Here we shall discuss the “Apocalypse of John” which states a phrase of “Time times and half a time” …
This topic continues from the previous one of “Mayan Calendar” …
129-AA … Apocalypse of John … Time times and half a time …
Daniel 7:25, Daniel 12:7 and book of revelations 12:14 (Apocalypse of John) speaks of Time times and half a time …
Note 1: The word “Apocalypse” does not mean a stage of total destruction or complete annihilation as some eccentric scholars have been stating since a while now … Apocalypse means “revealing that which has been kept hidden since long” …
Note 1 continues: Such a revealing is only related to three primary aspects of the eternal nature of Maker and IT’s own Makings … These three primary aspects are of knowledge, conscious and activity principles on which the entirety of macrocosmic creation and her each part (including Gods of religions) are eternally based …
Note 1 continues: Since the ways of life that relate to pristine nature of these three aspects are beneficial to all parts of macrocosmic speciology (including humanity), so what is told as an “Apocalypse of John” also does not relate to a total annihilation …
129-BB … Application of above …
- In its intermediary interpretations which relate to history of this world, this phrase relates to many things of the past and future times … But I don’t wish to get into aspects as my main focus is on what is discussed in the next bullet point …
- The final stage of application of above Biblical phrase denotes the end time of a human age cycle (end time of the current “human age of trinity or Manav Tretayuga”) … As far as this application of the discussed aspect of change of human ages is concerned, it had started in 1893 AD and it would continue until “around” 2082 AD …
Note 2: Do not misinterpret this as “end of times”, because I never wrote so … This world has been resting in the stated end-time since a while now …
- In another application of above Biblical phrase, it is also found to be relating to that stage of time, when only 7 years remain to entering into the middle part of the “latter half of Sandhikaal” of the currently ending “human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga)” … This latter half shall be arrived in 2028.74 AD and its effects shall start kicking in this world from 2021.74 AD i.e. seven years prior to 2028.74 AD … This time is stated as per Vedic Kaalchakra calculations and it has no relation to Zodiac or any other celestial aspect …
- And don’t be surprised if the shit begins hitting the ceiling around 2021.25 AD (as is calculated in 4th stage of 109-CC of another topic of Yuga Poorak and Yuga Sthapak) i.e. about six month prior to the above stated time of 2021.74 AD … But one thing is certain that by the time this topics time (or 2021.74 AD) arrives, the human inhabitants of this world would already be having a subtle feeling that they are living in times of change of a cycle of time (i.e. a human age cycle) …
Note 3: The time from 2021 AD until almost the end part of 2028 AD would see most of prophetic tribulations that many Biblical scholars talk about … Even when I have told the approximate time span of application of this prophecy, but I shall not be discussing this in much detail because it is only a minor aspect of its application …
Note 4: As a matter of fact “The Maker had made cure prior the dis-ease had even manifested during the long drawn process of origination and sustenance of the Maker’s Makings” … Thus, there also are ways prevent manifestation of fuller nature of severities of tribulation …
Note 4 continues: But since I know that present degenerate state of majority of humanity would never agree to what can be done to prevent these severities, so I also feel it’s better to keep my trap shut and let humanity face it as per their individual and collective destiny …
Note 4 continues: Due to the “universal nature of cosmic laws” if anyone cannot use the cure on entire speciology (including humanity) then that aspirant also cannot use it for himself (or herself) … This is the sad part, especially when cure is known and yet it can’t be used …
129-CC … Calculating value of “Time” as is written in above phrase …
This prophecy relates to human age cycles (which in Sanskrit language can also be called as Manav Yuga Chakra) and thus Offset-Nadir point shall have to be used here …
We had discussed in an earlier topic of “Breakup of ages at Zenith and Nadir” that after Offset-Nadir point (of 786 AD) was crossed over, then “1 unit” of time of the “human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga)” within which the Offset-Nadir point is present, was entered by this world …
Moreover, in that earlier topic, this “1 unit” of time after Nadir point was calculated as 1,296 human solar years (as per currently applicable of Nadir point and its time units) …
Proceeding further …
In other earlier topic of “Breakup of divine ages” and also in another earlier topic of “Breakup of human age cycles”, we had discussed the method of breakup of any time cycle as follows …
10% (Setting in time) + 100% (Set time) + 10% (Exit time)
Applying above method to 1,296 years, we get the values as follows …
108 (Setting in time) + 1080 (Set time) + 108 (Exit time)
Since we are discussing the final state of end of present human age, so in all below calculations “108 years of Exit time” would have to be considered …
And this period of 108 years is also the “last phase of end stage of Sandhikaal” of the presently underway “human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga)” as was discussed in many earlier topics …
Proceeding further …
Since each each cycle of time always has “Pada Chatushtaya (i.e. four steps or four parts)” so if we derive four parts of above time, then they are as follows …
108 / 4 = 27 human solar years (as per currently applicable nadir time units precession of equinoxes)
Note 5: 27 years is also the time span of one human generation at Nadir phase of earth’s axial precession …
Note 5 continues: Above time of 27 years becomes as “25 years (27 / 1.08 = 25)” at middle phase of precession … Jewish lore states this time of 25 years as that of “one human generation” because they also follow the system of middle time units which originally were laid down by the much-much earlier knowledge systems of Vedic sages …
Proceeding further …
Since Nadir time units are applicable at the time span of our present calculations so we shall be using 27 years in all below calculations because this is the value of “Time” that is applicable to the discussed prophecy from the “Apocalypse of John” …
129-DD … Six stages of Time times and half a time …
Basis above discussions, as far as above prophecy stands for the end times of the current “human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga)”, following is a matter of fact … Do note that I did not write “end of time” here, so please do not misinterpret …
- The word “Time” denotes 27 years …
- So, the word “Times” would be denoting 27 x 2 = 54 years …
- And the word “Half Time” would be denoting 27 / 2 = 13.5 years …
And as far as above prophecy stands, because it denotes the closing of loop of time of a human age cycle, so it would also be having six steps (or six stages) as stated below …
Time – Times – Half Time
And then the next stage of …
Half Time – Times – Time
Basis our earlier calculated value of “time”, above only becomes as follows …
27– 54– 13.5 years
And then the next stage of …
13.5– 54 – 27 years
And if we add each of these half stages, then it becomes as follows …
27 + 54 + 13.5 years = 94.5 years …
And since there are two stages of this time span, so the total time of above six stages would be as follows …
94.5 x 2 = 189 years …
Now we would move ahead to discuss each of these stages of time …
129-EE … Calculating two main stages of above prophecy …
Since from discussions of the earlier topic of “Sri Krishna’s word to Maa Ganga” and also from discussions of another earlier topic of “Mayan calendar”, we already know that the next “Manav Satyuga (i.e. the human golden age or Guru Yuga or Age of sages) would be inaugurated on/around 2082.74 AD due to ending of the earlier human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga), so 2082.74 AD is the year which we shall be using as a base for below calculations …
This is because this prophecy primarily relates to the change of the present human age itself …
129-EE-1 … Considering total time of 189 years …
This calculation becomes as follows …
2082.74 AD – 189 years = 1893.74 AD (+/- 1 top 2.7 years) …
Note 6: The year “2082.74 AD” is directly taken from calculations in an earlier topic of “Sri Krishna’s word to Maa Ganga” …
Note 7: Above year of 1893.74 AD translates to “about” the time of sunrise of morning of 27th September 1893 AD … This was the date of completion of first parliament of world religions …
Note 7 continues: But when comparing this calculation with the start date of first parliament of world religions on 11th September of 1893 AD, then it also seems like the present Gregorian calendar (and/or the parent calendar of present Gregorian calendar) which I have used in this calculation, has been adjusted in history … This adjustment is of about 15 days …
Note 7 continue: But at the same time because my calculations have also not utilized some undeclared principles (as I fear humanity of today would misuse them) so this calculated value of 1893.74 AD is also incorrect by a range of almost “a few months” …
Note 7 continues: And at the same time, because my own observed value of the “yearly change of precession” of 50.28 arc seconds (that has been used as a base in all calculations of this knowledge of Kaalchakra) is not fully accurate, so as of 2012 AD, the two errors of our discussion “almost balance each other” … I have already checked above stated fact through exact calculations of this science of Kaalchakra, whose methods are not discussed in this text …
Note 7 continues: Due to this balancing out, error due to some adjustments of Gregorian and its parent calendar remain “almost” the same as stated above …
Note 8: In all my calculations, I have not considered what modern methods do between 1 BC and 1 AD … This is because I don’t believe in this nonsense as time is not related to manmade fantasies of dates or years …
Note 8 continues: At Nadir, the time slows down slightly, so it leads to stagnation and thus there is always a chaos at Nadir phase … On the contrary, at Zenith, time speeds up and this leads to vast quantum of subtleties to get manifested …
Note 8 continues: Since time is a self balancing entity, so there is no need to get into adjustments of 1 BC and 1 AD and this is even when these adjustments may seem right from a limited, logical and restricted point of view of just these two years … But when we consider the entire precession of equinoxes (which in Sanskrit language is termed as Agragaman Chakra and this itself is in addition to being called as Ahaata) then there really is no need to make any adjustment …
Resuming again …
Above time was the stage of inauguration of this prophecy within this world …
It was due to the effects of this prophecy, that first parliament of world religions was convened at Chicago, USA on/around September of 1893 AD (close to 1893.74 AD of Gregorian calendar) …
Thus within this world, time of effect of this prophecy commenced when the first parliament of world religions was held in Chicago (September of 1893 AD) …
This was also the stage when individualism entered into its initial movement towards pluralistic monist systems that would be as primary ways of life during the incoming human age of truth (i.e. Age of Sages or Guru Yuga) …
129-EE-2 … Considering half of above stated total time i.e. 94.5 years …
2082.74 AD – 94.5 years = 1988.24 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
1988.24 AD was stage of completion of the first half of this prophecy …
Since after the first half is crossed over, chaos also expands, so this is what led to manifestation of fundamentalist, fanatic and chaotic ways of the end time systems … Here also, I did not write down end of time, so please do not misinterpret …
This was the stage of birth of religious terrorism, like advent of Al-Qaeda …
Fundamentalist, fanatic and thus chaotic way came by as soon as first half period of prophecy (of Apocalypse of John) was crossed over …
This chaos was arrived because most of those hidden degenerate forces which had been controlling the divine degenerate age cycle since the last few millenniums (after 3102 BC) had begun realizing that chaos needs to be caused now or else it would be too late to save them from an incoming end time …
After this stage of “half of total time span of prophecy of Apocalypse of John (i.e. first-half which relates to “Time times and half a time”) was passed, then was stage of next half (of “Half a time times and Time”) as was discussed earlier on …
Proceeding further …
Thus after 1988.24 AD was crossed over, was started the latter half of this prophecy that was to lead to a stage of destruction of all individualism through individualism itself …
Note 9: Divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga) is an age of individualism … An age of individualism does not need any Avatar because individualistic systems are self-destructive and this is even then they portray themselves to be constructive … Thus, an Avatar only comes at the end of divine degenerate age so as to inaugurate the incoming divine golden age cycle (Deva Satyuga) …
As the individualism keeps getting more and more chaotic prior it self-destructs itself, there is also a simultaneous resurfacing of Pluralistic Monism, which itself is the way of life of the incoming human age of truth (Manav Satyuga or Age of sages or Guru Yuga) …
So, as the discussed stage of time arrived, religious terrorism (which related to a very hardcore form of fundamentalist individualism) surfaced out … And simultaneously, secular anti-terrorism was also manifested …
Since both these are eventually denoting deviations from pluralistic yet monist ways of life of the incoming Guru Yuga, so both shall eventually be leading each other to their “end of times (I did not write end time here, so please do not misinterpret)” …
And by the time 2082.74 AD (i.e. stage of inauguration of human golden age or Age of Sages or Guru Yuga) arrives, individualism would already be “close to” becoming history and forgotten by humanity …
Since individualism (monotheism) always comes in and goes out with a bang, so this bang shall also be experienced by humanity and that too, prior to the change of present human age of trinity to the incoming age of sages …
129-FF … Calculating six stages of above prophecy …
Here we shall consider the two halves of this prophecy that were discussed as follows …
- Time times and half a time … And then the next stage of …
- Half a time times and time …
129-FF-1 … Considering first half of “Time times and half a time” …
- 1st stage after start point of this prophecy in 1893 AD …
This was when the first word “Time” of first half of this prophecy (of Time times and half a time) had elapsed …
This stage was as follows …
1893.74 AD + 27 years (i.e. Time) = 1920.74 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
This was the stage of the third amongst four diseases of Sandhikaal of the presently ending human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) …
- Next stage after 1920.74 AD …
This was the stage of “Times” as stated in above prophecy …
The applicable year of this part was as follows …
2 x 27 years = 54 years after 1920.74 AD …
1920.74 AD + 54 years = 1974.74 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
This was the stage when a person who was to prepare an appropriate physical vehicle for later advent of Sage from Maheshwara would have been born in this world …
And we had discussed in an earlier topic, that, the Sage of Maheshwara would have already entered this world by adopting the path of transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit language is also called as Parkaya Pravesh) during the time range of 1974.74 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years and a further 7 years) … Thus, as of now this Sage from Tatpurusha who has already arrived in this world and that too by adopting the path of Virgin Birth should already be living in this world …
- Next stage after 1974.74 AD …
This was the stage of “half a time” of above prophecy …
Time of this part of prophecy was as follows …
0.5 x 27 years = 13.5 years after 1974.74 AD …
1974.74 AD + 13.5 years = 1988.24 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
We have already discussed this stage above …
129-FF-2 … Considering second half of “Half a time times and time” …
- Next stage after 1988.24 AD …
This was the stage of commencement of “half a time” of above prophecy …
Time of this part of prophecy was as follows …
0.5 x 27 years = 13.5 years after 1988.24 AD …
1988.24 AD + 13.5 years = 2001.74 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
Remember 9/11 and war against terror (after 9/11)? …
Both 9/11 and anti-terrorism wars were parts of same prophecy of Apocalypse of John …
- Next stage after 2001.74 AD …
This relates to the word “Times” of above prophecy …
Stage of this part of prophecy would be as follows …
2 x 27 years = 54 years after 2001.24 AD …
2001.24 AD + 54 years = 2055.74 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
This would denote the last stage of existence of the degenerate (individualistic, dualistic and chaotic) systems within the present Precessional cycle …
Thus from 2001.74 AD until 2055.74 AD is the stage of chaos which shall be caused by individualism in one or another state, one or another form and at one or another place of this planet …
And as this phase of prophecy of “Apocalypse of John” would keep progressing towards its middle part (i.e. 2028.74 AD) the chaos would also keep increasing and ultimately enter into almost all ways and walks of life of humanity …
Above time span is also the stage of rise of Yuga Poorak and Yuga Sthapak about whom we have already discussed in an earlier topic …
Yoga Poorak shall complete his job in this phase and then the Yuga Sthapak shall continue from there onwards …
Yuga Poorak works on physical (gross) plane (and thus he is visible in the world) but Sthapak of Guru Yuga works on a subtle level (and thus he may or may not be visible to all) …
- Next stage after 2055.74 AD …
This was the stage of “Time” of above prophecy …
Time of this part of prophecy is …
1 x 27 years = 27 years after 2055.74 AD …
2055.74 AD + 27 years = 2082.74 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
This shall be the initial inauguration of “human golden age cycle (which in this text is also named as Guru Yuga or Age of Sages or Guru Yuga)” of the current cycle of precession of equinoxes …
Once inaugurated, Guru Yuga would last for “almost” 10 millenniums and its ways of life have been briefly discussed in earlier topic of “Systems of Guru Yuga” …
- Note application of Vedic Kaalchakra to Apocalypse of John …
This discussion is as per that knowledge of Kaalchakra, which I have intentionally not declared in this text …
This non-declaration is because I fear that the present day humanity, their societal, religious and political leaders would only use that undeclared knowledge to satisfy their lower individualistic ends …
As per that undeclared knowledge of Kaalchakra, this middle part has a time range of 2028 AD (+/- 7 years and a further +/- 1 to 2.7 years) … Closer to this middle part shall “mostly be” uncontrolled state (headless state of the world) …
1st phase before and after 2028.74 AD … 2028.74 AD, +/- 7 years … This phase shall be from 2021.74 AD till 2035.74 AD … But the time range of this shall be as was discussed earlier on in this topic … Within this phase shall be “seven years of tribulation” …
2nd phase … +/- 1 to 2.7 years from above paragraphs time range … In the start of this phase would be the fourth amongst diseases of Sandhikaal … Closer to +/- 1 to 2.7 years from 2028.74 AD and +/- 1 to 2.7 from latter phase of above paragraphs time range, shall be ………………………
Thus completes the discussion on that part of Apocalypse of John which relates to “change” of presently underway “human age of trinity (Manav Tretayuga) and inauguration of incoming human golden age cycle (Age of Sages or Guru Yuga or Manav Satyuga) …
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