Here we shall discuss the history of earth within the current cycle of solar revolution around the central non lighted part of the Milky Way Galaxy … And thus we shall discuss the cyclic Drift of continents, which can also be called as Continental drift or shifting of continents with respect to specific stages of progress of a galactic year …
Thus, this topic relates to cyclic drift of continents (continental drift) which itself is governed by the suns revolution … Thus this topic relates the future and history of earth …
This topic also relates to cyclic manifestation and dissipation of the great island, which was told as Jambudweep in Vedas …
The continents of this planet keep uniting to and then moving further apart from each other and this process also happens in a cyclic manner and also as per stages of revolution of sun around the central non-lighted part of the Milky Way Galaxy …
We had discussed in earlier topics that “one solar revolution” around the Milky Way Galaxy is only a “half cycle of sun” within its esoteric path that is denoted by mathematical symbol of infinity … This is the concept that shall be used here …
This topic continues from the previous one of “Limitations of Mahayantra’s” …
This topic also refers to other earlier discussions like that of “Calculating solar revolution” and the discussions in another topic of “Pending time of suns revolution” and also the discussions of another earlier topic of “Unitary value of time” …
101-AA … Omnipresence of five faces of Sadashiva … Base of Drift of continents …
Five faces of Sadashiva (which in Sanskrit texts is also called as Pancha Mukha Sadashiva) are omnipresent faces …
In their highest (largest) state, these five faces are present within the macrocosmic creation …
And these same faces are also present within each microcosm like the ones discussed below …
- Each universe has these five faces of Sadashiva subtly present in them …
- Each plane of existence (i.e. Galaxy etc.) also has these five faces of Sadashiva subtly present within them …
- Each planet and sun also has these five faces subtly present within them …
- Each animate microcosm (like humans, animals, fish, birds and all life forms that walk, fly, creep, crawl or are steady) and all inanimate microcosms (like the all-enveloping, all-pervading knowledge systems and also Precessional circle, revolutionary path of celestial entities etc.) also have these five faces of Bhagwan Sadashiva (which in Kashmir Shaivism are also addressed as Panch Mukha Shiva and in Panch Brahma Upanishad, the same fact is also addressed as Panch Brahma) subtly present within them …
- There is nothing animate, inanimate, supra-animate and supra-inanimate which does not have these five faces of Sadashiva subtly present within them …
- Thus as far as these five faces of Sadashiva are concerned, they are universally present inside all that was originated as the macrocosm and as microcosm’s within the supreme genius of the Maker’s Makings …
But in this topic, I shall be discussing the subtle presence of these five faces of Sadashiva, within the Milky Way Galaxy and especially in relation to the stages of revolution of sun around the central part of the Milky Way Galaxy (which in modern astronomy is also called as a Galactic year) …
And since these faces of Sadashiva are universally present, so interested aspirants can apply below discussions to all microcosm’s that are present within the entirety of Maker’s Makings, but where these applied discussions are in sync with the ways of life and evolutionary progress of those microcosm’s … Thus do not apply these discussions directly (as they have been stated here) as application of the discussed concepts is also dependent upon the cyclic nature and time span of existence of microcosm’s and due to this reason, below time spans cannot be directly applied to all microcosm’s even when the methods of application to other all microcosm’s shall remain the same …
101-BB-1 … Origin of sun and solar revolution in five faces of Shiva, which are present in Milky way … Base of continental drift …
In an earlier topic, the solar revolution was calculated basis time units of cardinal points and current stage of precession of equinoxes … The final values of that discussion were as follows …
- At middle time units of precession … 216 million human solar years …
- At Nadir time units of precession … 233.28 million human solar years …
- At Zenith time units of precession … 198.72 million human solar years …
- At currently applicable time units of precession … .231.984 million human solar years …
But in this topic I shall only be using values of middle and current time units of precession … This is because of the fact that the Nadir point of precession cycle is already passed in 1434 AD and for Zenith point to arrive, there still is a pending time span of over 11 millenniums and thus these two points are not used here …
Proceeding further …
This part of discussion is basis what has already been discussed in some earlier topics which are highlighted in relevant parts of this discussion …
Within our Milky Way Galaxy and during the time of progress of destruction that took place during the last Naimittika Pralaya and which itself was during the time spans of previous Brahma Ratri, the sun was originated as follows …
- Sun had started originating at eastern face of Sadashiva, which as such is of Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva and which in Vedic lore and also within the Yoga Tantra of Sanatan Dharma, is also addressed as Ukar (which means as upwardly moving or that which takes the aspirant’s consciousness to an upwardly evolution) and which has the “sound of O” due to which, in this text, it is also addressed told as Okar … The same “Ukar (or Okar)” is also the one that has been addressed as Hiranyagarbha Brahma in Vedas and in some other scriptures, the same “Okar” is also addressed as Tatpurusha face of Shiva …
- Then sun had internally travelled the area around the central part of Milky Way so as to reach the northern face of Sadashiva, which as such is of Vamadeva face of Sadashiva … So this internal arc of travel of sun from Tatpurusha face till Vamadeva face of Shiva, is of 90 degrees … In discussions of an earlier topics of “Astronomical age of universe” and also the discussions of another earlier topic of “Astronomical age of Sun” we had used this time span of travel of sun from eastern face of Tatpurusha and then it reaches till the northern face of Vamadeva (this time span of travel of sun was also utilized within calculation of values of the above two stated topics) …
- Then in the earlier topic of “Astronomical ages of astrological planets” we had calculated the time spans of origination of planets vis-à-vis the position of sun within the five faces of Sadashiva (in Sanskrit texts, these are also addressed as Panch Mukha Sadashiva, and the same faces of Sadashiva are also called as Panch Brahma in Vedanta and this itself is in addition to these faces being addressed as Panch Mukha Shiva in Shaivism) … Thus the path of this discussion shall also be the same as that of the earlier topic of “Astronomical ages of astrological planets” …
So basis the origination and path of sun that was discussed earlier, sun was re-originated at eastern face of Tatpurusha and then the sun travelled internally to Vamadeva and where this travel of sun was in an area which also was near the central part of Milky Way …
Only after this internal travel was the stage when sun finally presented itself out of the inner areas of the Milky Way Galaxy … And during this internal travel the sun had traversed a 90 degrees arc whilst in a hidden state as it went from eastern face of Tatpurusha till northern face of Vamadeva …
The sun had gotten evicted out into the central part of Milky Way from northern Vamadeva face and thus Vamadeva face of Shiva is addressed as Jyeshtha (greater one or elder one) and due to this reason, many texts say Vamadeva is from where the sun had originated …
And I also remember discussing somewhere that the place from where the sun gets evicted out of northern Vamadeva face, is like a very-deep gorge … This gorge is still present in the mountain like central part of Milky Way …
I had seen this gorge like state of Milky Way during one of my subtle travels (Astral travel, which in Sanskrit language can be called as Sookshma Sharira Gaman) and this gorge is in the area of very high mountain like state which is also present in the Milky Way Galaxies central line and this gorge also looks like a tunnel which has many turns (bends) in it … This was the tunnel from which the sun had gotten evicted out of the central area of Milky Way Galaxy … This vast and very deep gorge shall be the one which would be used in below calculations …
After the first solar revolution (when sun was re-originated for the present Brahma Kalpa) which led to origination and stabilization of planets of this solar system, the sun had commenced its normal revolution cycles from Vamadeva face (northern face) only …
And since this point of manifestation and commencement of normal revolution of sun around the central part of the Milky Way Galaxy was of Vamadeva face of Sadashiva, so in this discussion we shall be taking the same north facing Vamadeva face as a base …
101-BB-2 … Solar revolution and path of sun …
In the earlier topic of “Chatush Pada Sadashiva Pradakshina” and the discussions of another earlier topic of “Pancha Mukha Sadashiva” and which itself is in addition to the topic of “Sadashiva Pradakshina … Vedanta” and also the discussions of the earlier topic of “Dimensions of Milky Way” and then the discussions of the topic of “Pending time of suns revolution”, we had discussed that during the current revolution cycle, the sun has already passed (or traversed) an arc of 179.28205 degrees (or if we round-off this figure, then it becomes as 179.28 degrees arc in the Milky Way Galaxy) from the point from where it had gotten manifested in the Milky Way Galaxy (i.e. north face of Vamadeva) …
Thus, basis above paragraph, as of now the sun is about to reach 180 degrees arc of its travel to the opposite side of Aghora face of Sadashiva … And we had also discussed that the southern blue colored Aghora face is having the “sound of Ahum” (which we had termed as Ahum Naad) …
And since as of now there only are a few decimal degrees remaining for the solar revolution (which itself is around the center of Milky Way and which is also called as Galactic year) to reach the south facing, blue colored Aghora face of Shiva, so as far as the present solar revolution is concerned, the applicable face of Sadashiva, is of of Aghora only …
To reach southern face of Aghora from the suns path which started at the northern face of Vamadeva, the sun had travelled through the west facing Sadyojata face of Sadashiva where planet earth was originated … In Vedic lore, the Sadyojata face of Shiva is also the one that had been addressed as the Brahmaloka … The Sanskrit language word, “Brahmaloka”, means as the pristine abode of creator of allness) …
And as the sun continues further in its journey of revolution around the Milky Way Galaxy, then within a distant future it would also be passing the western Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva, who itself is the Okar (which means as the Sound of O) and the same tatpurusha is also the one who in Yoga Tantra and Vedic lore’s (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) is addressed as Ukar (which means “upwardly propelling”) of Vedas and Yoga …
101-CC … Earth’s geological changes, continental drift (or drift of continents), human ways of life and Solar revolution …
Now we discuss the primary geological changes that keep taking place during any Galactic year (i.e. one solar revolution around the central non lighted part of the Milky Way Galaxy), but basis the middle time units (as were used by all Vedic sages in their calculations) and also basis currently applicable time unit (as these units are the ones which are valid as of today) …
Basis the discussions of section 101-AA, if we take the time span which sun takes to travel from one cardinal point to the next one (i.e. time to travel through each of the four quadrant’s of solar revolution) then it would be as follows …
- At middle time units of precession … 216 / 4 = 54 million human solar years …
- At Nadir time units of precession … 28 / 4 = 58.32 million human solar years …
- At Zenith time units of precession … 198.72 / 4 = 49.68 million human solar years …
- At currently applicable time units of precession … 231.984 / 4 = 57.996 million human solar years …
The highlighted ones are the time spans which would be utilized in below calculations …
101-CC-1 … Earth’s geology and ways of life of humanity whilst sun is at northern Vamadeva face of Sadashiva …
Earlier on in this topic we had discussed that the five faces of Shiva are also “subtly present” within each microcosm, including the Milky Way Galaxy … So as the sun moves within its path of revolution, then it would also be crossing into and also moving past each of the four cardinal faces of Sadashiva … But here we are discussing the stage when sun is at Vamadeva face i.e. north face of Sadashiva …
Prior to arrival of solar revolution at Vamadeva face …
Prior the sun enters into Vamadeva face of Sadashiva, the earth is one … By “earth is one”, I mean all continents are united to each other or in other words, the earth is like one single land mass …
I had told above fact in some earlier topics, where it was discussed that during my much-much earlier incarnation(s) and also some of those stages when I had entered this world through the path of transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh) we used to travel across the entire planet without even any need to pass through oceans …
This is why within the Vedic lore which also was present at those times that are discussed in above paragraph, passing on oceans was not considered good (because when you can travel the entire landmass of earth, by land routes, then what is the need to travel by sea) …
And because at those times there was only one Varna of Brahmins, so this is also why the Vedas have a statement that “A Brahmin should not travel by sea” …
As of the current degenerate age and slightly prior to its onset, the word Brahmin got interpreted as a Vedic Priests … But this is not how it was when this world was at Vamadeva face of Sadashiva because at those times, the word Brahmin meant “a pure seeker of eternally same, absolutely non-dual truth, that is within and beyond each microcosm” and in its finality, it only meant “The knower of that truth” … This stage of everyone being Brahmins was because at those times when this world was resting at north facing Vamadeva face of Shiva, all human were very pure in their inwardly and outwardly ways (of life) …
And at those times, since earth was one united landmass, so travel was possible across the entirety of present land masses (aka. continents) by land routes and thus there really was no need to pass through sea …
At those times it was also told that earth is one and this was also the stage of the following aspects of ways of life and their core beliefs …
- Diverse races of man, yet one humanity …
- Diverse ways of life, yet all of the eternal ways of life (i.e. Dharma) … That way of life which is not timeless and thus is non-eternal, is transitory … At the stages of time which is being discussed here, even individualistic ways of life were a part of the vast lore’s of their own great grandmother i.e. Sanatan Dharma …
- Thus religion at those times was based in pluralistic yet monist ways of life, which itself are of Sanatan Dharma … The name of “Sanatan Dharma” means as the eternal way of life, here and beyond) …
- At those long gone and already fully forgotten times, individualistic (monotheism of any sort) and thus the divisive religions of egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) were totally absent because the core philosophy was of “Sarvam Khalvidam Brahm” which means “Brahman is all that is”, “Everywhere, everything and everyone is a self expressed state of Brahman”, “In reality there is nothing but Brahman” … And thus everything animate and inanimate was also held to be as one or another self-expression, self-manifestation and self-presence of the same divine being (Parabrahman or Brahman) …
- Thus at those times trees, animals, elements and divinities of nature were also respected as they also were deemed to be none other than one or another of those diverse self-expressions of the same attributeless infinite absolute being (who in Vedic lore is also addressed as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm in addition to being addressed as Brahman and as Nirgun Nirakaar) …
- At those times, there were no manmade barriers of colors, creed, race, countries, civilizations and religions and all other useless blah-blah that we now have … Thus at those times, divisive individualistic systems which itself are the primary reasons of all our sufferings, were totally absent …
- At those times pure spirituality was all that was present and this spirituality also rested in the following statements, “Live and let live”, exist and let exist, evolve and let evolve, be and let be, for everything is as divine as the divine being itself is” …
- Thus at those times when this world was resting at a state which was prior to arrival at Vamadeva, all lower ways of life which relate to consumption of birds, animals, insects and fishes etc., were also absent …
- Thus if I were to say in a nutshell, then it can be safely told that “allness and her each part, were deemed to be one and the same in their innermost core, which itself was deemed to be none other than the supreme being” …
After arrival at Vamadeva face …
Following happened at this time …
- And after the sun entered into and then started crossing over (or moving beyond) the Vamadeva face of Sadashiva, then the earths continents started dividing into two parts …
- Since this stage of progress of sun was related to Vamadeva face, from whom Sri Vishnu self manifests, so at those times, Sri Vishnu was the universal and primary deity … Thus basis this fact, this stage primarily was of Vaishnava ways of life …
- Those ways of life which related to accumulating more than what is needed for one’s entire lifetime, were absent … Thus endless greed was not there …
- At those times Artha (or economics) and Kama (desires) were pure and were also just as they should be when defined within purviews of “Purushartha Chatushtaya (i.e. four Purushartha)” …
- This was the phase of Sriman Naaraayana as the supreme deity and it was the best of phases of human existence because self realized sages were in abundance on this world …
- At those times, the “self realized and righteous kings (Chakravartin Samraat)” were the ones who governed all human societies and that too with a team of people who mostly were composed of highly evolved sages, whom Vedas address as Brahmarishi, Maharishi and Devrishi …
- Vedic Gods used to enter the earthly realm and that too in a human bodied form and guide humanity directly, or indirectly (through Kings and sages of those times ) … This is the reason for Vedic Gods to be told in a human bodied form …
- At this stage, Bhakti (devotion through faith-surrender) was the main path of all Yoga Tantra …
Time span of this phase from now …
This phase was of north face of Vamadeva and presently this world is “almost” residing at southern face of Aghora, so this phase is “almost” opposite to the current phase of sun’s revolution cycle …
And we had discussed in an earlier topic that within the current solar revolution, the arc of travel of sun from its point of manifestation in the Milky Way Galaxy at Vamadeva and until the present state (of 2011 AD) which as such is at Aghora, to be of 179.28205 degrees arc …
Proceeding further …
So now we shall calculate the time that has passed from the start of current solar revolution (which was at North face of Vamadeva) till the present stage of sun (which as such is closer to the southern face of Aghora) …
This is as follows …
At Middle time units of precession of equinoxes … (179.28205 / 360) degrees arc x 216 million = 107.569229 million human solar years …
And at currently applicable time units of earth’s axial precession, above time span becomes as follows … (107.569229 / 66.6666667) x 71.6 = 115.529352 million human solar years …
Please note above value because at a later stage of this topic we shall be using it to derive the exact time of manifestation of our continents …
Thus 115.529352 million human solar years from the current point of solar revolution was the time when this planet was at Vamadeva face of Sadashiva … This was the last stage of unity of those two continents which were at this stage of time and after this stage these continents started moving apart from each other …
Above calculated was the last stage when only two landmasses were present on earth …
Last time when earth’s landmasses were one … i.e. all continents were united to each other …
And the last stage when this unity of all landmasses was “almost full” was a further half revolution of sun, prior to above calculated time span … So this stage was as follows …
115.529352 + (231.984 / 2) = 231.521352 million human solar years …
Continuing with above calculation …
And to calculate the last time when these continents were united to each other, we also need to add the “exit time” of half solar revolution …
So to derive above, we need to calculate the exit-time of that half solar revolution … Breaking up this time of half solar revolution (at current times units) …
(231.984 / 2) = 9.666 (setting in time) + 96.666 (set time) + 9.666 (exit time)
Adding exit time of 9.666 million to earlier calculated, we get a value of …
231.521352 + 9.666 = 241.18735 million human solar years …
Above was the last time when earths landmass was one … After above stage, it had just about started dividing into two … This separation was as follows …
- One united landmass starts to become two … This division was started at above calculated time of 241.18735 million years from now …
- Then came the stage when there were only two continents … This stage was 120.36235 million human solar years ago (as is calculated in section 101-DD-1 later on) …
- And then only did further breakups follow and reach the presently separated state of our continents …
- And this process of continuous break of earth’s landmass of earlier times continued until 67.19935 million human solar years from now (2011 AD) as is calculated in the later section of 101-DD-2 later on …
- Thus the process of breakup and consequent individuality of continents was started from a time span of 120.36235 million human solar years ago and its continued till 67.19935 million human solar years from now (2011 AD) … And this was also the stage of coming by of individual continents that we now see …
After the sun crossed over the north facing Vamadeva face of Sadashiva and started moving towards the west facing Sadyojata face of Sadashiva …
And once this northern point (of Vamadeva face) was crossed over and thence the sun started moving towards the west facing Sadyojata face of Shiva, then various landmasses (or continents) of earth that we now see had started separating out of each other from those two landmasses which were there till that time (when this separation had started) …
This separation was the process of chaos and it also led to strong earthquakes, volcanic eruptions of vast proportions in addition to big tsunamis and disasters caused by four elements of earth, water, fire and air elements … Thus except ether, all other elements were active at this time of chaos …
At these times, many parts of speciology who were spiritually and/or physically weak could not sustain themselves and thus were evicted out of this planet …
Various mountains were formed at that time …
Many of the deserts like those of Persian gulf, Africa, Australia, India, China etc. were also formed during this time due to effects of sea water which had entered these landmasses … And due to their anticlockwise motion which also manifested when they had started moving apart from each other, these deserts had gotten manifested at the northern and western sides of those separating landmasses of that time …
Thus it eventually was due to this anticlockwise motion whilst these landmasses were moving apart from each other, all of them also have deserts which are more towards their low lying northern and western sides …
So basis above, it we have to know the state of break up of these landmasses when they were individually moving at that time, then all that is needed is to just look for deserts and place these deserts on the northern and western sides of those landmasses (so to know which of these landmasses were individually moving and had later on joined to other landmasses so as to form the present land mass of continents) … This is the easiest way to know which landmasses had joined together after their initial separation …
101-CC-2 … Earth’s geology and ways of life of humanity whilst sun is at western Sadyojata face of Sadashiva …
Earlier on in this topic we had discussed that the five faces of Sadashiva are also “subtly present” within each microcosm, including the Milky Way Galaxy … So as the sun moves within its path of revolution, then solar revolution would also be crossing into and also moving past each of the four cardinal faces of Sadashiva … But here we are discussing the stage when sun is at the west facing, Sadyojata face of Sadashiva …
Proceeding further …
As sun kept coming closer to Sadyojata, then following changes happened …
As far as ways of life of humanity are concerned …
- As the sun keeps approaching Sadyojata, humans and all other speciological parts which inhabit this planet keep attaining more and more macro-equanimity … This is because Sadyojata is the face which holds maximum Sarva Samta (the Sanskrit word of Sarva Samta actually means a state of equanimity towards allness and her each part or simply, macro-equanimity) …
- And since Sadyojata is from where the “creator and grandfather of allness (i.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji)” had originally self-manifested, so this is also the stage when Pitamah Brahma Ji is the one who is primarily related to by humanity …
- At that stage when Sadyojata face was being arrived at by the solar revolution cycle, various sages came by to render knowledge and concept of “Pitamah Brahma Ji” and this was by re-manifestation of vast number of lore’s which relate to “Pitamah Brahma Ji” and thus was the state of re-propagation of scriptures which relate to concept of Brahman (or in other words, Parabrahman of Vedas) …
- This was the stage when Upanishads and Purana’s which relate to Pitamah Brahma and his macrocosmic creation had re-manifested in this world and that too through specific Vedic sages who were made to enter this world so as to lay-down by rendering that knowledge system to a few chosen humans of those times (i.e. those humans who held appropriate evolutionary standings to receive that knowledge) …
- These Purana’s and Upanishads also keep re-manifesting as per the path of sun within the Milky Way Galaxy and also as per the path of earth within its revolution around the sun (Because the same five faces of Sadashiva are also present within all paths of motion of planets and every other celestial body) …
- When the path of sun reaches a specific point, then Purana’s and Upanishads which relate to that point, are always re-manifested through specific sages who come by to this planet at those specific times so as to render that knowledge to humanity of those times and who would then transfer that knowledge to humans of further future times …
- And when the path of sun reaches a specific point, where a specific Purana’s or Upanishad is not required to be present with humanity, then something happens by which that knowledge (and holders of that knowledge) get destroyed … At such times some deviated barbarian systems enter the world so as to destroy the texts of that knowledge and its knowers … But this physical destruction of Vedic knowledge is only a temporary affair because within the subtler realms, the same knowledge and its knowers continue to exist whilst they await a later stage of progress of time (Kaal) and its eternal cycles (Kaalchakra) when that same knowledge shall be made to descend to the world by one of those knowers itself … This is what makes Vedic knowledge (which is based upon pluralistic monism) to be an eternal one and this itself was the reason for a Vedic statement that is told as “Jnana Brahma”, which means “Knowledge (or Jnana or Gyan) is Absolute” and it also means “Knowledge is self-expression of Supreme being” …
- This coming in and going away of knowledge systems is also a specific process which is governed by time (or Kaal) and its eternal cycles (Kaalchakra) …
- At this stage when sun reaches Sadyojata, humans become more and more equanimous because this point has an inbuilt (or natural) macro-equanimity within it … And thus when any human (or any other part of macrocosmic speciology) enters this planet when sun is passing by (or is present at) at this west facing Sadyojata face of Sadashiva (which is also addressed as Brahmaloka) then that human (and other part of macrocosmic speciology) also naturally attain to that macro-equanimity (Sarva Samta) …
- Thus this is the point which leads to those ways of life, which relate to “All roads lead to the same home” and since this stage is of a presence of self realized sages in abundance on the planet, so this is also the stage when the main scripture itself is that which was discussed in an earlier topic i.e. “Greatest scripture ever written”) …
- So this stage is of paths which relate to Atma Jnana (Atma Gyan or self realization) …
Earth’s geological changes when approaching and transiting Sadyojata …
We had discussed that prior to the stage when solar revolution was at Vamadeva, then all continents are one … So now we move further …
At Vamadeva there remain only two land masses … Thus duality is a part of this phase and where the deity of Vamadeva (i.e. Sri Vishnu) is the one who restores non duality of truth, as and when needed due to the call of time …
This stage of Vamadeva is the one to which the concept of cyclic return back of Sri Vishnu (as an Avatar) so as to restore Dharma (or righteousness) originally relates to …
As as Vamadeva face is crossed over, the geological changes which slowly (gradually) start, lead to a state where continents start fracturing from their earlier state of two landmasses …
Thus as continents start separating out of from each other and then as Sadyojata face is arrived at, then these continents eventually reach the stage that we now see …
Proceeding further …
Now we shall calculate the time when the present separated state of our continents was actually arrived (during the current solar revolution cycle) …
1/4th the solar revolution is the time which sun takes to travel in the Milky Way from north face of Vamadeva till the west face of Sadyojata …
This time is calculated as follows …
- As per middle time units of precession … 216 / 4 = 54 million human solar years …
- As per currently applicable time units of precession … 231.984 / 4 = 57.996 million human solar years …
- After above stated time span from arrival at Vamadeva, the broken state of continents is arrived at … This time is calculated at later stage of this topic …
Please note above values as at a later stage of this topic we shall be using them to derive the exact time of making of our continents …
101-CC-2 … Earth’s geology and ways of life of humanity whilst sun is at southern Aghora face of Sadashiva …
Earlier on in this topic we had discussed that the five faces of Sadashiva are also “subtly present” within each microcosm, including the Milky Way Galaxy … So as the sun moves within its path of revolution, then solar revolution would also be crossing into and also moving past each of the four cardinal faces of Sadashiva … … But here we need to discuss the stage when sun is at southern face of Aghora …
Proceeding further …
As sun approaches the southern face of Sadashiva (i.e. the current stage of movement of sun in the Milky Way Galaxy) which is also the face from where Rudra Deva (who in an earlier topic was also addressed as ALA Naad, which in English language means as the Sound of ALA) had self manifested (and thus Rudra came to be addressed as Shambhu and Swayambhu which means, the “self originated one”) …
The same Rudra of Vedas, who is also a Swayambhu Deva (i.e. self originated Deva) is also addressed as Allah Tala (as Rudra is addressed in Islamic lore’s), and also as Buddha ALA (Rudra of Vedas is also the one who is addressed by this name within the Buddhist Lore’s), and as Red Kachina (within the Native American lore’s) and his energy is the one which is told as as Red Shift of modern astronomy …
As a matter of fact, the “quality (or macrocosmic attribute)” of Rudra is of Rajoguna (which in English language means as the macrocosmic attribute of action) …
And the quality (or macrocosmic attribute) of Aghora is of Tamoguna (which in English language means as the macrocosmic attribute of inertia) and this is also named as the Blue Shift in modern astronomy …
Attribute of action (i.e. Rajo Guna) which itself is of Rudra Deva, has the “Sound of ALA (which in other topics of this text, has also been addressed as ALA Naad) … And attribute of inertia which is of Aghora, has the Sound of Ahum (which in other topics of this text, has also been addressed as Ahum Naad) …
When Aghora becomes arrived, then Shaiva is the way of life … And at such times, Aghora paths (i.e. Aghora Marg or in other words, paths of Aghori Sadhu, Naga Sadhu) and all other Shaiva paths are the primary ones … And at this stage, these paths are the ones which are capable of providing salvation to majority of humanity of those times …
Thus at this stage, all religions which come by are also rooted in Shaiva Paths of Aghora and Rudra only and this statement is also applicable to all religions of today, and not just Hinduism …
At this time, the west facing and golden colored Tatpurusha face of Shiva, who ITself is the Great Lord (or in other words, Maheshwara) and who himself is the Yoga (final union), Yoga Tantra (Process of final union), Yoga Samraat (King of Yoga and Yoga Tantra), Yoga Rishi (accomplished in Yoga Marga), Yoga Guru (teacher of Yoga) and Yogeshwara (i.e. the Deity of all Yoga and Yoga Tantra) and whose seed sound is of Raam (i.e. Sound of Raam or in other words, Raam Naad) …
In some paths of Dharma, the same “Sound of Ram“, is also the one that is addressed as Shiva Taraka Naad (which means as the liberating sound of Lord Shiva) and in some other paths of same Sanatan Dharma, the same sound is also addressed as Shiva Taraka Mantra which means “Liberating Mantra of Lord Shiva, who itself is as the Lord or Ishvara) … This “sound of Ram” is also denoting the path of emancipation …
This is why Hinduism says “Lord Ram (who in Sanskrit language is addressed as Bhagwan Raam is the emancipator of all” and where it is also stated that “Ram (and who in worlds is pronounced as Raam)” is also the sound by which Lord Shiva (who at this time is as Maheshwara or Great Lord) liberates better aspirants who leave their mortal frame at Prayagraj, which itself is a part of city of Kashi …
City of Kashi is a city in India and the same Kashi is also present in our own microcosm (in between your mid brows is the inner Kashi which we have already discussed earlier on) …
Thus as per the path of sun’s revolution, this is the stage when Shaiva Ways (i.e. ways which “relate to and are of” Lord Rudra) are primary emancipators of humanity …
Condition of geology of earth …
At this stage the earth stays broken up into continents and island masses … And this is also the stage where continents also keep going further apart from each other …
And due to compressions of earth’s inner plates, the mountains also change their heights continuously … For example, as of now many mountains (like Himalayas) are rising in height and some other mountains are reducing their heights correspondingly …
Combined effects of solar revolution and earths revolution …
Each 2,592 human solar years as per Nadir time units and which is a time span of 2,400 years as per middle time units and which itself is 2577.6 years as per current time units of precession, there are some “major (I did not write “severe” here)” earth changes which lead to flooding’s, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions etc. … These cycles are governed by combined effects of earth and solar revolution …
And as the earth approaches closer and closer to its closest point of revolution around the sun (i.e. present condition) then the poles of earth also found to be shifting i.e. the magnetic poles are no longer present at the geographic poles of earth …
And when the earth’s revolution crosses and goes past its closest point to sun, then the magnetic poles also flip i.e. north magnetic pole shifts to south geographical pole and vice-versa for the south magnetic pole … This process of shifting of magnetic poles is also the one which leads to earthquakes on this planet (but only when magnetism of these two meet each other) …
Note: When I was sailing at sea (I am a Master Mariner by profession) then I used to experience this shift of magnetic poles as the ship’s standard compass (i.e. magnetic compass) used to give erratic readings and this condition was especially in the northern and southern oceans of this world (i.e. beyond 35 degrees north and south latitudes) … This means that the stage of shifting of earth’s magnetic poles has already started and as of today, it has also progressed substantially …
One of these earthquakes would be pretty substantial and it most probably would be centered closer to one of the mountain ranges of this planet (Maybe Himalayas?) …
And due to this earthquake, the volcanoes which have been sleeping (dormant) would also get awakened … One of these shall be pretty huge (Maybe in American continent, including South America, Greenland and Iceland, if the earthquake is in opposite side of the globe i.e. Himalayas) …
I hope I am wrong on this … But basis my subtle observations of divinities of the current stage of earth’s revolution around the sun and also the solar revolution around the Milky Way Galaxy, it seems highly unlikely that I would be wrong on this because the energies are already turning into a red color (which indicates excessive Rajoguna) inside the surface of many areas of this planet … So above paragraphs are only a matter of time …
Completion of this stage of entry into Aghora …
Since “360 degrees arc” of solar revolution is of 216 million human solar years (as per middle time units) …
And since our earlier discussed 179.28205 degrees arc of solar revolution (from its start point in northern side of Vamadeva) has already passed, so time remaining to exactly reach the mid-point of entry into Aghora face of Sadashiva is …
[{(180 degrees arc – 179.28205 degrees arc) / 360} x 216] = 0.430771 million human solar years = 430,771 human solar years (as per middle time units of precession and basis 2011 AD) … As I had discussed in an earlier topic, this time has an error of 3,888 years (as per current time units of precession) …
And at current time units of precession, above time becomes as follows …
{(430,771 / 66.6666667) x 71.6} = 462,648 human solar years …
Thus in the next 462,648 human solar years, the land masses of this planet would be furthest apart from each other …
Note: Values of 66.6666667 and 71.6 are taken from earlier topic of “Unitary value of time” …
When sun moves from southern face of Aghora to eastern face of Tatpurusha …
When sun moves from southern face of Aghora to eastern face of Tatpurusha, then the continents again begin moving towards each other …
But the path of this movement is exactly reciprocal to the path that was followed to break up the earlier united landmass (which we have already discussed) …
Proceeding further …
The places of earth where this unity happens is also alternating between the northern and southern hemispheres …
Since prior to dividing of earth’s united landmass (which led to formation of continents) the earlier united landmass was mostly at southern hemisphere, so next time when these continents shall again unite back to each other, then that unity would be “more” towards the Northern hemisphere …
Proceeding further …
When these continents unite at south pole, then the landmasses of Northern hemisphere cave in (i.e. begin uniting to each other) first …
Thus since the last time when the united land mass of all continents of this planet had arrived (whilst this world was as a state which was prior to the last arrival at Vamadeva face) was due to uniting of northern landmasses to each other (i.e. during last time, prior southern land masses had started uniting, the northern had already started moving towards each other) …
And since the stages and hemisphere of unity is alternating, so next time around this united land mass (or all continents) would only be forming “more” at the northern hemispheres side …
And since the united condition of all landmasses at northern hemisphere can only be if the process of this unity is started by southern landmasses, so during the next time this process of unity of present continents shall also be starting from Australia, New Zealand and all lands at similar or even higher southern latitudes …
African lands would be caving upwards i.e. Cape of Good hope would eventually be turning and pointing over the north of present African continent and on similar would be the base of Cape horn of South America …
Thus the next caving in (or uniting) of landmasses of this planet would be reversing the directional aspects of landmasses of this planet … But this stage is still very far as discussed in the next sub-part of this topic …
101-CC-3 … Earth’s geology and ways of life of humanity whilst sun is at western Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva …
After the Aghora face of crossed over by the sun (i.e. planetary system) then the entire continents would re-commence their process of merging to each other and closer to northern hemisphere of this planet and the process of this would start from southern lands like those of Australia, New Zealand and other southern parts (or southern lands) of this planet …
And by the time west facing Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva is arrived by the current solar revolution, Australia and New Zealand from where this process of next merger of all presently separated continents had started, would have already reached closer to the current Indian mainland …
And during this process, the continent of Australia, Africa and South America would also be seen to be turning clockwise i.e. turning in the direction of the axial precession as it is when viewed from the southern hemisphere …
Since during the merger which had happened last time was finally manifested in the southern hemisphere of this planet and where the northern landmasses of this planet had moved southwards and had also taken an anticlockwise direction to move southwards, so next time it would be reverse (as these mergers also alternate with each other) …
So during the next time, this merger would “mostly” be leading to a unioned state which is “more towards” the northern hemisphere and where the southern landmasses of this planet would be moving northwards … And the direction of turning of these southern landmasses (as they proceed to northern hemisphere), would also be none in a clockwise direction …
Thus basis above, as times progress beyond the stage when solar revolution crosses past the south facing Aghora face (which is also subtly present in the Milky way galaxy) then the process of movement of southern lands shall gradually progress and all these southern land masses would start turning clockwise as they move “more and more towards the northern hemisphere” so as to unite to each other (at a location which is more towards the northern hemisphere of this planet) …
Proceeding further …
The time of completion of movement of Australia and New Zealand to a point which is to the south of Indian mainland, would be as follows …
- Time of completion = 1/4th the solar revolution …
So this becomes as follows …
- As per middle time units of precession … 216 / 4 = 54 million human solar years …
- As per current time units of precession … 231.984 / 4 = 57.996 million human solar years …
Please note above figure as at a later stage of this topic we shall be using it to derive the exact time when Australia and New Zealand would be positioned just south of Indian sub-continent …
Changes in ways of life at when sun is at Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva …
Tatpurusha is Maheshwara (Great Lord), Yoga (final union), Yoga Tantra (Process of final union), Yoga Samraat (King of Yoga and Yoga Tantra), Yoga Rishi (accomplished in Yoga Marga), Yoga Guru (teacher of Yoga) and Yogeshwara (i.e. the Deity of all Yoga and Yoga Tantra) and whose seed sound is of Raam (i.e. Ram Naad) which itself is Shiva Taraka Naad (or Shiva Taraka Mantra which means “Liberating sound or Mantra of Lord Shiva as Bhagwan Maheshwara)” and at this stage, it is Yoga is also the path of final emancipation, so at this stage of progress of solar revolution, the path of humanity automatically becomes based within the all enveloping, all pervading path of Yoga Tantra of Tatpurusha face …
Thus at this stage, all humans are Yogi’s and they are also led by Yogi’s of very high evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchies … Purushartha Chatushtaya (i.e. four goals of life) are a part of that path, which itself is rooted in Varnashram Parampara and Gotra Parampara …
This leads to refreshing of the genetic pool of humanity in addition to a stage of very high inner purification from all the nonsense that was accumulated during other stages of path of sun within the Milky Way …
This is the better of all stages of evolutionary progress of humanity …
That golden colored Tatpurusha is the face of Sadashiva from where I have returned to this transmigrated incarnation, this time around … Such a Yogi is already holding the golden body (i.e. the golden vehicle) … The same golden body is also addressed as the Buddha body of reality (within the Buddhist Lore’s) … And the same golden vehicle can also be addressed as Hiranyagarbha Sharira in addition to being addressed as the Dharmakaya Sharira … Since all these names eventually relate to the Tatpurusha face of Shiva, so this vehicle can also be called as Tatpurusha Sharira) … This Siddha body (i.e. the golden body) is held by the Yogi, even prior to the time when such a Yogi even returns back to a grosser world (like this one) from the golden colored Tatpurusha face of Shiva …
But at the same time, since such a Yogi has already evolved beyond the stage where he (or she) could take a regular birth (i.e. birth from womb of a physically present mother) so such a Yogi can only enter a gross (or lower) world by adopting the path of transmigration, or in other words, by adopting the process of transmigration …
That Yoga Marga (path of Yoga) of Tatpurusha is also a universal one and thus it is free of creed, color, sex, geographies, race, cultures, languages and all other divisive nonsense and yet it is based upon Gotra Parampara (which is of the creator or Pitamah Brahma Ji) and Varna Parampara (which itself is of Mother Nature, who in Sanskrit language is also addressed as Maa Prakriti) …
At this stage there also are only two paths of Yoga as were discussed in the earlier topic of “Two paths of Sadhana” and was also referred within another earlier set of topic on “Sadashiva Pradakshina” …
At this stage of solar revolution, inward ways of life (i.e. Atma Path or Atma Marga) which itself are paths of self realization (Atma Gyan) are the only ways of life … This path is also based upon an earlier topic of “Myself Within Myself” in addition to being related to another topic of “Itself within Itself (which in other words, also means as the path of Rudra within Rudra” and whilst this path of evolution is also resting upon the earlier topic of “Brahmpath … The last path” in addition to resting within another earlier topic of “Tyaga … End stage of Brahmpath” and which is also resting within the discussions of another earlier topic of “Brahmpath … End result”…
This path is the complete path because Tatpurusha itself is the first face of Sadashiva …
And this path also passes through the entire set of earlier topics as listed below …
- “From Ahum to ALA” … This path also rests within another set of topics of …
- “ALA Naad … Sound of ALA” … And this path also rests within another set of topics of …
- “Brahmnaad … Primordial sound of allness” … This path also rests within another set of topics of …
- “Naad Brahm … Sounds of Absolute” … And this path also rests within another set of topics of …
- “Ujjayi Naad … Sound of victory” … This path also rests within another set of topics of …
- “Akar … Sound of A” … And this path also rests within another set of topics of …
- “Okar … Sound of O” … This path also rests within another set of topics of …
- “Makar … Sound of M” … And this path also rests within another set of topics of …
- “OM Naad … Sound of OM” … This path also rests within another set of topics of …
- “Siddha Sharira and Loka” … And this path also rests within another set of topics of …
- “Shiva Taraka Naad” … This path also rests within another set of topics of …
- “Ashtama Chakra” … And the final self realization is also resting within purviews of the innermost meanings of the earlier set of topics on …
- Vedic Mahavakya … Which in English language means as a Vedic mega statement or great statement of Vedas …
101-CC-4 … Earth’s geology and ways of life of humanity when sun would return back to northern Vamadeva face of Sadashiva …
When the sun reaches back at north facing, Vamadeva face of Sadashiva (i.e. the face from where the sun had manifested out in the Milky Way Galaxy and which as such is the commencement point of a solar revolution, then all the divided continents re-unite back to each other and form two main landmasses …
And after a further half-solar-revolution after Vamadeva is passed then these two large land masses also merge to each other and form a single landmass …
That finally united condition of continents which would be happening next time around, would lead to a state where one landmass would again form from the united condition of these continents and where this landmass would be “more” towards the northern hemisphere (and not at the southern hemisphere as it was last time and prior these continents had started fracturing so as to reach their present individual or fractured states) …
When the sun moves from Tatpurusha to Vamadeva, then all southern landmasses would be seen to be turning in a clockwise direction which is due to the clockwise rotation of the precession of equinoxes (when it is viewed from southern hemisphere) … Earths axial precession was calculated in two previous topics of “Precession of equinoxes” and these values were also verified in calculations of another previous topic of “Calculating precession” …
And once the sun returns back to the start point of its revolution, then all land masses would again be one, just as it was during my much-much earlier incarnations and many of those those further transmigrated incarnations (i.e. coming into a human bodied form by adopting path of transmigration of soul) …
The human ways of life of this stage have already been discussed earlier on in this topic itself, so here I won’t be doing the same discussions again …
101-DD … A few calculations of this topic …
In this part of the text we shall be doing a few calculations which relate to the discussions of this topic …
101-DD-1 … Time when all continents were united into two main landmasses …
As was discussed in section 101-CC-1, the time when sun was at Vamadeva was 115.529352 million human solar years ago (as per currently applicable time units of precession) …
Thus above was “close to the stage” when all continents were united into two large sized landmasses …
Proceeding further to calculate the stage when these two landmasses had already manifested … This was as follows …
We know from our earlier discussions of this topic, that the time taken to travel one quadrant of solar revolution is of 57.996 million human solar years (as per current time units of precession) …
Now we shall breakup this time with the same method that was utilized in earlier topic of “Breakup of human age cycles” and was also utilized in another topic of “Breakup of divine ages” and whose method was thus told …
10% (Setting in time) + 100% (Set time) + 10% (Exit time)
So basis this method, above time span of 57.996 million human solar years becomes as follows and where all these values are in million human solar years and also are as per current time units of precession …
4.833 (setting in time) + 48.33 (set time) + 4.833 (exit in time)
So adding the exit time of 4.833 million human solar years to above figure, we get the earliest time when all continents were based within those two landmasses …
115.529352 + 4.833 = 120.36235 million human solar years …
Thus the earliest time when all continents were united to each other and were as two landmasses was 120.36235 million human solar years prior to now (i.e. 2011 AD) …
And basis above, during the current solar cycle, this was also the last stage of unity of continents to each other …
And this unity had kept continuing since previous three solar revolution cycles (which are discussed in later section 101-DD-5 of this topic) …
And above stage of unity as “one single landmass” also lasted till the earlier calculated time span of section 101-CC-1 of this topic and which was calculated as 241.18735 million human solar years … This was the last time when earths landmass was one …
And after above stage, it started dividing into two as the sun kept proceeding towards north facing, Vamadeva face …
101-DD-2 … When did present state of divided continents actually come by …
This was when the sun had reached Sadyojata face of Sadashiva i.e. after passing beyond the Vamadeva face of Sadashiva … This time is calculated as follows …
Time when all continents were in two landmasses minus 1/4th solar revolution
120.36235 – 57.996 = 62.36635 million human solar years from now (2011 AD) …
And the earliest time when this had happened is calculated as follows …
Time as calculated above plus exit time of last quadrant revolution of sun
So this becomes as follows …
62.36635 + 4.833 (exit time) = 67.19935 million human solar years from now (2011 AD) …
This was also the stage of “end of all very large sized speciological parts” on this planet …
101-DD-3 … Australian continent would be south of Indian sub-continent …
1/4th solar revolution from now + time remaining to reach southern Aghora face
57.996 + 0.430771 = 58.426771 million human solar years from now (2011 AD) …
And now we shall calculate the earliest time for this to happen by the same method that was discussed above …
10% (Setting in time) + 100% (Set time) + 10% (Exit time)
So the value becomes as follows …
57.996 = 4.833 (setting in time) + 48.33 (set time) + 4.833 (exit in time)
By subtracting 4.833 million human solar years from above figure, we get the earliest time when all above would be seen to be happening …
58.426771 – 4.833 = 53.593771 million human solar years from now (2011 AD) …
This would also be the earliest stage when southern landmasses (like continents of Africa and South America) would have commenced in their process of pointing to northern direction (of northern hemisphere where the next union of all continents is due to take place next time around and that too, when the sun again reaches back at Vamadeva face of Sadashiva which is also subtly present within the Milky Way Galaxy) …
101-DD-4 … Next time of uniting of continents into a single landmass …
1/4th solar revolution + value of 101-DD-3 above
So this becomes as follows …
57.996 + 58.426771 = 116.422771 million human solar years from now (2011 AD)
This would be the stage of re-formation of two landmasses (Just like last time) …
Proceeding further …
And then this stage of unity shall continue for the next half solar revolution ultimately would lead to a united landmass of all continents …
Thus the initial manifestation of final stage of unity would be as follows …
116.422771 + (231.984 / 2) = 232.414771 million human solar years from now …
Continuing with above calculation …
And to calculate the final time when these continents would again be united to each other, we also need to add the “exit time” of that half solar revolution’s time span …
So now we shall breaking up this time of half solar revolution (at current times units) …
(231.984 / 2) = 9.666 (setting in time) + 96.666 (set time) + 9.666 (exit time)
This is the next phase of unity of continents into a single landmass … And this leads to the final stage when all presently divided continents would again be united into a single landmass in future … This is as calculated below …
232.414771 + 9.666 + 4.833 = 246.913771 million human solar years from now …
101-DD-5 … The next few solar cycles after 101-DD-4 above …
The breakup and uniting back of continents (as is discussed here) only happens when “both of” the half-cycle of sun (i.e. sun’s revolution in the Milky Way) and full-cycle of sun (which is within its esoteric path of mathematical symbol of infinity which the sun esoterically takes around Brahmaloka) are odd numbered from the stage of origination of sun within the Milky Way (and which we had discussed to be at Vamadeva face of Sadashiva and which itself was the first cycle of solar revolution during the present cycle of existence of sun) …
Never does this breakup and reuniting back of continents happen when “both of” the above stated solar cycles are not odd numbered …
Proceeding further …
In section 76-BB-2 of earlier topic of “Astronomical age of universe” we had stated that as of now 59. 4980057037 half-solar cycles within sun’s esoteric path (i.e. mathematical symbol of infinity) have already completed …
Or in other words, 29.74900285185 full-cycles of sun within its esoteric path of infinity have already completed …
The same was also discussed in “Pending time of suns revolution” …
If we see both above stated cycles (i.e. both the half and full cycles) then both are odd numbered …
This is why the breakup and reuniting of continents shall be taking place within the presently underway cycles of revolution of sun and half of preceding and next cycles of solar revolution … But this phase of uniting of continents shall continue for another half solar revolution beyond the completion stage of 101-DD-4 as was discussed earlier …
So after the next half-solar revolution (beyond the completion of 101-DD-4 i.e. the present solar revolution) then the situation would not change from the unioned state of continents that would be present beyond 101-DD-4 and one-half solar revolution as was calculated earlier on …
Now please note this carefully … This is because only in the odd numbered “Half-cycles and Full-cycles” of revolution of sun (within its esoteric path of infinity) does this breakup and reunion of continents happen and that too “only and only” when both these cycles are odd numbered from the stage of origination of sun in the Milky Way Galaxy …
This chaos of breakup and reunion of continents is because of a minor form of repetition of the same chaos which was passed by this planetary system during the phase of origination of sun (i.e. the 1st cycle of revolution in which all planets were originated as was discussed in an earlier topic of “Astronomical ages of astrological planets”) …
This minor repetition of chaos of suns and planetary originations (as was during the 1st solar revolution) is the reason for chaos of breakup and reunion of continents during all those cycles of sun when both the “half and full cycles of sun are odd numbered” …
Proceeding further …
So after the stage of 101-DD-4 plus another half-cycle of sun is crossed over by our solar system, then the same united condition of continents would continue for the entirety of the next full-solar revolution cycle (within its esoteric path of infinity) and this stage of union of continents shall be “majorly maintained” until the next stage when “both the half and full cycles” of sun would again be odd numbered …
Thus after completion of of the stage of 101-DD-4 plus half-revolution of sun, no major breakup of this planets geography would be taking place for a pretty long time …
Proceeding further …
And if we see this time span, then it is also found to be repeating every three solar revolution cycles …
Thus this cyclic break up of continents and then their re-mergers into a unioned state is also a part of our earlier discussed topic of “Pralaya and cycles of three” …
Thus basis this aspect of three cycles, after the earlier discussed stage of 101-DD-4 plus one half-revolution of sun is completed, then the next time when the same breakup and then a reunion would happen would be in the 31st full solar cycle and simultaneously when the 63rd half solar cycle (or 63rd solar revolution within the current lifetime of sun) would be underway …
So the time remaining for next breakup of continents after the stage of 101-DD-4 (Here I did not write plus half solar cycle) is completed, would be as follows …
- As per middle time units … 216 x 3 = 648 million human years …
- As per current time units … 648 / 66.6666667 x 71.6 = 695.952 million human solar years …
101-DD-6 … Limitations of physical and subtle studies in calculating above values …
Based upon my experience of subtle components of this planet, like magnetism and gravity, whenever during subtle travels I had tried to relate to aspects which were “more than 1/4th the solar revolution” away from the present times, then my studies became erratic … And same was the case when I tried to relate to aspects “prior or later than 1/2nd solar revolution” from present times …
So out of no choice, I took to the knowledge of Vedic Kaalchakra as this was the most close (or real) value possible to be mathematically calculated …
Proceeding further …
1/4th the solar revolution translates to the following values …
- As per middle time units of precession … 216 / 4 = 54 million human solar years …
- As per current time units of precession … 231.984 / 4 = 57.996 million human solar years …
- Beyond above calculated value of 57.996 million human solar years (as per currently applicable time units of precession) neither gravity nor magnetism can be utilized to calculate above values properly (or exactly) as beyond every quarter solar revolution (from the time when we see or study these values) both these have some major changes …
- This part of topic must be kept in mind when utilizing either of gravity or magnetism to know the geological changes of earth during time spans which are longer than “one quarter solar revolution from now” and just as it has been discussed here …
And the same is also applicable to all other planets of our solar system also … I say so by subtly travelling to those planets and “randomly observing” the same fact over there also …
101-EE … Changes in path of Yoga due to solar revolution …
Solar revolution also leads to changes in Yoga Marga (i.e. Path of union to divine) … This is as follows …
- When sun is at Vamadeva face of Sadashiva … The evolutionary path is primarily Bhakti Yoga or in other words, the path of “liberation due to worship” … The primary deity at this stage is Sri Vishnu (or supreme preserver of allness) … This is the stage of re-manifestation and re-purification of all paths of Vedas and Yoga Tantras by very highly evolved sages who follow Bhakti Marg (or paths of union to the Absolute being, through worship which rests in absolute faith and supreme surrender to the believed deity) … Such sages can be any of those which have been discussed below because Bhakti is an all enveloping and all pervading path … This stage of solar revolution leads to purification of Bhakti Marg itself …
- When sun is at Sadyojata … The evolutionary path is primarily of “Jnana Yoga” or in other words, the “liberation due to attainment of Supreme knowledge” … The primary deity at this stage is “Pitamah Brahma Ji (or grandfather and creator of allness)” … This is the stage of re-manifestation and re-purification of the entirety of Vedic lore (which at this stage also includes Agama Lore and Yoga Tantras) and that too by those sages who have been addressed as Brahmarishi and Maharishi in Vedas …
- When sun is at Aghora … The evolutionary path is primarily of “Karma Yoga” or in other words, the “liberation due to purification and carrying out of better deeds” and where better deeds mean “those deeds which are beneficial to entirety of allness and also her each part” … The primary deity at this stage is Swayambhu Deva (or Rudra Deva) … This is also the path of current stage of progress of solar revolution … This is the stage of purification of Yoga and Vedas by sages of very high evolutionary standings and who are addressed as Hamsa (and the further accomplishment which as such is of being a Paramhamsa) in the Vedic and Yogic Lore’s …
- When sun is at Tatpurusha … This path of evolution is primarily rooted in “Raja Yoga” or in other words, the “liberation due to inner purification through the path of severe penances and very difficult austerities” … This is the path which leads to purification of ways of life of entire humanity … If even one Yogi accomplishes this path fully, then that Yogi alone is capable of purification of ways of life of entire humanity of that planet … The primary deity at this stage is Maheshwara (Great Yogi Lord) form of Lord Shiva … This stage is of purification of Vedas and Yoga by sages of very high evolutionary standings and who have been addressed as Avadhoota in Vedas and Yoga Tantras … Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva is from where I have returned back during this incarnation and during most of my earlier incarnations, this has been my primary path (But my path is not what present day humanity follows) …
Continues …