Here we shall discuss some aspects of Manu Smriti like “Significance of Manusmriti, Who was Manu” and What is Manusmriti” … This topic continues from “Age of Aquarius” …
122-AA … Who was Manu and What is Manu Smriti …
Manusmriti means “In remembrance of Manu” …
Swayambhu Manu (Swayambhu Manu means self-originated Manu) on whose name the first “Manvantar (Swayambhu Manvantar or Age of Swayambhu Manu)” of this “Brahma Kalpa (currently underway 12 Brahma hours of day-time at Brahmaloka) is named, was my Gurudeva during my first incarnation within the present Brahma Kalpa …
Above stage was at the beginning of the current Kalpa i.e. around 1.96 to 1.97 billion human solar years ago (as per middle time units of precession) …
The word “Swayambhu” means means “self originated or self born” … This name was used for Swayambhu Manu as he was the “mind born son (or Manas Putra)” of the grandfather and creator of allness (Pitamah Brahma Ji) …
Explaining the word “Manu” …
“Manu” is the “father of humanity” … He is the primordial man or first human being or the original man …
The Sanskrit word Manushya which literally means “man (mankind)” actually means “a particle or progeny of Manu” …
The English word “Man” is also derived from the Sanskrit word “Manu” only …
Proceeding further …
Since Manu was the “Manas Putra (Mind born son) of creator (Brahma) and his advent itself was prior any human part of macrocosmic speciology was originated, so Manu was also addressed as “the primordial man (or Adi Manav or original human)” …
To this Sanskrit term of “Adi” are related the symbolic words of “Adam and Adum (or Aadum)” … Adum also also means “primordial” …
Thus, Adam of Biblical lore and Aadum (Adum) of Persian and Islamic lore’s also are none other than being symbolic words for Manu of Vedas …
And from Adum which is derived from the much earlier Sanskrit word of Adi, is further derived the word of “Aadmi” which means “one who is of lineage or progeny Adam or Adum or Manu” and thus the word “Aadmi” also means “man or human” only …
About Manusmriti …
Modern man has a habit of abusing Manusmriti … But this is only due to ignorance to the real understanding of codes of Manu or Manusmriti …
People only abuse Manusmriti due to not understanding what actually was meant by Manu (father of humanity) in his given scripture of Manusmriti …
As also is a fact that to understand Manusmriti, one needs to enter into knowledge system’s which relate to Manu because any otherwise would only lead to incorrect understanding as far as a fuller knowledge of this scripture (and every other Vedic or Nigama scripture) …
In addition to above, when anybody abuses Manu or his Manusmriti, then such people basically abuse their own progenitor and all other ancestors who also were followers of codes of Manu only …
Those societies who abuse Manu and/or leave the timelessly tried out traditional codes of Manu so as to enter into other alternate systems, eventually lose the ability to continue their own civilizations …
Above paragraph is even more relevant if this deviation is in such a way that the society ends up exiting out of Gotra and Varna Parampara of Manusmriti … Once these two (i.e. Varna and Gotra Parampara) are let go, then it only remains a matter of time prior that civilization (or society) would lose its ability to procreate and vanish …
Due to deviation from Manusmriti, such societies also begin having a way of life and food, which is not good in the longer run of time … This leads to changes in thoughts and desires, which also become reasons for a cyclic state of chaos in such societies …
And in addition to above such societies also begin losing the necessary immunity to counter cyclic diseases which also come by to the world due to cyclic manifestations of severe effects of Sandhikaal of age cycles …
One of the basic reasons for need of immigration by all developed is that after they started materially advancing, then they also lost touch even with the alternate Varna and Gotra what they had adopted after they had left the codes of Manusmriti …
This is the primary reason for loss of ability to progeny and thus the need of immigration is there in such civilizations as their population cannot satisfy the four primary needs of a society i.e. intellectuals (Brahmins Varna), protectors and rulers (Kshatriya Varna), business and economics (Vaishya Varna) and service providers (Shudra Varna) …
In addition to all above, only codes of Manusmriti can guarantee employment to a child and that too from a stage which is even prior the child is born … Thus in absence of codes of Manusmriti, all sorts of economic ways come by, which in turn lead to all sorts of divisions and competitions and which in turn becomes a reason for cyclic state of chaos in all that is related to economics …
Freedom is good, but if that freedom becomes a reason for extinction of society or corruption of primary impressions of a society or chaos of sorts, then that freedom itself is the path of doom … Leaving codes of Manusmriti leads to this doom only and where this doom is across all ways and walks of life such as the ones listed below …
During the history of this world, many earlier civilizations had also walked those paths that go against the base system of humanity i.e. Manusmriti … But in all such societies the end result was the same only …
This end result was that that they all ultimately vanished from this earth, either due to divine reasons or due to manmade and natural causes or a combination of these three …
Proceeding further …
Manusmriti is a document on that is the root of all science, all ways of life, all calendars and time calculations, all divinity of mathematics, aspects of human life, all aspects which relate to preservation of society, all aspects which relate to preservation of continuity of progeny, ability to naturally fight cyclic diseases, etc-etc …
Thus, principles of Manusmriti also ensure the continuity of humanity …
As also, since Manusmriti also happens to be the foundation of human existence, so it is also the root of all subtle knowledge, of any of the systems, of now or any other time …
Basis my roaming this world for almost 27+ years till now, it is also very clear that irrespective of whether a society is related to traditional aspects of Manusmriti or is related to those aspects which that society has only made as an alternative system, yet when I study these alternate systems then it is also pretty clear that all these alternate systems stand indirectly rooted in codes of Manu Smriti itself …
As also, when Manusmriti is contravened by humanity, then neither does any subtle knowledge which relates to the attributeless infinite being (who in Vedic lore is addressed as Brahman) remains nor is that society able to ensure the continuity and security of its progeny … But this lower effect only comes after a few dozen generations have passed after the deviation had originally arrived …
Proceeding further …
Some say Manu was divisive, other say other nonsensical things about Manu … Whereas the fact is that what Manu had told is the root of all knowledge, all ways of life and primary ways of preservation and continuity of humanity and their progeny …
What use is an alternate system or path which cannot even ensure an unbroken continuity of progeny and safety of progeny from cyclic diseases … Basis what I have observed, all alternate systems ultimately lead to gene pool stagnation in addition to loss of resistance to cyclic diseases, both of which are not good for any society …
Utilization of middle time units in Vedas is rooted in Manusmriti …
Vedic sages have always used middle time units of precession in all their calculations … This fact is also rooted in Manusmriti as Manu was the first Vedic Sage to have utilized the middle time units in knowledge systems which he had rendered to humanity …
Manusmriti, knowledge systems and ways of life …
Since time itself is the primordial dimension of Maker’s Makings, so what Manu gave was none other than the root principle of this primordial dimension …
Manu himself was the sage amongst all sages that ever are and could ever be, so all the later Vedic sages have also appreciated this fact about Manu and thus they also kept diligently following the codes of Manu throughout the human history …
As also, since time itself is the base of mathematics and because mathematics itself is the base of all other sciences, so the knowledge which Manu had given was the foundational knowledge of all sciences …
Unless the mathematics is right, nothing can ever fall in place as there cannot ever be any calculation on any subject and of any scientific stream without the primary aspect of mathematics being put in its correct perspective and place …
Mathematics is also the science to which Samadhi (absorption) of a Yoga Tantra relates and thus we have Yogic terms like Shunyata (Zeroness or emptiness), Shunya (Zero or empty), Shunya Samadhi (absorption in Zeroness or emptiness), Shunya Brahman (Zero which is Infinite and Infinite which itself is Zero or empty) and Ananta (infinite) …
And also, terms like Sarva Shunya (which when translated in English, would mean as voidness of allness and her each part), Sarva Samta (self-balancing condition which relates to a state of equanimity towards allness and her each part) also relate to divinities of mathematics only …
As also, all dimensional aspects like form and formless divinities are also related one or another code or statement of Manu Smriti only …
So basis above, all Tantric paths, Yoga Tantra and Vedas relate to Manu only … Some concepts of Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism also relate to Manu only … All concepts of science are directly or indirectly related to Manu only … Even this text is Manuvaadi (Manuvaadi means proceeding in line with codes of Manu) …
Due to above, anything which contravenes the foundational root of humanity, which itself is Manusmriti, is naught but a byproduct of an imaginary mind … And such imaginary concepts only lead to cyclic state of chaos just as they have been leading since the last few millenniums …
Proceeding further …
No knowledge remains divine, if it contravenes Manusmriti … Such knowledge which contravenes Manusmriti would only become the primary reason for its own ending which itself is after ending of its divinity …
That knowledge and ways of life which do not relate to timelessly tested traditions of Manusmriti always get corrupted over time and thus such a knowledge and ways of life are the ones which becomes the reason for expansion of degenerate, individualistic, egoistic and thus cyclically chaotic ways of life …
And since the currently underway divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga) which started around 3102 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) is the divine age of such deviated systems, so Kaliyuga does not even need an Avatar (or Sri Vishnu) because the adherents of such alternate systems only end up cyclically destroying one other …
Proceeding further …
No science is divine unless it holds the highest Darshan (Philosophy) … No philosophy can ever come in harmony to both the “feminine principle (Prakriti or divinity of nature)” and “masculine principle (Purusha or the Being that only is)” unless is comes in line with with the timelessly established codes of Manusmriti …
Thus, when a society leaves Manusmriti, then its existence also becomes cyclically chaotic and ultimately this cyclic chaos spreads into all ways and walks of life of that society …
Majority of humanity of today is a stark example of this fact and this is not how it was during my earlier incarnations and also during those previous transmigrated incarnations (i.e. entering into a human form by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language can also be called as the path of Parkaya Pravesh) which have also been passed by till now …
After I started roaming this world around the beginning of 1990, initially I was totally shocked to see the “state of mind and acts of man and also of its kinds” who also are in plenty within this world …
As of these times almost all those lands where very highly evolved sages used to live during my earlier incarnations (and during further incarnations when I had arrived through the process of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language can also be called as the path of Parkaya Pravesh) are already degenerated to a very large extent …
Strangely, even those lands where the Guru’s of my previous incarnations used to live have also reached a very high degeneration as far as understanding of subtleties and/or subtle ways of life are concerned …
And even more strangely, even those lands where I had installed those very highly subtle ways of life, also are “almost” fully degenerate as of now …
It took me a while to digest the fact that Kaliyuga (divine degenerate age) is already in its “last and final Pada (Charana or step or stage)” and this is even when and as of now this Kaliyuga (divine degenerate age) is just about 5,100 years old …
As also is a fact about knowledge of Kaalchakra … During ancient times, knower’s of this knowledge (of Kaalchakra) used to say that whenever degeneration (or Kaliyuga) reaches that stage when the visible signs are of the fourth step, then Kaliyuga always dies …
This death of Kaliyuga is temporary and sudden (I mean within a few decades) … By temporary I mean just like the intensity of a raging fire is temporarily reduced, so shall it be this time around because the signs that are visible in this world, are already “very closely” of the fourth stage of Kaliyuga …
And since beyond the fourth stage, Kaliyuga cannot continue, so its end is not very far from the time I write this topic …
122-BB … 12,000 years of Manusmriti … Significance of Manusmriti …
Manusmriti gives a figure of 12,000 years …
This time span of 12,000 years figure relates to all time cycles that were discussed in earlier topic “Primary age cycles” …
Cycles of precession of equinoxes and human age cycle (Manav Yuga Chakra) …
As was discussed in earlier topic of “Precession of equinoxes” and was also discussed in another earlier topic of “Calculating precession”, one precession cycle is of 24,000 years (as per middle time units which are used in all Vedic calculations) … And this time span becomes as 25,776 years as per current time units (as was calculated in an earlier topic of “Precession at various points”) …
Since Manu and all Vedic sages have always used middle time units of precession, so we shall also be utilizing above figure of 24,000 of middle time units in below calculations …
Proceeding further …
24,000 human solar years denote the time span of a human age cycle (or in other words, one precession cycle which itself is of four human ages about which we have already discussed in many earlier topics of this text) …
This figure of 24,000 years is twice the value of 12,000 years as is given in Manu Smriti (and all Vedic texts) … Manu had told so, due to reasons stated below …
Each precession cycle has two aspects …
- One is of the Uttarayan Marg which denotes descending human age cycle of 12,000 human solar years …
- Other is of the Dakshinayan Marg which denotes descending human age cycle of 12,000 human solar years …
- Thus each of these two parts are of 12,000 human solar years and it is to these two cycles 12,000 years that Manusmriti relates as far as human ages (Manav Yuga) are concerned …
Thus, 12,000 human solar years (as per middle time units of precession) make one “human age cycle (Manav Yuga Chakra)” and each complete human age cycle has “four distinct human ages (i.e. Manav Yuga Chakra)” as we have discussed in many earlier topics of this knowledge of Kaalchakra …
Above figure of 12,000 was also discussed through a calculation of an earlier topic of “Time spans of human ages” …
Due to above stated reasons, 12,000 years of Manusmriti are also related to 12,000 human solar years of the “human age cycles (Manav Yuga Chakra)” which itself run inside the “precession cycle (which in Sanskrit language is also called as Agragaman Chakra and the same is also named as the Ahaata Chakra)” …
Divine age cycles (Deva Yuga Chakra or Mahayuga Chakra) …
One divine age cycle (which in Sanskrit language is called as a Deva Yuga and the same is also addressed as a Mahayuga) is of 12,000 divine years (as per middle time units) … And when this divine age is converted to “human solar years” then this time span becomes 4.32 million human solar years … These values have already been discussed in an earlier topic of “Time spans of divine ages” …
In this topic of Kaalchakra, since the factor of conversion from “divine ages to human ages (i.e. factor of 360) was also discussed through a derivation of an earlier topic of “Vedic concept of three six zero”, so I find no need to explain this section any further …
Thus, 12,000 years of Manusmriti also relates to “divine age cycle (which in Sanskrit language is called as a Deva Yuga Chakra and the same is also addressed as a Mahayuga Chakra)” because 12,000 divine years of a divine age cycle (as stated in Manusmriti) itself is 4.32 million human solar years within human age cycles … Both these values are of as per middle time units of precession (or Agragaman) which have always been used by all Vedic sages …
Ages of Manu (Manvantar Chakra) …
The Manvantara is also of 12,000 Manu Years … But sadly, this concept is already lost by this world …
Time span of one Manvantar (or one Age of Manu or in other words, the lifetime of one Manu) is of 306,720, 000 human solar years, as per middle time units of earth’s axial precession …
And in addition to above, there is also a Sandhikaal of a Manvantar, which is equal to one divine golden age cycle (Deva Satyuga) and which has a time span of 1.728 million human solar years (as per middle time units of precession or Ahaata) …
So, the total time of a Manvantar (total time as stated here, is including its Sandhikaal) and that too at middle time units of precession of equinoxes, is as follows …
306,720,000 + 1,728,000 = 308,448,000 human solar years
Proceeding further …
Since distribution of knowledge is also as per the cycle of time of that stage of progress of Kaalchakra, so with this as a base, if we calculate the unitary value of time so as to determine the stage of precession when Manu Smriti was told by Manu Maharaaj, then this value would be as follows …
308,448,000 / 12000 = 71.4 years per degree precession
During Swayambhu Manvantar, the stage of precession when knowledge of Manu Smriti was firstly distributed was when unitary value of time was of 71.4 years per degree precession …
And above paragraphs discussion only means that the next time when ways of life of humanity would come in line with Manusmriti can only be when the unitary value of time reaches 71.4 years per degree change of precession …
And when I calculate the year when unitary value of time would be 71.4, then that year is only found to be about 330 years away from now (2012 AD, for which I have used my own derived value of yearly change of precession of 50.28 arc seconds per year) …
Thus only after around 330 years, would be the stage after which Manu Smriti would slowly and steadily start becoming the foundation of way of life of humanity …
And this return back to Manusmriti is also a cyclic process that happens during each precession circle …
As also, once this return return back happens, then it would also be lasting through the entire time span of the incoming Age of Sages (which in Sanskrit language can also be called as a Guru Yuga) …
But above calculation also means, that even when Manu Maharaaj had come at the commencement time of the descending cycle of the human golden age, yet the knowledge of Manusmriti was only distributed when the ascending human golden age cycle (or human age of truth) had just about arrived to this world …
Above paragraph also means that when my Gurudeva Swayambhu Manu had given the knowledge of Manusmriti to this world, then had already lived for almost “16,332 human solar years (as per middle time units)” on this planet …
Surya Samvatsara Chakra (Maha Kalpa)
The Sanskrit word Maha Kalpa, can also be written as Mahakalpa …
Now we shall proceed to calculate the time span of any Surya Samvatsara … This time span is as follows …
12,000 times half divine age cycle
Half divine age cycle also means “half of the main sine wave” that is generated within the path of sun around the Milky Way … This main sine wave is the one which denotes a divine age …
At middle time units of precession, this time span becomes …
12,000 x 2.16 million = 25,920 million human solar years …
Above time span was calculated in earlier topic of “Calculate Surya Samvatsara” … And the same time span was also referred in some other topics like those of “At end of Surya Samvatsara” in addition to another earlier topic of “Surya Samvatsara and Manu Smriti” and also the further topic which had the header of “Nitya Pralaya” and which itself is in addition to another earlier topic of “Astronomical age of universe” …
So basis above, it is clear that 12,000 years of Manusmriti are also related to Surya Samvatsara Chakra (or Maha Kalpa Pralaya Chakra) …
Age of any single creator (Brahma Chakra) …
This number (i.e. 12,000) which is stated in Manusmriti, is also applicable to the age of any single creator (i.e. lifetime of any single Brahma) …
Lifetime of Brahma = 12,000 Surya Samvatsara (12,000 Mahakalpa Pralaya)
So basis above, lifetime of any single Brahma is as follows …
12,000 x 25,920 million = 311,040,000 million human solar years … or 311.040 trillion human solar years (as per middle time units) …
122-CC … Acceptance of Manu Smriti across systems …
Even those lore’s which reject Manusmriti, actually relate to Manusmriti only … And this is what we shall be discussing here …
- Buddhist Lore … Present day Buddhists reject Manusmriti completely and yet they relate to Manusmriti itself when they say that a Buddha can only be born either in a Kshatriya or Brahmin lineage, both of which relate to the same Varnashram Parampara as is told in Manu Smriti … This is one of the many dualities within present day Buddhist lore and this is even then the Gurudeva of my previous incarnation (Gautama Buddha) never related to suchness of dual-natures …
- Secular Hinduism, Sikhism and Jainism … Both relate to Varnashram and Gotra Vyavastha, but over time they have deviated from the traditional Vedic system (of Manusmriti) and have begun relating to an alternate system which also is a deviated part of Manusmriti only …
- Judaism, Christianity and Islam … These systems also have their own classes of men, which are related to an alternate system and which is also derived from traditional systems of Manusmriti itself …
- Modern ways of life … In modern ways of life also, the same Varnashrama is very clearly seen because they also hold four primary classes of men and which itself are the same as Varnashram of Vedas …
- Thus there really is no system or way of life or science which is totally free of principles Manusmriti and even when these systems state that they do not relate to Manusmriti, yet when we study their four primary classes of men, then their ways of life are still “indirectly related” to Manusmriti only … Here I have written the phrase “indirectly related”, because they have made their own alternate systems basis the “original traditional one (i.e. that which is based upon Vedic Parampara)” and which itself is of Manusmriti …
122-DD … Final note …
Thus, even when the Manu Maharaaj has only states one single value of 12,000 in his Manusmriti, but this number is applicable to human age cycles, divine age cycles and also to solar age cycles …
But there is a difference in these age cycles and this difference is as follows …
- Within human age cycles, human solar years are to be considered …
- Within the divine age cycles, divine years are applicable …
- Within the solar age cycles, Surya Samvatsara is to be considered …
But because the foundation of any of human or divine or solar ages are just the same, so Manu being the master of all masters of his time, only gave one value of 12,000 years …
Proceeding further …
This knowledge was taught by Swayambhu Manu to one of his disciples (student), who later on came to be known as Maharishi Ganit … The word Ganit means “divine mathematics” …
This name was given to him as he was the seer of supreme or divine mathematical sciences and was also the seer of divine ways of life including being the bearer of all divine weapons of the four primary dimensions …
Above discussed student of Swayambhu Manu (i.e. Maharishi Ganit) was also one who in his later incarnation became one of the 60,000 “mind activated yet womb born sons (i.e. Manas Putra)” of Kratu Rishi … Swayambhu Manu Maharaaj also happened to be his Knowledge-grandfather (Gyan Pitamah) … I was that student of Swayambhu Manu …
Knowledge that was distributed by Manu Maharaaj is the one which at a later stage of time came to be addressed as Manusmriti …
Since this was the original knowledge, so Manusmriti is also the base or root knowledge system of not only Vedic lore, but also of many other ancient paths of Dharma (or in other words, paths of Sanatan Dharma) …
By Sanatan Dharma, I mean both Sanatan Nigam Arya Dharma (primary and root path of Dharma or path of Vedas) and Sanatan Agama Arya Dharma (Path of Vedic Yogic Lore) … Both these are progenitors of all other paths across human history …
Continues …