In this topic, the cave of inertia (Guha Tamas) would be discussed just as it is within the cave that denotes the womb of ether of heart … And then the cave of elements would be discussed along with its relationship to cave of vital air sheath (Pranamaya Kosha) …
This topic continues from the previous one which had the header of “Cave of Mind … Manas Guha” … This is the twentieth part of this series of restricted topics on Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra …
Cave of Inertia … Guha Tamas …
The eternal guide said … “This cave is for realization of the macrocosmic attribute of inertia (Tamoguna) and additionally it leads to the further self realizations of the five macro-elements of Akasha Mahabhuta (or macro-elemental ether), Vayu Mahabhuta (macro-elemental air), Agni Mahabhuta (macro-elemental fire, which is also termed as Prakash Mahabhuta or macro-elemental light and is also called as Tejas Mahabhuta or macro-elemental luminous heat), Jalam Mahabhuta (macro-elemental water) and Bhu Mahabhuta (macro-elemental earth, which is also called as the Prithvi Mahabhuta)” …
The little student nodded in understanding …
The eternal guide continued … “This is the cave where the Shunya (or emptiness) is also self realized in each aspect … As also, while an aspirant exists within the macrocosmic matrix (or cyclic existence or begun macrocosm or Samsara), this is the cave of heart within which every other cave is realizable because everything that is a part of the macrocosmic nature (Mother nature) , is residing in the envelope of quality of inertia (Tamoguna) because without inertia, stability can never be maintained within the macrocosm and its each microcosm” …
Then the eternal guide further said … “This is the cave where any microcosm (i.e. every aspirant) has to reside prior that aspirant could self-realize Shunyata (or emptiness), thus in reality and contrary to what is currently believed due to the lower effects of the currently underway degenerate age cycle, inertia is not bad, but provided it is of the same afflictionless state (Vrittihina Awastha) as it is within its cave … After all those caves we have discussed till now have been cleansed, then only does the state of pure inertia arrive within this cave of inertia (Guha Tamas) and this is what would set the path towards detachment from all that ever is because afflictionless state of inertia (Vrittihina Awastha of Tamo Guna) is the one within which the begun part of Maker’s Makings was made to reside so as to ensure the stability of all that was begun within the Makers Makings … This also means, that, if all other caves are cleansed up, and then of that aspirant meditates on this cave of inertia, then there would also be a higher probability of accomplishment of absorption in emptiness (or Shunya Samadhi)” …
The eternal guide further told … “Afflictionless state of the three attributes (Triguna) is a path to the attributeless infinite absolute being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) because these three qualities (Triguna) are directly denoting the Absolute being … This is what was told by ancient sages as Guna Brahma … The aspirant who self realizes and thence attains to the innermost essence of the statement of Guna Brahma, is the ones who further attains to the stage of Gunatit Awastha (which is also told as a Gunatita Awastha or Gunateet Awastha) and thus during those extremely ancient and forgotten times, such an aspirant was also the one who used to be addressed as a Gunatma” …
The little student nodded in understanding …
The eternal guide further said … “As also if other caves are not cleansed prior the aspirant enters this cave of inertia (Guha Tamas), then the inertia shall get attached to by the aspirant and thus lower deeds could follow for a while, even when the aspirant is actually an evolved one (i.e. this state could also come by for higher evolved aspirants) … This is due to the fact, that, this cave is the most attaching cave if this all the other caves (or heart) are not cleansed prior the aspirant enters into this cave and also that, this cave is very attaching if the aspirant is not consciously detached whilst residing within this cave of inertia” …
The eternal guide continued further and told … “This Tamas (or inertia) is what we shall discuss in its two primary aspects … First as the doorway to realization of emptiness (or Shunya Tattva) and the second as a doorway of entering into grosser and thus individualistic flows and dynamism … The first is when the aspirant has managed to cleanse this cave of inertia and thus that inertia is already resting in its pristine state (i.e. afflictionless state or Vrittihina Awastha) and the second is when the situation is any otherwise … As also, this is the cave where the Zeroness of Infinity and Infinite state of Zero is also self realized … This is the the cave for self realization of intermediate states of emptiness … And this is also the cave of heart, which eventually un-seeds all future impressions within the consciousness, but only after the emptiness of meditative state (or Shunya Samadhi) is accomplished” …
The little student nodded in understanding …
Omnidirectional aspect of Inertia …
The eternal guide continued … “Within the cave of inertia is where the process of macrocosmic creation is self realized … Each cave merges with cave of inertia and as this is happening, the inertia which intrinsically is inert is also seen to be pervaded by the light of the caves which we have discussed earlier … The resultant of the lights of above caves strikes inertia and moves this inertia (makes it glow) … The sound of striking of light of other caves is first heard within the cave of inertia and when the light of quality of action (Rajoguna) strikes it and thence also balances it fully, then this is also the stage when ether (Akasha Mahabhoot) manifests out of it … The inertia begins to move with this striking of light and this is what leads to the initial manifestation of the dimension of direction (i.e. Ayaam of Disha) within the macrocosmic creation … As inertia gets lightened up, this inertia loses its inert status, but only to a certain extent and then it also begins to move in each direction and thus attains to its omnidirectional nature within the macrocosmic creation … Thus, irrespective of direction (or path of evolution) that anyone may adopt during their course of evolution, inertia is always present in these paths … As the deep blue color of inertia begins to spread in its omnidirectional state, it also spreads into ether (Akasha) which as such is the omnipresent one within the entirety of macrocosm” …
The eternal guide continued and told … “It is due to this omnipresence and omnidirectionality of inertia that manifests spontaneously and temporarily, that inertia gets present everywhere within the macrocosm … And it is within this inertia that everything is originated within the macrocosmic creation, everything is also made to reside within the envelope of inertia, because in any other state or quality (macrocosmic attribute) of anything was to reside, then stability can never be achieved of that begun state (microcosm)” …
The eternal guide continued telling … “Thus, since everything resides in inertia, so it was due to this reason, that the macrocosmic creation is also told as inertial (Tamoguni) in its begun state … But because the original origin of macrocosmic creation is from the ninth sphere, which in certain lore’s of this degenerate age cycle (Kaliyuga Chakra) is also termed as cloud nine and which in ancient Vedic lore is also addressed as Para Prakriti, who as such is none other than Adi Shakti in her formless state of being like a very white colored subtle cloud, so due to this reason, the Vedic sages had also told that in the root state of macrocosmic nature, she is none other than that of neutrality (equanimity or Samta), which itself is of ‘macrocosmic attribute of neutrality of wisdom (Sattvaguna)’ and thus these sages who had self realized this ninth sphere of Prakriti, which itself is the first sphere of mother nature as far as the origination of allness is concerned, had also told that ‘root of origination of allness and her each part (i.e. macrocosm and each microcosm)’ is Satvika and this was told because these sages had self realized the Ninth sphere of macrocosmic creation, which as such denotes the utter neutrality that was rested in by the macrocosm, so as to originate itself” …
The little student nodded in understanding …
Sound of inertia and cave of inertia …
The eternal guide said … “Due to this movement of inertia, the first vibration or sound of macrocosmic nature gets manifested … This is the ‘sound of allness’ of Makers Makings and this sound is heard as a very low humming sound of ‘HUM’ … This sound of Hum, is what came to be known as Brahmanaad (or sound of allness) and in Yoga Tantra, it also came to be addressed as the sound of Brahmari Pranayama … As this first sound of HUM manifests (i.e. as soon as Brahmanaad is manifested) the macrocosmic matrix is deemed to have begun its origination process” …
The eternal guide told further … “And when the consciousness, that relates to the Supreme being who itself is the omnipresent one, leads to a stage where Inertia know about its own existence, then the sound which is heard from inertia is of AHUM … This is ‘Ahum Naad (Sound of Ahum) which as such is denoting the afflictionless state of the sound of Inertia and thus is also denoting the afflictionless original state of Ahumkara (macrocosmic I’ness) … This ‘sound of Ahum (i.e. Aham Naad)’ relates to the blue colored, southward facing, Aghora face of Sadashiva, who in Agama lore’s is also the one that is addressed as the Aghora face of Shiva … This ‘sound of Aham’ denotes the macrocosmic I’ness (Ahamkara) and where that macrocosmic I’ness (or in other words, Ahumkara) is within its pristinely afflictionless state” …
Ahamkara and Abhimana …
The eternal guide further told … “Thus, since Ahum, which denotes the afflictionless state of macrocosmic I’ness (i.e. Vishuddha Ahamkara) is the original state of macrocosmic I’ness (Ahumkara), so any self realization of this ‘Sound of Ahum, is also denoting the attainment of Vishuddha Ahumkara by that aspirant … Vishuddha Ahamkara is also attained by regular practice of Brahmari Pranayama, and this is why Brahmari became a part of the vast lore’s of Yoga Tantra” …
Then the eternal guide said … “Afflictionless state of I’ness is directly referring to and thus is denoting the Absolute being (Parambrahma) i.e. Vishuddha Ahamkara is Parabrahman … And it is due to this reason, Yajurveda Mahavakya was told as ‘Aham Brahmasmi, which literally and in simple words means as means ‘I Am That’ … In this Vedic Mahavakya (i.e. a mega statement or a great statement) of Ahum Brahmasmi, which means as ‘I Am That’, the word ‘I’ refers to the innermost essence (Atman) and word ‘That’ refers to the essence of allness (Brahman) … Since Ahamkara is also denoting the aspirants intrinsic I’ness (Aham Bhava), so it can never be let go until the aspirant unites to Parabrahman and where this unity is also as being an Atman and not as a gross, subtle or divine body … The word Ahamkara, which means I’ness, does not denote Abhimana, which means ego … Abhimana is not correct for a Yogi, but Ahamkara is good as without I’ness present within an aspirant, nothing can ever be self realized and without self realizing the truth, liberation itself is an impossibility … Thus, a Yogi should strive to make his (or her) own Aham (I’ness) afflictionless (Vishuddha) and the path to this is by letting go of ego (Abhimana) … Abhimana, which means ego, is not good for a Yogi and thus Vedic sages had also warned not to get into systems that relate to Abhimani Devata (Egoistic Gods) … And on the contrary, when due to inward purificatory practices, the Ahamkara (I’ness) of a Yogi becomes afflictionless (i.e. Vishuddha or Vrittihina), then the same purified or afflictionless I’ness (Vishuddha Ahamkara) becomes as a direct path to self realization because of the fact, that, by itself, that Vishuddha Aham is denoting attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahman) … Once this Vishuddha Aham is attained by a Yogi, then that Yogi also knows the innermost meaning of the Vedic Mahavakya, that the self realized, all realized Vedic sages had termed as ‘Aham Brahmasmi, or in simple words, I Am That” …
The little student nodded in understanding and asked … “But this also means, that those teachers of today who say Ahamkara is bad and thus must let go, are not right in such statements” …
The eternal guide replied … “The self realized, all realized Vedic sages never indicated so and their own lifetimes were as proof of this fact … The Vedic sages only said to let go of Abhimana (afflicted and thus, self serving ego) … As a matter of fact, a Yogi should secretly hold his (or her) Ahamkara within himself (or herself) and thence keep purifying it silently and secretly, because what self realization can ever take place after letting go of one’s own Aham (I’ness), is anybody’s guess … And at the same time, the Yogi should let go of Abhimana (afflicted ego) because Abhimana is a very big hindrance in the path of self realization … Without Aham (I’ness) no self realization can ever take place and without direct cognition of one’s own innermost nature, what liberation can be attained is anybody’s guess … The Aham as told in Vedic Mahavakya of ‘Aham Brahmasmi’, denotes Vishuddha Aham (i.e. afflictionless state of a Yogi’s I’ness) and as a matter of fact, Vishuddha Aham, is none other than attributeless infinite being (Brahman) … And it was due to this reason, sages of Yajurveda had given this great statement (or Mahavakya) … As also, if this was not so, then the Mahavakya of Ahum Brahmasmi, would never have been told by those all knowing, self knowing Vedic sages of Yajurveda … Isn’t it?? …
The little student nodded in agreement and understanding …
Macrocosmic spread of Inertia and the sound of cave of Inertia …
Then the eternal guide further told … “But we left our main discussion, so now we would resume it, so as to compete this discussion on Inertia … This is the stage, when inertia becomes conscious of its existence as prior to this sound of Ahum, Inertia was not conscious of its existence, and this is even when Inertia actually is an eternal entity even in its inertial state … This sound spreads within all directions, covers great distances of the originating macrocosmic creation and it spreads like a blue colored lighted cloud across those dimensions which have formed … As this spreads, the deep blue color becomes the inertia which had been struck with the light of the above subtler caves, also becomes less dense as compared to its earlier state when it was purely inertial and thus was unmoving and concentrated” …
Study of self origination of macrocosm from cave of inertia … And ether …
Then the eternal guide continued telling further … As inertia moves, it is also having effects of macrocosmic attributes of action (Rajoguna) within it as action being subtler than inertia, pervades (or permeates) it … The red light of action (Rajo Guna) also keeps merging with the blue light of inertia (Tamo Guna) and in their perfectly balanced state, the purple colored ether keeps getting self-originated within the macrocosmic creation … As such ether is self-manifested from inertia itself … As the ether spreads to all the directions, states, then in due time span, the ether also arrives at a state which is much finer (less dense) than inertia from which it had self originated … Large clouds of blue color begin to self originate as this inertia travels and these clouds also have various lights within them, as is of the characteristic lights of caves we have discussed already … As also, as the pure white colored, very subtle macrocosmic attribute neutrality of wisdom (Sattva Guna) keeps pervading the action (as Sattvaguna or neutrality, is subtler than Rajoguna or action) which further pervades inertia (as action or Rajo Guna is subtler than Inertia or Tamoguna), then the same inertia also becomes brighter that its original inert dark blue state …. As more action sets in the self originating subtler macrocosm that is all that is at this state, the inertia also has a corresponding larger pervadement by wisdom, and thus there are lighter blue shades seen around the white light of wisdom and as the distance from the white light of wisdom becomes greater, the shades of blue become more darker within the self forming subtle macrocosm that is all that is at this stage of self origination of the macrocosmic creation” …
The little student nodded in understanding …
The eternal guide continued … “The mind which was originally formed so as to connect to the essences of all the parts of the self originating macrocosm is already there to keep them united to each other because the mind (Manas) itself is the better of mediums to effect a unity of all to all else … And thus this mind also pervades ether (Akasha Mahabhuta) and retains the same sound of Inertia, which as such is of Ahum Naad (Sound of Ahum) … Thus the mind sheath (Manomaya Kosha) of any aspirant is also having the same sound of Aham Naad because the mind sheath (Manomaye Kosha) is also an intrinsic partless part of the macrocosmic plane of mind … The corpus of all microcosmic minds, is the macrocosmic plane of mind” …
The eternal guide further told … “Due to the sound of Ahum, which itself is of inertia, and which itself is a part of the vast knowledge of ‘Naad Brahm (which means as, Sound of the Absolute and Sound is the Absolute)’, the mind which is also connected to Inertia, self realizes its own conscious state … This is because, sound also denotes the consciousness of allness and her each part due to the fact, that Sound itself is a self manifestation and thus is also denoting a self presence of the Absolute being, as sound … This self realization is what was told as ‘Aham Asmi (which means as I Am or I Exist)’ and which itself is the basis of a further self realization of a Vedic Mahavakya of Soham, which means ‘So Am I’ and which denotes the fact, that ‘As is Brahman, So is an Aspirant’ who has self realized the innermost essence of this discussion of ‘Aham Asmi’ … This self realization of ‘I Am (or I Exist or Ahum Asmi)’ is also a part of the same ‘sound of Ahum (or Ahum Naad)’ … No aspirant can self realize any higher aspect, if the prior consciousness that relates to ‘I Am (Ahum Asmi)’, is not there within the aspirant” …
The eternal guide continued further … “As the purple colored macro-elemental ether (Akash Mahabhoot) keeps self originating from the balanced self-union of the macrocosmic attributes of red colored action and the blue colored inertia, the universe also keeps expanding in size … This is the reason for expansion of universe after it self-originates and self expands to a state, after which it needs to reduce its size due to being more obese that what it can be at that stage of time … After the universe self originates, it keeps expanding until the end of lifetime of Brahma and when this end of lifetime of Brahma arrives, then that universe suddenly contracts and thence also dissolutes into the stage of Mahapralaya, where that same dissoluted universe with all its microcosm’s rests in the vast unfathomable state of Sriman Naaraayana … Within Sriman Naaraayana, that dissoluted universe with all its microcosm’s stays preserved, but only until that stage when the same universe again arrives at its ripeness and rightness to re-begin, exactly from where it had last dissoluted … And when that universe re-begins, then also re-begin all those microcosm’s who had still not attained to their final liberation (Kaivalya) and where this re-beginning of all microcosm’s is also exactly from that stage of evolution, when they had last left their evolutionary process during the previous stage of dissolution of the universe” …
Then the eternal guide said … “But during origination of a universe, eventually a stage arrives, where this balanced state of action and inertia is no longer there and this leads to stagnation of expansion of universe … And thence its ultimate contraction and finally a dissolution … And as ether (Akash Mahabhuta) spreads in the non lighted state of the unbegun macrocosm which was there prior to this stage of spread of ether, the unbegun macrocosm also lights up in a purple hue, of ether (Akash) … And through the same process, these caves of heart are also self manifested, because the process of self origination, self sustenance and self rejuvenation of macrocosm and microcosm are the same and this itself is due to universal nature of cosmic laws, which in their omnipresent applicability, neither differentiate between any two microcosm’s nor do they differentiate between any of the microcosm’s or even the macrocosm” …
The little student nodded in understanding …
Stabilizing of macrocosm …
Then the eternal guide said … “The the attribute of inertia (Tamo Guna) eventually arrives at a state where any more spread is not even possible for it (due to the inherent limitation of inertia) and thus it stabilizes the ether (Akash Mahabhuta) to its then spread out limits … However the light of action (Rajoguna) keeps striking this inertia and thus the inertia has no option but to let go of the five sub vital forces which are held inside it, within this ether, so as to keep itself (inertia) detached from each aspect of further spread … The extent of spread of inertia, is what limits the macrocosmic dimensional spread … The light of Prana’s keeps striking inertia and inertia keeps sending this excess of light of Prana’s to ether (Akash Mahabhoot) and eventually the macro-elemental ether (Akasha Mahabhuta) also gets full of those higher quantum of flows, that are projected and thus are manifested within it … This quantum eventually arrives higher than what is the capacity of ether to handle and still maintain its state of serenity or harmony to the macrocosm and microcosm, within which the ether also resides … Thus, this excess of light energy begin to converge together at specific points within the ether (Akasha) … And this concentrated state is what leads to origination of other macro-elements in an ever higher grossness, which has the sequence of air, fire, water and earth” …
The eternal guide then told … “Thus the originality of state of being as a sound, that was produced when inertia was struck, and where that sound rests in ether itself, could not be maintained within ether after a congestion of macrocosmic vitality (Prana’s or vital airs) within ether has already manifested … And to save itself from this congestion, the ether (Akasha Mahabhoot) which was originally self manifested from inertia, begins its enormous task of separating these Prana’s from one another, which eventually leads to origination of other grosser macro-elements of air, then fire, then water and then earth (Bhu Mahabhoot or Prithvi Mahabhoot) … And thus the origination of elements is only due to the effort to ensure a stability and balance within the ether and inertia … And the same also happens in the cave of ether and cave of inertia of heart, because there can never be two sets of macrocosmic laws, one set for the microcosm’s and the other set for the macrocosm itself … Unless the applicability of macrocosmic principles, process ands laws is universal, the unity of all parts of allness cannot ever be maintained and also that, the unity of all parts of allness to allness, would also not be possible to be maintained … And such a state of disunity, would only lead to endless chaos within the Makersmakings” …
The little student nodded in understanding …
Then the eternal guide said … “So, now we shall study the cave of elements” …
The cave of elements … Mahabhuta Guha or Mahabhoot Guha …
The eternal guide continued further and said … “Prana play a very important role in origination and spread of anything … And this could be thus told for the five macro-elements (Mahabhoot) and their relation to the five vital airs (Panch Prana) and five sub vital airs (or in other words, Panch Upa Prana) … This correlation is what we would be discussed here” …
Cave of ether within inertia and relation to Prana … Akasha Mahabhuta Guha …
The eternal guide told … “Now we shall discuss the macro-element of ether (Akasha) …
- The 5th vital air (Vyana Prana) along with the 5th sub vital air (or in other words, Dhananjaya Upa Prana) enters ether … Since the 5th vital air (Vyana Prana) is outwardly moving, so this condition also makes the ether spread outwards from inertia … Thus the macrocosm expands in size, which itself is due to expansion of ether out of inertia …
- Since ether comes under the effect of 5th vital air (Vyana), so it even spreads beyond everything that is originated and due to this reason, ether envelopes everything … This itself is the reason why Vedic sages had told, everything resides in ether (Akasha) i.e. Akasha envelopes everything … And this state of spread of ether across all states of macrocosm, itself leads to its finality of omnipresence … Since the omnipresence itself is of the Supreme being (Parambrahma), so this is why the statement of Akasha Brahma was told by Vedic sages …
- As ether spreads, it also becomes less concentrated and thus it also arrives at a lesser grossness (or higher subtlety) … And within its finality of omnipresence, ether also happens to be the subtler of all that is present in the Maker’s Makings … Since the subtler is also the pervader (permeator), so ether also permeates (pervades) everything … Thus, everything that has ever originated within the genius of Maker’s Makings, is pervaded by ether … This ether which is pervading a microcosm and thus is also present inside that microcosm, is what was told by Vedic sages as the Ghatakash (or in other words, ether in the earthen pot and where that earthen pot itself is the microcosm or aspirant) …
- Because ether eventually becomes omnipresent due to ether enveloping and also pervading allness and her each part (i.e. the entire macrocosm and each microcosm), so some later systems of this degenerate age cycle, have not agreed to ether being a mere element … Thus, such knowledge systems only state four elements (or air, fire or light or luminosity of heat, water and earth) instead of the five elements that were told by self realized, all realized Vedic sages who had directly cognized the fact of ether also being a macro-element only …
- From ether are originated the other four macro-elements and whose sequences of origination are as follows … Air, fire (or light or luminous heat), water and earth (Bhu or Prithvi) … Thus, air is subtler than fire, which is subtler than water and which itself is subtler than earth …
- Since the subtler is also the pervader of the grosser, so within fire is residing the air, within water is residing fire, within earth element resides water element … Thus, if there is a tsunami, then fire which directly pervades water, gets supercharged and thus bodies of persons who were killed due to that tsunami ‘can also have’ burnt skin and same is applicable for all other tragedies that relate to these five elements …
- During origination of of macrocosm, when ether has excess of Prana already within it and where this excess is beyond the instantaneous handling capability of ether (handling capacity is as far as ether’s ability to spread then into its vast envelopes is concerned), then these prana get concentrated at various points within ether … From this concentration are originates other macro-elements of air, then fire, then water and then earth …
- Ether has the subtle macro-element of sound (Shabda or Naad or Nada) , air has the subtle macro-element of touch (Sparsha), fire has the has the subtle macro-element of form (Roop), water has the subtle macro-element of taste (Rasa) and earth has the subtle macro-element of smell (Gandha) … This Shabd leads to a further realization of Shabda Brahman …
- During origination, macro-elemental ether originates from the subtle macro-element (or Tanmatra) of sound, macro-elemental air originates from the subtle macro-element (or Tanmatra) of touch, macro-elemental fire originates from the subtle macro-element (or Tanmatra) of form, macro-elemental water originates from the subtle macro-element (or Tanmatra) of taste and macro-elemental earth originates from the subtle macro-element (or Tanmatra) of smell …
- Since ether pervades air, which pervades fire, which pervades water and which pervades earth, so ether has one subtle macro-element only (which as such is of sound or Shabda), air has two subtle macro-elements (which as such are of sound or Shabda and touch or Sparsha), fire has three subtle macro-elements (which as such are of sound or Shabd, touch or Sparsha and form or Roop), water has four subtle macro-elements (which as such are of sound or Shabda, touch or Sparsha, form or Roop and taste or Rasa) and the lowest macro-element of earth has all five subtle macro-elements (which as such are of sound or Shabda, touch or Sparsha, form or Roop, taste or Rasa and smell or Gandha) … Thus earth is the one who holds all five subtle macro-elements or Tanmatra and earth is the grosser amongst all other macro-elements … And on the contrary, ether is the one which holds the least number of subtle macro-elements (as it has only sound or Sabda), so ether is the most subtle and thus is also the least concentrated at any singly point within the macrocosmic creation … And since ether is a pervader of all other four macro-elements, so those who have directly cognized ether, also know all of the other four macro-elements …
- When ether has the concentration of Prana within it, then from these concentrated prana are originated other four macrocosmic elements in sequence of air, then fire, then water and then earth …
- And after the other four macro-elements are forming, then within ether who is the parent of other four macro-elements of air, fire, water and earth, a stage arrives where ether can no longer push those excess of Prana into those forming macro-elements of air, water, fire and earth (because these excesses would destroy the macro-elements) and thus out of no choice these excesses of Prana get retained within ether itself and this is what becomes as a further reason for continued expansion of ether within the forming macrocosm … As the parental ether expands, the other macro-elements also expand within the forming macrocosm because of the fact, that the traditional child (Child who rests in Parampara) always follows the path of the parent …
- Dissolution process is reverse of the origination process … So the dissolution process always proceeds in the following sequence … Firstly, earth dissolutes in water, then water dissolutes in fire, then fire dissolutes in air, then air dissolutes in ether … The same reverse process (i.e. process of origination) is how self realizations of elements also happen and due to this reason, self realization is also a path of exit from allness and her each part (i.e. self realization is a path of final liberation because it is the same as dissolution of these elements, that are also resting within the aspirants microcosm) and it is due to this reason, self realization leads to liberation, just as was told by the self realized, all realized Vedic sages …
- Self realization of macro-elements is reverse of their origination process and due to this reason, an aspirant always self realizes earth, then water, then fire, then air and then ether … And after this is the state which leads to the further self realization of the three macrocosmic attributes in the following sequences … Attribute of inertia (Tamoguna), the attribute of action (Rajoguna) and then attribute of neutrality of wisdom (Sattvaguna is self realized) … And the reverse stage of self realization is within the womb of cave of ether of heart …
- As such, ether is the intermediary state prior the aspirant realizes the qualities and thus the ether also ensures an indirect relationship of these macro-elements to the three qualities (Triguna) … Thus, when these shall be self-realized within the macrocosmic creation, then that self realization of these three attributes (Triguna), is after self realization of ether … The reverse stage of self realization is within the womb of cave of ether of the heart …
- Sound is heard by the ears and thus ears have the Gyanendriya (knowledge sense organ) of sound (Sabda) … This Gyanendriya is present in the physical vehicle, subtle vehicle (or Astral vehicle or Sookshma Sharira) and it is also present within the causal vehicle (Bliss sheath or the Anandmaye Kosha) which in Vedic lore is also called as ‘the four fold inner subtle tool (or Antahkarana Chatushtaya)’ and also as Anandmaye Kosha (bliss body)” …
The little student nodded in understanding, because this is how it was self realized within the ‘womb of ether of heart (Hridayakasha Garbha)’ …
Then the little student had a doubt, so he asked the venerable eternal guide … “Why has the cleansing of the cave of macro-elements (Mahabhoot Guha) not been carried out till now?” …
Cleansing of cave of macro-elements …
The eternal guide told … “Never cleanse the macro-elements, as then the body cannot survive to complete its destined life span and thus the destiny (or destined merit or Prarabdha Karma) would get contravened, which as such leads to a temporary lowering of ones evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchies … As such it is best to let these elements which form the grosser body to merge to their principal macro-elemental states, after one has completed the destined time span of an incarnation and this itself is possible after the subtleties from which the macro-elements originate and are associated to, they have also been cleansed of their afflictions, just like it has been till now … As also, if the caves within womb of ether or heart (Hridayakasha Garbha) have been cleansed during ones incarnated state and thus have arrived at their primordial purities, then the physical body of such an aspirant would eventually vanish after that aspirant has rolled over from that incarnation (i.e. after that aspirant has already passed through the process of de-incarnation) … This is also told in many texts of Yoga Tantra, where after de-incarnation, the further stage of vanishing of an aspirants physical vehicle is told about … This vanishing is because, after such a cleansing and thence fulfilling the requirement of completion of destined merit (Prarabdha Karma) of that incarnation, when that aspirant de-incarnates, then the five macro-elements (Panch Mahabhuta) which form the physical vehicle, shall automatically begin merging to their respective macrocosmic counterparts, soon after the aspirant de-incarnates … And thus it is not even required to cleanse these macro-elemental caves” …
Then the eternal guide further told … “And if anyone does venture into cleansing of these caves of macro-elements, it might even be like a suicide in the metaphysical sense … Thus, since the caves earlier to inertia are cleansed from within the cave of mind, so any further cleansing of the caves of macro-elements, is not even required” …
The little student nodded in understanding …
Cave of air macro-element and its relation to Prana … Vayu Mahabhoot Guha …
The eternal guide told … “Now we shall discuss the macro-element of air (Vayu Mahabhuta)” …
The eternal guide continued … “The 4th Prana (Udana Prana) and 4th sub vital air (which is also termed as the Devadatta Upa Prana) which gets accumulated within deep bluish purple ether (which originated from inertia, and which is then pervaded by macrocosmic quality of action or Rajoguna and is also further pervaded by the macrocosmic quality of neutrality of wisdom or Sattvaguna) and where this 4th vital air (Udana Prana) with the 4th sub vital air (Devdutt Upa Prana) is also pervaded by the 5th vital air (Vyana Prana), in turn forms the light blue colored air macro element (Vayu Mahabhoot) while these vital and sub vital airs are within the envelope of the same ether (Akasha Mahabhoot)” …
The eternal guide continued further … “This air macro-element which directly pervades the fire macro-element (Agni Mahabhuta) and thus keeps the fire macro-element going within its subtler state, is also the one ensures drives to be eternally maintained within each macro-element which is grosser than air i.e. fire element (Agni Mahabhuta), water element (Jalam Mahabhuta) and earth macro-element (i.e. Prithvi Mahabhuta) … Thus, basis this, 4th vital air (Udana) and 4th sub vital air (which is also called as the Devdatt Upa Prana) are the ones which are directly related to the Air element (Vayu Mahabhoot)” …
The little student nodded in understanding …
The eternal guide continued and told … “At the instant when the air element was manifested, it gave the first sensation of touch (Sparsha) within ether, within whose envelopes the air element was existing … And thus the air macro-element is referred to as having the characteristic of touch (Sparsha Tanmatra) which had also originally originated from the sound vibrations (Sabda) when that sound (Shabda) reaches a microcosm, as eventually the sound also touches the ear drums and vibrates them … As such the Jnana Indriya (or organ of knowledge sense) which relates to this sense of touch, is the skin or the bodies outer or enveloping membrane” …
The eternal guide continued even further … “This membrane or skin cover is of any form, right from the grosser form as is within the physical vehicle’s skin cover or even within the subtler form as is within the Astral body (Sookshma Sharira) and the same is also present within the causal vehicle (Antahkarana) … Thus all of these three vehicles have this feeling of touch … Thus this sense of touch is also present within the four parts of Antahkarana Chatushtaya, which as such are of the orb of I’ness (Ahamkara), orb of mind (Manas), the orb of knowledge (Buddhi) and orb of consciousness (Chitta) and all this is related to the same air macro-element (Vayu Mahabhoot) … And the same is also there in the skin (or outer membrane) of each of the five sheaths (Pancha Kosha)” …
The little student nodded in understanding …
The eternal guide continued “Just to reiterate, never cleanse the macro-elements as this is best left to happen automatically after the caves prior inertia are cleaned up of their impressions and channels” …
The cave of fire macro-element within the cave of air … Agni Mahabhuta …
The eternal guide told … “Now we shall discuss the macro-element of fire (Agni Mahabhuta), which is also called as macro-elemental light (Prakash Mahabhuta) and also as macro-elemental luminous heat (Tejas Mahabhuta)” …
The eternal guide then told … “The 3rd vital air (Prana Prana) and its 3rd sub vital air (which is also called as the Nag Upa Prana) which was also accumulated within the deep bluish purple ether (which manifested in its purple color from within inertia, which was further pervaded by action and then by neutrality of wisdom) then forms the macro elemental fire (Agni Mahabhoot) which is with seven shades of colors as was discussed earlier … This fire element pervades the water and earth macro-elements and thus is present within these two (i.e. earth and water macro-elements) … The fire element maintains (and thus ensures) a continuity of balance of heat and cold factors within the animate microcosm’s” …
The little student nodded in understanding …
The eternal guide said … “The fire element gives the quality of realization of form (or shape or Roop) within its radiance (or Prakash or Tejas) and thus this also gives the first real sight of the states of macro-elements as and when these are formed … And thus the Jnana Indriya or organ of sense of fire is the organ of sight which is within each of the three vehicles of the beingness (i.e. organ of sight is present inside the physical vehicle, the subtle vehicle or Sookshma Sharira and is also present in the causal body (which in Sanskrit texts is also called as Antahkarana Chatushtaya or Anandamaya Kosha) … And when this aspect is taken to the grosser level of the physical vehicle, this is thus referred to as the sight or eye … Some texts also say this eye relates to the sun, but this statement eventually refers to the subtle nerves which carry these sensations after they receive the radiance from the eye, so as to analyze the form of an entity which is sighted and thus convey to the brain to also give a realization of the form or formless states” …
Thus macro-elemental fire relates to the 3rd vital air (or Prana Prana) and its 3rd sub vital air (or Nag Upa Prana) … Naga Upa Prana has the movement like a snake i.e. it has sinusoidal movement and so is the light also moving in a snake like path (i.e. sinusoidal way of movement or in other words, like a sine wave) … Thus, light is Prana Prana in its real sense and the movement of light is like Nag Upa Prana, also in its real sense … The Nag Loka (world of snakes) which is told in Vedic lore, is also related to the same fact and it actually is a luminous world, due to which Vedic sages had termed it as a good world too … Thus, whenever the age cycle (Yuga Chakra) is changing, inhabitants of Nag Loka (plane of snakes) always enter the world where that age is changing and due to this reason, there also happens to be an increase of snake (and reptilian) population in that world” …
The little student nodded in understanding …
The cave of water macro-element within the cave of fire … Jalam Mahabhuta …
The eternal guide told … “Now we shall discuss the macro-element of water (Jal Mahabhuta)” …
Then the eternal guide told … “The 2nd vital air (Samana Prana) along with its 2nd sub vital air (which is also called as Krukul Upa Prana) which was also accumulated within the deep bluish purple ether (which originated from quality of inertia which was pervaded by quality of action and quality of neutrality of wisdom) and this 2nd vital air (Apana) which also is pervaded by the 3rd, 4th and 5th vital and sub vital airs then forms the bluish green colored water macro-element (Jal Mahabhoot) … This macro-elemental water pervades the earth element and thus keeps it moist and thus also prevents its disintegration … The water leads to a sense of flowness which itself leads to a sense taste (Rasa) of the flows within the macro-elements and thus the organ sense (or Jnana Indriya) of water macro-element, is referred to as the organ of taste … This taste is only of that flowness as is experienced within each of the three vehicles (i.e. gross or physical vehicle, subtle body and causal body) and when within the physical vehicle it also refers to the tongue … As also it refers to the likes and dislikes of anything … And it also refers to the effect that the mood, emotions, feelings that always come by after hearing (related to ether), feeling (related to air) and seeing (related to fire)” …
The little student nodded in understanding …
The cave of earth macro-element within the cave of water … Bhu Mahabhoot …
The eternal guide told … “Now we shall discuss the macro-element of earth (Prithvi Mahabhuta or Bhu Mahabhoot)” …
Then eternal guide said … “The 1st vital air (Apana Prana) and its 1st sub vital air (which is also called as Kurma Upa Prana) which was also accumulated within deep purple bluish ether (which originated from quality of inertia and which was pervaded by quality of action and further pervaded by the quality of neutrality of wisdom) and this where 1st vital air which also is pervaded by 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th vital and sub vital airs, then forms the light yellow dusty colored state which has reddish specs within it … This is the earth macro-element (Prithvi Mahabhoot or Prithvi Mahabhuta)” …
The little student nodded in understanding …
The eternal guide continued … “The earth macro-element gives a quality to gain smell (i.e. Gandha) and thus the earth gives an ability to acquire various smells which are related to each macro-elemental and elemental states … This ability is rendered to the physical body, subtle body and also the causal body (or Bliss sheath) and when this ability is taken to the level of the physical vehicle, then it refers to the nose, which as such is its physical organ of sense of smell (or Jnana Indriya) … This earth element forms the Annamaye Kosha (or the sheath of food or the physical vehicle) … Depending upon the subtlety of grossness of a plane of existence, is the subtlety of grossness of the physical body that needs to be adopted, so as to enter and thence reside upon that plane of existence … This in turn means, that at subtler planes of existences, the physical vehicle that would need to be adopted to make us reside at that plane of existence, would also have to be correspondingly subtler” …
Then the eternal guide told … “Listen to this carefully … The ratio of subtlety of grossness of a plane of existence and the subtlety or grossness of the physical vehicle that is adopted to reside upon that plane of existence, is eternally constant, across all planes of existences of the entire macrocosmic creation … And the same law applies to all divine worlds too” …
The little student nodded in understanding …
Summing up the inertial creation of maker
The eternal guide said … “These elements which are formed within ether occupy their own specific caves which are also present within the macrocosmic creation, just as they are present inside the womb of ether of heart (i.e. Hridayakasha Garbha) … And as the macrocosmic creation keeps self originating, then these in turn keeps getting concentrated (or keep getting denser) to ever greater extents and eventually these end up manifesting the ‘grosser manifested elemental states (i.e. physical elements)’ from within themselves … This is as, whenever these subtler macro-elements are concentrated to a state which is beyond the macro-elements intrinsic capacity, then under a coagulation of the macro-elemental state, the manifested (physical) elemental state of these macro-elements is manifested from within them, which as such is the same macro-element, but after it has turned grosser under excessive pressures there are within their respective earlier subtler macro-elemental states … And thus the physical elements are naught but originated from the subtler macro-elements only” …
The little student nodded in understanding …
The eternal guide told … “Inertia is the base of all elements and thus if we have to know the parent of these elements, then it can only be the quality of inertia (Tamoguna) … Due to this reason, when any aspirant has the direct cognition of Inertia, which itself is through its sound of Ahum (Aham Naad), then it also denotes a state where that aspirant has already evolved beyond the five macro-elements … When we self realizes the parent, then the child is already evolved past … Thus, self realization of inertia, also denotes the stage of evolution where an aspirant has already moved past and thus reached an evolutionary standing, which as such gone beyond these five elements” …
The eternal guide then said … “Now we shall discuss whatever remains pending for this chapter of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra, and then try to drive it to its final conclusion” …
The little student nodded in agreement, as he thought, conclusion of this entire topic would be interesting …