This topic shall discuss Uttarayan Marg and Dakshinayan Marg … Uttarayan means northward and Dakshinayan means as southward …
Above figure is describing the two cycles of Uttarayan and Dakshinayan of Agragaman (i.e. descending and ascending cycles of Earth’s axial precession) … And since human ages run within the precession cycles, so this figure is also of the ascending and descending cycles of human ages …
In this figure also I have not used the offset of 9 degrees arc as it is not required for the current discussion … This discussion is only to set the base for some later topics which would be accounting for that offset of 9 degrees arc …
This offset of 9 degrees precession arc is discussed in an earlier topics of “Offset of Sri Krishna’s departure”, and was discussed the topic of “Offset of Manvantara”, and was discussed the topic of “Offset of solar cycle”, and was discussed the topic of “Time spans of various offsets”, and was discussed the topic of “Other offsets of human ages” and finally was discussed the topic of “Applicability of offsets” …
This topic is in continuity the with previous one which had the header of “Shukla and Krishna Paksha” … Thus basis the previous topic and the current one, it is absolutely clear that the human age cycles (which in Sanskrit language can also be called as Manav Yuga chakra) is having a dual nature …
40-AA … Cycles of Uttarayan Marg and Dakshinayan Marg of human ages …
As discussed earlier,
- Uttarayan is the descending cycle of human ages …
- Dakshinayan is the ascending cycle of human ages (Manav Yuga) …
So now we shall proceed further …
During descending human age cycles (i.e. Uttarayan Marg) …
- The start point of a descending human age cycle is from the descending human golden age (Manav Satyuga) which during any of the divine degenerate ages (Kali Yuga or Deva Kaliyuga) is an age of sages (Guru Yuga) …
- And the end point of that descending human age cycle is at the human degenerate age (Manav Kaliyuga) which is bang opposite to the start point of that particular human age cycle …
- Thus the run of a precession cycle from a human golden age till the human degenerate age cycle, is the descending cycle of human ages …
During ascending human age cycles (Dakshinayan Marg) …
- The start point of an ascending human age cycle is from the ascending human degenerate age (Manav Kaliyuga) …
- And the end point of that ascending human age cycle is at the human age of truth which during any of the divine degenerate ages (Deva Kaliyuga) is an age of sages (Guru Yuga) …
- Thus, the run of a Precessional cycle that is from a human degenerate age till the human golden age cycle, is the ascending cycle of human ages …
Analyzing above discussions …
Thus, basis above, ascending and descending cycles of human ages (which are also running within the precession circle) are like a mirror image of each other …
Proceeding further …
Within ancient knowledge systems, the ascending cycle of human ages was termed as Dakshinayan and descending cycle of human ages is termed as Uttarayan …
Thus, at the first half that is at the start of a precession cycle, the descending cycle of human ages is the one which manifests … And at the completion half of this descending half, the ascending cycle of human ages gets arrived …
Both these make a complete Precessional circle because there are two human ages which are running within the cycle of precession of equinoxes …
40-BB … Coming in of sages from faces of Sadashiva during an age of sages …
Since the descending cycle of human ages passes through the Zenith side of values of (or ways of) life, so this Zenith cycle of human ages is a better one as compared to the ascending cycle of human ages which passes through the Nadir side of values of (or ways of) life …
As of now this world is just about coming out of the Nadir phase and is entering into the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) which actually is a human golden age that runs within the larger divine degenerate age cycle …
And because during this stage when humanity is coming out of the Nadir phase and thence entering into the age of sages, so all the better and all enveloping ways of life are already forgotten …
So, to restore those better ways of life within a world, some highly evolved sages always comes down to restore them and thus bring that world into a tolerable state during the incoming age of sages … This is a very long drawn process …
By the time an age of sages during the ascending phase of precession which is running within a divine degenerate age, the world would have already degenerated and reached the lowest of lows that could be possible for that particular Precessional circle or cycle of human ages …
So, this phase of restoration of better ways of life, also has its own time span …
These returns of “Sages from Sadashiva” happen much prior to the commencement of the age of sages and these returns also keep continuing each 2,592 human solar years (as per Nadir time units) during the entire time span of the age of sages …
Since the main applicable age cycle is the divine age cycle (Chatur Yuga Chakra) only, so during that phase when divine degenerate age is still progressing, the human golden age which runs within that longer time span of a divine degenerate age cannot even come by unless highly evolved “Sages from Sadashiva” enter a world so as to restore ways of life on that world to a tolerable state within the age of sages (Guru Yuga) …
It is due to these cyclically spaced advent of these sages that this human golden age which runs within a divine degenerate age cycle, is termed as age of sages (Guru Yuga) … This age is named after these sages only …
These sages are not any Avatar’s of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu (As the time of descent of the final Avatar or 10th Avatar or Kalki Bhagwan is still more than 426,000 years away from the time I write this text) …
These sages who come from one of the five faces of Sadashiva (which in Sanskrit language can also be termed as Pancha Mukha Sadashiva … The same is also addressed as Five faces of Shiva, which in some Sanskrit texts is also addressed as Panch Mukha Shiva and in Panch Brahma Upanishad the same is also addressed as Panch Brahma) only come as per demands of time and its cycles … A Sage of Sadashiva always comes within “2,592 – 108 years” prior to commencement of the age of sages …
And during each further 2,592 human solar years (as per nadir time units of precession) of progress of the Age of Sages (Guru Yuga), one of these highly evolved sages enters the world …
And since all these sages are “Partial Shiva Avatar’s (Amshik Shiva Avatar)” and since they already know this fact about themselves, so they would never call themselves Avatars of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu …
As of now the stage of human ages is of a sage from the golden colored Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva … And since as per the knowledge of time and its cycles (i.e. Kaalchakra), this sage who is to come into this world from Tatpurusha face should have already already entered this world, so he would also be the bearer of golden body, from prior to the stage when he would have entered this world …
This Sage from Maheshwara (who in other topics of this text has also been addressed as the Sage from Tatpurusha) shall be the one who would be installing the Guru Yuga in this world i.e. he would be the Sthapak of Guru Yuga (which in other words, means as the Yuga Sthapak) … As far as the incoming age cycle of an age of sages is concerned, the term “Yuga Sthapak” means one who would be installing the subtle yet solid foundations of the incoming age of sages within this world …
But he would definitely not be an Avatar of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu …
I say so because of the fact that as compared to a sage who comes from any of the Pancha Brahma (which in English mean as the Five Brahmas) who in Vedic texts are also addressed as the five faces of Sadashiva and in some other texts are also addressed as the Five faces of Shiva), the Avatar is a totally different level of macrocosmic hierarchy …
A mere sage of Sadashiva can never compare himself to an Avatar, because it would be like showing a candle to the sun …
And due to this reason these sages would never address themselves as an Avatar of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu … In fact they would be worshipping Sriman Naaraayana (Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) as their Deity or Guru or father or elder one or even all of these …
40-CC … Understanding western and Indian (Vedic) Lore’s …
Both western and Indian lore’s are related to the same age cycles, but with the following differences …
- Types or categories of ages …
The western lore’s talk about human age cycles (Manav Yuga Chakra) and Indian lore’s only refer to the divine age cycles (which in Sanskrit mean as a Deva Yuga Chakra) and other even larger cycles of time …
- Movement of age cycles …
The movement of ages in western lore’s is from Kaliyuga (lowest age) to the highest age (Satyuga) …
This is because all western lore’s are only related to the right hand point of above figure where human degenerate age is stated …
And above itself is because of the fact that the start of the present knowledge systems of western lore’s was only a couple of millenniums ago and thus it was during the stages of the currently underway ascending cycle of precession, which had commenced from human degenerate age only (as is shown on the right side of above figure) …
And on the contrary, the Vedic lore’s (Sanatan Dharma) relate to the descending cycle of ages as they primarily relate to much-much larger time spans as are of the divine age cycles (or in other words, Deva Yuga or Mahayuga), the cycle of Manu (The Sanskrit word Manu is used for the Father of Mankind), cycles of day of creator (i.e. Brahma Kalpa) and the following night of creator (i.e. Brahma Ratri), solar cycles (here the term solar cycles means as a Surya Samvatsara, but this knowledge is already lost) and age of creator (Brahma) …
Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma primarily relates to divine age cycles (i.e. Deva Yuga or Mahayuga) …
And since if we project the real start point of time in the present cycle of macrocosmic creation within the precession cycle, then it is seen to be at the start-end point of above figure, so it is due to this reason in Indian lore’s the ages are descending as far as the divine ages are concerned …
The divine ages do not have this mirror image (like human age cycles have, so within divine age cycles (Deva Yuga) of Vedic lore, after degenerate age cycle completes, the golden age cycle commences …
It is due to this reason that Indian lore’s have nothing to do with the human age cycles, even when this knowledge of human age cycles was of Vedic Rishi’s only (But sadly it was lost in time as Indian lore’s gave no importance to human age cycles) …
Human age cycles determine material aspects … Diving age cycles determine immaterial aspects …
After the advent of divine degenerate age (around 3102 BC) since Indians left human age cycles, so they also kept going down materially …
But when we see the nature of things, then it would also be seen that it eventually is this cyclic sacrifice of knowledge which relates to materials, which preserves the Vedic lore during the Nadir cycle of human ages (or precession of equinoxes) …
- Coming in of sages or Avatar and representatives …
Western lore’ s actually have no concept of Avatar who as such is of allness and not of any egoistic or individualistic God … A representative of any egoistic God cannot even be termed as an Avatar …
Whereas in Indian lore’s, sages who come down from any of the five faces of Sadashiva … These five faces of Sadashiva (or in other words, Pancha Mukha Sadashiva) have been discussed in earlier topics and are named as Aghora (which means as that which is not terrible and it also means as terrible or destroyer of filth and evil), Tatpurusha (which means “That Absolute being in an attributed state or in other words, Sagun Brahman), Vamadeva (which means of the divinity of the left hand side or preserver), Sadyojata (which means as the one who acts as a creator) and the centrally placed, omnipresent, upward looking Ishana face of Sadashiva) are termed as “Amshik Shiva Avatars (Partial Avatar’s of Bhagwan Shiva) …
Thus, these sages from any of (faces of) Sadashiva are not Avatar’s of the supreme protector of allness, i.e. they are not Avatars of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu …
Within the Indian Vedic lore, these Avatars are classified as “Amshik (part)” or “Poorna (Full)” Avatars …
This classification is depending upon what role they have to play after entering a physical (lower) world, like this one …
Within Vedic lore’s, Avatars are also macrocosmic allegories like central ridge of Milky Way is allegorical state of Matsya Avatar (Fish Avatar), main disc of Milky Way Galaxy is allegory Kurma Avatar (Tortoise Avatar) whose physical reflection in this world is the turtle like island (Present day USA), etc-etc …
Due to this reason, an Avatar of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu is also allegorical in addition to being macrocosmic and also in a human or even an animal form …
Thus state the Vedas, that Sri Vishnu can have multiple Avatars at the same time and he has also had countless Avatars till date (of which only the primary 10 and 24 are listed in Vedas) …
And all above only come by as per specific demands of cycles of time (Kaalchakra) … Thus basis this when we see the reality of these two types of lore’s (i.e. Vedic and others) then both are also found to relate to one or another of the different aspects of the same Kaalchakra only …
Continues …