In this topic we shall discuss the Speed of sun or sun revolution speed or the Speed of solar system within the Milky Way Galaxy …
Thus, here we would be calculating the speed of sun or the sun revolution speed or the speed of solar system as it moves around the central non-lighted part of our plane of existence or in other words, Akasha Ganga or the Milky Way Galaxy …
This topic continues from the previous one of “Speed of earth” …
69-AA-1 … Speed of revolution of sun around the Milky Way Galaxy …
This calculation is basis the solar path of infinity (i.e. esoteric movement of sun within the mathematical symbol of infinity) …
And this calculation is as the currently applicable time units (i.e. as per current yearly change of precession arc 50.28 arc seconds per year) …
{(Current time units or time of current one degree precession) x (1.08)2 x (100) 2 x (71.6/72)}
{(71.6) x (1.08)2 x (100) 2 x (71.6/72)}
71.6 x 1.1664 x 10000 x 0.9944444 = 830,502.7 Kilometer/hour …
Above value becomes, 830502.7 /3600 = 230.69 kilometers/second …
In above calculation the Nadir point (of 1434 AD) of earth’s axial precession is used as a base and thus values of Nadir point are utilized in this calculation … So “72 years per degree change of precession” and “1.08” are utilized in above calculation …
Nadir point is also the closest cardinal point of precession from current times (whose unitary value is of 71.6 years per degree change of precession) which is also utilized in above calculation …
69-AA-2 … Notes on above calculation of speed of sun …
In above calculation,
- Value of 1.08 is taken from earlier discussions in the topic of “Calculating precession” and also in another topic of “About Kaalchakra” and also of all those earlier topics which have references of Varaha Avatar of Sri Vishnu adjusting this part of the universe in multiples and/or fractions of number 108 …
- When using above equation and whenever changes of precession of equinoxes take place, then directly take the years for one degree precession (i.e. directly take value of “unitary value of time” for that stage of precession to derive the speed of sun at that stage of cycle of time) … Thus this equation can be utilized for any cycle of time and in any future, but provided the unitary value of time of that stage of human age cycles (or the Precessional circle) is used in those future calculations …
And because there is no reference taken to anything except of the dimensional aspects of time, which itself is the base of speed, so the calculated value is an absolute speed (as it has no relation to anything which is based upon relative or environmental aspects) … I say so because this calculation has no relation to anything other than its own base i.e. unitary values of the current time cycle (or current human age cycle or current Manav Yuga) …
And because there is no reference taken to anything except of the dimensional aspects of time, which itself is the base of speed, so the calculated value is an absolute speed … This is because it has no relation to anything which is based upon relative (or environmental aspects) … I say so because this calculation has no relation to anything other than its own base i.e. unitary values of time cycles …
69-BB … Speed of sun when using speed of light as a base …
But in above calculation, when we view this speed whilst resting within those vast number of relative movements as are of this planet (on which we reside) around the sun, the plane of existence (Milky Way Galaxy), its background celestial sphere and the solar system as a whole, all of which are not even moving in the same direction and/or at the same rate of change as all others, then even when the above calculated value is actually the absolute value (i.e. it is a value without any relative aspect) and thus it is also an absolutely correct value, yet it would not be found to be the value as per astronomical observations …
In one cycle of axial precession of earth, there are two complete human age cycles i.e. one human age cycle is of the Uttarayan Marg (which in simple words, means as a descending cycle of human ages) and the second half cycle of precession is of the Dakshinayan Marg (or ascending phase of precession) …
And in the earlier topic of “Arcs of age cycles”, we had also discussed that one complete human age cycle is of 10 arc units which was also broken up as follows …
- 4 units are of Manav Satyuga (human age of truth or human golden age) …
- 3 units are of Manav Tretayuga (or human age of trinity) …
- 2 units are of Manav Dwaparyuga (or human age of duality) …
- 1 unit are of Manav Kaliyuga (or human degenerate age) …
- And the same breakup is also applicable to divine age cycles (Deva Yuga, which in some streams of Vedic kn0wlewdge, is also called as Mahayuga) …
Below derived value is basis “one unit value of human ages” and it is the same when even when we would consider divine age cycles (Chatur Yuga) …
One unit is of 18 degrees precession arc as shown below …
180 degrees precession arc / 10 = 18 degrees precession arc …
Above value (of 1 unit of human age cycle) is also the same as arc of Offset-Nadir phase of precession (Offset-Nadir phase is also of 18 degrees precession arc around Offset-Nadir point of 786 AD) …
18 degrees precession arc translates to 1296 years (18 x 72 = 1296 years) as per Nadir point time units of precession … This is the base of below calculations …
With above stated Nadir time units as a base, in below calculation we have derived the value of speed of sun at current time units i.e. basis my observed value of “yearly change of precession” of 50.28 arc seconds per year (as I had observed at sea) …
Proceeding further …
When we consider the currently applicable Nadir phase of precession (i.e. 18 degrees precession arc or 1296 year cycle of time that is around the Offset-Nadir point of precession) which leads to inauguration of the incoming age of sages on/around 2082 AD, then even when above calculated value of 830,502 kilometers is the absolute speed of sun (i.e. it is free of any relative aspects) yet the speed of sun would still be found to be of a value as is calculated below …
Proceeding further …
And above calculation can also be done basis utilization of values (and arcs) of “1 unit of human ages” which itself is the same as Offset-Nadir phase of precession …
In such a case also we need to utilize “18 degrees precession arc” (or 1296 years as per the time units of closest cardinal point of precession i.e. Nadir point) …
Since the primary value that is applicable to celestial and divine aspects (as stated in Vedas) relates to the closest Precession cardinal points, so in this calculation we would also need to utilize Nadir time units only …
Above is because of the fact that as of today (i.e. the stage of precession when I calculate this value) the closest cardinal point of precession is of Nadir only …
Utilization of Nadir time units (i.e. units of the closest cardinal point) is due the fact that for all celestial aspects which relate to divinities (as are stated in Vedic lore) the closest cardinal point (which in our case is Nadir point) is the one that primarily apply …
For other values that do not relate to celestial aspects (or do not relate to divine aspects), this method would not apply …
For other cardinal points, this method has to use time units of those cardinal points of precession …
Note: Value of speed of light that is stated below is calculated at a later stage in this topic (in a later topic of speed of light) …
{(absolute speed of light/1296) x (71.6/72)}
{(1,079,053,804 / 1296) x (71.6/72)} = 827,977.671 Kilometers / hour …
This is equal to 827,977.671 / 3600 = 229.993798 kilometers / second …
But because the speed of light (that is used in this calculation) is also governed by cycles of time, so the speed of sun that is calculated here is not denoting absolute speed …
Above calculated speed is dependent upon speed of light, which itself is not a constant speed (due to all speeds, including those of light are dependent upon the cyclic nature of time and thus are dependent upon the ever changeful state of unitary value of time), so it is not free of relativities …
Plus there is also a cyclic existence of manifest state of light (i.e. Prakat Prakash) because light is not something that is eternally existent in its constant state within the universe …
Cyclic existence of light originally is within emptiness (non-lightness of primordial nature), then the same light exists as energy (Activity principle or Maa Shakti), thence as a macro-elemental light (Mahabhoot Prakash) then as impressional light (Samskarik Prakash Awastha), then only does light get manifested within the universe as visible light … This means that only after these stated stages are crossed over, does manifest light (or Prakat Prakash) gets arrived at within the universe …
And when the same manifest light completes its existence within its manifest light state in the universe, then it again enters back into its impressional state and then through the above listed main states of light, it again returns back to its original state as was within emptiness and which itself after that light has returned back to its energy state …
By above paragraph is it clear that existence of light is also cyclic and the original state of light is as energy …
So unless the stages from impressional light and beyond are considered, minor errors due to relativities of observed aspects with the background movements of all celestial spheres and which as such are inherent to the system of physical observations and calculations, cannot be ruled out …
It is due to this reason, that all observed values cannot be of absolute values and thus these observed values shall always have a range of accuracy unless the macrocosmic primordial dimension of time (i.e. Kaal) and its eternal cycles (i.e. Kaalchakra) are used as a base to calculate the speed of light (and the speed of anything else) …
Thus those values which are derived with base of time are the only ones which are free of such variations and relative aspects … These variations itself are due to a cyclic nature of everything that has ever originated and thence rested within the Maker’s Makings …
All such values which are derived by using time as a base are the only ones which are free of relative aspects and thus only these values are the ones which are free of limitations of relative aspects that are utilized as a base in other modes of calculations … And since the above derived value of speed of sun is free of all such relative aspects, so they are none other than absolute values as they rest upon nothing but “the unobservable and yet the knowable dimension of time” …
At any of the stages of progress of time, when we observe anything, then aspects of that particular cycle of time are always present within our observations … Due to this reason, I have used the value of 1296 here, as this is the smallest unit of precession when we consider it within the cycles of “precession of equinoxes” …
To comprehend 1296 years as have been stated here, please see earlier figures of human ages which are drawn on the Precessional circle in many of the earlier topics of like “End of nadir phase”, and also another earlier discussion on “Breakup of ages at Zenith and Nadir” and yet another earlier discussion on “Arcs of Age cycles” …
Notes basis above stated topics …
- End-point of above stated time-span of 1296 years (or 18 degrees precession arc, at Nadir time units) from Offset-Nadir point (of 786 AD) is also the same as the end-point of “9 degrees precession arc” after Nadir point (of 1434 AD) is crossed over …
- And this is the same as value of arc “one unit of human age cycles (or one unit of Manav Yuga) ” …
- Thus, whether we say 18 degrees arc after Offset-Nadir point (of 786 AD) or we say 9 degrees arc after Nadir point (of 1434 AD), they both lead to the same year of 2082 AD, which denotes inauguration phase of incoming human golden age (Age of Sages or Guru Yuga) …
- But since Nadir point (of 1434 AD) is the closest cardinal point of precession during the current times (when I do this calculation) and since our derived value is of a divinity (sun is stated as a divine entity in Vedas) Nadir time units (of 72 years per degree precession) are used here as a base … Nadir is the point to calculate divinities …
- This is why, even when we have used arc of “one unit of human ages” (which itself is the same as 18 degrees precession arc of current Offset-Nadir phase) as the base in calculation of 1296 years, we have used unitary value of Nadir point here …
- If anything relates to a divinity (as is told in Vedas), then units of closest cardinal point are to be used …
But since this value is same as that of Offset-Nadir point (of 786 AD), so even when above calculated value (of 827,977.671 Kilometers / hour) is derived here, yet this value is not the absolute speed of sun …
The absolute speed of sun or the speed of sun which is free of all aspects which relate to hierarchies and relativities of Maker’s Makings, is the one which was derived as 830,502.7 Kilometer/hour (section 69-AA-1 above) …
69-CC … Inherent errors in above calculations …
Due to the speed of light also being eternally changeful as per the eternally changeful nature of cycles of time and since the value of “one meter” that is presently used by modern science is also based upon that eternally variable speed of light itself, so unless the actual speed of light and its changes during the progress of cycles of time are considered, the inherent errors in above calculations (and also all other calculations), can never be evolved over …
This is because the meter is also not a fixed value due to the meter itself dependent upon the speed of light and which itself is an eternally variable speed as it follows the cycles of time and its unitary values …
Thus unless the meter is adjusted to the actual state of meter that is applicable at that time, below mentioned errors shall remain in all calculations …
If this error is resolved, then the following “minor errors” would be seen as a fact and which itself is due to the mathematical genius of Maker’s Makings (which we had discussed in an earlier topic of “Mathematics of universe” …
- The time span of solar revolution (that is also called as a Galactic year by modern science) which was calculated as 231.984 million human solar years in an earlier topic of “Calculating solar revolution” should ideally be “very close” to the speed of solar system (in Kilometers per hour) …
But this problem of getting a different values through different methods are related to the following …
- Shifting of Nadir to Offset-Nadir which leads to minor variations in time units …
- Changes in time spans due to “changeful state of unitary value of time” …
- Incorrect value of “one meter distance” … Modern science does not account for eternally-changeful state of meter due to eternally-changeful speed of light … This itself is due to the fact that when we calculate speed of any aspect (including speed of light) then the derived value is also dependent upon the eternally-changeful state of time cycles, which in turn leads to an eternally changeful state of unitary value of time and which would need to be accounted for …
Continues …