In this topic we shall calculate Rashmi Oorja … Rashmi Oorja means “energy of particle of light” in Joule-second … Within modern science, this is known as Planck’s constant (Planck constant) …
This topic continues from the previous one of “Revolution of Milky Way” …
Prior I begin this discussion, please note …
- All my calculations are basis current “yearly change of precession” of 50.28 arc seconds, basis which I have calculated the current “unitary value of time” 71.5990453 years per degree change precession (or rounded off value of 71.6 years per degree change precession of equinoxes) …
- Above fact was already discussed in earlier topics and I had also stated that this value was observed at sea and that too by utilizing very basic marine navigational instruments like a gyro compass, azimuth circle and ships pylorus …
- And I had also stated that above observed value of 50.28 arc seconds for “yearly rate of change of precession” may not be fully correct as it is an average of many years of observation that was carried out at sea and where the observed values were taken at different time of years and at different geographical positions (i.e. these observations were not taken at the same geographical positions at sea because ships are moving across all oceans of the world) …
- And since ships also roll and pitch in a seaway, so some errors would definitely be there in all the observations which were utilized to derive the average “yearly change of precession” of 50.28 arc seconds as I have stated above and thus my observed value as stated above may not be “fully” correct …
- And because all later values of this topic on Kaalchakra are derived basis above observed value, so there may be come error which is proportional to the difference between the real and my observed “yearly rate of change of precession” of 50.28 arc seconds, but this observed value would be pretty close to the real value of “yearly change of precession” basis 2011 AD – 2012 AD …
- So due to this reason, even when the methods used in this topic of Kaalchakra are correct, yet my finally calculated values would have an error as compared to actual values of the same aspects and where this error would also be proportional to the error of the actual “yearly change of precession” and that which I had observed whilst I was sailing at sea (By profession, I am a Master Mariner) …
- Due to this reason, all that needs to be done to get the correct values of aspects that have been derived in this entire topic of Kaalchakra, is to take the exact value of “yearly change of precession” (of course this can only be observed through very highly advanced instruments as are used by astronomers of today) and thence used the same methods as I have used here …
- But at the same time, all the derivations in this entire topic of Kaalchakra and which relate to Zenith, Middle and Nadir points of precession would remain the same as I have derived them here …
- All that would change after taking exact “yearly change of precession”, would be the currently applicable values as are derived in this topic of Kaalchakra …
With above as a base, I proceed further with the discussions of this topic …
97-AA-1 … Regarding this discussion on this topic on Rashmi Oorja … Planck constant …
In this topic note we shall be deriving the “energy of a single particle of light (or Rashmi Oorja)” within its two parts …
- The first shall be the energy within its “most-miniscule part” and just as light is in its manifest state within the Maker’s Makings” … Thus this derivation shall be of “one single particle of light” … I have used the term “one single particle of light” as it is of “one single particle of Rashmi” and where “Rashmi means light” … I really do not know what modern science calls this most-miniscule part (as names and terms by which anything is called, are human originated and thus they have no consequence “for or on” the finally derived value) …
- And the second derivation shall be the value of “maximum possible mass of one particle of light (i.e. one single Rashmi)” just prior it dissolutes from its then state and thence enters into the 1st intermediary state of emptiness i.e. it enters into its impressional state (or impressional state of light or Sookshma Samskarik Prakash Awastha) … Thus this value shall be of that state of light which is just prior the manifest-light (Prakat Prakash) enters into the “1st intermediary state of emptiness (which in simple words, would mean as a condition of emptiness of individuality or that emptiness which have a slight movement and thus I have also named it as “Chalit Shunya”)” …
97-BB … Calculating most miniscule and maximum possible energy …
If this energy is calculated whilst we are based upon this world system, then because energy is nothing but a corpus of dimensions that are applicable to this world, so the finally derived value of energy cannot be any other than what is derived below …
Energy within her finality, is Maa Adi Parashakti (Pristine Divinity of the Absolute being or Brahman) and thus the finality of energy is of a state which is beyond the 33rd plane of existence … These 33 planes of existence are also present within the physical vehicle and all these planes (and their Devi and Deva) are existent within the 33 vertebrae and thus there also are “33 primary types” of energy fields which manifest out of the same “pristine divinity (i.e. Maa Adi Parashakti)” who itself is of the absolute or divine being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm , who in Sanskrit lore’s is also addressed as Brahman) … Within the Vedas, these are also stated as “33 Koti Devi Devata” …
So the value of this energy can only be as follows …
- In its most-miniscule part … It can only be to the power of 10-(33 + 1) i.e. 10^-34 …
- And if its maximum is considered whilst we are based in this world system, then it value can only be 10+(33 + 1) i.e. 10^34 …
- Note 1: And simultaneously with above, because this energy was originally self-expressed during the original phase of commencement of this part of the universe (i.e. after the last absorption of light into the 1st intermediary state of emptiness) so its derivation shall have to use the middle time units of earths axial precession …
- Note 2: But because time itself is eternally changeful, so its unitary values also maintain an eternally changeful nature … And as the “unitary value of time” changes, then the other three macrocosmic primary dimension also change their unitary values correspondingly … This is because of the fact that each of the other three primary macrocosmic dimensions also have to change themselves as per changes within the “unitary value of time” and this itself is to ensure a state of harmony of themselves to the dimension of time and this itself is the base reason for maintenance of relative harmony within the macrocosmic creation) …
- Note 3: As also since energy at any place is dependent upon the unitary values of dimensions that are applicable to that place, so as the unitary value of time and other dimensions change, then the energy that is held by that place also changes … This is because the energy at any place is nothing but the corpus of unitary values of dimensions which are applicable to that place, so the values of calculated energy fields cannot be deviated from the dimensions and their unitary values, that are applicable to that place (and the world system from where the energy fields are observed) …
- Note 4: And because time is the primordial dimension of the macrocosmic creation, so “as and when” the unitary values of dimension of time changes, then the other dimensions also adjust themselves accordingly so as to come in a state of harmony to the changed state of dimension of time … Thus the energy component at any point in the macrocosmic creation is also eternally changeful due to these eternal changes that keep taking place within dimension of time and then the corresponding changes that also take place in other dimensions (as other dimensions also adjust their unit values as per changes in dimension of time, so as to lead to a their own harmony to time which becomes a further reason for maintenance of a harmony within the macrocosm and her each microcosm) …
So basis above notes is is also pretty clear that in the calculation of values of this topic, we can use the time units directly to calculate the energy fields of the most miniscule and maximum part …
Proceeding further …
From the derivations of an earlier topic of “Unitary value of time”, we know the following …
- Middle time unit of precession is of a value of 66.6666667 per degree change of precession of equinoxes …
- Nadir time unit of precession is of a value of 72.0 years per degree change of earth’s axial precession …
- And Zenith time unit of precession is of a value of 72.0 years per degree change of precession circle …
- Current time unit of precession is of a value of (basis my own calculation of yearly change of precession by 50.28 arc seconds) 71.5990453 years per degree change precession (or rounded off value of 71.6 years per degree change Precessional cycle) …
- And since the current phase is of the cardinal point of Nadir, so as of now we shall have to use Nadir time units and not the Zenith …
As discussed above, energy always relates to middle unit only (. origination phase of universe or phase that had arrived soon after the last Surya Samvatsara (which in Sanskrit texts is also called as a Maha Kalpa and the same can also be written as a Mahakalpa) had ended whose stage was discussed in an earlier topic of “At end of Surya Samvatsara” … This is because the corpus of macrocosmic creation is an eternal constant …
Thus irrespective of how much amount of energy converts to matter (i.e. after the origination of matter from energy) or how much matter returns back to its parental energy state (i.e. after dissolution of matter into its subtler constituents, like macro-elements or the even further state as is of subtler energy fields), the corpus of macrocosmic creation stays as an eternally constant one …
And since matter and energy are interconvertible (this fact was discussed in earlier topic of “Inter convertibility of allness” and was also was discussed in another earlier topic of “Matter, Inert matter and energy”) so irrespective of whether matter increases in the macrocosmic creation or the energy increases, the macrocosmic corpus is an eternally constant one …
Proceeding further …
And we also know from previous discussions, that the unitary value of time is inversely proportional to to the units of space (i.e. unitary value of space” units and is also inversely proportional to the unitary values of state (When time units are lesser in their values, unitary values of states are higher and thus the states are also subtler) and is also inversely proportional to the unitary values of directions (i.e. directionality of systems are more based within oneness to allness when unitary values of time are lesser) … Thus in a nutshell, time is inversely proportional to the other three primary dimensions (or space, state and directions) of macrocosmic creation …
Moving on further …
And because the energy of states beyond the 33rd level are omnidirectional (i.e. these energy fields are based upon all ten primary dimensions) so the value can only be divided by 10 (for minimal value of energy) and multiplied by 10 for maximum value (of universal energy) …
Moving on …
So to convert the above middle time units to the current stage, we need to account for above paragraph (as energy is the only state which is of the originally unioned state of the four primary dimensions of the macrocosmic creation) …
So basis above, we proceed further …
The value of energy can thus be calculated as follows …
{(66.6666667 / 72) x 71.5990453)} / 10 = 6.62954123
And if we round off above value to two decimal places, then it becomes 6.63
Note: This method can only be used till this world reaches 18 degrees prior to entering into the stage of middle point of precession i.e. this method can only be used until next four millenniums and after that it would change to a state as must be for accounting middle time units …
Note continues: And the intermediary time from a stage of 18 degrees prior middle of precession till 18 degrees after middle of precession is crossed over, shall be the time of transition of above derived value to the state of being related to the Zenith point of precession … And after this stage of precession, the Zenith point of precession shall be taking over this world and her processes and thus the method of calculation would again change to account for the Zenith point of precession (In lieu of the present state where I have accounted for the Nadir point, because as of now, the Nadir is the closest cardinal point of axial precession) …
Proceeding further …
So, basis above discussion, following is a matter of fact (but basis my own observed value of change of precession of 50.28 arc seconds per year) …
- For this part of the universe and the current time (i.e. as per 50.28 arc seconds per year change of precession or Agragaman) the absolute value of most miniscule part of manifest state of Maker’s Makings (i.e. one particle of light or Rashmi) is as stated below …
6.62954123 x 10-34
And when we round off this value to two decimals, then it becomes 6.63 x 10-34
Above value is “ten to the power negative thirty four”) and basis the current yearly change of precession of 50.28 arc seconds …
- And for this part of the universe, prior any particle of light (Rashmi) enters into the “1st intermediary state of emptiness”, then the maximum energy possible in that particle of light is as stated below … This is the energy of a light particle prior entering into non-lightness of emptiness, which as such is at the center of each galaxy and universe …
10 x 6.62954123 x 10+34
And when we round off this value to two decimals, then it becomes 10 x 6.63 x 1034 …
Above value is “ten to the power positive thirty four” and basis the current “yearly change of precession” of 50.28 arc seconds …
97-CC … Calculating Rashmi Oorja … Planck constant …
If Rashmi Oorja (or energy of a particle of light) is to be calculated then all that needs to be done is to “multiply above derived most miniscule value” with the frequency of that particle of light …
And the value which is derived through above paragraph would also be of “amount of Rajoguna” that the particle of light (whose Rashmi Oorja is calculated) actually holds within itself …
Rajoguna (or Rajo Guna) means the “macrocosmic attribute of action” which we have already discussed in earlier set of topics on ALA Naad … Sound of ALA …
And basis above notes, it is clear that Rashmi Oorja would be reducing during the time spans of the next few millenniums’ until this world reaches the Zenith point of precession (or Gantavya of Ahaata Chakra) …
97-DD… Relationship of Rashmi Oorja and speed of light … Planck’s constant …
As discussed in above paragraph, since Rashmi Oorja (i.e. energy of a particle of light) would be reducing during the next few millenniums, so the speed of light would also be reducing during this time span which would be leading this world to enter into the Zenith point of precession …
This reduction of speed of light was discussed in section 71-DD of earlier topic “Speed of light” where we had stated that due to reduction of present “unitary value of time (of 71.6 years per degree precession)” whilst this world moves towards the Zenith point of precession of equinoxes, the speed of light would also be found to be reducing … This fact is very clearly evident in the equation which was used to derive the speed of light in the subject earlier topic (of speed of light) …
97-EE … Analysis on maximum possible energy as calculated above …
Where ever this value matches in a part of the universe, then that that part passes into “1st intermediary state of emptiness” … The last time when this had happened was 13.802 billion human solar years ago (as per currently applicable time units … This value was also derived in an earlier topic of “Astronomical age of universe”) … This also is basis the current precession yearly rate of 50.28 arc seconds …
And because the unitary value of time is reducing as of now, so as times progress then both these values shall also be found to be slowly reducing and where their reduction shall also be in line with the Precessional changes of time units that are applicable to this world system (at those future times) …
And the same also happens inside a Yogi’s physical vehicle, but after that Yogi has arrived as a ripeness and rightness of evolutionary standing, so as to self realize and thence make his (or her) consciousness to enter into the emptiness as is discussed here … It is at this stage that various Siddha bodies manifest within that Yogi’s microcosm and thence these Siddha Sharira eventually merge to their respective Siddha Loka …
And this merger only happens as the physical vehicle holds no capability to hold above calculated maximum energy … So this is an act of self preservation, which being on an auto-mode needs no interference of that Yogi … So this is what makes the process of manifestation and merger of these Siddha Bodies to their respective divine worlds (and also the Siddha Loka or Siddha world) to remain free of any cause and effect of that Yogi … And this is what leads to a final dissolution of all earlier causes and effects, which itself becomes as a path of that Yogi’s final liberation (because of the fact that the state of liberation is also free of all earlier causes and their effects) …
The same is applicable to each part of Maker’s Makings, i.e. each microcosm, including manifest light, which merges to its parental impressional state (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Prakash), which itself is of “1st intermediary state of emptiness” …
Final note: It was sometime after writing this topic, I came to know that above derived most miniscule value is of “Planck constant (Planck’s constant)” … Maybe this is what above derived value is or maybe I am wrong in this final note …
Continues …