This topic continues from the previous one of “Sages from Sadashiva” … Here we discuss the universal nature of cosmic laws …
119-AA … From macrocosmic point of view … Universal nature of cosmic laws …
That which is applicable to any single microcosm is also applicable to all others … This statement is irrespective of the macrocosmic hierarchy or the evolutionary standing of the microcosms within the Maker’s Makings …
Thus, that which is applicable to any part of macrocosmic speciology also stands applicable to any other part of the same macrocosmic speciology …
Moreover, due to this reason, those laws that are applicable to any human who lives on a physical world like this one, would also be applicable to any Sage and also to any Avatar who enters this world …
This is why the Vedic lore states that when Sri Vishnu enters this world (advent of Avatar) then he also does not break his own laws (by which macrocosmic creation is governed) …
Just as these macrocosmic laws apply to the universe, so do they apply on every other microcosm … And yet their applicability is as per the evolutionary standing of that microcosmic speciological part, which also is within the universal nature of macrocosmic hierarchies …
119-BB … Difference between macrocosmic laws and our human laws …
Thus, these cosmic laws are not like the human laws where different criterion are set for different hierarchies of humans like those of economic status, political status, societal status, religious status or any other of such nonsense …
These macrocosmic laws are also not like those severely restricted laws of scriptures which have been made by egoistic Gods (i.e. Abhimani Devata) of individualistic systems (monotheistic systems) and where it is told that “only the believers of such and such entities would enter into the heavenly realm and rest all (i.e. non believers of that egoistic entity) are doomed to eternal hell fires” …
Above is an utter nonsense that was added to religions which came by during the currently running “divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga)” because such stupidities were totally absent within those much-much earlier better divine age cycles as were of my much-much earlier incarnations and also those further stages of entering into a human body through the path of transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit language can be termed as path of Parkaya Pravesh) …
Divinities of macrocosmic creation (Maker’s Makings) are universal ones … And due to this universality, none of those universal divinities can ever be related to any individualistic nonsense as is told in all texts that came by after the the stage when the “great grandmother of all philosophies (in simple words, the great grandmother is also addressed as Sanatan Dharma)” went into her cyclic sleep of about nine millenniums ago on/around 6990 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
Proceeding further …
Macrocosmic laws are definitely not like manmade laws which in addition to what was told earlier, also end up discriminating on basis of color, creed, sex, race, geographies, time, directional approaches (i.e. ways of life), ones associations to power or powerful ones, economic status, social status, military status, cultural status or any other useless mind originated fancies in which the modern laws have gotten trapped into an endless cycle of ignorance of real …
Proceeding further …
The macrocosmic laws also have no system of reservations of any sort and this is because you only take birth so adopt the further state of your incarnation’s destiny, as per what has already been earned by you within your earlier incarnations …
Thus, these macrocosmic laws definitely relate to your four primary types of Karma as stated below …
- Accumulated merit … Sanchit Karma … This is that merit which has been earned by you across your entire evolutionary existence within the Maker’s Makings and that too where this existence is across all planes and worlds where you have resided-in till now …
- Currently undergoing merit … Kriyamaan Karma …
- Future merit … Aagami Karma …
- Destined merit … Prarabdha Karma … All above which relate to all your previous incarnations are the ones which contribute to make your destiny in the present incarnation … And all merit that you earn in your current incarnation, would add to all that you had earned in you previous incarnations so as to make the destiny of the further (or next) incarnation …
- And all judgments which are made by the divinities of Maker’s Makings are basis these four merits only … This is because the Maker’s Makings are naught but a self expressed, self manifested and self present, macrocosmic state of the Maker and due to this reason, the Makings also follow the universal codes of Maker which itself are placed within IT’s own Makings i.e. the macrocosm …
- All other stupidities which humans relate to that which you believe in or not believe in, are inconsequential from the point of view of the macrocosmic creation …
Proceeding further …
And since above aspects of Karma are also those which govern the “Varnashram (four category of macrocosmic speciology)” in which any soul takes birth, so Varnashram Vyavastha is also a universally applicable aspect …
There has never been any part of macrocosmic speciology that did not rest in the Varnashram Vyavastha that was applicable to that macrocosmic speciological part …
The aspects of compliance to Varnashram that are applicable to humanity are not the same as aspects of the same Varnashram that are applicable to other speciological parts …
Yet the same four parts of Varnashram Vyavastha (i.e. Varna Chatushtaya) stand applicable to all the macrocosmic speciological parts …
All parts of macrocosmic speciology are resting in the same Varnashram Vyavastha and thus everything has its own Varna (category) amongst the four Varna’s, which make the Varnashram Vyavastha of Vedas …
Thus, Varnashram is also an aspect by which the divinities of macrocosmic creation judge judge any microcosm …
As a matter of fact and from macrocosmic point of view, those who follow their Varna, are much better off than those who don’t, but only as far as their evolutionary progress within the subtleties of macrocosmic hierarchies is concerned …
Proceeding further …
And above aspects of Varnashram are also an intrinsic part of Gotra Parampara and Gotra Parampara is an intrinsic part of Varnashram Parampara … Thus both these Parampara are inseparable as they support each other …
Gotra Parampara is that which relates to one of the seven progenitor sages (Rishi) of the great eon (i.e. Mahayuga Chakra which can also be called as a Deva Yuga Chakra) …
Those who fail to comply to the Gotra Parampara only end up killing their race as their reproductive capability gets lost … But this loss is only visible after many generations has passed from the stage of initial non compliance to the Gotra Parampara …
Those who don’t follow Gotra Parampara properly, eventually lose their capacity to progeny …
Non-compliance to this aspect has already evicted many civilizations from this planet as such civilizations lost capacity to maintain their civilizational growth rates in line with their economic, military and later on social and political requirements …
Many civilizations of this world that have already left this Gotra Parampara would be facing this problem of loss of birth rates … Soon …
One of the best ways to know the manifestation of lower effects of non compliance to what is discussed here, is to study the immigration needs of lands and civilizations so as to sustain their political, economic, military and social structures …
When immigration is needed for any of above paragraphs listed reasons, then this by itself is a proof that such a land and civilization is already standing at a stage of entering into lower effects of non-compliance to the pristine requirement of Gotra Parampara that is being discussed here …
Well this was a brief of a vast vast discussion that I really don’t want to get into at a stage when most of this planets humanity is already resting in Gotra Sankarta (Loss of Gotra Parampara) …
So now, I shall move forward with this topic …
119-CC … Limitations of applicability of macrocosmic laws …
The best part is that these macrocosmic laws only remain applicable until one has self-realized the “attributeless infinite being (i.e. the Absolute being, who in Sanskrit texts is also addressed as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm and within the Vedic lore, is also addressed as Brahman)” and after this stage, that aspirant (Yogi) has also merged to the same Brahman (i.e. Brahm, who in other words, can also be addressed as Nirgun Nirakaar) …
This non-applicability of macrocosmic laws after the Yogi has already entered into a non-dual union to Parabrahman is because of the fact that after such a union, that Yogi is no longer resting within purviews of the macrocosmic creation …
In addition, due to such a Yogi not resting within the purviews of macrocosmic creation (Maker’s Makings) that Yogi cannot even come under purviews of the macrocosmic laws …
But above paragraph definitely does not mean a state of being the lawless one … This is because our discussed condition only relates to that stage of evolution where that Yogi goes beyond the scopes of macrocosmic creation and thus such a Yogi also moves into a state which is well beyond the applicability of her macrocosmic laws …
119-DD … Last stage of applicability of macrocosmic laws …
The last stage of applicability is that stage of evolutionary existence after which the aspirant knows that his (or her) innermost essence (or Atman) is eternally unioned to the final essence of allness (i.e. attributeless infinite Absolute being or Brahman) … This is also the stage of self realization of the innermost meaning of Vedic Mahavakyas (Great statement of Vedas) …
Thus as per our earlier discussions, this last stage which is just prior to above paragraph can only be of the “original self expression of the absolute being” which is also addressed as “Shunya Brahman” and which was discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT self expressed itself” …
Shunya Brahman means “that Zero which is infinite and simultaneously also is that Infinite which itself is the Zero” …
So Shunya Brahman also means “that emptiness which is the fathomless infinite and that fathomless Infinite which itself is empty” … Realization of Shunya Brahman, is also a path to self realization of Supreme being (who in Sanskrit texts is also addressed as Parambrahma) …
Thus Shunya Brahman also means a “perfect non dual union of non lightness of emptiness to self luminosity of the attributeless infinite being (i.e. Absolute being)” …
Thus until the evolutionary process makes that aspirants consciousness to transit into Shunya Brahman and thence as times progress, the aspirant also moves past that Shunya Brahman (as the aspirant enters into self realization of Parabrahman itself) applicability of macrocosmic laws remains for that aspirant …
But to get to this stage, all that was discussed in this text (except that which relates to Brahm) would need to be evolved from i.e. the aspirants evolutionary process shall as a minimum, have to move beyond all that is listed below …
- Four states of macrocosm … These four states are of Inert matter (or in other words, the non-lighted state of the macrocosmic ocean of inertial mass) … The other states of macrocosm is of macro-neutral macrocosm (or the greater whole or macro-equanimous macrocosm) and the begun macrocosm (which in other words, is also called as cyclic existence and the same can also be termed as the macrocosmic matrix) and the fourth and final stage of macrocosm is of the unbegun macrocosm or the parental macrocosm or original state of macrocosm … These states were discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT furthered Itself” …
- Except Brahman, all that was discussed in the earlier topic of “As IT progressed” …
- Except Brahman, all that was discussed in the earlier topic of “As IT eventually became” …
119-EE … Intermediary stage prior when one exits from allness …
When any aspirant moves to that stage which is intermediary from the final exit (i.e. the stage of self realization and resting within the attributeless infinite absolute being or Brahman) and the last stage of exit (i.e. Shunya Brahman) then nobody can ever know about such an aspirant …
Thus for such an aspirant, if anybody would ask any macrocosmic divinity (i.e. any Deva or God of any world or system or way of life) or even ask the macrocosmic creation (i.e. ask the Maker’s Makings) about such an aspirant, then the reply would invariably be …
He was … But now he is not
This is the reason that when such an aspirant returns back as per the call of time so as to do certain jobs, then nobody ever knows about his return, until he only self declares his presence within the world and where this self declaration is also by his (or her) own chosen way and means …
This fact is very clearly visible within Vedic lore where there are some instances when an Avatar of Sri Vishnu had returned back to this world and even the divinities (Deva’s or Gods) of this world did not know that such and such child was in fact the Avatar of Sri Vishnu …
This hidden state also continued until that Avatar (of Sri Vishnu) had self-declared his presence in the world and that too by his (or her) chosen ways … And means …
And the same fact is also told in Biblical lore’s regarding the second coming of Christ (Jesus) where it is told that nobody would know it, except God) …
Continues …