This topic shall discuss the Shukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha of Precessional cycle … Shukla means lightness and Krishna means non lightness (non lightness does not mean darkness) …
In this figure also I have not used the offset of 9 degrees arc as it is not required for the current discussion …
This discussion is only to set the base for some later ones which would be accounting for this offset of 9 degrees arc …
This other aspects of offsets of age cycles are also discussed in the topic of “Offset of Sri Krishna’s departure”, and was discussed the topic of “Offset of Manvantara”, and was discussed the topic of “Offset of solar cycle”, and was discussed the topic of “Time spans of various offsets”, and was discussed the topic of “Other offsets of human ages” and finally was discussed the topic of “Applicability of offsets” …
This topic is in continuity with the previous one of “Breakup of ages at Zenith and Nadir” …
39-AA … Two phases of Precessional cycles or human age cycles …
In that part of science of Kaalchakra which relates to human ages (or human age cycles, that in Sanskrit language can also be called as Manav Yuga Chakra), here are two distinct phases (Paksha) of human age cycles (that in Sanskrit language can also be called as Manav Yuga Chakra) and these are as stated below …
- Shukla Paksha … Which in English language can also termed as the Lightness phase of precession circle (or precession of equinoxes) …
- Krishna Paksha … Which in English language can also termed as the Non lightness phase of precession cycle (or Earth’s axial precession) …
Non lightness can loosely be termed as darkness, but it really is not so as some light of ancient knowledge always remains within this phase …
Thus darkness is only when ignorance to innermost knowledge is all that remains … Due to this reason, if there remains even one self realized aspirant in a world, then the non-lightness phase (Krishna Paksha) on that world cannot even be termed as darkness phase …
And in reality, darkness phase of precession (or human age cycle) has never ever arrived during the entire history of the Maker’s Makings as there has never been a time when all holders of true knowledge went missing from both the gross and subtle universe …
Proceeding further …
The term “lightness” also means the “knowledge of the self luminous being” … But since the self luminous is also called as the eternal attributeless infinite being or Brahman only and since eternal attributeless infinite being is also the omnipresent one, so in the real sense, it is also due to this reason that there has never been and there also cannot ever be a case where this non lightness can be termed as darkness …
39-BB … Lightness and non-lightness phases (i.e. Shukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha) of Human age cycles …
Knowledge of human ages (Manav Yuga chakra) that were stated in those texts which humanity has already lost, were related to the eternal cycles of precession of equinoxes (which in Sanskrit language can also be termed as the Agragaman Chakra or Ahaata Chakra) …
In one complete precession cycle there are two complete human age cycles and each of these human age cycles have 4 human ages …
Within the precession circle, these two human age cycles are like mirror images of each other …
Proceeding further …
As was discussed above, each circle in the sky has two distinct parts … The lightness half (Shukla Paksha) and non lightness half (Krishna Paksha) …
And even when I have written the term circle, yet it is only symbolic because any circle which gets made upon the celestial sphere is not exactly circular …
The shape is dependent upon a variety of factors like positioning of the world from the real-center of a galaxy, the positioning of the plane of existence (i.e. Milky Way Galaxy in our case) from the central core of the universe, motions of the planes or world, forces that are acting upon moving celestial bodies at any particular time etc. …
The same is applicable to the precession circle that gets made upon the celestial plane …
Each celestial circle also has two distinct phases … One of is lightness phase of precession (Shukla Paksha) and another is of non lightness phase of precession (Krishna Paksha) …
And he precession circle is also not different from what is discussed here … This is as shown in above figure …
That half of precession circle which starts from the commencement point of human ages (i.e. commencement point of the descending golden age), is on the side of the lightness half (Shukla Paksha) … This is shown in a yellow color in above figure … This lightness part (or Shukla Paksha) is towards the start-end point of the Manav Satyuga cycle (human golden age cycle or human age of truth) as is shown in above figure …
Phase of Lightness is the stage of human ages when knowledge of divine principles manifests in a world … And phase of non lightness is when the fuller presence of knowledge of divine principles is absent from a world …
Proceeding further …
Thus lightness phase means, phase of light of divine knowledge … And since divinity itself is of the attributeless infinite absolute being (who in Vedas is also addressed as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm and is also called as Brahm or Brahman in addition to being addressed as Parambrahma and also addressed as the attributeless infinite or Nirgun Nirakaar) and who is also the eternal and the omnipresent one, so that divine knowledge which is of lightness phase of Precessional circle (i.e. the Krishna Paksha of Agragaman or Ahaata) is also that which relates to “allness and her each part (i.e. entirety of Maker’s Makings … And beyond)” …
And on the contrary, the non lightness phase of precession (I.e. Shukla Paksha of Agragaman Chakra or Ahaata Chakra) is devoid of such “fullness of knowledge” … Thus, this non lightness phase is also the stage which primarily relates to individuality of aspects … So, this is the phase of rise of individualism in lieu of the earlier pluralistic monism as is of the lightness phase … Thus it is during the non lightness phase that individualistic systems of egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) get manifested and these systems slowly begin taking over the world …
Since lightness phase is of pluralistic monism and since the paths that are based upon the intrinsic pluralistic and essential monism are of Sanatan Dharma, so lightness phase is also when Sanatan Dharma begins slowly rising up …
And reverse happens during the non lightness phase, when the same Sanatan Dharma (or simply Dharma) slowly and steadily keeps reducing its spread in a world …
Proceeding further …
Within the precession cycles, the line which separates Shukla and Krishna Paksha is the same line that is formed by Zenith-Nadir points of precession … This can be known by comparing the above figure with the figure of an earlier topic of “Offset of human ages” …
Thus, basis above, within the precession circle, the line which separates the Shukla and Krishna Paksha is the same line which is formed by the line which joins the Zenith point to the Nadir point …
As soon as Shukla Paksha (Lightness phase) starts, some saints who hold knowledge of pluralistic monism always arrive to the world …
Continues …