Here we shall discuss the method of Astral measurement i.e. utilizing the “astral body (or Sookshma Sharira)” to measure vast distances that run in many millions of years of travel of manifest light … But in this method there is a limitation of measurement of distance and this limitation is that it cannot be accurately utilized mean the center of planes of existences (i.e. Galaxies etc.) where a non lighted central part that had bright diamond white lights in it is present i.e. this method cannot be accurately utilized inside and at the immediate peripheries of a Black hole that is present in middle of most larger celestial aspects …
The same method of reduction of speed of astral travel and then keeping that speed constant was utilized to measure all the earlier and later discussed ratios of this topic (or Kaalchakra) …
So during measurements of each of these groups of “Length: Breadth: Height (or Depth)” the speed of astral travel was reduced considerably and also maintained constant through conscious means because if this control is left, then the speed of travel of the mind vehicle would be so huge (I mean infinite speed) that it would travel across the entire macrocosmic creation in a single moment only and in such a case, the astral vehicle cannot even be utilized to measure any cosmic ratios (or relative distances) which as such are the base of cosmic measurements …
This topic is in continuation to the previous one of “Cosmic measurements” …
27-AA … Astral values of ratios and relative distances … Astral measurement …
Astral measurements also have a limitation because astral is subtler than gross aspects of the plane of existence (like a galaxy) which is measured, so it cannot be “fully” utilized for physical measurements … This is one of the limitations when it comes to utilizing astral measurement for deriving values of the physical aspects of a universe … But this does not mean that astral cannot be utilized to measure these physical aspects of cosmic measurements …
Plus one of the limitations in such physical measurements of vast celestial aspects (like a galaxy etc.) is that these planes (Galaxies etc.) have no physically defined boundaries so it is impossible to measure their sizes in physical terms …
Thus these subtler measurement techniques have to mostly rely upon the measurements of energies (Prana) and this subtler measurement may or may not rely on (or relate to) the physicality’s of the plane of existence (or any other cosmic state) … Thus mostly that which can be measured by the subtle vehicle (astral body) by the method of controlled state of conscious astral travel through the macrocosmic states, are subtler aspects (and to a certain extent, the gross or physical ones also) …
But since subtler is the parental state of the grosser manifested states (because the grosser had originated out of the original subtler) so when we do subtler measurements then the grosser (i.e. child) is already accounted for because the grosser (or child) is as an intrinsic part of the subtler (or parental) counterpart and also that the subtler is also a pervader (or permeator) and enveloper of the grosser …
And yet because the grosser (physical) state can never be directly measured (or be like a measurement which is independent of the subtler) so this is definitely a limitation of this method of utilization of the astral vehicle for cosmic measurements …
27-BB … Method of subtle measurement …
In the method of astral measurement which was utilized to know the earlier stated ratios (of Length: Breadth = 1.08: 1.00), wherever the energies (or Prana) becomes negligible (prior passing through the expanses of a cosmic state) and where these energies (or Prana) again become negligible (after already passing through the expanses of a cosmic state) is the expanse of that state in astral units … The same was also used for “some” grosser measurements …
And even the reverse of above method is true as just prior the energies become negligible (after crossing past the ranges of a plane of existence), there is a very high concentration of these energies (at the edges of a plane of existence) and the same is when just about entered into that cosmic state …
These concentrated energies as are at the outer edges of a plane of existence, are of a typical bluish hue, so even this blue color can be used as a base to know where the planic boundary begins (prior transiting it) and where it ends (after completing the transit through it) … This blue color denotes the concentrated state of “macrocosmic attribute of inertia (or Tamoguna)” and it is also related to the “Aghora face of Sadashiva (whose sound is as was discussed as Ahum Naad and who in Tantric Buddhism is also addressed as Buddha Samantabhadra and self realization is of the Mahavakya is also told as Mann Brahma or mind is the Absolute)” and this color is always present (in lesser or larger amounts of it) at the outer edges of planes of existences …
And since the primordial dimension of macrocosmic creation is of time (or Kaal), so the stated ratio of astral units (of Length : Breadth = 1.08 : 1.00) was derived basis the time (in seconds) that was taken to traverse through the plane of existence (or even a universe) and where this time was calculated mentally (as it was a conscious astral travel, so the brain was not sleeping like the way it is during sleep when the same astral travel is in an unconscious state) …
Thus by this method of calculation, the measurements which are arrived would provide a ratio of the energy expanses of the plane of existence +++ and not the actual physical distance (physical expanses) or distances in those unitary values or unit distances) that are utilized to measure distances upon this planet … To derive these distances in units that are used by present day humanity, some relative aspect (which is used by humanity to measure their distances) would need to be taken as a base to convert these astral measurements into those which can be utilized by humanity …
Note: +++ of above paragraph shall be taken up in the next sub-part of this discussion …
But above would also need to be based in the same relativity as is of the methods that are utilized within the systems of present day humanity, so this method would also have some limitations as far as accurate values are concerned … Due to this reason, I have mostly used this method for subtle aspects …
Note: Though in some rare cases I have used it for some gross or physical measurements also, but this was only to verify as I really don’t trust such measurements which relate to grossness especially when measuring them whilst using the astral vehicle (or even other subtler vehicles which were discussed in the earlier topic of Siddha Sharira and Loka) … So in some parts of this topic, I have also stated that this astral method would work “only” for subtler and not grosser or physical aspects because I really do not believe those grosser measurements that are done by utilizing the subtler astral vehicle (or Sookshma Sharira) … Even though these grosser measurements are correctly calculated but because they were obtained by resting within their subtler parent, so the conversion of subtler to grosser measurements is what makes me not fully believe in these grosser measurements, even when they have been done correctly …
Proceeding further …
As also, distance in units that are accepted by humanity cannot be directly derived by this method of subtler measurements … This grosser data (or gross distance) can only be derived indirectly, such as by adopting units of an aspect (or a group of aspects) which is visible to naked eye, but it still is a subtle aspect …
Proceeding further …
By this method of subtle measurements, inability to derive distance in physical realms directly is due to the fact that distance is a function of speed and time and because speed of astral is variable in addition to not being of physical units (as the astral speed is in astral units only) so by this method it is impossible to derive the distance that is based upon physically adopted unitary values that are utilized by humans on earth … So unless some intermediary state is chosen which is resting in both gross and subtle aspects of Maker’s Makings, this conversion of astral distances to physically accepted ones cannot ever happen …
Proceeding even further …
But at the same time, the values which have been calculated here are absolute values as these are rooted in the dimension of time and not based upon use of any physical instrument which has its minor changes due to environmental and other factors … Thus my calculations are not dependent upon those minor (and variable) changes that always take place due to effects of variations in temperature-pressure-directions-states-etc., upon any of the physical instruments (which in turn leads to minor discrepancies in final observed values) … My calculated values are free of suchness due to being based upon universal aspects and not physical instruments of sorts …
All values stated in this text are only derived by utilizing the cyclic nature of time (or Kaalchakra) as a base which itself is based upon subtler (or divine) aspects instead of being based upon gross (or physical) ones to which modern scientific methods are related …
And since the subtler is the parental state of the grosser (as the grosser only originates out of the original subtler) so my calculated (or derived) values are definitely closer to the actual as compared to many of the current scientifically derived values …
As also, as far as very large distances when calculated basis speed of light are concerned, there is also another limitation when utilizing the speed of light … This limitation is that even if the speed of manifest-light (Rashmi) is used as a base to derive distances and thus the speed of astral travel is slowed down to the speed of light (i.e. speed of travel of Rashmi) yet due to vast expanses that are referred to within cosmic measurements, the time that would be taken in measurement of a single plane of existence (like this Milky Way galaxy) would only be running into thousands or even hundreds of thousand years …
Thus if speed of light is utilized as a base to measure distances during astral travels (by slowing the astral vehicle to the speed of light) then the aspirant who measures would need to sit in Samadhi for thousands (or even hundred thousands) of years, which itself is impractical as by the time such a research would end, the human age cycle would have only turned and thus such a method would be of no use for those generations of humans who would be present on that world at such a time (i.e. after the measurement completes) …
So due to this reason, as is variable the expanse of all cosmic states, so is variable the speed of astral travel though those cosmic states (when measuring its ratios of length, breadth and height) … Thus if someone thinks that a constant speed of travel through all cosmic states is needed to measure them, then it is a serious flaw in understanding this system of measurement of cosmic distances through astral travels …
And since the need of a knowledge is also dependent upon time cycles (and thus is also dependent upon human age cycles) so such a long time of research (when using speed of light as a base speed) would also not serve any purpose as by the time the research ends, the need for manifestation of that knowledge would already be over due to a change of the human age cycle (as was when this research was started) …
Each knowledge system is manifested upon a world as per the demands of a particular cycle of time (i.e. a divine age cycle or even a human age cycle) and if that knowledge cannot manifest when this demand manifests as per the requirements of a time cycle, then that knowledge would only be a waste …
Thus it is also due to this reason that the one who is to implant the foundations of a knowledge system (for an age cycle) always arrives prior that cycle of time even commences and most of such arrivals are such that they only happen at the last stage of the last phase of change of the cycle to the next one …
And due to this reason, in this method of measurements of vast cosmic distances via astral travels, the speed of Rashmi (i.e. speed of manifest light rays) cannot even be utilized as a base speed for the astral travels because if the speed of the astral vehicle is slowed down to the speed of light, then to measure distance of a single plane of existence would only end up taking a few thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years as a minimum (depending upon the expanse of a state would be the time that would be taken to measure these expanses of cosmic states) …
So to overcome this limitation, the astral units were used in this measurement and thus I have derived ratios in astral units instead of units of distances as are used by humanity of today … And this is also due to the fact that irrespective of whether you use ratios or actual distances, the finally derived or calculated values which relate to either of the subtler (non physical) or grosser (physical) aspects would remain the same …
This method of using astral time units was used to overcome the need of deriving distances in human accepted units (of distances) because these human accepted units of distances are immaterial as far as the supreme genius of divine mathematics of Maker’s Makings is concerned … Yet to make humanity appreciate this knowledge, I have had to convert these astral values into that state which could be resting within unitary values that are accepted by humanity (so I also had to study to know what “unit values” are being used by humanity) …
And because I do not utilize physical instruments to derive values (as I hold none of these expensive material instruments) so that which is blessed from within the Makings of Maker, is all that was utilized during measurements and later mathematical calculations of these cosmic and other values … These finally derived (or calculated or observed) values are also pretty close to the real ones (which I shall prove during later derivations and calculations within this topic of Kaalchakra) …
Thus basis above, as far as my method of observation and later derived values are concerned, they only relate to divine mathematics, which itself is of the supreme genius of the current creator (i.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji) of the entire multi-universal macrocosmic creation … And to make these divine values and their calculations understandable, I have also had to reduced them to those “unit values” which the scientific part of humanity has adopted as of now …
27-CC … Method of calculation of relative distances by unitary values of time …
+++ Proceeding further to explain +++ of an earlier paragraph (in 27-BB above) …
+++ I am a Master Mariner by profession and having spent about 2.5+ decades at sea, I also happen to be an “old sea dog (this is what they call sailors like me at sea) … So during this time span I only ended up roaming almost the entire world … And by hobby I roam those subtle macrocosmic fields of beyond realms …
This subtle travels are dependent upon which macrocosmic state is roamed and thus these subtle travels are either by utilizing the astral vehicle (that in Sanskrit language is called as Sookshma Sharira) and/or the bliss body or bliss sheath (or the causal body that in Sanskrit language is called as Antahkarana Chatushtaya) or by utilizing one of the accomplishment vehicles which I have already discussed in an earlier category of topics on “Siddha Sharira and Loka” … And basis my experiences of travels through the physical sea (of this planet) and those subtle macrocosmic oceans, I know that both are equally interesting in addition to both having their own specific perils …
+++ Marine navigators who have been taking celestial sights by marine sextants (this was very common during olden days that were prior the global positioning system came by as an aid to navigation) would know the mental count of time (in seconds) which is utilized in fixing ships positions by sextant sights … And during those olden days since celestial sights by marine sextants was the primary method for fixing the ships position at sea, so such marine navigators (i.e. those marine navigators who are from those good old days when GPS was not there and when position fixes by Satnav also used to be a luxury at sea) have never doubted the accuracies of such measurements through utilization of time units … This is because of that fact that by this method we could pin point the ships position within a few hundred meters as a worst case scenario (I mean when ships were moderately rolling and pitching at sea and thus chances of errors of position fixes were also higher) …
+++ During those good old times at sea when use of marine sextants was a very common (for daily fixing of the ship position at sea), the time which was in-between the stage when the celestial body was brought down (by the use of sextant) to the visible horizon and till the time when the navigator who took that sight (of a celestial object by using the marine sextant) could reach inside the navigation bridge, was calculated mentally (in seconds) …
+++ And once the navigator reached inside the navigation bridge, then he use to note the actual time from the ships clock (ships clock is adjusted daily to UTC) and then he used to reduce that mentally calculated time from the ships time (in seconds) so as to get the real time of that celestial observation, basis which the ships position was calculated by the marine navigator …
+++ This was such a good method of deriving the ships position and once a navigator became an adept of this method of taking celestial fixes (or geographical positions basis celestial observations) the accuracy was around a few hundred meters as a worst case scenario and even if the ship was rolling and pitching moderately …
Proceeding further …
And since I also happen to be a marine navigator (actually I am a master mariner as of last few years has been commanding one of the largest size of ships at sea) and since I was present at sea during those olden times when GPS fixes were unheard of and position fixes by Satnav also used to be a luxury at sea, so basis this knowledge of sea I decided to use the same method for celestial observations of relative distances of planes of existences and that too by utilizing the method of counting of time (Just as we used to use for calculating ships position in those good old but bygone days) …
During measurement of above ratios I had used the same method to track time whilst the astral vehicle was transiting through any of the lengths or breadths or heights (or depths) of those celestial planes (including this Milky Way galaxy) …
And the same method of finding the ratios of length, breadth and height (or depth) was also used calculating the dimensional expanses of many other galaxies and also for this universal sphere in whose envelopes our galaxy and other galaxies rest …
Thus during conscious astral travel, all that needs to be done is to mentally count the time whilst reducing the speed of astral vehicle and then keeping that speed constant during measurements of the three axis lines of the plane of existence or the universal sphere (depending upon what is measured by this method) …
Three axis lines are the X, Y and Z axis … And even when there eventually are 4 axis, 6 axis, 8 axis, 10 axis, 12 axis, 14 axis, 24 axis, then 36 axis, 38 axis (This axis is of Brahma and it also relates to 38 Mukha Rudraksha), then 64 axis and then finally there are 96 axis, yet I only used it for the three axis (or X,Y and Z planes) which relate to this part of the universe (because any more than these three would only make these values to not relate to this world system) … Unless the calculated values are related to the world where we reside, what use is of them …
And whilst each measurement is done through astral travels across the length, breadth and height (or depth) of a plane of existence whilst keeping the speed consciously constant (This is very easy to do on the astral or causal plane as one only needs to will it to be such) and because the travel of astral is in a conscious state, so the brain stays active and thus the brain can be utilized to count the time (in seconds) of that travel from a state of negligible Prana (i.e. negligible energies at start of the travel through a plane) to the further state of negligible Prana (i.e. negligible energies at the end of the travel through a plane) which as such gives the relative distance of those states in astral units but basis time of this physical realm of earth (i.e. time taken to pass between these two states of negligible energies, is the astral ratio of distance of travel in above mentioned three axis) …
And the same method can also be used to calculate in the reverse way i.e. from the point of first burst of Prana (i.e. at start of travel through a plane of existence) till the point of last (or final) burst of Prana (i.e. at end of travel through a plane of existence) … This method is also equally effective as at the outer edges of any plane of existence, there is a concentration of blue colored macrocosmic attribute of inertia (Tamoguna) and this is what given a certain jerk (a resistance) to the travelling astral vehicle due to concentrated state of Prana in macrocosmic inertia (that is at the outer edges of a plane of existence) … Thus time that is taken in between the two bursts is the astral distance … But this method needs to carefully done as when passing through (or even around) the central part of a galaxy, the middle burst of Prana would come (as the central core is also having very high energy fields which also give a very strong burst of Prana to the travelling astral vehicle) and due to this reason, if one is not careful then half distance would be deemed to be total distance of a plane of existence …
Due to this reason, this method of measuring time (or distance) through energy bursts was not my preferred way …
But at the same time and as far as possible, I always tried to avoid a transit through the central part of the galaxies because many a times the travel of astral vehicle becomes erratic (because if one is not extremely careful when approaching the central part of a galaxy, then the chances of astral vehicle toppling over and getting disoriented and thus completely losing directionality is also very high) … And as a worst case scenario ……………………
Thus even when the subtle astral vehicle (Sookshma Sharira) is used to travel those vast expanses of galaxies whilst keeping its speed constant (by the will of the aspirant) yet to know the values of relative distances, the calculation of time is simultaneously done the physical brain … This is how the earlier told ratios of distances (of Length: Breadth = 1.08: 1.00) were derived …
27-DD-1 … Limitations of above method in the center of a plane and universe … Limitation of measurement …
This is to discuss the limitations of this method in certain measurements of celestial ratios (and thus celestial distances) which relate to the central non lighted part (Maybe what I saw was the black hole) of this (and any other) plane of existence (Galaxy) …
The energy fields become higher in quantum when the astral is transiting in the middle mountain like state of this and every other plane of existence (i.e. Milky Way galaxy and every other Galaxy) …
This mountain like state is something like the towering Himalayas which separate the Indian sub-continent from northern countries (i.e. China and others countries that lie to the north of Indian subcontinent) …
As also, the quantum of energies are of a phenomenally high strength when the astral vehicle is stationed closer edges of the central non-lighted part of the plane of existence (the same is also within any of the planes of existence or galaxies) … The outer-edges of this central-part of the plane of existence are where the energies are very high in quantum …
And this is what puts a limitation in measurements of relative distances when the path of the astral vehicle is passing through the central non lighted part of a galaxy or of a universe because the subtle traveling vehicle cannot maintain its directional stability …
This central part is where Vishnu Nabhi and Vishnulingam is present … I have intentionally not painted the Vishnu Nabhi and Vishnulingam as I feel some deeper concepts must be left to self realizations of interested aspirants … But yet in the following sub-parts, I have very briefly described the Vishnu Nabhi and Vishnulingam …
27-DD-2 … Center of a galaxy and universe … Vishnulingam and Vishnu Nabhi … Black Hole …
Vishnulingam (or Vishnu Lingam) and Vishnu Naabhi (or Vishnu Nabhi) is an omnipresent state i.e. present in each microcosm (including the galaxy and universe) … This is present in the central part of the galaxy and universe …
This central part is like a tubular structure which has very weird energy fields … These energies also have a very high in power and their rate of movements per unit time is also very high … This is what makes the subtle travel through these energy fields to be extremely erratic as far as directional stability is concerned …
This central tubular non lighted structure is the “Vishnu Nabhi” and its central tubular luminous part is the “Vishnulingam” as is told in Vedic lore …
Vishnulingam is made up of two words, Vishnu and Lingam … In simple terms Vishnu means the preserver of allness or the preservation principle which as such is the parent of the origination principle (i.e. grandfather and creator of allness or Pitamah Brahma Ji) … Thus Vishnu also means great-grandfather of allness (or Par-Pitamah) … Lingam means a sign, a symbol and it also means that which denotes … So Vishnulingam means the “Symbol of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu” or “that which denotes Sri Bhagwan Vishnu” …
The Vishnulingam is existent inside the Vishnu Nabhi or the navel cord of Sri Vishnu or the preservation principle …
Vishnu Naabhi is the central non-lighted tubular core of galaxy and the same is also within each of the universes …
Inside this central core of Vishnu Naabhi, is the luminous staff like state of Vishnulingam …
The single staffs which are carried by Vedantin’s of Hinduism are also denoting the same Vishnulingam only …
And when the Kundalini Shakti rises up the base of spine and reaches the top of brain where the thousand petalled lotus of the 7th plexus (or Brahmarandra Chakra or Sahasrara) is present, then the same Vishnulingam is also seen to be present within the spinal column (Meru Danda) …
And in such a condition that same Vishnulingam is also addressed by many names like Sumeru Parvat (Mount Sumeru), Meru Parvat (Mount Meru) and also as Mount Sinai (of Judaism and Christianity, i.e. the mount on which Sage Moses had his self realization) etc. …
When the white pot of lighted butter rises up and finally reaches the 8th plexus (this was already discussed in the earlier set of topic on “Shiva Taraka Naad” and was also discussed in another set of topics on “Ashtama Chakra (which means as the Eighth chakra or 8th plexus”) then a very bright diamond white upwardly rising, oily snowflake like very highly luminous light manifests within the central core of spinal column (i.e. Sushumna Naadi or Vishnu Nabhi) and this light is the Vishnulingam …
Proceeding further …
This part of to discuss the Vishnulingam …
From outermost part of the staff of spinal column where the Vishnulingam forms, the colors are as follows …
- The outermost later is of a bright and bursting light (i.e. supercharged light) … This light is of an reddish-orange color … This is the light of Pingala Naadi or right hand channel whose divinity is of Rudra Deva, who is also addressed as Buddha ALA (In Buddhist lore) and as Allah Tala (In Islamic lore) in addition to being addressed as Tejas (heat-luminosity), Agni (Fire), Rajoguna in Yoga (which means, the macrocosmic attribute of action) and is also the red shift of astronomy … etc-etc …
- Continuing with above bullet point … All ancient systems which related to the worship of light (Prakash), Surya (Sun and Sun world or Surya Loka), Rejuvenation principle (Rudra Deva) and fire (Agni) were related to this subtle right hand channel (or Pingala Naadi) that is discussed here … This channel denotes Rudra Loka, whose sound is of ALA (or in other words, the Sound of ALA and which we had also discussed as ALA Naad) which is present inside each aspirant …
- The next inner layer is of a very subtle yellow color … This is the light of the left hand channel or Ida Naadi or the subtle channel of Idandra Deva (i.e. Lord or divinity of the Ida Naadi) who as such is also addressed Devaraja Indra as he is the ruler of all divine worlds …
- Continuing with above bullet point … Since Indra Deva also denotes the knowledge principle and Kingship principle, so after humanity stopped relating to him since the last almost 5000+ years (of this divine degenerate age cycle) humanity also lost all their earlier subtler (or higher or divine) knowledge systems and thus they got into individualistic systems of all sorts which in turn led to absence of righteous Kings (or Kings of allness or divinely chosen kings or simply Chakravartin Samraat) within this world (because Indra deva also denotes the Kingship principle) … And since individualism only leads to chaos, so humanity has also been facing a cyclic state of manmade, natural and divine chaos ever since that time when they left those systems which related to Indra … This channel denotes Indraloka (or divine world of ruler of all divine worlds) that is present inside each aspirant …
- Next inner layer is of a very subtle white color … This is at the outer part of the inner spinal column … This layer relates to Para Prakriti (or ninth sphere of Maker’s Makings or cloud nine of Buddhist lore) and this is also the state of the outer part of the Sushumna Naadi at the stage when the consciousness pot (White pot of lighted butter) begins rising up to the Ashtama Chakra (Eighth Chakra), but it has still not gone past the 7th plexus … Sushumna Naadi means the central channel which is located inside the spinal column and though which the inner divinities rise upwards from the base of spine (actually from a location that is just above the prostate gland of men) till the top of head (or the thousand petalled crown plexus or 7th chakra of Yoga) …
- The next inner layer of the Sushumna Naadi (or central channel) is activated when the white pot of lighted butter begins proceeding beyond the 7th plexus which is located at the top of brain (i.e. thousand petalled lotus of Brahmarandra Chakra or Sahasrara) … And at this stage, the inner core of this Sushumna Naadi (or central channel) is like a very-very highly luminous golden colored subtle-channel state which in turn has a very-very highly luminous diamond white light core in it … This is the Vajradanda Chakra of Yoga, and tis is also termed as Vajradanda of Buddhism and Siddha lore and this itself is what Sikh Lore addresses as Khanda Saab (whose length is of 300 hands) and is also the Staff of Moses and it also relates to the staffs of many of the ancient Greek and other gods …
- Within the original knowledge of it which as such was of the Shiva Lore’s, this was termed as Chitrini Naadi (or channel of supreme-auspiciousness or Naadi of Bhagwan Maheshwara aspect of Lord Shiva who is present inside each aspirant) and within the Yoga Tantra the same inner most core of central channel (or Sushumna Naadi) was also addressed as Brahm Naadi (Or Channel of absolute divinity or absolute self luminosity) …
And the same is also present within the Vishnu Naabhi of the plane of existence and the universe because the entire universe in its subtle impressional state is also present inside each aspirant …
Above is the Vishnulingam (of Vaishnava Lore’s) … And in Vedic scriptures the same was also addressed as the “staff of fire (of Bhagwan Shiva)” …
Thus basis above …
- The staff of fire of Bhagwan Shiva, itself is the Vishnulingam …
- Chitrini Naadi (of Shaiva Lore) itself is Brahma Naadi (of Yoga Tantra) …
- When this subtle channel (or Naadi) is seen to be surrounded by a non lighted envelope, then it is the Vishnulingam which holds all above discussed lights …
- And when this same subtle channel (or Naadi) is seen within a state where its outer envelope is of a bright bursting reddish orange colored lights, then it is told as the staff of fire of Bhagwan Shiva in Vedic lore …
- Thus ultimately it is the same subtle channel which is addressed differently across streams of the same Vedic knowledge systems and due to this reason, as far as the finality of these two deities are concerned, “Vishnu is Shiva and Shiva is also none other than Vishnu” …
- As also a fact, that whom Vedas have addressed as Bhagwan Vishvakarman (i.e. the divine macrocosmic architect), is none other than Sriman Naaraayana (of the same Vedas and also of Vaishnava Lore), Viraat Parabrahman Sadashiva (of the same Vedas and also of Shaiva Lore) and whose pristine-divinity (or Param Shakti) is also none other than Maa Adi Parashakti (of Shakta Lore) and this is also the self luminous state of blessing (Anugraha) of the absolute being, who has self manifested within the aspirants microcosm itself …
- Thus basis above and as a matter of fact, Saurya, Ganpatya, Vaishnava, Shakta and Shaiva lore’s are eventually relating to the same supreme state only …
Proceeding further …
Vishnulingam (which itself is the staff of fire of Shiva) is present within all the planes of existence and is also present within all the universes of this multi-universal, multi-planic, multi-world macrocosmic creation …
This Vishnulingam is also continuous across all planes and universes … Thus when any aspirant enters into the Vishnulingam that is present in the real middle of this plane of existence, then that aspirant can travel through all the planes of existences and all the universes as the same Vishnulingam is connecting all planes and universes into a matrix like state (because this Vishnulingam runs in an unbroken partless continuity across all the planes and universes) …
The since the “same” extremely subtle Vishnulingam (Staff of Sri Vishnu) is also present within each aspirants microcosm and this itself is in addition to being present in all worlds, planes and universe, so the Vishnulingam also ensures that each aspirant (i.e. microcosm) also exists in an eternal unity to allness and her each part …
Thus an entry into the Vishnulingam in turn leads to a state where a multi-planic and multi-universal travel is accomplished by that aspirant and that too where this subtler travel transits all states that are present across the entirety of macrocosm (or macrocosmic creation) …
Thus if any aspirant accomplishes the Vishnulingam, then that aspirant also becomes a knower of allness of Maker’s Makings … Such an aspirant eventually become a “Swaroop (i.e. a physically manifested state)” of “Pitamah Brahma Ji (i.e. the grandfather and creator of allness)” who had also originated out of same “divine navel of Sri Vishnu (i.e. Vishnu Naabhi)” and which itself is a part of the same Vishnulingam (Staff of Sri Vishnu) as the Vishnulingam itself resides inside the Vishnu Naabhi of each microcosm …
Thus these two i.e. Vishnu Naabhi and Vishnu Lingam are universally present in the middle of all planes of existences and all universes, in addition to being present inside each aspirant’s microcosm …
And basis above discussions, it is also pretty clear that the central part of a galaxy and universe is the same as far as below bullet points are concerned …
- The Vishnu Naabhi is the Staff of fire of Bhagwan Shiva and thus it holds the “destruction and rejuvenation principle (i.e. Samhara Krityam)” of Bhagwan Shiva …
- The same Vishnu Naabhi is the one which holds the Vishnulingam within itself and this is what makes it to also hold the “preservation principle (Stithi Siddhant or Stithi Krityam)” of Sri Vishnu …
- And the same Vishnu Naabhi is also related to the “origination principle (Utpatti Siddhant or Utpatti Krityam)” of Pitamah Brahma Ji …
- The same Vishnulingam is the one which is of Maheshwara (Great Lord of allness) and thus the Vishnulingam is also the state which holds the veiling principle (Tirodhan Krityam) of Maheshwara …
- And the same Vishnulingam also holds the “divinity of supreme blessing (Anugraha Krityam) of Parabrahman (Brahman or in other words, this can also be addressed as Parmeshvara) who as such is the centrally located, colorless crystal like, upwardly looking Ishana face of Sadashiva …
- Thus basis above three bullet points, the central lighted yet non lighted part of the universe is the state from where origination, preservation, destructive rejuvenation, veiling and unveiling divinities reside within each microcosm … And these are continuously taking place in one aspect or the other of the Maker’s Makings and her each part (i.e. within each microcosm and macrocosm) depending upon their own evolutionary standings within the macrocosmic hierarchies …
- So basis above bullet point, those astronomers and astrophysicists who say any other that what is told here have still to reached the Gantavya (or finality) of this common knowledge about the central core of all galaxies and universes and which itself is the same divine central core that is also present inside their own central channel (Sushumna Naadi) as is inside their own spinal column …
Due to this reason when any aspirant is already stationed within the Vishnulingam, then a type of subtler travel is arrived where that aspirant is not restricted to a single plane of existence (like this Milky Way Galaxy) or to a single universe (like the universe in which we live as of now) because that very subtle state of the Vishnulingam is in fact continuous across the entire macrocosmic creation … Continuous means that it is ever present within the central part of each of the planes and universes just as it is present inside the spinal column of each aspirant whose inner divinities have already traversed through whatever was discussed in the earlier category of topics on “Shiva Taraka Naad” and the same was also discussed in the earlier category of topics on “Ashtama Chakra (or the Eighth plexus, which in Siddha Lore’s is also addressed as Niralamba Chakra and in some other lore’s this is also addressed as Niralambasthana” …
Proceeding further …
But when the universe is completely transited through and then the astral vehicle also realizes its central core, then at this time when the astral vehicle is standing at the edge of that universe, a bright reddish orange colored vast state shall be found to be as the outermost layer of a universe and this bright reddish orange colored vast state is also found to be of very vast expanses which would also be seen to be further surrounded by a very subtle yellow colored light which is of very-very vast expanses …
Thus what sequences of colors are within the aspirants spinal column (i.e. yellow within red color, just as we have already discussed earlier) is reverse of how it is within the universe (in the universe it is red color within a yellow envelope) especially when we consider its outermost edges …
It is within the unioned state of these red and yellow colors, that the Multi-universal manifested state of macrocosmic creation is existent … This has already been discussed through a painted sketch in an earlier topic of “Lingams within and beyond” …
And the union of the red and orange colored lights leads to manifestation of an orange color at their intersections … This orange light has already been discussed in an earlier topic of “Rudra Deva … ALA Naad”,then the discussions on the same orange colored light was taken up in “Proceeding into ALA Naad”, and some discussions on the this light but from the point of view of inward path or path of self realization was taken up in “Rudra … The one … But in Many” and the same light was also discussed in “Light of ALA Naad within” …
And the surrounding yellow light (as was discussed in previous paragraphs) is the same as Indraloka (or the plane of ruler of divine worlds or Indra Loka) … Indraloka has also been discussed in the earlier topic of “Chatush Pada Sadashiva Pradakshina”, then the discussions on the same Indraloka were taken up in “Pancha Mukha Sadashiva”, then these discussions were furthered in another topic of “Sadashiva Pradakshina … Vedanta”, “Lingams within and beyond”, then these discussions were furthered in another topic of “Hridayarandra … Devayana” and then the same Indraloka was also taken up in another topic of “Knowledge sheath … Vijyanmaye Kosha” …
Proceeding even further …
The concept of Vishnulingam is the base of the “Ek Danda” of Vedantin’s …
“Ek Danda” means “the staff of absolute singularity or the staff of absolute non duality” …
Moving further …
But some planes of existences have this Vishnulingam in a hidden state and thus only when the innermost boundaries of the central part of such planes are entered into (by the travelling subtle vehicle of an aspirant) would this state (of Vishnulingam) be seen by the aspirant’s subtler travelling vehicle …
And since the Vishnu Naabhi (and thus the Vishnulingam which is present inside the Vishnu Naabhi itself) is a continuous and unbroken state across the entirety of Maker’s Makings and this eventually reaches Vaikuntha (that is also addressed as divine world of final liberation or Vaikunth Loka or the divine world of Sri Vishnu) so the same Vaikunth Loka can also be arrived from any of the central non-lighted cores of any of the planes of existence …
And it is due to this reason of continuity of the central non-lighted core, irrespective of which of the planes of existence one may be resting in (or born in or incarnated in) if one enters the central non-lighted core of that plane of existence, then the end result is the same only i.e. an entry into the Vaikunth Loka (World of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) …
27-DD-3 … When already entered into the Vishnu Lingam and Vishnu Naabhi …
When an initial entry is made into the central non-lighted state of the plane of existence, then some mental (directional) derailment is always there as the energy fields which exist at the outer sides of the central core, totally derail the directional stability of travel of the astral vehicle …
Due to this loss of directional stability which was experienced within the central core of the plane of existence, these ratios (of length: breadth and height or depth) were only taken by avoiding a transit through the extreme state of energy fields of the central part of the Milky Way and thus these measurements are taken whilst keeping well clear of the central non-lighted core of the galaxies …
When travelling within and around the central core, the astral just topples over a few times, rolls a few times and summersaults a few times and thus it completely loses its directional stability and due to this reason, the measurements become unreliable and inconsistent with other observations (because you need to take these measurements more than a few times so as to be sure that they are consistent with each other) … Due to this reason, the central core was avoided during these measurements of ratios …
As also it was only after many-many measurements (by undertaking transits through the length, breadth and height or depth) of the many of these planes of existences (like Milky Way Galaxy) the final values as were told earlier (as ratios of Length: Breadth = 1.08: 1.00) were derived “by averaging” all those observations to two decimal places …
Continues …