This topic shall discuss the end of currently under human age of trinity of the ascending cycle of precession, which also denotes an end of the human age cycle that relates to the Nadir phase and the simultaneous stage of start of the Human golden age (Manav Satyuga or Guru Yuga) and then the even further stage of start of an age of next sign of Zodiac, i.e. Age of Aquarius … Thus this topic shall discuss the end of Kaliyuga, Start of Satyuga (or start of Kritayuga or start of human golden age cycle) and where the words, Satyuga, Kritayuga are denoting human ages and not divine ages …
This topic continues from previous one of “Breakup of human age cycles” …
In this discussion I have used the figure of human age cycles with the 9 degrees of offset … This offset has already been discussed in previous topic of “Offset of human ages” …
And some other offsets are also discussed in a few later topics of “Offset of Sri Krishna’s departure”, and was discussed the topic of “Offset of Manvantara”, and was discussed the topic of “Offset of solar cycle”, and was discussed the topic of “Time spans of various offsets”, and was discussed the topic of “Other offsets of human ages” and finally was discussed the topic of “Applicability of offsets” …
We had discussed in an earlier topic of “Breakup of ages at Zenith and Nadir”, that, due to offset of 9 degrees precession arc, the Offset-Nadir and Offset-Zenith points get manifested within the human age cycles … And this leads to some situations which we had discussed in the earlier topic of “Offset of human ages” …
We had also discussed that after Offset-Nadir point of 786 AD was crossed over then there remained only 1,296 years (as per Nadir time units) for the end of the currently underway “human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga)” …
We had also discussed in above topic of “Breakup of ages at Zenith and Nadir” that the “human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga)” is the only human age cycle where the human ages pass through the cardinal lines and also pass the “Offset-Nadir Offset-Zenith” line …
This leads to a breakup of the effects of that age cycle … Thus this leads to a state where the age cycle has two distinct effects applicable to it …
In that earlier topic, we had also discussed that at the Offset-Nadir point (i.e. 786 AD) this breakup is of a ratio as follows …
Prior arrival at Offset-Nadir point : After arrival at Offset-Nadir point =
2,592 years : 1,296 years
But in this topic we need to discuss the stage at “end of current Nadir phase of axial precession (of Earth’s axis)” which means the stage when the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) gets inaugurated in this world (around 2082 AD as per above figure) …
So here we shall be concentrating on this end stage of Nadir phase itself and not on other aspects which also relate to the Nadir phase of cycles of precession of equinoxes (human age cycles) …
Thus, this topic shall be only dealing with the end stage of a Nadir phase of precession …
42-AA-1 … Breakup of human age of trinity … Start of end of Kaliyuga i.e. Start of end of Nadir phase of precession …
If we break above discussed time of 1,296 years (of the second phase of human age of trinity) and which comes by after crossing the Offset-Nadir point (of 786 AD), then it becomes as follows …
108 (setting in time) + 1080 (set time) + 108 (exiting time)
42-AA-2 … Exit of Nadir phase of precession …
As is shown in above figure, the Offset-Nadir point was reached in 786 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
So basis this, the last phase of change of the currently underway human age of trinity was passed by as follows …
786 AD + 108 (setting in time) + 1080 (set time) = 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years)
And after adding another 108 years (of the above derived “exit time”) to this value, we get the time span as follows …
1974 AD + 108 = 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years)
And basis discussions of earlier topics, the time from 1974 AD till 2082 AD is also denoting an exit time of Nadir and Offset-Nadir phases of precession … Above figure is also denoting that around 2082 AD is also the stage of end of currently underway human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) …
42-BB … Relation of above to start of human golden age … Start of Satyuga … Start of Kritayuga …
The stage from 1974 AD till 2082 AD (both are +/- 1 to 2.7 years), also denotes the following …
42-BB-1 … End time of all systems of Nadir phase of precession … Start of Satyuga, Start of Kritayuga …
End time does not mean an end of time …
End time of all religions (in their current state) that relate to Offset-Nadir phase …
Above statement means an end time of all religions whose origins are relate to the time span that is derived in below calculations …
“From 18 degrees precession arc – 108 years” on either side of Offset-Nadir
So above becomes …
“From 510 BC- 108 years” till “2082 AD – 108 years”
So above becomes …
“From 402 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years)” till “1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years)”
42-BB-2 … Fulfillment of pending prophecies of systems of Manav Tretayuga …
This is also the time-period of fulfillment of all the pending end-time prophecies (which are “authentic” ones) of all recent knowledge systems (aka, recent religions) which has originated within the currently underway “Manav Tretayuga (human age of trinity)” …
So this means that all systems (and religions) which originated as per below calculations, shall be witnessing fulfillment of their pending “authentic” prophecies, including their end-time prophecies …
This time span is calculated as follows …
“From 1806 BC – 108 years” till “2082 AD – 108 years”
So above becomes …
“From 1698 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years)” till “1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years)”
Thus, above calculated time is also the stage of fulfillment of all pending “authentic” prophecies of all systems that originated after 1698 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
42-BB-3 … Waking up of great grandmother of all philosophies (Sanatan Dharma) …
This time span from “1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) till 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years)” is also the stage of waking up of the great grandmother of all philosophies (whose system of eternal ways of life is also addressed as Sanatan Dharma) after her long slumber of almost 9 millenniums (i.e. from 6990 BC, +/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
So this is also the time of end of all systems which had originated during her time of sleep (from 6990 BC, +/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
Her time of fuller-sleep is as shown in below calculations …
“From 6,990 BC – 108 years until 2082 AD – 108 years”
So above becomes as follows …
“From 6882 BC till 1974 AD”
As also, the great grandmother of all philosophies (whose system of eternal ways of life is also addressed as Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma and this means the same as what ancient Sanskrit texts termed as Dharma) also begins her process of waking up exactly 108 years prior to the advent of Guru Yuga (Age of Sages which starts on/around 2082 AD) …
And since she also taken 108 years to reach her fully wake state from the time she starts to wake up, so below is her time of sleeping and thence waking up …
- Enter into bed … When she just about lays down on the bed of her eternal time … This stage is when the descending cycle (i.e. Uttarayan Marg) of human degenerate age (i.e. Manav Kaliyuga) just about starts in 6,990 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
- Sleeping time … This takes 108 years from above stated time, so it is as follows … 6990 BC – 108 years = 6,882 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
- Start of waking up … This is exactly 108 years prior to advent of Guru Yuga (Age of Sages) … So this time span becomes as follows … 2082 AD – 108 years … 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
- When she finally wakes up … This is at start of Guru Yuga (Age of Sages) i.e. 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) … This is the stage when she slowly starts moving in her own house (i.e. multi-universal Maker’s Makings) and starts looking around for her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren (i.e. all systems which which originated prior to and after her sleep of almost nine millenniums) …
- In-between above two bullet points, there is an intermediary stage … This is when she just about wakes up and sits upon her bed of eternal time … This stage is exactly in the middle of 108 years from the time of start of her waking up (i.e. 1974 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years) till she wakes up (i.e. 2082 AD, +/- 1 t 2.7 years) … So this stage is as follows … {1974 AD + (108 / 2)} = 2028 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) … This is the stage of time when divinities of Guru Yuga exactly balance the divinities of the Nadir phase of precession …
But because the time span from 1974 AD till 2082 AD is also the time when great-grandmother of all philosophies begins waking up from her long slumber of about 9 millenniums, so this is also the stage of fulfillment of al pending prophecies of all those knowledge systems that originated after the great grandmother went into her cyclic sleep during the present precession cycle …
Thus this is also the time span of fulfillment of pending prophecies of all those knowledge systems that originated after/around 6990 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
42-BB-4 … Time of fulfillment of “authentic” prophecies across religions …
Thus basis above,
- The current running and also currently approaching times are related to fulfillment of many of pending prophecies of many of the recent knowledge systems (i.e. those which originated around/after 6990 BC) …
- Since end time prophecies are always of chaos, so the coming times would also be of large scale and/or a wide spread chaos across all lands (and ways of life) of this planet …
- This chaos can be avoided to a very-large-extent (but that chaos of a change of age cannot be fully nullified) if humanity as a whole adopts basic requirements of the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) which were discussed in an earlier topic of “Systems of Guru Yuga” …
42-BB-5 … Advent of Age of Sages and waking up of great Grandmother …
Age of sages (Guru Yuga) is an age of those ways of life that relate to Pluralistic Monism (Bahuvadi Advaita) … This is the way of life of Maker’s Makings itself and thus it also relates to divinities of the macrocosmic creation itself …
It is to these divinities of Maker’s Makings (which can also be termed as the Vishvaroop Brahma) that the great grandmother of all philosophies (Sanatan Dharma) also relates …
Thus, when the great grandmother of all philosophies begins waking up, then all systems which relate to individualism of any sort, always begin entering into an internal chaos (inner chaos within their adherents) which eventually overflows and thence spreads outwards (into the world) …
As of now when I write this topic, above stage has already been crossed over in 1974 AD + (108/8 years) = 1987-1988 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years (coming in of Al-Qaeda) …
Proceeding further …
It was at the start of this stage of time in 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) that a person was chosen (by macrocosmic divinities) so as to take birth in this world and prepare a physical vehicle for a later entry of a highly evolved Sage from Maheshwara (who in other worlds, can also be addressed as the Sage from Tatpurusha) …
Entry of this sage is to install “a subtle yet strong foundation of Guru Yuga in this world” … Thus, this sage is also the Yuga Sthapak (who due to the incoming change of current human age cycle, to an age of sages, can also be termed as a Sthapak of Guru Yuga or one who installs the foundation of human age of truth (or Guru Yuga or Manav Kritayuga) within this world) …
A sage from golden colored Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva always comes to subtly install the “Systems of Guru Yuga” in a world and that too prior that world actually enters into the inauguration phase of the human age of truth (Guru Yuga) …
And due to returning back from Tatpurusha, all of such sages who come back from the Tatpurusha face are also also holding the golden accomplishment vehicle (which in other words, is called as the golden body and the same vehicle is also addressed as the Buddha body of reality) even prior they enter a lower world (like this one) …
And because of the fact that to be a Sage of Tatpurusha, the Yogi must already be stationed within (i.e. evolved to) Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva, so such a Yogi would also be the one who would have already evolved and thus gone past the evolutionary standing from where a regular birth (i.e. birth from womb of a physically present mother in that lower world) can take place …
So, due to this reason the Sage of Maheshwara also needs a readymade physical vehicle to enter that lower world by adopting the path of transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit language can be termed as Parkaya Pravesh and which in and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth) …
As per the present stage of progress of time and its cycles (i.e. Kaalchakra), the person who is to prepare the physical vehicle (for the later entry of our currently discussed sage of Tatpurusha) also needs to arrive at above stated time span of 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
As per science of Kaalchakra, the entry of the sage of our current discussion, i.e. sage from Tatpurusha which itself would be through the path of transmigration (or in other words, incarnating by adopting the path of Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth) should be anytime within the time range as is stated below …
1974 AD, +/- 7 years +/- 1 to 2.7 years
Thus, as per Kaalchakra calculations, this sage should already be present somewhere in Indian mainland itself … Indian mainland is stated here because of the fact that since he is also the Sthapak of Guru Yuga and since Guru Yuga itself is an age of Sanatan Dharma, so his birth cannot be out of Indian mainland …
A Guru Yuga is always subtly established by a Sage from Tatpurusha face of Shiva …
Tatpurusha is also the one who is addressed as Maheshwara (which in simple words, would mean as the Great Lord) …
Tatpurusha is also addressed as Hiranyagarbha Brahma (which in simple words, would mean as the Golden womb of creation) and same Tatpurusha is also addressed as Hiranyagarbha (which in literal translation means as the Golden womb) …
And the same golden womb is the one who is called as Ishvara (or in other words, the one who is a Lord of allness or Lord of all that is begun as a microcosm, within any part of the Maker’s Makings) …
Within the systems of Yoga (or Yoga Tantra), the same Maheshwara (or Tatpurusha face) is the one who is addressed as Ukar … And basis its sound, Ukar of Yoga and Vedas can also be stated as Okar, which actually means as the Sound of O …
During times of a Guru Yuga, after the stage of above Sage of Tatpurusha is passed by, then other Sages from other faces of Sadashiva keep entering this world at cyclic intervals …
This is to ensure that the divinities that must be present during a Guru Yuga, are maintained during the entire time span of that Guru Yuga …
It eventually is due to cyclic (regular) advents of these Sages of Sadashiva, that the “human golden age (Manav Satyuga)” which runs within the larger time span of a “divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga)” is also termed as an “age of sages (Guru Yuga)” …
The term of Age of Sages (Guru Yuga) is used for this age because it relates to these highly evolved sages, who regularly descend from one of the five faces of Sadashiva (which in Agama and Sanskrit lore’s is also addressed as Pancha Mukha Sadashiva) who is also the one one whom other Agama Lore’s have addressed as Panch Mukha Shiva (which in simple English would mean as the five faces of Shiva) and the same in Panch Brahma Upanishad is the one addressed as five Brahmas (which in Sanskrit is addressed as the Panch Brahma) …
Age of Sages is also the most active time of the great grandmother of all philosophies and thus this is also an age of inward paths (paths of self-realization or Atma Gyan) …
42-CC … Characteristics of commencement time of an age of sages …
During any of the age of sages that have ever been, there has never been any place for any form of individualism (monotheism) and thus there also is no place for any systems of any of the egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) …
This is because “oneness to allness and its each part (i.e. Brahmand Dharana)” and a simultaneous “macro-neutrality or macro-equanimity towards allness and its each part (I.e. Sarva Samta)” keeps getting cyclically installed within a world system and that too in a wide variety of ways of life of humanity, which in turn leads to absence of individualism …
This path of self-realization is also related to those knowledge systems which are based upon “intrinsic pluralism and simultaneously based upon the essential monism” of the macrocosmic creation …
Due to above reasons, individualism of any sort also keeps finding lesser and lesser takers within the animated-knowledgeable-conscious inhabitants of the world system which is resting within the time spans of an age of sages …
Thus as the current human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) keeps drawing closer to its end time, all the individualistic systems would also keep losing their grounds in this world …
If this change to pluralistic monism is not willingly accepted by majority of humanity, then Mother Nature (Maa Prakriti) would anyways be bringing about that change which needs to be to to that which is discussed in a later topic “Systems of Guru Yuga” …
But, if Maa Prakriti (or in other words, Mother Nature) takes things in her own hands, then there shall be all sorts of chaos across all ways and walks of life of humanity who inhabits this world …
Above wouldn’t be a pleasant situation because when Mother Nature takes things in her own hands, then feelings and all other nitty-gritty aspects of religions, color, creed, sex etc., have never mattered …
Whenever Mother Nature has taken things in her own hands so as to bring about a change, then she just sweeps out all garbage without any prejudice towards aspects that relate to any thisness, thatness, not-thisness or not-thatness …
And above sweep by Mother Nature is not going to be a very pleasant situation …
As also is a fact about individualism is that, it always comes in and goes out with a bang … And since this is how it is with all individualisms, so as the presently ending human age cycle keeps approaching towards it end, then all current individualistic systems and their followers would also be leading to the same chaotic state only …
Since divinities of nature which are within a human microcosm are the same divinities which are present in macrocosmic nature within which humanity, their systems (or ways of life) itself rest, so when Mother Nature takes things in her own hands, then the chaos which would manifest would be an inner one (within each microcosm, including each human microcosm) and simultaneously also be an outer one (i.e. within the environment and world) …
Due to the internal and simultaneous external nature of this chaos, it would only become a universal one as far as this world system is concerned …
Thus at such times, isolated fights, isolated wars, stealing, lootings, riots, divisions of societies and many other intellectual, military, economic and social chaos shall be seen to be caused by followers of individualistic systems … And simultaneously with above manmade sufferings, the natural and divine disasters shall also be seen in this world …
By the time the inauguration phase of the age of sages arrives, individualism would have been reduced to an inconsequential value as far as numbers of its adherents are concerned … This is also due to the effect of the stage of Kaalchakra of our current discussion …
Even when the Guru Yuga is commencing in 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years and +/- 27 years) yet the fuller establishment of the divinities of the Guru Yuga shall only be seen (in this world) after the “setting in time” of that incoming Guru Yuga as is calculated below, has already passed by …
42-DD … Manifestation of fuller divinity of the Guru Yuga … Age of Aquarius …
Since the Guru Yuga is shown in two halves which run in tandem (i.e. one after the other) and since each of the two halves of the Guru Yuga (as are shown in above figure) have a time span of 5,184 years (as per Nadir time units) so basis Kaalchakra calculations, the “setting in time” of the incoming Guru Yuga shall be as follows …
Below breakup is also in human solar years of time span …
5,184 years = 432 (setting in time) + 4,320 (set time) + 432 (exiting time)
Above stated 5184 years are the same as section 36-BB-2 of an earlier topic of “Time spans of human ages” …
But a fuller manifestation of divinities Guru Yuga takes place on/around 2082 AD can only be seen after an additional time span of 432 years from 2082 AD (“setting in time” as calculated above) has elapsed…
Below calculation is also as per the same Nadir time units which are applicable to this world as of now (i.e. when I write this topic) …
That stage of fuller effects of divinities of Guru Yuga would only be seen as per below calculation …
2082 + 432 = 2514 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years)
Coincidently above calculated time is also of the start of Zodiacal Age of Aquarius within this world …
Proceeding further …
Thus basis above, the incoming human golden age (which actually is an age of sages or Guru Yuga) which commences around 2082 AD, shall be fully manifested “only after 432 years of its setting in time” after “around 2082 AD” has been crossed over …
Age of Aquarius is a “Kumbha Yuga” … The Sanskrit word as stated here i.e. Kumbha, actually means as the “Pot of nectar” and thus an Age of Aquarius is naught but the “Age of the pot of nectar (or in other words, the age of Amrit Kalash)” …
What has been termed above as the “Pot of nectar” has already been discussed in an earlier set of topics on “Shiva Taraka Naad … Shiva Taraka Naad also means the same as Shiva Taraka Mantra and its sound was discussed in earlier topics, where it was told as Raam Naad)” …
That earlier topic of Shiva Taraka Naad along with another earlier set of topics on Ashtama Chakra shall be the base path and knowledge of those times when the incoming Age of Aquarius (Kumbha Yuga) and the Age of Sages (which in Sanskrit can be termed as a Guru Yuga) are running simultaneously in this world …
42-DD … Kumbha Yuga or Age of Aquarius and Kumbha Mela …
When effects of divinities of Zodiacal Age of Aquarius (i.e. Kumbha Yuga) also commence within the already underway state of Age of sages (Guru Yuga), then “Consciousness pot (or Pot of nectar or Kumbha or Amrit Kalash)” shall be the symbol of those times …
Thus, at such that stage of time, all symbols of religions which came by during the last few millenniums of this human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) would be replaced by the “Pot of nectar (i.e. Kumbha or Amrit Kalash or Pot of consciousness)” …
This pot of nectar shall also be the same as is depicted on top of all Vedic temples (see earlier discussed topic of “8th plexus and Vedic temples”) and also on top of all temples of those lore’s which had directly originated out of original knowledge of Vedas …
At those future times, Kumbha Festival shall be an international festival and not how it now is, only of India and followers of Sanatan Dharma …
When the world begins seeing this Kumbha festival as an international one and where Kumbha festival shall also continue to be held in India (at any of the four designated places in India), then this stage should deem as an proof of manifestation of “initial effects” of Age of Aquarius (i.e. The Age of Kumbha or Kumbha Yuga) and Age of Sages (Guru Yuga) within this world …
Thus, when Kumbha festival shall begin attracting global leaders and aspirants alike, then this stage should be deemed as a simultaneous manifestation of initial effects of both of the “incoming Age of Sages and Age of Aquarius” within this world system …
Proceeding further …
But initial state of above change would also begin sometime after the Yuga Poorak has arrived on-scene and has also risen to power in India , which as per the knowledge of cycle of time (i.e. Kaalchakra) is expected on/around 2014.5 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
Continues …