But here this discussion shall only be in relation to a query on the basic nature of energy, i.e. “whether light is energy and if so, if that energy has a mass” and how are these two related to the five sheaths (which in scriptures of Sanskrit language are called as Pancha Kosha) …
This topic continues from the previous one of “You are what you have self realized” … Kundalini Shakti denotes the divinity or energy that is eternally present within the subtle vehicle and until this divinity is activated, it stays in a dormant mode (i.e. it sleeps) and this sleep continues until ripeness and rightness of evolutionary standing which is needed for its self activation, is arrived at …
79-AA … Kundalini Shakti is one’s own divinity or energy …
Prior to activation of Kundalini Shakti, my eternal guide (Sri Vishnu) who resides in a cave of heart had told that beyond the stage (when the Kundalini Shakti gets activated) “each aspirant has to walk alone” …
And in its finality, the word “alone” only means, “free of allness and its each part” and thus this word ultimately denotes a state of being in “isolation from allness and its each part (or the state of Kaivalya)” … This is the finality of rise of Kundalini Shakti and especially when she crosses beyond the “Ashtama Chakra (i.e. eighth chakra or eighth plexus)” as is told in Mantra’s of Atharvaveda chapter 10 …
Kundalini Shakti is intrinsically non dual … But if the aspirant itself gets into dualities of sorts (dualities have their base in individualities only) then even when Kundalini Shakti is present within the aspirant, she would not activate to her fullness … And if this duality manifests within an aspirant after the Kundalini Shakti has activated, then the Kundalini Shakti could even be deviated after she is activated … The deviated state of Kundalini Shakti is also known as Kundalini syndrome in modern medicine …
But I feel this Kundalini syndrome thing is a lie, as a better name should be “individual-duality syndrome” because the root reason for manifestation of this syndrome is the individual-duality of the aspirant …
My eternal guide (Sanatan Guru Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) who resides within one of the vast number of subtler-caves of the heart, had told me, that I would be passing through a very bad phase of health and he also told me, that “only those who have the capacity to walk the last pathless partless path alone (free of allness) which we had discussed in earlier topics of “Brahmpath … The last path” and then the discussions in the topic of “Tyaga … End stage of Brahmpath” and then the further discussions within another topic of “Brahmpath … End result” can sustain this phase and continue their incarnation” and all others would just de-incarnate soon after the Kundalini Shakti rises up and goes beyond the Eighth Chakra as is told in Atharvaveda Chapter 10 …
He also told me that after the rise of this Kundalini Shakti, those who get “spontaneously released (I.e. those who are spontaneously liberated or Sadyomukta)” have always rolled over (i.e. de-incarnated) within a few weeks after the dormant energies within the body have risen to the topmost plexus i.e. the rootless plexus (or in other words, this can also be called as the independent plexus) and the same independent plexus was called as Niralamb Chakra (which within the Siddha sciences was also called as Niralambasthana), which also is the Eighth Chakra as stated in Atharvaveda (the eighth chakra is already discussed in an earlier topic) …
Continuing with above paragraph … I even term this independent plexus (Niralamb chakra) as the Brahmaloka Chakra (or the plexus of Maker’s Abode that is within each aspirant) as the distribution of petals of this plexus are very much like “4 upper great white worlds of abode of Maker (which in Sanskrit texts is addressed as Brahmaloka and within Shaiva Lore, the same Brahmaloka is also addressed as Sadyojata face of Sadashiva” …
And it is also due to this reason if any aspirants consciousness rises up and thence that consciousness also enters into the Brahmaloka chakra, then even when that aspirant may be apparent to be living upon this world (i.e. the aspirant is still incarnated), but his (or her) life shall be like residing in Brahmaloka itself and that too whilst that aspirant is still incarnated (i.e. holding a physical vehicle) … But this is only if the consciousness of that aspirant manages to enter into the Eighth Chakra whilst that aspirant is still alive and then that aspirant also manages to continue his (or her) incarnated state so as to come to that stage which is being discussed here …
79-BB … After awakening of Kundalini … Importance of walking alone …
Unless detachment is maintained towards allness and her each part, such an aspirant can never survive beyond that stage where the Kundalini Shakti rises up either spontaneously or through certain stages of rise through the earlier seven plexus’s …
The importance of maintenance of perfect-detachment prior, during and after the rise of Kundalini Shakti cannot be undermined or else the Kundalini syndrome shall be a definite possibility whenever the vital energies that stay dormant in the pit of the spinal column begin rising upwards and towards the top of brain … And the need of this perfect-detachment, is even more if the rise is spontaneous, (i.e. without a staged or a staggered approach) and “complete” (i.e. till the eighth chakra of Atharvaveda, which is also the rootless plexus or Niralambasthana of Siddha sciences) …
But the rise to this state of the 8th plexus of Atharvaveda is only arrived after the aspirant begins walking the last pathless-partless path (i.e. Brahmpath) “alone” and just as was told by my eternal guide (Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) who resides within an inner cave of heart …
Proceeding further …
As time passed after this stage of rise of Kundalini Shakti from the root of spine till the thousand petalled seventh plexus (or Brahmarandra Chakra or Sahasrara) had actually happened, I also realized what my eternal guide had actually meant by the words “walk-alone” … He actually meant a stage which is free of dualities and thus within this path, one must be rested in the non-dual alone (i.e. the mind, knowledge, consciousness, vitality and I’ness must be rested within that finality, which is none other than a non-dual state) … And thus non duality can only be arrived when resting in a perfect detachment (i.e. a fuller detachment to allness and her each part) …
And thus, after the spontaneous rise of Kundalini Shakti and that too through the eighth plexus as is stated within the Atharvaveda Mantras (which is already discussed in an earlier set of topics on Ashtama Chakra) those who “do not” walk alone and within the essence of the statement “Myself within Myself” always get de-incarnated within a few weeks of this spontaneously effected rise of Kundalini Shakti that passes through the “eighth chakra” gets effected within that aspirants microcosmic physical vehicle itself … And this de-incarnation is because the Kundalini Shakti being intrinsically non-dual cannot be made to rest within an aspirant who himself (or herself) rests within individual-dualities of sorts …
As also a proper preparation of one’s nervous system is also needed prior entering into this stage and this in turn means, that the need of guidance of a Guru who has already gone through this path, stands paramount or else a de-incarnation of the aspirant within a few weeks of this experience, is an almost certainty (unless of course, some supra-cosmic being who knows this state and thus has passed through this stage many-many times, assists that aspirant) …
Such ones who de-incarnate after this spontaneous rise of Kundalini Shakti through the eighth plexus (of Atharvaveda) are also the ones who failed to walk the last path alone because they had gotten caught into one or another state of duality (of their own physical being and the macrocosmic creation within which their physical vehicle itself resides) … Unless the non-dual is rested in, any aspirant who enters into the “eighth plexus” as is subtly told in Atharvaveda chapter 10 (and is also addressed as Niralambasthana within Siddha Sciences) would always get de-incarnated within a few weeks of realizing this state …
79-CC … If the rise of Kundalini through the eighth chakra is for 101st time …
However if the rise through the 8th plexus is for the 101st time (during the entire existential history of the aspirant i.e. right from the time when the aspirant had originally begun as a microcosm within the Maker’s Makings or from that time when the Maker has originally effected the Maker’s Makings and thus the microcosm of the aspirant came into being) then after this rise, no matter who assists, some problem shall always be there for the aspirant (who during his or her total existential existence as a microcosm within the Maker’s Makings, has entered for a 101st time into the 8th plexus) … This is because at such a stage, even the ruler of divine beings (i.e. Devaraja Indra) cannot assist as Devaraja Indra has also not transited through the eighth chakra for 101 times (Indra Deva) has only transited the eighth plexus for a 100 times and thus even he does not know how it is after the 101st time of transit of the eighth plexus) …
But at the same time, this state also leads to vast quantum’s of flows and dynamism to manifest within the physical vehicle and thus some amount of trouble is always there until the physical and other subtle vehicles (which are also present within the physical vehicle itself) adjust to this new normal … This leads to a stage where the aspirant may even become “almost” bed ridden, but this is only for some time … For me it was around 11-12 months …
79-DD … Kundalini Shakti is light, light is energy and energy has a mass …
During this time when I was very-very sick for almost 11-12 months and was “almost” bed ridden for most of this time span, I thought why not see through a direct-perception “if light is energy, energy is light and if energy has a mass” … This thought was because this question was not yet answered as far as a personal experience of it was concerned …
Surprisingly, I also found that this severe state of rise of energies within the little-fragile physical vehicle, was also the best time to research on this aspect because at that time, the energies were rising in huge quantum from the base of spine till the seventh chakra (i.e. the thousand petalled crown plexus or Sahasrara) and thence these rising energies were even going beyond and entering into the eighth chakra (i.e. rootless plexus or Niralambasthana) which is beyond the seventh … And all this while, some of the rising energies were also exiting out of the 7th chakra and there was also a loss of my inner vitality (vital energy of the physical and subtle bodies) which made me almost bed ridden for most of this time span of 11-12 months …
Proceeding further …
I had also noticed that as these energies were rising, they were also illumining the inner parts of the gross and subtle body … So this direct realization only meant that “light definitely is energy only and energy is definitely light” …
Proceeding further …
But what still remained was to find out, was “if that energy had a mass or not” …
And to find this out, I used to push the energies out of the top of head (i.e. out of the crown plexus or Sahasrara or the thousand petalled lotuses) …
This push was by after making the back bone straight, then pulling up the sphincter muscles (i.e. pulling then inwards and towards the colon as much as safely possible) and simultaneously squeezing the glutei (Buttock muscles) and at the same time pushing the tongue up as much as I could to make it fully rest at the innermost part of the top of palate and simultaneously lifting the brows up to release those severe pressures that got built up at this time inside the head and third eye chakra (severe pressures were built up at this time at the top of the head and in the third eye chakra i.e. right from the third eye chakra till the top of skull bones at uppermost part of head) …
And all this whilst keeping the eyes closed and observing those self-illumined energy fields, as they kept rising upwards and illuminating the subtler components of the physical vehicle …
And surprisingly, after these luminous energies got released (i.e. the rising light and energies went out of the top of head) the body used to feel feather-light for a few days …
This method was tried over and over again and the same result happened …
During each of these tries, same result was repeatedly arrived … I also found that I was continuously losing weight during those few days, when these energies were released beyond the eighth chakra …
And I only stopped this process of releasing energies from the top of head when the physical body’s weakness became so much, that there remained no choice, but to discontinue …
And then as the weight kept getting lost due to vast quantum of rising light and energy getting released from the top of head, I used to weigh the physical vehicle and found that in each day which was passing, I was continuously losing weight …
So even when this made me very weak, but this exercise proved beyond doubt that energy definitely has a mass …
All above made me prove to myself … The following …
Light is energy and energy has mass
This is stated because whenever this energy got released out of the top of the head, the body was found to be very-very light, as if floating in air and in those days I was also losing weight continuously due to this almost continuous release of inner light and energies from the top of head …
And due to loss of energy from the physical body, the body weakness also increased exponentially in those days and until a stage was arrived where I could barely walk (as the limbs could not take any weight) I continued this exercise …
But even with all the severities of troubles that came after this, I was sure that “light is energy and energy has a mass” …
And due to this reason I am sure that rays of light (Rashmi) cannot be mass-less, as some of the learned ones have claimed it to be …
Proceeding further …
Since energy itself is the base of all subtle and gross states of matter and since condensed state of energy itself is the subtle matter and the further condensed state of subtle matter itself is the gross matter, so in the finality of things, following stands as a fact …
Everything has a mass as energy from which allness gets made, itself has it
In all Yogic systems the physical and other subtler bodies are the only instruments that any Yogi ever uses for gaining experience (by direct knowledge) …
There really is no instrument better than this instrument of physical vehicle as physical vehicle is the best instrument ever designed by anyone …
So are my physical and subtler bodies, my only instruments in all learning all that is within this science of Maker’s Makings … And this instrument is also the cheapest available instrument for any research, so the taxpayers also do not have to fund it (or contribute for it, in any other form) …
Continues …