This topic shall discuss the aspect of taking measurement of cosmic distances … This method of cosmic measurement is done by accepting and utilizing the mind vehicle and utilizing the natural (or inherent) characteristic of mind to ones benefit …
This topic is in continuity to the previous one of “Length and Breadth of plane of existence” …
Unless the aspirant understands the base factors that are utilized for taking cosmic measurement and that too by utilization of the Sookshma Sharira, nothing can be discussed about such measurements … So this part of the topic is to deal with this aspect and its applicability to one such ancient concept for cosmic distance measurement …
And since many of the macrocosmic states are not conducive to enter into (by subtler travels) which itself is due to these states having those energy fields which are not related to this part of the universe, so if the astral vehicle enters into such states and then when that astral body returns back to the physical vehicle (which as such is lying in this world) then the physical vehicle can get into some problems …
So all astral travels to those states which are beyond this part of the universe, always carry their perils … This peril is especially more when the aspirants nervous system is not strengthened by specific yogic techniques (death can also take place) …
So above is a warning for those who would try to follow the ways which are discussed in this topic of Kaalchakra and that too without appropriate inner preparations … The same was discussed in earlier topics of “Restricted topics”, and also in another topic of “For who this is not” and this itself was addition to the topic of “Die Yogi Die” …
26-AA … Mind and astral vehicle as a tool for cosmic measurement …
The astral vehicle has a very-very high speed of travel (speed of light is nothing as compared to the speed at which the astral vehicle moves) …
But, if an aspirant is an adept of this subtler mode of travel, then that aspirant can also control the speed of astral vehicle as per his (or her) will …
This control of speed of astral vehicle (Sookshma Sharira) is necessary because if it is not done, then the entire universe would get traversed within a single moment only …
This high speed of the astral vehicle is because of the fact that the mind sheath (which in Sanskrit lore is also termed as Manomaya Kosha and which itself is an intrinsic part of the astral vehicle) exists in all three times and thus the mind simultaneously exists in each moment of the timeless past, each moment of the ever changeful present and it also exists within each moment of the fathomless future time spans … Thus the mind is the one which is associated to eternity and this is how the mind had been since the timeless eternity that has gone by of the Maker’s Makings and this is how it would also be until the fathomless eternity that still remains ending of the same Maker’s Makings …
So due to this reason if the “eternal state of time” in which the mind rests is broken up into individual moments, then it would only become infinite number of moments and where these infinite number of individual moments are also resting in unity to the three times simultaneously (because of the fact that the mind itself exists in all of the three times simultaneously) …
And this is what leads to a state where the time that is applicable to the mind sheath (or Manomaye Kosha) is none other than eternity … This is what makes the mind (and thus the astral vehicle) to be capable of achieving infinite unfathomable speeds and it is due to this reason, if speed of mind is not controlled, then the entire multi-universal macrocosmic creation can get traversed within a single moment itself … And since a state of travel of astral vehicle would be of no use for cosmic measurements, so this is where the need of slowing down the mind becomes necessary as far as taking measurements of cosmic aspects is concerned …
This is why we had discussed earlier that the time at plane of mind is of “one moment of eternity” or in other words “eternity itself resting in that single moment that is applicable to the plane of mind” … And since the mind vehicle (which as such is the major part of the astral vehicle) of each microcosm (each aspirant) itself is an intrinsic unbroken part of the plane of mind (just like a cell is an intrinsic unbroken part of the physical body, so is each mind sheath of each aspirant an unbroken part of the mind sheath which itself is an unbroken part of the plane of mind or Ahum Naad (which itself is the sound of the Aghora face of Sadashiva) … So de to these stated reasons the time which is applicable to the mind is also none other than the same “one moment of eternity” that is all that remains as time whilst stationed at the plane of mind …
So basis above, the time that ultimately applies to the mind sheath (which in Sanskrit language is called as Manomaya Kosha) which itself is an intrinsic partless-part the astral vehicle of any aspirant, is also of the same infinite nature of eternity …
And since speed is a factor of time and space (distance) i.e. Speed = time multiplied by distance, so if the time becomes infinite (or eternity), then speed would also be infinite …
Thus due to above, unless the speed of travel of the astral vehicle (and thus the mind vehicle as mind is a major part of the astral vehicle) is consciously controlled, no cosmic distances can ever be measured by the astral vehicle because in an uncontrolled state of astral travels, the astral would exit out of the entire multi-universe within a single moment only … Thus is the need to control the astral vehicle’s speed consciously when it is utilized to take cosmic measurements …
26-BB … Understanding one characteristic of mind sheath and astral vehicle …
Since mind exists in eternal unity to the triple times and since time itself is the primordial dimension of macrocosmic creation upon which other three dimensions of space (Akasha), directions (ways of life or paths of evolution) and state (modes, conditions and states of existence) depend, so mind is also in a unity to all aspects of space, directions (paths or ways of life) and all states of Maker’s Makings …
This is because once the aspirant unites to the finality of primordial dimension of Maker’s Makings i.e. eternity of time (or Sanatan Tattva), then everything else is also unioned to (by that aspirant) … Thus since mind sheath exists in unity to the triple times, so mind also happens to be in union to all that falls under aspects of space, directions (ever changeful ways of life or paths of evolution) and also to all that comes under the purviews of state (i.e. all gross and subtle states of Maker’s Makings) …
As such, until the natural flows of mind are not interfered with through corrupt (non-real) individualistic and thus dualistic ways of life (or knowledge systems) mind is always in a state of union to allness and her each part …
Thus when we let go of all sorts of individualistic systems (i.e. monotheistic systems) then mind automatically begins resting in its natural state of unity to allness and her each part …
By individualistic aspects I mean anything that relates individualism of geographies (like manmade imaginary barriers of nations etc.), geopolitics, political aspects, aspects related to individualistic self serving and thus greedy ways of economics-business-trade-services and these individualistic aspects also include those imaginary states of individualism of cultures, civilizations, societies, genders, sex, race, color, creed etc. … All these non realities only came by during the last few millenniums of this divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) as prior to this degenerate age, the eternal way of life (Sanatan Dharma) and its humanist (Manavta Vadi) pluralistic monist (Bahuvadi Advaita) ways of life were existent upon this world …
All these mentioned forms of individualism only lead to subtle fractures in the mind and thus they ultimately lead to a state where as far as worldly matters (or worldly existence of an aspirant) are concerned, the mind moves out of its eternally unioned state to allness and her each part … And in such a condition, the mind also ends up resting within one or another individualistic way from a worldly point of view … And even when this worldly existence is a matter of fact, yet as far as the innermost essential state of the mind is concerned, it continues to keep to its “innermost unity to allness and her each part” and that innermost unity would always come to fore whenever any aspirant would consciously let go of all forms of individualism …
This characteristic of mind is what makes the mind sheath to be a better of all mediums (which is present inside the aspirant’s microcosm itself) to unite to allness and this itself becomes the further reason for mind to become capable to travel through allness in a conscious state and thus make that aspirant to know allness and that too through a direct cognition of it …
And this characteristic of mind is the one which renders the ability (to astral vehicle or Sookshma Sharira) to go anywhere and study anything within the entire multi-universal creation and this study is also through a direct cognition (or self realization) and not through any imaginary aspects which also are generated by the same mind sheath only …
An ignorant mind only imagines something as real and this imagination of mind is the one which becomes as the root cause of origination of individualistic systems … And due to this reason, once the mind has known allness and that too through a direct cognition, then it can never relate to individualistic systems any further … This is the stage when the mind enters into a stage where it begins resting in pluralistic monism, i.e. a way of life where one knows that “all roads lead to the same home” …
And above is possible only because of the fact that if the natural flows and dynamism of the mind are not interfered with (by entering into individualistic systems which as such are totally against the natural state of pluralistic monism of mind) then the mind also begins to rest within its natural state of “eternal oneness to allness and her each part” …
Only when the mind gets based upon individualities of time (due to being based upon individualistic ways of life) that it enters into aspects that are related to an ever change …
And when the same mind is restored back to its pristine (or original) state, then that mind again begins to exist in undivided and thus a partless oneness to eternity and thus it also begins resting in a state of “oneness to allness and her each part” …
This is because when an individual state of time is unioned to, then the mind only rests in unitary value of time (which relate to that state in which the mind rests) and in such a state, the corresponding unitary value of space is also to which that mind relates …
If eternity (i.e. finality of time) is united to by the mind, then infinity of space (i.e. finality of space) is also automatically unioned to by the same mind and such a mind (or aspirant) also relates to pluralistic monism (as a way of life of direction) and omnipresent being (as state of mind) …
On the contrary, if unitary values (or individualistic aspects of time) are related to by the mind, then that mind also rests in those individualistic ways of life which correspond to the associated (or related) unitary values of time (such as those concepts where end of time is stated instead of the eternal cyclic nature of time), space (an individualistic heaven etc.), directions (individualistic ways of life or monotheistic religions or an egoistic God etc.) and state (where there are concepts that only believers shall go to heaven and rest all are deemed to eternal hells) … And since all such individualistic systems are naught but utter nonsense, so such individualistic (or monotheistic) systems cannot ever be eternal bases for leading to a state of “unity of all to each other” or even a “unity of any aspirant to allness and her each part” which itself makes such systems to be nothing but harbingers of a cyclic state of chaos across all ways and walks of life on that planet (where such systems exist) …
But at the same time, since the fact remains that if the mind rests in “unity allness and her each part”, then it would be having infinite speed and thus it cannot useful for cosmic measurements, so for the purpose of this topic, the mind would need to rest in unitary values of time only …
Thus it is to one or another of the unitary values of time, that the mind must be made to relate so as to make the astral vehicle to be able to take cosmic distances because of the fact that if eternity gets related to, then the entire macrocosmic creation would get traversed by the astral vehicle within a single moment of time itself and thus the cosmic measurements cannot ever be taken in such a case …
Due to this reason, unless the speed of the astral vehicle is willingly slowed down, no cosmic distance measurement can ever be done by utilizing the astral vehicle … But this slowing down can only happen is the aspirant is an adept of astral travels (i.e. a Siddha who is already an adept of techniques of Sookshma Sharira Gaman) and that aspirant is also the one whose mind is already unioned to the plane of mind (i.e. unioned to Aghora face of Sadashiva) and thus that aspirant also rests within the purviews of a Vedic Mahavakya, which the self realized, all realized sages had told as Mann Brahma …
And since the essential nature of mind sheath is of “one moment of eternity” which itself is that which is at the plane of mind, so due to this reason, when the mind sheath is already resting at the plane of mind (i.e. the mind sheath is in unity to the plane of mind or to Ahum Naad) then the mind can rest there till eternity and yet that mind vehicle would only believe that it was at its own plane for a single moment only …
26-CC … Need of control of wanderings of mind …
Thus basis previous discussions on this topic, since the mind can be utilized to know allness, so it is also due to this reason that there are many systems which rightly state that mind can be utilized to realize the reality of allness …
But this self realization of the divinity of allness and her each part can never be possible when the useless wanderings of mind are not consciously controlled … And the same aspect of control of wanderings of mind is also a must for taking cosmic measurements … Thus is the importance of control of wanderings of mind within the knowledge of Kaalchakra also …
Unless the mind becomes stabilized in its own essential nature, it can also not rest in unity to allness and her each part … And in absence of such a unity, that mind also cannot ever be a utilized as a tool to unite to its finality i.e. union to eternity of time, infinity of space, omni-directionality of directions (or ways of life or paths of evolution) and omni-directionality of state (i.e. fullness of union to all that is as subtle and gross parts of the entire Maker’s Makings) …
Absence of above unity itself is the root cause of origination of individualistic systems and it is due to this reason that the existence of individualism (any individualistic or monotheistic system) is a proof that the one who gave that system to humanity, was not resting in unity to allness and her each part …
And thus all those who gave individualistic systems (any form of monotheism) only prove that they still had not been able to control the wanderings of their own minds due to which they had still not rested their own mind into its own essential nature …
Those whose minds get unioned to allness and her each part, never propagate individualism as they already know that all individualistic systems are none other than being “lesser or greater parts” of the intrinsic pluralism and also the essential monism of the same macrocosmic creation (i.e. Maker’s Makings) …
Once the plane of mind (Aghora face of Sadashiva or Ahum Naad) is crossed over by the astral vehicle (or mind vehicle), then the same mind enters into the non lighted state of voidness (or emptiness) and gets absorbed there …
After this absorption, that mind vehicle is no longer in its earlier blue colored state … In Tantric Buddhism (and also in Tibetan Bardo), Ahum Naad is also addressed as Primordial Buddha Samantabhadra whose self realization also denotes an accomplishment of union to allness and her each part and thus the self realization of Sound of Ahum, which in Sanskrit means as Ahum Naad (and the same is also addressed as Buddha Samantabhadra) also denotes that the aspirant has already controlled the wanderings of mind … Due to this reason Tibetan Bardo is also a very good path of evolution …
And beyond the stage of absorption of mind into its own macrocosmic principal cause, is the stage of entering into Samadhi … Unless the mind is absorbed into its own macrocosmic principal cause, no aspirants can ever enter into any kind of Samadhi … Thus is also the importance of controlling the wanderings of mind …
As such, all the paths that ever lead to self-realization have always rested within those systems that assist in controlling the wanderings of the mind … Control of wanderings of mind leads to calming the mind, which itself is the reason for the mind to eventually begin resting in own essential nature …
All self realized, all realized Vedic sages (Rishi, Avadhoot, Siddha etc.) have also told the same thing, but through various ways and where each of these ways eventually relate to the same facts as are stated below …
- Inward path is the cause of inner calm and outward path of loss of calm …
- Calm the mind (i.e. rest in an inner calm), so as to know the real …
- Calming of mind is the path to self realization …
- Inner calm (calming of mind) is the way to an outer peace (peace in environment) …
- Unity of inner calm and outer peace, is the path to Samadhi (Absorption) …
- And I add … It is only within a stage of “conscious absorption (i.e. Chaitanya Samadhi)” that the astral vehicle can be utilized to take cosmic measurements …
One who is already absorbed (or is in Samadhi) enters into the golden age cycle and this statement is not dependent upon the age cycle that is underway upon a world … Below statements are told basis this fact itself …
- A golden age never manifests when humanity is based in outward paths …
- A degenerate age never comes when humanity is within inward paths …
Thus basis above statements, are the below stated facts …
- Inward path or path of self realization only leads to the human age cycle that is also called as the golden age …
- Outward path (paths of various egoistic and thus individualistic Gods and their heavens) only leads to degenerate age cycle …
And since inward path or path of self realization can never be firmly rested in unless the mind is already calmed, so ultimately calming of mind is also a path to entering into a golden age cycle and this statement is also irrespective of the cycle of time that is underway upon a world …
One who has calmed his (or her) mind and thus has already reached a stage where his (or her) mind is no longer wandering, ultimately enters into a golden age cycle and this stage can also be when the world is still continuing within a divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) …
This stage of a human golden age cycle (Manav Satyuga) manifesting within the larger cycle of time (as is of a divine degenerate age) is what a Guru Yuga (or an Age of Sages) actually means …
So prior to the inauguration of the incoming Guru Yuga (which would be around 2082 AD, +/- 27 years and a further +/- 1 to 2.7 years), the humans of this world would have already begun walking on the inward paths of calming the mind … This is because a Guru Yuga is the human age cycle which could be thus told …
An inner calm as the path to outer peace
And that inner calm can never come by until ones gets based upon those subtle systems that are related to the intrinsic pluralism and essential monism of the Maker’s Makings … This also was one of the needs for writing this very long and very difficult text of Maker’s Makings because this would be forming the root of paths of the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga or human age of truth) …
26-DD … Mixing of concentration and meditation … Law of cause and effect and law of reverse effect …
When we use will to concentrate upon something divine (like our own self or a deity or the reality itself) then a stage comes where concentration must automatically turn into spontaneous meditation …
If concentration automatically turns into spontaneous meditation, then we come under the purviews of the Law of cause and effect (i.e. as you sow, so shall you reap) …
And at above stage when concentration is to automatically turn into spontaneous meditation, if we get disturbed or if we try to willingly continue to concentrate, then we come under the purviews of the Law of reverse effect (i.e. What you shall reap would be reverse of what who have sowed) … This is a major reason for troubles and the root reason of this is an absence of an inner calm and an outer peace …
So, if we force the astral vehicle to continue to measure a plane even when that astral should be returning back from there (i.e. returning back to the physical vehicle) then this is when the “law of reverse effect” cuts in during that cosmic measurement itself … When such an aspirants astral body would enter the physical vehicle, then that aspirant would also enter into some sort of suffering …
When we concentrate, then a state arrives where spontaneous conscious meditation commences … This spontaneous meditation is the base reason for any conscious astral travel (i.e. Sookshma Sharira Gaman) … If we try to counter this stage (of concentration turning into spontaneous meditation) then also we enter into “law of reverse effect” …
During meditative conscious astral travels, a further stage arrives where that meditation needs to be ended consciously … But if we try to counter it, then also we enter into the severities of “law of reverse effect” …
If concentration or meditations are done in a group, then also the “law of reverse effect” can kick in … This is because of the fact that concentration and the later stage of spontaneous meditation can only be accomplished if it is done in a peaceful environment (i.e. isolated from the sounds of civilizations) … Thus meditation cannot ever be done in a group (or in places where external disturbances are there) and if this fact is not complied with during practices, then the “law of reverse effect (or Viprit Phala Siddhant)” would kick in for such aspirants and this itself would be in lieu of what should have been there as manifestation of results as per “law of cause and effect (i.e. Karma aur Karma Phala Siddhant)” …
Due to this reason, concentrations and meditations should always be done alone (i.e. in a peaceful place) … And on the contrary, prayer which as such is a way to express gratitude and thanksgiving (to anyone, including your deity) must always be done in a group (so as to expand its divinities of it by sameness of thoughts and words of that group) …
Thus even prayer would not be “fully” effective unless the general direction of thoughts of that group (who is doing that prayer) are the same whilst reciting the “same” prayer and it is also due to this reason, the importance of control over wanderings of mind cannot be discounted even when such prayers are done in a group …
As such when a large group prays and some members of that group have negative emotions or thoughts, then they also nullify the prayer of those who hold positive emotions and this is what reduces the effectiveness of that prayer as a whole (as far as manifestation of divinities in that group are concerned) …
Those systems which have not complied to that which is discussed in this short deviation, have always been instruments of cyclic chaos in a world due to their adherents entering into the “law of reverse effect” …
All those systems (or paths) where aspirants keep thinking, “why is my God not solving my problems” are also those who don’t comply to what is written here …
Proceeding further …
The same principle needs to be followed when taking measurements of cosmic distances as are being discussed in this part of the topic or else the manifestation of law of reverse effect during astral measurements would only end up being a reason for later sufferings …
This discussion is based upon those experiences when I had ended up in sufferings during and after astral travels due to non compliance to above discussed aspects, so I found a need to add this discussion in the topic of Kaalchakra, even when it does not directly relate to what I intend to discuss here …
Continues …