This topic shall discuss the applicability of offsets which have been discussed in previous topics and this would be with special reference to the coming stage of change of human ages, which “ultimately” would take this world inhabitants into pluralistic monism (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) … Thus during the coming times and within the purviews of applicability of these offsets, there is going to be a severe fall of individualism (monotheistic ways of life) and a simultaneous rise of Pluralistic Monism and thus the Rise of Sanatan (eternal way of life) …
This topic is in continuation with the previous one of “Other offsets of human ages” …
55-AA-1 … Shifting of offsets and age cycles within precession cycles …
This discussion is furthering the earlier topic “Offset of Manvantar” where we had told that the offset of Manvantar Chakra (i.e. cycles of father of Man) is applicable to all lesser age cycles like those of human ages and divine ages …
On similar grounds, that part of Surya Samvatsara (i.e. 60 full-cycles of sun which in ancient times were esoterically told to be like the mathematical symbol of infinity) which runs simultaneously with the present Manvantar, shall also have an offset of 9 degrees arc of the present Manvantar …
That part of Surya Samvatsara (Mahakalpa which in English language can also be written as a Maha Kalpa) which runs within the present Manvantar shall also be found to be having the same offset of 9 degrees arc (as is of the present Manvantar) …
But this offset of 9 degrees arc of cycle of Manu (which in Sanskrit texts is also called as a Manvantar Chakra) and which gets reflected unto that part of Surya Samvatsara which is running concurrently with the Manvantar, does not affect those parts of the Surya Samvatsara which are beyond the time spans of the present Manvantar …
Since the Surya Samvatsara has a much longer time span as compared to a Manvantar, so those time spans of a Surya Samvatsara which are beyond the present Manvantara would not be found to be offset-ed by the offset of 9 degrees arc as is of the present Manvantar …
Thus, the offset of 9 degrees arc is only present in that part of Surya Samvatsara which runs concurrently with the present Manvantar …
And the same offset of 9 degrees precession arc (or the present Manvantar) also affects all lesser cycles like those of divine ages and human ages … And due to this reason, the zero point of all these age cycles is also shifted by the same arc of 9 degrees as we had discussed in previous topics …
Due to this reason, each of the four divine ages which make the divine age cycle, are also shifted by the same arc …
Thus if all these divine age cycles are represented on the precession cycle (i.e. human age cycle) and that too without accounting this fact of offset of their ages, then the effects of the intermediary time spans cannot even be derived properly …
And because the greater cycles of Manvantar and divine ages are having this offset, so each of the four human ages which make the human age cycle (i.e. precession circle) are also end up being within the effects of this offset …
However, in calculations which relate to 60 solar full-cycles (Surya Samvatsara, which in Vedic lore is also called as a Mahakalpa) this offset can be ignored provided this offset is transferred to other lesser cycles that run within the solar cycles itself and in such a case, the final calculation shall not change …
Proceeding further …
As is discussed in other sub-parts of this topic, as the divine age cycles (which in Vedic lore is called as Chatur Yuga Chakra, and which in other words, is also called as a Mahayuga chakra) progress within the Manvantar and then it passes 71 Deva Yuga (71 divine age cycles which also are of 4 divine ages each, make one Manvantar) then due to the component of Sandhikaal which relates to these divine age cycles and which run within the precession cycles (human age cycles, which in Sanskrit can also be called as a Manav Yuga chakra) this offset keeps shifting during each divine age … This paragraph shall be found to be a fact whenever these divine ages shall be correctly reflected on the Precessional cycle (human age cycle) …
This offset has a fixed component (which for current age of Manu Maharaaj, is of 9 degrees precession arc) … This has already been discussed earlier …
And there also is a variable component which is as per the human age cycle that is currently underway upon that world (i.e. age of trinity or Manav Tretayuga) is of 324 years (or 4.5 degrees precession arc) and similar variable components are also there in other age cycles … This has also been discussed in section 54-BB-1 of an earlier topic “Other offsets of human ages” …
Proceeding further …
As discussed above, there is also a variable component of offset …
Thus, whenever these divine age cycles are represented within the Precessional circle (human age cycle), this variable component would be found to be the one which would be leading to a shifting of start and end points of the divine age cycle …
When these divine ages are represented in the precession circle, then this shifting of end point of one divine age cycle (Mahayuga) in relation to the commencement point of the next divine age cycle, is as shown in above figure …
The values of Sandhikaal which lead to shifting of divine age cycles shall be mathematically derived in a later topic of “Application of Sandhikaal” …
And eventually, after completion of a divine age cycle, this offset which is due to shifting of individual divine ages, also resets itself (i.e. it resets back) to the same start point which is of any divine and human age cycles (Manav Yuga Chakra) … This reset point is the same one from where this offset had started moving across the precession cycle during the time spans of a divine age cycle (Deva Yuga) …
Readers can do above calculation themselves and see it as a fact (as I really do not want to draw another figure only to depict this aspect of re-setting of each new cycle of divine age to the same original start point which was of other divine ages of that Manvantar … This shall be seen as a fact is these divine ages are reflected within the Precessional cycle …
Thus, even when this offset keeps shifting within the precession cycles during the time of progress of divine age cycles, yet this offset again arrives back at the same original state (i.e. at the original point of offset of 9 degrees precession arc) after any divine age cycle (Chatur Yuga) completes …
And this fact about resetting of a divine age cycle to the start point when a divine age cycles completes, is also applicable to all other age cycles which are of a larger time span than the precession cycle … Thus, this resetting would be seen as a fact whenever any of the larger age cycles complete and when these larger age cycles are also drawn on the precession circle …
Thus, when any age cycles which has a longer time span than the precession cycle, ends, then if its endpoint is reflected on the circle of precession, then its end point would be found to be the same as its start point …
And this is even when in its intermediary stage, if any of its parts (like four ages of a divine age cycle) shall start or end, then their start and end points would be displaced by the value of their own Sandhikaal, which runs within the human age cycles … This fact is discussed in a later topic of “Application of Sandhikaal” …
55-AA-2 … Offsets and shifting of start and end points of age cycles …

Above figure describes the human age cycles which have been drawn on the precession circle … This figure is depicting the 9 degrees arc offset of human age cycles … And this figure is also showing the lightness phase of the precession cycles (which we had also termed as Shukla Paksha) and non lightness phase of the precession cycles (or Krishna Paksha) …
Due to above discussed reasons, whenever these divine age cycles are depicted upon the precession circle, then the intermediary time which comes in between any two divine ages is the one which make a divine age cycle to be shifted shifted by the value of our discussed offset …
And finally when the entire divine age cycles completes, then this offset again resets back to its own original point within the precession circle i.e. it resets back to the same 9 degrees precession arc where the start-end point of a cycle originally is …
This itself is due to a component of these divine age cycles which offsets their start and end points and which always runs within the human age cycles (Manav Yuga Chakra) …
Irrespective of which of these cycles are calculated and represented on the precession circle, this discussed aspects shall be seen to be a fact …
Proceeding further …
Effects of this offset is the one which leads to a deviation of effects of human and divine age cycles that are applicable upon a world …
This is what causes chaos because the effects of a divine age get mixed up with those of human ages in such a way, that divine ways of life get corrupted by coming in of imaginary human originated ways of life …
This leads to coming in of political religions (i.e. religions of the sword) and then a further expansion of individualistic beliefs where it is also claimed that only they are right and rest all are wrong … This deviation of ways of life always arrives when the offset of our current discussion is running within a world …
Proceeding further …
If this deviation relates to the Offset-Nadir phase, then it also continues across the entire Offset-Nadir phase, less 108 years from its start-end times …
Thus, as far as this discussion stands, its effects were arrived as follows …
“18 degrees – 108 years” around Offset-Nadir point …
So this becomes as … “From 510 BC – 108 years” till “2082 AD – 108 years” …
So, above becomes as … From 402 BC till 1974 AD (both +/- 1 to 2.7 years)
Sometime after 1974 AD as calculated above, there shall be seen a gradual rise of Sanatan as is calculated at a later stage of this topic (Section 55-DD-3) …
Proceeding further …
And it is due to this offset that the end of effects of an ended divine age and the commencement of effects of the next divine age are never at the same point when the divine age cycle (Deva Yuga Chakra) is superimposed upon the human age cycles (i.e. divine age cycles are represented upon the Precessional circle) …
This time span is also that part of Sandhikaal (Sandhikaal means as the in-between time or the intermediary time span between any two age cycles) of divine ages which runs within the human age cycle itself …
And due to mixing up of these two age cycles (i.e. human and divine ages) within each other, it leads to confusion of ways of life unless a system is either resting within the paths of pluralistic monism (Bahuvadi Advaita) or within the path of absolute monism (Advaita Vedanta) …
This is also the stage of time when Siddha’s (accomplished ones) leave the deviated sounds of human civilizations which get manifested in the world at this discussed time … These Siddha enter into isolation of remote mountains and forests where they preserve their knowledge system through a very strictly followed state of master-disciple tradition (Guru Shishya Parampara) and whilst they await the passing away of this offset phase of divine ages which runs within the human age cycles itself …
This offset leads to shifting of the end point of a divine age and a further shifting of the point of commencement of the next divine age … This is the time when humans get into individualism (individualistic and thus chaos causing systems) …
At such times when Sandhikaal of divine ages run within the human age cycles, the subtler or better effects of energies of divine beings (Deva’s) are substantially reduced and/or absent from the world …
This is because the Sandhikaal of our discussion neither has the complete effects of the current age cycle nor does it have the effect of the incoming age cycle and this is also the stage where these divinities get mixed up in each other …
Thus, this is also the stage of coming in of confused knowledge systems which refuse the accept the truth of the fact that Maker’s Makings itself are a self expressed, self manifested and self present state of the Attributeless infinite being (who in Vedic texts is also addressed as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm and the same absolute being is also addressed as Brahman and this itself is in addition to being addressed as Nirgun Nirakaar) …
This coming in of confused systems, is by individualistic ways of life which say that “only such and such divinity or path is right and rest all are wrong”, which itself is against what really is and was discussed in previous paragraph …
Within a world which is passing through this intermediary time span, due to this reduction of effects of energies of divine beings (Deva’s) and their divine worlds (Deva Loka), the Sandhikaal is also the time of coming of prophets of one or more individualistic and thus egoistic Gods …
Proceeding further …
Since the current age cycle which began around 1806 BC, is the “human age of trinity (i.e. Manav Tretayuga)”, so during this time span, three individualistic systems (monotheistic religions) had manifested upon this world …
And since the age cycle previous to human age of trinity was of “human age of duality (Manav Dwaparyuga)”and it had had begun around 4398 BC, so in that age cycle there were two individualistic religions originated …
And the age cycle which was previous to human age of duality (Manav Dwaparyuga) was of human degenerate age (Manav Kaliyuga) which began around 5694 BC till 4398 BC, in which one monotheistic religion had manifested …
Thus during the currently underway ascending human age cycles (Dakshinayan Marg of precession of equinoxes) … Precession of equinoxes is also termed as Agragaman Chakra or in addition to being called as the Ahaata chakra) which had commenced from 5694 BC, five individualistic systems should were manifested …
And so is it for each human age cycle, except of course the human golden age cycle (age of sages) where all earlier originated individualism’s become totally absent as they merge to the great grandmother of all philosophies (whose pluralistic yet monist ways of life are the ones which are known as Sanatan Dharma) and thus lose their earlier individualistic natures …
This absence of individualism within a human golden age (i.e. Age of Sages or Guru Yuga) is because all individualistic systems enter into their end time by either letting go of their individualistic ways of life and then adopting pluralistic monism or they end up exiting out of that world …
Guru Yuga has no place for individualism (monotheism) of egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) and due to this reason, as of now all individualistic systems are already approaching their end times (I did not say end of times, so don’t misinterpret) …
55-AA-3 … Start and end of effects of divine beings or Deva’s upon a world …
When the divine beings and their divine energies exit out of a world, then at such times, highly individualistic systems begin entering into the world …
Once these increasingly individualistic (increasingly monotheistic) systems have already entered into a world during the Nadir phase of precession (i.e. 18 – 1.5 degrees precession arc around the Offset-Nadir point of precession), then the only option is make them continue within that world until the entire Offset-Nadir phase is crossed over …
Thus, once these individualistic systems enter into a world, these systems continue until “18 minus 1.5 degrees precession arc” beyond the Offset-Nadir point is crossed over by the world system …
Above means that when such systems enter into a world, then they continue to stay within the world until “1296 years – 108 years” (as per currently applicable Nadir time units of precession) after Offset-Nadir point is crossed over …
And after above time span of Offset-Nadir is crossed over, the effects of these individualistic systems begins to recede slowly and gradually and by the time the world goes past “18 degrees precession arc” past Offset-Nadir point (of 786 AD as shown in above figure), then all these individualistic systems would have already gone from that world because this stage is denoting the commencement of the pluralistic yet monist age cycle (of an age of sages) in which there is no place for any form or formless state of individualism …
Continuing with above paragraph … This 18 – 1.5 degrees precession arc of Offset-Nadir phase is accounting for the offset of 9 degrees which we had discussed earlier …
And this arc is the same as “9 degrees minus 1.5 degrees” precession arc from the time of commencement of the Nadir point of precession (of 1434 AD) which is also the start of lightness phase of precession (or Shukla Paksha) …
Both these conditions (or this and previous paragraphs) are actually leading to the same time span if anyone would study it by drawing it on the precession circle (i.e. human age cycles) …
Proceeding further …
Within the currently running human age cycles (i.e. precession cycle) and as per the currently applicable Nadir time units of precession, the lightness phase of precession was commenced in 1434 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years …
The time that is applicable for this world as per above mentioned conditions of end of Offset-Nadir phase has already commenced in 1974 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years … This is calculated as follows …
1434 AD + {(9 degrees precession arc x 72 years) – 108} = 1974 AD
Note: 72 years is taken directly taken from section 23-CC of earlier topic of “Unitary value of time” …
And coincidently the year 1974 AD was also the stage of commencement of the last 108 years (i.e. last phase) of “exit time of Sandhikaal” of the currently ending “human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga)” which itself is leading to the next human age cycle i.e. the incoming “Age of Sages (Guru-Yuga)” that would be inaugurated in this world on/around 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years and a further +/- offset of Sri Krishna’s departure) …
Thus, within the present precession cycle, from 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) the process of exit of individualism (monotheism of any sort) was commenced …
Because individualism always comes in and goes out with a bang, so this year (1974 AD) was also the time of initial rise of atheism within individualistic systems and it was also the “initial” stage of rise of fundamentalism and fanaticism within all individualistic systems that had originated from the time when the great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) had entered into her cyclic sleep of about nine millenniums (around 6990 BC +/- 1 to 2.7 years) after the descending cycle of human degenerate ages or Manav Kaliyuga had commenced in this world during the current precession cycle …
Above also means that the currently underway phase of precession which runs from 1974 AD till 2082 AD, is also the last 108 year phase of fulfillment of all pending “authentic” end-time prophecies which are stated in all prophecies that had originated after 6990 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) when the great grandmother of all philosophies had entered into her cyclic sleep of “around” nine millenniums ago …
Due to this offset of 9 degrees, all human ages are also offset-ed by 9 degrees precession arc and thus the entire precession curve is tilted by 9 degrees arc as of now (and as of current Manvantar) …
Even when this is a major offset of the precession curve, but there also are other offsets which are related to it when I compare its current state to what was during Swayambhu Manvantar (about 1.97 billion years ago) when this knowledge of Kaalchakra was firstly distributed within this world …
In addition to above, offset of Sandhikaal is also placed within the precession cycles, which shall be discussed at a later stage of this text …
This phase would also denote the stage of either a change within all individualistic systems (as they would be turning towards pluralistic monism) and if this does not happen, then these individualistic systems would have to exit out of this world …
Unless these individualistic philosophies are turned towards pluralistic monist way of life that is to be during the incoming age of sages, nobody can utilize these philosophies in a subtle manner for evolution of their adherents …
55-AA-4 … Sameness of meeting point of Krishna and Shukla Paksha …
As a standard rule, the point of change from the precession half of non-lightness (i.e. Krishna Paksha) to the lightness half (i.e. Shukla Paksha) of any precession cycle is always at the same point within the precession circle … Thus this point stays the same irrespective of the offsets that apply to the human age cycles (Precessional cycle) …
The reason for this is constancy is because of the fact that this aspect of Shukla and Krishna Paksha primarily relates to “pristine abode of creator (which in texts that relate to Shaiva Lore is addressed as Sadyojata face of Sadashiva and which itself is the same as the Vedic divine world that is addressed as Brahmaloka) …
Because there is no 9 degrees offset applicable to this point of the precession circle, so in above figure (of section 55-AA-2 of this topic), the end of non lightness half of precession (i.e. end of Krishna Paksha) and commencement of lightness half of precession (Shukla Paksha) is shown as the exact middle of the precession circle (i.e. circle denoting human ages) …
And irrespective of the offset in any “60 solar cycles or Surya Samvatsara”, whenever the earth’s axis points (well, almost points) to the star which denotes the greatest devotee of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu in history of the macrocosmic creation (i.e. Uttari Dhruv or Polaris) the human golden age (Manav Satyuga) is deemed to have commenced …
But the human golden age (Manav Satyuga) which comes within the larger cycle of a divine degenerate ages (Deva Kaliyuga) is an “Age of Sages (Guru-Yuga)” only because within the divine degenerate ages (Deva Kaliyuga) fuller effects of the human golden ages (Manav Satyuga) cannot ever be had within a world …
The last phase of ending of the current (or outgoing) human age started “within 1 to 2.7 years from 1974 AD (i.e. 2082 AD +/- 1 to 2.7 years, minus 108 years)” …
At this stage, the all individualistic systems had entered into the last phase of their current cycle of existence … This itself is the phase which has been stated as end-time in many of the individualistic philosophies of today …
55-AA-5 … Process of change to incoming age of sages …
And as these individualistic systems (which are supposed to either change to pluralistic monism or end their current cycle of existence) entered into their end cycle and thus they began reducing their flows and dynamism within those lands where they were existent till this time, then to fill in this vacuum of flows and dynamism which got created at this stage, some of the systems which are based upon pluralistic monism began spreading into those lands and societies where this effect of reduction of flows and dynamism of individualism has manifested …
This was the stage which led to a rapid spread of ISKCON in the western world and this stage was also when Yoga Tantra (which itself is of the great grandmother of all philosophies i.e. Dharma) started spreading in the world at a much rapid pace …
This rise of pluralistic monism was only to fill in the vacuum that had gotten created by the reduction of flows and dynamism within individualism, which itself was due to the effect of time cycles …
Rise of pluralistic monism was only to prevent a regression (or fall) from earlier quantum of flows and dynamism that were present in the world prior individualism began reducing its flows and dynamism due to the call of time …
This stage of spreading of pluralistic monism in turn prevented a state where the flows and dynamism that are present within that landmass do not reduce to such an extent that it leads to a major fall of dynamism of that land and to that level which is below the critical levels that are necessary to sustain that land mass (where individualism has started reducing its flows and dynamism) …
If this reduction in flows and dynamism of individualism is not compensated by a simultaneous rise of pluralistic monism, then due to the reduction (of flows and dynamism) a total chaos would manifest within that land mass …
And this was also the stage when individualism which was reducing its flows and dynamism in that landmass, found a need to search for greener pastures …
Thus it was due to this reason that as Christianity kept losing its foothold in Europe due to rise of all sorts of systems, including atheism and its types, the same Christianity kept spreading more and more in the African continent so as to prevent the stage of collapse due to vacuum of flows and dynamism which is discussed above …
But this spread in Africa is only a temporary phase because when we study the pluralistic yet monist divinities of incoming Guru Yuga, then we also know that present stage of time is denoting end time of individualism and where individualism would be remaining with only two choices … First is to change itself to pluralistic monism and second to exit out of this world (there is no third choice available after 1974 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
Proceeding further …
If the dynamism of a world falls below the critical level that is to be as per the current macrocosmic standing (or evolutionary standing) of that world system within the macrocosmic hierarchies, then that world would only begin entering into a severe chaos so as to make its flows and dynamism to again arrive at a level (or quantum) which is optimum for its current evolutionary standing …
Two world wars of recent history were because of above stated reason only as the western civilization had developed a vacuum of flows and dynamism due to the change of human cycles and thus this was also the stage where their followed individualistic systems were becoming unfit to continue any longer … All this was due to the need of change towards pluralism, which itself is the primary system of the incoming age of sages …
And thus due to absence of “pluralistic approaches”, at that time there was nothing to fill in the vacuum (because eastern knowledge systems that are based upon pluralism were not available within western societies of those times) …
Thus at that time, due to an immediate need of dynamism by this part of the world (which itself was to sustain its dynamism) the situations developed in such a negative way that it led to nationalistic-fundamentalism, geographical-fanaticism which led to the chaos of the two world wars …
But as of now and as compared to the time when these two world wars were fought, because the current situation (of age cycle) is much closer to the inauguration phase of the age of sages, so there is also an additional demand of “monism (i.e. monistic flows and dynamism)” within this world …
So, as this world keeps approaching closer to the inauguration phase of the age of sages, the earlier demand of pluralism would also need to turn to “pluralistic monism” at those not very distant times that relate to middle of this last phase of change of ages …
This middle phase is the mid-point of 1974 AD and 2082 AD (i.e. 2028 AD) …
And due to this reason, as 2028 AD (i.e. 1974 AD + 108/2 = 2028 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years) keeps drawing closer, a further adoption of monism in addition to the earlier requirement of adoption of pluralism would be a demand of those and times …
And as this world’s system keeps approaching ever-closer to inauguration phase of the age of sages (i.e. 2082 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years and a further +/- offset of Sri Krishna’s departure) then there would also be a need of those systems which are related to monistic pluralism instead of the pluralistic-monism that is required to be adopted as a way of life when this world is closer to 2028 AD …
This requirement would be very clearly visible in this world by the time this world reaches 2028 AD (+/- 7 years and a further +/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
Thus, at this stage of change, adoption of pluralistic monism would be a need of coming times which shall be starting as follows …
2028 AD, +/- 7 years and a further +/- 1 to 2.7 years
And if the world does not adopt pluralistic monism by the time range as is calculated above, then by the time the middle point of above stated time arrives, this worlds inhabitants should be ready for such a chaos which ultimately would be spreading across all ways and walks of life of humanity and that too across all lands of this planet …
But since this chaos is also as per the demands of time cycles (Kaalchakra), so in any case, it can never be fully avoided … Only its severity can be reduced by adopting pluralistic monism …
Since this demand of pluralistic monism is from the “lord of eternal time (Bhagwan Mahakaal) and divinity of lord of eternal time (Maa Mahakaali)” so due to this reason, whatever is told in this discussion would be applicable to the entire planet and its human inhabitants and irrespective of their colors, creed, race, sex and faiths …
If humanity does not pay necessary heed to requirements of time cycles (i.e. requirements of Kaalchakra as are discussed here) then even their Gods wouldn’t be able to save them from a future chaos, because all Gods are also resting within the purviews of time itself …
So, humanity better be ready for closure of their places of faith, lands, economics, societies and even governments if they fail to pay heed to whatever is told here …
Seven years (7 years) as are told in above calculations are only denoting seven stages of (or levels of) change across the seven divine planes which also happens due to the demands of time and its eternal divinity (i.e. Lord of time or Bhagwan Mahakaal Shiva and his own pristine divinity or Maa Mahakaali respectively) …
I shall start be publishing this text just prior to the stage when the stage of “+/- 1 to 2.7 years” (as was stated earlier) gets crossed over by this world system … This is also as per demands of time and its cycles …
2028 AD as stated above is denoting the midpoint of the last phase of change (of 108/2 years after 1974 AD, as was discussed earlier on in this topic) …
And after 2028 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) the quotient of divinity of the incoming age of sages (human golden age or Guru Yuga) would start balancing the quotient of divinity of the currently underway human age of trinity (i.e. Manav Tretayuga) …
Whenever any two human or divine age cycles meet each other, then there is always a stage where a subtle collision of their divinities … Due to this subtle collision, there is always a state of chaos across all lands of this planet and across all ways of life of humanity …
Since this chaos is due to meeting of two age cycles and the consequent collisions of their divinities, so this chaos “cannot be fully nullified” by anyone that any aspirant may relate to (or worship or follow) …
And yet it can be reduced to a “very large extent” by adoption of those ways of life which are related to the incoming human age cycle (Guru Yuga) …
Thus, only by adopting pluralistic yet monist ways of life can the severity of incoming chaos of human age cycles be substantially reduced …
As of the present stage of progress of Kaalchakra, there is no other way …
55-BB … Ways of life during the incoming Guru Yuga or Age of Sages … Age of Sanatan after a Rise of Sanatan …
The incoming Guru Yuga (or the Age of Sages or human age of truth) is the Age of Sanatan (i.e. eternal ways of life) … But this shall only be after an initial rise of Sanatan that has already begun sometime after 1974 AD … This rise shall be seen as a gradual rise of Sanatan as is calculated at a later stage of this topic (Section 55-DD-3) …
Proceeding further …
As the inauguration phase of the age of sages (i.e. around 2082 AD) keeps drawing closer, this world shall also need to get based upon more and more monism as compared to pluralism that was needed at earlier stages of this last phase of change to the incoming Guru Yuga (i.e. prior to 2082 AD and after 1974 AD) …
Continuing with above paragraph … As also, during the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) there shall only be two philosophies within this world and these shall be as follows …
- Pluralistic Monism which leads to Monistic Pluralism and vice versa (as they both lead to each other, prior they lead to the condition of second bullet point of this discussion) … Due to the term vice-versa as is used here, at some places I have stated Pluralistic-Monism to be the base or root philosophy of the age of sages and at some other places I have stated Monistic-Pluralism to be the philosophy of the ways of life during the incoming age of sages … Both these are related to Vedic ways of life as during the entire macrocosmic history, no other system has ever held this way of life … This way of life shall also be the primary one of the masses who come to to this world during the incoming Guru Yuga …
- Absolute-monism … This is the end result of both of above discussed philosophical approaches and their ways of life … This is the final philosophy and it is related to Advaita Vedanta (Absolute non-dualism) … Due to this reason within any of the age of sages that has ever been or could ever be, the ways of life always relate to this finality of Absolute Monism which as such is a Vedantic way of life and this is where, the above listed Vedic way of life (or previous bullet point) is eventually leading to … This shall be for those very few aspirants who hold the necessary ripeness and rightness of evolutionary standings to enter into this path of Absolute Monism …
- As also is a fact that if the incoming age of sages is not running within the envelopes of the larger time span of divine degenerate age cycle (i.e. Deva Kaliyuga) then the latter philosophy i.e. Absolute-Monism, would have been the only philosophy because in divine ages which are other than the divine degenerate age, both former aspects of philosophies (i.e. Pluralistic Monism and Monistic pluralism) are absent …
- But because of the current stage is of divine degenerate age cycle and since the incoming age of sages shall be running within the larger time span of currently underway divine degenerate age cycle, so philosophies of both the above listed bullet points shall be running in tandem during that incoming age of sages …
- Above is the reason for the human golden age cycle (Manav Satyuga) which falls within any larger cycle as is of the divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) to be termed as an age of sages (Guru Yuga) instead of being called as the “human golden age cycle (i.e. Manav Satyuga) …
And due to needs of above philosophies during any age of sages, there shall only be two paths and thus only two ways of life shall be present within that age of sages (Guru Yuga) …
This is how it has ever been during any of the age of sages that ever were during history of this or any other world system …
These two paths are as follows …
- Inward path … The path of self-realization of truth … This has always been the main path of any of the age of sages …
Note: Above includes the inward-outward paths i.e. paths of self-realization which lead to a further realization of allness of Maker’s Makings …
- Outward path … This is the path of external observation or meditation on outer aspects which leads to an inner realization (self-realization) …
Note: Above includes the outward-inward path … Thus this path is of knowing the self but through meditation on an externally placed deity, who also needs to be one that is simultaneously present within the aspirants microcosm itself … This is the subordinate path (i.e. it has never ever been the main path) of ages of sages … Within this path, the deity is always non-egoistic (i.e. Anabhimani Devata) …
- Thus basis above is another fact … During incoming age of sages, the inward and outward paths would be so well blended into each other, that one would be leading to the other and vice versa …
- Unlike the coming times, if the incoming age of sages was not running within the longer time span of a divine degenerate age cycle (i.e. Deva Kaliyuga) then the former path i.e. Inward-path, would have been the only path …
55-CC … Vacuum of flows and dynamism during change of an age …
Whatever we desire, think, our emotions and deeds lead to a subtle flow to get emanated from us and this subtle emanated flow is emanated into that world system where we live at that time …
Every way of life (religion, faith, belief, system etc.) has its own peculiar flow and dynamism that gets emanated out of its adherents …
Thus, when a way of life reduces it effects due to reduction of its adherents (due to adherents turning towards atheism or similar ways of life or to other ways of life) then there manifests a vacuum of flows and dynamism within that system (or way of life) …
To fill in this vacuum, another system has to expand its size (increase its number of adherents) …
When such a stage arrives, then divinities of that system which is reducing its flows due to demands of time cycles, always tries its best to forcefully maintain its flows and thus such a system also tries to prevent the other systems flows from filling the vacuum of its own flows and dynamism … This also happens during the end stage of a cycle of existence of any system …
And then, a stage arrives where that ending system tries to increase its flows through a lesser number of true adherents … This leads to a stage where it needs to be transformed into a state where lesser number of true adherents can end up maintaining the necessary quantum of flows and dynamism of that system and thus make it survive at that time …
It is at this stage that true adherents of that reducing system get into fundamentalism and fanaticism so as to generate the necessary quantum of flows within that system (which is about to end as per the call of time) … This is why all end time prophecies or all religions have always told about a chaotic state during that end time …
So whenever we see fundamentalism increasing in any systems adherents and simultaneously if we also see that systems adherents getting into chaos, then this by itself is the first sign that percentage of true adherents of that system are very less (this can even be when that system may claim to be holding a large number of adherents or membership, even when it lacks the number which is needed of its true followers) …
This stage of rise of fundamentalism and fanaticism always happens with each of the individualistic systems (i.e. it always happens in non-pluralistic and non-monist systems) during stages of their end time …
All fundamentalism, fanaticism and the consequent chaos that is seen during the intermediary time span of change of ages is “also” due to above stated reasons …
Even deviated nationalism and corrupted religious aspects are always there at such times of change of an age cycle, which itself are due above stated reasons only …
During those stages when a system had already reached the end time for its particular cycle of existence within a world, then staunch adherents of that system always show above aspects of fundamentalism and fanaticism in an ever larger degree … At the time when I write this topic, this world has already entered into the stage which is being discussed here …
As of the present stage of progress of cycles of times (i.e. Kaalchakra), the only way to control the severities of above stage of change of human age, is to get into pluralistic yet monist ways of life, which itself means an end of individualism (i.e. all forms and non-forms of monotheism) in this world …
If the worlds inhabitants don’t agree to above paragraph as of now, then also that stage is not very far when their own future generations would be agreeing and thus be resting in pluralistic monism itself … This cannot be avoided due to the call of time …
Above is because the incoming age of sages would have no scope of presence of individualism and thus the coming times are anyway going to lead to an end of all individualistic systems …
But the option that humanity of today has is to choose how they want to enter into the next age cycle …
By above I mean, whether they want to enter peacefully (by adopting a pluralistic monist way of life as is to be during the next human age cycle of an Age of Sages) or they want to enter through a widespread chaos (if they keep holding their individualistic beliefs) …
There is no third choice available after 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
55-DD-1 … First sign of end of individualism and spread of Pluralistic Monism …
The first sign of end of individualism is when pluralistic monism begins spreading into the world …
Path of initial spread of pluralistic monism is always of Yoga Tantra …
Thus when we see Yogic systems (which itself are of Sanatan Dharma) spreading across this planet and also getting accepted in those lands which were dead against Yoga not long ago, then know for sure that the initial process of change from individualism (monotheism) towards pluralistic monism has already kicked into the world …
Spread of Yoga (of Sanatan Dharma) across all lands of this planet is the first (or initial) sign of coming in of those extremely-subtle effects of the incoming Guru Yuga …
I say so because in the entirety of Dharma (or Sanatan Dharma) there has never been any accomplished sage who was not Yogi in the first place …
Yoga is the base of all that comes under purviews of the term Sanatan Dharma, so when Yoga itself spreads, then it also denotes the spread of pluralistic monism of Sanatan Dharma, which as such is the way of life of any Guru Yuga …
As also, since incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) is of such Yogi’s only, so when you see Yoga Tantras of Sanatan Dharma already spreading across all lands of this planet (including those lands which not long ago, were dead against it) then know for sure that the current human age of trinity (i.e. Manav Tretayuga) has already started turning towards the divinities of the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga or the age of Pluralistic Monism or Age of Sanatan Dharma or simply, a Vedic age cycle) …
Proceeding further …
And as the times keep arriving closer to the beginning point of Age of Sages (Guru-Yuga), then from the ashes of individualism shall rise the atheism within this world …
And due to incompleteness of atheism, from that atheism shall rise the pluralistic monism within that world system …
Pluralistic monism is the predominant system of human golden ages (i.e. age of sages) …
But at the same time, because pluralistic monism is not the final way of life, so as the inauguration time of the age of sages keeps drawing closer and then the age of sages begins progressing in this world, then the same pluralistic monism would be becoming a path which leads to manifestation of absolutely monist ways of life within this world …
And since both these paths of pluralistic-monism and/or monist-pluralism are of Vedic lore’s and since both are only leading to the same absolute-monism (Advaita or Vedanta) so during the incoming Guru Yuga, this world shall also be seeing the rise of Vedic civilizations across lands of this planet …
This would be the stage of roar of Vedas in this part of the universe …
That universal roar of Vedas is not very far from the time when I write this paragraph … This is how it ever was and the same would also be how it could ever be within any of the ages of sages, including the incoming one …
55-DD-2 … Coming in of highly evolved sages during a Guru Yuga …
Due to Yoga being the base way of life during any age of sages and since as of now the age of sages is already standing at this worlds door, so the spread of Yoga cannot be stopped as of now …
During the incoming Guru Yuga there shall be four Sages from Sadashiva who would be entering this world at intervals of about “2592 plus/minus 108 years” (this time span is calculated as per Nadir time units) … We shall be discussing these four sages in a later part of this topic …
Only a Sage from the golden colored Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva can inaugurate a human golden age (i.e. Guru Yuga or Age of sages) …
But since Sages who come from Tatpurusha have already gone past the stage when they can take a regular birth (i.e. birth from the womb of a physically present mother), so they can only enter the world by adopting the path of transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit language is also termed as Parkaya Pravesh) …
Thus, the person who was to prepare an appropriate physical vehicle for the later advent of the “Sage from Tatpurusha has to be born prior to the advent of that sage … As also, since Tatpurusha is also addressed as Maheshwara, so this sage can also be addressed as a Sage from Maheshwara” …
In our times, the stage when the great grandmother of all philosophies had just about started to wake up in 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) … This was the stage when this person should have entered in an incarnated state …
This person’s job is only to prepare an appropriate physical vehicle for the later advent of Sage of Tatpurusha who can only enter this world by adopting the process of transmigration (which in Sanskrit language is also called as Parkaya Pravesh) …
This sage is the one holding the golden body (Which in Buddhist lore’s is also called as the Buddha body of reality) …
This Sage of Tatpurusha shall also be known as the one who installed the subtle foundation of the incoming age of sages i.e. he shall be the Yuga Sthapak … His job is only to lay down a subtle yet strong foundation of the root “Systems of Guru Yuga” and thus in this text, we have also addressed him as “Sthapak of Guru Yuga” …
Such sages from Maheshwara (i.e. Sages from Tatpurusha face), also hold the “divinity of veiling (Tirodhaan Krityam)” …
This Veiling divinity of Tatpurusha is also the divinity which keeps the Sage of Tatpurusha in a veiled or hidden condition from all those who reside on that world and all all those who reside on any of the beyond worlds … This veiled condition continues until a ripeness and rightness of time to come in front of the world, finally arrives for that Sage who has entered the world from Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva …
And even in his veiled condition from the inhabitants of that world (i.e. inhabitants of the physical and subtle or spirit worlds) he would continue doing his job in secrecy whilst already physically present upon that world … And yet he would not known to anyone …
Tatpurusha is also addressed as Ukar, which in this text has also been called as Okar (The word Okar is used for this state due to fact that the sound of this state is of O i.e. Ukar has the Sound of O) … The same name is also used in Vedas and also in Yoga Tantra … In addition to this, this is also addressed as Hiranyagarbha (which means as the womb of gold or simply, the Golden womb) … Within the Vedic lore, the same Hiranyagarbha is also addressed as Hiranyagarbha Brahma (which in English language means as the Golden womb of creation) and the same golden womb is also addressed Maheshwara within some Vedic texts … Tatpurusha is addressed as the golden colored state of Dharmakaya within the Buddhist lore’s …
The same Tatpurusha is also addressed as Ahura Mazda (in Zoroastrianism) … Within the physical vehicle, Tatpurusha is the lord of Vajradanda Chakra … In Buddhist lore’s, the same Vajradanda Chakra is also addressed as Vajradanda … And within the Sikh Lore’s, the same Vajradanda Chakra is addressed as Khanda Saab … This has already been discussed in earlier topic on Shiva Taraka Naad (which is also the same as what was told as Shiva Taraka Mantra) and whose sound is also of none other than that of Lord Raam i.e. Raam Naad … And we had also discussed the same Vajradanda Chakra in another set of topics of Ashtama Chakra …
55-DD-3 … Coming of Sage from Tatpurusha and rise of Sanatan Dharma …
Sanatan Dharma is the eternal (timeless) great grandmother of all philosophies of any of the triple times, of this or any other part of Maker’s Makings …
This great grandmother sleeps for about nine millenniums … The last time when she had entered into her cyclic-sleep was around 6990 BC +/- 108 years …
When the great grandmother sleeps, then Sanatan Dharma always has a fall as it keeps breaking up into ever higher number of smaller (individual) fragments … Thus after this stage, from the earlier state of pluralistic monism (or Sanatan Dharma), individualism (monotheism) begins rising up in the world … This always happens after great grandmother enters into her cyclic sleep …
And then when her cyclic sleep is about to be over, she also takes another 108 years to fully wake up …
Her waking up denotes the beginning of the last stage of change to Guru Yuga …
As discussed earlier on in this topic, within this world the inauguration stage of Guru Yuga shall be around 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years and further +/- offset of Sri Krishna’s departure) … Above would be the phase when the great grandmother of all philosophies would be fully awake and active within this world and within the ways of life …
But since she takes 108 years to fully wake up, so it is also due to this reason that within the current precession cycle, this stage of her starting to wake up was arrived around 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
Around this time was the stage of birth of the person who was to prepare an appropriate physical vehicle the the later advent of the sage from Tatpurusha …
Thus is the relation of great grandmother of all philosophies (or Sanatana Dharma) to the sage who descends from Tatpurusha to inaugurate the Guru Yuga, for and on behalf of the Sanatan Dharma (or in other words, for installing the ways of life that relate to the great grandmother of all philosophies) …
55-EE … Waking up of great grandmother of philosophies or Sanatan Dharma …
Once she wakes up, then she begins looking around for her own great grandchildren (i.e. all sects, systems, religions, ways of life) …
This stage is in the middle of her waking up process and this is when she opens her eyes and then just about sits on her eternal bed of time … This stage would be arriving around 2028 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
When above stage stage starts, then this would also be the time when all her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren (i.e. all religions that came by during the last nine millenniums of her sleep) would also begin running into her vast timeless, beginningless and endless philosophical envelopes …
Thus I always say to people I know, that, when Sanatan Dharma wakes up, then everything else would only end up going back to sleep … I.e. every other philosophy would be letting go of their individual existence and merging to the same great-grand-old lady of all philosophies from whom everything else had manifested, as an extension of her own timeless fathomless lineage …
Prior to this time of waking up, many-many sages enter the world so as to lay down those initial yogic paths which lead to this stage, so she does not have much to do, except to bring back her own children, grandchildren and great-grand children together and into her own vast philosophical timeless embrace …
And after this time of change has already been passed through, then all the descendants of those individualistic and other systems of ways of life and who during the past history (of her sleep stage) had abused and/or destroyed her ancient systems, their women, men, children, elderly and sages, shall be the ones who would be going to those very lineages of sages who have kept relating to her, even when she was sleeping for almost nine millenniums …
Thus, this would also be the stage when the descendants of those who had abused her systems, would be bowing down to those very sages who belong to her lineage …
Thus, shall be cleared the Karmic debt of such ones who are descendants of those humans who had destroyed or damaged her timeless lineage of Sanatan Dharma … This would be the stage when a subtle yet strong roar of Vedas would be heard within such aspirants …
And only after this stage is crossed over, would their ancestors enter into their liberation (which in Sanskrit language means as Kaivalya and in Vedic lore, this is also called as Moksha in addition to be called as the final stage of Kaivalya Moksha) after they are lifted up from their graves by the divine-grace of the great grandmother of all philosophies …
During the coming times of Guru Yuga, there shall also be a global restoration of the most ancient Guru-Shishya Parampara (master-disciple tradition) and this shall be the phase of restoration of timeless Sampradaya, which itself are of the systems and ways of life of the ancient Bharat …
And all this shall only lead to a state where the divinities of incoming Age of Sages (Guru Yuga) would get more and more established within this world …
This change shall only be through the pluralistic yet monist systems of the east, instead of the individualistic systems of the other parts of the world …
At this stage, the civilizational wisdom shall be shifting to the east instead of what is has been during yester-millenniums where west was the one who ruled the roost …
This shall be leading to a complete end of effects of the Offset-Nadir phase which started around 402 BC (510 BC – 108 = 402 BC) …
Nobody can stop this change and those who try, shall perish like a whiff of air, because time itself is an instrument or weapon (In this text this weaponized state of time has been called as Kaalastra) of the Mother Nature (who in Sanskrit is also reverently addressed as Maa Prakriti and also as Maa Shakti), which she never shares with any Egoistic Gods (Abhimani Deva) …
When this weapon of time (Kaalastra) shall be used, then Offset-Nadir phase would end …
This end of Offset-Nadir phase shall be closer to 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years and a further +/- offset of Sri Krishna’s departure) and this is when “Guru Yuga would actually start commencing …
Prior to this time of inauguration of age of sages, all individualistic systems (i.e. non-pluralistic and non-monist systems) shall be entering into a severe chaos …
And due to the effects of divinities of time cycles (Kaalchakra) all such systems would ultimately change towards pluralistic yet monist ways of life or perish as there is no third choice available after 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
Those generations of humans who would be entering this world during the next ten millenniums of the incoming Guru Yuga shall be actually seeing whatever is discussed here and many of them may even be shocked by the caliber of sages who would be returning to this world during those times …
Continues …