This topic shall discuss start point of Guru Yuga Samvat (Manav Satyuga Samvat) and Kaliyuga Samvat because unless the start point is correct as per Kaalchakra, the entire calendar goes in error …
And since the calendar goes in error, so it also needs cyclic adjustments, just as all present day calendars, also need …
This topic continues from the previous one of “Stages of Sandhikaal and Nadir phase” …
107-AA … Guru Yuga Samvat and Kaliyuga Samvat …
Here we briefly describe these two Samvat’s …
A … Guru Yuga Samvat or Manav Satyuga Samvat … Guru Yuga Samvat is calendar of Guru Yuga (i.e. calendar of Manav Satyuga which runs within the Deva Kaliyuga calendar) …
Guru Yuga is an “age of sages” and where the word Sages does not mean any “robe bearing” aspirant … Prior to and during a Guru Yuga, five such Sages from Sadashiva have always returned back in stages and where these returns also are from one of the five faces of Sadashiva …
Explaining Sages of Guru Yuga (Sages of Sadashiva)
Age of sages does not refer to any sage (any aspirant) who projects himself (or herself) as a specific robe bearing one … This is as the Sages of Guru Yuga may or may not be robe bearing ones …
The Sage (Rishi) who comes to install the subtle yet solid foundations of a Guru Yuga (i.e. human golden age) and also all other sages who come to continue the Guru Yuga are not based upon such external aspects of robes or anything else …
This is because these Sages from Sadashiva are those who during their evolutionary process have already evolved beyond all such aspects …
These Sages of Sadashiva have already walked past (gone beyond) the entire evolutionary process itself and yet they have been those who have repeatedly rejected (deferred) their final liberation, even when they could have accepted their finally liberated states long ago, so they also are those who know the path and process of liberation (Kaivalya) for true aspirants …
True aspirant is the one who can “walk those highly esoteric, secretive, very difficult and treacherous paths of a final liberation” …
The word final liberation means a “full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part” i.e. Kaivalya Moksha of Vedic lore …
Thus, these Sages of Guru Yuga would definitely have to be those who have been a part of timeless Vedic tradition (i.e. Parampara) and also the schools of learning (i.e. the Sampradaya) that are directly or indirectly related to the Aamnaya Peetha (or in other words, the Four Vedic monasteries) and that too where their lineage connections to these four Vyasa Peetha (or in other words, Aamnaya Peetha) also have to be since their much-much earlier incarnations …
So humanity of this planet should not be surprised if the names of their earlier incarnation(s) names are already listed within the Vedic and/or Yogic lore’s of Sanatan Dharma (i.e. Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Native aborigine or Adivasi lore’s and other native lore’s of various lands of this planet) …
Even when above is true, yet these sages would definitely appreciate that specific colors of specific robes are definitely beneficial during the evolutionary process of aspirants and especially when that evolutionary process is rooted in Tapas (severe penances) …
Because all these “Sages of Sadashiva” are those who have already evolved beyond the need of robes or symbols on their body, so they may or may not use them when they would be entering into this physical world …
There are five main Sages of Guru Yuga … All these sage’s are those who descend (already descended or would be descending in future) from one of five faces of Sadashiva (who in Sanskrit language is also addressed as Pancha Mukha Sadashiva and who itself is the one addressed in Shaivism as Panch Mukha Shiva and where the same aspect of the discussed deity is also addressed as Panch Brahma in Vedanta) … These are the sages who are referred in these discussions (and not any other aspirant) …
These sages are discussed in a later topic …
Need of highly evolved Sages during Age of Sages
Age of Sages is that “human golden age (Manav Satyuga or Manav Kritayuga)” which runs within the larger time span of a “divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga)” …
Due to that “human golden age (Manav Satyuga or Manav Kritayuga)” running within larger time spans of a divine degenerate age, that human golden age is not so effective unless a Sage (Rishi) of a very-high caliber (i.e. very high macrocosmic standing) descends to the physical realms to initially re-install its subtle yet solid, timeless foundation within this earthly realm …
And then further highly evolved sages keep cyclically entering into that world, so as to ensure that the human age stays stays golden throughout the time span of that that “human golden age (Manav Satyuga or Manav Kritayuga)” …
All these sages right from the one who comes to install the subtle yet solid foundations of Guru Yuga and those further sages who keep coming to ensure continuity of Guru Yuga, are those whom Vedas have addressed Sagun Sakaar Brahm … Thus these sages are like Sagun Brahman …
Sagun means attributed, Sakaar means in a form (like a human form) and Brahm means Absolute, so Sagun Sakaar Brahm means “Brahman in an attributed human-form or human bodied condition and as a highly evolved Sage or Rishi” …
The five Sages who come to install and continue a human age of truth (or Guru Yuga) are also from any one of “five faces of Sadashiva (who in Sanskrit language is also addressed as Pancha Mukha Sadashiva)” and thus they are as one or another aspect of Bhagwan Sadashiva HIMself and that too whilst they rest within a human-bodied-form …
Sage who re-installs foundation of Guru Yuga and other four sages
Since within the larger time span of divine degenerate age cycle, the human golden age is installed and maintained by these very-highly evolved-sages, so it is named as “Age of Sages (Guru Yuga)” …
- Had it been otherwise, then it would also have been named otherwise …
- And since it is not so, so it has also not been named any other than an “Age of Sages (or Guru Yuga)” …
Installation and maintenance of this Age of Sages is through some highly evolved sages who return back from any of five faces of Shiva to enter the physical earthly realms …
These five Sages of Guru Yuga are also those who would have already completed Sadashiva Pradakshina as was discussed in earlier topic of “Sadashiva Pradakshina … Vedanta” and was also discussed in another earlier topic of “Chatush Pada Sadashiva Pradakshina” …
Sadashiva Pradakshina was originally completed by Bhagwan Ganesha (i.e. Bhagwan Ganapati) and thus he holds Anugraha Krityam (divinity of blessing allness) which itself is of Ishana face of Sadashiva and which also denotes the “divinity of blessing of a final liberation” …
And since these Sages of Sadashiva have also completed the Sadashiva Pradakshina, so they would also be holding the Anugraha Krityam, in addition to holding the specific Krityam (divinity of activity) of the face of Sadashiva from where they descend into this “physical realm of death (Mrityu Loka)” …
Installer of this Guru Yuga is a sage who returns back from the golden colored Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva …
Explaining the word Tatpurusha … Tat means “That or Brahman” … The Sanskrit word of Purusha means as an “Attributed aspect of absolute being (or Brahman)” … Thus, Tatpurusha literally means “That Absolute Being who is in IT’S own attributed aspect” …
Since Tatpurusha face is the original-attributed-state of the Absolute being (Sagun Awastha) so the word Tatpurusha also means the “original state of Sagun Brahman” …
Installer of Guru Yuga
Installer of Guru Yuga is that Sage who already holds the golden body (which in Buddhist lore’s is also called as the Buddha body of reality and which actually is the body of golden womb of creation or Hiranyagarbha Sharira) and the “Sage of Tatpurusha (i.e. Installer of guru Yuga)” would also be holding all other bodies as were discussed in earlier set of topics “Siddha Sharira and Loka” and he would also hold all those other types of Siddha bodies that have intentionally not been discussed in this text …
That sage of Tatpurusha is also addressed as Sagun Brahm within the divine worlds (Deva Loka) …
This Sage from Tatpurusha is the same as one who is addressed as human being (man) in the story after creation and when Allah Tala had called all parts of macrocosmic speciology (Makhlooks) including angels, and had instructed them as per whatever is stated in Islamic lore …
Angels have continued to do as they were instructed by Khuda Tala … This is told per personal experiences …
Regarding Tatpurusha
Tatpurusha face is that aspect of Bhagwan Sadashiva (Lord Shiva) who is also addressed as follows …
- Sagun Sakaar Brahman … This phrase means as the attributed-form aspect of Brahman … Brahman with attributes of form, shape, color, size etc. …
- Sagun Nirakaar Brahm … This phrase means as the attributed formless aspect of Parabrahman, who is also addressed as Brahman in Vedas …
- Maheshwara … This name literally means as the Lord or the Great Lord … Since in Vedic lore, there cannot ever be two greats present at the same time, so the word “Great (or Maha) of Vedas only means the Supreme being (Parambrahma)” … Due to this reason, Maheshwara ITself is Parmeshwara and both these words denote Bhagwan Shiva only …
- Parmeshwara … Supreme Lord … This name is used because Maheshwara is the original aspect of Sagun Nirakaar Brahm (or in other words, the original attributed formless aspect of Brahman) …
- Yoga … Final union …
- Yoga Rishi … Greatest sage of Yoga …
- Yoga Samraat … King of Yoga …
- Yoga Tantra … Foundation, path and process of Yoga …
- Yogeshwara … Lord of Yoga and Yoga Tantra …
- Yoga Guru … Supreme Guru of Yoga and Yoga Tantra …
- Yoga Karaka … Doer (reason) for Yoga and all Yogi’s …
- Yoga Moola … Root (or foundation) of Yoga …
- Yoga Gantavya … Finality of Yoga …
- Param Yogi … Supreme Yogi …
- Hiranyagarbha Brahma … This name literally means as the Golden womb (i.e. the Golden womb of creation) …
- Tatpurusha is also addressed as Ukar in Yoga … What is called as Ukar in Yoga, also has the Sound of O and thus Tatpurusha can also be addressed as Okar (But this name is only basis its sound and not its characteristic, by which it is addressed by the name of Ukar, which means as “upwardly lifting”) …
- Yoga Lingam … The Sanskrit word of Lingam, means a symbol … Thus Yoga Lingam means as the Symbol of Yoga and all Yogi’s of any of the triple times … This is also what Vedic Shivalingam is finally denoting …
- Sagun aspect of Paramshiva … Eternally auspicious attributed state of Paramshiva …
- Shiva … Supremely auspicious one …
Sages who continue the Guru Yuga
After Guru Yuga is re-installed in a world by the Sage from Tatpurusha, then at cyclic intervals, other very highly evolved sages keep entering that world, so to continue the Guru Yuga (or human age of truth) …
These sages are also descend from one of the five faces of Shiva, just as the sage who re-installs the foundational knowledge of Guru Yuga descends from Tatpurusha face, which itself is one of five faces of Shiva …
B … Kaliyuga Samvat … Kaliyuga Samvat means “calendar of divine degenerate age” … Divine degenerate age is the “Deva Kaliyuga” which means, degenerate age of divine worlds …
The ruler of divine worlds is addressed as “Devaraja Indra (who in other words, is also addressed as Indra Deva)” who is discussed in “Section C” below …
C … Regarding Indra Deva … King of all divine worlds …
During those extremely ancient and already-forgotten times as were of my much-much earlier “regular-incarnations (i.e. birth from womb of a physically present mother)” and also those further “transmigrated incarnations … This term of transmigrated incarnation, means a state where there is an arrival into human form through the path of transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit is also termed as Parkaya Pravesh), Indra Deva who is also the Ruler of divine worlds, was also addressed as Idandra Deva, which means ruler of “Ida Naadi” …
Ida Naadi is “left hand channel (moon channel or coldness channel)” … This Ida Naadi is a subtle yellow colored channel which is present on the left hand side of backbone … Ida Naadi is the 100th sub-channel of the central channel (Sushumna Naadi) …
This channel represents presence of Indra Loka (or divine abode of ruler of all divine worlds or Indraloka ) inside each aspirant’s microcosm …
Indra Loka is synonymous of “Macrocosmic plane of knowledge (Brahmic Vijyanmaye Kosha)” … Thus, Indraloka is also the divine world that eventually relates to knowledge sheath (which in Sanskrit language is also called as Vijyanmaye Kosha) of each aspirant …
Only a higher of Yogi’s becomes an Indra (i.e. ruler of divine worlds) of the entirety of Maker’s Makings …
Indra is that ancient Yogi who had successfully completed 100 Aantrik Ashwamedha Yajna (inner sacrifice of knowledge clouds, which have horse like movements) …
When this sacrifice is internally done by a Yogi, then this sacrifice is termed as “Inner Ashwamedha Yajna” … And when a Yogi successfully completes it for a 100th time, then only does that Yogi qualify to be an Indra (or ruler of all divine worlds) of a future time span …
I shall now try to give examples about how difficult it is to be qualified for being a future Indra, so read below descriptions “very carefully” …
- Not even a handful of humans, are real aspirants …
- Not even a handful of those real aspirants, ever become Yogi’s …
- Not even a handful of those Yogi’s are real Yogi (Yogi’s in the real sense) …
- Not even a handful of such real Yogi’s self-realize Raam Naad (which in other words, is also addressed as the Shiva Taraka Naad and the same Raam Naad is also addressed as a Shiva Taraka Mantra) which itself is self-realized after the Yogi is stationed in golden colored Vajradanda (which in other words, can also be called as the Vajradanda Chakra) …
- Not even a handful amongst those real Yogi’s ever transit the “Ashtama Chakra” even once during the entire course of their evolutionary existence within the supreme genius, that eternally is of the Maker’s Makings …
- Not even a handful of Yogi’s who have already successfully transited the Ashtama Chakra (which in English language also means as the Eighth Chakra and in other words, it can also be termed as the Eighth plexus) have ever ended up refusing their final liberation (i.e. such Yogi’s invariably defer their Moksha, which in Sanskrit texts is also called as Kaivalya) after their first transit of the Eighth plexus …
- Not even a handful of Yogi’s who have transited the Ashtama Chakra and have still deferred their emancipated state, ever manage to transit this Ashtama Chakra for a hundredth time during entire course of their existence and evolutionary process within the Maker’s Makings …
- And such a Yogi who has successfully transited the Ashtama Chakra (Eighth plexus) for a 100th and yet he does not wish to be “liberated” (i.e. he again defers his final liberation to a later or future time) is the one who gets “personally chosen” (I mean handpicked) by none other than the “four headed, diamond white colored, very high Yogi of Maker’s Makings” …
- This very-high Yogi of Maker’s Makings is the same one who in Vedas is addressed as “the four faced, creator and grandfather of allness (i.e. Chatur Mukha Pitamah Brahma Ji)” … He is the one who personally chooses his own Indra (Ruler of all divine worlds) of some near (or distant) future …
- Thus, Indra is also symbolic of “fullness of knowledge and also fullness of righteousness of the supreme king of Maker’s Makings (Here I have used the word symbolic, so please understand it such)”…
- Thus, Indra denotes the macrocosmic kingship principle, knowledge principle and union (Yoga) principle …
After start of Kaliyuga, when Hindus started degrading Indra, then they also started losing their respect in this world …
This loss shall continue until they correct their faults of history by removing those parts of scriptures, which degrade Indra to a state, which Indra is definitely not …
If I were to say this bluntly (non-diplomatically) then it would be thus …
If you abuse Indra … You also lose value
This is because Indra is primary Deva of Vedas
Correct this fault to regain your rightful place … As Vishvaguru
Guru Yuga and Vishvaguru are intrinsic to Indra Siddhant (principle of Indra)
107-BB … One human generation …
As per middle time units, one human generation is 100/4 = 25 years …
But at Nadir time units, above becomes (100/4) x 1.08 = 27 years …
Note: 1.08 is already explained in earlier topics …
107-CC-1 … Commencement of calendar of degenerate age cycle …
3102 BC was the time when Sri Bhagwan Krishna had returned back to his own abode (he had departed from this world) …
Start of Kaliyuga Samvat = One human generation + 1 year prior 3102 BC …
This time also has a range of +/- 1 to 2.7 years …
Thus, start of Kaliyuga Samvat is …
3102 BC + 1 year + 27 years = 3130 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
This is the start of Kaliyuga calendar (Kaliyuga Samvat) …
Note: Some later texts state a different time span of commencement of Kaliyuga Samvat … This is because they have considered the time of commencement to be 108/3 = 36 years prior Sri Bhagwan Krishna’s departure from this world and thus these later texts state that Kaliyuga calendar (Kaliyuga Samvat) had commenced in 3102 + 36 years = 3138 BC … But basis Kaalchakra calculations, this doesn’t seem to be the case …
107-CC-2 … Manifestation of effects of Kaliyuga Samvat …
The effects of any divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga) cannot manifest until the Poorna-Avatar (i.e. direct descent of the divine into a human form) is still residing within the world system …
So due to above stated reason, even when the Kaliyuga calendar (i.e. Kaliyuga Samvat) had commenced in 3130 BC, yet the real effects of Kaliyuga could only commence after Sri Bhagwan Krishna had left this world (i.e. returned back to his own divine abode or Vaikunth) …
Thus scholars have stated the commencement time of Kaliyuga as 3102 BC and this time is basis that stage of time when effects of Kaliyuga had started entering this world (after departure of Sri Krishna from this world) …
Proceeding further …
Thus, above calculated year of 3130 BC was the real start of Kaliyuga Samvat, but the lower or degenerate effects of Kaliyuga only started entering this world after 3102 BC when Sri Krishna left to his divine abode (Vaikunth) …
Thus, the Kaliyuga Samvat actually showed its effects around 3130 BC, but the divine age only turned towards the degenerate side in 3102 BC, when Sri Bhagwan Krishna had left this world …
Thus, there is a difference of 27 + 1 years between “start of Kaliyuga” and coming in of “effects of Kaliyuga” in this world … This is the same time that was discussed in an earlier topic of “offset of Sri Krishna’s departure” …
107-CC-3 … End of effects of Kaliyuga Samvat …
Same difference shall be carried forward within each human age cycle that runs within the current divine degenerate age cycle …
This means that an offset of 28 years which was due to differences of time of commencement of the Kaliyuga calendar (Kaliyuga Samvat) and the advent of effects of Kaliyuga (i.e. when Sri Bhagwan Krishna had left this world) shall continue in all future human age cycles and that too until the current divine degenerate age (i.e. Deva Kaliyuga) ends after about 426,000+ years from now …
Due to this offset of 28 years, effects of all future human age cycles shall also be shifting by 28 years and this shall be even when all these human ages shall be commencing at the times that are stated in earlier figures (which show the precession cycle) of earlier topics …
107-DD-1 … Effects of Guru Yuga Samvat …
Even when Guru Yuga Samvat (calendar of age of sages) would commence in 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) yet real effects of age of sages shall only be coming as per below calculations …
2082 AD +/- 1 to 2.7 years (and further “+/- 27 + 1 years”) = 2110 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
Even when many won’t believe above, but it would eventually be agreed after the incoming Guru Yuga commences within this world around 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years and a further “+/- 27 + 1 years”) …
107-DD-2 … Astronomical start point of Guru Yuga …
The incoming Guru Yuga would be starting when start Polaris is pointing closest to the axis of earth …
This would denote the actual start point of the incoming Guru Yuga Samvat, but only from an astronomical point of view …
Continues …