Here we shall discuss the Yogic aspects of mathematics which relates to infinite zero, but whilst taking the support of zero and infinity so as to prove the universal applicability of this concept, which relates to infinity and zero and thus discuss through Yogic mathematics, the zeroness of infinity and infiniteness of zero …
The discussed stage of Infinite zero is the second part of self-realization of Shunya Brahman, which as such is that zero infinite, who itself is infinite zero … Shunya Brahman is self-realized through Asamprajnita Samadhi …
Asamprajnita Samadhi is the stage of ‘absorption within the non-lighted state of the Absolute being (Parambrahma)’ and where non-lightness does not mean darkness, as is of the Shunya Samadhi … Shunya Samadhi is a stage of absorption within the infinite that itself is the primordial zeroness (or zeroness of allness or emptiness of allness or primordial nature) …
And since infinite zero means as zeroness of infinity, so we shall be utilizing zero (primordial nature or voidness of allness) as a base of this discussion and yet subtly referring to the infinite being (Parabrahman) …
This topic is the twelfth topic in this series of Zero and Infinity (or Infinity and zero) and it continues from the previous topic that had the header of “Principle of Infinite zero … Nature of Infinity … Ananta Shunya” … Hence please read all previous topics prior this one …
Proceeding further into what was discussed in the preceding topic …
Due to the nature of our discussion and my own limitations of knowledge and the language of this text, what was discussed till now was the maximum that can be discussed in words …
So, to continue it further, we shall now give this a shot with mathematics …
Zeroness of infinity … Infiniteness of zero … Yogic mathematics …
Here we shall discuss this fact, through various ways and thus prove the correctness of it …
But this shall be through the path of union of Yoga and Mathematics, and thus it can also be termed as Yogic mathematics of Infinity and zero …
- 0 + 1 = 1 … Zero is the detached pervader of everything …
Even when zero is present within each numeral, yet that zero does not change (i.e. not interfere with) the characteristic of that numeral … This is because of the fact, that zero is the detached pervader (or permeator) of every numeral (or everything) … Same is the case with emptiness (Shunyata), which is also similar to the mathematical zero, as far as emptiness (Shunyata) being a pervader of all microcosm’s is concerned …
Since everything originates from the primordial zero (i.e. primordial nature or Shunya Tattva), so above also means, zero is that root which is present within within everything, i.e. zero is that root which is present in all that originates from it as a numeral (individual microcosm’s) and the fuller corpus of numerals (i.e. macrocosm or Brahmand) … And yet zero does not interfere with the workings of any numeral (any microcosm, including the aspirant) or the entire corpus of numerals (i.e. the entire macrocosm or Brahmand) …
This also means, that even when the root of allness (i.e. zero or emptiness), is present in allness and her each part (i.e. microcosm and macrocosm), yet that root is detached from allness and her each part (i.e. macrocosm and microcosm) … This is one of the characteristics of the root of allness (zero or Shunya) … And the same characteristic is of every other root, including and only for for example, let’s just say genes (genetic code) …
The root which as such is zero, has no further root (i.e. no further zeroness other than it) … This is also one of the characteristics of every root, including and only for for example, let’s just say genes (genetic code) …
Thus, below is what comes to fore upon analysis of this part of the topic …
Zero, which itself is the root of allness, has no further zeroness of itself
Root has no further root of itself, thus Root itself is the root of all
Proceeding further …
Above stated equation also means, that, even though we can see only the numeral 1, but in reality that numeral (numeral 1 of our example) always has one or more zeros within it (as its pervaders) … And where those zeros (or zero) have formed such a state that even when they is present inside the numeral, yet they remains invisible from the plane of that numeral, whom these zeros pervade …
Above means, that the zero pervades (or permeates) the numeral at a plane which is much subtler than the plane of the gross numeral (or individuality) and thus the zero is not even visible, even when it eternally resides within that numeral (every microcosm, including any aspirant) and the corpus of numerals (macrocosmic creation or Brahmand) …
This is such that, even though the zero is present within the numeral (numeral signifies individuality), this zero is not apparently visible with the numeral, due to a much higher subtlety that this zero holds (as compared to the numeral which it pervades or permeates) …
And this is a fact which comes to fore, when we view the gross (visible) numeral and that too, while our observation is resting at the plane of the numeral …
In other words, when our observation is resting within a grosser state (of a manifested individuality or numeral) instead of resting within the subtler state (as is of the pervader of that grossness, which in our example is zero), then we would not be able to perceive the pervader and this is even when the pervader is definitely present in our observed grosser entity (which in our current example is the individual numeral) …
And as another matter of fact …
Not being able to perceive the hidden truth in something, does not mean that the hidden aspect is not existent …
Depending upon our evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchies, is the plane where we actually reside on our mental (Manas), knowledge (Vijyana), I’ness (Ahamkara) and consciousness (Chitta) …
So even when we may apparently seem to be to be resting upon this gross planetary system, yet if our evolutionary standing is higher (as is the case when someone returns back by adopting the path of transmigration of soul or when someone returns back from a divine realm, so as to do some specific jobs as per the call of a cycle of time or Kaalchakra), then we would be able to perceive the subtle pervader of any numeral and just as is discussed here …
Depending upon our own macrocosmic standing and the macrocosmic standing of what we wish to perceive (view), is what we see … If our evolutionary standing is equal to or higher than anything, then we would perceive that thing … And on the contrary, if our evolutionary standing is lower than what we wish to perceive, then that thing would not be visible to us, as in such a case that thing (which we wish to perceive) is subtler that us …
The subtler cannot be viewed by the grosser, because the subtler is a detached pervader of the grosser … Thus, unless our evolutionary standing is equal to or higher than zero, we wouldn’t be able to perceive (or see) the zero inside any numeral, even when that zero would definitely be present in that numeral … To be able to se zero, the aspirant must at least be a one, who has accomplished Shunya Samadhi …
So, basis above discussions, depending upon where we actually reside within the macrocosmic hierarchies, is what we perceive … Thus, if we are those who have already self-realized cosmic voidness (emptiness of allness or Sarva Shunya), then even when we may return back to a physical realm (like this planetary system), yet our mind (Manas), consciousness (Chitta), vitality (Prana), knowledge (Vijnana) and I’ness (Ahumkara) would only be of that higher plane … And in such a case, we would be able to see the pervader of any gross entity, but provided that pervader is of a lower macrocosmic standing as compared to our evolutionary standing within the macrocosmic hierarchies …
Thus, those who return back to physical realms (like this planetary system) and that too, from states which are of macrocosmic voidness (Shunya or Shunya Tattva) or have returned back from even further states, would be able to see the zero that pervades each numeral (each microcosm, including each aspirant) and the entire corpus of numerals (i.e. macrocosm or Brahmand) …
Characteristic of zero … Pervader of all individuals and corpuses of finites …
It is one of the intrinsic characteristic of zero that it pervades ‘all the individual finites (individual and corpus of numerals) that ever are’ and still it retains its detachment to every individual-duality, as is of each numeral and corpus of numerals …
And as such, this zero exists (i.e. it exists, even when we do not believe its existence) within infiniteness of its zeroness as eternally is present inside each individual numeral (individual microcosm or aspirant) and where the numeral keeps on searching for the one zero within the infinite zeroness that is also present within the tiny microcosm of that numeral (numeral) … This search is because, that zero itself is as the eternal pervader of each individual numeral and the entre corpus of numerals, in addition to being their timeless root …
There has never been any numeral (microcosm or aspirant) who path was not leading to its own root and this is especially so, if that root itself is the pervader of that numeral … This is because, the origination was from zero and thus the evolutionary process of each numeral, would have to reach zero itself … This is because, evolution is the reciprocal of the origination process …
Ignorance of rootless pervader of all, i.e. Brahman, is the cause of divisions …
As this search of every numeral (microcosm or aspirant) continues, the delusional aspects of individualities (individual beliefs which rest within one or another individual aspect of allness) manifest to take that aspirant away from reality and thence this delusional ignorance even projects that reality unto a externally believed greater entity, instead of projecting towards the reality to that truth, which itself is within the aspirant (simile of every numeral) itself …
This in turn leads to various paths getting manifested as texts (scriptures) of this or that greater entity, which in turn leads to all sorts of divisions (of ways of life and thus of societies) …
And these divisions are always there, until the finality, which itself was the originality is self-realized by an aspirant … That originality, which itself is the finality, is none other than the attributeless infinite absolute being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahman), who itself is the eternal rootless (Niradhara Brahman) …
Thus, until the rootless eternal attributeless infinite being (Parabrahman) is self-realized, the stage of entering into a full, final and permanent escape from divisions is an impossibility … And as long as there would be divisions, cycles of chaos and peace would also keep manifesting for humanity …
Above paragraph also means, that, the root of allness, which itself is zero (Shunya), would also be leading to divisions …
And this is the reason for paths of zeroness (emptiness or Shunyata) also have their inherent divisions and this is even when, all these paths (of zeroness) are related to the same emptiness of allness (Sarva Shunya or Shunyata) itself … Unless the path leads to self-realization of the attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) is self-realized, and that too, as one’s own innermost essence (Atman), absence of divisions can never be guaranteed in any world system …
The same is also applicable to each path that is ever rendered by any greater entities (let’s just say, god of a belief or faith) unless the writers of these scriptures, relate to the colorless being (Nirguna Brahman) … And since religions that start after onset of Kaliyuga never relate to the attributeless being (Nirgun Brahma), so all these religions and their ways of life, are in one way of another, cyclically chaotic …
But as humanity evolves, their evolutionary requirements always lead to a stage, where the knowledge of the attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahma) is needed for them …
And as the evolutionary ripeness and rightness of a larger number of humans is requiring such a knowledge of attributeless being (Nirguna Brahma), then in such a state, someone who holds that knowledge is always returned back to that world (so as to render that knowledge and its appropriate path) and thus become the seed for fulfillment of the evolutionary requirements of that part of humanity, who is ready to receive that knowledge and path, and thence also abide by it …
Such returns of those who hold the capacity to lay down (or better if I say, re-lay down) the knowledge of attributeless infinite being (Para Brahman) are always effected by adopting the process of transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit text is is also termed as Parkaya Pravesh) and which in Biblical lore is called as Virgin Birth …
And as another matter of fact … Those who are not ready for such a knowledge, always become chaotic prior to the spread of that knowledge within the gross realms … As also, by the time when such ones (who return back as per the need of humanity for the knowledge and path of the attributeless infinite being) become known to the humanity of that world, that world is already resting in a state of chaos …
Thus, there has never been a time where the knowledge of absolute being (Parambrahma) and its path, was manifested within any physical world and yet the world was (and its inhabitants were) peaceful at that time …
Within any gross realm (including this earthly realm) such a knowledge (that relates to the attributeless infinite being or supreme being) always comes at the time of incremental chaos …
Thus, I already know, that by the stage of time, when I publish this text and after this when a substantial part of humanity begins reading it prior they begin complying with it, this world system would have already entered into a vast quantum of chaos that would have already spread across all ways and walks of life of humanity (who resides across lands of this planet) …
Note: As also, since the present age is of Kaliyuga, where out of the four Purushartha (i.e. Dharma, Kama, Artha and Moksha), only Artha (economics) remains, so by the time I publish this part of the text, the economics of the world would have already reached that stage, where its security would not be able to be guaranteed by the leaders of this world …
Note continues: And once economics would be insecure, humanity would also have a sense of insecurity … When economics would go downwards, chaos that would spread would only be termed as phenomenal … But this is also a part of change, that is leading to the incoming age cycle (or Guru Yuga or Age of Sages) …
Note continues: As also, since none of the gods and human leaders (political, spiritual, religious, cultural, civilizational, social, economical and military leaders) know by a firsthand experience the path of controlling the multilateral chaos that always comes during change of an age cycle, thus a stage would eventually arrive where many-heads would be seen and where each head (leader) trying to prove, he is the real one … And this would even be when the world would really be headless …
Note continues: Until these so called leaders and their followers of Kaliyuga (systems of degenerate age), who really are not even capable to lead or follow during these times of change of a human age, are shown their real places and which itself is by subjecting them to so many perils, that they come down to their knees due to being unable to fulfill their basic needs, the real one who already is born in this world (i.e. the Sage from Maheshwara), would also stay hidden … This is what Mother nature (Maa Prakriti), who by herself is the absolute power of the absolute being (Param Brahma), tells me … And so shall it also be …
And since the next age is of the human golden age (Manav Satyuga or Manav Kritayuga) which would also be running in the much longer time spans of the currently underway divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga), so that Manav Satyuga (human golden age) would only be as an age of sages (Guru Yuga) …
And since the fact remains that systems of Guru Yuga are totally reciprocal to the systems of the currently underway age cycle (of Kaliyuga), hence that chaos that is talked about in above paragraphs, would be widespread as far as walks and ways of life are concerned …
And since, in Kaliyuga (divine degenerate age), of the four Purushartha (or Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha), only Artha (economics) remains, thus the most problematic stage would come, after the economics of this age (Kaliyuga) takes a severe hit … And this is what would lead to all sorts of inner and outer problems in countries, including but not limited to religious, military and security, social and cultural, civilizational (drop in birth rates and increase of death rates), political and geopolitical …
And since Kaliyuga is a very weak age, including weaknesses of human bodies of Kaliyuga, which itself are due to corrupted desires, thoughts, emotional and deeds of humanity, so medical issues coupled with corrupted economics would be the reason for start and expansion of this chaos …
As also, since Kaliyuga is an age of ignorance of real, so it is full of divisions, of which the primary one is geography and thus, the start of final stage of manmade chaos would be based upon geographical and fake geographical security issues …
All this chaos is absent in the next human age cycle (or Guru Yuga or age of sages) … And this absence of chaos during the next human age cycle (of Age of Sages) itself is as the knowledge and path of the attributeless infinite being, who itself is the originality and finality of allness and her each part, would have been universally accepted and followed by humanity of that time …
And it is due to this reason, I also know, that by the time this text is published and read by a substantial part of humanity, the religions, systems (ways of life) and paths that have come to this world, right from that stage of time which was slightly prior the onset of Kaliyuga (i.e. from 3102 BC – 1296 years = 4398 BC), would already be resting in a stage where they can be deemed to be breathing their last …
And since most of the paths that come by during any Kaliyuga are based upon individualism (Monotheism) which itself is against the pluralistic monism, as is of the Makers Makings, in whose pervadement and envelopes all these paths, their propagators, texts and Gods reside, so such paths can never lead to long lasting state of peace (because they are on a reciprocal course with the macrocosmic creation, within which they themselves reside) … And this is what leads to expansion of divisions, whose root cause remains as ignorance of the root, just as is stated in the header of this part of the topic …
Thus, as the inauguration phase of the incoming Guru Yuga (Age of Sages) which is to be around 2082 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years and a further +/- 27 + 1 years, and which has a destined time span of about 10,000 years, keeps drawing closer and closer, all systems (ways of life) and paths of this Kaliyuga would keep getting more and more chaotic …
And after the onset of Guru Yuga, these paths of Kaliyuga, which due to ignorance of the real, are primarily chaotic, would also be found to be missing …
Due to this reason, prior onset of divinities of Guru Yuga in this world, all these paths of Kaliyuga, which as such are the primary reason for chaos, would be gone and there would also not be left any trace of them within the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) …
And thus would be the final end of chaos, that started around 9,000 years ago (around 5694 BC, +/- 1 to 2.7 years) and expanded further around 4398 BC, also +/- 1 to 2.7 years … And after this stage, it kept expanding, but only to end in the near future and that too prior the inauguration of the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga), on/around 2082 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years and a further time span of +/- 27 + 1 years …
By the time humanity reaches the mid point of the last phase of this change of age, which itself would be 2082 AD – 108/2 years = 2028 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years), the “balance” humanity of that stage of time, would know that this little student (i.e. the one who is writing this text) had told the truth about the present times being those of the change of the present human age …
Path of self-realization of Zero Infinite, which itself is the Infinite zero … Yogic mathematics …
And also, this principle cannot be searched out of the numeral (microcosm or aspirant) or corpus of numerals (macrocosm) … Thus an aspirant can know it, only after an inner zeroness (which resides as the pervader who is existing within the numeral or aspirant itself) is arrived at by an aspirant …
Thus, basis above …
- Unless an aspirant has attained to Shunya Samadhi (absorption within emptiness of allness), the nature of zero cannot be known …
- Unless an aspirant further progresses and attains to Asamprajnita Samadhi (absorption in zero infinite, which itself is the infinite zero), neither can the zero infinite be fully known to that aspirant nor would that aspirant hold the fullness of knowledge of infinite zero …
- And unless that aspirant progresses further to inwardly enter into Nirbija Samadhi (absorption within the seedless being), the attributeless infinite (Nirgun Brahma) cannot be known … And where the path of Nirbija Samadhi, is also passing through Nirbhava Samadhi (absorption in the feeling-less being) and Nirvichara Samadhi (absorption in the thoughtless state or being) …
- Unless as a minimum, all above are attained to the fullness, the knowledge of Shunya Brahman (i.e. zero infinite, who itself is the infinite zero) can never be had from that attributeless infinite being (Para Brahman), which itself is beyond it (Shunya Brahman) …
- And unless such a knowledge is attained (through a direct cognition, as one can attain it, but not describe it fully), the knowledge of this entire topic (of zero and infinite) can never be held by an aspirant …
Note: What I write here has taken me countless incarnations to know it through self-realizations … And thus no aspirant should think, he or she would understand it in a single one …
Note continues: And yet since this is written for that tiny part of humanity, who is evolutionary ready and thus is resting in their own evolutionary ripeness and rightness to know it, so such aspirant would definitely know it and that too through their own direct cognitions (and that too, through the path of Samadhi) …
Thus, basis above, path of emptiness of allness (Shunya or Sarva Shunya) is also a path which leads to the self-realization of the attributeless infinite supreme being … The supreme being (or in other words, Parambrahma) is also pervading and enveloping the non lighted state of zeroness of allness (emptiness of allness Sarva Shunya or voidness of allness or simply, Shunyata) …
Voidness in its independence to the infinite state, which itself is of the attributeless being (Nirguna Brahman), cannot be infinite as in such a case, voidness is like a Bindu (pinpointed state) …
Voidness only becomes self-realized as infinite, after attributeless being who eternally pervades and envelopes it, is known to voidness …
Thus, all those paths which say, emptiness is full, also relate to the same Nirguna Nirakara Brahm (attributeless infinite being) due to the fact, that, infinity is only and only of Brahman … And this is why the self-realized, all-realized Vedic sages had told the statement of “Satyam Jnanam Anantam” for Brahman, i.e. truth knowledge infinite is Brahman …
Thus when we state infinite, then it refers to the attributeless being only … This is due to the fact, that voidness in her independence from Brahman, is only a pinpointed state (i.e. it is like the tip of a pinhead) …
And this tip of pinhead, is pure and highly compressed energy from which the macrocosmic creation originates, but only after the infinite being (Brahman) who eternally permeates it, is directly cognized by voidness …
And it only is after this direct cognition, the voidness suddenly (spontaneously and thus violently) expands to form the multi-universe (multi-universal macrocosmic creation) … This is why Vedic sages had said, “Prior to anything like the macrocosm, the entire mother nature was of the size of the tip of a single pinhead” …
Thus, since zero aspect of zero infinite relates to mother nature (Maa Prakriti) and since she is also the root of allness of macrocosm, and since the zero itself is the pinpointed root of allness, so Yoga Tantra had laid specific stress on need of concentration techniques …
This is because, Yoga is also related to mother nature and unless mother nature’s primordial zeroness, that was like the tip of pinhead is related to, her further expansion can never take place …
So, on similar lines, when we concentrate at a point (as is told in most paths of Yoga Tantra), we eventually reach that pin pointed concentration, as was of the primordial zeroness of mother nature …
And after this stage, when we become consciously aware of that concentration taking a pinpointed form within us, our own consciousness, which itself is of the innermost essence (our own Atman) who itself is the innermost attributeless infinite essence of all (Brahman) takes over … This leads to a sudden expansion of our consciousness, which goes much beyond our microcosmic physical body … And this expansion of consciousness is same as how the multi-universal state of macrocosmic creation had originated out of her primordial state of pinpointed zeroness … Thus, the concentration techniques of Yoga Tantra as were laid down by self-realized, all-realized Yogi’s (sages) and which are still followed by aspirants of Yoga Marg (paths of Yoga and meditations), are also a proof that such Yogi’s had known the primordial nature as a tip of a pinhead and had also known that later stage, which was of her sudden expansion and exactly as how it was, during the process of self-origination of the supreme genius, which itself is as the Makers Makings …
When this expansion takes place, our earlier concentration is let go of by us … And meditation begins spontaneously … And the same happened during the formation of multi-universe when the concentrated pinpointed state of primordial zeroness of mother nature, spontaneously expanded and thence it led to her meditative state, whose proof is the eternal processes of cyclic origination, preservation, rejuvenation (destruction), veiling and unveiling that keeps automatically happening within her vast macrocosmic envelopes and for those microcosm’s who have already arrived at their evolutionary ripeness and rightness to undergo through any one or more of these five Krityam (i.e. origination, preservation, rejuvenation or destruction, veiling and unveiling) …
And since these five Krityam (Panch Krityam) are related to Panch Mukha Sadashiva only, so due to this reason, the all paths of evolution are also related to the same state of Sadashiva only …
And due to above stated aspects, irrespective of which evolutionary path anyone may adopt, anytime and anywhere within the entirety of Maker’s Makings, these paths have always rested in Panch Mukha Shiva (Five faces of Shiva) …
As a matter of fact, there is no path that is separated from the path of five faces of Sadashiva, and where these five faces of Brahma (Panch Brahmas) and their paths are also also present inside each aspirant (Microcosm or numeral) …
And the same Five faces of Shiva also remain the original Path of self-realization of Zero Infinite, which itself is the Infinite zero as is told in the current sub-header of this topic …
Thus ends this part of the discussion …
Path of self-realization of zero …
As was discussed earlier, zero is that root which is pervading (or permeating) each numeral (each microcosm or each aspirant) … The to realize zero, the better of all available options, is the inward path which itself leads to the primordial root (i.e. primordial nature or primordial zeroness or emptiness of allness, as was prior to stage of self-origination of the Makersmakings) …
And since the inward path is also based upon the phrase of “Myself Within Myself”, so due to this reason, the path of self realization of zeroness, is also related to the statement of “Myself Within Myself (or in other words, Himself Within Himself if the aspirant is a man … Or Herself Within Herself if the aspirant is a woman) …
Those who try to see or study zeroness out of their own microcosm’s, never self-realize it … And those who don’t self realize their own inner zeroness (Shunyata), can never enter into the further self-realization of the “Zero Infinite, which itself is the Infinite zero” as is being discussed here …
And this is why the Gurudeva of my preceding incarnation, who this world addresses as Gautama Buddha, had told about Vipassana … In Vipassana the same aspect is utilized, that zero, which itself is the root of each numeral (microcosm and each aspirant) and is also the root of corpus of numerals (macrocosm), is present inside the numeral itself and thus my previous incarnations Gurudeva (Buddha Avatar) had also told about the same inward path for self-realization of Shunyata (emptiness of allness or Sarva Shunya or Shunya Tattva) … But, at the same time, this inward path of Buddha Gautama way was only based upon what was told by much earlier Yogi’s and Vedic sages as Atma Marg …
- 0 + 0 = 0 … Zero is intrinsically un-addible …
Which itself means that this entity (zero) cannot be added to any other zero in its any apparently perceived differing form and if it is added, then the result is the same zero there originally was …
Self-realization of zero from within the Makers Makings …
The zero that originally was as a primordial of allness (i.e. prior the beginning of allness as allness that we know or perceive it to be) was by itself the only zero that was in its pinpointed state (highly concentrated state of primordial nature) …
And from this pinpointed state, the same zero reached its infiniteness after it became conscious of its own pervader, who as such was the infinite being (Brahman) …
Since infinity was pervading zero, so that infinity was present inside that zero itself and this is what led to zero seeing itself as infinite … This itself is the base of the self realization of zero Infinite, which itself is the infinite zero …
Above is the realization when we self-realize zero from a state where we reside within the Maker’s Makings … But this is not how it was, when the Maker had originally begun the process of self-origination of the Makers Makings …
Self-realization of zero from Brahman …
During the origination process of Makersmakings, originally there was only Brahman (attributeless infinite being) …
Then Brahman self-expressed itself as Shunya Brahman, who as such was the zero, that was infinite …
And from that zero that was infinite, zero which was of a pinpointed state (highly concentrated state of primordial nature) separated out, so as to be the primordial state of nature, who was to become the root of allness, that at this stage, was yet to get self-manifested out of it …
And at a much later stage of time after the zero separated out of the earlier Shunya Brahman (i.e. zero infinite, which itself is the infinite zero) and thus reached its individuality of being a pinpointed state (or primordial zeroness or primordial nature), that same zero consciously became aware of the infinite who was pervading it …
This self-realization of infinite which was already resting within zero, is what led to a sudden uncontrolled expansion of that pinpointed state of zero, which as such was the reason for expansion of primordial nature into her various states and whose corpus we address as the macrocosm …
Reciprocal realizations of origination process and evolutionary process …
Thus, basis above …
- Within ones evolutionary process … Primordial nature (primordial zeroness or zeroness of allness) in her pinpointed state is the one who is found to be the originator of the zero infinite, which itself is the infinite zero … This is because the primordial nature (zeroness of allness) is self-realized prior to self-realization of zero infinite, who itself is infinite zero …
- Within the realization of origination process of allness … Shunya Brahman (i.e. zero infinite, which itself is the infinite zero) is seen to be the state from where the primordial nature (emptiness of allness or Sarva Shunya or Shunyata) was originated … This is because, Shunya Brahman is the original self-expression of the attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) and it was from Shunya Brahman, that the zeroness (or zero aspect of zero infinite, which itself is infinite zero) separated out and thus that zeroness reached its pinpointed, highly compacted state, which as such is the primordial nature (Mool Prakriti), from whom the entire macrocosmic creation had self-originated, but only after that pinpointed state suddenly expanded and formed the multi-universe …
So basis above and as a matter of fact …
- Whilst we are still evolving … And thus are still resting within one or another state of the macrocosmic creation, the realizations would be just as they have been told to be “within ones evolutionary process” … And thus Shunya (or emptiness) would be seen to be the base of Shunya Brahman …
- And after we have already evolved … And thus we have already gone past the primordial zeroness (or primordial nature), Shunya Brahmam would be seen as the original self-expression of Brahman and thus, Shunya (emptiness) would be found to be evolving out of Shunya Brahman (zero infinite, which itself is the infinite zero) …
- As also, since the origination process supersedes the evolutionary process, so in reality, Shunya Brahman was prior the Shunya Tattva was manifested in its pinpointed (highly concentrated energy) state …
Since the Vedic sages had also told, origination is reciprocal of evolution, and since origination was preceding evolution, hence it is better to take origination stage as primary …
But at the same time, whilst we are still evolving, we shall have to relate to the evolutionary requirements and thus we would have to utilize the base of realization that relates to the evolutionary process itself (and thus, primordial nature would have to be self-realized, prior to the stage of self-realization of Shunya Brahman by us) … And since the path of this self-realization of pinpointed state of primordial nature, is in sameness to concentration techniques (i.e. that which leads to pinpointed state of consciousness, mind etc., of the aspirant), so concentration techniques can never be avoided during meditations and Yoga Tantra …
Proceeding further …
As of now, since none of the modern scientific community is having any self-realized sage in their communities, so, these astronomers and astrophysicists also speak about the sudden expansion of universe and term it as Big Bang and yet don’t know how this Big Bang had happened …
The present day incompleteness of this theory also proves that they consider the above told evolutionary process realization and yet prove, that none of them have self-realized the origination process, which as such can only be after an aspirant goes beyond the evolutionary process and thence has a direct cognition of what was discussed in the earlier topics, first of which was of “As IT originally was” and second of which was of the topic of “As IT self expressed Itself”, third of which was of the earlier discussed topic of “As IT progressed” and the fourth of which was of the earlier discussed topic of “As IT furthered itself” and the final topic of that earlier discussion, which had the header of “As IT eventually became” …
Infinite and Zero … Zero infinite and Infinite zero … Concept of Big Bang …
- Zero in its originality was zero infinite, which itself was infinite zero (i.e. Shunya Brahman, which also was the original self-expression of Brahman, as the Makers Makings) …
- Then zeroness separated out of and got pinpointed and thus can be addressed as primordial nature from who everything self-originated at a much later stage …
- This pinpointed state of primordial zeroness (primordial zero or primordial nature) was arrived due to absence of the infinity component of consciousness of infinity within it, and which as such became a fact, after zero of zero infinite, infinite zero (i.e. Shunya Brahman) separated out of infinity (which itself denotes Brahman) …
- And at a later time, the same pinpointed state of primordial zeroness (primordial nature) became consciously aware that within her was still present her final pervader, who as such was the infinite that denoted absolute consciousness …
- This led to her sudden expansion from her then ignorant state of pinpointed-ness (i.e. primordial zeroness) … And this is what modern science terms as Big Band theory …
- But in reality, the state of Big Bang is only related to a Mahakalpa (which can also be termed as a Surya Samvatsara) and not to the original origination of the Maker’s Makings, which as such was of the original self-expression of Brahman and that too, as Shunya Brahman (i.e. as zero infinite, which itself was as infinite zero) …
- Thus the astronomical age of universe as is told by astronomers of today, is not related to the reality of the actual age of universe … The age of universe as is told by astronomers only relates to a single Maha Kalpa and not to the entirety of age of Brahma (i.e. age of creator) …
In reality, the knowledge of Big Bang theory is only an iota of knowledge of the actual self-origination that actually happened of the Maker’s Makings …
I said Iota of knowledge, as the real knowledge is only known after the aspirant self-realizes the essence of the Vedic great statement (Vedic Mahavakya) where it is told that Atman is Brahman (and which in Vedic Sanskrit lore, is told as Ayam Atma Brahma) …
Those who have had a direct cognition of all aspects that the above stated Mahavakya refers to, know the original origination of Makers Makings …
And such aspirants also know, that present day modern science is still in its childhood state of crawling on the solid foundational floor, as is of the eternal time and its eternal cycles (Kala Chakra) …
And this is absence of fuller knowledge of modern scientific community, is also due to the fact that they utilize external instruments (scientific instruments) to know that subtlety, which itself is beyond all these scientific gross instruments (i.e. physical instruments) and which itself is due to the subtle effects of what was discussed in an earlier topic of “Limitations of Mahayantra” …
And on the contrary, the Yogi’s have known it through their direct cognitions due to the fact, that Yogi only use their own inner subtle instruments, which itself are those that each aspirant is granted through the timeless process of the supreme genius, which itself is of the Makers Makings, and which as such are of their own mind (i.e. Mann or Manas), knowledge (i.e. Vijyana or Vijnana or Buddhi), consciousness (i.e. Chitta), I’ness (i.e. Ahumkara or Ahamkara) and their own inner vitality (i.e. Vital airs or Prana) … And due to the use of such subtle instruments by Yogi’s, that can also directly cognize the subtlety of beyond, which as such had participated within and during the various stages of self-origination of the Maker’s Makings and that itself had started from the original self expression of Brahman, which this text and many Yogi’s had named as Shunya Brahman …
Unless modern scientific community changes its instruments to those states, which are not gross, the fullness of knowledge of self-origination of macrocosm can never be had … And in such a case of absence of fullness of knowledge, their theories would also keep changing, as per the eternal changeful nature of time (Kaalchakra) and other three primary dimensions (of ways of life or Disha, states of existences or Dasha and also the ever-changeful state of space within the universe or Akasha Mahabhuta) …
Zero never changes from what it is … Primordial is based in eternal sameness …
The original zero is the same primordial zero … Even when we may believe it to be different from any other zero (emptiness or voidness) that is ever self-realized by anyone, the zero in either of the cases is the same primordial nature, which by itself is the root of allness and which has no further root (because the real root of anything, had no further root) …
This as such is realized, whenever a person resides within the zero (emptiness or Shunya) that originally was and was is the same zero that ever was self-realized by anyone and it also is the same zero that is arrived at after the addition of any other zero to it …
Or in other words, the nature of the zero that originally was and the zero there is in any further self-realization, would be found to be the same zero that only is and where that zero is also residing in its same state, as is of the eternal primordial nature …
Thus the zeroness (voidness or emptiness) that any microcosm (Individual or corpus or aspirant) self-realizes or arrives at, would eternally be the same …
And this same zeroness is also seen to be within any individuality (i.e. seen to be to be present within any of the numerals that ever are) as is when its pervader (zero) is realized …
This itself leads to the conclusion that the entirety of zeroness actually is within its ever-same infinite nature and is also such that the same zeroness is within any aspect of zero (voidness) that is ever realized by any aspirant and during any of the triple times …
Infinite Zeroness … Has infinite number of zeros in itself and yet is visible as a single zero …
Each zero which we see during our self realizations, is also holding seas of seas of zeros within it …
This also means, that the zero that we see as zero, is actually a state that is of seas of seas of zeros, which itself are residing within the same zero that we see at any time … And yet that seen zero, is visible as a singular zero only … The same is also applicable to the mathematical symbol of zero …
Since everything originates from the same primordial zeroness of mother nature, thus these seas of seas of zeros, that are present within the same primordial zeroness (or Mother nature) is the reason for an expansive multiplicity of originated states within the Makers Makings …
Now read this carefully …
Within the supreme genius of Makersmakings, from within each of these zeros that are present as seas of sea of zeros, that are present within any of the zeros, are originated seas of seas of microcosm’s …
These infinite number of clusters of zeros that are present within each zero, is what infinite zeroness means …
And due to this reason, depending upon how many amongst those seas of seas of zeros that are present in any single zero that we observe (or self-realize), are the number of microcosmic states that get originated from it …
And this is also the main reason for originated microcosm’s to be present in any of the microcosmic clusters …
And this is also the reason for dimensional expansions of these microcosmic clusters …
Variety within zeroness, even when it’s the same zero … Intermediary states of emptiness …
Since there also are intermediary states of emptiness and since within these intermediary states of emptiness, even when the zero intrinsically remains as the same zero, yet extrinsically these zeros seem different …
To explain this aspect, I would have to use mathematics because in words, it is not possible to be explained …
For explanation purposes only, this state of zeros that reside within intermediary state of zeroness (emptiness) could be written as 0-A, 0-B, etc., and where this variety of zeroness, itself rests within the singular zero itself …
And in addition to above paragraph, this variety of zeroness as is within intermediary states of emptiness, also diversifies itself in a way, which for example purposes only and through mathematics, could be written as 0-AA, 0-BB, etc., in addition to its further diversification as 0-AB, 0-BA, etc., and this continues infinitely, into further stages such as 0-AAA, 0-ABA, 0-AAB … Endlessly … These explanations are mathematically denoting the intermediary states of emptiness as is told by sages (though in a very crude way, but this is better of all ways to describe it, and that I can think of, when I write this part of the text) …
And this is also the reason, for different types of microcosm’s to be present within the same cluster of zero and the reason for this diversity is that within the same zero and in that seas of seas of zeros that are resting in any zero, this aspect of intermediary states of zeroness, which mathematically was told as 0-A, 0-B, etc., is very clearly visible when we subtly observe it in meditative absorptions of Zeroness (Shunya Samadhi) …
And even when it essentially is the same zero, yet in its intermediary states of zeroness, it can seem different and where these differences are also such that, no zero of intermediary state of emptiness, is in sameness to any other zero that is also residing in that same intermediary state of zeroness …
But here, we won’t be touching on this part of the discussion as it is meant for a later topic and thus, as far as this topic stands, we shall be considering the emptiness of allness (macrocosmic voidness or Shunya Tattva or Sarva Shunya) only and not those intermediary states of zeroness as discussed in this sub-header of this topic …
Proceeding further …
And thus, even when we see the zero as is realized us, it actually is holding an infinite number of zeros within itself and where some of these zeros are also resting within that extremely vast hierarchy as is of the intermediary states of zeroness (Intermediary states of emptiness) …
Thus, even when we may just see that singular zero, that zeroness is infinite when we see its intrinsic nature …
And even when such is the case, yet when we see the extrinsic nature of that zero, it still is the same zero that ever was and has eternally been denoting the primordial zeroness of mother nature (Maa Prakriti) and which the highly evolved sages and self-realized, all-realized Yogi’s had named as Shunya Tattva (elemental zeroness), Shunya (zero of zeroness or emptiness), Shunyata (zeroness in its finality) and as Sarva Shunya (zeroness of allness or emptiness of allness) … And which itself denotes Shunya Ananta (zero infinite) that itself is the Ananta Shunya (infinite zero) …
Finality of self-realization through the path of Anant Shunya or Infinite Zero …
Thus, basis above …
At this stage of self-realization, Ananta Shunya (or zero nature of infinity or zeroness of infinity) is thus seen to be eternally resident within Shunya Ananta (or Infiniteness of zero or infinite nature of zero)…
And because vice-versa of this statement is also true, thus when fullness of self-realization of both these aspects is arrived at, then, it also leads to the same state, which is neither dual, nor non-dual and thus is without any alternates (Nirvikalpa) as far as its finality is concerned … Thus, the finality of self-realization through zero infinite, which itself is the infinite zero, is also none other than that of the same Brahman (attributeless infinite) …
Zeros in sea of zeros are a self-emanation of primordial zeroness of nature …
And in such a state, it does not matter how many zeros are there within the zero that is self-realized and thence observed, because the zeros which reside within the observed zero, do not even matter, as such individual differences are found to be none other than falsities, which itself are of individual-dualities that also exist within zeroness of allness (Sarva Shunya or Shunya Tattva) …
Thus, even in their apparent differences, all these zeros are just the same zero that is observed during the self-realization of zeroness of allness (emptiness of allness or Sarva Shunya) and these infinite number of zeros are also such that, all these zeros are intrinsically residing within the same zero that is observed … And thus all these seas of seas of zeros are also an intrinsic partless part of that same zero, in addition to being a self-emanation of that primordial zeroness, as is of primordial nature …
And when an aspirant just gets into the observation of that zero and its zeroness and thence sees the reality of that zero, which is also present within its intermediary zeroness, then the same zero is seen to be residing within its own infinite nature …
And thence, from this self-realization, if that aspirant subtly studies (subtly observes) that infinite that was self realized through the base self-realization of zeroness of zero, then it is also found that the infinite itself is the zero, that originally was observed by that aspirant …
Thus, basis this is self-realized the following …
- Zero in its entirety is denoting infiniteness of zero (i.e. Zero Infinity or Shunya Anantah) …
- And simultaneously, the infiniteness (of zero) is also rooted in zeroness of zero …
- This is how it is self-realized, whilst the aspirant is still based within the Makers Makings and thus has not attained the accomplishment of being the one, who as such is resting beyond the scopes and purviews of Maker’s Makings (i.e. until self-realization of the attributeless infinite being, this is how it would be self-realized by anyone) …
And through this self-realization, is further self-realized the origination process of Maker’s Makings … Thus, it is at this stage, the aspirant knows the following regarding the self-origination of Maker’s Makings …
- During origination of Makers Makings, the original self-expression of Brahman, was just as we had discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT self expressed itself” and this is what was addressed as Shunya Brahman …
- And thence through this self-realization (of Shunya Brahman) is further known what was discussed in another earlier topic of “As IT progressed” …
- And thence is self-realized another earlier topic of “As IT furthered Itself” …
- And only after this does the aspirant become capable to self-analyze what was discussed in another earlier topic of “As IT eventually became” …
- And then does the aspirant self realize that the evolutionary process of any microcosm is reciprocal of the origination process of Makersmakings, through which each microcosm (including the aspirant who self-realizes these discussions) was self-originated …
Proceeding further …
Since the principles of the macrocosm cannot be different for different entities, thus this fact is also is the basis for a further realization as stated below …
- Microcosm is macrocosm … This can also be told as follows … Pinda is Brahmand …
- Innermost essence (or soul) of everything and everyone is the innermost essence of allness (supreme being) … This can also be told as follows … Atma is Brahma …
Zeroness and its types … Voidness and its types …
Basis these self-realizations, following is what gets self-realized regarding voidness (emptiness) …
- Within intermediary states of emptiness … The voidness that is there, is based in duality … This is the state, where the perfection of self-realization of zero (emptiness) is still not arrived at by an aspirant …
- Within macrocosmic voidness … Or primordial nature or Mool Prakriti … Or Sarva Shunya or emptiness of allness … Or Shunya, Shunyata or Shunya Tattva … The voidness that is there is not devoid of itself, even when it seems as non-dual … Thus, in such a case, that voidness is seen as a vast fathomless sea of non-lightness of allness … Thus, within macrocosmic voidness (of primordial nature), the self-realized void is not devoid of voidness … This is self realized through some further stages of Shunya Samadhi (absorption in emptiness) and which leads to below bullet point …
- Within voidness that is full and simultaneously fullness that is empty … Or Shunya Brahman … Or zero infinite, which itself is the infinite zero … The voidness is neither devoid of zeroness (emptiness or voidness) nor is it devoid of infinity … This is the state, where the self-realized voidness is both zero and infinity … This is what Buddhist Tantra i.e. the knowledge of Tantra as was given by Gurudeva of my preceding incarnation, Gautama Buddha), calls as emptiness (Shunyata) … Here emptiness is full and fullness is empty … Thus, it is to due to this self-realization, that, Buddhist Tantrik texts state, emptiness is full … This state is where within the non-lightness of emptiness (zeroness of allness or voidness of allness), an extremely subtle, self-luminous, colorless pervader is seen (i.e. the aspirant self-realizes Brahman, as his or her own Atman) … This is how it is finally self-realized through Asamprajnita Samadhi (absorption in non-lightness and where that non-lightness is just as it has been subtly told in Naasadiya Sukta of Rigveda) …
- Within the attributeless infinite being (or Parabrahman) … The voidness that is there is absolutely devoid of voidness and only the self-luminous attributeless infinite (Parabrahman) fullness is all that remains … The self realization of this is through the non dual absorption, which in Yogic lore of Vedic sages, was told as Nirvikalpa Samadhi (non dual absorption) and whose path as a minimum, always passes through Nirbhava Samadhi (i.e. a state of absorption within the feeling-less being), Nirvichar Samadhi (i.e. a state of absorption within the thoughtless being) and this path of Nirvikalpa Samadhi also passes through Nirbija Samadhi (absorption within the seedless being) … In this path of Nirvikalpa aspect of Samadhi, there can also be other types of Samadhi, as have been discussed in an earlier topic of “Samadhi … Absorption” …
Important Note: Nirvikalpa Samadhi can also be directly entered into, i.e. without entering into all the other types of Samadhi as were discussed in the earlier topic of “Samadhi … Absorption” … But in such a case, that aspirant would also be present within the Maker’s Makings and thus would not be the one, who has already gone beyond the entirety of Maker’s Makings, and this is even when that aspirant would not be reborn in any of the triple worlds and during any of the triple times …
Important note continues: Unless all those Samadhi, which were discussed in the earlier topic of “Samadhi … Absorption” are accomplished, the fullness of Kaivalya Moksha, would only remain a distant dream and this is even when such an aspirant would never be born again (or better if I say, the time of his or her next return back to an incarnated state, cannot be calculated) …
Important note continues: Thus, in such a case where the aspirant has still not accomplished all the listed Samadhi of earlier topic of “Samadhi … Absorption”, that aspirant would never be able to permanently exit into that finality of colorless voidness of Brahman, which itself is the perfect fullness, i.e. the “void which is also devoid of itself, even when it actually is full of allness”, just as was discussed in above listed bullet points … That void which is fully devoid and yet absolutely full, is the absolute self-realization within any of the triple words and during any of the triple times …
And as a matter of fact …
- Amongst all the microcosm’s that have begun within the Makers Makings not even an iota of microcosm’s become aspirants of the path of liberation (i.e. Brahmanpath) …
- Of these extremely few aspirants, who become based in path of liberation (Brahmpath), not even an an iota of aspirants attain to Nirvikalpa Samadhi (i.e. absorption in the omnipresent, attributeless or colorless, infinite, non-dual being) …
- Of these extremely-extremely few aspirants who attain to Nirvikalpa Samadhi, not even an iota of an iota, have ever managed to accomplish it (i.e. Nirvikalpa Samadhi) through the prior accomplishments of all other Samadhi’s as listed in the earlier topic of “Samadhi … Absorption” …
- Thus, basis above bullet point … Those who know the finality of void to also be devoid of itself and also devoid of all its self-manifestations, self-expressions and self-presence as Maker’s Makings, are only an “iota of iota of iota … endlessly … Amongst all that has ever begun as a microcosm, within the supreme genius of Maker’s Makings” …
- Due to this reason, liberation (Mukti) also has its types, aspects and paths, just as were discussed in an earlier topic of “Types, aspects and path of Mukti” and whose (i.e. Mukti) entire path always passes through the stage of “fullness of detachment to allness and her each part (i.e. the path is always passing through the stage of perfection of Tyaga)” …
Intrinsic absence of individuality within zeroness …
Zeroness (or emptiness) is not a state of individuality, even when the individual zero and those seas of seas of zeros that are present within any individual zero, may seem to be individual states …
Even when any observed zero is eternally holding a sea of infinite zeros within itself and yet the zero is rooted in nonness of individuality … This is a fact, even when we may find it as an individual state of zeroness …
And after the infinite nature of zero is realized, it shall also be found that infinity rests within the zeroness and zeroness itself rests within the infinity and thus these two states are inseparable in their ultimate reality … This itself was the reason for Vedic statements such as …
- Brahman and Brahman Shakti are one and the same …
- Shiva is Shakti … And simultaneously is self-realized the fact as was stated by Vedic sages, as … Shakti is Shiva … Shiva and Shakti are one and the same, even when they may seem to be different in their self-manifested states (as told in various scriptures) … Both Shakti and Shiva are denoting the intrinsic fullness of Brahman … And in their unioned state, as Ardhanarishwara, they themselves are as the Saguna Atman (attributed state of the innermost essence of all) …
- Deva is Devi … And simultaneously is self-realized the fact as was stated by Vedic sages, as … Devi is Deva … Devi and Deva and one and the same, even when they may seem to be different in their self-manifested and self-present states … Both Devi and Deva are denoting the fullness of Para Brahman (supreme being) …
- Diving is divinity … And simultaneously is self-realized the fact as was stated by Vedic sages, as … Divinity is divine … Both divine and divinity, are denoting the fullness of Parabrahman (supreme being) …
- , etc., …
- As is there no duality in zero and as also is no presence of duality within infinity, so is the absence of duality in all above apparently dual, yet actually non dual aspects, only the absolute being (Parambrahma or Parabrahman) is all that remains for an aspirant who has directly cognized this fact …
- And at a much later stage, the aspirant also knows that the same is also applicable to the absence of duality in whatever is discussed in next set of bullet points … This is because, there can never be two set of principles, process and laws for two different aspects, when they both are residing in the same Maker’s Makings, which in its partless-fullness is only denoting the non-dual fullness a self-expressed, self-manifested and self-present state of the same Maker of allness (Param Brahma) as his own Maker’s Makings … This is also due to sameness of effects of macrocosmic laws, just as was discussed in an earlier topic of “Universal nature of cosmic laws” … The macrocosm or the Makers Makings and even the Maker is perfectly non-prejudiced to all its parts … And so are the cosmic laws …
And simultaneously, this also leads to further self-realizations as told below …
- Everything is naught but a self-expression, self-manifestation of the same Brahman (absolute being) and thus …
- Macrocosm itself manifests as the microcosm … Thus, Macrocosm is microcosm (Brahmand is Pinda) … And simultaneously … Microcosm is macrocosm (Pinda is Brahmand) …
- The innermost essence (or Atman) of any microcosm, is the essence of allness (Para Brahman) … Thus, Atman is Brahman … And simultaneously, Brahman is Atman …
- As is there no duality in zero and as also there is no duality within infinity, so is the reason for absence of duality in microcosm and macrocosm (because both the microcosm and macrocosm are self-originated from zero infinite, which itself is the infinite zero) and same is also applicable to the absence of duality in Atma and Brahma …
Path of zero infinite, infinite zero passes through Prakriti Purusha Yoga …
Please note this carefully …
- Purusha denotes the masculine principle, conscious principle, fatherly principle, detachment principle, finality principle, etc., …
- Prakriti denotes the feminine principle, activity principle, motherly principle, attachment principle, evolutionary principle, etc., …
- And the unioned state of Purusha and Prakriti, denotes the knowledge principle, path of liberation (Muktimarg), Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara, attributed-form of Atman (Saguna Sakara Awastha of Atman) and attributed-formless state of Atman (Saguna Nirakara Awastha of Atman) and where that Atman (innermost essence of any microcosm) itself is the supreme being (Param Brahma) to who all paths eventually proceed, just as was discussed in an earlier topic of “All roads lead to the same home” …
Thus, basis above …
- When Prakriti and Purusha are not-perfectly (non-dually) unioned to each other, knowledge was absent in the Makers Makings …
- And only after Purusha and Prakriti were unioned to each other, did the knowledge of allness, get manifested within the Makersmakings …
- Thus, all knowledge, including of paths of liberation (Mukti Marg or paths of Kaivalya), is related to the earlier discussed topic of Prakriti Purusha Yoga, which itself is a part and parcel of the vast knowledge that relates to Raam Naad (Sound of Ram) and which in Vedic lore is also addressed as Shiva Taraka Mantra, in addition to being addressed as Shiva Taraka Naad and which by itself is a part of the vast knowledge that related to Naad Brahm (Nada Brahman), and which in some texts of Vedic lore is also addressed as Shabd Brahm (or Shabda Brahman) …
- And due to above stated facts, what is told as Nada Brahman and Shabda Brahman, which include the aspects which related to Brahma Nada (i.e. the primordial sound of allness or primordial sound of mother nature or Brahmnaad), are all related to same fact as is of Purusha Prakriti Yoga itself …
Proceeding further …
Thus, one of the paths towards zeroness (voidness) is through the union of the masculine and feminine principles i.e. when we unite Prakriti and Purusha or in other words, we reach an inner unity to that which is told as Yin and Yang, both which itself are present within us, then we can also arrive at zeroness of our current discussion …
But from that zeroness that is self-realized (and thus, arrived at) by us and that too where this arrival is through the union of Purusha and Prakriti that are present within us, is opened the path which leads to a final accomplishment of Nirbija Samadhi (absorption in the seedless being) …
When we study the zeroness that is arrived at through the discussion of this topic, we find the zeroness itself is infinite i.e. we find that infinite numbers of indistinguishable and thus un-separated zeros are residing within the same zeroness that is arrived at during our self-realizations … And this in turn leads to the culmination of realization, of Infiniteness of zero (or Zero Infinite) …
And then (further on), when we see the real nature of infinity that is arrived at (or self-realized) by us, we find that infinity itself rests within the same zero that earlier was arrived at by us … And this as such leads to the realization of infinite zero (or zeroness of infinity) …
And further if we merge these two realizations (i.e. merge zeroness of infinity and infiniteness of zeroness), we arrive at the state which is free of both these apparently different aspects of zero and infinity and thus, in such a stage of self-realization, as far as their individualities and unioned corpus are concerned, they are one and the same … This sameness is what Shunya Brahman really denotes, and where that Shunya Brahman, also denotes the original self-expression of Brahman as the timeless and thus eternally unioned state of zero infinite, which itself is the infinite zero …
And finally … Through this topic, that state which is eventually arrived at (i.e. finally self-realized) is of the attributeless, undefined-infinite, neither dual nor non dual truth (Brahman) which is of perfect silence (i.e. is even free of Nada Brahman) …
This finality of Brahman, is also found to be free of all of the earlier four aspects of (i.e. zero, infinite, zero infinite and infinite zero) because they are only found to be related to Maker’s Makings and not to that finally arrived or self-realized state (of Brahman) …
Above means, that, the finally self-realized state is free of the earlier four aspects of zeroness, infinity, infinite zeroness and zeroness of infinity … As such after the aspirants goes beyond these four aspects, there still is a state of infinity, but that state is undefined, due to its being attributeless (Nirguna) …
And finally … Please carefully note below …
When in above path, when Purusha and Prakriti initially meet each other and that too where this divine meeting happens within the aspirants microcosm (i.e. physical vehicle of that aspirant), then at this stage also, the voidness of allness (emptiness of allness or Sarva Shunya) is what gets initially self-manifested and initially thus self-realized by that aspirant …
And due to this reason, even the path of this union (or Purusha and Prakriti or Yang and Yin) also leads to an initial stage, which as such is of the self-realization of voidness of allness …
It is also due to this reason, that many sages had told the same fact … That, if masculine and feminine principles (Or Purusha and Prakriti or Yang and Yin) are merged together, then zeroness (or eternal darkness or eternal non lightness or macrocosmic voidness) shall be entered into by the aspirant …
Thus in such a case also, the root Samadhi (or first absorption) cannot be any other than that of Shunya Samadhi (absorption in emptiness), which also proves the earlier fact, that the path of this topic always opens up from zeroness and where that zeroness, itself is as infiniteness of zeroness (or Zero Infinite or Shunya Ananta) and which eventually leads to the zeroness of infinity (or Infinite zero or Ananta Shunya) …
Thus, the path laid by Gurudeva of my preceding incarnation (i.e. Buddha Avatara), is the root of path of self-realization … And so is his Sangha …
Continues …