Here we discuss the Yogic aspects of infinite and zero, but with reference to the nature of zeroness of root zero, infinity as infiniteness, Primordial nature itself is Mool Prakriti …
This topic is the fourteenth one in this series of Zero and Infinity (or Infinity and zero) and it continues from the previous topic that had the header of “Warrior of Zero infinite Infinite zero … Mahatam … Mahashunya” … Hence please read all previous topics prior this one …
0 x 0 = 0 … Zeroness is un-multipliable … Zeroness of root zero … Primordial nature … Mool Prakriti …
Here un-multipliable means the non-increasing and non-decreasing character of voidness (or Shunyata), so as to discuss the zeroness …
Zeroness (emptiness or voidness) is eternally constant in its corpus …
The sea of zeros that may be apparent to be present in voidness, are unfractured and thus are the same as voidness itself … Thus, the vast sea of intermediary states of emptiness are also the same emptiness, in which they reside and this is even when they may seem to be different …
This seeming apparently different and yet being one due to the fact, that all worlds, planes, universes are pervaded and enveloped by that voidness, that voidness is a continuous entity across the entirety of the multi-universal macrocosmic creation … And in addition to being present across the entirety of Makers Makings, the totality of it’s corpus remains in an eternal constancy …
0 x 0 = 0 … Constancy of macrocosmic corpus … Infiniteness …
Here we shall discuss the infiniteness …
Basis above discussions, that eternal constancy of the total corpus of voidness, is even when an “eternal change is the only eternal constant” within the Makersmakings … This is due to the fact, that all states self-originate out of voidness. then these states live their destined time spans and thence dissolute back to voidness, so eventually the corpus of allness, which itself is an emanation of voidness, can never change …
The mode of existence within voidness is neither cyclic nor acyclic, because it is emanatory …
Allness and her each part, is naught but an emanation of the same voidness and where the existence of each microcosm and the macrocosm, is also such that it remains within the purviews of voidness across its entire existence and where its original state, was also as an emanation of voidness … Remains in purviews is told here because voidness keeps pervading and enveloping the entirety of allness, which itself is an emanation that came out of voidness, especially when we consider its original state and just as it was at the time, when allness was just about emanated as a sea of zeros, from within the macrocosmic voidness …
Thus, even when we see macrocosm and microcosm to be existent separately from voidness, yet in reality they remain as unbroken partless parts of voidness due to being nothing but an emanation of voidness, which itself self-emanates and thence self-originates itself as macrocosm and microcosm … It it due to this reason, the corpus of the entire macrocosmic creation, is also resting in an eternal constancy …
And where this constancy of pluralistic state of the macrocosmic corpus is also due to the fact as told in the sub-header of this discussion, as 0 x 0 = 0 …
In reality of primordial state of nature (i.e. primordial zeroness) from which all numerals (microcosm’s) and the entire corpus of numerals (macrocosm) is emanated, there is no numeral … In that primordial nature, only the zero exists and that too in its highly compressed, pinpointed root energy state that is devoid of lightness (i.e. it is a non-lighted state) …
And since matter (numeral) of subtle or gross form is also an emanation of voidness, which also returns back to the same voidness, so in the beginning and end of macrocosmic creation, the corpus is the same …
And whilst those mattered states (numeral or corpus of numerals) exist as matter, they are still permeated and enveloped by the same voidness from which they had originally originated and thus have always remained a part of that voidness …
So, even when the macrocosm exists as a macrocosm and also exists within all microcosm’s, the corpus of voidness remains unchanged from what it earlier was and as was, when only the primordial voidness (primordial state of zero) was all that was existent …
And since original state of matter was energy and final state of matter (i.e. after matter dissolutes) would also be the same energy, whose root state is voidness (emptiness or Shunyata), thus is the reason for inter convertibility of matter and energy within the Maker’s Makings …
Proceeding further …
The primordial zero (primordial nature) has vast number of (i.e. seas of seas and further seas of) zeros inherent in it … And yet it is visible as a zero (empty state) only … This is also because of the sub-header as stated above, as 0 x 0 = 0 and is interpreted as eternal constancy of macrocosmic corpus …
Proceeding further …
Thus, irrespective of how many of the individualities are originated or are existent, the same primordial nature (i.e. Shunya or voidness) envelopes and pervades all these states of individualities …
This itself is as the voidness remains as the primordial unchanged zero, which itself is non prejudiced and non discriminative of all the seas of zeros that reside within it and from which vast number of the manifested and non-manifested states of allness are self-originated … And yet that primordial nature pervades and envelopes all, whilst maintaining a detachment as must be in any pervader, so as to make it continue as the pervader (permeator) …
Note: If the pervader (i.e. one who permeates) becomes attached to the pervaded (i.e. one who is permeated), then it cannot continue its pervadement any longer … This is due to the fact, that, within attachment of the subtler pervader to the grosser pervaded, the pervader would only end up reaching (or attaining to) the grosser state of the pervaded … And in such a case, the pervader would cease to be a pervader, that it earlier was (as in such a state, the subtler pervader would only be like the grosser pervaded) … This is one of the macrocosmic laws, which would be discussed in a later principle, that has the header of principle of pervader and pervaded …
- 0 x 0 and until let’s just hypothetically say, “Infinity minus 1” = 0 …
“Infinity minus 1” as stated here, is only told to describe that state of self-realization, which is just prior to the self-realization of an “infinite, colorless, aspectless, soundless, self-luminous, attributeless absolute being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahman)” who due to its omnipresence, is also found to be present within the eternal non-lightness of the self-realized zeroness itself …
This in turn describes the fact, that, zero exists within its constant primordial nature and is unchangeable even by other zeros which shall try merge with it at any later stage of macrocosmic existence …
Thus, basis this fact, following is what comes out … Primordial nature remains as the eternal unchanged entity … Any method that may be used to change the corpus value of primordial nature, would thus fail …
- 0 x 0 and until let’s just hypothetically say, “Infinity” = Zero Infinite …
Here we shall discuss the infiniteness of zero, and that too, whilst using zero as a base …
To begin this discussion, I need to clarify a few aspects or else we would only get results which are tangential to what would be observed within a Yogic Samadhi …
- Infinity is not a numeral of mathematics, it is a Yogic realization, whose path is of Nirvikalpa Samadhi, which itself passes through the earlier stage of Nirbhava Samadhi (feeling-less absorption) then through the stage of Nirvichar Samadhi (thoughtless absorption) and thence through the next stage, which as such is of Nirbija Samadhi (seedless absorption) …
- Zero is also not a numeral of mathematics, it also is a Yogic realization whose path is of Shunya Samadhi …
- Zero Infinite is also not a mathematical concept, it is a Yogic one whose self realization is through the Asamprajnita Samadhi (absorption in the non-lighted being) …
- And finally … Infinite Zero is also not a mathematical concept, it is a Yogic one whose self realization is through the Asamprajnita Samadhi (absorption in the non-lighted being) …
- Unioned state of Zero and Infinite, which is self realized through the realization of Zero Infinity, which simultaneously is also seen as Infinite Zero, is what Shunya Brahman means … In Shunya Brahman, Shunya means zero and Brahman means Infinite …
Now discussing the above stated equation …
- When union is initiated by primordial nature i.e. the primordial zero in which the entirety of seas of seas of zeros exist and yet she is visible as the one and only primordial zero, to the undefined infinity, then primordial nature suddenly expands and starts moving towards the state of infinity …
- And as this happens, the zero infinite (Shunya Anantah comes into being) …
- Thus, zero infinite is that state of union of primordial nature (i.e. primordial zero, which holds a vast seas of seas of zeros in itself and yet is visible as the primordial zero) to the attributeless infinite being (Brahman) …
- But since nature cannot be unnatural, so she also cannot reach that infinity even across her eternal existence (Vedas say, nature is also as eternal as the absolute Brahman and thus I have used the term eternal existence for nature and the same fact relates to primordial nature too) …
- This leads to a state, where maximum that mother nature (Maa Prakriti) can ever attain to, is what was told as the hypothetical number of “Infinity minus 1” in above equation …
- And when the primordial zero reaches the state as told by above equation, then her state would be self-realized as Zero Infinite (i.e. infiniteness of zero or infiniteness of primordial nature) …
Thus is the Yogic mathematical aspect of Shunya Ananta (Zero Infinite), which means the infiniteness of zeroness … Or in other words, infiniteness of primordial nature, but after she tries to unite to the attributeless infinite being (Para Brahman) …
But nature never reaches infinity, she just stops short of infinity due to her inherent limitation of not being attributeless (nature can never be attributeless because attributeless-ness is only of the absolute being or Parambrahma) …
And this limitation itself is the one which leads to a state, where nature also cannot be the undefined infinite being (Param Brahma) … Thus, as a maximum, nature can only reach to what was hypothetically told as “Infinity minus 1” …
And this is the reason, for her to be such, that in her end state, she stays slightly less than the infinite being (Parabrahman) and this is what was hypothetically written as “Infinity minus 1” …
Thus, the universe can also not be infinite … It would stop when it reaches the hypothetical value of “Infinity minus 1” …
It doesn’t matter if modern day mathematicians believe this or not … I say so, because this is a Yogic concept that needs to be self realized through Samadhi and thus, it anyways is not related to mathematics … Even when I am taking support of mathematics due to absence of words to describe it … L …
And to tell the truth … Mathematics is an offspring of Yoga … This is how it was during my my earlier incarnations during Swayambhu Manvantara and when I was an insignificant little student of my Gurudeva of that time (Swayambhu Manu) and whom Gurudeva had named as Ganit and which at that time was meant to mean, divine mathematics (or knower of mathematics of creator or one who has known the subtle mathematics of universe) …
Infinity x “Infinity -1” and let’s just hypothetically say, until 0 = Infinity …
Here we use the infiniteness, discuss some other aspects …
Please note this carefully, as this is how it is seen during Samadhi …
- If there is an undefined eternal constant, it is infinity …
- Infinity is undefined truth, whose Siddhi is of being a Satyatma … Such a seer attains to Sat Loka (plane of absolute truth, which is also termed as Brahmaloka or the abode of creator of allness and which is also termed as the Sadyojata face of Sadashiva) …
- It is the incomprehensible fathomless-ness of beginningless, timelessness of endlessness and thus is the undefined timeless eternity (Sanatan) … It’s Siddhi (accomplishment) is of the Lord of eternal time (or Mahakaal) and whose pristine divinity is addressed as Mahakaali …
- Thus the seer of above stated aspect of infinity, always accomplishes the most difficult Yoga, which is told as Mahakali Mahakaal Yoga … The seer who has accomplished this, is the Kalatma (the innermost essence of eternal time) which also means that the seer of this aspect, itself is the Atma (or soul or innermost essence) of timeless aspect of time (eternity) … Such a seer attains to Kalatit Mukti …
- It is the directionless omnidirectional, whose Siddhi is of Sarva Disha Darshi (seer of all directions or of all ways of life or al paths of evolution) … Such a seer attains to Dishatita Mukti (i.e. he or she needs no path, as he is present in every path and is as as the soul of all those paths) …
- It is the stateless omnipresent, whose Siddhi (or accomplishment) is of Sarvavyapti of Mahakash (or omnipresent state of great limitless sky which pervades all and in which allness rests) which makes its seer as Sarva Dasha Darshi (seer of all states i.e. all states of existence, evolution and thus the entirety of Maker’s Makings) … Such a seer attains to Dashatit Mukti (or he or she resides in no single place, as he is then present in all states as as the soul of all states of Makersmakings … And beyond) …
- It is supreme knowledge and thus its Siddhi is of Atma Gyan (self knowledge through self-realization) and where his Atman is Brahman … The state of such a seer is of a Gyanatma (i.e. soul of all knowledge and paths of bondage and liberation) …
- It is omniconscious consciousness, whose Siddhi is of supreme consciousness which is known as Chidakash (great limitless sky of consciousness) … Such a seer rests in Turiyatit Mukti … Such a seer is beyond all states of consciousness, i.e. beyond the four states of consciousness, which as such are of awake, sleep, dream and the fourth state of Samadhi … In Turiyateet Mukti, he or she remains as the “soul of all souls (Atma of all Atma)” and thus the state of such a seer is of a Sarvatma … The state of such a seer is of Chidatma (the source and soul of all consciousness) … And the state of such a seer is of Sat Chit Ananda … And as a matter of fact, Chidatma is Sriman Naaraayana, who in Shaiva Lore’s is also the one addressed as Sadashiva …
- It is attributeless and thus it had no Siddhi, because such a state is of the attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahman) … It is colorless and thus it’s closest Siddhi is of Nirang Tattva (colorless originality that was prior to anything had originated within the Maker’s Makings) and the state of that seer is of Gunatma … Such a seer rests in Gunateet Mukti … The state of such a seer of infinity, is of Guna Brahma (i.e. attributes within that seer are the absolute being) …
- It is the supreme mind whose, Siddhi is of Vishva Manas Tattva (i.e. the innermost mind of allness and her each part) … The state of such a seer is of Mann Brahma (i.e. his mind is absolute being) …
- It is the innermost essence of Panch Bhoot (five elements) … The realizer of this aspect of Infinity, is a Bhootatma (i.e. the innermost soul of Panch Bhoot or soul of five elements) … And the state of such a seer is of Mahabhoot Brahma …
- And the divinity of infinity, is the omnipotent vitality (Adi Para Shakti) whose Siddhi is of being a Pranatma (i.e. the essence of or Atma of Prana of all) … The state of such a seer is of Pranatma (i.e. the soul of all vitality of the entire macrocosmic creation … And beyond) …
- The seer of Infinity, is eventually free of Karma and Karma Phala, i.e. he or she is free of all deeds and fruits and thus such a seer rests in Karmatit Mukti (i.e. the final liberation or that liberation (Moksha)which is beyond all Karma and Karma Phala and thus is beyond all deeds and their fruits or in other words, beyond cause and effect) … Karmateet Mukti is that state where the seer goes beyond the entirety of scopes and applications of “law of cause and effect” and due to this, he also goes beyond its governing macrocosmic principle, i.e. the principle of dependent origination …
Proceeding further …
During self-origination of the Makers Makings, when infinity which as such is undefined, is unioned to infinity, which is also undefined, then as an end product of this union, only the infinite remains as the final result …
But the story of that Yogic Samadhi through which this self-realization happens, does not end here, because it further proceeds to infinite zero, through which the Zero infinite is self-realized … Thus, through above stated equation of Infinity x “Infinity -1” and let’s just hypothetically say, until 0 = Infinity, the path is reverse of what we have discussed till now (i.e. first is a self-realization of zero infinite, then only is the direct cognition of infinite zero) …
And after this stage, is the fact of self-origination of Maker’s Makings known, which as such was through the original self-expression of Brahman, who is known as Shunya Brahman …
And where Shunya Brahman is none other than Sriman Naaraayana, who itself is the one who is addressed as Panch Mukha Sadashiva (Five faces of Sadashiva) …
And the same self-realization leads to the further realization of the fact that five faces of Shiva (Panch Mukha Shiva) are also denoting Bhagwan Vishvakarman, who also is the one about whom Panch Brahma Upanishad talks about and names as Panch Brahma (Five Brahmas) …
Thus is directly cognized the original fact about self-origination of allness and which itself was in a stage that was prior to origination of allness …
This was when that infinite had separated a part of itself, which which itself was infinite, who within itself was having the primordial zero, and thence at a later stage, that same infinite, which was having itself the presence of the primordial zero (primordial nature) had again conjoined back to form the infinite, then was the stage of infinite zero, who itself was the zero infinite, that was as the original self-expression of that same Infinite …
I know above paragraph would be beyond comprehension of most … But this is exactly how it is also self-realized during Samadhi … Above paragraph describes that, which itself is beyond the Maker’s Makings as it also denotes a condition, which itself was prior the original self-expression of Parabrahman, i.e. Shunya Brahman, had even arrived …
And this fact is what the next sub-header of this discussion tells about in its own subtle ways …
Infinity – Infinity = Infinity … Essence of IshaVasya Upanishad of Yajurveda …
This equation denotes the state of origination of all that is as macrocosm and microcosm …
In above equation, one infinity denotes the microcosm and macrocosm and the other infinity denotes the self-expresser of allness (Para Brahman) …
And since microcosm and macrocosm is nothing but a self-expression, self-manifestation and self-presence of the Absolute being (Parambrahma) and since the self-expression cannot be different from its self-expresser, so eventually both are the same as far as their innermost essence is concerned (i.e. as far as the fact of Atma is Brahma), is concerned … This equation is reverse of the final liberation (i.e. Kaivalya Moksha) as would be discussed within the next sub-header of this topic …
I leave this Yogic self-realization for interested aspirants (and thus, those aspirants who have reached the ripeness and rightness of their evolutionary standings, to know it through a direct cognition), by stating what this actually means through a Veda Mantra … This Veda Mantra is as stated below …
ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात्पुर्णमुदच्यते
पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ॥
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
AOM poornamadah poornamidam poornat poornamudachyate
Poornasya poornamadaya poornamevavashisyate ||
AOM Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||
AUM, That is full, This is also full, From That fullness comes this fullness,
Taking fullness from fullness, fullness indeed remains,
OM Peace, Peace, Peace
IshaVasya Upanishad, Which is a part of (Shukla) Yajurveda Samhita
In above Veda Mantra. that which is stated as full, also is the same infinite … This is as an absolute fullness, is of the infinite only …
Whenever any aspirant shall analyze this Veda Mantra through Yogic ways, then that aspirant would only find that the entire cosmic creation is rooted in this Mantra of Vedas …
And such an aspirant would also agree, that this Veda Mantra is actually describing the self-origination of allness and also the self-origination of her each part …
Infinity + Infinity = Infinity … Kaivalya Moksha … Final Liberation …
As a matter of fact …
- In above equation, one infinity denotes the aspirant’s innermost essence (Atma) and the other infinity denotes the essence of allness (Para Brahman) … And since Atman is Brahman, so eventually both are the same … This equation is reverse of the origination process that was discussed in the preceding sub-header of this topic …
As a matter of fact …
- To enter into a state, self-realization of that state stands paramount …
- To self-realize anything, we need to be having our inner sameness to that thing … This is due to the fact, that “you are what you have self realized” …
- The same fact was told as follows by Vedic sages as follows …
Everything is Brahman … Brahman is all that is … Allness verily is Brahman
Above statement is also the path of self-realization of Brahman …
Thus, basis above …
To know the infinite (Brahman), be Brahman (infinite)
And on similar lines,
The sage who has directly cognized the infinite, is the same Infinite (Brahman)
This is because of the same fact, that to know something, we have to inwardly be that thing, the Vedic sages had also told …
The knower of Brahman, is Brahman (Infinite)
When any sage, who inwardly has attained to an infinite state (as is of his or her own Atman), self-realizes the infinite that is also beyond (i.e. Brahman) his tiny microcosm, then after this union, the ever-same, perfectly non-dual infinite (Brahman), is all that remains … This fact was told by Vedic sages as follows …
Be Brahman (infinite) to know Brahman (infinite)
Know Brahman (infinite) to be Brahman (infinite)
And finally for this sub topic …
We never attain to liberation, unless we ourselves are that liberation …
And since the final liberation, which is of a state of full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part and which is termed as Kaivalya and Moksha, is only and only possible within the union to the attributeless infinite (Nirgun Brahma) thus infinite shall have to be self-realized for which the aspirant shall inwardly have to be like the attributeless infinite being (Parabrahman or Brahman) itself is as that aspirants Atman …
Unless above stated fact is complied, the final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha), which itself denotes Karmatita Mukti can never be entered into … And in such a case, that aspirant would only attain to one or another aspect of Karmadheen Mukti …
And as a last point of this part of the discussion … The application of earlier stated Veda Mantra of IshaVasya Upanishad, is also when the infinite (i.e. aspirants innermost consciousness or Atman) adds up to the infinite (supreme consciousness or Brahman) …
Infinity is the eternal changeless … Truth Knowledge Infinite is Brahman …
Through mathematics and Yogic ways, irrespective of when and where anyone may try to analyze infinity, infinity remains as the eternal changeless …
That which is changeless is Satyam (Truth) … And the self-realization and the further knowledge through study or analysis of that truth is what the Sanskrit word of Jnana (wisdom) actually means …
And thus is the reason for a Vedic statement (as told in Taittreya Upanishad) and is stated below …
Which in English language could be written as …
Truth knowledge infinite is Brahman
And this itself is because of the fact, that the infinite is the supreme being (Brahman) …
And since that infinite Brahman is attributeless and since attributeless cannot be defined, so it also cannot be within a changeful state … How can that which is attributeless, be changeful within its own attributeless state …
Thus, irrespective what anyone may do to analyze the nature of infinite, the end result would only be the undefined …
And the same is also there, when we analyze infinite by taking the tool of analysis as zero (primordial nature or Shunya Tattva or Sarva Shunya) …
Zero is its own pervader and enveloper … Primordial nature pervades herself …
Irrespective of what zeroness (Voidness or emptiness) may seem like, it always has seas of seas of zeros present within it … Thus, in reality zero pervades itself …
And since that sea of zeros which are present within any singular zero, is also enveloped by the same singular zero, thus zero is also its own enveloper …
Infinite is beyond being a pervader and enveloper … Even when it is the final …
Infinite being undefined, cannot be deemed to be a pervader and enveloper of anything …
And yet, since infinite is the attributeless, who itself is the supreme being (Parambrahma), from whom everything gets self-expressed and to whom everything eventually proceeds (and everything has also been proceeding to the same infinite, every since everything had self-originated), so everything rests within the infinite, and at the same time, infinite also rests within everything …
And this itself is because, the infinite is the eternal omnipresent entity (i.e. it exists within and beyond everything) …
As also, because everything rests within the infinite, so the infinite is the enveloper of allness and her each part …
And since infinite, who itself is the attributeless one, and is also the one who self-expresses allness, so the infinite is also the subtler amongst all that rests within allness and where all parts of allness also are as one or another microcosmic self-manifestations of allness itself and are also resting within the envelopes of that infinite …
Since the original self-expresser is the attributeless infinite absolute being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahman), thus in the innermost core of allness and also the innermost cores of all that rests within allness, only the infinite resides “since and as” the timeless originality which was prior to the self-origination of Maker’s Makings and also as the fathomless finality that would also be present after endless end of allness, which itself is in the state of Mahapralaya … Thus, infinite is also the pervader of allness and her each part …
Note: Maha Pralaya is that state, which is termed as great dissolution of allness, that always arrives after the creator deity or Brahma completes his destined lifetime of 311.040 trillion human solar years, as per the middle unitary value of time of this planets (earth’s) cycles of precession of equinoxes (axial precession) … These middle time units are the time units, that were used in each calculation of Vedic sages …
And as a matter of fact during Yogic self-realizations and also those Yogic realizations of allness, as far as the infinite (Param Brahma) is concerned, irrespective of whether IT is realized within or beyond one’s microcosm, it remains as the undefined infinite, who itself is one’s innermost essence (Atman) and who is also the ever-same, attributeless infinite innermost essence of allness and her each part (Nirgun Nirakara Brahman) …
Thus, in reality, the innermost essence of each microcosm (i.e. Atman), is infinite … And the innermost essence of allness is also the same infinite only (i.e. Brahman only) …
Self-realization of above fact was also the reason for the Vedic Mahavakya (i.e. Vedic great statement or mega statement of Vedas) of Atharvaveda, which the self-realized, all-realized sages had told as “Ayamatma Brahma (or in other words, This Atman is That Brahman)” …
Inwardly zero is the path of liberation … Truth of Buddha’s and Yogic ways …
Unless one is inwardly detached from allness and her each part, one cannot go beyond allness and her each part …
Thus, unless the detachment of an aspirant is towards allness and her each part (i.e. towards entirety of Makers Makings) and thus the aspirant becomes inwardly based within primordial zeroness, the path of exit from allness cannot even open up … This is because, in reality, the root of allness (primordial emptiness or zeroness) is the path to the finality … Thus, basis this fact, the path of final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha) could be thus told …
To be infinite … Be zero
Unless the path of final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha or Nirvana as it is also called) opens up, one cannot go beyond the entirety of Maker’s Makings, and thus be liberated …
And due this reason, within the path of final liberation (Kaivalya Moksha), the requirement of fullness of inward detachment (i.e. inward detachment of allness and her each part), stands paramount …
Thus is the truth of Buddha’s way, which itself is an intrinsic part of the even earlier Yogic ways …
And since liberation is only within the infinite (Brahman), so its path can also be told thus …
Be Zero … To be the Infinite
Be detached … To be liberated
Above itself is the essence of path of Zero Infinite, who itself is Infinite Zero
Shunya Anantah, Anant Shunya is Shunya Brahman … Path of final emancipation
- 1 x 0 = 0 … Path of liberation … Muktimarg …
If we inwardly (i.e. through Yogic ways) multiply the un-multipliable zero with a numeral (microcosm or aspirant), then also the end result is also the same zero, which as such denotes detachment from allness and her each part … And thus, this equation also denotes the path of final liberation (Muktimarg) …
Since zero denotes the primordial nature (i.e. it denotes the primordial zeroness of Mother nature), which itself denotes the state that was prior to the self-origination of the manifest and non manifest states of nature, i.e. zero denotes the state, which was prior to the self-manifestation of Apra Prakriti (or manifest state of nature) and Para Prakriti (non manifest state of nature or beyond nature), so attainment to zeroness also denotes the stage of exit from allness of macrocosmic creation (macrocosm or Brahmand) …
And since the the macrocosm (or macrocosmic creation) was discussed to be having four primary aspects which were told as its only parts … So basis this the fourfold state of macrocosm can be summarized as follows …
- Cyclic existence … Begun macrocosm or cyclic existence …
- Inertial macrocosm … This was told to be composed of the corpus of vast numbers of inert matter or inertial masses, which as such are compressed states of macrocosmic energies and are like microscopic specs of dark colored matter … These inertial masses reside within the unbegun macrocosm, even when they may seem to be present in the begun macrocosmic states and this itself is because, the unbegun being subtler, is also the pervader and enveloper of all that is as the begun …
- Macro-neutral macrocosm … This is the separation of begun and unbegun macrocosm and is of a diamond white color … This diamond white color is directly related to the Sadyojata face of Shiva (i.e. the western face of Shiva) who in its formless attributed state, is also addressed as Brahma Loka …
- Unbegun macrocosm … Eternal macrocosm or Sanatan Brahmand … This is the original macrocosm, which stayed unbegun and thus is of a dark color … It rests within the intermediary states of emptiness … And exit from this leads to a direct realization (or entry) into the primordial zeroness as is of primordial nature (or simply, emptiness of allness or Sarva Shunya) …
Thus, since exit from entirety of macrocosm, is also inclusive of exit from all above four states of macrocosm (which were also discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT furthered Itself”), so this discussion also leads to an exit from these four primary macrocosmic states …
And since exit from the entire macrocosm (i.e. above discussed four primary macrocosmic states) only leads to a direct entry into the primordial zeroness (i.e. Shunya Tattva or Shunya or emptiness), which itself is the state of liberation from allness of macrocosm (i.e. four states of macrocosm), so above equation is also denoting the path of liberation or Muktimarg …
That zero as is used in above equation, is the primordial nature (emptiness of allness or Sarva Shunya), which itself is the root of allness (and thus is the root of each aspirant), which itself is present within the aspirant …
Thus, the path of liberation (or Mukti Marg) as discussed through above equation, is also none other than an inward path, which would also be known to be resting in the statement “Myself Within Myself (or Himself within Himself or Herself within Herself, depending upon your gender) …
And since the inward path can only be a Yogic way, thus the Muktimarg (path of liberation) also cannot be any other than that of Yoga Tantra, which itself is the root of all paths …
Primordial nature is the root of allness and the path of the root of allness, can only be the root path, which as such is of Yoga Tantra itself …
Thus, basis above …
Since zeroness of primordial nature is the root of manifest and non manifest state of allness, and since the root has no root even when the root is present in all that originates from it, so the path of liberation as discussed here can only be an inward path, which would have to be based within the statement of “Myself within Myself”, whose end result can also not be any other than that of “Itself within Itself” …
Above also means, that, once the conscious merger takes place with zero (By virtue of the numeral merging to zero, but with an intention to merge itself at the subtler plane of zero and not at the grosser plane as is of the individual numeral), then the numeral also merges in its own primordial nature, which itself is the subtler zeroness that was ever-present within the numeral itself and where that zeroness has been pervading the same numeral since eternity of its origination as a microcosm within the supreme genius of Makers Makings …
This zeroness has ever been pervading the numeral since eternity and shall continue to pervade the numeral until eternity of time that it eventually takes for each numeral to let go of (exit out of) its individuality and enter its own inner zeroness …
Thus, basis above, the path of liberation (Mukti Marg) as discussed here, is a very long path … And due to this, all the texts of Kaliyuga (i.e. all texts that came by during the last 5 to 6 millenniums) that directly or indirectly state, that their God grants liberation, within a single lifetime, which itself is the first lifetime of that followers (of such paths) and which shall also be the last incarnation (if anyone enters the path of that text), are actually living in a fools paradise …
Only after one becomes inwardly zero, does the path to the infinite open up … And this also means, that, the path to infinity, which itself denotes a final liberation (as infinity is of the attributeless being or Brahman) would take its time, as far as attaining of an “inward zeroness” of all parts of allness, is concerned …
Proceeding further …
When sameness of one’s inner subtlety to the plane of the subtler counterpart (let’s just say, a Gods plane or heaven), is arrived at, then only does the individual state merge to that inner subtlety and becomes same as the subtlety and where this is even while the individual is still incarnated within a grosser state (i.e. still a numeral or microcosm) … In such a case, the aspirant is granted an entry into a divine world, to whose sameness of subtlety, the aspirants inner subtlety has arrived … This may even happen whilst the aspirant is still alive (or incarnated in a gross or physical world like this one) …
And on similar lines, when the individual merges to the any or all of ‘zeroness or infinity or zero infinity or infinite zeroness’, then that numeral (or individual) is no longer an individual numeral (i.e. no longer a microcosm that it earlier was) and this also is even when it (microcosm or numeral) still is apparent to be incarnated or is having a physical vehicle while it is still continuing as an incarnated one within a physical world or plane …
And thus in such a state, the numeral or individuality is no longer a numeral that it earlier was and this is even when that individual may still seem to be incarnated within a grosser plane …
And when this discussion begins relating to the attributeless infinite being, then it only denotes that which was told as Jeevanmukti (or liberated whilst alive) by Vedic sages …
Proceeding further …
Since zero and infinity are both present inside each numeral (microcosm or aspirant), so unless the ultimate reality which itself is within each microcosm, is arrived at, liberation can never be denoting the fullness, as is of Karmatita Mukti … I.e. one may arrive at the plane of a believed godhead and stay there after taking a newer subtler (or divine) body which is apt for that plane, but one would not be free of Karma and Karma Phala (cause and effect or deeds and fruit) and thus, such a liberation would only be of Karmadheen Mukti, which as such does not denote the finality of liberation, that is named as Kaivalya Moksha (or simply, Keval) …
And as a matter of fact, until Karmateet Mukti is arrived at, evolution only ends up continuing, even if that aspirant is resting in a divine plane (i.e. plane of a believed Godhead) …
And finally for this sub-header …
However irrespective of above discussion, the genius of Maker’s Makings itself is due to the implicit guarantee of a final liberation of each microcosm and this was guaranteed much prior the microcosm even began as a microcosm within the Makers Makings …
But this guarantee would only be discussed when we reach the topic of discussion on the first desire, original desire and original cause …
- 0/1 = 0 … Variations of zeroness … Intermediary state of emptiness …
In meditative states (of Samadhi), if we try to divide zero into its smaller fractions (i.e. by utilizing numerals) and that too whilst taking any individuality as a base of this analysis, then even when the resultant numeric value (i.e. end result), is of zero itself, but then also it is not the zeroness of primordial nature …
That finality of zero, is not the original zeroness that was used for this analysis as the final result would be different in its characteristics from the original zero that was used as a base of this analysis …
But the end result of this meditative Yogic analysis, is very hard to explain through the individuality of words of language and numerals of mathematics, so I would try a combination of mathematics and language to try to explain it …
Thus, here is goes …
- 0/1 = 0-A …
- 0/2 = 0-B …
- , etc. …
0-A and 0-B are symbolic of a different state of zeroness that emerges as an end result of this analysis and where the end result is pretty different from the original zeroness (or primordial nature or Mool Prakriti or emptiness of allness) that was used as a base of this analysis and is written as that 0 which gets divided by the numeral (individuality that is used for this analysis) …
And where 0-A and 0-B are also symbolic of the intermediary states of emptiness, that get self-manifested out of and thence also rest within the same primordial zeroness, as is of primordial nature (Mool Prakriti) …
Thus, is self-realized the self-emanation of intermediary states of emptiness, which get self-manifested out of the primordial zeroness of primordial nature (i.e. emptiness of allness that primordially was as the state of primordial nature) …
And this is just how the primordial nature was divided in vast countless number of fractions, where each of these fractions were the same zero, but were attached to a different desire which led to originations of different states within the Makersmakings and where all these differently originated states, were different from each other, because they were rooted in a different desire of the “entire corpus that was of the divinity of desires of the creator of allness (i.e. Ichha Shakti of Pitamah Brahma)” …
From the intermediary state of emptiness, was self-emanated the original state of macrocosm, the eternal macrocosm, which has been termed as the unbegun state of macrocosm in this text …
And where this original macrocosm, which itself was the eternal macrocosm, was of a dark state, from which other three macrocosmic states (as discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT progressed”) were self-originated …
The the original macrocosm (or unbegun macrocosm) was a self-emanation from emptiness (intermediary state of emptiness) and the other three states of macrocosm (i.e. begun macrocosm, macro-neutral macrocosm and inertial macrocosm) were as self-originated states of the original macrocosm or unbegun macrocosm …
Now read this carefully …
The unbegun being subtler has eternal rested within the begun and since the begun itself is as a self-originated state of the unbegun, so the begun also rests in the envelope of the unbegun … Thus the unbegun is pervading and enveloping the begun …
Thus, since the unbegun is anyways present within and beyond the begun, so the unbegun never found a need to begin itself separately from the begun … And thus, the unbegun has stayed as the eternal unbegun ever since the eternity of the supreme genius, as is of the Maker’s Makings … And this is also how, the unbegun would also stay, till the fathomless endless end of the Maker’s Makings …
Proceeding further …
Since emanation is an unborn state, and since unborn itself is the undying, thus emanation is eternal …
So the unbegun macrocosm, which itself was a self-emanation of the intermediary states of emptiness, is the eternal macrocosm (or Sanatan Brahmand) which was originally emanated out of intermediary states of emptiness … And where the intermediary states of emptiness are also naught but an emanation of the primordial zeroness (primordial nature or Mool Prakriti) …
The Ichha Shakti of Brahma (divinity of desires of creator, to create the macrocosm) was naught but a corpus of countless desires, thus countless intermediary states of emptiness were originated …
And from each of these countless intermediary states of emptiness, were originated countless microcosm’s, the corpus of which is the macrocosmic creation … And where the largest microcosm is a universe and smallest the atom (or cell, call it whatever you want) in a physical form and in the subtle form, the smallest microcosm, is an impression (Samskara) …
Due to reason stated in above paragraph, the macrocosmic creation is naught but a corpus of countless microcosm’s that were self-originated out of emptiness (actually the intermediary states of emptiness) … And where these intermediary states of emptiness can also be broadly classified into two primary types …
- Emptiness of individual corpus …
- Emptiness of individual-individualities …
- These two would be detailed in a further topic …
And where the macrocosmic state of allness, can be described as “emptiness of allness or Sarva Shunya) can be described as “emptiness of allness (or voidness of allness or Sarva Shunya)”…
And where the primordial nature (primordial zeroness or pinpointed state of zeroness or Bindu Shunya or Mool Prakriti) can be described as the emanatory source of all above states of emptiness … And thus, it is all above states of emptiness only …
Deviating a bit …
In above discussion, we have not used negative values, as prior the primordial nature (i.e. Shunyata or zero or voidness) self-emanated itself, the emanation of microcosm’s and the macrocosm from within itself, had not even taken place … Thus, at this stage, nothing (no individuality) existed from the natures point of view, thus negative values are best restricted to mathematics only and not to subtler Yogic aspects, as these do not comply to the principle of eternal evolution, but unless of course, we consider evolution within these negatives (i.e. from -2 to -1 to zeroness) that itself is not possible due to the eternally upwardly effects of the macrocosmic principle of eternal evolution …
As also, since macrocosmic creation is based upon relativity of hierarchies to each other, and since negative values are also related to negative aspects of relativity, thus even these could be utilized in all above examples, but we have avoided it, as we don’t find a point to further this discussion into negatives, when it already is yielding what it is supposed to as the end result … Plus, as discussed in above paragraph, due to the effects of macrocosmic principle of eternal evolution, within the entirety of Makersmakings, negative evolution cannot even be there …
This is due to the fact, that when we say we are individual (let’s say 1), then for our perspective, minus (negative) numerals are not applicable … Even when in mathematics, they can be used, but such a mathematics, does not denote the divinity that is of mathematics of the multi-universe …
As also, no individual microcosm is of a negative value, because once begun, it begins as a numeral only and not as a negative value …
And as the aspirant (numeral or microcosm) progresses, it evolves under the effects of the principle of eternal evolution itself, where regression is absent (as due to the effects of this principle, evolution is ever upwardly) …
And simultaneously with above paragraph, within the path of liberation, evolution is also dependent upon the quantum of aspects that have been zeroed out during one’s course of evolution and thus as far as the liberation paths are concerned, they are also dependent upon how large is the corpus of zeroness, that one holds due to the quantum of detachment (to individualities) that has been attained by an aspirant … Thus, even in the path of liberation (Muktimarg) negative values of mathematics of today, are absent …
Plus, since the primordial nature is non-relative due to it being the primordial zeroness, thus negative or positive values hold no significance as far as our discussion, which primarily is on the “evolutionary path of liberation”, is concerned …
Proceeding further …
Since intermediary states of emptiness is self-emanated out of the primordial zeroness of primordial nature, and since self-origination of vast (or countless) numbers of microcosm’s and also the macrocosm is from the intermediary states of emptiness itself, and also since the path of liberation is reciprocal to the path of origination, so the path of liberation of any numeral (microcosm or aspirant) would have to transit through and thence go beyond both of the above listed primary intermediary states of emptiness, prior it reaches into the primordial emptiness (Shunyata or Shunya Tattva) as is of primordial nature (Mool Prakriti) …
Vedic sages had told the truth of primordial nature told as follows …
Mool Prakriti Durga … Primordial nature is the unconquered mother of all
So, the path of liberation, which always passes through the primordial nature, who herself is Durga (unconquerable, invincible mother of all), would have to be associated to her …
And since she herself is Adi Para Shakti (supreme divinity or supreme power of Brahman), so her path would have to fall in purviews of the Sanskrit word of Shakta (that which relates to omnipresent, omnipotent and yet omni-variant aspects of Maa Shakti, as the vast plethora of Devi’s of Vedic lore) …
In above paragraph …
- Omnipotent denotes Mool Prakriti (primordial nature or primordial emptiness, where every energy resides, but in a highly compacted and thus pinpointed state or Bindu Awastha) …
- Omnipresent denotes the macrocosmic state of voidness (emptiness of allness or Sarva Shunya) which is also a part of Mool Prakriti …
- Omni-variant is referring to intermediary states of emptiness from which all types and diversity of countless microcosm’s gets self-originated …
Thus, have Vedic sages also stated, everything is Durga, everything is Shakti, everything relates to the mother of all as it is from her, that everything self-originates and into her, everything is proceeding …
This is why, the path of liberation is always associated to Mool Shakti (Maa Durga), who is also present in each aspirant, as the Kundalini Shakti and Prana Shakti … There has never been a path of final liberation (Kaivalya Moksha) which has not related to whatever is told here …
- 1/0 = infinity … Prakriti is Muktimarg … Mool Prakriti is Muktimarg … Reality of each numeral … Brahman within … The Vedic way …
If a finite numeral (i.e. any individual microcosm or aspirant) is divided by zero, then also the result is infinite (Brahman) …
This means, that, when we analyze our finite microcosmic state, with reference to primordial nature (i.e. with the base of primordial nature), then also we self-realize our innermost infinite nature, as is of our own Atman, which itself is Brahman …
But since this path is related to Prakriti (mother nature) and that too, whilst utilizing her root state (i.e. whilst utilizing her primordial nature) and since the end result is the infinite being, who itself is attributeless, thus, this self-realization would also prove the fact that was told and also followed by Vedic sages, who used to meditate on any or all of the five elements of nature, and yet had self realized their own Atman as Brahman …
Thus, this is the Vedic way, that was followed by many-many of the ancient self-realized, all-realized Vedic sages …
And the end result of this self realization is also the same as what was told by all those Vedic sages and which as such is also told in Brahmasutras (Vedanta) as follows …
Mother Nature is definitely the path of liberation (Mukti Marg)
But nature does not denote the state of final liberation (Kaivalya Moksha)
Final liberation is only within Brahman Infinite, who itself is the Atman of all
Thus ends our discussion on this entire topic of Zero and Infinite (Shunya and Ananta), Infinite and Zero (Ananta and Shunya) and also on the aspects of Zero Infinite, Infinite Zero (Shunya Ananta, Anant Shunyah) …