Here with reference to the Milky Way Galaxy in which this world systems rests, we would be discussing the Galactic collision or the stages of Milky Way collision, which always take place after completion of a Day time of Brahma (i.e. Kalpa or Brahma Kalpa) and during the following stage of coming in of the night of Brahma (which as such is termed as a Brahma Ratri) … Within the Vedas, these collisions are told as Naimittika Pralaya …
This discussion continues from previous topic “Time passed during Brahma Kalpa” …
87-AA … Cyclic nature of Naimittika Pralaya … Or
Naimittika Pralaya is a type of destruction of a plane of existence which comes when the day-time of Brahma (or Brahma Kalpa) just about completes and when the night-time of Brahma (or Brahma Ratri) just about begins …
As discussed and calculated earlier, time spans of a Brahma Kalpa (which means as the day time of Brahma) and the night time of Brahma (which is called as Brahma Ratri) are equal in their durations of 4.32 billion human solar years (as per middle time units of precession or Agragaman) … So since the Naimittika Pralaya of our current discussion happens after completion of a Kalpa of Brahma (i.e. one Brahma Kalpa) and during commencement Brahma Ratri, so it is due to this reason that this Naimittika Pralaya is none other than a cyclic process … And since it is cyclic, so it is also governed by Kaalchakra or the eternally cyclic nature of time …
87-BB … What happens during Naimittika Pralaya or Galactic collision …
During Naimittika Pralaya, the Milky Way Galaxy collides with other galaxies …
Thus the stage of collision of Milky Way Galaxy (or Milky Way collision or Galactic collision) is the one which is named as Naimittika Pralaya in Vedas …
This Milky Way collision has four distinct stages, of which first three are of destruction and last one is of rejuvenation …
This is the stage where amongst the seven upper worlds (of Bhu Loka, Bhuvar Loka and Svar or Swar Loka, Mahar Loka, Jana Loka, Tapa Loka and Satya of Brahma Loka), three lower worlds (of Bhu Loka, Bhuvar Loka and Svar or Swar Loka) begin disintegrating and get destroyed …
There are seven lower and seven upper worlds which make the 14 level of the multi-mansion like hierarchy of the macrocosmic creation as shown in above figure …
These 14 levels of multi-mansion like hierarchy is the one which has been termed as Chatur-Dus Bhuvanatmak Brahmand in Vedic lore’s …
And due to this Vedic name and since Biblical lore’s are derived from the much earlier pluralistic yet monist knowledge systems of Sanatan Dharma (I mean lore’s of Sanatan Nigam Arya Dharma or Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma and Sanatan Agama Arya Dharma) or simply Hinduism, so Bible also says the same, but in a different way which is told as “My Father has many mansions” …
Naimittika means “incidental or unusual or conditional or occasional” ceremony of destruction (or funeral ceremony of the plane of existence) that is caused by a particular or special cause …
The word Pralaya means destruction, dissipate, annihilation, dissolution, re-absorption or absorption, funeral ceremony (of a lesser or larger state), disappear or dissolve from its earlier state of existence after which that state rejuvenates into a newer form …
This Naimittika Pralaya is which is due to three worlds becoming extinct and thus during the process of Naimittika Pralaya, there also are three collision of the Milky Way Galaxy with three other Galaxies …
87-CC … Setting the base of this discussion on Naimittika Pralaya …
Here I shall be discussing some aspects, prior to getting into the calculations of Naimittika Pralaya of our current discussion …
87-CC-1 … Three collisions of Milky Way Galaxy …
These three collisions denote the following …
- 1st collision is symbolic of disintegration of Bhu Loka (the physical worlds which reside within the Galaxy) …
- 2nd collision is symbolic of disintegration of Bhuvar Loka …
- 3rd collision is symbolic of disintegration of Svar Loka (Sounds in the worlds which reside within the Galaxy) …
And then is the 4th stage which is of the process of rejuvenation of the destroyed galaxy …
Each of these four stages are of equal time spans i.e. each of these four stages 1/4th of the 4.32 billion human solar years (as per middle time units) that make a Brahma Ratri (i.e. Night time of creator deity or Brahma’s night time) …
Proceeding further …
Ultimately this plane of existence (I.e. Galaxy) would be colliding with another plane of existence, but this time is over a couple of billion years away from now …
And after the first collision takes place, then there shall also be two further collisions and where each of these collisions shall be spaced by quarter of the time span of a Brahma Kalpa … By this I mean, quarter of the day of Brahma, which also is the same time span as is of night of Brahma within which these collisions take place …
Thus the two further collisions shall be spaced by about quarter of 4.32 billion human solar years as per middle time units of precession from the end time of Day of Brahma (i.e. Brahma Kalpa) …
Thus spacing of time between each of these collisions is 4.32 / 4 = 1.08 billion human solar years (as per middle time units of precession or Ahaata) …
Thus the spacing of time of these collisions as per currently applicable time units of precession is as follows …
{[(4.32 /4) / 66.6666667] x 71.6} = 1.159919999 billion human solar years …
Note: Value of 66.6666667 and 71.6 are directly taken from earlier topic of “unitary value of time” …
Above calculated time span of 1.159919999 billion human solar years (as per currently applicable time units of precession) is the time that shall be in between the first three collisions, the time line of first of which would commence as soon as the Brahma Ratri commences and rest all shall be “plus” above time span …
But above is definitely not the exact time span, as the exact times-ranges of these collisions shall be calculated at a later stage of this topic …
Proceeding further …
When any Kalpa (i.e. one day of Brahma) completes, then during the Brahma Ratri which commences soon afterwards, this plane of existence gets severely destroyed and this destruction is called as Naimittika Pralaya …
The night time of Brahma is the time when the plane destroys itself and thence it assimilates itself prior again becomes “capable to hold animated life on it +++” and thus this is also the time when the plane rejuvenates itself …
+++ Explaining +++ of above paragraph …
+++ “Capability to hold animated life upon it” is only arrived when the manifested or grosser elements have stabilized upon the plane of existence … This means that the manifested or grosser elemental states of earth, water, light (fire or Tejas), air and ether stabilize themselves to a state where they can neither turn any more gross nor can they turn any more subtle … This means that the plane or world system is stabilized enough for life to re-begin upon it …
+++ The reason for need of this stability can be explained in an example as discussed here … Imagine the manifested-earth-element by which this planet is made solid, becomes one stage subtler i.e. earth turns into water … Then would all forms of life be able to exist on it … Or imagine if it returns back to even higher subtlety elements like fire, air or ether, then would all forms of life be able to exist on it … And if the answer is no, then this is what is meant by stability of manifested elements …
At the earliest time, such changes as are discussed above can only happen during change of a Manvantar (Age of Manu) …
+++ The last time these changes were due to flooding and this is the reason for descriptions of widespread floods to be present in almost all religious and native lore’s of this planet … But this stage was not two (or five or six or ten or twenty) thousand years ago, but it was when the last Manvantar had just about ended i.e. i.e. this flood was before the start of the 27th divine age cycle (or Mahayuga) that was prior to the time when this Mahayuga (i.e. 28th Mahayuga) had commenced …
And this flood was not like the floods that this planetary system sees each few millenniums, it was a universal flooding of this planet due to flipping of earth i.e. north and South poles flip over and get reversed …
87-CC-2 … During collision of Galaxies … Explain destruction and dissolution …
During the collisions of these planes of existences (I mean Galaxies) there are so much of pressures surges, that the manifested grosser elements almost evaporate into the air element and this is exactly the reverse of the process which leads to their origination in the first place i.e. from the earlier subtler to the later grosser state …
From the original subtler to the manifested grosser elements is the origination process and from the manifested grosser elements till the earlier subtlety of the previous manifested element is the state of destruction … And if this destruction make the elements to return back to their earlier macro-elemental states (i.e. Mahabhoot Awastha), then it is the state of dissolution …
Thus basis above is the following fact …
- If the five subtler macro-elements (Pancha Mahabhoot) turn into manifested elements (Sthool Bhoota), then it denotes the original origination process of the manifested grosser state of Maker’s Makings …
- If manifested elements turn further grosser and start accumulating at various points so as to make larger celestial bodies, then it denotes furthering of continuity of the origination process …
- If manifested elements turn subtler i.e. earth returns back to water, water returns back to fire, fire returns back to air and air stays as air as it does not return back to ether (or Akasha Mahabhoot), then it denotes destruction …
- If any of the four manifested (of earth, water, fire or light and air) elements return back to their respective macro-elemental parental elements (i.e. their own Mahabhoot Awastha), then it denotes process of dissolution …
- And if these manifested elements return back to the parental ether (which in Vedic texts is named as macro-elemental ether or Akasha Mahabhoot), then it denotes the final dissolution of worlds …
Thus if the manifested earth in turns into its previous element of manifested water or manifested water turns into even previous element of manifested fire or manifested fire returns back to its even previous element i.e. manifested air, then these denote the process of destruction …
This destruction is only leading to the process of a further rejuvenation of that portion of these elements which had reversed and this is what causes a cyclic refreshing of the elements … But this refreshing is at a time which is later to the process of their reversal …
And if these manifested elements return back to their own macro-elemental states and thence also return back to the final macro-elemental ether (I.e. Akasha), then it denotes the final stage of dissolution …
And there being five elements (ether, air, fire or light, water and earth) and fire (or light or Tejas which means accomplished heat) being the middle element, so irrespective of whether the process is of origination or it is of destruction-rejuvenation or even of a final dissolution, at all such times the middle element i.e. fire (or light or Tejas) is always present within its own supreme glory …
Proceeding further …
But during Naimittika Pralaya, the collision of Galaxies only leads to destruction and not dissolution …
So with above as a base, we shall proceed further …
87-CC-3 … Time of Brahma Kalpa which has already passed till now …
This time was already calculated in an earlier topic of “Time passed during Brahma Kalpa” so below stated figures are taken directly from this topic itself and these are also basis 2011 AD …
As per middle Precessional time units … 1.972949112 billion human solar years …
At current Precessional time units … 2.118947345 billion human solar years …
87-CC-4 … Time remaining of present Brahma Kalpa …
As per middle time units of precession of equinoxes, a Brahma Kalpa is of a time span of 4.32 billion human solar years (we had calculated this time span in an earlier topic of Brahma Kalpa) …
And as per middle time units of precession, the time which has already passed during the current Brahma Kalpa is stated as 1,972,949,112 billion human solar years or in other words, 1.972949112 billion human solar years (in section 87-CC-3 above) …
So the time remaining for completion of the currently underway Brahma Kalpa (i.e. one day of Brahma) as per the time units of the middle precession cycle (as have always been used by Vedic sages) is as follows …
Time span of one Kalpa – above calculated value
So above becomes …
4.32 billion Human solar years – above time calculated span …
4,320,000,000 – 1,972,949,112 = 2,347,050,888 human solar years (As per time units of the middle of Precessional cycle) …
And above calculated time span becomes as 2.347050888 billion human solar years (As per time units of the middle of precession circle) …
Proceeding further …
But since as of now the middle time units of earth’s axial precession are not applicable, so I shall have to convert the above calculated time span to the currently applicable time units of precession (as so as to make this value relate to our present times) …
So as per “yearly change of precession” of 50.28 arc seconds, which leads to a currently applicable “unitary value of time” of 71.6 human solar years per degree change of precession of equinoxes, above calculated time span becomes as follows …
{(2,347,050,888 / 66.66666667) x 71.6} = 2,520,732,652 human solar years from 2011 AD …
So this time is of 2.520732652 billion human solar years (as per the current Precessional time units and basis 2011 AD) …
Above value is the time remaining for the first collision of this plane of existence (Milky Way galaxy) with another minor plane of existence (minor galaxy) …
This shall be the first collision of our plane of existence (Milky Way galaxy) with another smaller galaxy that is near our plane of existence …
This stage symbolically denotes the sunset time (1800 Hours) of this plane of existence (i.e. Our Milky Way Galaxy) …
This is thus the time when all parts of speciology get ready to return back home after a “long day’s work (i.e. a long time in existence of 4.32 billion human solar years)” and thus they begin preparing to sleep through the incoming night of creator or Brahma Ratri …
Thus this is also the stage of progress of eternal triplicity of time when all parts of macrocosmic speciology which reside upon this plane of existence (i.e. our Milky Way) begin preparing to return back to their own inner subtle natures which shall be after they shall have been destroyed during the Naimittika Pralay, whose time line starts after above calculated value (of 2.520732652 billion human solar years, as per the currently applicable Precessional time units and basis the year 2011 AD) …
87-CC-5 … Describing three galaxies which would be colliding with Milky Way …
Since I really do not know what these three galaxies (which are pretty close to the Milky Way) are called as of now, so as of now I am listing the markers for identifying the two of the smaller galaxies (i.e. the two smaller galaxies which shall be colliding with our Milky Way Galaxy) …
Of these three, two galaxies are appreciably smaller than out Milky Way Galaxy and the other galaxy (let’s just call it the third) is appreciably larger than ours (i.e. Milky Way) …
So here are the Markers of these two smaller and one larger Galaxy which would be colliding with our own galaxy (i.e. Milky Way) …
- There are two smaller galaxies very close to the Milky way as compared to the larger third one which is further away from our Milky Way …
- At first … The larger of these two smaller galaxies shall be the one which would be colliding with the Milky Way and the smaller would be clearing it safely (but only in the first stage of Naimittika Pralaya at end of our current Brahma Kalpa) …
- Later on … But this larger one amongst the two smaller ones, would eventually collide with the Milky Way and where this collision would be a fact only after the Milky way changes path after the second collision with a very large galaxy (i.e. the third of our discussion) that is about twice the length of Milky Way … This stage of collision is discussed at a later stage of this topic …
- The larger amongst the two smaller galaxies … Amongst the two smaller sized galaxies, which would be colliding with our Milky Way, the larger amongst them is of a “Ratio of size as compared to out Milky Way” as follows …
Ratio of size of our Milky Way : Size of that smaller galaxy
100 : (12 x 1.08)
Or on other words …
100 Units : 12.96 Units
Thus, that smaller galaxy is of a size that is very close to 12.96 percent of our galaxies dimensional expanses …
I have calculated these ratios through subtler methods of measurements which were discussed in earlier topics such as the ones listed below …
- “What celestial measurement” … And then the same was also discussed within the topic of …
- “Length and breadth of plane of existence” … And then the same was also discussed within the topic of …
- “Cosmic measurements” … And then the same was also discussed within the topic of …
- “Measurement method and limitation” … And then the same was also discussed within the topic of …
- “Matter, Inert matter and energy” … And then the same was also discussed within the topic of …
- “Utilization of subtleties” … And then the same was also discussed within the topic of …
- “Depth or height of plane of existence” … And then the same was also discussed within the topic of …
- “Shape of plane of existence” … And then the same was also discussed within the topic of …
- And even smaller galaxy (as compared to the one whose dimensional ratios w.r.t. our own Milky Way is given above) is also going to collide with our own galaxy … The ratio of size of this galaxy as compared to our galaxy is as follows …
Ratio of size of our Milky Way : Size of that even smaller galaxy
100 : {(12/2) x 1.08}
So above ratio becomes as follows …
100 : 6.48 Units
This even smaller galaxy would not be colliding initially as it does not come into contact with the Milky Way at the time when the current-day of Brahma ends after about 2.520732652 billion human solar years (as was calculated above and as per the current Precessional time units) … But at a later stage of progress of Naimittika Pralaya (which would come by after completion of “current day-time of creator or Brahma Kalpa” and then the further stage of commencement of “night of creator or Brahma Ratri”) this smaller galaxy would eventually be colliding with our Milky Way …
Note: These two galaxies which are smaller sized as compared to our Milky way, if we carefully see above ratios of 12.96 and 6.48 w.r.t. to the dimensional expanses of our Milky Way, and thence we see their correlation in the discussed Kaalchakra, then we can also relate their ratios to the arcs of Kaalchakra that has been discussed earlier on … And if any aspirant carefully studies these aspects through mathematical calculations, then in that calculation it would also be seen that these two smaller galaxies are an intrinsic part of the Milky Way galaxy and thus both of them shall eventually be merging to the Milky Way itself … This merger shall also be completing within that “incoming night of Brahma (i.e. Brahma Ratri)” during whose time spans the currently discussed Naimittika Pralaya, actually happens …
87-DD … Stages of Naimittika Pralaya … Stages of collisions of Milky Way …
As discussed earlier, these collisions would be in four stages of which the first three would be of destruction and last one i.e. 4th would be of rejuvenation …
87-DD-1 … First collision of Milky Way Galaxy …
The time range of 1st collision (as previously discussed) shall be with a smaller galaxy … This would be on starting of the Brahma Ratri (night time of creator) after completion of the currently running day time of creator (Brahma Kalpa) and which also is the time span of Sandhikaal of these 14 Manvantar which make this Brahma Kalpa …
And since this Sandhikaal of 14 Manvantar is of 1.728 million human solar years (as per middle time units of precession), so this 1st collision shall be happening within 1,728,000 human solar years (as per the middle precession time units) after completion of the presently running “day time of creator (Brahma Kalpa) …
The same Sandhikaal is applicable when the last (or 14th) Manvantar of the current day of Brahma (i.e. Brahma-Kalpa) ends and the first Manvantar of the next stage which is of a night of Brahma (I.e. Brahma-Ratri) arrives …
And the same Sandhikaal is also applicable in-between each 24 hours of Brahma (i.e. a group of one day-time and one-night time) of Brahma as we had discussed earlier … But this does not double the Sandhikaal duration as the above paragraphs time range (of 1.728 million human solar years) is only as a Marker of range of time of the 1st collision of the Milky Way Galaxy during the time spans of Naimittika Pralaya as is being discussed here …
Thus we also need to account for a short time span of 1,728,000 human solar years which falls between the last Manvantar of this Brahma Kalpa (i.e. the current day time of Brahma) and the next night of Brahma (I.e. Brahma Ratri) …
Due to this reason, above calculated value (of 2.520732652 billion human solar years billion human solar years, as per the currently applicable Precessional time units) would be higher by up to “1 human solar year till a maximum of 1.728 million human solar years” …
Depending upon the Kalpa that is running, is the ratio arrived to calculate the time when the plane would collide …
Rest of the calculation can be done by those aspirants who are interested to know it as I really don’t want to proceed any further in this discussion than what I have already discussed here or else this topic and calculation would only become endlessly cyclic … And also a fact that to go any further, I shall have to disclose that principle of time, which cannot even be disclosed during the time span when the divine degenerate age cycle (i.e. the currently underway Deva Kaliyuga) is running in a world …
But the fact remains that the 1st collision of this galaxy shall be within 1.728 million human solar years from the completion time of the current Brahma-Kalpa … Thus that collision shall be within 1.728 million human solar years from 2.520732652 billion human solar years billion human solar years that remains for completion of the current Brahma-Kalpa (as per currently applicable time units) …
Within the time of Sandhikaal (or 1.728 million human solar years) that falls at the intersection of the currently underway day-time of Brahma (Brahma Kalpa) and the incoming night-time of Brahma (Brahma Ratri) this plane of existence (Milky Way) be colliding with another plane of existence (Galaxy etc.) and that collision shall also be within the period of the Sandhikaal that is stated in this and earlier paragraphs …
After this collision, all animate and inanimate life on this world system, shall slowly start going into their long deserved and destined rest which always comes when the night time of Brahma (Brahma Ratri) arrives …
And above also is just as it happens after each incarnation of any part of speciology gets completed, where the microcosm (beingness of entity) rests for a while, prior it re-awakens so as to again resume during the next day … Thus this stage shall set the phase of commencement of well deserved rest of all that is existent here (i.e. on this planetary system) … But this period of rest is also as what is discussed in the next part of this topic (i.e. stages of Naimittika Pralaya) …
This 1st collision also denotes the time of commencement of destruction of Bhu Loka (i.e. earthly worlds) and this leads to the 2nd stage (or 2nd collision of Milky Way) which as such is the destruction of Bhuvar Loka as stated in Vedic lore and then is the 3rd collision which denotes the destruction of Swar Loka (or Svar Loka) of Vedic lore …
The effects of this collision shall last till the next (or second) collision happens … This calculation of 2nd collision is as discussed below …
87-DD-2 … Time range of first collision of Milky Way Galaxy …
Above collision is not the only collision, as there shall be two more of these collisions which would be happening at equidistant-time spans and in tandem during the Naimittika Pralaya …
Thus in between the time span of the 1st collision (as discussed above in 87-DD-1) till the subsequent collision (or 2nd collision as is discussed in this sub-part of this topic) actually happens, is the time span of slow but steady propagation of effects of the 1st collision (as discussed above) …
So the time span of propagation of effects of this 1st collision shall be as follows …
2.520732652 billion + 1.159919999 billion = 3.680652651 billion human solar years …
Thus as soon as the propagation of effects of above stated time span completes, then the next stage of 2nd collision as discussed below, would be commenced …
This second collision is an “even bigger collision” …
And that collision shall lead to an almost immediate yet a temporary-end of many parts of this plane of existence (Milky Way galaxy) … This time is as calculated below …
We had discussed earlier that …
- 4.32 billion human solar years (as per middle time units) is the time span of one Kalpa or day-time of creator (Brahma Kalpa) …
- And the creator also has an equal time of night (Brahma Ratri) … Thus Brahma Ratri is also of a time span of 4.32 billion human solar years (as per middle time units) …
- It is during the time spans of Brahma Ratri that all these discussed collisions (of Naimittika Pralaya) take place …
- Day of the creator is when life exists (i.e. the time when animated-microcosm’s are awake and active or in other words are “alive and manifested”) …
- And the night of the creator (i.e. Brahma Ratri) is when the life is not active (i.e. the microcosm’s enter into all sorts of chaos prior they enter into their phase of sleep or rest or even that stage where they enter into their original-subtle un-manifest-state) …
- Above time span of night of Brahma is also divided into 4 parts of equal durations, just like a day also is …
- Each of these four parts is of a duration 4.32 / 4 = 1.08 billion years (as per the middle of precession time units) and thus to make this time applicable to our current times, I shall have to convert then to our currently applicable time units (i.e. as per my calculated “yearly change of precession” of 50.28 arc seconds or 71.6 human solar years per degrees change of precession which also denotes the currently applicable “unitary value of time”) …
Thus when we convert above value of 1.08 billion years (as per middle time units of precession) to currently applicable time units, then it becomes as follows …
(1.08 / 66.6666667) x 71.6 = 1.159919999 billion human solar years (As per currently applicable time units) …
Above time span of 1.159919999 billion human solar years (As per currently applicable time units) is the time span which lies in between the four distinct stages of Naimittika Pralaya …
Note: The values of 66.6666667 and 71.6 are directly taken from an earlier topic of “unitary value of time” …
87-DD-2 … Second collision of Milky Way Galaxy …
When the first part of above four divisions of night of Brahma is running, then there shall be another much-much-bigger collision of the Milky Way galaxy with some other even-bigger galaxy …
This time is calculated as follows (and as per the currently applicable time units) …
2.520732652 + {(1.08 / 66.6666667) x 71.6} = 3.680652651 billion human solar years from now (and as per current time units) …
This collision shall also be within 1.728 million human solar years from the above stated time span of 3.680652651 billion human solar years from now (and as per the currently applicable time units) …
The time span of propagation of effects of this collision shall last till the 3rd collision that is discussed at a later stage of this topic …
Celestial markers of this 2nd collision …
Following are the markers of this ever-bigger galaxy which is colliding with our Milky Way …
- The length of the much-bigger galaxy to the length of our Milky Way galaxy … The ratio of dimensional expanses of our Milky Way Galaxy and that other much bigger Galaxy are as follows …
Dimension of our Milky Way : Dimension of that Galaxy = 1 : 2
- The distance of that much-bigger galaxy to the breadth of our Milky Way galaxy is of the ratio as stated below …
Distance of that bigger Galaxy : Breadth of our Milky Way = 25.92 : 1.00 …
These distances and dimensions are as measured through subtler methods which I have already discussed in earlier topics … So I won’t be repeating those discussions again in this topic as interested readers can read those earlier topics themselves …
Important Note: Second collision … The last supper …
For those affected parts of the animate macrocosmic speciology which are to enter into their destined and well deserved sleep through this 2nd collision, this stage could be compared to the last dinner time for those animated parts of speciology …
Or as the Biblical lore’s say … “The last supper” …
After this is the sleep time and this is when all the animate and some inanimate parts of speciology of those parts of the plane of existence which get affected by this collision, only end up entering into their long deserved sleep for the remaining time span as is of the night of Brahma i.e. the animated parts of speciology that exist within the affected part of the plane of existence (i.e. Milky Way galaxy or Akash Ganga) start resting within their own un-manifest state … And whilst they rest, they also await the next day-time of Brahma to commence …
Important note: 2nd collision and state of sun of this planetary system …
This propagation of effects of this second collision continues for the next 1.159919999 billion human solar years (As per currently applicable time units) …
At this stage the sun stays brightly lit up and as a ball of vast-vast fire which also assimilates its lost energy and prepares itself for the next cycle (i.e. next Brahma Kalpa) …
Thus the end part of this stage is of the re-origination of sun (remember this because this stage shall be used to calculate the “Astronomical age of sun” in a later topic) …
At this stage, within that vast-vast ball of fire which is the sun,
the middle macro-element i.e. fire (or Agni Mahabhoot) is at its supreme glory and this is what is assimilated by the sun which then becomes like a vast-vast state of fire element (or Agni Mahabhoot) which as such is also known as the manifested-light element (or Prakash Mahabhoot) and manifested luminous-heat element (Tejas Mahabhoot) …
Thus this is not the end of sun, but a rejuvenation of it and whilst the sun stays incarnated at its supreme glory …
And after the 4th stage as is described below has arrived, then from that very vast lighted state of sun, are re-emerged all the future worlds (Planets of this part of the solar system) …
It is due to this reason that the Vedic sages had told that the Sun is the originator of earth and other planets as those sages who had told thus, were non-lucidly referring to Naimittika Pralaya which happens during the stages of night of Brahma (Brahma Ratri) of our current discussion …
Thus in reality, the sun does not die at this state, it only begins the process of rejuvenating itself and reaches its present form prior the end of this stage …
Important note: State of microcosm’s who rest within Naimittika Pralaya …
During this period which is of rest of all microcosm’s, they undergo through self-introspection and retrospection, about how was their last stay during the previous day-time of Brahma (i.e. previous Brahma Kalpa) …
These dissoluted microcosms also undergo through self-introspection and retrospection about how can they make their future evolutionary process better (after they re-begin in the next Brahma Kalpa) …
So this is the time when these dissoluted or dissipated microcosms which rest in their subtler states of existence within the Brahma Ratri, also make plans of their future manifested state of existence as shall be after the Brahma Ratri ends and the next Brahma Kalpa (or next day time of creator) commences …
At this time no animate microcosm can fake its reality, as the un-manifest state in which these earlier animate microcosm’s are resting, is also holding a much-much higher quantum of truth and thus all such self introspections and retrospections are only those which actually were, just as they were and just as they could be improved upon in the future cycles incarnations of these microcosm’s which shall be arrived by these microcosm’s after they have re-begun during those future times when the next day-time of Brahma sets in that currently destroyed plane of existence … And all these self introspections and self retrospections are only possible due to the purificatory nature of the fire element which is engulfing the plane of existence (i.e. when the earlier degenerate grosser aspects get destroyed in that vast ball of fire which the sun becomes at this stage, then only do these self introspections and self retrospections take place by the dissoluted microcosms who rest in the Naimittika Pralaya of our current discussion) …
As this time of self introspection and retrospection, those who feel that they have done “as good as they could have best-done during their earlier cycle of manifested existence” and thus there remains nothing more to be ever undergone through by them, then such ones only end up exiting out of all modes, states and conditions of existence i.e. such ones are fully liberated …
And those microcosm who feel that they have not reached that stage (as is of the ones who have qualified to finally exit or be liberated) eventually await to re-enter the “same old-eternal school” that of this and every other manifested world system and this is the stage when such ones know that a future return back to incarnated state is unavoidable by them because unless you graduate from the same “same old-eternal school” a future return back to an reincarnated state can never be avoided … Thus such are the microcosms who would be taking rebirth and shall again re-begin as a manifest microcosm and that to, exactly from where they had last left their evolutionary process (when they had entered into the Naimittika Pralaya as is being discussed here) …
Above means that the return back is exactly into the same evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchy, as was of them when they has last ended their existence at the stage of our current discussion …
Thus even within the un-manifest state of these microcosm, the evolution continues in an unbroken fashion and this itself is due to the fact that the “macrocosmic principle of eternal evolution” keeps acting on all that is manifest or un-manifest and this principle acts until the microcosm finally exits out of all modes, conditions and states of existences that are existing within the entirety of divinities of Maker’s Makings … And because these microcosm’s are still existent in their un-manifest state, so this also proves the continued effects of another of the macrocosmic principles i.e. “principle of eternal existence” even within the dissoluted state of these microcosm where they undergo through their self introspections and self retrospections that are being discussed here …
Until a microcosm continues to rest within any condition, mode and state of existence, it stays as a part of the vast macrocosmic hierarchy … Until it continues to stay as a part of the vast macrocosmic hierarchy, it also continues as one or another part of the vast ladder of macrocosmic hierarchical speciology … Until is continues as is discussed here, the evolution continues endlessly just as the existence of any microcosm also does … And as long as evolutionary existence continues, liberation (or Kaivalya) is still not achieved by that microcosm …
Realization about “evolved yet evolving ones” within Naimittika Pralaya …
Evolved yet evolving ones are the Gods and Satan’s of any of the vast number of stages (or cycle of time) …
Even your Gods and Satan’s are definitely highly evolves ones, yet they all are none other than evolving entities … This is because of the fact that they are still existent within the Maker’s Makings or macrocosmic creation itself (if they are not existent within the macrocosm and her vast hierarchies, then how are they acting as God or Satan of times) … And due to this reason, all these Gods and Satan’s also rest within the same principles (Siddhant), process (Tantra) and laws (Nyaya) of the macrocosmic creation … And because they are such, so we have even termed them as the “evolved yet evolving ones” i.e. those who have already evolved enough to make them qualified to act as God’s (or even Satan’s as the case may be) but they are still continuing their evolutionary process which is also leading them to their finally emancipated (i.e. later) state of being …
Had these Gods been entities of that state which is not in the purviews of the macrocosmic creation, then they also could not have acted as Gods for their believers who itself rest within the macrocosmic creation itself … And because these Gods and Satan’s are only existing within the macrocosmic creation, so they also have to comply to the real-nextness of their own evolutionary process, which itself leads them to take up the roles of being a God or Satan, but only for certain time spans, as are of certain parts of their evolutionary process …
At a certain evolutionary standing, the microcosm remains with no choice but to act as a God or Satan of a world or plane … And when that same microcosm manages to exit out of the entirety of modes, states and conditions of existences, then it also ceases to be as a God of times which are after this state of exit from the divinities of allness of Maker’s Makings …
And during all this time evolutionary existence (including of Gods and Satan’s) the real nextness of evolution has to be complied with because macrocosmic rules act in sameness to all that exists within her envelope (including Gods and Satan’s) …
This itself is because, macrocosmic creation never allows any jumping of states of existence and thus she (pristine divinity of macrocosmic creation) never agrees to entering into a “next of next” of evolutionary standing (This “next of nextness of evolution” was already discussed earlier in this topic and thus no further explanation is required) …
Due to this reason, compliance to real-nextness of evolution by every lesser (or lower evolved) or larger (or higher evolved) microcosm, stands paramount for all that rests within any of the states, modes and conditions of the macrocosmic creation …
Thus even when these greater entities (i.e. Gods and Satan’s) may be higher in their evolutionary standings, yet they also rest within one or another of the levels of the vast macrocosmic evolutionary hierarchy and shall continue to do so, until they also manage to exit out of allness and her each part …
This stage of exit shall also be exactly as was stated by vast number of Vedic sages and that too, through the same innermost knowledge of Vedic Mahavakya (mega-statements of Vedas) which were discussed earlier and also those Mahavakya which have not been discussed till now …
This continuity of existence itself is due to one’s own undergone causes and earned effect … Cause is your desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds and effect are the fruits of all these, which as such are reflected as subtle seeded impressions that are present within the Chitta (i.e. the consciousness orb) of your own causal body (which in Vedic lore, is also called as the Bliss sheath) and which in Sanskrit texts is also addressed as Anandmaye Kosha in addition to being called as the Antahkarana (or Antahkarana Chatushtaya) …
And because impressions (i.e. Samskaras) never lie or deceive once these are already originated within the aspirant’s consciousness orb, so nobody has ever been able to escape out of the cause and effect and its governing principle, i.e. principle of interdependent origination … Even the Gods are subjected to it and had they not been subjected to it, then they also would have not been as Gods of these times (i.e. or as givers of fruits to their adherents) …
And when these “evolved yet evolving ones” whom we term as Gods of our time, shall arrive at their evolutionary real nextness from where they can qualify to exit out of allness and its each part, then they shall also be entering into the same pathless-partless path (i.e. Brahmpath) prior they also finally exit out of allness and thence cease to be as God’s (or Satan’s) of future times …
This is the stage when their consciousness orbs (i.e. Chitta) shall also become impressionless (Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta, which is also denoting the accomplishment of Nirbija Samadhi) … And then these Gods shall also begin walking the same path which was walked by the Vedic sages who had self-realized the innermost meanings of Vedic Mahavakya …
There is no liberation prior to arriving at an impressionless state of consciousness orb of the causal body (i.e. Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta of the bliss sheath or the Anandamaya Kosha) … And this rule is applicable to all that has begun and/or is resting within and/or is active within the Maker’s Makings or her any part … Thus even Gods are not exempt from this rule …
This is when that aspirant now that the end path which leads to an exit from allness of Maker’s Makings, is of “Myself Within Myself” only and this path leads to the later stage of walking through the essence of statement “Itself Within Itself” and whilst keeping to the innermost essence of wise words, that there eventually is “nowhere to go, nothing to do, nobody to be” except to be the real you who is the eternally liberated one and is as your own innermost essence (or Atman) who itself is Brahman …
Relation to time of day …
In relation to the time of day, this stage could be told as the time between 1800 hours till 2100 hours …
Destruction during 2nd collision … End time of Bhuvar Loka …
This 2nd stage of destruction of the plane of existence (i.e. Naimittika Pralaya) is of the destruction of second Loka (i.e. the second heaven) which is termed as “Bhuvar Loka” in Vedic lore …
After this collision, these collided galaxies would change their course (I mean their direction of travel) and speeds i.e. they would change their direction of movement and rates of movement substantially …
And once this change of course and speeds happen, they that unioned state of galaxies gets enroute towards a third collision which is as discussed below (i.e. 3rd stage) …
Time span of propagation of effects of the second collision …
This time span is also of the same duration as the time span of the 1st collision … So its duration is as calculated below …
3.680652651 + 1.159919999 = 4.84057265 billion human solar years from now …
As soon as the propagation of effects of above stated time span completes, then the next stage of 3rd collision as discussed below, would be commenced …
And the next collision (i.e. 3rd collision) shall also be within 1.728 million human solar years from the above stated time span of 4.84057265 billion human solar years from now (and as per the currently applicable time units) …
The third collision is as discussed below …
87-DD-3 … Third collision of Milky Way Galaxy …
Then the next 1/4th of this time i.e. {(1.08 /66.6666667) x 71.6} = 1.159919999 billion human solar years (as per currently applicable precession time units part) would lead to a total chaos due to excess of the fire element (Agni-Mahabhoot) …
Thus, this time is of 3.680652651 + 1.159919999 = 4.84057265 billion human solar years from now …
This is also the time when the third collision of Milky Way galaxy takes place with another Galaxy …
Destruction during 3rd collision … End time of Svar Loka …
This symbolically denotes the destruction of the third Loka (i.e. the third heaven) which is told as “Swar Loka” in the Vedic knowledge systems …
Relation to time of day …
This symbolically denotes the time period between 2100 Hours till 2359 Hours of the 24 hour period …
Relation to inward path (of Yoga) …
The same also happens in the physical vehicle of any Yogi who is walking unto the last pathless-partless path (or Brahmpath) and where that Yogi has entered the stage which was discussed in an earlier topic of “Tyaga … End stage of Brahmpath” …
But in this topic and discussion, the Sanskrit word of “Tyaga” means a “total let go of allness and her each part”, i.e. a stage where that Yogi “just about enters” into a stage from where a full, final and permanent inner renunciation of allness of Maker’s Makings and also of her each part, can be effected by that Yogi …
Celestial markers of this 3rd and final collision …
Following are the markers of that galaxy which would be colliding at this stage … This shall be the third and final collision …
- The expanse of this smaller colliding galaxy to the expanse of the Milky Way galaxy is of the ratio as follows …
Dimension of the Milky Way : Dimension of the smaller Galaxy = 100 : 6.48 …
- The distance of this colliding galaxies center to the length of the milky way is of the ratio of …
Distance of the colliding galaxy : Length of Milky Way = 3110.4 : 108 …
Above ratio is also a part of the vast knowledge of Kaalchakra only …
This ratio denotes the value of Brahma’s year (in billions of years) to the primary mathematical value of 1.08 within which the entire universe was adjusted by cosmic allegory which we know as the Varaha Avatar of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu …
Or in other words, this ratio is of 28.8 : 1 …
Process of rejuvenation and re-assimilation of sun …
This is the phase when the sun rejuvenates itself and returns back to its supreme glory as a manifest state of Hiranyagarbha Brahma (which in English language can also be called as that aspect of the creator of allness, which itself is the golden womb in which the entire Maker’s Makings had originally originated and has also been eternally resting … So Hiranyagarbha literally means means as the golden womb of creation … Thus, it is also due to this stage that the Sun (Surya) has been addressed as “Hiranya Garbhatmak Surya” in Vedas …
This state is like vast streams of yellow orange lights that envelope all the affected parts of the plane of existence … And since the sun continues to exist within the entirety of time spans of Naimittika Pralaya, so sun has also been told as eternal in the Vedas … This is because the sun only ends during Mahapralaya which comes after Brahma (creator deity) ends his cycle of existence which itself has a time span of 311.040 trillion human solar years (as per middle time units of earth’s axial precession) …
And because the sun continues eternally and thus it continues even within this condition of Pralaya and every other Pralaya which (other than Mahapralaya) which shall be discussed in this text, so it was also due to this reason that during those very-very ancient and already forgotten times as were of my much earlier incarnation when I was a little student of “Swayambhu Manu Maharaaj (i.e. during the long gone and forgotten time spans of Swayambhu Manvantar about 1.97 billion human solar years ago) and when I was known as “Ganit (Maharishi Ganit and as Ganitacharya” which means “the teacher of divine mathematics of the Maker’s Makings” , the sun was esoterically told to be riding the mathematical symbol of infinity that was based upon 10 paths and whose mode of travel was made up of seven horses and 14 reigns …
Continuing with above paragraph … Seven horses are the seven sets of self-neutral worlds (i.e. 7 upper worlds and seven lower worlds which keep the macrocosmic creation within a state of eternal macro-equanimity as a whole because of the fact that the individual divinities of these seven sets of worlds, are self neutralizing the individualistic aspects of each other) … These seven self balancing and thus self equanimous sets of worlds are the ones which make the 14 leveled mansion of macrocosmic creation and ten are its primary directions …
And from that knowledge of the primordial Zero which itself was Infinite in its finality and simultaneously that Infinity, which itself was rooted in Zeroness, was derived the mathematical symbol of infinity also ended up being addressed as Ouroboros by the recent civilizations (i.e. civilizations which came by during the last few millenniums) … Thus, this symbol of Infinity, as is used in mathematics is actually representing Shunya Brahman and not the infinite being (as the Infinite is undefined and thus it cannot be defined by a symbol) …
And because everything originated from within that vast state of light of the sun that is at this phase, so the sun was also told to be the manifest state of the golden womb of macrocosmic creation (i.e. Hiranyagarbha Brahma) from which everything originated within the Maker’s Makings …
And since this state was also there when any of the universes had originated and since from within the golden womb of creation had originated all the universes of the macrocosmic creation, so due to this reason the Hiranyagarbha Brahma (i.e. golden womb of creation) is also the one who came to be addressed as “Karya Brahma (Karya Brahma means, that aspect of creator from whom is created the entirety of allness and her each part, and where this creation itself is effected through the divinity of IT’s own essential being)” …
And because at this state the “divinity of heat-luminosity (i.e. Tejas Shakti of sun)” is at its supreme glory and since at this stage the sun is also rejuvenating itself by virtue of its then condition as a vast-vast state of energy, luminosity, fire and heat that purifies all that rests within its own emanated flows, so this is also the stage which refreshes the plane of existence from its earlier stagnations (grossness and degeneration) that were built up whilst the plane of existence was resting within the earlier stage of 12 hours of day-time of Brahma (Brahma Kalpa) … I think modern day astronomers call this as a condition of “sun going supernova” …
And this stage being of luminosity (or Tejas) is also due to the fact that it is compared to the sun which is within its self destruction mode … And once this mode shall end, then from that luminosity (Tejas or Solar heat-light) shall re-emerge the planetary systems and the same sun shall then get into acts of sustaining life on that same planetary system …
So basis above discussions, the sun is the destroyer, then the originator and then only does it act as a preserver …
So it also was due to this reason, that within the Vedic lore’s the Sun to stated to be the trinity (Reference to Vedic Purana’s) and thus sun is told to be the originator of allness, sustainer of allness and also destroyer of allness …
It was due to this reason that within the timeless Vedic Purana’s, the Sun was also told to be the creator, preserver and destroyer and thus was considered as the manifest state of the Vedic Trinity (i.e. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva or Mahesh) …
Thus some of the Vedic Purana’s also say, that everything originates from within the sun, which as such is also denoted by this stage of rejuvenation of sun that is being discussed here …
Even Koran Sharif says that everything would dry up at that time and that is also referring to this stage of Naimittika Pralaya only …
Some ancient lore’s say, there shall be 2 suns or even 12 Suns, and that time also esoterically refers to this stage only as at this stage of Naimittika Pralaya, the sun is only like 12 suns lighting up together … The Vedic phrase of “12 suns” is an esoteric one as it denotes that the sun is so vast in its size at this stage, that there seems like it is present within directions of each of the 12 Zodiacal signs or in other worlds, each of the 12 Zodiacal signs are lit up by the sun due to its very vast dimensional expanses at this stage of Naimittika Pralaya …
This is also the stage where the sun as we know it, eventually forms during this stage of the night of Brahma, but at this stage, awakening stage of life (i.e. resumption of animate life) is still not arrived at the plane of existence …
Origination stage of Sun of this planetary system … Just prior this stage commences …
Please note below discussions carefully as we shall be using it in a later topic where we would be calculating the “Astronomical age of Sun” …
Just prior this stage begins, the celestial body which we call as our sun starts returning back to a state in which we know it (as our planetary sun) … Thus prior to the beginning of this stage (3rd or final collision) is the stage when the sun that we know of, just about starts the process of assimilating itself into a state which we know of it as of now …
Thus within this stage of Naimittika Pralaya also, the sun never dies … And even when this statement may be contrary to what modern scientists believe as of now, but it would ultimately be found to be standing as a matter of fact …
Just prior to this stage when the sun that we know as our sun, is getting re-formed in its present state, there is no animate form of life to see its origination process (Only very few Siddha’s, Avadhoot and Rishi’s have meditatively seen this process and that too through a direct cognition of it and just as it happened whilst they continued to see it through billions of years of time spans whilst in their meditative Samadhi’s) …
Plus during this stage, the macrocosmic dust (actually these are very large sized objects that surround the state of Naimittika Pralaya of our current discussion) that is also enveloping the sun, ends up preventing the sun light from travelling beyond this state …
Thus if reality is to be seen, then only option is to get into this state and which also is only possible through meditative trances (Samadhi) … There is no other way to know the inner conditions of what is discussed here and this statement is irrespective of what scientific instruments or metaphysical aspects that you may use to see that which is within this stage of rejuvenation process of sun …
87-DD-4 … Fourth stage of Naimittika Pralaya …
This stage also last for a time span of 1/4th the time of “Night of creator (Brahma Ratri) within which Naimittika Pralaya takes place …
This is calculated as follows …
4.84057265 + 1.159919999 = 6.000492649 billion human solar years from now …
Time span of propagation of this stage …
This stage continues till the next 1.159919999 billion human solar years after above calculated time of 6.000492649 billion human solar years from now …
Completion of destruction … Furthering of rejuvenation of the destroyed …
This stage denotes the completion of destruction of our plane of existence (Milky Way Galaxy) …
And thus this stage also denotes the time span when the rejuvenation process cuts in with a fuller force so as to rejuvenate the destroyed (and purified) state of this plane of existence (Milky Way Galaxy) …
Condition of collided galaxies …
At this stage, the collided galaxies begin merging to each other …
The end result of this merging which completes at the end of this stage, is of a stage where this Milky Way would become far bigger in size as compared to its present state …
Relation to time of day …
This is the stage that is past the peak of night (or Midnight) of Brahma (Brahma Ratri) and this could be compared to the state of time which is from the midnight hour (0001 Hours) till the Brahm Mahurat (0300 Hours) …
Brahma Mahurat means, the time when pristine creative energies of Brahma are present within the world system and this time starts after 0300 Hours as per Vedic lore …
State of deep sleep of allness that rests within the plane of existence …
Since this stage denotes the condition from Midnight hour till 0300 hours, so it also denotes the stage of deep sleep of all parts of the plane of existence which have passed through the earlier stages of collisions with other three galaxies …
For those who are not spiritually inclined (i.e. those who do anything except entering into paths of self-realization, realization of allness, unity of microcosm to macrocosm and its each part and union of self-of-aspirant to the self-of-allness), this is also the time of deepest sleep (Jada Tattva or the state of severe inertia) which always comes by after experiencing a vast quantum of widespread chaos of those three stages which were discussed earlier on …
This is the state where all animate parts of speciology of this plane of existence and the colliding plane of existence, exit out of their manifest states and rest within their subtler or un-manifest state …
And thence they also undergo through the same self introspection and retrospection as was discussed earlier … This stage of self-introspection and retrospection is applicable to for those who have still not arrived at a ripeness and rightness to exit out of allness and her each part i.e. all those who have not yet qualified to “be liberated” … By the word “Liberated” I mean attainment of Kaivalya Moksha …
Continued rejuvenation and assimilation process of sun …
This is also the stage when the sun assimilates itself and thus arrives into a state where it has already gained all the energy that is had lost during the earlier Brahma Kalpa (i.e. the earlier day of Brahma) …
The sun that we know of, forms just prior to the time when this stage commences … And yet at this state also, the sun is still moving within its path that esoterically is described by the symbol of infinity …
I won’t be describing the process of assimilation here, as it is a matter of discussions of a later topic which relates to process and stages of origination of allness of Maker’s Makings …
Waking up of spiritually evolved and knowledgeable ones (Brahmin Varna) …
Because end part of this stage leads to Brahm Mahurat (0300 hours of the plane of existence) when the Brahmins (i.e. Brahmin Varna of Vedas) wake up and start doing meditations and prayers, so it is also at this stage that the macrocosmic Brahmins (i.e. the souls who are knower’s of the real) again start waking up to undergo through their routine meditations, where they study the process of Naimittika Pralaya and plan for installation of this knowledge in the future worlds (which shall be coming to form, at a later stage) …
And those who are not spiritually evolved and are also not knowledgeable (or holding knowledge of allness) continue in their stage of deep sleep (as was discussed earlier on in this part of the topic itself) and thus they only end up continuing sleeping as they enter into a severe state of macrocosmic inertia (i.e. Tamoguna) …
87-DD-5 … Final stage of Naimittika Pralaya …
The next 1/4th time is only of rejuvenation and thus this stage is of waking up of all life that lay in their un-manifest state till then …
This start point of time span of this stage is as follows …
6.000492649 + 1.159919999 = 7.160412648 billion human solar years from now …
Time span of propagation of this stage …
This stage continues till the next 1.159919999 billion human solar years after above calculated time span of 7.160412648 billion human solar years from now …
Relation to time of day …
This stage could be compared to the state of time which is from the Brahm Mahurat (0300 Hours) till the sunrise (i.e. the stage of simile and waking up of all life at 0600 hours) …
Thus the end part of this stage leads to a new day, a new sunrise time and thus the waking of all life …
This is thus the stage when all life slowly starts waking up and consciously walking again on the floor of eternal time …
And then as the day progressed they resume their ways of life, exactly from where that had last left during the previous evening i.e. continue their evolutionary cycle exactly from where they had last left when the Brahma-Kalpa had completed and the Brahma-Ratri had commenced …
And thus all the woken up life forms continue their eternal evolutionary existence of the further cycle that is yet to be manifested after this stage completes (when 0600 Hours in relation to day is arrived at the end of this phase of Naimittika Pralaya) …
This cycle of day time for work and night time for rest continues for the creator (Brahma) and the created (animate, inanimate, supra-animate and supra-inanimate microcosm’s) and until these created microcosm’s finally exit out of allness and her each part and which itself is after they would enter into the ever-same realization as is of the attributeless infinite supreme being (who in Yogic and also within the Vedic lore is the one addressed as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) as their own innermost essence (i.e. as their own Atman) … Thus until Atman (i.e. the innermost essence of an aspirant and also of every other microcosm) is known as Brahman (i.e. the final attributeless infinite nature of the essence of allness), evolutionary existence only ends up continuing within one or another of the vast number of modes, conditions and states of existence as are within those countless hierarchies of the divinities of this supreme genius of Maker’s Makings …
Sandhikaal … At end of Brahma’s night …
Then closer to 0600 hours, there is a Sandhikaal of a similar time span as is of the end of day of Brahma (i.e. of 1,728,000 human solar years) …
This Sandhikaal comes by after the night of Brahma (Brahma Ratri) ends and prior the next phase that relates to the day of Brahma (Brahma Kalpa) commences …
This is when the initial forms of life manifest upon one of the world systems and thus is commenced the phase of manifest life (I do not want to discuss this very pure stage as is of origination process of animate-conscious-active life, so I shall stop this discussion here itself) …
This is the stage when subtler parts of macrocosmic speciology become arrived at their grosser (manifested or physical) forms …
And after this stage completes, then only is commenced the new day-time of Brahma’s life cycle (i.e. new Brahma Kalpa) …
End of Brahma’s night or Brahm Ratri … It’s a beautiful day …
All earlier stagnations, degenerations and all those aspects which were bringing suffering to all forms of life, are evicted out of the plane of existence when the clock rings 0600 hours of Brahma’s night time …
Thus when this stage reaches its end, then also ends the earlier time span of dreadful state of night of Brahma (or Brahma Ratri) …
When the “night of Brahma (Brahma Ratri) ends, then commences the “next day of Brahma (i.e. the next Brahma Kalpa commences)” …
And as the night comes to a close, then everywhere, everyone and everything, that is animate, inanimate, supra-animate and supra-inanimate and which had been sleeping across the earlier discussed stages of “night of creator (Brahma Ratri)” and thus has already gotten refreshed due to the long-long sleep, starts waking up, smiling and inwardly saying “It’s a beautiful day” …
87-EE … Commencement of another day of Brahma or Brahma Kalpa …
And then in the next 1.08 billion (as per middle time units of precession of equinoxes) or 1.159919999 billion human solar years (as per the currently applicable time units), the others shall also wake up … This time shall be as follows …
7.160412648 + 1.159919999 = 8.320332647 billion human solar years from now …
This stage symbolically denotes the new day and the time from the new sunrise (i.e. time of 0600 hours) till the time when everything becomes active and begins proceeding to work (0900 hours) …
During this time span all parts of planic speciology start getting awake i.e. starting the process of manifesting within their respective worlds as are to be as per their own evolutionary standings, so as to resume their own evolutionary processes, exactly from where they had last left during the earlier stages of night time of creator (Brahma Ratri) …
Note for astronomers of now … And of any future of this Brahma Kalpa …
If any of the astronomical scientific timelines do not concur to above derived timelines, then they need to be relooked and corrected …
I say this as wrote this topic exactly as it happened and exactly as it would happen during the very distant future when this Brahma Kalpa would end (around 2.520732652 billion human solar years from now (as per the current Precessional time units) …
Final note …
So this was the discussion with mathematical derivation of states and times of Naimittika Pralaya which always comes when the day of Brahma (Brahma Kalpa) ends and this discussion was purely as per Vedic lore but after deriving the time spans as per the currently applicable time units and which I had discussed in earlier topic of “unitary value of time” …
At a later stage which is not far from the nowness of now times, astronomers shall be discovering all above times to be factual and true …
Even those cultures who rejected or degraded the Vedic philosophy, would be finding these times and other values (as are given in this topic) to be scientifically true because I did not write any nonsense about anything, including what I told about recent systems (i.e. religions etc.) who came by during the last few millenniums itself …
Whenever knowledge of Kaalchakra actually arrives and thence it also gets accepted in a world, then humans of that world system must consider that they already are “in or very close” to the time when the subtler effects of the second half of change towards the “Age of Sages (or Guru-Yuga)” would be commencing within this world …
Above is how it ever is prior the commencement of any of the Age of Sages that ever were earlier to our current times (I mean the current human age cycles or current precession cycle) …
And so as shall it also be during the present run up which is also leading this world to the incoming Guru Yuga (age of sages or age of truth) and where that incoming Guru Yuga (or human golden age) is already standing at the doorway of this world and is awaiting the subtle signal from the “Lord of eternal time” who is addressed as Bhagwan Mahakaal and whose place is in Mahakaal Temple in Ujjain, India …
Only when this subtle signal comes Bhagwan Mahakaal (i.e. the Great Lord of eternal time) and which shall only be closer to the year of 2028 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years), would those divinities of the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) which already are standing at the doorway of this world, begin entering into this world so as to change it completely prior to the inauguration of the age of sages, on/around 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years and further offset of Sri Krishna’s departure) …
End is nowhere near …
Since there still are 2.520732652 billion human solar years (as per current Precessional time units) remaining for end of present Brahma Kalpa (Day time of creator) so the end is nowhere near to now …
Thus all those end-time prophets that are harping about end of world, are naught but nincompoops of the lowest orders …
So all that I can tell those utterly-foolish-businessmen who hide in the garb of religions and ancient sciences and keep misinterpreting their own prophecies is … “Just go to sleep till then … For your prophecies time is not now” …
Thus humanity of this world must not listen to such highly-confused and totally stupid ones at any time as they are nowhere close to being correct …
Change of Manav Yuga or human age cycle …
And even when above is true, but since the human age cycle is changing as of now, so some chaos would definitely be there on this world …
But an end of time as is told by these ignorant fools is too farfetched to even be termed as an absurd imagination …
To understand the conditions at change of an age cycle which affects the entire solar system, it is better to imagine it in a way as discussed below …
- There are four seasons (Summer, autumn, winter and spring) and similarly there also are four ages (golden, silver, bronze and iron or Satyuga, Tretayuga, Dwaparyuga and Kaliyuga respectively) … But the time spans of these four ages is not equal like those of seasons … I have already discussed this fact in earlier topics …
- When there is a change of season, we humans are prone to fall sick with diseases, mostly flu … And these diseases and small amount of chaos that comes by are also localized to the area where the season is changing …
- And since change of an age cycle affects the entire planetary system, so diseases and chaos which manifest would also be of a global nature only …
- Thus some chaos would be there during coming times of change of human ages, but to call that as end of time or end time, is totally absurd …
Continues …