This topic shall take up aspects of Subtler measurements, and that too, with some reference to the subtle and gross hierarchies of the macrocosmic creation …
This topic is in continuity with the previous one of header of “Matter, Inert matter and energy” …
In this topic we shall discuss the utilization of macrocosmic subtleties for celestial measurements …
Thus in this topic we shall mostly be concentrating on subtler aspects of measurements instead of grosser ones (as are mostly used by today’s humanity) because as compared to the rapid state of changes in grosser states, the measurements which relate to subtler parental counterparts (i.e. subtler parents of grosser states) are more constant over any unit time span …
29-AA … Comparing measurements related to grossness and subtleties … The subtle and gross hierarchies …
Irrespective of whether we take measurements of gross mattered states or their energy fields or their macro-elemental states, the ratios of measurements would not change …
This is because of the fact that relative measurements of values of any of the gross (physical or manifested) states and their corresponding parental subtleties are the same …
This ratio of expanses of a gross state to its own parental subtlety is mostly a constant value across the entire macrocosmic creation …
This sameness of ratios of expanses (of any gross state and its corresponding subtler counterpart) is even when the rates of changes that occur within grosser states are faster than the rate of change within their own subtler parental states (Grosser states have a higher rate of change per unit time span as compared to the subtler or in other words, the number of heartbeats of the grosser are higher than the number of heartbeats of the subtler) … But at the same time in the grosser the value of change (amount of change) is much lesser than that of its subtler counterpart … These two factors are the ones which ultimately end up maintaining a harmony between each of the grosser and “their own” subtler parental counterparts …
And this sameness of ratios of expanses (of gross and its corresponding subtler) is also when the gross has a lesser lifespan of its any single incarnation (or manifestation) as compared to “its own” subtler parental state (any single incarnation of a gross state is lesser in time span as compared to “its own” subtler parental counterpart) … This is what leads to a state where within the same time span, the grosser has higher number of cycles of existence (i.e. cycles of originations, temporary existence in that originated state and then a cycle of dissolution and where these cycles also continue endlessly) …
And this difference of time spans of existence during any single originated state of grosser and subtler is even when the totality of time span of existence of both of these gross and subtle is the same as the timeless eternity of the Maker’s Makings … I know this would sound strange, but it is how it is …
So basis above, we also find that everything rests in the same timeless fathomless eternity as is of the Maker’s Makings even when everything is resting in a cyclic mode of existence …
And basis this fact, when we see the totality of eternal existence of all gross and subtle parts of allness and we also end up seeing the number of cycles of existence of grosser states and compare them to the number of cycles of existence of their own subtler parental counterparts, then we also find that in any unit time span, the number of cycles of grosser are higher than the number of cycles of their subtler parental counterpart … This is because grosser states have a lesser time span of any single incarnation (or manifested state) as compared to their own parental subtler counterparts …
Proceeding further …
Basis above, if we use gross measurements (i.e. measurement of gross mattered states) then because grosser states have faster rate of change (grossness has a higher rate of change per any unit time span that we may take in our observations of these two i.e. gross and subtler) then the values of these measurements would also be seen to be changing faster as compared to those values of (ratios of) measurements which relate to the subtler parental counterparts of those grosser states …
And above is even when the ratios of celestial measurements (of length, breadth and height or depths) of these grosser and subtler counterparts of the same microcosm would only be found to be the same across eternity … I know this would sound strange, but it is how it is if anyone would check a gross aspect and compare it to “its own” subtler counterpart (not the subtler counterpart of another aspect) …
And simultaneously, as long as these two are resting within the same universe, they shall have to follow the subtler dimensional expanses that universe … This means that as the universal space contracts or expands, then these states shall also be seen to be adjusting their expanses accordingly so as to lead to state of their own harmony with the universe in whose envelopes they rest … And if any state fails to comply with what is stated here, then that state would also end up becoming chaotic till that time where it readjusts itself so as to come in line with whatever is discussed here …
Deviating a bit … The same also happens with the rotation and directions of pointing of poles (and thus the magnetic field) of our planet (earth) and its revolution cycles … When the earth revolution is moving from a point which is farthest from the sun to a point which is closest to the sun, then the present state of north pole is what is now is … And when the revolution cycle of earth is moving from the point which is closest to the sun to the point which is farthest from the sun, then the present north pole would be seen as the south pole of this planet … This phase of turn of poles is already underway because this planet (earth) is already approaching the closest distance point to the sun … Resuming again …
Thus, all expansions and contractions of any of the planes of existence and their world systems are also in sameness of ratios of expansion and contractions of the universe … By this I mean, that the ratio of expansion and contraction of space that is within a plane of existence to the dimensions of that plane of existence is the same as ratio of expansion and contraction of space that is within the universe (in which that plane of existence rests) to the dimensions of that universe … This basis this, the ratio of expansion and contraction of dimensional expanses of any plane of existence to dimensional expanses of space which is held inside the universe (space within a universe) is also an eternally constant value and that plane which does not comply with whatever is stated here, always becomes chaotic …
Such instances where a plane of existence begins failing to comply with above requirements is as follows …
- Naimittika Pralaya … This happens at the end of a Brahma Kalpa (i.e. one day time of Brahma which has a time span of 4.32 billion human solar years, as per middle time units of precession) … And it is due to a deviation which is related to above discussions, that at the end of a Brahma Kalpa two or more planes of existences always end up colliding with each other … This Naimittika Pralaya shall be calculated through derivations at a later stage of this topic …
- Within the condition of Nitya Pralaya, and also within the stages that relate to Mahapralaya (which is also called as Maha Pralaya), and the plane of existence also begins failing state of Atyantika Pralaya …
- And in addition to above, the plane of existence also completely fails as far as holding animate life on it is concerned … This condition is of Surya Samvatsara Anta Pralaya, which in Vedic texts is also termed as Mahakalpa Pralaya etc. …
- Except Atyantika Pralaya, rest of these shall be mathematically derived at a later stage of this topic …
29-BB … Advantages of subtler measurements …
When we consider subtler measurements (such as those of energy fields which are calculated in astral units) then is shall also be found that the rate of change across a larger sized microcosm such as a single plane of existence (or even a single universe) would be lesser within a unit time span …
As also by this method of measurement of subtler aspects, as far as the inter-ratios and intra-ratios of subtler states (which are utilized to measure these ratios) are concerned, their values shall be the same across eternity of existence of macrocosmic creation and her eternally-dynamic system such as the multi-universe …
And on similar lines … As long as the same subtler state is considered within the same universe, the ratios which shall be derived out of any single plane of existence shall be the same as that which would be derived for any other plane of existence which is existing in the same part of the universe … Due to this reason and based upon personal experiences within those subtle realms (of astral or energy states) irrespective of whether a measurement is of this plane of existence (within this part of the universe) or is of any other plane of existence (within the same part of the universe) the ratios of these measurements would remain the same … When we consider the energies, then the ratios can never be different as far as measurements of length, breadth and depth (or height) of such larger celestial aspects (like a plane of existence) are concerned …
And at the same time, these measurements of ratios of expanses of a plane of existence which are related to energies (or to macro-elements or Mahabhoot) are also changeful as per the changes of the effects of the dimension of time and its time cycles (Kaalchakra) …
Thus whether we take a measurement today or after billions of years, the results of these ratios would be the same (as macro-elements are not like physical elements which keep changing within short durations of time or would get dissoluted after a few billion years only) … Macro-elements only dissolute at the “end of lifetime of one Brahma (i.e. end of one creator’s lifetime) and because the pending lifetime of the current Brahma is still “about” 155 trillion human solar years away (as per middle time units of precession which all Vedic sages have used in all their time calculations) so at least till this stated time runs out, the subtle measurements method which are being discussed here can keep getting utilized by future generations of humans …
29-CC … Sameness of ratios of any state to its real-next subtler counterpart …
As also is a fact that as far as any state and its real-next subtler state is concerned, the ratios which relate to the measurements of their relative subtlety (or grossness) shall be found to be the same … Thus as far as any state and its real-next subtler state are concerned, this discussed sameness of ratios of their dimensional expanses would also be seen as an utter fact …
Thus as far as the current discussion stands, the application of ratios which were stated in an earlier topic of “Length and Breadth of plane of existence” to any subtler state and its real next subtlety (i.e. next hierarchy of subtlety) would also remain constant across all the planes of existence …
This fact which relates to sameness of ratios of dimensional expanses of “any state and its real next subtler macrocosmic counterpart”, is true for not only this part of the universe but also within the entire multi-universal macrocosmic creation … Thus this aspect is also applicable to the entire multi-universal macrocosmic creation … But some may even interpret this as “subtlety of macro-elements (or Pancha Mahabhoot) are different at different parts of the multi-universe”, which as such is not true and I say it as untrue because macro-elements are also changeful, but their rate of change is different at different points of the same multi-universe, which itself leads to a stage where the same macro-element may be found to be having different characteristics at different points of the same multi-universe … This ever change of macro-elements (Mahabhoot) is also due to the different effects of time (I mean time cycles) at different points of the multi-universe which as such leads to differences in unitary values of time at different points (of the same multi-universe) and which leads to observed differences as are stated in above discussion of this paragraph …
But at the same time, as far as the measurements of subtler aspects of one state to its “real-next subtler state” are concerned, the ratio that was stated in the earlier topic “Length and Breadth of plane of existence” would be remaining constant across all of the macrocosmic hierarchies (i.e. hierarchies of grossness and subtlety of states do not alter these ratios … I have already checked these ratios through subtler travels and their measurements which were carried out across many such hierarchies and this statement is only told after that check) …
29-DD … Existence of subtle and gross hierarchies …
Just like gross states have a hierarchy of grossness (i.e. less or more gross) so do the subtler states of Maker’s Makings also have their own hierarchy … This hierarchy is because of the fact that due to her ever changefulness, within the Maker’s Makings there cannot ever be an absolute grossness or absolute subtlety because both these terms are nowhere denoting the non-hierarchical state of the Absolute being (Parambrahma) … This nonness of anything like an “absolute grossness or absolute subtlety” is also due to the effects of “macrocosmic principle of stagnation due to sameness” which by itself is the basis of the fact that as far as Maker’s Makings (which itself are a self expression of Absolute being or Parambrahma) are concerned, an “eternal change remains as the only eternal constant” …
Thus on the contrary to above paragraph, as far as Absolute being is concerned, these two terms (subtlety and grossness) which as such are based upon an ever changeful hierarchy due to being based upon relativity of all sorts, are not applicable to the Absolute being … This is because hierarchies and relativities are totally absent within the Absolute or supreme state (The Supreme being is attributeless and thus cannot have any relation to such ever changeful aspects, like hierarchies and relativities) …
Continuing with above paragraph … Thus all aspects which relate to terms like gross and subtle are only related to the macrocosmic creation and not to the Absolute being … Due to this reason, there cannot ever be a state which could be told as Absolute as far as its hierarchy of grossness or subtlety is concerned … And this itself leads to a stage where the very basis of comparative religions and their Gods (where their believers try to prove their own God is bigger or better or higher of greater) is nothing but a myth (as the Absolute being attributeless, only stands as the incomparable due to IT’s non hierarchical and thus non relative state) …
Continuing with above paragraph … And since the Absolute is attributeless, so it is the eternally indescribable one, even when it definitely is the self realizable … All that can be described regarding the attributeless infinite Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm (Absolute being or Supreme being or Brahman) is through Vedic Mahavakya (which in English language can e translated as Vedic great statements) which have already been discussed earlier …
Continuing with above paragraph … Thus when the words “subtlety and grossness” are used, then they are already implicitly holding a specific hierarchical standing within the macrocosmic creation, in addition to being based upon inter-relativities and intra-relativities “of and to” “each other and everything else” and thus such terms cannot ever mean the Absolute (as the Absolute is free of hierarchies and relativities, due to it being isolated from these words and all that rests within the purviews of these words) …
And above is even when the Maker’s Makings and her each part (i.e. each microcosm) are naught but one or another of those countless (close to infinite) self expressions, self manifestations and self presence of the ever-same attributeless infinite Supreme Being (which in Sanskrit language means as Parambrahma) …
29-EE … Cause and effect of hierarchies and relativities …
These macrocosmic and microcosmic hierarchies and relativities are existent due to the effects of a macrocosmic principle, which is discussed in the later topic of “principle of macrocosmic hierarchies” … Due to the effects of this principle, the ratios of any grosser state to its “real next” subtler state, is an eternally constant value across the hierarchies of the macrocosmic creation …
And it also is due to this reason that whenever any aspirant evolves to a higher plane (i.e. the aspirant evolves and thus enters into a subtler plane) then the physical vehicle that was utilized at the earlier plane of existence, shall have to be let go of by that aspirant … This is because the aspirant shall need to adopt a much subtler physical vehicle whilst that aspirant is resting at a subtler plane (or the higher plane that is evolved and entered into, by an aspirant) …
Due to this reason, the aspirant lets go of the physical vehicle that was adopted for resting on the earlier plane (i.e. the aspirant has to die on the earlier plane) and then to enter into that subtler plane (which is evolved to, during the earlier incarnated state) the same aspirant has to adopt a newer physical vehicle which is much subtler than the physical vehicle that was used at the earlier plane of existence (or the grosser plane of existence that was rested in during the earlier incarnation) …
Thus please read this carefully … Depending upon the subtlety or grossness of a world (and thus, the plane of existence) where an aspirant is born (or incarnated) is the subtlety or grossness of the physical vehicle that the aspirant ends up adopting, whilst that aspirant stays upon that world or plane of existence … Thus as an aspirant evolve to a higher (or subtler) plane of world system, then that aspirant also needs to shed the earlier physical (which was adopted to enter that earlier plane or world and thence was utilized to evolve to the higher or subtler plane) … This is why death happens of all that has begun within the Maker’s Makings and whilst that begun microcosm is resting within a cyclic mode of existence (or is resting within the begun macrocosm, which can also be called as the macrocosmic matrix and this itself is in addition to being termed as cyclic existence or the eternally progressive existence or eternally evolving existence or eternally moving existence, which in Sanskrit means as the Chalit Brahmand) …
And please note this carefully as it is a universally applicable statement because it applies to all states, modes and conditions of existence within the entirety of the Maker’s Makings … “The ratio of subtlety or grossness of the physical vehicle that a soul adopts so as to make it rest upon any plane of existence (or its any world system) to the subtlety or grossness of the plane of existence (or the world system) where it rests during that particular incarnation, is an eternally constant value” …
And also note this paragraph very carefully … Above means that the ratio of subtlety (or grossness) of our adopted physical vehicle whilst we reside upon this plane of existence, to the subtlety (or grossness) of this plane of existence is the same ratio which would be maintained by us across our entire evolutionary existence that itself would be seen to be running (or transiting through) all states, modes and conditions of the Maker’s Makings … Thus this statement is applicable to all those gross and subtler existences that we may enter into (or evolve to) during the entire course of our evolutionary existence within any of the parts of states of the Maker’s Makings … This is also one of those countless geniuses of the Maker’s Makings …
Thus irrespective of which mode, condition and state of existence that we may be residing in after we have evolved from here, this ratio (as is described in above paragraph) would be found to be an eternally constant one … Thus this statement applies to our entire evolutionary existence which ultimately would be passing through all planes, worlds and universes that we may end up residing in and across our entire evolutionary existence within the Maker’s Makings …
And this sameness of above discussed ratio is also applicable to that stage of evolution when we enter into a divine world (or heaven) …
Thus as far as the physical vehicle that is adopted to reside in any plane (or any mode, condition and state of existence) is concerned; the above stated fact (about the ratio of grossness or subtlety of the physical vehicle, to the plane or world where that physical vehicle resides) is a universally constant one …
Note: I shall not be “explicitly” stating this ratio as it relates to that principle (Siddhant), process (Tantra) and law (Niyama) which has a dual use … And since present day individualistic humanity, their angels and their egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) cannot be fully trusted when it comes to attaining a quick self-benefit (irrespective of ways that are utilized to get that benefit) so I shall not be declaring this ratio in any part of this text and yet I shall be utilizing this fact in some later calculations (as and when needed to derive those values mathematically) … But due to my style of writing and calculating, even when I shall be utilizing this principle (and its values), it won’t even be apparent to anyone …
Proceeding further …
It is also because of the effects of the “principle of macrocosmic hierarchies” that the “ratio of subtlety or grossness of the physical vehicle to the subtlety or grossness of the plane of existence where that physical vehicle resides, stays as an eternally constant value” across the entirety of the multi-universal macrocosmic creation …
Thus as the aspirant evolves and thus he (or she) enters an ever subtler or higher plane of existence, then the physical vehicle that shall be adopted by that aspirant so as to make it rest at that subtler or higher plane of existence, would also be correspondingly subtler …
Thus basis above, for those who claim that their godhead is a giver of goodness and annihilator of badness and also state, their believed god is the one and only Absolute and that too without even accounting for the attributeless-infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) due to which they also begin listing characteristics of that God, are only living in a fool’s paradise as far as the reality of the Absolute being is concerned … This is because when we list the characteristics of any microcosm (including God’s or Satan’s) and/or also begin stating that Godhead as a given or taker of something, then we automatically fall within relativity and hierarchy that is being discussed here and this is what ends up proving that the greater entity (or God) is not the Absolute, nowhere close to the non hierarchy and non relativity as is of the attributeless infinite Absolute Being (Nirgun Nirakaar) … This is why the Vedic sages used to all state the following about attributeless infinite Absolute Being (which in Sanskrit language is told as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm or Brahman) …
Those who know IT and also believe they know IT, are not real knower’s of IT
Those who know IT, yet believe they do not know IT, are the real knower’s of IT
In this text, the terms “IT and That” are only referring to the attributeless infinite Absolute Being (or Brahman or Nirgun Nirakaar) …
As also those who claim that their Godhead shall be giving them an eternal physical vehicle yet they do not account for the finality of the vehicle-less state as is when one enters into a union to the “attributeless-infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm or Brahman)” are also living in a fool’s paradise …
This vehicle-less vehicle was discussed in an earlier topic of “Swaroop Stithi … Nirguna” … But prior to accomplishment of this final vehicle-less vehicle (or attributeless state) the stage of an earlier topic of “Swaroop Stithi … Brahmand” shall have to be transited through by that aspirant … And to attain this “Swaroop Stithi … Brahmand” and as a minimum, all the accomplishment vehicles (Siddha Sharira) which we had discussed in the earlier set of topics of “Siddha Sharira and Loka” shall also have to be accomplished …
As also a fact … Only within the union to the attributeless infinite absolute being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) does any aspirant walk free of all concepts of vehicles (physical, subtle, divine or eternal vehicles) and only after “this stage of evolution which itself is beyond what is defined by the term evolution” does any aspirant attain his (or her) final freedom from all relativities and hierarchies, including those of eternal and non eternal vehicles as are stated in various religious lore’s of this planet and beyond … Thus unless the attributeless infinite being is realized and thence united to, there cannot ever be a freedom from the “principle of macrocosmic hierarchies” … And unless there is a freedom from all that falls within the purviews of this “principle of macrocosmic hierarchies” a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part (i.e. Kaivalya Moksha i.e. eternal peace) would only remain a distant dream for that aspirant … And this statement is irrespective of which of the greater entities that the aspirant may worship or believe or relate to …
Even emptiness is a relative state as compared to all others of the Maker’s Makings and this itself is because of the fact that, emptiness is not free from “Not’ness of principles, process and laws” of Maker’s Makings … All that happens within emptiness, is a state of “absence or emptiness (or Not’ness)” of principles, process and laws; and this itself is in lieu of the other states which as such relate to a “presence (or Is’ness)” of principles, process and laws of same Maker’s Makings …
Whereas and on the contrary within the attributeless infinite absolute being (i.e. Brahman), there neither is any Is’ness of such principles, process and laws of the Maker’s Makings, nor is there any Not’ness of these very principles, process and laws of the Maker’s Makings …
Due to this reason, even the principle of eternal evolution and principle of eternal existence continue their effects whilst an aspirant has evolved to and thence has also begun resting within any of the divine worlds (of any of the religions of the triple times) and the same is also within a state where the aspirant begins resting in emptiness (which in Sanskrit language is called as Shunya Tattva and this itself is the same as what nihilists term as Shunyata) … But at the same time, whilst within emptiness, these principles, process and laws of Maker’s Makings are within their Not’ness, in lieu of the earlier state of existence where there was an Is’ness of the same principles, process and laws …
Thus in any state which is of macrocosm (i.e. any of the four states of the macrocosm as were discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT furthered itself”) there is an Is’ness of the “principle of macrocosmic hierarchy” … And on the contrary, within emptiness there is a Not’ness of same “principle of macrocosmic hierarchy” … But Not’ness does not mean the finality of exit out of principles, process and laws of the Maker’s Makings and thus emptiness cannot ever denote a final freedom (final isolation or Kaivalya) all that falls within the Is’ness and Not’ness of anything which relates to the Maker’s Makings …
This is because in that final freedom (or Nirvana) neither is there any Is’ness of anything nor is there any Not’ness of anything and there also is not anything which is intermediary of these two … This is what denotes a final liberation (or a final freedom from all that “Ever Is” and all that could “Ever be as a Not”) …
Thus as an aspirant enters into a plane of a specific Godhead (i.e. heaven of a belief system) then also the evolutionary process continues as the “principle of eternal evolution and the principle of eternal existence” are still not evolved over (or gone past) by that aspirant … And since the principle of eternal evolution and eternal existence continues, so the aspirant also continues to evolve while being stationed at that God’s plane (i.e. any of the heavens of any of the beliefs of any of the triple times) …
As a matter of fact, no plane of any God’s (i.e. any heaven) is ever free of allness of Maker’s Makings and thus none of these heavenly worlds have ever denoted “Kaivalya Moksha (i.e. a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part)” …
Proceeding further …
Thus basis above, those aspirants who reside within such heavenly worlds also eventually realize that there also are states beyond that plane of their believed one (i.e. there are states beyond their believed heavens) …
This is when such aspirants always understand the vast scopes of effects of the “principle of macrocosmic hierarchies, principle of eternal existence and principle of eternal evolution” and thus they also end up comprehending that the grossness and subtleties are of such vast hierarchies, that the subtle aspects of application of these hierarchies are also enveloping their own believed heavens … And this is also when such aspirants also know that even their own Godhead is not in freedom from all of the principles, process and laws of Maker’s Makings (and thus their own God is also not a Kaivalya Mukta in the real sense) …
Unless above realization is arrived by an aspirant, that aspirant can neither enter into the path of “Myself Within Myself” not can such aspirants appreciate the true nature of the wise words that eventually, there remains “nowhere to go, nothing to do, nobody to be” except to be the fully independent you (i.e. fully isolated you) that you ever are and were also made such within the supreme genius of the Maker’s Makings …
Continuing with above paragraph … Such ones would then know the fact about the effects of principles of eternal evolution, eternal existence and macrocosmic hierarchies …
This is when such aspirants also understand the truth of the below mentioned hierarchical and relative statements …
Good is good only until you have known that which is better
Better is best only until you have known its next even better hierarchical state
At such a time is also realized the correctness of below statement …
High is high only until a higher part of macrocosmic hierarchy, is self realized
Higher is highest until you know that which is beyond your believed highest
The same applies to all that comes within purviews of the term fast …
Fast is fast until you have known that which is faster
The known faster stays as fastest until you know its next hierarchical state
And this is when below statements would be appreciated …
Neither is good that good nor is better anywhere close to being the eternal best
Neither is high that high nor is higher anywhere close to being eternal highest
Neither is fast that fast not is faster anywhere close to being the eternal fastest
All such terms only rest in relativities and hierarchies, so they are not Absolute
Thus basis above is a fact about anything that relates to the Maker’s Makings
All that exists, is based upon relativities and hierarchies, so nothing is Absolute
All that we act for, believe, understand, calculate, is only the relative hierarchy
And basis above is a fact about “That” who is the Absolute …
That which is beyond all relativities and hierarchies, is the Absolute
Absolute who is beyond all above is the eternal, attributeless, infinite
Thus basis above is found a fact regarding the ever-same non hierarchical, non relative, incomparable, eternal, attributeless, omnipresent and infinite Absolute …
That who is Attributeless is omnipresent, yet is beyond the reaches of mind
That which is eternal, is the one whose origin and end are incalculable
That which is infinite is the one whose allness cannot ever be fully described
And also is found the following regarding the ever-same non hierarchical, non relative, incomparable, eternal, attributeless, omnipresent and infinite Absolute …
That who is all above, is self realizable, yet indescribable in words
That who is all above, is knowable yet beyond all worlds of knowledge
That who is all above is thus found to be as an eternal witness only
Above realization is also the stage when that aspirant begins thinking that if his (or her) believed Godhead’s heaven is not the end of evolutionary existence which itself is due to knowing that the heaven (and the Godhead)are also based upon and within one of another levels of the hierarchies and relativities, both of which are a part of the Maker’s Makings, so neither of these can ever be the Absolute … This is also the stage when that same aspirant begins on the path which would lead to an exit from these aspects … This is where the self analysis on science of Kaalchakra eventually leads an aspirant who is stationed in that divine world (of his or her own believed God) … And the same can also be had whilst resting in this world if innermost aspects of the knowledge of Kaalchakra would be studied by anyone (during meditations on self which also account for the allness of Maker’s Makings, because your own self is an omnipresent entity only) …
This is also the stage where the aspirant realizes, that egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) or their heavens (Swarga or Jannat) are never denoting the state of finality (of exit from allness and her each part) and this is also the stage where it is self realized that the finality cannot be any other than that which is well beyond all that falls in purviews of terms like ego and egoless, individualistic and non-individualistic (non-monotheistic) and all such dualities including those which relate to terms like liberation (Kaivalya) and bondage and heavens and hells, gross and subtle, etc. …
And just prior to the stage as is mentioned above, is where the aspirant realizes that unless the “allness itself is let go of (i.e. path of Tyaga or detachment as was discussed in the earlier topic of “Tyaga … End stage of Brahmpath” and also in the earlier topic of “Brahmpath … End result” evolutionary process would only end up continuing in one or another mode, condition or state of existence and thus the finality of entering into liberation (i.e. Kaivalya or Moksha) would also remain very distant … The word “Kaivalya Moksha” means a “full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part” whose path itself is opened up through a direct cognition of the innermost meanings of Vedic Mahavakya (which in English language means as Vedic Great Statement) … A few of these great statements are as follows …
- Aham Brahmasmi … Which when translated in English language would mean as I Am That … This can also be written as “Ahum Brahmasmi” …
- Prajnanam Brahma … Which when translated in English language would mean as Self Luminous Is That … Or in other words, Swa Prakash Brahm or Swayam Prakash Brahman …
- Tat Twam Asi … Which when translated in English language would mean as Thou Are That … This can also be written as Tat Twam Asi …
- Ayam Atma Brahma … Which when translated in English language would mean as Atman is Brahman, or in other words, This Is That …
- Sohum … Which when translated in English language would mean as So Am I or in other words, I Am He …
- Shivohum … Which when translated in English language would mean as I Am Shiva, or in other words, Shiva Am I …
- All these Mega statement were discussed in earlier topics …
As also a matter of fact that those aspirants who arrive at an evolutionary ripeness and rightness to enter into a detachment (or let go) from allness and her each part (of Kaivalya Moksha as is discussed in an earlier paragraph) are also the ones who qualify to enter into the last pathless partless path, alone (This was discussed in an earlier topic of “Brahmpath … The last path”) and thence they eventually become free of allness and its each part, whilst they walk within the essence of Myself within Myself” which itself is the path that every microcosm eventually adopts prior to being liberated (i.e. prior to entering into Kaivalya or Moksha) … This path of “Myself within Myself (or in other words, Himself Within Himself)” has also been the path of this little student who writes this text and this path eventually leads to the path of “Itself Within Itself” …
And as the aspirant continues within the essence of the statement of “Myself within Myself”, then the all types of My’ness vanish from the aspirants consciousness … This vanishing is due to an earlier stage of vanishing of that aspirant’s I’ness (Ahumkara), Am’ness (or in other words, Asmita), Is’ness (Sarvata or Hai-Ta) and Not’ness (Shunyata) … At this stage is entered the path of “Rudra Within Rudra” …
This is the path which eventually leads to detachment from allness and her each part (or Tyaga) … And Tyaga or detachment that is referred here also needs to be to all that ever is as Maker’s Makings (including all of your believed heavens, hells and their divine egoistic controllers) … Only when this kind of feeling regarding detachment (or Tyaga) arrives, can there be the next stage which as such is of a “full, final and permanent isolation from allness and its each part” which within the Vedic lore is told as a “state of supreme isolation from all that ever is (i.e. Kaivalya Moksha), can be arrived at by any aspirant …
Proceeding further …
For those who do not agree to what is written earlier as far as hierarchies are concerned, I shall state an example to clarify the evolving nature of hierarchies and relativities …
“What was fast a few decades ago is now slow and what is fast right now, would also be deemed to be slow a few decades hence” … This also denotes the evolutionary path of the knowledge of speed that we know …
And above also denotes the hierarchical existence of the one who judges this fact across the referred time spans and this itself is in addition to eternal evolution of judgments which also are based upon relativities or hierarchies only …
Judgment is never based upon the absolute principle as suchness of judgment is not even there in the attributeless infinite Absolute being (Parabrahman) …
Judgments are always relative to that which is taken as a base (to Judge anything) and it is only due to this reason, as times progress, newer laws or amendments to existing laws are also needed …
And all these ever changeful judgments are only because of the fact that the judgments are only related to relativity of the base that is used to judge anything and since relativities are only based upon “principle of macrocosmic hierarchies”, so there really cannot be any judgment (including judgment “of and by” beyond and divine aspects) which could be termed as an Absolute one …
And because principle of hierarchy is endless as far as uncountable levels of macrocosmic grossness and subtleties are concerned, so eventually after roaming across many-many subtler states (aka. heavens) such ones would only end up desiring to exit out of “allness and its each part itself (i.e. they would only desire to enter into isolation from allness and its each part)” …
It is only at this stage that such ones would begin qualifying to enter into that final pathless-partless path, which leads to the self-realization of the eternal unity of one’s own innermost essence (I.e. Atman) and the innermost essence of allness (i.e. Brahman or the Absolute) … It is only in this path that the non-dual absolute is entered into and thus it is only in this path that the aspirant goes beyond all the hierarchies and relativities of the entire macrocosmic creation …
But until above stage is arrived, the principles of eternal evolution, eternal existence and macrocosmic hierarchies, stands firm in their effects on each aspirant, each believed text, each believed Godhead and the heaven of that belief … This is because, all these are only based either upon attributed-form or attributed-formless states and thus are never based upon attributeless-infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm or Brahman) … This statement is an absolute truth which each aspirant who enters and thence walks through that pathless-partless path, would eventually agree to …
Due to this reason of entering into an ever higher hierarchical state of existence during the evolutionary existence, as the evolutionary process continues and thus the aspirant keeps entering an ever subtler plane of existence, then the physical vehicle which an aspirant adopts to “enter into and then rest within” that subtler plane (or heaven of a belief) is also correspondingly subtler …
And eventually after an incalculable time span of being within the inward path, is accomplished the vehicle-less vehicle which was discussed in an earlier topic of “Swaroop Stithi … Nirguna” …
And finally …
This utilization of macrocosmic hierarchies and subtleties to self realize allness and her each part and then the further realization of an eternal unity of “one’s own innermost essence (or Atman)” to the “ever-same essence of allness and her each part” (Brahman) is only possible within a way of life which relates to the all enveloping, all pervading, Pluralistic Monism of the Maker’s Makings …
And since Dharma (or Hinduism, which in Indian constitution is defines as corpus of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism as a minimum) is the only system which holds this aspects (of Pluralistic Monism), so ultimately when any aspirant would qualify to exit out of allness and her each part, then such aspirants would end up entering into core principles of Sanatan Dharma itself …
This is an Absolute fact about the evolutionary existence of any microcosm and it is irrespective of whether it is believed as of now, or not … Nobody has ever been able to avoid the effects of this statement and nobody ever would because in the end part when one evolutionarily qualifies to exit out of (and thus walk free) of all individualism (monotheism of any sort) then at that stage it is the Pluralistic Monism which is entered into … This is applicable to all that has ever begun within the genius of Maker’s Makings and thus is naught but a universal aspect of evolutionary existence and the final exit (or liberation) of each microcosm …
And it is also at this stage the hierarchies of subtleties and grossness of Maker’s Makings would be properly utilized by that aspirant who has already arrived at a ripeness and rightness to walk the last path (or in other words, the last pathless partless path) … Alone … And thus free of all that ever is as Maker’s Makings” …
This stage of walking alone could be thus described …
And when all that ever is as Maker’s Makings is detached by an aspirant, then that aspirant walks alone whilst going beyond all that ever is and thus entering into that which is the undefined yet infinite, knowable yet beyond words of knowledge, omnipresent yet beyond the reaches of mind, eternal yet incalculable and is also the omni-directional yet is within all paths of evolution (directions or ways of life) …
Continues …