This topic is to discuss the stage where an entity begins to return back to emptiness, from where allness and her each part had originally originated … And this discussion shall also answer the basic query of “Is speed of light Absolute” … When any entity returns back to emptiness, then it also knows that contrary to what is claimed by present day science, the speed Speed of light is not Absolute …
This topic continues from the previous one of “Precession cardinal points” …
And this topic also has some aspects which were discussed in earlier topics of “Ujjayi Naad … The sound of victory” and was also discussed in another earlier topic of “Ujjayi Swaas and Breath of Brahma” …
Proceeding further …
Prior origination of macrocosmic creation, emptiness of allness was all that was … This was the state of primordial nature …
This emptiness of allness is the macrocosmic voidness and it is also termed as Sarva Shunya (which means voidness of allness or Zeroness of allness) as and the same is also as the primordial nature … This is the state that was also termed as Mahashunya within the Vedic and Yogic lore’s … Mahashunya literally means as the Great emptiness) …
Following is a fact about the macrocosmic creation and her each microcosm …
- From emptiness (Shunyata) everything begins …
- To emptiness (Sarva Shunya) everything is proceeding …
- And within emptiness (Shunya Tattva) is the destination of everything prior those even further states can ever be entered into (or self realized) by any aspirant …
- This empty primordial state is of macrocosmic nature was prior she had commenced originating the macrocosm and her each microcosm and where this origination itself was from within her primordially empty envelopes …
- The self realization of this state is arrived through the Shunya Samadhi of Yoga Tantra …
- Shunya Samadhi means the meditative absorption within primordial nature (which in other words, can also called as the condition of Zeroness of allness) as was prior the self origination of macrocosmic creation was effected out of this state itself …
Proceeding further …
- But as was discussed in earlier topics, above discussed state of empty nature, is also a part of an even larger state, which itself is of a macrocosmic expanses (or dimensions) or in other words, it is of very vast incalculable dimensional expanses …
- This emptiness which is of very vast dimensional expanses is also the state where “Zeroness itself is the infinity and infinity itself the Zeroness” that originally was from which “emptiness of allness (Sarva Shunya or the primordial state of mother nature)” had self manifested itself as an intrinsic part of the same state of “Zero Infinite which itself is self the one that gets realized as Infinite Zero” …
- This state where that which is “Zero itself is the Infinite and where the Infinite also none other than Zero” is termed as Shunya Brahman … Shunya means empty or zero and Brahman itself is the infinite, so Shunya Brahman denotes the non dual union of Zero and Infinity in such a way that one itself is the other …
- Everything is originated from the same Shunya Brahman and is also proceeding to the same Shunya Brahman only …
- This is the real Shunyata of Buddhist lore’s …
- The self realization of this state is arrived through the Asamprajnata Samadhi of Yoga Tantras … As also, Asamprajnita Samadhi as stated in Yoga Tantra means the meditative absorption within that which is as the “eternally non lighted one” … Non lighted does not mean darkness … Non lighted means “Krishna Awastha” …
- In between the ranges of this union of Zero and Infinite (Shunya Brahman) everything eventually resides (entirety of Maker’s Makings is resting within Shunya Brahman itself) because Shunya Brahman itself is the original self expression of the “Nirgun Nirakaar (which means as attributeless infinite absolute being or in simple words, Brahman of Vedas)” …
But in this topic, I shall be restricting myself to the macrocosmic voidness (i.e. the primordial state of macrocosmic nature or emptiness of allness or Sarva Shunya or voidness of allness) or Great emptiness )Mahashunya) only … Macrocosmic voidness is also the elemental voidness or the original voidness that was prior to origination of Maker’s Makings and this state is also termed as Shunya Tattva which is realized when the aspirant’s consciousness crosses past the Brahmarandra Chakra (or Sahasrara or thousand petalled lotus at the top of brain) …
Thus this topic definitely does not relate to Shunya Brahman …
84-AA … Brahma’s breath …
In earlier topics of “Ujjayi Swaas and Breath of Brahma”, we had discussed the following …
- With Brahma’s Poorak (Inhalation of creator’s breath), the universe expands or originates …
- With Brahma’s Kumbhaka (holding of breath by the creator), the universe stabilizes …
- With Brahma’s Rechaka (exhalation of breath of creator), the universe shrinks (or collapses or dissolutes) …
Above is the law of ever changefulness of the universe and its each part which the self-realized all-realized Vedic sages had told, but within a symbolic way …
This denotes the eternal cycles of expansion and contraction of a universe and the same also relates to all that ever is resting within the purviews of the term microcosm (every microcosm, right from a universe, plane of existence, world systems and all other animate and inanimate microcosm’s) …
That Brahma’s energy, which itself is within everything, is what was referred to in above discussions …
And that energy is of the non-manifest, non-present Prana (the word Prana means divinity, energy, power, vitality and it also means vital airs) and this is also stated as Maya …
It eventually is through Maya, which is also a universal entity (it is present in the entire macrocosm and her each microcosm) that all types of ever changeful flows and dynamisms are effected and which itself leads to an ever changeful state of allness and her each part …
And the same energy within her non-manifest and thus symbolic state is termed as Mahadevi (or the great-energy or supreme mother or supreme divinity) that also is within her own varied forms …
And the same energy in her manifested primary stage, is of a state of highly compressed inertial mass (or inert matter) that float at almost all points of the multi-universal macrocosmic creation and where these inertial masses are like seas of seas (of such inert matter) which also seem to be unrestrictedly flowing within the universe …
This is the energy that leads to “virtual” cyclic expansions and contractions of space when these expansions and contractions are viewed from within the universe …
In above discussion, I have used the term “virtual”, as space neither expands nor contracts due to its infinite omnipresent nature (as infinite being dimensionless, cannot be termed as expanding or contracting, which itself are terms that relate to dimensional and/or limited aspects only) …
This virtual expansion of space is like a state where air is blown into a balloon, and thus the balloon has an expansion of its size, whereas the fact still remains that the larger air envelope that is around the balloon and whose part was used to blow air into the balloon, is remaining the same … The balloon of our example is also similar in its expansion and contraction of the extremely large balloon, which we term as the universe …
When we blow air into any balloon, then all earlier parts of the balloon which were resting in close proximity to each other, begin moving away from each other … This is how the virtual expansion of space between various points which make that balloon takes place and the same happens to all that is resting within the balloon of the universe …
And this virtual expansion of space is even when the space as a whole is an eternally constant entity when we consider the entire multi-universal macrocosmic creation because of the fact that the dimension of space only rests within the un-changeful and undefined infinity (Infinite never changes from what it ever is, because the infinite is none other than the undefined and un-changeful) …
84-BB … Ghatakash and Mahakash … Setting the base for discussing Speed of light is not Absolute …
Within the finality of infinite nature of space as is of the multi-universal state of macrocosmic creation, is resting within the limited expanses of space of a universe, then it is also found to be limited, even when it really is the infinite only … Thus at such a time, the space that is present inside a universe, is found to be limited and that which is limited always expands and contacts due to the applicability of the “macrocosmic principle of stagnation due to sameness” … Since we have already briefly discussed this principle, so I shall proceed further …
But when we see the realities of these two components of space (space within the universe and infinite space beyond the universe) then we also find that both these aspects of space are the same space only …
Within the Vedic lore, this fact about unity of (or oneness of) space within a microcosm (say a universe) and the greater macrocosm (multi-universal state of Maker’s Makings) was told through a very good example of Ghatakash (space in an earthen pot) and Mahakash (macrocosmic space) …
And Vedas also say, all that is needed to go beyond the duality of these two is by the method of knowing their eternal unity …
And the only way to know their unity, is to break the earthen pot (go beyond the limited consciousness of a microcosm and enter the vast fathomless macrocosmic consciousness) …
The same also applies to our discussion, i.e. unity of space within a microcosm and space of greater macrocosm …
Within the Vedic lore, this finality of space was also termed as Akasha Mahabhoot and the later lore’s had termed the same Akasha as ether …
This is because space is much subtler than the apparent barriers of microcosms, so space only ends up pervading (permeating) these barriers unrestrictedly …
Thus space as a whole is never divided, so all that we see as divisions of space, are unreal …
This unreality is also expressed as an ever changeful state of expansions and contractions of space within any microcosm and which is even when space as a whole ( totality of space within the Maker’s Makings) is un-changeful due to infinite and undefined nature of it and where that space eventually remains as the same space which is within a microcosm and the greater macrocosm (Maker’s Makings) …
Thus the space is a continuous entity across the multi-universal system and due to this reason, we have termed space (ether or Akasha Mahabhoot) as one of the four continuous planes of the Maker’s Makings (Other three continuous planes are of consciousness, mind and knowledge) … And there is also a non-planic continuous aspect of the macrocosmic creation, which as such is vitality or energy component of the macrocosmic creation that has been termed as Prana Shakti in Vedas …
Proceeding further …
In the example of space that is within a vessel (space within a microcosm or Ghatakash) and the great space (Mahakash) within which the space of the vessel and the vessel itself rests, the only way to know their eternally unioned states is to transcend the barrier of the vessel (leave the microcosmic consciousness) and then see for yourself that the space within the vessel and the great-space within which the vessel rests, are one and the same …
This is said to be so because macro-elemental space (Akash Mahabhoot) is much subtler than the material which makes the vessel (earthen pot and every other microcosm, including the universe) … So when we try to subtly analyze the space in relation to the grosser vessel (or any microcosm) then we would only find that the space actually pervades the vessel …
And after fact is known, then it would also be known that the space in the vessel is none other than the same great-space (or Mahakash or Akasha Mahabhoot or simply, the ether) within which the vessel (earthen pot and every other microcosm, including the universe) itself rests …
But this self realization is only when below discussions are met up with during ones meditations and where to self realize this fact, these meditations would also need to be in a conscious state …
84-CC … Rate of expansion of space w.r.t. unitary value of space …
The rate of expansion and contraction of a universe has nothing to do with the manifest light or its speed … It is only dependent upon other three dimensions time, direction and state … As a guide, below paragraph is how it is …
Higher is the singularity (non-duality) of dimensions at any point, more shall be the virtual expansion of space at that point (but whenever this aspect takes place at that point) …
This is how it is seen to be when that point is viewed whilst the observer is stationed within it or when the observation is from points that are adjacent to it (here the word adjacent means, a few space units or unitary value of space away from the point of observation … In an earlier topic of unitary value of space we have already derived its value for this planetary system) …
Lesser are the individual time units (or unitary value of time) of a world (or plane of existence) from where an observation is made, greater shall be the virtual rate of expansion of space when one shall view it from that point and especially when the observer itself is resting within or in close proximity to the same point (close proximity means, within a few space units) … And since as of now the time units are reducing (this can be seen very clearly by visiting the discussions of an earlier topic of “unitary value of space”), so the space is also found to be expanding because change of space (expansion or contraction of space) is inversely proportional to change (reduction or increment) of unitary value of time (i.e. a change of the value of a single unit of time) …
Proceeding further …
For any microcosm, higher is its own “oneness towards allness and its each part”, subtler is the state of that microcosm and larger shall be its spread within macrocosmic space and greater shall be its expansion ( whenever it expands) per unit time and per unit space as is applicable at the plane of observation ( from the plane where an observer is stationed when observing this aspect) …
Thus subtler entities expand or contract more than grosser entities and due to this reason, larger is a distance observed, greater is the oneness towards allness of the observation (and the observed and observer) and thus larger shall be the expansion of space at that point …
Thus basis above, when we observe space then following always comes to fore …
- Value of expansion of space at closer distances is lesser than the value of expansion of same space ( if viewed at larger distances, expansion is higher of space) … This is because larger distances denote a higher subtlety (as was discussed earlier on in this topic) …
- The value of expansion of space at multiples of unit distances ( at multiples of unitary value of space) is also found to be in multiples of those values which were discussed in an earlier topic of “Rate of expansion of universe” …
- I add this part when editing this topic (as I came to know about it later on that what I have termed as the rate at which there is an expansion of universe, is the Hubbles constant itself) … Since expansion of universe is told as Cosmological constant in modern astronomy, so this also means that the value of Hubbles constant would be seen to be in multiples when we shall view space in multiples of distances of its unitary value ( depending upon the multiples of unitary value of space which is viewed, are the multiples of Hubbles constant which are applicable to that space) … if we see 100 units of space away (or 100 unitary values of space away) from us, then the value of Hubbles constant would also be found to be 100 times …
Continuing with above bullet point … Thus as we keep increasing the distance between the observer and the observed, the observation only leads to a state where the expansion rate of space is found to be increased by multiples of increments of distances of space units, between the observer and the observed …
The unitary values of all of the four primary dimensions that are applicable to anything, are also dependent upon what is discussed here … I say this because of the fact that when the aspirants subtler observing vehicle is resting within planes of much higher subtlety, then these units are much vast as compared to those which are applicable at this world system or at this plane of existence or even within this universe …
As we increase the distance between the observer and the observed, then the oneness towards allness is also increased of both the observer and observed … In such a case, a higher subtlety is of that observation and this higher subtlety only leads to higher expansion (or contraction as the case may be) of the entity which is observed … This in turn leads to state where speed of celestial entities which are farther shall be found to be higher than speeds of celestial entities which are closer to the observer … This is a part of universal state of Maya (or illusion) as it is also termed in Vedic lore …
And this itself is because of the fact that when we view larger distances, then our observation also rests within a higher subtlety (as larger is the expanse of anything, greater is its subtlety) and due to this greater subtlety, larger is the expanse of that state … And this itself is the reason for higher rate of change of expanse of a state when we view ever higher distances and which itself is seen as higher speeds of distant objects as compared to the ones which are closer to the observer …
Proceeding further …
Farther we view in space, subtler is our observation and the observed state …
Subtler is an entity, faster it is found to be moving in space and thus faster is rate of expansion of space at that point of the universe …
Thus farther is a celestial body viewed, faster shall it be found to be moving in space ( faster would be the speed of movement of an entity that is farther from the observer) …
This higher speed is also due to the higher subtlety of space that lies in between the observer and observed (because larger is the expanse of an entity which is viewed, faster is moves in space) …
And since subtler moves at a higher speed as compared to the grosser entity and since farther we view, subtler is our observation (as subtlety has a larger dimensional expanse also) so speed of distant celestial bodies would also be seen to be higher as compared to speed of movement of nearer entities …
Due to this reason, as the distances between the observer and observed increase, then we also find the observed to be moving faster …
Thus as far as the dimension of space is concerned, further is the observed object from the observer, faster shall be the expansion or contraction of space seen (between the observer and observed) …
This is because of the fact that as the distance between the observer and the observed increases, then there also is a higher oneness to allness and thus there also is a higher subtlety of the observation …
And because the subtler entity moves faster than the grosser (grosser is also when we observe lesser distances in space) so the speeds of celestial entities are also found to be higher as the distance of observation keeps increasing …
But this is only the “apparent expansion of space” from the observer’s location and thus is definitely not the real aspects of space …
This is because in reality of space, it is the unchangeable infinite one ( the infinite can never change to anything else and yet remains as the infinite) …
And this was why the Vedas had told this fact as follows …
Which means …
Space is a self manifestation of the unchangeable incomparable Parambrahma (i.e. Absolute being)
And which also means …
Space is a direct self expression of the attributeless infinite Supreme being
And which also means …
Meditation (or study) of space is a path to self realization of Absolute being
84-DD … Maximum speed of expansion of space prior returning back to emptiness …
But at any single time during the history of this universe, the speed of movement (expansion and contraction) of the vast bubble that we call as a universe, cannot be more than the value calculated by the following formula …
Maximum speed of movement = {(1.08)24} x 10 x speed of light
In above …
- 24 are the elements of macrocosmic creation … This concept is a part of Samkhya philosophy …
- 10 are the primary directions … These were already explained earlier …
This is how I had observed it within those travels in subtler realms and whose method was discussed in an earlier topic of “Cosmic measurements” and a few others of the same part of this topic on Kaalchakra (or eternal cycles of time) …
Proceeding further …
And if above extreme limit of speed is reached by any entity, then that entity would again return back into emptiness (which in simple words can also be called as macrocosmic voidness or voidness of or non existence of the entire macrocosmic creation) from which it had originally started within its own self origination process …
And since this speed limit of movement is “always reached” at the edges of a universe, so this is why at the edges of each universe are also enveloped by the same non lighted state of emptiness …
This fact is very clearly seen that the edges of each universe where the non lighted state of emptiness is always present … To know this fact about the non lighted envelope that is present at the uttermost edges of each universe, just see the main painted sketch of an earlier topic of “Lingams within and beyond” where a part of the multi universal macrocosmic creation is shown …
When the subtler travelling vehicle ( the consciousness vehicle) travels and goes out of the limited expanses of the celestial bubble which we term as our universe, then each universe is also found to be of a shape that is the same as that of a Vedic Shivalingam … This Shivalingam like shape of each universe is shown in the painted sketch of earlier topic of “Lingams within and beyond” …
And finally …
That entry into emptiness, itself is within a state of fullness as is of its primordial energy state … This primordial energy itself is the original energy field ( the timelessly original divinity) from which the process of self origination and countless of those further re-originations of the Maker’s Makings was effected …
And this primordial energy is what is told as Maa Adi Parashakti … Maa Adi Parashakti is also the primal divinity of “Pancha Mukha Sadashiva” as she herself is the pristine divinity of Viraat Parabrahman Sadashiva and due to this reason, that pristine divinity (i.e. Adi Parashakti) is also a universal divinity …
The five faces of Sadashiva (or Pancha Mukha Sadashiva) are as briefly described below …
- Ishana … This is the centrally placed, upward looking (i.e. skyward looking) colorless crystal like face of Sadashiva .,. Agama Lore call this face as Ishana face of Shiva and some other lore’s have also addressed it as Ishana face of Sadashiva …
- Tatpurusha … This is the east facing, golden colored face amongst the five faces of Sadashiva (or in other words, Panch Mukha Sadashiva) … Agama Lore call this face as Tatpurusha face of Shiva and some other lore’s (like Raja Yoga) have also addressed it as Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva …
- Vamadeva … This is the North facing, smoke colored face amongst the five faces of Sadashiva (or in other words, Panch Mukha Sadashiva) … Agama Lore have called this particular face as Vamadeva face of Shiva and some other lore’s of Raja Yoga have also addressed it as Vamadeva face of Sadashiva …
- Sadyojata … This is the west facing diamond white colored face of Sadashiva … Agama Lore call this face as Sadyojata face of Shiva and some other lore’s of Raja Yoga have also addressed it as Sadyojata face of Sadashiva …
- Aghora … This is the south facing, deep blue colored face of Sadashiva … Agama Lore call this face as Aghora face of Shiva and some other lore’s, like those of Raja Yoga have also addressed it as Aghora face of Sadashiva …
- Sadashiva is from whom everything proceeds within the origination of Maker’s Makings, and it is due to this reason, that Sadashiva also ITself is the “causeless cause of allness” …
Proceeding further …
But at the outermost edges of the universe where the non lighted envelope of macrocosmic voidness (or emptiness of allness or Sarva Shunya) is present, this energy is as Maa Mahakaali who is also a self expressed state of the supreme divinity ( Maa Adi Parashakti) only … Maa Mahakaali is as the Great-divinity of the lord of great time (Bhagwan Mahakaal) …
Thus at the edges of universe, that Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga which was discussed in an earlier topic, is self realized …
And basis the discussions of an earlier topic of “You are what you have self realized” it is also very apparent that unless an aspirant evolutionarily qualifies to enter into the “Mahakaal Mahakaali Yoga” whilst still incarnated, that aspirants consciousness cannot ever travel to those states which are beyond the universe in which that aspirants physical vehicle resides … And unless it travels beyond, neither can the painted sketch of an earlier topic (of ) be self realized nor can that aspirants ever know the limit of speed of expansion of universe not can that aspirant qualify to know the reality of Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga as was discussed in an earlier topic …
But the path to this self realization is only possible to be opened up when the aspirant decides to “walk alone” and whilst keeping to the innermost essence of the statement of “Myself Within Myself” … This leads to a further stage when the same aspirant begins walking within the essence of the statement “Itself Within Itself” … And since both these paths have already been discussed in two earlier topics of this text, so I won’t be getting into the same discussions again …
And I also state that this path is the same as that which has ever been walked by Rudra Deva (or Vedas), who also is addressed as Buddha ALA (Buddhist lore), and the same Rudra is addressed as Allah Tala (within the Islamic Lore), and the same Rudra is addressed as Red Kachina (In Native American lore’s) and energy fields of Rudra is also addressed as red shift in modern astronomy … He also happens to be my Gurupita (Gurupita means Father-Guide and Guiding-Father) …
And finally …
After the speed of expansion of a universe as is stated by above equation, gets exceeded at any point, then that point of the universe always returns back to the same state of emptiness, from where the origination of allness had originally commenced within the supreme genius as is of the Maker’s Makings …
Thus if any celestial body (or anything in the vast-dimensionless-infinite-space) exceeds the speed which is subtly stated by above equation, then that entity would straightaway enter into the non lighted state of primordial nature, which is also termed as emptiness and voidness across many lore’s …
When any aspirant’s consciousness vehicle (subtler vehicle which observes and self realizes) gets firmly stationed in that emptiness, then over time, that emptiness is also found to be “Shunya Brahman (Infinity of Zeroness, Zeroness of Infinity) …
Thus basis above it is also very clear that “speed of light is not Absolute speed” … So this also answers the query of “Is speed of light Absolute” …
Continues …