This topic shall discuss the fact which relates to Wobble of celestial circles, but with reference to this planet and thus we would be discussing the aspects of Wobble of celestial bodies and thus also relating to the Wobble of earth’s axis …
This topic continues from the earlier one of “Change of human age and sun” and also relates to earlier topic of “Sinusoidal Paths” …
Everything that rests upon the celestial spheres follows a sine wave path … The sine wave path of celestial bodies is the one which leads to a state where within the vast skies, the celestial circle which gets drawn due to movement of a celestial body (including the Precessional circle) is also found to be slightly wobbly in its path … By this I mean that each path of a celestial body (i.e. celestial circle) has smaller sine waves already present within it and thus is the reason for wobble of celestial bodies as far as their paths are concerned …
The same wobble is also in the earth’s precession circle as the axis of earth itself wobbles along its pointing in the celestial circle … Thus is the wobble of earth’s axis which leads to wobble of the precession circle and which itself is due to the sine wave paths of celestial bodies and celestial circles …
All paths of travel of all celestial bodies have the same wobbly nature and where these wobbles of paths of all bodies are also like sine waves …
And since the human age cycles also rest within the precession circle, so the movement of human age cycles is also slightly wobbly and thus their path of travel is not a perfect curve … There is no perfection in nature as far as straight line paths of anything are concerned …
Some of these paths are discussed below …
65-AA … Effects of wobble of celestial circles … Wobble of celestial bodies …
Each celestial body wobbles in its path which relates to the sine wave like path of that celestial body and where this sine wave like path is also resting inside the main path of that celestial body … Thus is anyone were to draw the real path of that celestial body, then it would be having many sine wave like shapes in it …
This leads to a state where the time span of that celestial body to travel around its own center of travel, gets exactly doubled … And it was due to this reason that the concept of “there also being an esoteric path which rests within the mathematical symbol of infinity” which we have already discussed in an earlier topic, was derived …
And in this path, the larger age cycle holds the smaller age cycles inside them and that too in such a way that the smaller age cycle is nothing but the time span of one sine wave of that path of the larger age cycle …
Depending upon which celestial body is considered, is the value of sine wave and the method to derive it … For example divine years are related to the sun and divine beings, so they follow the time span of Brahma’s existence (i.e. number of years of Brahma worlds for which a Brahma or creator exists) … And divine years hold human solar years in them, so the human solar years follows the timelines of divine beings (i.e. number of days of divine beings which make one year of those divine beings) and human solar years which make a “human age (which in Sanskrit language would mean as a Manav Yuga)” again follow the timelines of Brahma (creator of allness) so the sine wave calculation within human solar years (which make a human age cycle) again follows the codes of Brahma (i.e. number of Brahma’s years which make his total lifetime) …
65-BB … Examining effects of celestial wobbles …
Some of the examples of above are as follows …
- Solar cycles and divine age cycles … The time span of revolution of sun was calculated as 216 million human solar years as per middle time units of precession (see earlier topic of “Calculating solar revolution”) …
Continuing with above bullet point … And the esoteric path of sun which accounts for those smaller sine waves which also are an intrinsic path of travel of sun around the non lighted center of the Milky Way Galaxy is what was told as the one which rests within the symbol of infinity, so this time span is double of the solar revolution i.e. 216 x 2 = 432 million human solar years as per middle time units of earth’s axial precession … And Brahma has a total lifetime of 100 years (at the Abode of Brahma, which in the Vedic lore is also called as Brahmaloka) which have a time span of 311.040 trillion human solar years as per middle time units of precession of equinoxes …
Continuing with above paragraph … Divine ages are a part of the solar cycle (i.e. the esoteric path of sun within the mathematical symbol of infinity) and there are 100 divine ages (Deva Yuga) in this esoteric path of infinity of sun …
Thus one divine age (Mahayuga) is of a time span as calculated below …
432 million / 100 = 4.32 million human solar years (at middle time units of precession) …
Above is the time span of one complete sine wave amongst the 100 sine waves that rest within the esoteric path of sun which runs within the shape of mathematical symbol of infinity …
This is what is told in Vedas as the time span of one divine age cycle (that is also called as a Mahayuga Chakra or Chatur Yuga Chakra or Deva Yuga Chakra) … And the Sun is also told as the manifested state of “golden womb of macrocosmic creation (i.e. Hiranyagarbha Brahma)” from whom all divine beings (Deva’s) had gotten originated …
And since the sun itself is the self manifested state of “golden womb of macrocosmic creation (i.e. Hiranyagarbha Brahma)” in this part of the universe, so the same sun is also told as the bearer of divinities of the Vedic Trinity (i.e. the creator, preserver and destroyer) …
- Divine age cycles and human age cycles …
Human age cycle (i.e. Manav Yuga Chakra) is a part of the divine age cycle (i.e. Mahayuga Chakra or a Chatur Yuga Chakra and this can even be called as a Deva Yuga Chakra) and thus human age cycles are told to relate to “days of divine beings” …
Since there are 360 sine waves in one divine age cycle (which in Sanskrit language means as a Mahayuga Chakra or Chatur Yuga Chakra and it is even called as a Deva Yuga Chakra) so it is due to this reason that the Vedas say that the Deva have “360 human days” in their one day and there are 360 human solar years in one divine year (which in Sanskrit language can also be termed as a Deva Vatsara) …
So to know the time span of a human age cycle, we need to divide divine age cycle by 360 … This becomes as follows …
4,320,000 years / 360 = 12,000 human solar years (at middle time units of precession)
And this is why Manu Smriti also says the same number of 12,000 in its calculations …
Proceeding further …
So prior we move any further, following must be discussed …
- Within the solar path there are two sine waves which run one within the other … The sine wave which relates the divine ages and which runs directly within the solar cycle, is the main sine wave … And the sine wave which runs indirectly within the solar path (as this sine wave runs within the sine wave of the divine ages) is the one which relates to the human age cycle …
- These human age cycles are related to the sine wave like path of the precession circle, whose total time span is of 24,000 human solar years … And it is due to this reason that each “complete human age cycle (or Manav Yuga Chakra)” is of 12,000 human solar years because this is the time of one sine wave of movement within the precession circle …
- And coincidentally 12,000 human solar years is also the sine wave of path of earth around the sun (whilst the sun is also moving around the non lighted center of the Galaxy) …
- Divine age cycles are also related to the sinusoidal movement of sun around the center of milky way galaxy … And each sine wave has a time span of 12,000 divine years, which is equal to 4.32 million human solar years …
- Thus basis above, the time span of divine age cycles is related to one sine wave path of sun (i.e. divine ages run within the solar cycles) and on the contrary, human age cycle is related to the sine wave which is present inside the divine age cycle (i.e. one human age cycle is the time span of one-half sine wave within the divine age cycle) and since there are two mirror image like human age cycles within a precession cycle, so the precession cycle is also double the time of a human age cycle …
Thus basis above listed bullet points, both the precession cycles (i.e. human age cycles) and divine age cycles are eventually related to the sun only and both are related to the sinusoidal movements itself …
This is because as the sun moves around the Milky Way Galaxy, it has two sine waves running simultaneously within it and these two are as follows …
- The larger (or main) sine wave is related to the divine age cycles …
- The lesser (or subordinate) sine wave which runs within the larger (or main) sine wave (i.e. sine wave of the divine ages) is related to the time span of precession of equinoxes (or Human age cycles) …
- Within the larger (or main) sine wave which relates to the divine age cycles, the total span which is taken to reach the same condition again, is of 4.32 million human solar years (as per middle time units of precession) …
- And within the lesser (or subordinate) sine wave which relates to the precession of equinoxes (i.e. human age cycles), the time taken to reach the same state (of middle of precession) is of 12,000 human solar years (as per middle time units of earth’s axial precession) … This is the reason for Manu Smriti to say that one complete human age cycle which has 4 human ages, is of 12,000 years … And it is also due to this reason that there are two full sets of human age cycles which are present within each complete Precessional circle (or in other words, 360 degrees arc of the Precession circle) …
Proceeding further … But continuing with above …
Since within the Vedas, this path is of light (or sun) to which both divine and human age cycles are related (as discussed above) is also termed as Divya or Divi (both of which means divine, luminous etc.), so the Yuga chakra or cycle of time of these is of the “Divya Yuga (or Deva Yuga or divine age cycle)” and not the human age cycles …
Thus it is also due to this reason, that Deva Yuga which as such is directly related to the main solar sine wave like path which as such is of 12,000 Divya Varsha (or 12,000 divine years) and on the contrary, the human age cycles are of 12,000 human solar years which represent the lesser sine curve which we have already discussed earlier on in this topic …
And Vedic lore had taken a precedence of divine ages over human ages … This is because human ages are naught but a part of the divine age only (This fact is already discussed in above discussions, so I won’t be expanding this statement here) … And it is due to this reason, that Vedic lore primarily relates to the divine ages and not to the human ages … Thus it is also due to this reason that the Vedic folks talk about age cycles, then they primarily are referring to the divine age cycles (Mahayuga) itself …
And basis above discussion, it is also pretty clear that both the divine age cycles (i.e. Chatur Yuga) and human age cycles can also be represented in a sine wave form …
65-CC … Examining effects of celestial wobbles on precession circle …
Here we shall be calculating the time spans of each sinusoidal of the Precessional cycle (human age cycle) …
As the precession curve moves, it also has minor sinusoidal movements (as discussed earlier on in this topic itself) …
These movements are dependent upon total-life-span of the creator (i.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji) which has also been discussed above …
So this time span is calculated as follows …
As per Vedic lore, neither is the current Brahma (or current creator of this multi-universal macrocosmic creation) the first, nor would he be the last Brahma …
Each Brahma Lives for 100 Brahma Varsha (Brahma Varsha means as one year of brahma or Brahma year, which are much higher than human, divine years and solar years) …
And since precession of equinoxes is also an intrinsic partless-part of the divinity of Maker’s Makings, so each cycle of precession also has 100 such smaller movements in the shape of sine waves …
The time spans of these sine-waves at various Precessional points are as follows …
- At Middle of precession …
24,000 (total years in a precession cycle) / 100 = 240 human solar years …
- At Nadir of precession …
This can be calculated by below method …
Value at middle of precession x 1.08 = Value at Nadir of precession …
So this becomes as follows …
240 x 1.08 = 259.2 human solar years …
And another method of the same calculation is as follows …
{(Value at middle of precession / unitary value at middle of precession) x unitary value at Nadir of precession)
240 / 66.6666667 x 72 = 259.2 human solar years …
- At Zenith of precession …
This can be calculated at follows …
{(Value at middle of precession / (Value at Nadir of precession – Value at middle of precession)}
240 – (259.2 – 240) = 220.8 human solar years …
And another method of the same calculation is as follows …
{(Value at Nadir of precession / unitary value at Nadir of precession) x unitary value at Zenith of precession)
259.2 / 72 x 61.3333333 = 220.8 human solar years …
- At current stage of precession …
And if this time span is calculated at the present “Unitary value of time”, then it would be as follows …
{(Value at Nadir of precession / unitary value at Nadir of precession) x unitary value at current stage of precession) …
(259.2 / 72) x 71.6 = 257.76 human solar years …
And another method of the same calculation is as follows …
This method is by utilizing the yearly change of precession (i.e. at 50.28 arc seconds), then it would be as follows …
{(Value at Nadir of precession / yearly rate of change at current stage of precession) x yearly rate of change at Nadir of precession)
259.2 / 50.28) / 50 = 257.76 human solar years …
Note: In above calculations, the values of 72, 71.6, 61.3333333 and of 66.6666667 are directly taken from an earlier topic of “Unitary value of time” …
Note: In above calculations, the value of 24,000 is directly taken from earlier topic of “Precession of equinoxes” and same was also discussed within another topic of “Calculating precession” …
Note: In above calculations, the value of 1.08 is taken from discussions of the earlier topic of “Calculating precession” and same was also discussed within another topic of “About Kaalchakra” …
Note: In above calculations, the values of 50.28 and 50 are taken from earlier topics of “yearly change of precession” …
Note: All above calculations are also an intrinsic part of an earlier topic of “mathematics of universe” …
65-DD … Reason for absence of straight line paths of celestial bodies …
The root nature (Prakriti) from which the manifest nature (i.e. Apra Prakriti), non manifest nature (who is also called as Para Prakriti) and the “neither manifest nor non manifest nature (i.e. Avyakta Prakriti or in simple words, this by itself is the Avyakta)” were self originated, is an eternal entity … This is how the genius of Maker’s Makings were made and this is even when the manifest nature has a cyclic mode of existence, but only as far as the individual natural microcosms (i.e. right from a universe till an atom) are concerned … By cyclic existence, I mean, a manifestation (incarnation) followed by a temporary incarnated existence (life time as a microcosm) and then an exit from that incarnated state (or death of that entity) …
The eternity of root nature (Maa Prakriti) is also the same as the undefined eternity of the attributeless infinite being (i.e. Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm, which itself is another name for the ever-same who is addressed as Brahman within the Vedas) …
To ensure this eternity, the only way was to ensure that nothing ever follows a straight line path and nothing can ever follow those paths which run exactly parallel to each other …
And this itself was due to the fact that if two straight lines which stay equidistant from each other till infinity of their projection, are projected endlessly into that infinity, then they would eventually be meeting in that infinity of projection and thus would no longer be termed as straight lines (or microcosms) …
This would lead to following aspects, which the macrocosmic creation can never afford …
- Meeting in infinity is possible only if straight line paths are there and since that meeting point itself is of infinity, which as such is related to the same attributeless infinite Absolute being (who in Sanskrit language is addressed as Nirgun Nirakaar, who itself is the one addressed as Brahm or Brahman in Vedas) , so this would mean granting each microcosm a way out of purviews of macrocosmic nature because that stage of entry into the infinite only means a final liberation (i.e. exit out of allness and her each part) … And this would also mean end of existence as a macrocosm or microcosm … This would lead to a state of ending of root nature which is also present (in a subtle state) inside each microcosm and which itself is impossible as within the genius of Maker’s Makings, Maa Prakriti (Root Nature) was also made as eternal as the absolute being itself is …
- So to prevent such a state where some of the straight lines (of paths and evolutionary process) of some of those “close to infinite number of microcosm’s” ending up being exactly parallel to each other and then over a period of time, they end up getting projected into that all present infinite being (or infinity is an omnipresent state) and thus they end up exiting out of macrocosmic creation (i.e. mother nature losing them permanently and thus losing her own portion which was within these microcosms) nothing was ever made to rest in a straight line path …
- This also ensures the eternity of existence Mother Nature (i.e. Root Nature or Maa Prakriti) just as it was designed to be within the supreme genius as is of the Maker’s Makings … And due to this reason, nothing ever follows a straight line path …
- And the better of all ways to permanently prevent this state from arriving (i.e. prevent it during the entirety of existence of macrocosmic creation) was to either have a circular path or an elliptical path or elliptic orbit, but where all these paths held smaller paths of sine waves within them …
- Thus is the real reason for wobbly nature of celestial bodies and their celestial circles … This is also one of the aspects which ensures that the eternity of existence of allness and her each part (as allness itself is within her each part) is eternally maintained and which in turn ensures that all that was ever made within this supreme genius of Maker’s Makings, is naught but an eternal entity … And this statement is irrespective of what anybody may believe about it or not believe about it as it is not dependent upon understandings or interpretations of anyone or anything, here or beyond …
Continues …