This topic shall discuss the Breakup of divine ages, or in other words, the Division of divine age cycle …
This topic continues from the previous one “Time spans of divine ages” …
The breakup of divine ages (or the division of divine age cycle) is also by the method as stated below …
10% (setting in time) + 100% (set time) + 10% (exit time)
Since this knowledge of divine age cycles (Mahayuga) is exclusively of Vedic sages, so I shall be using the middle time units of precession of equinoxes (as these middle time units are the time units that have been used by all Vedic sages) … This is also an exclusive of all Vedic knowledge systems that relate to time or any other dimension …
Even when I shall be using these middle time units of precession cycles, yet I shall be referring to the currently running nadir phase of precession in some areas where it is deemed necessary … Thus those who wish to calculate the values for the time units that are related to the other cardinal points of Earth’s axial precession, can do so on their own, but basis the discussions of this entire topic (i.e. Kaalchakra) …
47-AA-1 … Breakup of divine ages of Deva Satyuga or divine age of truth at Middle time units …
As was discussed earlier, this age has a time span of 4,800 divine years, which is equal to 1,728,000 human solar years …
The breakup of this time is as follows …
400 + 4,000 + 400 = 4,800 divine years
And if we take the 1,728,000 human solar years which make a Deva Satyuga, then the breakup becomes as follows …
144,000 + 1,440,000 + 144,000 = 1,728,000 human solar years
47-AA-2 … Deva Satyuga or divine age of truth at Zenith time units …
Since the divine age cycle is only of middle time units so as far as divine years stand, above calculated breakup of time span would remain applicable at Zenith cycle also …
But if we need to calculate the breakup at Zenith phase of precession and that too in human solar years, then below would be the result of it …
We had calculated in earlier topic of “Time spans of divine ages” that this time span is of 1,589,760 human solar years … So this is the time span that would be used as a base in this part of the discussion and its breakup is as follows …
132,480 + 1,324,800 + 132,480 = 1,589,760 human solar years
47-AA-3 … Deva Satyuga or divine age of truth at Nadir time units …
Since the divine age cycle (Deva Yuga) is only of middle time units so as far as divine years stand, above calculated breakup of time span would remain applicable at Nadir cycle also …
But if we need to calculate the breakup at Nadir phase of precession and that too in human solar years, then below would be the result of it …
We had calculated in earlier topic of “Time spans of divine ages” that this time span is of 1,866,240 human solar years … So this is the time span that would be used as a base in this part of the discussion and its breakup is as follows …
155,520 + 1,555,200 + 155,520 = 1,866,240 human solar years
47-BB-1 … Deva Tretayuga or divine age of trinity at Middle time units …
Deva Tretayuga or divine age of trinity has a time span of 3,600 divine years, which is equal to 1,296,000 human solar years …
The breakup of this time in divine years is as follows …
300 + 3,000 + 400 = 3,600 divine years
And if we take the 3,600 divine years of Deva Tretayuga in human solar years, then the breakup becomes as follows …
108,000 + 1,080,000 + 108,000 = 1,296,000 human solar years
47-BB-2 … Deva Tretayuga or divine age of trinity at Zenith time units …
Since the divine age cycle (Chatur Yuga) is only of middle time units so as far as divine years stand, above calculated breakup of time span would remain applicable at Zenith cycle also …
But if we need to calculate the breakup at Zenith phase of precession and that too in human solar years, then below would be the result of it …
We had calculated in earlier topic of “Time spans of divine ages” that this time span is of 1,192, 320 human solar years … So this is the time span that would be used as a base in this part of the discussion and its breakup is as follows …
99,360 + 993,600 + 99,360 = 1,192, 320 human solar years
47-BB-3 … Deva Tretayuga or divine age of trinity at Nadir time units …
Since the divine age cycle is only of middle time units so as far as divine years stand, above calculated breakup of time span would remain applicable at Nadir cycle also …
But if we need to calculate the breakup at Nadir phase of precession and that too in human solar years, then below would be the result of it …
We had calculated in earlier topic of “Time spans of divine ages” that this time span is of 1,399,680 human solar years … So this is the time span that would be used as a base in this part of the discussion and its breakup is as follows …
116,640 + 1,166,400 +116,640 = 1,399,680 human solar years
47-CC-1 … Deva Dwaparyuga or divine age of duality at Middle time units …
Deva Dwaparyuga or divine age of duality has a time span of 2,400 divine years, which is equal to 864,000 human solar years …
The breakup of this time in divine years is as follows …
200 + 2,000 + 200 = 2,400 divine years
And if we take the 2,400 divine years of Deva Dwaparyuga in human solar years, then the breakup becomes as follows …
72,000 + 720,000 + 72,000 = 864,000 human solar years
47-CC-2 … Deva Dwaparyuga or divine age of duality at Zenith time units …
Since the divine age is only of middle time units so as far as divine years stand, above calculated breakup of time span would remain applicable at Zenith cycle also …
But if we need to calculate the breakup at Zenith phase of precession and that too in human solar years, then below would be the result of it …
We had calculated in earlier topic of “Time spans of divine ages” that this time span is of 794,880 human solar years … So this is the time span that would be used as a base in this part of the discussion and its breakup is as follows …
66,240 + 662,400 + 66,240 = 794,880 human solar years
47-CC-3 … Deva Dwaparyuga or divine age of duality at Nadir time units …
Since the divine age cycle is only of middle time units so as far as divine years stand, above calculated breakup of time span would remain applicable at Nadir cycle also …
But if we need to calculate the breakup at Nadir phase of precession and that too in human solar years, then below would be the result of it …
We had calculated in earlier topic of “Time spans of divine ages” that this time span is of 933,120 human solar years … So this is the time span that would be used as a base in this part of the discussion and its breakup is as follows …
77,600 + 777,600 +77,600 = 933,120 human solar years
47-DD-1 … Deva Kaliyuga or divine degenerate age at Middle time units …
Deva Kaliyuga or divine degenerate age has a time span of 1,200 divine years, which is equal to 432, 000 human solar years …
The breakup of this time in divine years is as follows …
100 + 1,000 + 100 = 1,200 divine years
And if we take the 1,200 divine years of Deva Kaliyuga in human solar years, then the breakup becomes as follows …
36,000 + 360,000 + 36,000 = 432,000 human solar years
47-DD-2 … Deva Kaliyuga or divine degenerate age at Zenith time units …
Since the divine age cycle is only of middle time units so as far as divine years stand, above calculated breakup of time span would remain applicable at Zenith cycle also …
But if we need to calculate the breakup at Zenith phase of precession and that too in human solar years, then below would be the result of it …
We had calculated in earlier topic of “Time spans of divine ages” that this time span is of 397,440 human solar years … So this is the time span that would be used as a base in this part of the discussion and its breakup is as follows …
33,120 + 331,200 + 33,120 = 397,440 human solar years
47-DD-3 … Deva Kaliyuga or divine degenerate age at Nadir time units …
Since the divine age cycle is only of middle time units so as far as divine years stand, above calculated breakup of time span would remain applicable at Nadir cycle also …
But if we need to calculate the breakup at Nadir phase of precession and that too in human solar years, then below would be the result of it …
We had calculated in earlier topic of “Time spans of divine ages” that this time span is of 466,560 human solar years … So this is the time span that would be used as a base in this part of the discussion and its breakup is as follows …
38,887.5 + 388,875 +38,887.5 = 466,560 human solar years
47-EE … Understanding onset and severities of Kaliyuga …
This discussion shall be basis middle time units which have always been used by all Vedic sages …
So if any aspirant wishes to calculate this discussion by utilizing other time units of precession, then they can do it on their own as I won’t be doing it here … I am only interested in clarifying some concepts here, that’s all …
The currently running divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga) has a time span of 432,000 human solar years …
Earlier on this breakup of time span was calculated as follows …
36,000*** + 360,000 + 36,000 = 432,000 human solar years
*** Explaining *** of above calculation …
Thus as per above breakup which has been calculated by using with the middle unitary values of time, we can know the following …
- Length of divine degenerate age as 432,000 human solar years …
- Length of one Precessional circle as 24,000 human solar years …
- The “setting in time” of the divine degenerate age is 36,000 human solar years …
- Divine degenerate age had commenced in February of 3102 BC and thus divine degenerate age is just about five plus millenniums old …
The state of Kaliyuga is only denoting its setting in time and thus the divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga) is still not firmly-set-in this world (as its setting in time of 36,000 human solar years is still underway) …
In relation to the length of Kaliyuga and the time span of Kaliyuga that has been passed till now, it is pretty clear that as of now Kaliyuga is like a one year old baby who has just about begun crawling on the floor of its destined lifetime …
Thus as the time keeps passing, this child like state of Kaliyuga (i.e. the divine degenerate age) shall also keep getting more and more firmly established in this world … And basis the total time span of Kaliyuga (of 432,000 years) as the times keep passing by, the Kaliyuga would also keep getting stronger in its effects …
Thus basis above … After Kaliyuga had commenced in 3102 BC the chaos that humanity has passed through during the last 5-6 millenniums is only an iota of what shall be experienced by humans when child like state of Kaliyuga reached its puberty …
And basis the destruction that humanity has seen (self caused destruction) during this little time span of initial phase of onset of the divine degenerate age, it can be very easily visualized what would the conditions of this planet be when the current child like stage of divine degenerate age, has already entered into it adulthood …
Within the later stages of diving degenerate age, it would only be like “human killing another human” for sport or for accumulating trophies and at certain later stages, even for personal consumption …
And it would not be strange to say that after the divine degenerate sets in firmly and thence reaches the middle of its destined time span, humans would also be growing humans for personal consumption and this would also be just like they grow animals and birds now …
This situation shall be something like the current red and white meat animals that humans cultivate, but at those times when the degenerate effects of the divine degenerate age reach their peak, then it shall be like white, yellow, black human meat of humans which would also be sold in all markets just like animal meat is sold these days …
I am not cooking this up because when we study the time cycles then this situation always arrives beyond the middle of any divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga) …
Proceeding further …
One precession cycle is of 24,000 human solar years (as per middle time units of precession) …
And divine degenerate age is 432,000 human solar years (as per middle time units of precession) …
So in one divine degenerate age cycle, there are 18 precession cycles (i.e. “18 x 2” complete human age cycles) …
Thus above discussed aspects about humans shall definitely be arriving after 9 precession cycles have already passed within the currently running divine degenerate age cycle …
47-FF … Respite from effects of Kaliyuga during a Guru Yuga …
So as far as this world system is concerned, the coming 10 millenniums of Age of Sages (Guru Yuga) that shall be after 2082 AD would be the only time of respite from the effects of the divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga) that has been underway since 3102 BC …
This is because only an age of sages holds that capability to counter the effects of a divine degenerate age cycle and thus during this age of sages, some major respite is always there from the degenerate effects of the Kaliyuga cycle …
This respite shall only be because of the continuous yet cyclic advent of highly evolved sages from any of one of the five faces of Sadashiva …
And it is due to these highly evolved sages who enter a world, that the “golden cycle of human ages (Manav Satyuga)” which comes within any divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga) has also been termed as “Age of Sages (Guru Yuga)” …
The name Guru Yuga (i.e. human golden age) is only used because of the fact that many-many sages shall begin descending to this world system, only to “make sure” that humans evolve and get out of this world system prior the divine degenerate age again comes back in its fuller force (but this fuller force shall only be after about 10 millenniums beyond 2082 AD, have elapsed) …
Proceeding further …
Amongst the 18 Guru Yuga’s that are within a divine degenerate cycle, the incoming Guru Yuga (around 2082 AD) is the only one whose entire time span of 10 millenniums would be within the “setting in time” of Kaliyuga and due to this reason the incoming Guru Yuga (i.e. human age of truth) shall be also the most effective one within this divine degenerate age cycle (of 432,000 human solar years, as per middle time units) …
This is because at this time of advent of progress of the incoming Guru Yuga, the divine degenerate age would have not even gone past its “setting in time (or 36,000 years)” and thus the power of degenerate systems (of the divine degenerate age) shall be very badly weakened during the incoming Guru-Yuga (as the divinities of the incoming Guru Yuga would eventually dominate over the degenerate effects of the still “setting in” stage of this divine degenerate age) …
And if anybody would calculate, then it would be know that in the middle of the “next Guru-Yuga” would be the stage when the “setting in time” of this divine degenerate age shall expire and the “set-time” would commence … So as compared to the incoming Guru Yuga (i.e. age of sages) , All future Guru-Yuga’s would not be yielding a very high subtlety …
And as the Kaliyuga keeps progressing and getting ever stronger, then each subsequent Guru Yuga (human golden age) would only be holding an iota of subtlety that is to going to be experienced by humans within the incoming Guru Yuga (human age of truth) …
So incoming age of sages that which be commencing around 2082 AD and shall be lasting for the next about 10 millenniums, shall also be where lots and lots of Sages shall be entering this world and in addition to four highly evolved sages from one of the Five faces of Sadashiva and who shall keep entering this world at regular intervals so as to restore the subtlety and/or change the course of humanity as per the demands of those times and thus maintain an inner subtlety amongst humans so they keep them free of chaos at those times …
This shall only be to make sure that humans evolve and get out of this world prior the effects of the age of sages are extinguished (after about 10 millenniums beyond 2082 AD) because after the incoming age of sages lives its time span, then the severe effects of the divine degenerate age would again start to enter this world …
After the incoming age of sages has lived its lifetime of about 10 millenniums, then slowly but steadily the degeneration shall again be resumed and this degeneration shall also be speeded up after this world passes beyond the Zenith phase of precession i.e. by about 18 degrees precession arc …
The idol worship shall only be lasting till 10,000 human solar years of this divine degenerate age and thus this system of physical or mental idols shall be valid only till 6,898 AD and maximum till 7,266 AD …
The term Idol also includes all the subtle mental idols which get made in the mind of those aspirants who read the characteristics (or qualities) of any god that they believe in and this subtle idol is irrespective of whether that godhead is of attributed-form (Sagun Sakaar Devata) or that godhead is of attributed-formlessness (Sagun Nirakaar Devata) …
Above paragraph also means that the concept of God (divine being) and Goddess (divinity) shall be non-existent after the above stated time is crossed over by this world system … Thus there shall neither be any path of any God nor anyone who traverses that path because there shall neither be a physical idol of worship nor shall there be a subtle one (i.e. mental image or image of knowledge that is received from a text) after 10,000 years of Kaliyuga have been crossed over …
And due to this reason, during those future times of the incoming Guru Yuga that shall be after 7,266 AD, all that shall remain as a path would be the inward path that leads to one’s own innermost essence (i.e. Atma Path or Path of Atma Gyan) … As such during the first half of the Guru-Yuga, gross and subtle Idols shall exist and in the next half, there shall neither be a physical idol nor any subtle idol because only the inward paths which are based upon “As is microcosm, so is macrocosm” and the further path of “This (essence within) is That (Supreme)” shall be remaining …
But after the age of sages ends (about 10 millenniums from 2082 AD) then this inward path shall also not be in its fuller systemic form (just vague concepts shall be there) and these inward paths shall also keep losing their effectiveness as the degenerate age keeps getting stronger and stronger in its effects (i.e. after the incoming Guru Yuga has lived its destined time span of 10 millenniums) …
After this stage of end of Guru Yuga and thence the transit of the Zenith point (about 11-12 millenniums from now) there shall neither remain any true spiritual text that relates to the fuller aspects of knowledge-conscious-activity principles nor would there be any true follower within any human society …
After these times of crossing past the Guru Yuga, only those aspirants who escape into unreachable wilderness of distant mountains, inaccessible valleys and remote areas of forests shall be able to follow these esoteric inward paths and thus be able retain the knowledge and these aspirants would be the ones who would be preserving that knowledge secretly (through a secretive Master-Disciple transmission system) whilst they would await the stage of beginning of the next cycle of age of sages when those knowledge systems which were saved by these heroes of all triple times, shall again enter this world through designated instruments (these instruments would also be entering the world at that time) …
Continuing with above paragraph … At such a stage when the next Guru Yuga would be arriving, then these very remotely located authentic lineage holders (i.e. those sages who had escaped into wilderness and had been awaiting for the commencement of the next cycle of age of sages) shall again be choosing another aspirant (like Helena Petrovna Blavatsky) to render that knowledge back to the humanity of those times … And then the same secret transmission of knowledge shall start from these original lineage holding sages, just like it has happened this time around too …
And at such a time when the next age of sages again reaches its last phase of change, then another highly evolved sage would descend from one of the five faces of Shiva (who in Sanskrit language are addressed as Pancha Brahma) and become as the instrument of Maa Mahakaali and simultaneously be as an instrument of Bhagwan Mahakaal (Shiva) so as to lay down an appropriate foundation for that next age of sages (of that next precession cycle) …
All such returns of divine instruments (sages from any one of the five faces of Sadashiva) are also as per the demands of time and due to this reason each returned one of any age cycle is also commissioned by the demands of the same Kaalchakra of our discussion, which itself rests within the ever-same great-divine-time (Mahakaal) and its own ever-same-greatness of divinity (Mahakaali) …
Thus are repeated these cycles of times eternally and in the same beginningless cyclic and thus a timeless fashion … This is how it has ever been and this is how it would ever be in any future …
And these above discussed cycle shall also keep repeating themselves for 18 times and until the last and final cycle of age of sages of the currently running divine degenerate age arrives …
At that last and final cycle would arrive the last and final Avatar of Sri Vishnu (10th Avatar of Sriman Naaraayana, i.e. Kalki Bhagwan) who would be closing this divine degenerate age cycle and inaugurating the further divine age of truth (Deva Kaliyuga) … But this stage is still 426,000 plus human solar years away (as per middle time units of precession) from the time when this inconsequential little student writes this text …
Proceeding further …
Though after next two centuries there shall be a Chakravartin Samraat (This term means a Yogi who becomes a righteous ruler of the world) who shall be addressed as Kalki, but this shall only be a temporary affair because real Kalki Avatar would only be arriving after the stated time span of 426,000 years (as per middle time units) has arrived to its end stage …
That one who arrives as a Chakravartin Samraat shall be known as Kalki and he shall definitely be restoring order in this world, but he shall not be the Kalki Avatar … That Chakravartin Samraat shall also have to be Swaroop of Rudra Deva (i.e. holder of destructive and rejuvenating aspects of time cycles) …
Continues …