This topic shall discuss the mathematical way of calculating the Astronomical age of universe or Age of universe or Universe age …
This topic continues from the previous one of “Rate of expansion of universe” …
Astronomical age of universe means that part of time span of universe since the current Surya Samvatsara (or Maha Kalpa) had commenced … In the earlier topic which has the header of “Surya Samvatsara” we had calculated this time span as 25.920 billion human solar years (As per middle time units of precession which have always been used by Vedic sages) …
And in above linked topic (of Surya Samvatsara) we had also discussed that the light of only the current Surya Samvatsara (or Mahakalpa) can be seen in the universe i.e. all light of previous Surya Samvatsara is no longer seen or visible in a universe …
This non visibility of “manifest light” of all of those Surya Samvatsara which were prior to the starting time of the current one is because the “manifest light” which was of those previous Surya Samvatsara cycle can no longer be seen as “visible light” due to the fact that once the Surya Samvatsara cycle completes, then all light of that Surya Samvatsara is returned back to its parental subtler impressional state of light i.e. the light of previous or completed Surya Samvatsara returns back to its parental subtle impressional state (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Prakash Awastha) and thus that “manifest light” which was of the ended Surya Samvatsara cannot even be seen by our eyes of by utilization or gross instruments …
Manifest light originates from impressional light and once the Surya Samvatsara completes, then that manifest light again returns back to its own parental subtle impressional state (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Prakash Awastha) and thus that “manifest light” which was of the ended Surya Samvatsara cannot even be seen by our naked eyes or by utilization of gross instruments …
That state of impressional light is what modern astronomers have named as Cosmic Microwave Background or simply CMB and where that astronomical state of CMB is actually holding the impressional light (Samskarik Prakash) of many-many Surya Samvatsara or earlier stages of progress of universe and its earlier Mahakalpa (or in other words, earlier Surya Samvatsara) …
Proceeding further …
Thus, the header which was told as “Astronomical age of universe” definitely does not denote the actual age of universe (because it only denotes the age of universe within the currently underway cycle of time, that relates to the current Maha Kalpa) … This age is calculated in a later topic of this knowledge of Kaalchakra …
And yet I also know that to know this Astronomical age of universe itself is a giant leap for modern astronomy …
76-AA-1 … Astronomical age of universe or Universe age basis observable universe …
The astronomical age of universe as is calculated here is an approximate closest value and not the real value … That real value is calculated at a later stage of this topic itself …
In the earlier topic “Observable universe” we had calculated the expanse of observable universe as “45.6134112 billion light years” …
So basis this value, we shall calculate the approximate closest value of the age of universe and then resolve it basis the further knowledge of the primordial dimension of time (i.e. Kaal Gyan or Kaal Jnana) and its eternally cyclic nature (i.e. the knowledge of Kaalchakra as is being discussed here) …
The astronomical age of universe can be derived basis the below given equation … Just like all other topics of this text, this equation is also related to the ever-same “great grandmother of all philosophies” of any of the triple times that ever were during any past and/or could ever be during any future i.e. Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma or simply Vedic Dharma (or even more simply, “The Vedas”) …
Astronomical age of universe = {Observable universe / (33/10)} and then resolved for one solar revolution …
So, basis above stated equation, the astronomical age of universe is as follows …
{45.6134112 billion (33/10)} = 13.8222458 billion human solar years …
Notes on above method:
- Number 33 … I have used number 33 in above calculation due to the Vedic concept of 33 Koti Devi Devata …
The word Koti means crore (10 million) and it also means Types …
By above statement, Vedas don’t refer to 33 crore Devi Devata (i.e. 330 million divine beings and their divinities) but on the contrary, this statement means “33 types of pristine divinities and divine beings” and where divinity itself is the divine and divine itself the divinity as these two are just as inseparable as is the “sunlight and sun” …
These 33 types are as follows …
8 Vasu … These are five macro-elements with Sun, Moon and stars as a whole … These five macro-elements are of earth (Bhu, which in other Sanskrit words is also stated as Prithvi), Water (Jalam or Ap or Aapah), light or fire or heat-luminosity (i.e. Prakash or Agni or Tejas respectively), Air (Vayu or Pavan) and Ether (which in Sanskrit language, is called as the Akasha) …
11 Rudra … These are the Ten Prana (i.e. 10 primary vitalities or 10 primary vital airs) and eleventh is the innermost essence or simply the soul (or Atman) … These ten Prana are further divided into Five primary (or main) Prana and five ancillary (or supporting) Prana … Amongst these ten, the five primary Prana are named as Prana, Apana, Samana, Udana and Vyana … And amongst the same ten, the five ancillary (or supporting) Prana and which are termed as Upa-Prana (or secondary or supporting vital airs) are named as Naag, Kurma, Krikul, Devadatta and Dhananjaya …
And the 11th which as such is the innermost soul or the innermost essence (or Atman) was discussed through painted sketch of an earlier topic “Rudra Within Rudra … Itself within Itself” and which itself is a later stage of self realization that is arrived at after entering into the path of an ever earlier whose header was of “Myself Within Myself” … The orange colored orb of this painted sketch (of the earlier topic “Rudra Within Rudra … Itself within Itself”) is also the pristine inner state of the same 11th Rudra …
Continuing with above paragraph … And the same Rudra within IT’s own formless state was also discussed in many earlier topics like “From Ahum Naad to ALA Naad”, and also in the other earlier topic of “From Ahum to ALA”, and also in the other earlier topic of “Ahum to ALA … Continues”, “Rudra Deva … ALA Naad”, and also in the other earlier topic of “Proceeding into ALA Naad”, and also in the other earlier topic of “Rudra … The one … But in many” and also in the other earlier topic of “Light of ALA Naad within” and to a certain extent Rudra was also discussed in another earlier topic of “Inward path … A worldly experience” and all these were also in addition to the earlier topic of “Raudri Rudra Yoga … Sagun Swaroop Stithi” …
12 Aditya … The divinities of twelve months which make a year and which also relate to 12 Raashi (12 signs of Zodiac) through which the sun travels are the twelve Aditya …
1 Devaraja Indra … Devaraja Indra (or in simple words the ruler of divine worlds, who is addressed as Indra) denotes the “Macrocosmic Kingship principle” as he by himself is the ruler of all divine worlds and his own world from where he rules is termed as “Indraloka (or the divine world of Indra Deva ) … Indraloka was discussed in many earlier topics like “Hridayarandra … Devayana”, and was also discussed within another earlier topic of “Lingams within and beyond”, and the discussions of another earlier topic of “Knowledge sheath … Vijyanmaye Kosha”, and the discussions of another earlier topic of “Antahkarana Chatushtaya … Bliss sheath”, and the discussions of another earlier topic of “Sadashiva Pradakshina … Vedanta”, and also the discussions of another earlier topic of “Pancha Mukha Sadashiva”, and the discussions of another earlier topic of “Relationship of Devi and Deva” and the discussions within another earlier topic of “Chatush Pada Sadashiva Pradakshina” …
1 Prajapati … Prajapati also means creator, lord and the attributed state (Sagun Sakaar) of the attributeless infinite absolute being (i.e. Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm, who in Vedic and Yogic Lore is also addressed as Brahman) … This attributed state is of “four faced creator of allness (i.e. Chatur-Mukha Pitamah Brahma Ji) whose painted sketch I have not shown in this text (as I don’t want want to show it) … Within Vedic lore’s. Prajapati is also addressed as Yajna (Yagya) which in out discussion means “The sacrifice, the sacrificer and the act of sacrifice” … This term of Yajna (or Yagya) is used for Prajapati, because he purifies and thus restores subtlety (or order) in five elements (earth, water, light, air and ether) and thus he restores order in manifest nature and food (i.e. gross food that we eat and subtle food in the form of knowledge, that we need for evolution) … Prajapati cannot even be a Prajapati unless he is a Swaroopa of Brahma … The phrase Swaroopa of Brahma means “like Brahma or like a manifested state of Brahma” … The pristine abode of Brahma (i.e. Brahmaloka) was crudely shown in the painted sketch of an earlier topic of “Sadyojata face of Sadashiva … Brahmaloka” …
Coincidentally number 33 also relates to transit of aspirants consciousness through the 33 vertebrae of spinal column (and their 33 divine worlds which are of 33 Koti Devi Devata) and that too via the path of “Shiva Taraka Naad (whose sound is of Raam as we had discussed in another topic of Raam Naad and where we had also named this sound as the sound of Bhagwan Raam) …
So, these are the 33 Koti Devi Devata as stated in Vedic lore that were utilized in above calculation …
Proceeding further …
Number 33 also relates to “Christ principle” and also to 33 beads of Tasbih that is used for recitation of 99 names of Allah Tala (i.e. the principal God as stated in the Islamic lore) …
Allah (who as such is the principal God as stated in the Islamic lore) is none other than who is addressed as Rudra Deva within the Vedic lore … And Rudra of Vedas itself is the one who is addressed as Buddha ALA (in some parts of the Buddhist lore) and same Rudra is also addressed as Red Kachina of native American lore’s and Rudra is also the divinity behind the red shift as told in modern astronomy …
And these different names, all of which are of the same deity (Rudra) are also proving the truth of a Vedic statement written below …
Ekam Sat Viprah Bahudah Vadanti
With means …
Truth is one, but sages address it (or worship it) through different names
- Number 10 … These 33 Koti divinities are present in each of the 10 primary directions …
These ten primary directions are as follows … North, East, West, South, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest, Zenith and Nadir …
Thus if we need to calculate the light in any direction, then its value can only be 1/10th … This is what we had done in above calculation …
76-AA-2 … Resolving above value for one solar revolution …
In above equation (of section 76-AA-1 above) a phrase was stated, “And then resolved for one solar revolution” …
So this is what needs to be resolved here …
The sun had started its re-origination process (or better if I say, its re-restoration) whilst it still was hiding at the side of Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva, but the sun had finally manifested out of the Milky Way Galaxy, which itself was at the northern side that denotes the Vamadeva face of Sadashiva … This is why the Vedic lore also says that Vamadeva (who itself is the northern face of Sadashiva) and not the eastern face of Sadashiva (i.e. Tatpurusha) is where sun originates (actually, self manifests) …
Since every celestial entity (actually a celestial circle) has ever had these five faces of Sadashiva, so due to this reason, even our Milky Way Galaxy has all of them …
Within our Milky Way Galaxy, the arc which runs from the eastern face of Tatpurusha face of Shiva (i.e. the east facing face of Sadashiva) until the Vamadeva (i.e. the north facing, smoke colored face of Sadashiva) is of 90 degrees, just it is also in every other celestial entity … And the ever-same Pancha Mukha Sadashiva (who in English language can also be called as the five faces of Sadashiva) is also present within each microcosm (Including the human microcosm) …
Proceeding further …
The time span of that stage when the sun had commenced its self-origination process (which itself was within Tatpurusha face) until the time when the same sun had manifested out of the central mountain like state of the Milky Way Galaxy, was also the same as one solar revolution …
In an earlier topic of “Calculating solar revolution”, the time span of suns revolution around the Milky Way Galaxy (i.e. the Galactic year) was calculated basis the the same eternal cycles of divine ages (i.e. the Deva Yuga Chakra or in other words, the Mahayuga Chakra) as follows …
- At Middle time units … 216 million human solar years as was calculated in section 58-DD-1 …
- At Current time units (basis my observed value of “Yearly change of precession” of 50.28 arc seconds) was calculated as 231.984 million human solar years in section 58-DD-4 …
- And at Zenith time units, this time span was of 198.72 million human solar years as was calculated in section 58-DD-3 …
And basis above discussions, since the sun had finally manifested out of Vamadeva Face of Shiva, which as such is the north facing face of Sadashiva and who is addressed as Jyeshtha (Jyeshtha means, the elder one) and who also denotes the Zenith time units (as Jyeshtha) and also is the supreme preservation principle, so the Zenith time units shall have to be used in below calculations …
This is because at the time of origination of sun, it was not following the current times or the middle time units or the Nadir time units or any other …
So because the sun had manifested out of the Vamadeva face of Sadashiva, which as such is the North or Zenith face, so in this calculation to resolve solar revolution time span from the time of self origination of sun till its self manifestation in the Milky way galaxy, we shall have to use the Zenith time units only …
Thus 198.72 million human solar years is the value of solar revolution which shall have to be used in this resolution of one solar revolution within the age of universe which is calculated through the values that were derived in earlier topic of “Observable universe” …
198.72 million human solar years = 0.19872 billion human solar years …
Proceeding further …
Since there are 10 directions (as was discussed above) so 1/10th of above value is what needs to be taken out as this was the time when sun was hiding in the Milky Way Galaxy’s core (actually the middle mountain like very long state) … So above calculated value becomes as follows …
0.19872 / 10 = 0.019872 billion human solar years …
Proceeding further …
Above value (of 0.019872 billion human solar years) is the time span which needs to be reduced in above derived value (of section 76-AA-1) … So here is that calculation …
13.8222458 – 0.019872 = 13.802374 billion human solar years …
Proceeding further …
13.802374 billion human solar years is the astronomical age of universe, but only basis the following …
- My observed value of “yearly change of precession” of 50.28 arc seconds … But as I have told in earlier topics, that since this value was derived as an average of many years of observations whilst I was sailing at sea (I am a Master Mariner by profession) and since ships always roll and pitch in a seaway, so this value which is used as a base of al calculations in this topic, may not be exactly correct … Thus to know the actual age of universe and all derived values of this topic of Kaalchakra please use the exact value of precession and not my approximate value … I think modern science should have equipment’s to measure this value till 10 decimals also, but my limitation at seas was that I only had a Gyro compass, a standard compass (I mean a magnetic compass), an azimuth circle and a Pylorus for all all y observations and sometimes I used the marine sextant only to cross check a few values by taking their arcs …
- Basis the calculated value of an earlier topic on “Observable universe” …
- And basis the Vedic knowledge systems …
Note: But above calculated value is only an “approximate” astronomical age of the universe … The real astronomical age is calculated in below discussions of this topic …
76-BB … Astronomical age of universe or simply, the Age of universe basis speed of light …
In this topic we shall calculate the astronomical age of universe basis manifest light (Prakat Prakash) …
This part of the topic has elements of an earlier topic of “Speed of light” and this calculation is also basis the absolute speed of light which was calculated in section 71-CC of that earlier topic (on “speed of light”) …
This is in continuity with above sub-part of this topic, but only to verify the roughly verify the above calculated astronomical age of universe …
76-BB-1 … Setting the base of this calculation on astronomical age of universe …
After each 60 full-cycles of the suns path within the symbol of infinity and whilst the sun revolved around the central part of this plane of existence (I mean the Milky Way Galaxy) the light that is manifest upon this plane of existence, enters back into its impressional state … We had already discussed this within earlier topic of “At end of Surya Samvatsara” …
Thus the light that was prior the time when the previous 60 full-cycles of sun around the central non lighted core of the universe were completed, is no longer visible in the universe as this light is already returned back to its parental subtler impressional state (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Prakash Awastha) … This impressional state of light, is when light enters into the 1st intermediary state of emptiness (i.e. the emptiness of individuality or movable emptiness or Chalit Shunya) …
Thus the light that was prior to the completion of previous 60 full-cycles of the suns esoteric path which itself is within the symbol of infinity and whilst the sun moves around the central non-lighted part of the galaxy, is no longer available within the universe as a visible or manifest light (I.e. Prakat Prakash) as that light is returned back to its impressional state (I.e. Samskarik Prakash) …
Within the Vedic lore which related to those times which are more ancient to what is currently known to modern sciences, this condition of impressional light (as is of the solar cycles prior any current 60 full-cycle period) was also termed as “Samskarik Prakash Awastha” … And the manifested or visible state of light, was termed as “Prakat Prakash Awastha” …
Thus all light that was prior to the time of the current 60 solar full-cycles which run through the symbol of infinity, shall get returned back into its impressional state after these currently running 60 cycles of suns path (which itself is within the esoteric path that runs within the mathematical symbol of infinity) get completed …
We have already calculated this time in an earlier topic of “Calculate Surya Samvatsara” so please refer to that topic to know this time span …
Deviating a bit to discuss a related aspect …
It is from the Surya Samvatsara, that the system of groupings of 60 human solar years (or Samvatsara chakra) was derived by Vedic sages so as to ensure a harmony of human cycles of time (i.e. years) with the solar time cycles and thus lead to a better state of balance between the humanity of those times and the divine principle (Divi and Divya of Vedas) which itself is the base of allness and its each part and which as such is directly related to the sun …
Due to this reason, all those societies that have followed this principle, were much better off than those societies who did not follow this principle in India …
As an example of above and during the last transit of this world through the Offset-Nadir and nadir phases of precession … South India was much better of than north India during the time when this world had passed through “Offset-Nadir and Nadir phases of precession cycles i.e. “18 degrees – 108 years” precession arc from Offset-Nadir point of 786 AD and “9 degrees – 108 years” precession arc around 1434 AD respectively … Above values translate to below mentioned years …
- Offset-Nadir phase … 402 BC till 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
- Nadir phase … 894 AD till 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
Above was when North-India was almost plundered by Barbarian systems who had manifested during the Offset-Nadir phase of precession …
This better off state of Vedic culture in South India was primarily because they kept following the solar principle (or the divine principle or the light principle or Divi and Divya Siddhant) to which the Vedas relate and they term it as Swa Prakash Brahman (which in English words can also be called as the self luminous Absolute being) …
Due to following of above systems, South India remained in harmony with the divine principle in which they and the entire macrocosmic creation itself rests …
Thus due to the same reason and as compared to the North India, the southern part of India was able to maintain the ancient systems of Vedas to a much-much larger extent …
And due to this compliance to the divine principle of Samvatsara Chakra, South India had lesser number of conquests by external barbarian forces that manifested during those Offset-Nadir cycles and due to which the Vedas (and Vedic ways of life) remained in a better state in South India …
As such when we compare the culture of south India, it is more only found to be much more preserved, much more sober and much more subtle, than the culture of North India, which got corrupted due to exiting out of this Vedic principle of Divi and Divya (both are aspects of the sun within their manifest state of light) and thus North also ended up getting almost conquered by external barbarian forces of Kaliyuga and where this conquest was material, cultural and principal and to a major extent spiritual … Except in some isolated places of North India, where sages resided and where Samvatsara Chakra (or 60 human solar years) was still followed, rest all were conquered during the progress of Offset-Nadir and then the Nadir phases of precession cycles …
And as the current south also keeps exiting out of this principle, they would also return back to the same state, as is of the almost corrupted northern part of India … Nepal was also preserved because of continuing within the Samvatsara system and thus even when Nepal was at the Northern part of India, it still could maintain its Vedic traditions to a much larger extent as compared to other northern parts of the present Indian sub-continent …
Thus is the importance of following Samvatsara Chakra for every follower of Vedas and Sanatan Dharma …
Resuming again …
After completion of a Surya Samvatsara, the manifested-light of that entire Surya Samvatsara enters into the “1st intermediary states of emptiness” and then that light cannot be found as the “manifested light” that it earlier was (as that manifested light returns back to its parental impressional light state) …
Thus this is the time when manifest light that was of the last 60 cycles of sun enters back into into the “1st intermediary stage of emptiness”, which I term as “emptiness of individualities (or Chalit Shunya)” …
After this entry of manifest light happens into the 1st intermediary state of emptiness (i.e. emptiness of individuality), then that light shall only be found to be within its impressional state (Samskarik Prakash Awastha) within the 1st intermediary state of emptiness …
This first intermediary state of emptiness is the CMB (which when expanded is also termed as the Cosmic Microwave Background) within the science of modern astronomy … And Yoga Tantra of Sanatan Dharma rightly say that there are 20 intermediary stages of emptiness, prior to self realization of the Great-Emptiness (which in Sanskrit language can be termed as the state of Mahashunya) … In Vedas there can never be more than one Great, so the stated great of Vedic lore, itself is the supreme …
This 1st intermediary state of emptiness is of the “eternally moving nature of emptiness”, i.e. this emptiness can be transformed into a “movable state of manifest light” and thus I have even termed this as “Chalit Shunya” or 1st intermediary state of emptiness” within this text … It is due to this reason, that modern science says that CMB is having a homogenous flow in it as in the 1st intermediary state of emptiness, there is an absence of individuality, but the absence of corpus is still not there (because this stage is of the 2nd intermediary state of emptiness or Achalit Shunya) …
And as times progress, the light which was in an impressional state within the 1st intermediary state of emptiness, qualifies to enter into into the “2nd intermediary state of emptiness”, which I term as “emptiness of individual corpuses (or Achalit Shunya or immovable nature of emptiness as the individualities within the corpus are found to be united and thus relatively non-moving) …
Only after this stage does the light into its macro-elemental state i.e. state of being a macro-elemental light (or Prakash Mahabhoot) on which the entire macrocosmic creation is eventually rested …
Within the Vedic lore, Prakash Mahabhoot (i.e. macro-elemental light) is also termed as Agni Mahabhoot (Macro-elemental fire) and as Tejas Mahabhoot (macro-elemental heat luminosity) …
All the terms of previous paragraph only relate to the stage that is self realized after transiting beyond the 2nd intermediary state of emptiness, which is always arrived at during ones evolutionary process and both these intermediary states of emptiness are eternally moving towards the “supreme emptiness (Shunya Brahman of Vedas)” …
This 2nd intermediary state of emptiness, is a stage of “emptiness of individual-corpuses” and thus I also state this as “Immovable emptiness (Achalit Shunya or absence of individualities within the corpus of emptiness)” as it has no movements in it or around it and thus this state also has no contact with the manifest and thus moving nature of light …
76-BB-2 … Solar revolutions which have already been completed …
In this calculation I have intentionally placed an error of 3,888 human solar years … This time span is exactly equal to the currently ending “Human age of Trinity (or Manav Tretayuga) …
Above is also due to the same reason that if I were to resolve this error, then I would need to provide knowledge of those secret divine principles, which as such can never be told during the time spans of progress of a “divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga)” … And since the divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) is still continuing, so that part of knowledge cannot ever be told in this world or to its gross or subtle inhabitants … So please bear with me as we all are incarnated in an inappropriate divine age cycle where that knowledge cannot ever be told to anyone i.e. any of the gross or physical bodied or subtle (angels, Gods, spirits) inhabitants of this entire world system … As of now, that untold knowledge is only present in the Sun and is thus held by the deity of sun (when when translated in Sanskrit, can be stated as Surya Deva) …
And the same also applies to solar cycles that are written below, but their methods of knowing (and calculating) are not told in this text …
Proceeding further …
As per my observations and further calculations whilst roaming the subtle realms of beyond, following is a fact …
- The last time when the entry of manifest light of earlier Surya Samvatsara, into emptiness (Shunyata) happened was about 59.4980057037 half-cycles of sun in its path that is esoterically told to be running within the mathematical symbol of infinity …
Thus if we use above value in the Samvatsara and just as it runs in the symbol of infinity, then it becomes as follows …
(59. 4980057037 half-cycles of sun i.e. one solar revolution within its symbolic path of infinity) / 2 = 29.74900285185 full cycles of sun within its symbolic path of infinity
If the age of universe is calculated only by using light that was emitted and thus is still present, then that light would only be that which was emitted during the current Surya Samvatsara (i.e. current 60 full solar cycles within the mathematical symbol of infinity) …
Thus all calculations that are based upon manifest-light shall only be yielding results that are calculated at a later stage of this topic …
But the fact still remains that below stated results are not doing any justice to the “real” age of the universe (because they do not account for the time that also was prior to the stage time when the light entered into its own impressional state i.e. the time prior the stage when light of the last Surya Samvatsara had entered into the 1st intermediary state of emptiness) …
As also, such calculations also do not account for the almost 6,000 times (I have not stated the actual number here and that too till the tenth decimal, so don’t take it literally) that the same absorption of manifest light into 1st intermediary state of emptiness, has already happened since the stage when current “grandfather and creator of allness (i.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji) had re-commenced this universal creation (from its earlier re-dissoluted state) … Plus these modern calculations also do not account for the further absorptions of impressional light into their parental state of macro-elemental light (Mahabhoot Prakash) which also has keeps happening …
Plus modern calculations also do not account for 20 stages of emptiness that are beyond the manifest state of light (commencing with the 1st intermediary state of emptiness, or the stage where the manifest-light initially returns back to its own parental impressional state) …
These 20 stages of emptiness are directly related to the 20 worlds that make the attributed state of the abode of Maker (whose name as is stated in Vedic texts is of Brahmaloka) … Since we have already discussed this aspect in some earlier topics, so I won’t be relating the same thing here …
Proceeding further …
So due to above stated reasons, if manifest-light is taken as a base to calculate the age of the universe, then that age would not even be close to being the real age of this universe as such a calculation is discounting the subtler components of the universe i.e. components which are subtler than manifest or visible light) …
But until instruments that can detect further subtler components of the universe are devised, the astronomical age of universe shall only be deemed to be as is calculated below …
76-CC … Calculating astronomical age of universe …
In this part we shall be calculating the values basis the cardinal points of precession and also as per current stage of precession of equinoxes …
So here it goes …
76-CC-1 … Astronomical age of universe at Middle of precession by using sun or light …
If age of this universe is calculated as per time units of middle of precession circle, then it would be found to be as follows …
(29.74900285185 full cycles of sun within its symbolic path of infinity) x (432 million human solar years) …
Thus at middle point of earth’s axial precession, the age of this universe shall be …
12851.5692319 million human solar years …
I.e. 12.8515692319 billion human solar years …
76-CC-2 … Astronomical age of universe at Nadir of precession …
If age of this universe is calculated as per time units of Nadir of Precessional cycle i.e. when unitary value of time is of “72 years per degree precession”, then it would be found to be as calculated below …
12851.5692319 x 1.08 = 13879.6947704 million human solar years …
I.e. 13.8796947704 billion human solar years + …
+ Note: Above calculation of Nadir phase is basis the ratio of Middle to Nadir is of 1.00 : 1.08 … This was discussed in some earlier topic of “Calculating precession”, and was also discussed within another earlier topic of “Precession at various points”, and was also discussed within another earlier topic of “Length and Breadth of plane of existence”, and was also discussed within another earlier topic of “Dimensions of Milky Way” and was also discussed within another earlier topic of “Shape of plane of existence” etc. …
Second method of calculation of above value …
And if same the age of the universe is calculated when using time units of Nadir, then it would be found to be as follows …
(12851.5692319 / 66.6666667) x 72 = 13879.6947 million human solar years …
13.8796947 million human solar years …
Both above are the same as we used the middle as a base, to derive them ++ …
++ Note: Above calculation is basis the following … (Age at Middle / unitary value of time at Middle of precession) x unitary value of time at Nadir of precession … Value of 66.6666667 and 72 are directly taken from an earlier topic of “Unitary value of time” …
76-CC-3 … Astronomical age of universe at Zenith of precession …
If age of this universe is calculated as per time units of Zenith of precession cycle, then it would found to be as follows …
(12851.5692319 / 66.6666667) x 61.3333333 = 11823.4337 million human solar years …
i.e. 11.8234437 billion human solar years +++ …
+++ Note: Above calculation is basis the following … (Age at Middle / unitary value of time at Middle of precession) x unitary value of time at Zenith of precession … Values of 61.3333333 and 66.6666667 are directly taken from an earlier topic of “Unitary value of time” …
76-CC-4 … Astronomical age of universe at current stage of precession …
If age of this universe is calculated as per time units of current phase of precession cycle, then it would found to be as follows …
13879.6947704 x (71.6/72) = 13802.585355 million human solar years …
I.e. 13.802585355 billion human solar years ++++ …
++++ Note: Above calculation is basis the following … (Age at Nadir / unitary value of time at Nadir of precession) x unitary value of time at current stage of precession … Values of 71.6 and 72.0 are directly taken from an earlier topic of “Unitary value of time” …
Second method of calculation …
And if we use the age as per the Middle cycle of precession as a base, then the age of the universe as current cycle of precession, shall be as follows …
(12851.5692319 / 66.6666667) x 71.6 = 13802.5823 million human solar years …
i.e. 13.8025823 billion human solar years +++++ …
+++++ Above calculation is basis the following … (Age at Middle / unitary value of time at Middle of precession) x unitary value of time at current cycle of precession … Values of 71.6 and 66.6666667 are directly taken from an earlier topic of “Unitary value of time” …
Thus when we compare the two values at the current precession cycle, the correct way is to use the Nadir time units, as Nadir is the closest cardinal point to the current state of unitary value of time …
As such, the 1st calculation is the correct one for the current times and thus the age of universe whilst using manifest light as a base and while at currently applicable unitary values of time is as follows …
13802.585355 million human solar years …
I.e. 13.802585355 billion human solar years ++++++ …
++++++ Note: Above is the age of universe if it would be calculated with the time units of the presently applicable precession cycle … But as told earlier that this age somehow has an error of 3,888 human solar years (i.e. this value is equal to the time span of the present human, i.e. the human age of trinity or Manav Tretayuga) …
76-DD … Astronomical age of universe till three decimal places …
At current time units, the value were calculated as follows …
- In section 76-AA-2 … As per “Observable universe” the calculated astronomical age of universe was 13.802374 billion human solar years
- Section 76-CC-4 … As per solar revolution and speed of light, the calculated astronomical age of universe is 13.802585355 billion human solar years …
- Difference of above is 208,300 human solar years …
- This difference is due to uncertainties of time of actual commencement of process of self-origin of sunlight (which was at Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva, who in Vedic lore is also addressed as Hiranyagarbha Brahma) and prior the sun had self manifested itself (I mean self manifested out of the central mountain range of the Milky Way Galaxy) at “Vamadeva face of Sadashiva” …
Thus …
If we were to state the astronomical age of universe in three decimal places and at current time units, then it can be safely told as …
13.802 billion human solar years
Continues …