This discussion shall be on the queries of “Is sun originated, What exactly is sun” and thus here we shall have to briefly discuss some of the aspects that relate to the queries on origination of sun …
This discussion is in continuity to the previous topic of “Sandhikaal … Intermediary time” and it refers to queries like “origination of sun, is sun originated, what exactly is sun, etc.” …
And this topic also refers to an earlier topic of “Eternity of allness” where we had discussed that the eternal Maker could never make anything that was not as eternal as the Maker itself is … Thus everything that is existent within the Maker’s Makings, is eternal and this statement is irrespective of whether that thing (or microcosm) is a physical one or a subtler one …
And the same is also applicable to the sun as it is an originated state when we consider its physicality, but yet in reality when we consider the cycles of changes that take place within the sun, then we also know that the sun has ever existed due to being naught but a bearer of light and also being the light itself …
And since light never dies because it only changes its form from a physically manifested state (as manifest light or Prakat Prakash) to subtle impressional state (Samskarik Prakash) when that manifest light enters back into its own parental impressional state (as impressional light or Samskarik Prakash Awastha) and vice versa when that same impressional light returns back to a manifest state … This is also the eternal cycle of light as it has kept continuing since those timeless times as are of the ever-same supreme genius of Maker’s Makings and which is also resting within the same principle as stated below …
The eternal Maker never made any non eternal entity, including sun and its light
Thus when we consider this fact, then we know that sun is not an originated state due to it only being a re-originated state …
And everything (every microcosm, including each human) that has ever been manifested within the supreme genius of Maker’s Makings, is also no different from what is stated here …
That which is re-originated, is naught but proving its eternal nature …
And if that re-originated entity is the bearer of light, then that entity is naught but a divine entity who also has a divine controller of it … This fact was discussed in an earlier topic of “World of crimson red body … Surya Loka” …
And because it is a divine entity and since divinity of each divine entity is already present inside each animate microcosm that has ever begun within the Maker’s Makings, so due to this reason the divinity of Sun is also present inside each aspirant … This fact was also discussed in an earlier topic of “Crimson red body … Surya Sharira” …
57-AA … Everything is eternal … Origination of Sun …
When anything dissipates (or dissolutes into the elements or de-incarnates) due to the effects of time and its eternal cycles, then also that thing continues to exist in a subtle state (or a state which is different from its earlier gross or physical state of existence) … Thus when we consider the reality of things as far as the entirety of existence of anything that is begun within the supreme genius of the Maker’s Makings, then existence of everything is found to be based upon the same eternity as is of the eternal Maker of allness …
So in reality when we consider the allness of existence of anything (i.e. macrocosm and every microcosm) then everything (i.e. every microcosm and macrocosm) is only found to be eternal because this is how the Maker had made its Makings …
That which is originated, always ends its existence within that originated form, but this does not mean end of existence of that entity as that same entity continues to exist in a subtle for even when it is already de-incarnated from its earlier physical form … The same is also applicable to the sun …
Thus, solar revolution cycles are also eternal as they continue within their physically manifested state and also continue within their subtler state after the sun is already dissipated … Thus these solar cycles are also eternal when we consider the existence of sun within its present physical and the other non physical states … And from that non physical state, when the sun again resumes within its physical form, then the same solar cycles continue from their earlier subtler state in their then physical states … Thus within this esoteric sense, solar cycles are continuous, unbroken and thus eternal … It was due to this self realizations by many ancient sages that sun ended up becoming a deity of many ancient civilizations …
Thus sun is not an originated state as our sub is actually a re-originated state …
Proceeding further …
Some of the readers may say that on one hand I say that the sun is a re-originated state and I also claim that if anything is originated, then it also has to end and on the other hand I term the solar cycles as timeless in the esoteric sense, so I think this aspect needs an explanation …
When we see anything as dead or gone from its earlier physical form, that thing still exists within a subtler plane … This is the reason for spirits and ghosts of all sorts to be experienced by some humans and this is also the reason for these ghosts and similar entities to be accepted by all religions as their sages had known this fact about subtle existence i.e. existence which is beyond the physically manifested realms …
That which is manifested (or incarnated or born) in a particular form (a particular formlessness) always ends its form (or formlessness) whenever its destined time span for that incarnation (or manifestation) has already run out …
But because the Maker never made anything non eternal, so when anything seems to have died or ended, then that mattered state (including the sun which as such is also made up of elements only) only returns back to its earlier or subtler counterpart from which it had manifested within a physical form (or formless state) …
These subtler counterparts are also resting within a hierarchy of subtleties and none of the entities which make these macrocosmic levels of hierarchies are exactly similar …
These hierarchies are the ones within which every subtle and gross states of the macrocosmic creation is existing and due to this reason no single state (or element) has ever had the same grossness and subtlety as any other state (or element) … This non-sameness between states is what leads to their hierarchies of subtlety and grossness …
57-BB … Eternal existence leads to eternal evolution …
During the course of evolutionary existence of any microcosm, each of the microcosms need to traverse through the entirety of hierarchy of the macrocosmic creation … When the entire hierarchy of subtlety has been transited by that microcosm (or manifested state or an aspirant) which itself takes a very vast time span whilst that microcosm continues to exist within a cyclic mode of existence, then only does that microcosm (or manifested state or aspirant) qualifies to enter back into its own primary state i.e. the state from where it had originally begun as a microcosm …
Different macrocosmic hierarchical states need different types of physical vehicles … The physical vehicles that are adopted for resting in (or entering into) a macrocosmic state also need to be such that they can be made to rest within that state …
Thus as we evolve to those ever higher or subtler states of existence, then we also need to adopt subtler physical bodies which are in line with the subtlety of that state which we have evolved to …
As a matter of fact, following stands valid across all modes, conditions and states of gross and subtler existences …
The ratio of grossness or subtlety of the physical vehicle that is adopted to enter a state of existence to the grossness or subtlety of the state of existence, is an eternally constant value
And since the physical bodies which were utilized at out earlier state of existence are unfit to enter into those higher or subtler states of existence, we also need to give up our earlier adopted physical vehicles … This is the reason for death of that earlier physical vehicle …
But in reality, following stands valid across the entirety of course of our “almost” eternal evolutionary existence …
Death here is the cause of an immediate birth in another state of existence
Birth here was only due to death that had previously happened elsewhere
This is also due to the same fact that as was stated earlier and is written below …
The eternal Maker never made any non eternal microcosm
And thus due to above …
Everything that is ever made within the Maker’s Makings, is naught but eternal
And this is also true, when considering the cyclic mode of existence … Thus irrespective of whether you live on this plane of existence (I mean this world system) or any other, it still is same you would exists within the same eternity, as is of the eternal creator of allness …
And all those philosophies who say any other, are basically written by fools who had not known the basis fact about the “eternity of allness and her each part, to be the same as that of the eternal Maker of allness” …
And this is even when Maker also has its own cycles of existence and where these cycles of existence are of durations of 311.040 trillion human solar years (as per middle time units) and where the eternal cycles of existence of the Maker and its Makings and then a similar period of rest (of the Maker and its Makings) have ever continued since that timeless eternity that has already passed by and so shall it be until that fathomless eternity that is yet to come by within this supreme genius of Maker’s Makings …
As are the cycles of existence of Maker, so are the cycles of existence of its Makings (i.e. the macrocosm and all microcosm’s which have ever begun within the Maker’s Makings) …
57-CC … An almost eternal cyclic existence if Yogic ways are not adopted …
If a microcosm (i.e. aspirant) follows the natural course of transiting through these countless ever-changeful macrocosmic hierarchies, then that microcosm would only end up needing many-many incarnations because when that microcosm shall graduate from one state of macrocosmic hierarchy, then its earlier physical vehicle shall also have to be let go of … This would only make that microcosm to end up within an “almost endless” condition of cycles of existence i.e. cyclic existence which has based upon birth, existence for a while and then death within that state of existence prior that microcosm graduates to a higher mode of existence …
This let go of the earlier physical vehicle is because, the specific type of physical vehicle that is adopted for entering into a world, is “only and only” suited for that specific world and thus as we evolve and thence enter into a higher (or subtler) world, then the earlier physical vehicle shall also have to be let go of by us as the higher world shall need a newer type of physical vehicle that is apt for making us rest in that higher (or subtler) world … Thus it eventually is this vast evolutionary process which rests within all macrocosmic hierarchies which becomes the reason for entering a world (i.e. birth in that world), a temporary existence within that world (i.e. temporary life on that world) and thence an exit from that world (i.e. stage of death of that earlier physical vehicle which was adopted for entering into that world so as to evolve form that world) … This birth, existence for a while and then death continues until we have evolved (or graduated) from all macrocosmic hierarchies of cyclic existence …
And as we had discussed earlier, that, the ratio of subtlety or grossness of the physical vehicle to the subtlety or grossness of the world where the physical vehicle resides, is an eternally constant value across the macrocosmic creation …
Thus basis above, as we evolve to a higher plane (i.e. a subtler world system) then the physical vehicle that we adopt to enter into that higher plane of existence, is also correspondingly subtler …
Thus in the real sense of the game of evolution, nothing ever dies and all that is believed to have died, is still existing within another plane …
That newer plane is also that which is as per the then evolutionary standing of the microcosm, i.e. if at the time of death, your evolutionary standing is higher than the world within which you were resting till then, then higher (or subtler) shall be the plane that you would be entering into after you roll-over from (or die in) that world …
And since there are close to infinite numbers of macrocosmic hierarchies, so the number of cyclic incarnations and time that it would take to enter into each of those “close to infinite numbers” of macrocosmic hierarchies and thence evolve (or graduate) from all these “close to infinite numbers” of macrocosmic hierarchies and their states of existences, would only end up becoming “nothing short of being an eternal existence within these hierarchies” … This is where Yogic ways help as far as reducing the number of incarnations and thus reducing the time spans of existence within cyclic existence, is concerned …
Proceeding further …
But if the microcosm (or aspirant) adopts subtler paths like that of Yoga Tantra or inward-meditations (and Samadhi) then within one single incarnation, the accomplishment vehicles (or Siddha Sharira or or Siddha bodies which have already been discussed earlier) of that microcosm can even transit through all the principal hierarchies of the macrocosm and that too within a single physical incarnation itself …
When the principal hierarchical states are transited through by the microcosm’s (aspirants) subtler vehicle (Siddha Sharira) then also this transit is deemed to be completed and thus that microcosm does not even need to get re-incarnated upon such planes which were already transited by that microcosm’s subtler vehicles during its own earlier physical incarnation …
Above is because of the fact that as long as the microcosm’s (aspirant’s) subtler vehicles (Siddha Bodies) transit that subtler state of beyond, it is still deemed to be a transit from the macrocosmic point of view and thus the future need to reside in that subtler state of existence (i.e. Divine world or Siddha Loka) is not even required …
Note: Above was the reason for Vedic sages to say the same for the “divine abode of the creator (i.e. Brahmaloka)” also … It is told in Vedic lore that is an aspirant enters into “creator’s abode (i.e. Brahmaloka) whilst still incarnated, then that aspirant cannot enter into the Brahmaloka when he or she is already de-incarnated (from that incarnation when the Brahmaloka or Sadyojata face of Sadashiva was self realized by that aspirant) …
Note continues: Thus is it told that those who have self realized Brahmaloka (or Sadyojata face of Shiva or any other divine world) whilst alive, then these aspirant’s never enter into that self realized divine world after they are de-incarnated … This is also because of the same discussed fact that if you self realize (through your own accomplishment vehicle (s) or Siddha bodies) and thence your Siddha body enters into a divine world whilst you are still alive (or incarnated), then from the point of view of the Maker’s Makings, there is no need for you to enter into that divine world, ever again, including after you would be de-incarnated (from that particular incarnation where you had had this self realization) …
As also is a fact, that, if the principal hierarchies of the divinities of Maker’s Makings are transited through, then from the macrocosmic point of view, the subordinate hierarchies (or sub hierarchies) of that principal state are also deemed to have been passed through by that aspirant …
As such, if a principle state has 50 sub-hierarchies, then when the aspirant’s consciousness transits through that principal state, its sub-hierarchies are also deemed to have been transited through from the macrocosmic point of view …
As such, if all the principal hierarchies of Maker’s Makings have been transited through by the microcosm’s (aspirants) subtler vehicle (or accomplishment vehicles or Siddha bodies which were discussed in an earlier set of topics) then that microcosm also qualifies to walk into the primordial nature (which itself denotes the state of voidness of allness or Sarva Shunya) … This state of emptiness of allness or Sarva Shunya was discussed in the earlier topic of “As IT progressed” …
Continuing with above paragraph … At this state of Sarva Shunya, the Macrocosmic creation is invalid for that aspirant because it was within this voidness of allness (i.e. Sarva Shunya) that the macrocosmic creation had originated and thus when this Sarva Shunya (or Shunya Tattva) is already arrived, then this condition is also deemed to be the one where that aspirant has already completed the full round of evolutionary existence within the four macrocosmic states … These four macrocosmic states are of Inert matter (or in other words, the inertial mass or inertial macrocosm), begun macrocosm (or in other words, the Samsara or macrocosmic matrix or cyclic existence), macro-neutral macrocosm (or the diamond white macro-equanimous macrocosm or simply the greater whole) and the original macrocosm (or in other words, the unbegun macrocosm which itself is the Achalit Brahmand or immovable macrocosm or eternal macrocosm or acyclic existence) … These four macrocosmic states were already discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT furthered itself” …
Continuing with above paragraph … And only after all above self realizations are completed, does that aspirant qualify to enter into the self realization of “Shunya Brahman (which means that beyond condition which is definitely the Zero Infinite and simultaneously it also is the Infinite Zero)” which we had discussed in the earlier topic of “As IT self expressed itself” …
Continuing with above paragraph … And only after completion of all above is the self realization of Brahman who was discussed in the earlier topic of “As IT originally was” … In Vedic lore, Brahman is also variously addressed by various sages and thus names like Parabrahman (Absolute entity), attributeless infinite being (which means as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm), the Supreme being (or the Absolute being, which means as Parambrahma), Attributeless formless being (which literally means as Nirgun Nirakaar), the supreme atman (or supreme soul or Paramatman) etc., are also denoting the same Brahman (or simply Brahm) only …
Continuing with above paragraph … And finally is the stage of knower of Maker’s Makings, which as such is when all above self realizations get successfully completed and it is at this stage can that aspirant be deemed to be the knower of allness of Maker’s Makings and thus such an aspirant is also the one who had directly cognized whatever was discussed in the earlier topic of “As IT eventually became” …
Continuing with above paragraph … Such an aspirant is also the one whose knows that the eternal Maker never made any non eternal microcosm, just as it is being discussed here and that aspirant also knows that unless Yogic ways as adopted, the existence within these “almost endless numbers” of macrocosmic hierarchies would only end up becoming “almost as eternal” as is the eternity of the Maker and its Makings … Thus such an aspirant knows that to substantially reduce the time span of existence within the macrocosmic creation and its hierarchies, Yogic ways which relate to the inward path (path of self realization) are the better of all paths or any of the triple times …
And finally for the current discussion …
And after a successful completion of all above, a stage eventually arrives where the aspirant’s travelling subtler vehicle can no longer see the Maker’s Makings … And thus if it cannot even see any of the gross, subtle and divine states of the entire macrocosmic creation (Maker’s Makings) then where would it return back, is the big question ….
This is what was told as going beyond the sea of macrocosm in Vedas and such ones were also told as those who have gone beyond the entirety of macrocosmic gross, subtle and divine oceans (i.e. such aspirant’s are those who have already evolved and reached a state which is beyond all physical worlds, subtler worlds and also beyond the divine worlds) …
Such an aspirant is the one who was told to be “Jeevanmukta (or liberated whilst still alive)” … And because the macrocosmic creation is absent for such aspirants, so when these aspirants de-incarnate (from their then physically incarnated state), then they are no longer found to be resting within any part of the entirety of Maker’s Makings (i.e. they can never be found within any physical, subtle and divine worlds of the entirety of Maker’s Makings) …
Above is also the condition where the current transmigrated incarnation (i.e. current incarnation which was had through the process of transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit language is also told as Parkaya Pravesh) of this little student who writes this text, is destined to proceed … This time around …
57-DD … Return back of matter to energy …
When all the conditions above discussions are already accomplished by an aspirant, then following happens …
- The gross earthly matter which the makes the physical vehicle (i.e. Gross physical body or Annamaye Kosha) shall be returned back to its primordial energy state when that aspirant de-incarnates … This means the physical body of such an aspirant would vanish if it is left un-cremated and unburied and in a safe place …
Continuing with above bullet point … Such aspirants are the ones who physical body (or grossly manifested elemental body) converts to the five primary macro-elements (i.e. Panch Mahabhoot) if that physical body is left untouched and is kept in a clean, open, natural and secure place for a time span of “half to one” lunar month … But the same also happens in many ancient Yogic traditions and their ways of life, so this part of physical body turning into light is not restricted to just this discussion (as paths of many other traditions can also lead to the same state of conversion of matter to physical vehicle to macro-elements and thence to a lighted energy state) …
Continuing with above paragraph … And please note this very carefully … But these traditions (of above paragraph) definitely do not lead to “all that is discussed in below bullet points” because below bullet points are only related to that aspirant who is a knower of allness of Maker’s Makings i.e. the Knower of Vishvaroop Brahma …
- The mind sheath (which in Sanskrit language is also called as Manomaye Kosha and the same is also called as the Manomaya Kosha) of such aspirants returns back to the macrocosmic mind plane (or plane of mind or Brahmic Manomaye Kosha or Brahmic Manas) and thence to Aghora face of Sadashiva and thence it rests permanently there … This fact is depicted in painted sketches of earlier topic of “From Ahum Naad to ALA Naad” and also another earlier topic of “Sadashiva Pradakshina … Vedanta” … The four sages who are shown in the figures of these two back-linked topics, are also those who had accomplished “this and below discussed” greatest of feats …
- The knowledge sheath (which in Sanskrit language is also called as Vijyanmaye Kosha and the same is also called as the Vijyanamaya Kosha) of such aspirant returns back to the plane of knowledge (Brahmic Vijyanmaye Kaya) or simply Indraloka, which was already discussed here, here and here …
- The vital air sheath (which in Sanskrit language is also called as Pranamaye Kosha and the same is also called as the Pranamaya Kosha) of such aspirants return back to Avyakta … Thus such aspirants are also the holders of light pink body (which in Sanskrit language can also be called as Avyakta Sharira) and such ones are also those who have self realized the “World of light pink body … Avyakta” … These are the aspirants who also become those sages who hold the “Diamond white body (which in Sanskrit language can also be called as Brahma Sharira) and such ones are also those who have self realized the “Sadyojata face of Sadashiva (which in Sanskrit language is also called as Brahmaloka)” … And since to self realize these, all other bodies shall need to be self realized earlier, so such an aspirant is also the one who has already accomplished all that was discussed within the earlier set of topics on “Siddha Sharira and Loka” …
- The causal body (which is also called as the causal sheath and the Bliss sheath and which in Sanskrit language is also called as Antahkarana Chatushtaya and in various other Vedic texts, this has also been addressed as Anandmaye Kosha and the same is also called as the Anandamaya Kosha) … The causal body of such an aspirant merges back to Adi Parashakti (i.e. supreme mother of allness) and the Atman of such an aspirant is eventually gets released into Brahman as was discussed in the earlier set of topics on Vedic Mahavakya and which itself is after self realization of what was discussed in the earlier set of topic on “Naad Brahm … Sounds of Absolute”, and was also discussed in the earlier set of topic on “Ashtama Chakra … Eighth Plexus”,
- and was also discussed in the earlier set of topic on “Shiva Taraka Naad (which itself is of the sound of Ram or Raam Naad)”
- and was also discussed in the earlier set of topic on “Randra … Secret door” … Some reference to the same discussion was also in the topic of “Sadashiva Pradakshina” …
The same state of return of matter into energy state, through the intermediary stage of matter transforming into light is also continuously happening inside the Sun …
Such Yogis who have accomplished all above, are also the ones who never return back and yet they are never gone … This is as they are as follows …
- Already permanently gone, yet the eternal ungone …
- Already permanently ungone, yet the eternally gone …
- Already the primordial Zero, yet the eternal Infinite …
- Already eternal infinite, yet the only primordial Zero …
- Neither existent, nor not existence and yet the eternally existent one …
- Beyond existence and non existence alike, yet the ever existent one … I.e. one who has attained to Kaivalya Moksha or final liberation which is also from concepts of existence and non existence, within this or beyond (divine) realms …
- Neither liberated nor in bondage, yet the eternally emancipated one (i.e. resting in Kaivalya or Moksha) …
- Neither the microcosm nor the macrocosm, yet the ever-present eternal-innermost-essence of these (i.e. Atman is Brahm) …
57-EE … Matter is energy, energy is matter and both eternal …
Above is also the stage which leads to a realization that matter in its original state is energy and to this energy state shall matter be eventually returning back, but only after it has lived its destined time span within the all the hierarchies of the Maker’s Makings …
During subtle travels (astral, causal travels and travels which also are of the accomplishment vehicles) when we observe the subtler states being originated and destroyed cyclically, then we also know that energy and matter are interconvertible and thus in reality, these two are one and the same only …
And because energy itself is the root of allness and also since energy never dies, so in the finality of things and just as they really are within the macrocosmic creation, everything is none other than an eternal entity … This itself is because, in the finality of things, every matter is a condensed state of energy and energy never dies as it is the eternal one …
Thus irrespective of whether we (i.e. physical vehicles) rest within a state, mode or condition of existence or we rest in a state of freedom from these, our existence is eternal only because the root of our existence (i.e. energy or divinity or divine mother of allness or Adi Parashakti) is an eternal entity …
And basis above, the state of final liberation could “also” be described thus …
An eternal existence within a natural freedom, but only after the entirety of eternal evolutionary-existence within all hierarchies is already transited through
And the process of above, always passes through the same energy which as such is the root of our existence … It is due to this reason, that the energy itself is told as divinity (or divine mother of allness) in many ancient lore’s … And that divinity also comes under purviews of the below mentioned Vedic statement due to which she ends up being the root of vast number of form and formless, gross and subtler states of microcosm’s that have originated within the Maker’s Makings …
Ekohum Bahusyami
Which means …
I essentially am one, but I desired to be many … Thus many I eventually became
Above statement describes the pristine divinity or mother of all or the root of allness or simply the primordial timeless energy …
And it eventually is to this divinity of supreme mother of allness (Maa Adi Parashakti) that every microcosm relates during the entire course of its evolutionary process … And beyond …
And it eventually is due to the eternity of this divinity of supreme mother of allness (Maa Adi Parashakti) and who herself of the root of allness and her each part, that everything (every microcosm) is naught but an eternal entity, irrespective of what mode, condition of state of existence that microcosm may be resting in during any of the hierarchical stage of its almost eternal evolutionary process …
And it was this energy which transformed herself as the Sun of this solar system during the commencement stage of the current Brahma Kalpa (i.e. current day-time of creator) …
When we consider the sun in its root nature, then it is the Trideva (i.e. creator, preserver and destroyer) and simultaneously the same sun is also the Tridevi (divinity or energy of Trimurti) and this is why “Surya Purana” (ancient knowledge of sun) also states the same for the sun Deity (Sun God) …
And the root reason for above paragraphs fact is that, by itself, our planetary sun is the self manifested state of “Hiranyagarbha Brahma (which in English language means as the golden womb of macrocosmic creation)” within this part of the universe (i.e. our solar system) …
Hiranyagarbha (i.e. golden womb of creation) itself is the one who is addressed as Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva (who in Shaiva Agama Lore’s, is also addressed as Tatpurusha face of Shiva) … And in Yoga and Vedas, Hiranyagarbha is also addressed Ukar … Basis the sound characteristic,(Ukar can also be called as Okar, due to the fact that it’s Sound is of O i.e. Sound of O, is of Okar) …
Plus I also know that our planetary sun is the greatest Ayurvedacharya (i.e. the Man of Maker’s medicinal systems) available in this part of the macrocosmic creation … But I also know, that not many would agree to this statement, even when it is a matter of fact …
Continues …