In this topic we shall discuss the fact about change is the only constant or in other words, within the entirety of Maker’s Makings, the only constant is change … Thus in reality all that is told as a constant in modern science, is not a constant in the real sense and this fact shall be known to scientists, as science evolved to a state where it can be known (or found through scientific means also) …
This topic continues from the previous one of “Vacuum and fullness” …
Thus basis above,
Everything which relates to macrocosmic creation, is resting within an eternal flux (i.e. an eternally changeful state) …
And so are the called constants of modern science as these so called constants can never be any different from the macrocosm, within whose envelopes they themselves (constant’s) itself reside …
82-AA … Absence of constancy within macrocosm and microcosm …
Nothing within the Maker’s makings has ever rested or can ever rest in constancy … This is because everything is resting within an eternal change and where this change is taking place within each passing moment …
This eternity of ever-changefulness of allness and her each part is also governed by the macrocosmic “principle of stagnation due to sameness” which shall be discussed at a later stage of this text …
82-BB … Non-constancy of scientific constants … Change is the only constant …
All theories which use words like “a constant” of such and such aspect, are thus not true … And this non true nature shall also come to fore after modern science evolves and thence it becomes capable to know this fact about their own constants …
Everything is resting within the purviews of the cyclic nature of time (Kaalchakra) as time itself is the primordial dimension of Maker’s Makings …
And since time itself changes by the moment, which in turn leads to a changeful nature of “unitary value of time”, so there can never be anything which can be termed as a constant of any branch of science …
In all calculations (and derivations) of various aspects that are done in this topic, it is also very clear that as the precession progresses, these derived values also keep within their ever changeful states … And thus at such times, the earlier constants of science would also get changed …
In reality an ever “change is the only constant (or only constant is change)” and all constants of modern sciences also follow the same principle because these values and entities they denote are also resting within the purviews of the Maker’s Makings itself …
That which rests in purviews of Maker’s Makings, always follows her codes and constants of any science are no exception to this rule …
This changeful nature of constants of all streams of modern science shall be known as a fact during later times, but as of now I am not sure if many would understand what is told here …
82-CC … The coming change of human age cycles …
The coming process which leads to a final change of human age cycles and whose effects would be starting around 2028 AD (+/- 7 years and a further +/- 1 to 2.7 years) would also be related to the same aspects of change being the eternal constant and which also related to all that is related to and/or is present within the Maker’s Makings …
Above also includes the primary four dimensions of Maker’s Makings i.e. time and its eternally changeful cycles (i.e. Kaal and Kaalchakra), space and its eternally changeful nature (I.e. Akasha and Akashchakra), Directions or ways of life and their eternally changeful nature (i.e. Disha and Dishachakra) and state and its eternally changeful nature (i.e. Dasha and Dashachakra) …
And as the middle part of this change is arrived and crossed over in 2028 AD (+ 7 years and then + 1 to 2.7 years), this fact about the change of human ages shall be already be appreciated by the human inhabitants of this world …
And by the time another 27 years pass by after 2028 AD (i.e. around 2055 AD), this world would begin getting ready to inaugurate the incoming age of Sages (which in this text, has been termed as a Guru Yuga and this name only means as an the human golden age or a human age of truth) which is expected to start on/around 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years and a further +/- offset of Sri Krishna’s departure) … The Guru Yuga is an age of Vedas (i.e. a Vedic age cycle) and thus it is a Yuga of Vyasa Peetha (which in other words, is also called as Aamnaya Peetha) …
And finally …
All above is also due to the same fact that an eternal change is the only eternal constant within the Maker’s Makings and within her each and every part (including all the God of all the religions and all their systems of practice) …
All these systems and their practices are also standing at the same stage of change …
Continues …