here we shall discuss the fact that there eternally is an innermost unity of all unitary values to their finalities. This inner unity is as a microcosm is the macrocosm itself … And this innermost unity is coupled due to the fact that self is Absolute …
This topic continues from the earlier topic of “Need of unitary values” …
Here we shall discuss the unity between finalities and unitary values of dimensions … And we would also subtly discuss the innermost unity of all to allness and further unity of allness to the ever-same, non-dual final essence of allness …
Thus this topic shall ultimately be discussing the eternal unity of microcosm to macrocosm, macrocosm to microcosm, inter-unity and intra-unity “of and within” dimensions and unity of all these to the ever-same innermost essence of any aspirant (Atman) which itself is the innermost essence of allness (Brahman) …
Thus this topic shall also be relating to individualities of unitary values of dimensions with respect to the non-individualized allness to which the finalities of these same dimensions are related …
Within the begun state of the macrocosm, anything that is individualistic, is dualistic … By this we mean that if it found to be based within and/or upon dualities towards others, then it could only be an individuality … This is because allness holds no duality towards anything else, as allness is non-prejudiced and non-individualistic towards all that rests within it and only rests within its envelope and this is also in addition to the same allness also resting inside each individuality (as allness is also the pervader or permeator of individualities and individual corpuses) …
Above state of allness is because everything is manifested out of allness and thus all that is originated (i.e. each microcosm right from a universe till an atom) is resting within the envelope of allness itself … And in addition to this fact, all parts of allness are nothing but an expression of allness in a form of all those individual states and thus in the innermost cores of all these individual parts (or individual microcosm), the same allness is found to be eternally resting (and thus the same allness is also a pervader of all these individual parts or microcosm’s) …
Anything that is individually-dual +++, is always cyclic in its existence and this statement is irrespective of whether these cycles of existence have a time span of a single moment or of trillions and trillions of years … …
+++ Explaining +++ of above paragraph … Individual-duality means that which is based upon unitary values of dimensions instead of being based upon the finalities of these dimensions … Thus the term individual-duality refers to all that falls within the terms “individual-individualities and individual-corpuses” … All individual-dualities only rest within a cyclic mode of existence …
The name of this topic (i.e. Kaalchakra) also refers to the same cyclic nature of time … But even when the name of this topic is stated as “Kaalchakra or eternal cycles of time”, yet in reality it should have been “knowledge of eternal time (Kaal Jnana or Kaal Gyan)” because cycles that are of time, also rest within the larger envelope of the partless time (i.e. eternity) to which this knowledge relates …
Thus when anybody would see the sequences of words that are used to define these two conditions, then they would also know that the knowledge of “eternal cycles of time (or Kaalchakra)” is also an authentic path to “knowledge of time (or Kaal Jnana)” … The knowledge of the former is written and described in this part of the text and the fuller-knowledge of the latter name is left to self-realizations of the aspirants because this knowledge is achieved only after an aspirant arrives at the ripeness and rightness of an evolutionary standing which as such is a pre-requisite know it (through one’s own self realizations) …
Eternal is never dual … This is due to the “neither dual nor non-dual nature” of the eternal … This state of being “neither dual nor non-dual” is the basis of its and eternally constant state of existence …
And on the contrary, the dual is never eternal in its any manifested (or incarnated) state … This is due to its individually-manifested and thus its evolving nature, which in turn makes it enter into a cyclic state of existence …
And above is even when the root or essence of each individuality (or that which holds duality towards others) itself is of the same non-dual-eternal attributeless infinite being … Thus when any individuality (or duality) is told about the non-dual real, then that individuality (or duality) invariably leaves its earlier dual nature and begins moving into the paths that lead to the non-dual … With this realization as one of the bases, is written this topic …
Since individuality cannot stay in sameness to its any earlier state, so each individuality also remains with no choice but to keep within an eternally changeful state … And since individuality cannot continue within a state of sameness to its current or any earlier state of existence and yet it has to ensure that its own totality of time span of existence is the same as the finality of dimension of time i.e. eternity, so each individuality also remains with no choice but to adopt a state of existence which is cyclic (but this cyclic mode of existence is only until the time when that same individual microcosm shall qualify to let go of its cyclic mode of existence and then enter into an acyclic mode of existence) … The same is applicable to any individuality, including the individual unitary values of the four primary dimensions of the macrocosmic creation …
Thus if time is considered within its individualistic unitary values, then that time would only be found to be cyclic … And this is true even when the eternal non-dual partless-eternity is eternally resting within each apparently-individualistic cyclic microcosm, because the eternal un-changeful itself is the innermost ever-same partless essence of each of the apparent dual’s (i.e. each individual microcosm) …
And simultaneously with above statement, the dual also rests within the infinite envelope of the eternal non-dual, as the eternal non-dual itself is the one within which the dual had originally originated and has also been resting ever since that dual had originated within the Maker’s Makings as an individual microcosm and simultaneously with this, the eternal non-dual has also been resting within the dual ever since it had originated as an individualized state of the same non-dual parent (i.e. allness) …
This origination of the individual was only after that entity had adopted dualities towards all others and this adoption of dualities towards others was the reason which had made it rest within its own apparent-individuality to the allness, from which it (individuality) had originated and of which it (individuality) has ever remained an intrinsic partless (or unbroken) part … Thus basis this, even when an individual state seems to be independent to allness, yet that individual microcosm has ever remained as a partless part (or an unbroken extension) of the same allness itself …
Thus allness being the state within which the individuality had originated, is also the enveloper of that individuality and simultaneously allness being subtler than the individual, is also the pervader (permeator) of the individual …
20-AA … Allness is the subtler pervader and enveloper of individualities …
The reason for allness to be subtler that individualities and individual corpuses … Individualism leads to concentration of some parts of allness at a specific location (like a microcosm or a text or a individual system etc.) and thus individualism is a grosser state of allness from which it (individualism) had manifested … And this is also whilst each individualism has also been eternally resting within same allness ever since individualities had gotten originated within the Maker’s Makings (as allness is the enveloper of all that originated within its envelopes itself) and simultaneously allness also rests within each individual state (as allness being a state of fathomless expanses, is also the subtler one which itself makes allness to be the pervader of individual microcosm’s) …
And on the contrary, allness being based upon no such thing like individuality or corpus, is neither concentrated nor non concentrated as it is omni-present “within and around” all that is apparent as concentrated and non-concentrated (i.e. allness is present within each individuality and individual corpus) … Due to this reason allness is subtler than any of the individualistic microcosm’s and thus allness is also a pervader of these microcosm’s in addition to these microcosm’s being enveloped by the same allness …
Thus in a nutshell … Individual microcosm’s manifest out of allness whilst these individual ones are as an individual self expression of allness … So when we realize this fact that we also know that these individualities are naught but allness which has self expressed itself within an individual form or formless state and thus allness itself is the core of these individual microcosm’s … Due to this reason, allness pervades these individual microcosm in addition to being the root or original cause of these individual microcosm’s … And simultaneously, because it is within the omnipresent envelopes of allness that these individual microcosm are resting ever since they had originated (and had kept continuing to evolve) so allness also envelopes these individual microcosm’s … As also, as these microcosm’s evolve, they keep evolving to an ever higher subtlety and thus keep getting closer to the subtlety of allness … And finally they all merge to allness itself …
Continuing with above paragraph … Thus from allness everything originates as a self expression of allness itself, within allness everything evolves as all microcosm’s only keep proceeding towards the same allness itself and in the finality of the evolutionary process, it is into allness that eternally is present within the microcosm and which gets self-realized to be the same allness within which the microcosm itself rests, is to what each microcosm unites so as to lose its earlier state of being a microcosm …
The path to above is through adoption of Brahmand Dharana of Yoga and from this state, is entered the stage of Brahmand Yoga through the path of Samadhi (i.e. absorption into allness or the macrocosmic states which are within the aspirant, get absorbed into their respective macrocosmic parental states) … And once this Brahmand Yoga completes, then the microcosm walks alone as it becomes freed of differences of its own individuality and allness that is within it and which itself is the same allness within which the microcosm had originated and has also been resting across the entire time spans of its evolutionary existence … This sets the microcosm on the path of a final exit from allness itself (as after this stage, the microcosm lets go of the difference between allness and her each part and thus goes free of this primordial duality itself) …
This is even when the individual itself is a manifestation of allness as an individual and thus the partless non prejudiced state of allness itself is the originality of each of the individualities and it is to same partless non prejudiced state of allness that each of the individualities have eternally been proceeding, after these individualities were originated from within this genius of the Maker’s Makings …
So each individual is only evolving and thus returning back towards the same allness and it is due to this reason, all systems have their own varying paths to effect oneness to a particular state of allness which they believe to be “the all” … But if that which is believed as “the all” is not that which is based upon ever-allness of the ever-all (i.e. Adi Parashakti of Sadashiva), then that which is believed as “the all” within that system is only an individuality or an individual-corpus and due to this reason, that individualistic belief cannot ever cannot ever lead to a state of union to allness and her each part …
Unless an aspirant enters into this perfect non-dual inner-union to allness and her each part, the aspirant never rests in the meaning of the term “Brahmand Dharana” , which itself leads to a state where that aspirant becomes devoid of inner-means to enter into a Brahmand Yoga through the stage of Samadhi … And unless Samadhi is entered into, the aspirant cannot ever walk free of allness and her each part … This inability to walk free of allness and her each part is because in the absence of Samadhi, the pathless-partless path which leads to the self-realization and thence a realization of the eternally unioned state of one’s own innermost essence (Atman) to the innermost essence of allness (i.e. attributeless-infinite being or Brahman) cannot even open up for that aspirant …
And from this realization of the eternal-sameness of essence that is within the aspirant (Atman) to the essence of allness (i.e. Brahman) when we study the essence of “allness”, then that essence is also found to be the same (i.e. common) essence of “all that is resting within allness” …
The path of above paragraph thus leads to a realization where “the essence of all parts of allness and the essence of allness” are one and the same and …
The truth of above two paragraphs has also been stated within Vedic lore through the Vedic great statements (or Vedic Mahavakya) which we have already discussed in earlier topic of “What is a Mahavakya”, and discussed its relation to Rig Veda in the topic of Prajnanam Brahma … Self luminous is that”, and discussed its relation to Yajurveda in the topic of “Aham Brahmasmi … I Am That”, and its relation to Sama Veda in the topic of “Tat Twam Asi … That Thou Are”, and also discussed its relation to Atharva Veda in the topic of “Ayam Atma Brahma … This Is That”, in addition to its discussion in the topic of “Sohum … So Am I” and also the earlier topic of “Shivohum … Shiva Am I” …
20-BB … Innermost unity of all and endless state of unitary values and finality of time …
Time is eternal due to the fact that its beginning cannot be traced and due to this reason, the end-time of the dimension of time, is also non-traceable … This itself is because of the fact, that since time is essentially beginningless, so it is also endless, thus it also is the ever-existent entity due to its independence from “all that is begun and thus would be eventually be ending” …
Thus the finality of time is none other than the eternal and this is even when the eternal is resting in a state which is timeless (beyond-time) and thus the eternal also cannot even be defined in measurable values of time or its cycles … This timeless one who is beyond-time and thus is beyond defined values or numbers and thus is beyond discussions or descriptions also … This is what has been addressed as Sanatan (i.e. Timeless), Brahman (attributeless infinite absolute being) and also as the timeless-being (i.e. Akaal Purukh of Guru Granth Sahib Ji) …
Within the individualistic state or limited values, time is found to be resting within cyclic nature … This cyclic nature is due to the fact that it is like a “closed yet a beginningless and endless loop (i.e. a circle of eternity which itself is the infinity)” and thus as time keeps progressing, it also keeps repeating itself … And since this beginningless and endless loop of time is like a circle of eternity, so neither it neither has traceable beginning nor is its end ever traceable …
Above was the reason for cycles of time to be shown as an endless loop (or circle which has no beginning and no end) and like a snake which was eating its own tail … Snake eating its own tail denotes an unbroken continuity of cycles of time and also denotes an overlap of time span between each cycle, which the Vedic sages had termed as Sandhikaal …
And since this loop was running since the timeless-eternity and shall be running until the timeless-eternity, so was derived the symbol of cycles of time, which was of the shape of infinity and this was also shown as a snake which rested within the symbol of Infinity and was eating its own tail … Snake eating its own tail denotes an unbroken continuity of cycles of time and also denotes an overlap of time span between each cycle, which the Vedic sages had termed as Sandhikaal …
And since there is a specific time cycle applicable to each microcosm (as per the microcosm’s destined merits or Prarabdha Karman) so when we see this fact within the entirety of macrocosmic creation and her uncountable microcosm’s, then we know that there actually are “close to infinite (or uncountable) loops” of time within the macrocosmic creation and where each of these endless loops of time that are individually applicable to any microcosm are also different from any of the other endless loops of time, which are applicable to another microcosm … Thus is the reason for differences within time spans of existence of each microcosm and whilst these microcosm’s exist within their gross or subtle incarnated or manifested states within the Maker’s Makings …
And since the durations of these loops of time are also dependent upon subtlety or grossness that each microcosm holds i.e. these loops of each microcosm are dependent upon the macrocosmic standing of the microcosm (as subtler microcosm’s have a longer time span of existence within their incarnated or manifested states) and since each microcosm holds a specific macrocosmic standing (or evolutionary standing) which is different from any other microcosm, so there also is a vast hierarchy of time units that are applicable to the vast and “almost uncountable and thus infinite” number of microcosm’s that exist within the macrocosmic creation …
So when these vast number (actually uncountable) loops of times that are applicable to the uncountable number of microcosm’s which exist within the macrocosmic creation, are considered, then the cyclic nature of time is like a vast-vast (uncountable) number of concentric circles, with each circle relating to one microcosmic state of existence … And yet all these loops remain pervaded and enveloped by the ever-same undefined yet realizable finality of dimension of time i.e. eternity …
Higher is the evolutionary standing is a microcosm, larger is the circle to which it relates and since there are “close to infinite” number of microcosm’s, so when anyone would consider the entirety of the concept of cyclic nature of time (Kaalchakra), then it would also be known that there also are “close to infinite” circles (or loops) of time within the Maker’s Makings …
That which leads itself to the same “stage (here I did not say “state”, so don’t misinterpret this word)” which was passed by it during its own earlier cycle of progress, is none other than cyclic …
But because the microcosm’s also evolve and thus keep holding an ever higher subtlety within themselves, so the loops also keep expanding (increasing in their time spans) and thus there can never be a time where the same point which was passed during ones earlier evolutionary process, can be passed again by that same microcosm …
This is because of the fact that during every subsequent transit through the “same stage” of this loop of cycle of time, the loop itself would have expanded its size and thus even when it may seem that the “same stage” of existence is being passed again, yet it is never the “same state (because the loop would have changes its size and this is state, during each subsequent transit”) … This itself is due to the effects of “macrocosmic principle of stagnation due to sameness”, which we have already discussed in an earlier topic …
Due to this reason, whatever is evolved over in any previous incarnation would never be arrived ever again by that microcosm during its future evolutionary process (unless that microcosm chooses to pass through it again, there is nothing which can make a microcosm pass that evolutionary stage which has already been evolved over by it) …
But this cyclic yet evolutionary existence is also to ensure that the eternity of time span of the microcosm, is of sameness to the eternal time span of existence as is of its own essence (Atman) … This is because the time span of the one who self expresses (i.e. Atman is Brahm or Self is Absolute) can never be different from the time span of totality of existence of the one who was self expressed (i.e. every Pinda or microcosm and Brahmand or macrocosm) …
And since the self expressed (Pinda or microcosm and macrocosm or Brahmand) has a higher grossness than the self expresser of it (i.e. Atman who itself is Brahman), so the self expressed one (i.e. microcosm and macrocosm) never hold the capability to last till the undefined timeless fathomless eternity of the self expresser (i.e. Atman is Brahman) … Due to this reason the self expressed ones (i.e. microcosm and macrocosm) have had to adopt a cyclic mode of existence so as to ensure a sameness of their own totality of time span of existence remains in sameness to the eternity as is of the self expresser (i.e. Atman who itself is Brahman) …
And it is also due to this sameness of finality of existence that eventually arrives, that finally during those long incalculable time spans of existence of the self expressed (i.e. microcosm and macrocosm) even the self expressed would end (as per the subtle effects of the macrocosmic principle of stagnation due to sameness, which we have already discussed earlier) … But at the same time, this sameness can only arrive when this fact of sameness of existence of Atman and Brahman is self realized through the earlier stage of self realization of sameness of microcosm and macrocosm (i.e. sameness of Pinda and Brahmand) …
Thus due to this reason of inability to continue till the eternity of the self expresser (i.e. Atman or Brahman, as these two are one and the same) each begun state (i.e. any microcosm that has ever begun within the macrocosmic creation) has always had a certain time span of existence and after this time span, it also has to roll over … This process of incarnation (birth), existence for a while (life in form or formlessness) and thence a roll-over (death) from that incarnated state keeps happening in cycles and yet when we consider the totality of time spans of all these cycles of existence that are passed by any microcosm plus the time span that the same microcosm has already spent or would be spending within other modes of existence (i.e. in modes of existence that are of acyclic, neutral, inert and voidness) then this time span is only found to be none other than the same eternity as is of the “self expresser (i.e. non-dual eternal timeless being or the Atman who itself is Brahman)” …
Within the Vedic lore, those sages who had already passed through this self realization and yet survived the severe de-incarnating effects of the “macrocosmic principle of sameness due to stagnation”, were the ones who were addressed as “Jeevanmukta (or liberated whilst still incarnated in a human form” … And since not even a handful of aspirants who pass this stage of self realization have survived during macrocosmic history, so it is also very-very rare to meet a sage who happens to be a Jeevanmukta in the real sense of this word …
Proceeding further …
Thus basis above, a microcosm cannot ever be eternal whilst it rests within its begun or individual state and this is true even when the begun (or individual) microcosm is found to be eternal when we see its reality (or real nature) as is of its own beginningless and thus endless essence (i.e. Atman) …
This basis above, is it clear that the microcosm exists in unitary values whereas the essence of that same aspirant (or Atman) only rests in the eternity (i.e. finality of dimension of time), space (i.e. finality of dimension of space), omni-directionality (i.e. finality of dimension of directions) and Atman itself is the omnipresent (i.e. finality of dimension of state) …
Thus is unity of unitary values and finality of time (and the same is also applicable to all other dimensions) … And above discussion also clarifies the eternal endless un-stagnated nature of these two as was the sub-header of this discussion …
20-CC … Finality inside unitary values and unitary values within finality …
Above header stands valid across all below discussed aspects …
As far as dimension of time is concerned …
- Eternity present inside the individualities (i.e. unitary values) of time … This is because eternity pervades (or permeates) the unitary value of time …
- Individualities of time (i.e. unitary values of time) within eternity … As individualities of time are enveloped by eternity …
As far as dimension of space is concerned …
- Infinity present inside the individualities (i.e. unitary values) of space … This is because infinity of space being subtler only ends up pervading (or permeating) the unitary value of space …
- Individualities of space (i.e. unitary values of space) within infinity … This is as individualities of space (i.e. unitary values of space) are also enveloped by finality of the same space i.e. infinity …
As far as dimension of directions is concerned …
- Omnidirectional present inside the individualities (i.e. unitary values) of directions … This is because the omnidirectional finality of directions being subtler, only end up pervading (or permeating) the unitary values of directions (i.e. individual paths of evolutionary existence) …
- Individualities of directions (i.e. unitary values of directions or evolutionary paths) within omnidirectional finality of directions … This is as individualities of directions (i.e. unitary values of evolutionary paths or directions) are also enveloped by finality of the same dimension of direction space i.e. omni-directionality …
As far as dimension of state is concerned …
- Omnipresent resting inside the individualities (i.e. unitary values) of states (i.e. individual microcosms) … This is because the omnipresent finality of state being subtler, only end up pervading (or permeating) the unitary values of state (i.e. individual microcosm’s right from divine worlds, divine beings or Gods and right from a universe till an atom) …
- Individualities of state within omnipresent finality of the same state … This is as individualities of state are also enveloped by finality of the same dimension of state i.e. The omnipresent being …
As far as microcosm (Pinda) and macrocosm (Brahmand) are concerned …
- The entire macrocosmic creation in her own subtler impressional state (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Awastha) present inside each microcosm (right from a universe till the smallest microcosm of an atom) … This is because the subtler impressional macrocosm (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Awastha of Brahmand) being subtler only ends up being the pervader of all the microcosm’s, right from a universe till the smallest atom) …
- Each microcosm resting within the envelopes of the manifest and non manifest state of the macrocosmic creation … This is because the multi-universal macrocosmic creation being the larger entity only ends up enveloping each microcosm that has ever begun or originated within the Maker’s Makings …
And finally …
As far as the innermost essence of an aspirant (Atman) and the final (or penultimate) essence of allness (Parabrahman) are concerned …
- As long as dualistic philosophies are based in, Atman is never known as Brahman …
- But after an aspirant enters into the self realizations that are rooted in the finality of non-duality of Advaita Vedanta (which as such is a part of Absolute Monism of Absolute non-dualism) then above dualities vanish because in its reality, Atman is Brahman …
And that which is Atman and which itself is Brahman, itself is the following …
- Within dimension of time … The eternal who pervades and envelopes all cycles of time and yet stays fully detached from all such individualities of time cycles …
- Within dimension of space … The infinite who pervades and envelopes all cycles of space (i.e. cyclic expansions and contractions of space) and yet stays fully detached from all such individualities of space cycles …
- Within dimension of state … Omnipresent fully detached pervader and enveloper of all individualities and corpuses of states as the omnipresent can never be restricted to any single aspect of state …
- Within the dimension of directions … Omnidirectional pervader who is fully independent of individualities of directions and yet is the pervader and enveloper of all directions …
- Within the non dimension of divinity or power or energy … The omnipotent one who is naught but a non dual unity of the finality of all four primary dimensions as were discussed within above bullet points …
- Within the Maker’s Makings … The microcosm who itself is macrocosm and the macrocosm who itself is the microcosm … Thus what is beyond a microcosm, itself is that which is within the same microcosm and vice-versa of this statement is also true …
- That which is all above, is none other than Atman who itself is Brahman … All above are none other than one or another self expression, self manifestation and self presence of the same Atman who is Brahman, as each of them … Thus is the ultimate unity of unitary values and finalities and this unity is inside everything, within everyone and is also everywhere … Unless this is self realized by an aspirant and that too through all above aspects, that aspirant has still not walked the entire inward path (or path of self realization) … And unless that aspirant actually walks through the inward path fully, Kaivalya Moksha (i.e. the condition of resting in a state of final liberation due to a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part) is still not arrived by that aspirant …
- During the entirety of the incalculable time spans of macrocosmic history, not even a handful of aspirants have ever self realized all that was discussed here … And thus this discussion also happens to be one of the rarest of rare ones within the entirety of history of the Maker’s Makings …
Thus is the innermost and hidden unity of all that is seen in unitary values (i.e. seen as individualities and individual corpuses) to the finality of those unitary values and the further unity of that unioned corpus to the final pervader and enveloper of allness (Atman who itself is Brahman) …
This itself is due to the fact that allness (i.e. originality which itself is self realized as finality at the end stage of evolutionary process) and her each part (including all unitary values of everything) is nothing but a self expressed, self manifested and also self presence of the ever-same final pervader and enveloper of the Maker’s Makings (and all that rests within the Maker’s Makings) …
But the self realization that is discussed in above paragraph is only arrived after the aspirant’s evolutionary standing reaches a stage of ripeness and rightness to know it through a direct cognition and never before this stage of evolution is achieved …
And just prior to this self realization, that aspirant is already fully alone i.e. freed of all that is, including all microcosm’s, macrocosm, Gods, Satan’s, heavens and hells, guides and students, path or nonness of path and also free of terms like good and bad, liberation and bondage etc. … Thus what is explicitly and also implicitly referred to in above discussions, denotes the finality of existence as a microcosm and also as a macrocosm because such an aspirant goes into that which is beyond suchness …
But this accomplishment which is achieved through the inner paths (i.e. paths of one’s own self realization) is in fact is none other than an “independent reflection (Swatantra Chintan) of and upon” the innermost essence (Atman) itself … As also a fact, that, Swatantra Chintan of Rishi’s (Independent inner reflection of Vedic Sages) by itself has been and shall ever be the base of Sanatan Dharma …
Above accomplishment is “also” possible through a path which is rooted within the header of this topic i.e. “Unity of unitary values and finalities” …
Continues …