Here we shall discuss the sameness of effects of dimensions upon each microcosm i.e. there is a sameness of effects of Kaal (Time), Akash (Space), Disha (directions of paths of evolution or ways of life) and Dasha (or grossness and subtleties of states of existence) upon each microcosm irrespective of where that microcosm resides within the macrocosmic hierarchy of evolutionary standings or gross and subtle states of existence …
As the unitary values of dimensions change in the universe, then the same change also happens within each microcosm who rests inside the envelope of that universe … And this is what would subtly (or implicitly) be discussed here …
This topic continues from the earlier topic that had the header of “Dimensions and eternal unity” …
22-AA … Sameness of effects of dimensions … Effect of time and time cycles (Kaal) …
To ensure a harmony of macrocosmic creation to the microcosm’s that exist within her envelopes, a sameness of times of their “totality of” existence is a primary requirement …
Thus, it is due to this requirement that the “totality of” time of existence of any microcosm within the Maker’s Makings, must be of sameness to the “totality of” time of existence of the macrocosmic creation …
And since this is eternally not possible to be arrived at by any microcosm which has begun within the Maker’s Makings (because individualistic states like those of any individual microcosm, including of individualistic religions have no capability to last till eternity within their any single incarnation) so to ensure this compliance, each microcosm only ends up adopting a cyclic mode of existence and thus each microcosm only ends up getting into a state of eternal cycles of origination, existence and death which also happen in a continuous and unbroken manner …
Above continuity is because of the fact that during such cycles of existence, birth of a microcosm upon any world (or plane of existence or a universe) itself happens due to death of the same microcosm in another world (or plane of existence or a universe) where that microcosm was existent prior to being born in the current world …
And on similar lines, the death of a microcosm within a world (or plane of existence or a universe) itself leads to an immediate birth of the same microcosm within another world (or plane of existence or a universe) where that microcosm has qualified to enter due to its then evolutionary standing (i.e. evolutionary status as was at the instant of death within the world where the microcosm was existent and evolving prior to dying) …
This is a continuous and unbroken process that continues until that microcosm evolves from the entirety of cyclic existence and thence it enters into an acyclic existence …
If a microcosm does not do that which is necessary to make it evolve out of the entirety of cyclic existence, then it can even continue within the cyclic existence endlessly and in such a case, the time span of its existence within the cyclic existence would also be of the same eternity as is of the macrocosmic creation …
Once the microcosm evolves out of cyclic existence, then its existence is no longer cyclic as it enters into an acyclic mode of existence and yet the time span of totality of its existence remains of the same eternity only …
And this eternity itself is of the undefined finality of existence of time, which itself is of the Absolute being …
This sameness of totality of time span of existence of the microcosm’s and the macrocosm to the undefined finality of existence of time, which itself is of the Supreme being is only to ensure a harmony of the microcosm to the Supreme being …
Unless this innermost harmony of the macrocosm and microcosm to the finality of time i.e. eternity, as is of the Absolute Being (Parambrahma), is maintained, the existence of all microcosms and the macrocosmic creation would only become like a living hell …
Proceeding further …
If the totality of time span of existence of the macrocosm and its each microcosm becomes different from the finality of dimension of time i.e. eternity, which itself is of the Absolute being, then the subtle inner state of harmony of each microcosm to each other and to the macrocosmic creation and their further harmony to the Absolute being (Parabrahman), cannot even be ensured …
Thus in such a case, the base unity (which is provided by time and its cycles) of the macrocosmic creation and all that rests within the macrocosmic creation, starts failing miserably …
Once this happens, then the macrocosmic creation, which is within each microcosm (in a subtle impressional or energy state), would also start becoming severely chaotic …
Such a condition would only lead to a state where inner chaos shall manifest and then this inner chaos shall expand to such an extent that it would spill outwards (i.e. spill within the world) …
If such a fault goes uncorrected, then it can also lead to an existence which would be like a state of eternal punishment for each microcosm that begins within the ever-same supreme genius of Maker’s Makings … This is what was stated as eternal hell (or hell fires) in many recent religions and the reason for hells to be hells is just as it is stated here …
But since above is not how it really is when we exist here or elsewhere (upon any other world or any other universal system), so this also proves the fact that everything is maintaining this harmony by ensuring that “their own totality of time span of existence” stays the same as that of “eternity of time, which itself is of the Absolute being (Brahman)” …
Until the totality of time span of existence of any microcosm is of a state of sameness to the totality of the time span of existence of the macrocosmic creation within which each microcosm (i.e. gross and subtle microcosm’s) resides, the existence of such microcosm’s would only become chaotic and thus hellish …
Above statement is irrespective of whether you rest upon this or any other world system as a deviation within your own believed time and the reality of time of the macrocosmic creation, is what leads to hell like existence on the world where you live … Those systems which can maintain this unity of finality of time within their codes, don’t have any concept of hell or eternal punishment …
And on similar lines, lesser is the time span that your believed system relates to and thus quicker is the end time stated in your system, more chaotic shall your system be …
Thus to prevent this condition, Vedic sages had stipulated time spans which were running in hundreds of trillions of years (for example, life span of any single creator or Brahma is of 311.04 trillion human solar years and the lifespan of Sri Vishnu is even longer and even longer is the time span of existence of Bhagwan Sadashiva) …
This is because of the following …
- Longer is the end-time stated, more inner-calm and outer-peace shall that system lead to …
- Smaller or closer is the end-time stated, more loss of inner-calm and outer-peace shall be seen within that system’s adherents and thus more of chaos would that system eventually lead to …
- Thus all those systems that do not relate to trillions and more of years of time spans, are always leading to one or another type of chaos within one or another way of life of their own adherents … Eventually such systems and also lead to chaos for other inhabitants of the world …
And that system of time that relates to these eternal cycles of time and simultaneously also relates to the finality of eternity of time, is also having its cycles of up’s and down’s …
But because such a system (or way of life) also relates to eternity of such repetitive cycles, so it also ends up staying put on a world irrespective of what downs it may face during eternity of its existence … This is because, in such a case, the time span of its existence stays in line with the undefined time spans of the finality of time (i.e. eternity) to which that system (or way of life) ultimately relates …
That system which relates to eternity of cycles of time, always relates to the eternal attributeless infinite absolute being (i.e. Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm or simply Brahm) and this is even when it may address the same Brahman through a variety of names and also approach that same Brahman through a variety of paths … As a matter of fact, only Sanatan Dharma has such a capability …
And as a matter of fact which is based upon my subtler travels to other worlds where conscious-knowledgeable-active animate life resides, all the worlds where this aspect is followed, are also based Sanatan Dharma only …
Below listed points are matters of fact and unless these basic points are taken care of, ridding of inner and outer chaos that your systems have been causing during the last few millenniums in this world, can never be stopped …
- Longer are the time spans which are related to by a system, higher is the inner-calm and outer-peace that these systems lead to … And if a system is based upon a cyclic time and where each cycle only relates to a time span of trillions and trillions and further trillions of years, then such systems are also those which would be based upon a state of sameness to the pluralistic monism of the macrocosmic creation and thus they would also end up having a cyclic nature of time because they would also begin accounting for the reality of eternal cycle of time instead of theories of “an end time or an end of time” itself, both of which are only imaginations of those who had given these incorrect theories in their own rendered texts … As of now there is only one system like this (i.e. one who holds a system based upon cyclic nature of time and existence) and that is of Sanatan Dharma …
- By my experience of other world systems, if a system relates to any time span which is lesser than a few dozen trillion years (I.e. end-time is a few dozen trillion years away) then that system never leads to a long lasting peace within the world where it (i.e. that system) is present … This is one of the main lacks in individualism (monotheism of any sort) and this is what makes every form of individualism to be none other than cyclically chaotic, because as soon as these systems get originated, their followers begin believing that the end time is near … This utter nonsense of an end time (or even an end of time) being imminent (or being very near, say a thousand or a few thousand years) has already surfaced in this world many a times and yet that end time has never manifested in this world because all these prophecies of end time (or end of time) are naught but wild imaginations (and thus they only relate to the imaginary world of mind or Manoloka of those who had given these theories) … How can time end, when time itself is resting within an undefined and timeless eternity, which self manifests itself in understandable state and thus is found to be as the eternal continuous, beginningless and endless cycles of time …
Proceeding further …
- Those systems which are only based upon the finality of the attributeless infinite being are also those which are based upon the timeless eternity of existence of time and simultaneously also related to the eternal continuous and endless cycles of time … Within the macrocosmic creation, only Sanatan Dharma (or Dharma) has this aspect within it …
- And all those individualistic paths (i.e. anything monotheistic) who have ever tried to copy this aspect (of time of Sanatan Dharma) into their own systems have always ended up merging into the vast timeless and fathomless envelopes of Sanatan Dharma (or Dharma) itself and that too within a few decades only …
- This type of change of belief of time also leads to an end of individualism due to resurfacing of the pluralistic monism within such systems … Pluralistic monism which itself is of the “eternal way of life (or Sanatan Dharma)” is also of the timeless state of the macrocosmic creation … The original pluralistic monism (Sanatan Dharma) was from where each individual system had originated and it is to the same Sanatan Dharma that each of the individual systems end up merging to, whenever the pristine divinities of an age of sages (Guru Yuga) begin getting manifested within a world … The coming times would also not be any different as these coming times are also leading to the inauguration of the same age of sages (Guru Yuga) within this world …
- Those systems which have a very short concept of time (say a couple of thousand or a few hundred thousand years) are very individualistic … Thus such systems always have a competition with others which in turn makes them to be none other than harbingers of chaos across all ways and walks of life on that world … This chaos shall be seen to be a fact whenever the number of their inhabitants would begin increasing upon a world …
- These individualistic systems work on politicized state of religious lore’s and they like to dominate over all others through any means, i.e. “by word or by sword” … This is what proves their duality as all that matters is converting other to their limited concentrated and thus restrictive and gross philosophy …
As a proof of duality of all individualism (monotheism) …
- It talks about a peaceful God, but yet they only lead to fighting, wars, conquests and terrorism of all sorts after they get manifested within a world …
- It talks about a just God, but justice is what lacks in them when it needs to be rendered to adherents of other systems …
- It talks about everyone being a part of their God, and yet they also speak of hell to the non-believers of their own God …
- It talks about an all powerful, all highest God who had created everything, and yet have a concept of a Satan who also seems to be as powerful as their God and where the Satan also ends up cyclically dominating a world when these cycles of dominance of that Satan are considered in relation to the cycles of dominance of their God …
- It declares that nothing moves without the will of their God and yet there has been so much problem in this world after these systems came by to this world (so maybe their god himself is the troublemaker) …
- They talk that nothing comes by or moves without the permission of their God, and yet they say about existence and moving about of non believers within that same world itself…
- They talk about a very benevolent God and yet have concepts of an eternal hell fire for non believers and deviated believers alike …
- They talk about goodness and yet they led to all earlier goodness of humans to vanish from this world (after these individualistic systems get manifested within a world, then this is what happens) …
- They talk about oneness and yet are based upon divisions of believers and non-believers …
- It talks about a greater entity who is a God of all parts of speciology and yet that God allows its human adherents to kill as many animals for their personal consumption … Well, maybe that God is only a God of humans and has not yet become a God of other parts of speciology …
- They talk about unconditional love for their prophet or messiah and yet keep him bleeding in a half-dead condition and also hanging on a symbolic wooden structure for almost two millenniums … And strangely they symbolically drink his blood and eat his flesh also on some days of the year … Well, sadistic love, isn’t it? …
- And since this list is endless, so I shall stop here …
Proceeding further …
Lesser is the time span that a system claims from its origin till its end-time, more is the chaos that the system creates for its adherents and thus the worlds inhabitants also enter into the same chaos if the adherents of these systems expand in numbers so as to become a majority of population of that world …
Due to their severely restrictive natures, such systems have a very less bandwidth of subtlety and thus are very-very far from pluralistic monism of the macrocosmic creation within which these systems, their adherents and their scriptures itself rest …
As also, shorter is the time span which is related to by a system for its end-time, more closed that system is as it works on covert and overt ways to dominate others as soon as possible …
Due to this reason, higher are the untrue propagandas that shall be commissioned by such systems so as to hold their flocks together or to add more flocks to them …
Lesser is the time span of a system, more ignorant that system is towards the reality of the eternal time and eternal cycles of time …
Proceeding further …
As a matter of fact about such restrictive systems …
- Those systems which have no concept of eternity of time and/or its cyclic nature, are always scavengers as they feed upon existing systems of those times, so as to derive their own philosophies out of the preexisting ones, but once they have attained these philosophies then they also end up twisting and turning those original philosophies so as to project those copied philosophies as their own …
- Thus all such systems have always held enmity to the original system of that world (and of the macrocosmic creation) as they consider the rise of the original as the greatest threat …
- Thus basis above, those systems which are individualistic, are naught but those which have copied the philosophies of the earlier existent system(s) and twisted them so as to make such copied philosophies to seem like their own …
- Such systems always have an end time theory (or even an “end of time” theory) and where that end of time is also pretty fast (Like where the end time is arrived within a few millenniums only) …
Proceeding further …
And on contrary to all above discussed ones … Those systems which do not even have a concept of time, are savage …
Proceeding further …
Any deviation between the sameness of totality of your time span of existence (across your entire evolutionary existence which also is to be within all states of existences of the Maker’s Makings), your systems time span of existence and the time span of existence of the macrocosmic creation, within which you and your systems itself reside, would only lead to a disharmony of you to all other dimensions … And this as such is hellish state only …
And whenever the divinities of a Guru Yuga begin arriving to a world, then at such times most individualistic systems also change to one or another mode of polytheism from which all individualistic systems have originated …
But at the same time, the paths of this change from individualism to polytheism and thence to pluralism and finally to pluralistic monism are always via the path of a lesser or larger chaos …
During the setting in time of divine degenerate ages (Deva Kaliyuga), these changes are from the earlier pluralistic monist system, to simple pluralism, then to polytheism and then only is the change to individualism …
And the reverse of above paragraph happens when the same world is approaching a Guru Yuga, where ways of life are pluralistic yet monist …
All this change is governed by cyclic demands of time as when times have to degenerate, then earlier “oneness of allness” needs to be finished in the world, which itself leads to an advent of individualism within that world … And the reverse happens when the pluralistic yet monist divinities of any of the Guru Yuga (or age of sages) begin entering the world and at such times, individualism is the system which suffers the maximum …
Thus, there really is nobody to blame because everything only happens due to the demands of a cycle of time …
As a cycle of time arrives, then the systems that are apt for that cycle also get manifested upon that world …
Thus, as times change, so are changed the systems of a world …
At such change of time (age cycles), all those systems which are not even apt to even “partly continue” within that incoming cycle of time, are fully extinguished from the world …
And those systems which are not fully fit to fully continue (i.e. systems which are only partly fit to continue), would either start looking towards other aspects and change themselves and thus in such a case, their memberships would start reducing in that world …
And since the incoming cycle of time (i.e. Guru Yuga or human golden age) is of pluralistic monism, so during the time span of run up to the inauguration phase of that incoming Guru Yuga (i.e. Age of Sages), either the current individualistic systems would change their ways to pluralistic monism or would be “partly or fully abolished” from this world …
By individualism, I mean any kind of monotheism be it of political, geographical, geological, geopolitical, security, safety, military, economic, trade, services, intellectual, religious, social, cultural, civilizational, genders, race, creed etc. …
There is no need to directly believe whatever is written here, but yet I state it loud and clear that your own future generations would see the described change to be a matter of fact of their own times of existence upon this world …
And since all changes of systems or ways of life is governed by the demands of time and since time itself is the macrocosmic primordial dimension, so there really is nobody to blame …
Thus as far as humanity as a whole is concerned, just moving ahead as per the pluralistic yet monist ways of life, which itself are needed as per the demands of the incoming age cycle, would be enough …
22-BB … Sameness of effects of other dimensions …
22-BB-1 … Sameness of effect of Space (Akasha) … The cycles of expansion and contraction of space is also applicable in sameness to all microcosms …
When the universal space expands, then the inner space of each microcosm who resides within the envelope of that universe also expands in the same ratio of expansion of universal space for that period of time …
Thus, within any specific time span the ratio of expansion of universal space with respect to universal dimensions is the same as ratio of expansion of space within any microcosm with respect to its own dimensions (size) … And due to this reason, following is a fact …
- Ratios of expansion of universe w.r.t. space that is held by a universe is the same as ratio of expansion space within any microcosm w.r.t to the space that is held by that microcosm …
- And the same rule also applies to expansion of the state of contraction of space within a universe ….
- And the same rule also applies to aspects of mind, vitality, size of physical vehicles, consciousness, knowledge, purity of I’ness (Ahamkara), etc., because all these also expand and contract in same ratios as are of the expansion and contraction of a universe in which they are present at that time …
But since the changes of “unitary value of space” are inversely proportional to change that keep taking place within the “unitary value of time” so we shall have to discuss the aspect in a later topic …
Thus at a later stage of discussions on the science of Kaalchakra, I shall be mathematically deriving the equation of this relationship of space and time …
22-BB-2 … Sameness of effect of directions (or Disha) or ways of life or paths of evolution …
When inner space begins expanding, then a stage always arrives where individualism (i.e. individualistic or monotheistic philosophies) can neither be supported by that expanded space component nor can individualism control space in its increased state within itself …
This is because an individualistic system is restrictive, so it has its limitations of expansion beyond a certain limit, for which it is designed in the first place …
And after a certain expansion of space within all microcosm’s (including microcosms of all systems or ways of life or religions) the space component of such systems becomes much higher than what could be controlled by such individualistic systems and microcosms who rest in that individualistic system …
Thus at this stage, individualism begins losing its control upon the world (and its own adherents) … This loss of control is because it it cannot maintain its control over space component of that time, then it also control everything that rests in that space component …
As space component of a world expands more than what an individualistic system (or its philosophy) can control, then the philosophy of that individualistic system also begins to shrink in that world (or in other words, that individualistic system begins to lose its hold upon that world) …
This leads to a stage where places of control by that individualistic system (i.e. temples or monasteries) start going empty and eventually shut down due to an economically, politically and religiously unsustainable state …
But this stage also leads to manifestation of an inner chaos within all forms and non forms of individualisms (monotheisms) and as these inner chaotic times progress, then that inner chaos eventually begins to spill outwards (into the world) … This always happens with every individualism just prior to and soon after the advent of the human age of truth (Guru Yuga) …
At such a stage, unless this inner and outer chaos is diverted into subtler aspects which can only be through a pluralistic yet monist philosophy (which itself is only of Sanatan Dharma), this chaos would only end up wrecking up a havoc upon the world during such stage of transition of human or divine age …
Proceeding further …
Pluralistic monism has a much higher space component as compared to any other philosophy …
This as the space units keep expanding (as it is during the coming in of times of a Guru Yuga) a stage would arrive where the adherents of individualistic systems can no longer relate to their own individualistic philosophies …
This is the stage which would slowly but steadily lead to rise of pluralism and then of pluralistic monism within this world …
And when this happens, then individualism would be deemed to be breathing its last breath in this world fie its current cycle of time …
Whenever the pristine divinities of a Guru Yuga begin arriving to a world, then because a Guru Yuga only relates to expanded space units, so during this run up to a Guru Yuga, the individualistic systems always become chaotic as they only see their end of time approaching …
But that chaos only makes individualism exit out of that world … As this is exit of individualism kicks in the world, then to fill in the vacuum of flows and dynamism, the eternal system (Sanatan Vyavastha) of Bahuvadi Advaita (or in other words, path of pluralistic monism or that path which remains rooted in the statement of All roads lead to the same home) slowly starts expanding as a way of life … This change always happens prior to the inauguration of any of the “Ages of Sages (Guru Yuga)” that ever were or could ever be …
As this expansion of space continues during a run up towards any Guru Yuga, the directionality or ways of life or paths of evolution also keep changing towards an ever higher state of pluralism which ultimately would lead to rise of pluralistic monism within that world …
And since this pluralistic monism is a way of life of Sanatan Dharma and since pluralistic monism is the primary and only way of life of a Guru Yuga, so during any Guru Yuga, the world always becomes based upon Sanatan Dharma …
During the current run to the incoming Age of sages, it would not be any different from what is stated above …
22-BB-3 … Sameness of effect of State (Dasha) …
Until now we have discussed the following …
- When a newer cycle of time comes by, then the “unitary values of time” that are applicable to a world, also change accordingly …
- When unitary value of time gets changed, then because the dimension of time itself is the primordial dimension of the Maker’s Makings, then the other three primary dimensions (of space, directions and state) also undergo through their respective changes so as to come in harmony with the changes of the dimension of time …
- The first change as is told in above bullet point is always of the dimension of space … The changes of unitary values of the dimension of space are reciprocal to the changes in unitary values of dimension of time …
- Thus when we see time units reducing, then only do we see the space expanding … This phase of reduction of unitary values of time always becomes manifested (or is seen to have commenced) when a world begins approaching about 9 degrees prior and after the Nadir point of precession and thus at this time, space shall be seen to be expanding or contracting in a direction which reciprocal to the reduction or increment of unitary value of time …
- And during this run up of time and as the unitary value of time keep arriving closer and closer to the 9 degrees arc after passing of Nadir point of precession, space would also be found to be such that one may even believe that space has eternally been expansive since the original start point of the macrocosmic creation … The present stages of precession of equinoxes are of such times only …
- As space expands, then a further stage also arrives where the directions or ways of life which are based “upon and within” any form of individualism, lose their foothold within a world … This eventually leads to those ways of life which be seen to be moving towards pluralistic monism (or Sanatan Dharma) …
Proceeding further …
- And as all above changes keep taking place, then the dimension of state also expands and keeps becoming more and more subtler (expansion of state leads to subtlety of that state) …
- Since the dimension of state is also a universal dimension, so the same changes also keep taking place in all microcosms of that stage of time …
- This is what leads to manifestation of subtlety within a world during any Guru Yuga as state would also expand slowly to that which must be during the incoming Guru Yuga and this would lead to manifestation of inner subtlety within all inhabitants of this world, which would be beyond the control of individualistic systems …
- And since individualism is a very concentrated system (I mean concentrated in a single path or a single way of life or a single deity or single book etc.) so this is also the stage when individualism begins losing its hold upon the world as inhabitants of that world keep losing their touch with individualistic systems after their own inner space expands …
- This further leads to increase of directional aspects (i.e. acceptance of various ways of life, being true) …
- All this expansion of subtlety due to expansion of inner state would only lead to a condition where the inner subtlety that would manifest within inhabitants of this world, would be beyond the control of limited (or restricted) space component to which all individualistic systems (or philosophies) eventually relate …
- As above keeps happening, individualism (monotheism of any sort) would keep dying within (and thus exiting out from) that world …
- And by the time the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) gets inaugurated within this world and thence the “setting in time” of 432 years of Sandhikaal of the Guru Yuga is crossed past (i.e. 2082 AD + 432 = 2514 AD), majority of individualism (including of religions) would already be seen to almost dead in this world …
- Coincidentally, this time span of 2514 AD is also the stage of inauguration of “Age of Aquarius” in this world …
And finally for this discussion …
Since the Absolute being is attributeless infinite, so it can never be a doer or reaper of anything because infinite being omnipresent (within the dimension of state) can never be involved in any of the individualistic deeds and/or their fruits … Thus is told in Vedas, that Brahman (attributeless infinite being) is neither a doer or reaper of anything …
Thus, during the incoming age of sages, as the state keeps getting subtler, humans would keep understanding the infinite, omnipresent absolute being more and more …
And this would also be leading to a state where humans would also be understanding omni-directionality, eternity and infinity better than any other “human age cycle” that ever was or could ever be …
When humanity understands above stated aspects, then above stated aspects would be all that would remain within their philosophical texts …
This would also be the initial stage of commencement of the Zodiacal “Age of Aquarius (i.e. Kumbha Yuga)” which would be running within the ongoing and slightly longer human age cycle (which run in the Precessional circle) of the incoming “Age of Sages (or Guru Yuga) …
And at that time, Age of Sages would also be running within an ever longer cycle of the currently underway “divine degenerate age (or Deva Kaliyuga)” …
Continues …