In this topic we calculate time span of Mayan Calendar of Maya civilization and discuss reason for Mayan Sages to close their calendar on winter solstice of 2012 AD … This topic also is as my salute to Maa Mahamaya (great illusion or great divinity of creator) …
This topic continues from previous one “Sri Krishna’s word to Maa Ganga” …
128-AA … Mayan calendar, Maa Mahamaya and Maya Danava of Vedic lore …
Mayan culture was established on the opposite side of the globe by a Danava called “Mai (i.e. Mai Danava or Maya Danava)” … Danava means “Great Man amongst men” as it is an evolutionary attainment …
He was named Maya (or Mai) as he had the ability to see the reality which was beyond the “great illusion or Maa Mahamaya of creator (i.e. the Multi-universe or Maker’s Makings)” …
He had Siddhi of Maya (accomplishment of Maa Mahamaya) and thus he held the or Siddha body (which literally means as the “accomplishment vehicle” and the same can also be called as a Siddha Sharira) which directly relates to the of Avyakta Prakriti (or in other words, the Maya Shakti of Brahma) … This Siddha body was discussed in an earlier topic of Light pink body, where we had also called this Siddha body as Avyakta Sharira) …
Maya is the divinity of “Pitamah Brahma Ji (grandfather and creator of allness and her each part)” …
In Samkhya, Maya is addressed as Prakriti … And in the Vedic lore, the same Maya Shakti is also addressed as Avyakta, in addition to being addressed as Avyakta Prakriti and Avyakta Prana … As also, within the Buddhist lore’s, the same Avyakta is called as Tusita Loka …
Maya is that divinity (Shakti or energy or divine power) of Maker by whose assistance the Maker’s Makings were originated …
The word Avyakta means “neither manifest, nor non manifest” … Avyakta is neither manifested nor non-manifested within in this part of the Maker’s Makings, as it is a state which is much-beyond this multi-universe (as a matter of fact, the existence of multiple universes or simply the Multiverse as some people talk about, is a reality)” …
Even when Maya (Avyakta) is absent within the Maker’s Makings, she is the principal divinity of the “pristine abode of Maker (which within the Vedic lore, is also named as Brahmaloka) … Brahmaloka is also the same as what we had discussed as Sadyojata face of Sadashiva” …
Once Maa Mahamaya had been utilized in Makings of Maker, then the Maker withdrew her back to IT’s own pristine abode of creator (i.e. Brahmaloka or Sadyojata face of Shiva) and after this stage, she (i.e. Maya) rests in an area which is adjacent to abode of creator (or Brahmaloka) …
As also, when any aspirant evolves to a certain higher state of evolution, then that same Avyakta Prakriti which is not present in the universe, self-manifests a portion of herself and becomes the energy (or divinity) of that aspirants “Swadhisthan Chakra (i.e. the six petalled sex plexus which is located near the area where we wear a waist belt)” …
And after above stage, the same Maya Shakti also enters into the aspirants “Vyana Prana … Vyana Prana is that vital air or Prana which envelopes the physical vehicle and it is an outwardly moving one)” …
Thus, it is at this stage that the Avyakta (or Maya) becomes associated to the vital air sheath (which in Sanskrit texts is also named as the Pranamaye Kosha, which in Sanskrit is also pronounced as Pranamaya Kosha) of an aspirant …
After this stage the aspirant self realizes the earlier topics of “The being in heart of Brahma” and then is the self realization of another earlier discussed topic of “The being in eye is Brahma” …
And then is the path of transit through “Shiva Taraka Naad (which is also named as the liberating Mantra of Shiva or Shiva Taraka Mantra) and whose sound is of Raam (i.e. its sound is of Raam Naad)” … And after this stage is the path of transit through the earlier discussed set of topics on “Ashtama Chakra” … It is only after this stage that the aspirant enters into the stage of accomplishment of “Avyakta Sharira (or in other words, the accomplishment of the Light pink body)”, but this is only after the realization of another earlier topic of “The being in head is Brahma” …
At above stage, Avyakta Sharira also denotes “Maya Siddhi (accomplishment of Maa Mahamaya)” … During human history, this Siddha body has been held by many sages of Vedas and during recent history, it has also been held by a few Buddhist sages …
Above was the accomplishment of Maya Danava who is being discussed here …
Proceeding further …
Danava means a “man of giant macrocosmic standing” or in other words, it denotes that aspirant who has reached “very highly evolved status within the divinities of macrocosmic hierarchy” … Maya Danava used to follow the Vedic ways of life …
During those long gone and past times, Maya Danava had left Bharat (Indian mainland) and had travelled to the opposite side of the globe i.e. Americas …
There he installed Vedic ways and one clan of the people of that land to whom he had taught those Vedic ways, came to be known by his name only and so was their civilization also named after Maya Danava itself … As of now these people are addressed as Mayans and their civilization as the Maya civilization …
But Maya Danava had also travelled across the North and South American mountains and deserts, so as to install his culture (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) which itself was a way of life that rested in pluralistic monism i.e. many paths to the same divine being or in other words “All roads lead to the same home” …
Proceeding further …
In some South American lands where Maya Danava had installed his ways of life which itself were of Veda Parampara (and in addition to this, these ways were also related to the Vedic Sampradaya), due to his attainments and self illuminating knowledge (i.e. knowledge which leads to an inner illumination or self-realization) he also came to be addressed by names as written below …
The luminous one, eternally-luminous being, one who illumines through macro-equanimity (or in other words, one who illumines by making an aspirant enter into the path of equanimity towards allness and her each part, which can also be called as the path which is rooted in and thus is related to the Sanskrit word of Sarva Samta) and as the homo-luminous one (i.e. one within whom all luminosities of all divinities are self-existent by virtue of his or her evolutionary status within the macrocosmic hierarchies) …
Proceeding further …
All these civilizations are his civilizations and their ways are still based upon unity of final truth, even when they remain vastly pluralistic within their approaches …
Thus, these civilizations are still rooted within the same Pluralistic Monism, whose paths were originally installed by Maya Danava many hundred thousand years ago from the time when I write this text …
In a much earlier transmigrated incarnation (i.e. entry into a human body through the path of transmigration of soul which in Sanskrit language is also called as the path of Parkaya Pravesh), I was that Maya Danava who is being discussed here …
And due to this reason, I can vouch on the fact that this calculation of Mayan Calendar is also rooted in Vedic ways only i.e. it is rooted in Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma …
And I also feel very proud that Mayan Sages kept that knowledge in a pretty good shape and for a pretty long time after it was initially installed in their lands and this was even when Mayan’s had to go through all sorts of problems during the last few centuries …
I also salute the aspirants of these lands who continued within my installed ways of life, even when destiny was hammering them from all angles, from every possible side and in every possible way of their life …
128-BB … Ancient and recent civilizations …
After the great grandmother of all philosophies (who itself is the same as the eternal way of life or Dharma) went into a cyclic sleep of about nine millenniums (around 6990 BC, +/- 1 to 2.7 years), degeneration had started due to advent of individualism (monotheism) …
And since individualism always leads to chaos, so after sleep of the great grandmother on/around (around 6990 BC, +/- 1 to 2.7 years) a cyclic state of chaos is what came by, to the inhabitants of this world …
All these later systems were individualistic and thus were related to one or another egoistic entity (individualistic entity) whom they termed as their God and that greater entities plane, as their heaven …
Unlike these recent self-serving, individualistic, egoistic and thus barbarian civilizations that came during the last few millenniums, all ancient civilizations were based upon the intrinsically pluralistic yet essentially-monist ways of life of Maker’s Makings …
All these ancient civilizations had entered this world, from one of the stars (constellations) … By this I mean, that the forefathers of all these civilizations related to one of the constellations … And they all knew their own constellation and stars from where they had originally come to this planet (I mean this planet Earth) …
Due to being rooted in the systems of their timeless ancestors, they also had their roots intact within their original planes … This itself gave them all the knowledge that they wanted to know, so as to survive on this planet …
Same has been my case even within the current transmigrated incarnation … The lineage of the family into which I have entered through the process of transmigration (which in Sanskrit language is also called as Parkaya Pravesh) is also the same as the ancient lineage to which I have always related during this entire Brahma Kalpa … Transmigrated incarnation means an incarnation that is arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth …
That lineage is of a star of the Sapt-Rishi-Mandal (Ursa Major) and this star is known as Dubhe (in Sanskrit “Kratu”) whose Rishi (Sage or Keeper of knowledge) is Brahmarishi Kratu …
Just as I hold the lineage of Brahmarishi Kratu (of Swayambhu Manvantara which had started around about 1.96+ billion human solar years ago) so is the ancient lineage of the family in which I have entered by adopting the path of transmigration of soul …
Ultimately, all those who continue to hold the ancient roots of their lineages are always reborn in their own ancient timeless lineage, which itself is as per their own Gotra Pita (Father of the entire lineage) and his plane (i.e. star of a specific constellation) …
My original lineage relates to the star Dubhe (Kratu) of the great bear constellation (Ursa Major or Sapt Rishi Mandal) and so is the lineage of the family into whose child I have been transmigrated this time around … And due to this reason, Brahmarishi Kratu, still is my Gotra Pita (the Father of my Gotra) …
In one way of another, this system of seven Gotra (clans) was followed by all ancient civilizations, including the Native Americans and this is why they all relate to one or another star, of one or another constellation …
Mayan civilization is no different from whatever is discussed above …
Proceeding further …
There is a law that Vedic sages used to follow and this is that “anyone is free to use an earlier knowledge, but provided a reference is made to the Sage and the text or the knowledge system, from where that knowledge is derived” …
And if someone doesn’t remember the text or sage of reference, then Pancha Deva’s (five divinities) of Pancha Mukha Sadashiva can be referred in their statements because ultimately all knowledge is originated from these Panch Deva, who eventually belong to one of five faces of Sadashiva (who in Kashmiri Shaivism is also addressed as Panch Mukha Shiva and within the Panch Brahma Upanishad, he is also addressed as Panch Brahma) …
Not taking this reference leads to a Karmic debt … And this Karmic debt ultimately kills that civilization when the world is transiting the Offset-Nadir and/or the Nadir phases of precession …
So whenever a civilization gets conquered and/or extinguished, then the primary reason for this state is the Karmic debt that is referred here … And this Karmic debt ultimately relates to Pancha Mukha Sadashiva and Panch Deva only …
So one of the better of all ways to save a society from getting into degeneration, is to save it from Karmic debt that is referred here …
This Karmic debt has been the reason for destruction of many ancient societies and lands, during history of the last few millenniums … And the present day Mayan and other native civilizations of this planet were no exception …
Proceeding further …
This reference also prevents a lower (grosser) impression to form within the “Chitta (i.e. the orb of consciousness) which itself is an intrinsic part of the causal body of the aspirant … The causal body is also called as the “Bliss sheath (which in Sanskrit language means as the Anandmaye Kosha)” and in some Vedic scriptures, it is also termed as the :four fold inner subtle tool (i.e. (Antahkarana Chatushtaya)” …
This reference also prevents an entry into lower states of existence or getting into lowly systems or lowly ways of life, at any future time span …
Plus, referring to the system or text or its sage (or sages) who gave that knowledge also leads to a higher accumulated merit during the time when that aspirant would be distributing that knowledge to others …
Proceeding further …
Basis my travels to lands of ancient civilizations of Americas (North and South America), I know that above was the primary subtle fault which led to their almost-collapse during recent history …
But even when above collapse happened, yet because all these civilizations are offshoots of Sanatan Dharma (eternal way of life) only … Thus, due to their root not even belonging to this part of universe, these roots are still intact and thus they can definitely be revived …
Because Guru Yuga is the age of ancient ways of life which relate to pluralism and simultaneously also relate to monism, so ultimately within the incoming Guru Yuga (Age of Sages), these ancient civilizations would be the ones whose ways of life would become primary within their respective lands …
128-CC … Strange experience … Base of mathematical derivations of this topic …
About one and half decades ago, one day when I asked a Tibetan vendor for a vegetarian Momo, he told me he did not have it … Only non-vegetarian available, he told me …
Then he called me a Mayan …
I thought he knew one of my ancient lineages (I also thought that probably he is a perfect clairvoyant) so to indirectly-confirm this fact, I asked him, the reason for his statement …
And to my surprise, he said, “you are bang-opposite to Tibetans in your eating habits, just as Mayan lands are placed exactly opposite to the land of Tibet” …
And then he continued, “What they call as sun, we call as moon and what they call as moon, we call as sun” …
See totally opposite, he told me, just as you are in your eating habits …
Since my doubts rested after hearing these words, so this conversation went in the background of my mind …
Proceeding further …
Then around 2012 AD, when Mayan calendar nonsense started on the internet, I thought it is about time to calculate and see the fact of what these internet people are talking …
Plus, due to my earlier relation to these native American lands, I knew that this calendar cannot be based upon anything, that is other than Vedic ways …
And then, to recall that ancient knowledge, I went inside one of those many-many caves of heart, so to ask my eternal guide (Sanatan Gurudeva) Sri Vishnu Tattva (i.e. the essential element of Sri Vishnu which is eternally present within the cave of heart of each aspirant) about the root of this knowledge of Native American calendar …
And sometime after this was when I calculated this topic …
128-DD … Regarding Mayan Calendar …
Mayans have a calendar of 5125 years and it ends on 2012 AD (21st December) … This means that their calendar started in 3114 BC …
The difference between 3114 BC of Mayans and 3102 BC of Hindus is of 12 years …
Deriving unitary value of time (i.e. time taken to traverse one degree precession arc) for 3114 BC …
Now we shall calculate the “unitary value of time (i.e. number of years that would be taken to traverse one degree precession arc)” for 3114 BC (i.e. start point of the Mayan calendar) …
As we had discussed in earlier topic of “Sri Krishna’s word to Maa Ganga”, in 1296 years (18 degrees arc of earth’s axial precession and that too, as per Nadir time units), the “Yearly change of precession” is 0.8 arc seconds …
So in 12 years, it would be as follows …
(0.8 x 12) / 1296 = 0.007407407 arc seconds …
In our earlier calculation (of “Sri Krishna’s word to Maa Ganga”) the years taken to traverse one degree precession of equinoxes (in 3102 BC) were calculated as 68.70229 years per degree precession …
And in that topic, we had also calculated the yearly change of precession for 3102 BC, as 52.4 arc seconds per year …
Since 3114 BC is before 3102 BC, so in 3114 BC above value would be as follows …
52.4 + 0.0074074 = 52.407407407 arc seconds per year …
Basis above stated “Yearly change of precession” and also the above stated value of “unitary value of time (which literally means as the applicable celestial time unit or time taken to traverse one degree precession arc)” for 3114 BC would be as follows …
1,296,000 / (52.407407407 x 360) = 24736.32 / 360 = 68.693 years per degree precession …
Comparing above derived unitary value of time with that of previous topic …
In earlier topic of “Sri Krishna’s word to Maa Ganga”), the stage of a final inauguration of Guru Yuga (or Age of sages, which itself is the same as what present day humanity termed as human golden age) was derived as 2082.74 AD … This was basis 5001st year of Kaliyuga Samvat …
Proceeding further …
- When we convert the date of stopping of Mayan Calendar to years, then it is as follows …
Winter solstice of 2012 AD … I.e. 21st December 2012 AD … i.e. 2012.97 AD …
Above date was chosen by Mayan sages (i.e. ones who gave the knowledge of this calendar) because this date was of closest winter solstice that was within one degree precession arc (or one unitary value of time) from the stage where the current human age cycle would be ending …
And it was due to this reason that Mayan Sages had stopped their calendar when the calendar had arrived at the closest “one degree precession” to the end of current human age cycle in 2081.74 AD (i.e. 5000th Kaliyuga year) …
Proceeding further …
Above fact is proved in below discussions / calculations …
The difference of date of stopping of Mayan calendar to 5000th year of Kaliyuga and 5001st year of Kaliyuga is calculated below and is as follows …
- For 5000th Kaliyuga year … 2081.74 – 2012.97 = 68.77 years pending …
- For 5001st Kaliyuga year … 2082.74 – 2012.97 = 69.77 years pending …
- And as per previous calculations, the “unitary value of time” that was applicable at the stage when Mayan Sages had made their calendar in 3114 BC was calculated as 68.69 years per degree precession …
So basis above …
- If we analyze the year after 5125th year of Mayan calendar, then we see that the “unitary value of time (of 68.69 years per degree precession)” of 3114 BC falls closer to 5000th years of Kaliyuga (i.e. year of end of present human age) …
- So, even when Mayan calendar was not directly based upon Vedic concept of 5000th year of Kaliyuga which we had discussed in the previous topic, yet they stopped their calendar basis the same Vedic concept of human age cycles only …
- And basis above, for 5000th Kaliyuga year, the date is as follows …
2081.74 AD – 68.69 years = 2013.05 AD …
Difference between end of Mayan age and closest winter solstice to 5000th Kaliyuga years …
This difference is as follows …
2013.05 AD – 2012.97 AD = 0.08 years (after 5000th Kaliyuga year is passed) …
Thus, just after the stage when Mayan calendar had reached a point of precession, which was closest to “One unitary value of time (time of one degree precession arc) to the later stage of end of the present human age cycle (i.e. 5000th Kaliyuga year) Mayan sages had closed their calendar …
Moreover it is also clear that Mayan Sages had stopped their calendar at that time when it was closest to winter solstice of the end of present human age cycle …
This is why the Mayan calendar was stopped at the winter solstice which was denoting the closest time for “one degree precession arc” remaining to the final-end of present human age cycle …
Why stop “one degree precession arc” prior end of an age …
Many ancient ways used to state that when “one degree precession arc” is all that remains to final-end of a cycle of time, then divinities of time (and thus divinities of calendars) don’t exist anymore i.e. at such times, these divinities of time are no longer beneficial …
This is because within one degree precession arc from end of an age cycle, is also the stage when the divinities of the outgoing and incoming age cycles meet each other in greater quantum …
Due to these meetings, there are collisions of divinities of the two age cycles that are changing …
These collisions of divinities starts when “one degree precession arc” is all that remains to final-change of an age cycle …
And because of these collisions and thus mixing-up of divinities of the two age cycles (which are changing), the times which follow after “one degree precession arc (i.e. one unitary value of time)” remains from the end-time of an age cycle, are also of uncertainty, confusion, fundamentalism, fanaticism, deviations from subtleties of ways of life and thus, this stage also denotes chaos due to absence of divinities of primordial dimension of time …
Proceeding further …
It was due to this reason that many ancient civilizations used to stop their calendars when they reached either the summer or winter solstice that was closest to their calculated end-time of an age …
Because the start of the Mayan Calendar was in 3114 BC, so at that time, the balance of 68.693 years (as was calculated above) to the end of present human age cycle was also denoting “one degree precession arc” remaining for end of present human age cycle or Manav Yuga (to which Mayan calendar relates) …
Thus, their sages must have thought, what divinity of calendar can they expect at such times and thus they closed their calendar at “one degree precession arc” from the closest winter solstice of the time that denoted change of current human age cycle (or Manav Yuga Chakra) …
Proceeding further …
The point of stopping a calendar was at closest “one degree precession arc” prior the change of a human age …
Ancient civilizations of “Lunar dynasties (i.e. Chandra Vanshi)” used to stop calendars at winter solstice as they related to “Krishna Paksha” and civilizations of “Solar dynasties (i.e. Surya Vanshi)” some used to stop at summer solstice as they related to “Shukla Paksha” … Mayans chose the winter solstice as they are of the Lunar dynasty …
And this itself was because ancient civilizations which were resting within intrinsically-pluralistic systems and were simultaneously resting in the essentially-monist systems, used to believe that “one degree precession arc” prior the actual shift of any human age cycle, is the stage of a final confluence of divinities of the outgoing and incoming, ages and ways of life of all civilizations of that planet …
And because it is the “time of confluence”, so it cannot have any calendar because at this time of confluence, the divinities of time have no fixed path … Thus conditions of the world can move on either side i.e. towards peace or even towards an expansive chaos …
As also, if latter stage (of chaos) arrives, then humanity always needs to relate to ways of life of the incoming age cycle … This is because ways of life of outgoing ages, would be the ones leading to that chaos and thus these ways of life (of outgoing age cycle) cannot even be utilized at such times …
As also, if divinities of macrocosmic creation see the latter aspect (of expansive chaos) as a probability, then these divinities always place their macrocosmic instrument so as to lay down the path of incoming human age cycle (or Manav Yuga Chakra) … The macrocosmic instrument of our times has already been discussed in an earlier topic “Sage from Maheshwara” …
Divinities of macrocosmic creation also ensure that humanity of that time of chaotic confluence of age cycles, is given the option to enter into ways of life of the incoming (i.e. next) human age and thus prevent a later harm …
Since the time of confluence has no fixed path and since the time itself is the primordial dimension of macrocosmic creation, so when this uncertainty arrives in time, then the other three primary dimensions (of space, directions or ways of life and state) also become erratic …
And at such a time, divine calendars and divinities of calendars are absent …
Even when the real (or complete) time-span of this confluence is much larger than what is apparent from Mayan Calendar, yet the stage of time when Mayan Sages had stopped their calendar, was actually the final stage of final confluence of ages as per concepts of “one unitary value of time” which in turn proves that Mayan Sages also had the knowledge of the actual duration of this confluence of human ages (which in Sanskrit language can also be called as Manav Yuga) …
Above facts also prove that Mayan Sages were knowing the actual year of end of the present human age cycle (2082 AD, as calculated in previous topic of Sri Krishna’s word to Maa Ganga) …
And finally …
When I come to think of it, then I also feel that other than the date which the Mayan Sages had chosen, no better date and year could have been possible …
Above also proves that the Mayan Sages knew that current human age is ending around 2082 AD and they they chose the winter solstice of 2012 AD as the last year and date for their calendar and for their present human age cycle …
Above also proves that ancient Mayan Sages were aware of precession of equinoxes (which in Sanskrit language can be termed as Agragaman in addition to being termed as Ahaata) and they also knew the human age cycles that run within the Precessional circle itself …
Above also proves that the root of their knowledge of human ages and Precessional circle was none other than based upon the knowledge of Vedic Kaalchakra itself …
Due to all above reasons, now I remain with no choice but to salute those Mayan Sages for preserving this knowledge on the other side of this planet (opposite side from India) …
And woe to those deviated humans and business organizations, who made the end time of an age cycle as their prime business and who were firing their self-serving guns, whilst using shoulders of innocent Mayans and their ancient calendar …
Proceeding further …
The incoming “Age of Sages” is those ways of life that rest in the phrase of “pluralistic yet monist” …
As also the incoming “Guru Yuga” has no place for individualism (monotheism) …
During the run up to Age of Sages, humanity would eventually remain with no choice but to let go of individualism and thence adopt those ways of life that rest within pluralistic monism …
And during this run up, the Mayan civilization and also other ancient ones, would also regain their rightfully deserved place within this world …
Continues …