current discussed stage, there really is no need to pass through the earlier discussed sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth that were discussed above … And simultaneously, since the tenth itself pervades and envelopes all of the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth that were discussed above, so when already resting within this tenth, these four (i.e. sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth that were discussed above) can also be self realized … This is “also” a part of the vast number of paths of Shakta’s of Sanatan Dharma …
And when the finalities of all four primary dimensions get unioned within the aspirants microcosm itself, then is arrived (or manifested through a self realization) the final dimension of divinity (i.e. ultimate state of Maa Shakti or Devi Maa) and this is when the earlier discussed fifth itself is found to be all pervading, all-enveloping primordial-beyond divinity (I.e. Adi Parashakti) … This is the tenth of our discussion and it remains as an extension of the fifth that was discussed earlier … This is the finality of the final (i.e. this is the pristine divinity of the supreme being) as is discussed below …
The final of finality of dimensions and non-dimensions … And the Primordial-beyond divinity (I.e. Maa Adi-Parashakti) itself stays within her eternal, neither dual nor non-dual and thus perfectly-real non-dual union to Paramshiva …
This perfectly-real non-dual union of Paramshiva and Adi-Parashakti is the attributeless-infinite, realizable yet indescribable (i.e. beyond words of any language), self-luminous, ever-luminous, beyond the scopes of mind and yet omnipresent (within the parameters of dimension of state), beyond the scopes of knowledge of time and yet the ever-eternal (within the parameters of dimension of time), infinite yet undefined (in the parameters of dimension of space), the pathless-partless and yet omnidirectional which rests in each of the paths (in the parameters of dimension directions)and thus I cannot even term this as a dimension or non-dimension or something that is beyond, as even that beyondness which is of this stage, cannot be defined in words …
So this is the eternally hidden one, the perfectly detached supreme-hermit (Param Sanyasi) … This is the Brahman of Vedas and is also the Atman within each aspirant …
This is Paramshiva (of Shaivas), Maa Adi Parashakti (or Shakta’s), Brahman (of the Vedic Lore, including of Purana), Parmeshvara (of Ishwarvadi paths), Raj Bhuvan (of Yoga Tantra) and Paramshiva is also the one who becomes self realized to an aspirant, but after the aspirant has already known through a direct cognition that his (or her) innermost essence (or Atman) is none other than innermost essence of allness (or Parabrahman) as was told by self realized sages …
And to directly self realize this undefined finality, any of the first five (as were discussed earlier on) can be meditated upon so as to know their final states, but this would only be possible through the inward path (or paths of self realization) … Thus those who follow the inward path (of Myself Within Myself as is the slogan of this text), have never needed to pass through all above intermediary stages to know this undefined finality …
And yet when such aspirants self realize this undefined finality, then that also come to know (i.e. they also self realize) all of above as this undefined itself is the “final pervader and enveloper of allness and her each part (Parabrahman)”, including of all above discussed aspects …
Continues further …