In this topic we shall calculate the Earth’s speed (speed of earth or speed of revolution of earth) around the sun …
In this topic I have taken the ratio of size of earth to sun as 1 : 108 … If it is any different, then the value would change so readers should calculate that value themselves, but by using the methods given here …
This topic is in continuity to the previous one of “Changes in tilt of earth’s axis” …
68-AA … Speed of earth at current time units of precession …
This is calculated by the formula as stated below …
{(subtle size of sun as compared to subtle size of earth or in other words, the ratio of size of energies around earth and sun) x (1000)} x {(time for current one degree arc of precession of the world system to which the measurement relates / time for arc of one degree at Nadir of precession of the world system to which the measurement relates)}
So the speed of earth would be as follows …
{(108 x 1000)} x (71.6 / 72)} = 107,400 Kilometers/hour …
Note: Above calculated value is the average speed at current rate of yearly change of precession of 50.28 arc seconds per year (as I had observed at sea) and which becomes “71.6 years per degree change of precession of equinoxes” …
This calculation also depicts the relationship of energy to the dimension of time, which I shall discuss in a later topic (if I find it necessary) …
68-BB … Earth’s speed at Nadir time units of precession …
And at Nadir time units of axial precession of earth, above value would be as follows …
{(Value at current time units / unitary value at current time units) x unitary value at Nadir time units}
So the final value becomes as follows …
{(107,400 / 71.6) x 72} = 108,000 Kilometers/hour …
68-CC … Earth’s speed at Middle time units of precession …
At Middle point of precession cycle (i.e. human ages), above value would be as per below given equation …
Speed at Nadir of precession / 1.08
So its value becomes as follows …
108,000 / 1.08 = 100,000 Kilometers/hour …
And another method of calculating above value is as given below …
{(Speed at current stage of precession / unitary value of time at current stage of precession) x unitary value of time at middle of precession
So the value becomes …
{(107,400 / 71.6) x 66.6666667 = 100,000 Kilometers/hour …
68-DD … Speed of earth at Zenith time units of precession …
And at Zenith of precession, above value would be …
{(Speed at Middle time units / unitary value at middle time units) x unitary value at Zenith time units}
So above value becomes as follows …
{(100,000 x 66.6666667) x 61.3333333} = 91,999.9999 Kilometers / hour …
Note: It is pretty clear from above calculations that as the Precessional circle moves through its stages, speed of earth in its path of revolution around the sun shall also be found to be different … And this difference is only due to the ever changeful state of the applicable unitary values of time cycles at different stages of precession when this value would be calculated by anyone …
Note: However this formula is only applicable until the precession cycle is closer to Nadir point of precession of equinoxes … Thus after about 3.3 millenniums (as per figures of earlier topics which were showing the human age cycles with dates) when the middle point of the ascending cycle of incoming age of sages shall be just about crossed over by this world system, then the reference shall have to be taken from middle point of precession … And when another “33 x 2” hundred years would have passed, then the reference shall would to be shifted to the Zenith point instead of the current state of reference which is taken from Nadir point in above formula …
Note: Value of 108 as is stated above, is denoting the values of ratios of energy fields that surround these two i.e. sun and earth … This is because of the fact that as compared to the size of these two (earth and sun) the earth has a much larger aura, because of the presence of very vast number of animate-conscious-knowledgeable-active life here and thus this ratio is a bit lesser (as compared to ratios of sizes of the sun and earth) when considering the energy fields that surround this planet …
Note: But basis the actual sizes of earth and sun, the ratios of these two i.e. the size of earth and sun, shall be somewhere closer to a value of 108.88 … I won’t be calculating as per this figure (interested readers can do it themselves) …
Note: If the aspirants would note the similarities in derived values of this topic and the values of previous topic of “Changes in earth’s orbit”, then the relationship of these two topics would be known …
Note: The values of 72, 71.6, 61.3333333 and 66.6666667 are directly taken from the earlier topic of “Unitary value of time” …
Note: Above values are basis the rate of yearly change of precession of 50.28 arc seconds, which may not be exactly correct as it is based upon my own crude form of observations whilst I was sailing at sea (I am a master mariner by profession and a macrocosmic mariner by habit, hobby and by the inherent eccentricity of my evolutionary path till now) … Thus to know the exact value, please use the exact yearly rate of change of precession and as the human age cycles (i.e. Manav Yuga which run inside the precession cycles itself) progress, just keep changing the precession to actual values of that time and keep utilizing these discussions (of this and other topics of this knowledge of eternal cycles of time or Kaalchakra) in future also …
I say so as these methods are directly related to the intrinsically pluralistic yet essentially monist ways of divine mathematics which the creator had utilized to self originate the Maker’s Makings as its own macrocosmic and microcosmic, divine, eternal self expression which itself led to the state where “each microcosm to be none other than a divine and eternal entity in addition to being an intrinsically-unbroken partless-part of the ever-same omnipresent, omnicompetent, omni-aspected, omnidirectional, omnifarious, omniform, omnipotent, omniscient, omnificent, omniparient and yet the eternal undefined infinite being” …
Continues …