In this short topic, we shall be discussing the reason for differences of time spans and values that were told by ancient Vedic sages to other values as are of later systems, including modern ones … And this is even when all these values actually are related to the same aspects and thus all are correct …
This topic continues from the previous one of “Calculating Brahma Varsha” …
123-AA … Base of all Vedic values …
Vedic time calculations are based upon middle values of the Precessional cycle …
Thus starting from Swayambhu Manu, all Vedic sages have always utilized those unitary value of time which are of the middle of Precessional cycle i.e. in-between two human golden ages (Manav Satyuga or Manav Kritayuga) …
When the Manav Satyuga runs within (or during) the longer time span of a divine degenerate age, then that Manav Satyuga is the Guru Yuga (which in English language, can also be called as an Age of Sages) …
123-BB … Base of modern scientific values …
Various methods that are utilized to derive modern scientific values have used variable time units, such as the ones described below …
- Methods of utilizing cosmic ladder … If this method is used, then the base of calculations is of currently applicable time units of precession of equinoxes …
- Methods of utilizing the start point of present astronomical age of universe … If this method is used, then it uses middle time units of Earth’s axial precession …
As also, we had discussed in an earlier topic that there are some limitations on use of instruments (This topic was named as “Limitations of Mahayantra’s”) …
These errors are always there as there can never be any instrument which is totally free of errors due to cosmic, environmental and other causes … We have already discussed this in some earlier topics …
Thus to derive exactly correct values by utilizing gross (physical) scientific instruments is an utter impossibility … And this statement is irrespective of what anybody may interpret …
123-CC … Reason for utilization of middle time units by Vedic sages …
Unless we consider a standard “unitary value of time” for all our calculations and that to across all of the triple times, anything that we would be calculating at different stages of time, would be having different values …
This is because at different stages of progress of precession cycles, different Unitary value of time would apply and this would lead to all sorts of differences in the finally calculated (or observed) values in relation to values used by other methods (which relate to other time units of precession circle) …
As also, since time itself is the primordial dimension of Maker’s Makings, so if time units only change, then all other values would also be changed … And in such a case, the harmony of results across triple times would never be arrived at …
Therefore, to resolve this problem, Vedic sages used middle time units in all their Vedic calculation …
However, as the currently underway degenerate age progressed and then barbarian systems (individualistic systems of egoistic Gods) came by and then these barbarian systems also gained strength as per the call of that earlier cycle of time, they kept destroying institutions of Vedic learning and also the holders of that knowledge …
And thus, over the last five odd millenniums, that knowledge which was accounting for variations time units (which I have used in this topic of Kaalchakra) slowly and steadily vanished from this world … Thus a stage eventually came where all knowledge holders of changes of unitary value of time, went missing …
This became the reason for the current state where even the so called masters of Vedic knowledge don’t know this discussed fact …
Proceeding further …
But because the Vedic sages had utilized middle time units, so the lost knowledge and values can always be revived whenever the time cycle is favorable for that lost knowledge to re-manifest within this world …
Thus this text …
123-DD … All modern values are changeful …
As a matter of fact, if modern scientific systems have not used middle time units of axial precession of Earth’s axis(or they have not used the time of start of the current astronomical age of the universe), then during coming times all modern scientific values shall be found to be changeful …
So would be the constants of all modern scientific streams … Irrespective of what anyone may believe about this statement, it would be found to be true during future times when science advances to a state from where it can know whatever is told here …
And when above actually happens and also gets accepted, then modern scientists of those times would only end up saluting Vedic sages for the method that they have used in all their calculations (including the use of middle time units of precession of equinoxes) …
Continues …